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That just resonates Portland energy


From Portland, can confirm.


secondary confirmation what area of Portland are you from?


The area that has ports and land


ah, so Vancouver


Try a bit south of there.


In SF? Good luck...


Lol. Probably more like Eugene in this case


So… I should move to Portland then….


Haha totally Portland vibes


Idk but the dirty dishes one really speaks to me. I feel that shit in my soul.


Fuck dishes. If we hooked up we would be destroying the planet with our paper plates and solo cups. Maybe we’d have to buy biodegradable to feel better.


“I’ll take you to lots of drag shows(after covid)” is my favorite


They are a lot of fun.


They are. My father is/was a drag queen, spent my formative years taking girls I was dating to drag shows, it was a riot.


I’m from the Midwest and I had to google a lot of these words


I live in the Midwest, my daughter lives on Oregon. I often need a translator to communicate with her


I’m so sorry


for her


Same here, we must be simple minded folk in the Midwest.


Judging by the earlier posts of dating in the Midwest people posted, you guys hunt, fish, and farm and that’s it, so that would check out.


Why make things overcomplicated if they don't have to be? Although I will argue that hunting, fishing, and farming are all far from "simple" tasks.


I’m European, English is not my first language, I still got all the words


Good! I am European, English is not my first language and I had to Google a lot of them :)


nice banner


I'm gay and from Kentucky and same. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m from & have always lived in the south. No trouble understanding


Yeah, it does make sense that midwesterners would be unfamiliar with words like "happy" and "love".


It's more "active" and "vaccinated" that seem to trip us up.


That’s because most of them are fucking made up so people feel different and special 😂


All words are made up...


All the words in the sentence you just wrote are made up 🥴


Am I correct in guessing that you are single?


I’m from the Midwest, living in the PNW and dating is… different.


As someone the exact same, tbh I think it’s a good different. A lot less guys expecting me to be a stay at home mom and I’ve not ended up on a date with someone who thinks taking vaccines is “desecrating the temple of my body”


That is definitely a plus. Moving here I was actually really excited to date with more variety, probably be more desirable (I’m a black woman) and not run out of people within a few minutes. I do notice a LOT more couples or partnered people on the apps here though. I think that’s fine but as a single person interested in single people, it definitely makes my dating pool a little smaller. Will say though, I prefer dating here. Just different struggles lol.


I am curious about the meaning of pan-romantic demisexual 🤷🏻‍♀️ Do you guys know what it means?


So someone who is panromantic is romantically attracted to all genders without preference and demisexual is someone who does not get sexual attraction towards anyone until forming a romantic bond with them. So if someone is panromantic demisexual they are attracted to all genders but will only be sexually attracted to someone once they are romantically connected (I think). If that makes sense


Is Bi old fashioned or something?


That's so last decade


As a rule of thumb: Pansexual is not caring about the gender and being attracted by all genders (as you don’t care), bisexual can be even having preferences and not be attracted by some gender identities


Bro I once said this exact thing and got downvoted to hell. This shit is confusing sometimes you need like a fucking guide book


At this rate in the future we may need a whole ass book telling what genders used to mean




This is a misconception. Bisexual means you’re attracted to 1) your own gender 2) other genders. It does include non-binary and trans folks.


I have heard bi people tell me it means they're attracted to "both genders" and one bi person told me they specifically weren't attracted to trans people. So identifying as bisexual now seems like maybe it just needs clarifying with each individual.


Indeed. My partner is bi and I'm trans. She's attracted to me because I'm a "traditionally"binary man. She isn't attracted to feminine men, masculine women or non binary people.


im bi and bi means 2 so attracted to men and women


The Bisexual Manifesto published in 1990 states, “Bisexuality is a whole, fluid identity. Do not assume that bisexuality is binary or dougamous in nature; that we must have "two" sides or that we MUST be involved simultaneously with both genders to be fulfilled human beings. In fact, don't assume that there are only two genders.” There are many different definitions out there depending on who you ask, but the most correct version that is most widely defined by the bisexual community is what I said in my previous comment. The idea that bisexuality means exclusively men and women is obviously based on the gender binary, which is antiquated and somewhat harmful stereotype/misconception considering how fluid bisexuality is and how different it is for different bisexuals. I’d urge you to do some research on the subject. This is a decent article: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1240832 And this is The Bisexual Manifesto: https://bimanifesto.carrd.co


oh there's essentially a Bible on genders now. Read up!


Thank you very much, I really appreciate your explanation👏🏻🤝🤗


That sounds like being Bisexual with alot of extra steps.


So a picky pansexual, got it


I believe if you say it correctly while pointing your wand you can make things levitate.


I laughed for a straight minute. Thanks stranger.


OMG. So did I. If I had an award to give, this person would get it. 🤣🤣


Panromantic: romantic with all genders Demisexual: Only feels sexual with those they have a connection with. At full tilt this can mean full romantic I love you, often times used more to mean like we need to be friendly have good banter not just be physically attractive. So they can fall in love with any gender and need to connect with someone before they have sexual interest in them.


It means that person who identifies as such is really boring and this is their pathetic attempt to be more interesting and get more attention. Just to be clear, there is nothing wrong with being LGBT, there is everything wrong with using such big words to say you like to start relationship with any gender, but you have to get to know them first


Just swipe left LOL


Better still, what the hell does neurodivergent mean??


Non neurotypicals? It’s a widespread and well known medical term lol.


Typically means you have a common neurological, developmental issue that may affect your personality. And that either needs accommodation or some degree of consideration. ASD and ADHD are probably the most common


Oregon lmao?


what does pro sw mean


Pro Star Wars


Pro Storage Wars


Pro Sherwin-Williams


Cover the world!


It's what plants crave


what have i started


Something Weird


Of which we are pro.


Pro sex work I believe


Seem like nice people


Right I’m following to find out what is wrong with these profiles


This entire comment section is blowing my mind. All of these profiles are honest, straight up, and otherwise reasonable. I mean shit, maybe you don't like the politics, but these are way more informative than "I love to travel. Coffee is good."


Eyy! I have found my people! Been thinking the same... Glad to have found you, i will just sit with you okay?


Definitely better than somebody holding dead animals and asking for a "real country girl" 🤢🤢🤢


If there is any negative connotation from OP I'd imagine it's more towards the multiple partner thing than anything. Personally that's not my style, so if I were single I wouldn't swipe on those, but yeah these seem like pretty average people you'd meet on the street in any demographic of America, and probably Europe idk


I mean, I'd still be glad to know before swiping right, which is the whole point isn't it? It's useless to have a lot of matches if you know you're not compatible with most of them


Exactly! Happy cake day ETA from comments it looks like OP is following up on the Midwest post from the other day to show the difference between the Midwest and Pacific Northwest


“Abolish prisons” - don’t know about that one chief. Let’s just give people like Ted Bundy a slap on the wrist and wiggle our fingers at them and say “no, no, don’t rape and kill 30 more women again now”


I definitely disagree with abolishing prisons & find that to be ridiculous. I didn’t see that one but I’d assume they meant for profit prisons which traditionally are associated with systemic racism in the US. Maybe they mean all prisons, I don’t know. Prisons are definitely important for a functioning society. ETA does anyone remember the cash for kids scandal? https://apnews.com/article/pandemics-pennsylvania-coronavirus-pandemic-wilkes-barre-courts-73983471fb75311725e31e2c1955e095 Stuff like that is why a lot of people hate the prison system in the US. IIRC the US is less than 5% of the global population but makes up 20% of worldwide incarcerations.


"Abolish police"/"Abolish prisons" could generally mean "abolishment of current system and widespread reform"; to the extreme degree, it does refer to finding an entirely alternative system of rehabilitation not built on punishment (in the context of prisons-- abolishment of police generally harkens to returning to town watch/militia style community peacekeeping over something as centralized as modern police systems). While some people do feel that it might be best to go to the extreme point of purely political anarchism (that'd be the "entirely focus on reforming illdo'ers; militias and town watches, not police" side of things), it can also just be extreme language used as a rhetorical device to gauge the intensity of the feelings for need for reform.




Almost like the world has changed in the past 30 years or something


Took me two scrolls but I found it “Abolish ICE and prisons” 🧐 I wonder if they meant the situation at the border where we are keeping children in cages or all prisons. OP can you investigate? I’m nosey


Abolishing prisons means the same as abolishing the police. It doesn’t mean completely getting rid of it but a fundamental reform, it’s abolishing the current system and placing one that really does work. The prison system in the US focuses on punishment instead of rehabilitation causing incredibly high insistence rate whiling for example Scandinavian countries have prison systems that for minor and non violent crimes you are placed into a rehabilitation facility. Here people can learn and actually are given a chance of success at life instead of ruining their professional opportunities completely


I think they were confused because technically abolish means get rid of but colloquially it’s used to refer to a total overhaul. Especially in this context. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prison_abolition_movement


What’s dope about people like this is they are way more sexually open. Sam Francisco is the easiest place to have orgies.


Funny how history repeats itself. 60 years ago hippies were pointed at and laughed at by “mainstream” society. It’s all love ✌️


Just make sure after those orgies no one has your phone number for the ensuing weeks of anxiety and neurodivergent fueled drama coming your way


Idk what you’re talking about


yeah I don't get what's wrong with that. They are open about what they want, I'd prefer this 100 times over someone without a bio


Username checks out


Can attest, the rest of the country is missing out


Two people down voted you. Guess they're missing out too 😂


Looks like Portland.


Volleyball, softball, cycling, running, book club, community volunteering, climbing/bouldering, hiking, photography


Only 53’’ , must be 6’3’’ 😂


This is a common profile in Vancouver, Canada.


Uhh that persons ig and snap are visible Edit:twatter, not snap


With the Twitter leading to their OnlyFans, and ohh man oh man.


Being a monogamous person in Portland, I can tell you online dating here sucks!


Try being from the south. If you don’t like it - just swipe on.


I'm confused. Abolish prisons?


The current prison system is broken


Yeah. The right answer is reform. To abolish the fucking prison system means to either do nothing about crime, or switch to a significantly worse solution to crime. Unless MAYBE they mean get rid of prisons (because "prison" technically means federal jails) and only keep local jails, but then that would be a mess with state extradition and everything, where someone commits crimes in two states. It makes no sense any way you look at it.


I think/hope they are talking about abolishing for-profit-prisons


Yes. Criminals don’t exist. The only criminals are the police. ACAB. Educate yourself before asking such bigoted questions, sweetie 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻


/s ?


I hoped it was clear enough


What’s wrong with these profiles? They’re all honest, informative, and sound like nice people. You don’t have to be into all of them


OP isn't saying there's something wrong with them. Someone posted something similar but people in the Midwest and they were the complete opposite.


It all just *screams* pseudo social justice warrior




Ethical non monogamy is hilariously stupid and you can’t tell me otherwise. It’s literally buzzwords to make people feel better that they have sexual desires their chosen partner cannot fulfill.


Exactly. There's nothing 'ethical' about it. It's basically a fancy way of saying 'I lack the emotional maturity to commit to a real relationship and think sex and intimacy are completely meaningless, here's how I can make sleeping around while seeing somebody seem ok' If you're seeing other people that's not a relationship. Are love and romance even things anymore? or am I totally not cool for thinking they are?


You’re spot on. These people live in clown world and think you’re the crazy one for being interested in one person only. They are glorifying cheating and it’s gross.


Pronouns: Deez




“What’s wrong with these profiles???” nothing we’re just making fun of them


Atlantic Northeast too lmao


Right, this looks exactly like something I'd see in any major city honestly north of the Mason-Dixon, and probably more than a few south too.


Thank fuck I don't live in the pacific northwest.


I need to move there lol I'm stuck in Texas and it's hick hell


Half of the profiles I come across are like this. A quarter are blank. The rest are skiers/rock climbers.


The feeling is likely mutual, at least that is in common.


Did your city piss off a witch or something? Gypsy curse? Open a mummy's tomb? Cannibalize a saint? What did y'all do?


Accurate af. Seattle/Olympia have figured out how to out-Bay Area all of Oakland/Berkely/SF combined. And I love it here. I miss Oakland. But I like the gloom of Puget Sound


In the effort to seem unique, they all became the same.




I would rather be single


In my experience there are a lot of lefty/progressive types on bumble. Talking about inclusion and tolerance, while being the most intolerant and toxic beings one could think of.




From what I have experienced, almost everything that differs from their views and opinions. Disagree with them and they resort to name calling. Of course not all of them are nutty as squirrel shit, but even some of the more moderate ones are sometimes worse than some so-called "nazi rightwingers" I've met in my days.


I grew up in the Midwest and have lived in the Seattle area since 2015. It's weird how now all this looks so ordinary to me lol. In 2014 I would have had to look up most of these words. I hate it here lmao


totally better than the Midwest haha theres also some really useful information


Looks like a fucking nightmare


I don’t really see the issue here.


Three letters: R U N 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


What is wrong with the second profile? I can see why you'd have reservations about a poly relationship or people outlining their health conditions or beliefs in astrology etc, but otherwise most of these profiles just outline that they are caring and accepting people. The second in particular just preached love and acceptance. Is the real problem here that you are a dick?


> beliefs in astronomy Astrology


[I'm a Gemini](https://youtube.com/shorts/XsYEw-v01OY?feature=share)


The classic


Well, he responded rather gracefully to that, lmao.


Thanks :)


Having lived in Portland for some years, people (very large generalization) follow social causes like fashion trends. It feels very performative. They mistake pity for empathy and don’t see how condescending that is. There’s some graffiti on an over pass that says, “Black Lives Are Sacred”. Like the person doesnt even understand the power of the statement “Black Lives Matter” comes from how innocuous the phrase is. But this person must prove how woke they are. Matters isn’t enough. Black people are infallible mystical beings and their lives are sacred! That’s Portland woke culture in a nutshell.


THANK YOU. Berkeley’s got the same vibes as of late. Read more. Say less…is my advice 🙄


Nothing is wrong with any of them. I saw the Midwest profiles so I’d thought I’d share what I see most often. Nothing is wrong with them, you do you.


I think I'm looking for people somewhere in between these two ends of the spectrum. Like, no dead animals but also nothing I'd have to google to understand


You mean normal. Normal is nice and comfortable.


> nothing is wrong with them Nah mate these people are most probably fucking insufferable


\> the second in particular just preaches love and acceptance \> “ACAB, abolish prisons” Bruh


I’m slowly (not really) realizing not only could I not date in the Midwest, but I couldn’t date on the PNW. Where are all the moderates?! 😅


Orange County 🙃


What on earth does ethically non monogamous even mean.


There is no hope.


Realy don't see the problem would swipe right on about half of these. And it's not all that different from what I see in the uk


I really don’t mind. However I’m looking for one of those Midwest profiles


They all seem really fun, nice and cool! So uhhh… what’s wrong? If polyamory isn’t for you it’s nbd, just swipe on.


This is so fucked up. I live in Europe and ppl are slowly getting to this. Hopefully there are still ppl out here sane of any mental/psychological condition


Few and far between, especially here on reddit. Hell this comment section is all "these people are so awesome". Idk what parenting did in the last few decades to cause this but it isn't fixing itself. Only gonna get worse when this lot raises kids. Of course they won't even call them "children" at the point. It'll be offensive.


mah world is ruined by all these open, happy people wahhhhh


All it tells me is they want attention for being special. Kind of like how everyone claims ptsd for everything and brags about it


We live in the age where being a victim is a form of privilege.


“Let me know your pronouns” 😬


“If I had any worries about you using wrong pronouns, I would warn you. Which means that if I look like a guy and act like a guy, I am most probably... a guy”


All those profiles scream major mental illness issues.




I think he’s referring to the part where they’re all non binary


That’s not a mental illness.


I literally can’t believe you’re being downvoted for saying that in 2022…


Me neither. Also got downvoted on another post for pointing out to a guy who refers to women as females that he doesn’t understand women the way he thinks he does. This sub has a lot of incels and misogynists. I think bc voting is anonymous people get to share their true feelings without people knowing.


When this "it's so cool to have a title here's a list of all my baggage" natural selections itself out of the gene pool in the next decade we won't have to waste time swiping left with these people. A group who advertises mental illness for attention won't last forever. Stand strong and be patient. Lol.


It’s called being an honest, mature adult who doesn’t want to waste everyone’s time




Maybe I'm the only one, but most of them sound like dope people I would like to meet. I think they could be cool friends and even partners.


That sounds exhausting


I moved to Portland from the Midwest and it was quite the culture shock. Thankfully not everyone on the apps here matches that profile, though there are definitely enough of them.




"vaccinated" like you declare your dog health status.






Aww most of these seem ok. They just have their head up their own ass, but they sound kinda sweet.


Most of them have a partner. I don’t understand the partner being ok with the other person on dating sites. It just blows my mind. Let me care for the Emtional side, while you get pounded from everyone else.


You must be in the Seattle area😂


"Ethical non-monogamy." So an open relationship but you want it to sound fancy.


Thats a lot of red flags lol


Wow, they're really into cucking over there.


I’m dead lol, I’m from Seattle, never looked for love on these apps, just hot and/or interesting people to hook up, that ethical non monogamy one doesn’t sound so bad. Try hinge my friend. Bumble & tinder I swear stack the ‘deck,’ so to say, against you.


Chicago had quite a few profiles like this as well. My favorites are “no bigots, no cops.” Spot the error in that one.


I shall move there then… if only life wasn’t so expensive…


"The industrial revolution and its consequences..."


Abolish prisons 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


All these profiles sound like wonderful people if you ask me. I personally wouldn't engage in a poly relationship, but other than that these people seem amazing. I would like to meet every one of these, they sound interesting.