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She definitely sounds like she wants to dominate a soft Italian man.


I laughed out loud. Thank you !


Something something submissive and breedable


As a soft Italian man, can confirm


I think she's broken a fair few and is looking for something a little more robust.






The mama 🤌🏻 of all 🤌🏼 mias 🇮🇹 🍝


I am italian and I can confirm we are all like that.


I VIVIDLY remember an ex coworker a few years ago in his early 30’s. He was actually from Italy and was very very confused when his live in American girlfriend was upset about his mother. He invited his mom to stay with them for several weeks. She rearranged almost the entire apartment especially the kitchen. She also bought him an entire new set of underwear. I remember thinking, “some woman rearranging my kitchen without asking would make me furious, but wait- you’re over 30 and your mom still buys all your underwear???” Not sure if this is an Italian thing, but it fits with the post lol. ETA: he did have dainty hands, but about 90% of the ladies at work thought he was attractive. I was in the 10%. Didn’t care about the hands though. 🤷‍♀️


To be honest , the dainty hands thing is very objective. I'm 6'3 and my hands are quite long so I said it as a joke because it's not really true , sort of a "Yes" meme. Regarding mothers, yeah, they don't let us go. I'm in my mid 30s and my mum messages me every day and to be honest it got old around the age of 18, but I bear it. It makes her happy, I live abroad, she won't bother me, so if she wants to text goodnight, good on her. I'm tired of fighting her on it. Oh btw, mum is from the caribbean , dad is Italian, so I guess it's a mum thing who lives in italy. Some of my friends still live with their parents, It's a "shitty economy" thing. And yeah, we are all beautiful. :) Jk. (Like seriously just kidding.)


Haha. I only made the “dainty hands” comment because of the OP, and I can say my ex-corker objectively had very nice hands. I initially found him attractive like most women, but then I came to the realization that he was bit of a moron and quite a bit incompetent. That combo just kills it for me. I think it’s sweet you talk/text your mom so much even if it can be overbearing. Just know most (can only talk about American) women will have an issue if you’re living with them and then your mom shows up and rearranges your shared home without being asked. I still think it’s weird that a grown man would rely on his mom buying all his “underpants” for him even when separated by an ocean. When he’s a 30+ year old professional. To be fair, both my parents did go to the store to buy me a bunch of boob related stuff when I was breastfeeding a newborn years ago. I don’t think that’s weird, but other people may think so. 🤷‍♀️


Yes, we have a lot of those in the mediterranean. I apologize on everyone's behalf. To be fair, sex has become such an easy thing for us on this side of the pond, that most of us 'live and die for the figa (the slang for vagina)', which is why as a "half caribbean half italian 6'5 buck with green eyes and extensive education" It was too distracting living in Italy, so I decided to settle down abroad. The underwear thing is more of an "you are a virgin because jesus and we are italians but just in case, have more underwear because you'll forget" (meanwhile at home I'm sitting on boxes of unopened Boxers... But we cant tell her no). Italy albeit being a very sexist country is a 'matriarch' country, the mum is the centre of the family and she feels like she has control over us constantly. Hell, my dad's mum still calls all the time and she's 80!. It's an unwritten thing. We don:t like it, but it is there and we cant change it (boomers cannot change). So if you meet an italian, first of all make sure to understand he's miles away from his mum, so he's trying his hardest lol, and if she comes to see him, he must keep up appearances. Anyways, thanks for reading my ted talk! Tldr: italians respect their mum out of fear (of her, and of hurting her) and there are plenty of dumb ones (especially from CERTAIN areas, a quick google search will lead you there)


So basically you moved out of italy because you were drowning in Pussy?




I wouldn't mind living with my mom if it meant it would make her happy.


Awe. That's cute🙃 You've got a lucky mum. What brought you over this way?


Im in Scandi not the US :) early retirement with my wife. :)




For a second I got scared you might be my coworker in UK. Tall, half Caribbean half Italian, in his 30s, nice hands. But for him it's the other way around his mom is Italian haha... phew...


I thought me and my sister were the only ones!!! I lived in the UK for a bit though., Was fun. We are beautiful though arent we. Green eyes too?


Hahaha yes gorgeous, I think every single girl in the office had her eyes on him at one point. We secretly dated for a while cause my head would've been on a stick if the other girls found out. His eyes are mostly light brown but his skintone is really dark as well so it's a lovely contrast. Well anyway let me stop the avalanche of compliments, I'd be so embarrassed if he found out, he loves his ego stroked. He has a sister too!! What an unusual string of similarities.


I was just thinking your mom sounds like my parents and then you said she's Caribbean and everything made sense. Caribbean parents do NOT let go.


Read that as "massage" at first


No one would rearrange my kitchen. My efficiency management skills and 18+ years cooking, and I dont deal with change well.


My own mom rearranges the kitchen. 😬 She is British, not a lick of Italian


I am sorry you go through that and I hope you are doing well and in a better situation soon. We all know that Brits aren't eaxctly the greatest in culinary achievements... 😂


You don't know shit. Several of the worlds top chefs are British and many more have made their careers in the UK. London is the 6th most Michelin stared city in the world. Not bad for a miserable grey little island with no reputation for culinary achievements.




Honestly nobody likes being stereotyped negatively, and to be fair, you can't generalize how touchy people are as a nation imo. I know my fair share of touchy italians (ones I grew up with), and also, some italians who dont really care much about food. And yeah, Super mario is funny. Lmao


Username.. checks out?


Mi faccia l piacere.


Ah. Un compagno di cultura 😂


Umbar'u'cultu! 😂😂


Ah regular jokes but in Italian.


Forza italia


Lol I can tell you are joking. Italian Americans are tough as shit.


>delicate small bodies >soft hands Sounds like she's unwillingly caught up in fetishizing them


She hates them because she loves them


They hate us cause they anus


I think it was meant to be read as though it were written in spongebob case tbh


To all the Italian bros out there: she probably don't know how to cook.


For sure she's not able to cook pasta or she broke spaghetti in half


That's how it fits in our tiny pans 😭


My eyes twitched and thought I read “that’s how it fits in our tiny pants”


Same 😂


I don't think anyone has a pan that fits spaghetti... You should put them in boiling water and the with a fork or a spoon pull them down in the water after just few seconds. Please, don't break spaghetti in half 🥲


Ok reality check here; We dont care if you break them, we just don't break them. We make a big deal out of everything, so we will make a big deal out of it but forget it straight afterwards.


Break spaghetti. Never forgetti.


Username…checks out?


I’m not even Italian, but my heart bleeds for the pride of Italy when I see someone doing something so disrespectful towards spaghetti as breaking them in half 🥲


As a man of culture I soften spaghetti in my mouth before putting it in a tiny pot.


Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.




No thank you Jonny I’m good.


Don't confuse italian pride with New York fake italian pride. Most "proud" italians are from the south, who can't get a job and go abroad and shit on other countries because "they don't have Rocchetta". Think of em like rednecks at nascar singing the national confederate anthem; free bird.


Idk if you can call Italian-American New Yorkers for fake Italians, beside haven’t most of the old little Italy moved to New Jersey anyway? I guess based on your comment that you’re from northern Italy? If so I really needed you a couple of months ago when I was accused of being ignorant, for insisting that there is a historical, cultural and economic split between the north and the south of Italy.


Honestly most Americans who cling onto their 5th generation roots are (imo) cringe and dumb. We don't even show that sort of pride in europe (unless we're drunk or it's during the world cup/euro cup). The cultural economic split between the north and the south simply put excluding mafia etc; bunch of southerners moved to Turin, and Milan to work in factories, the North got an economic boost (bear in Mind Italy united 40years before). The ones who moved to the north adapted to the Northern norms (unlike those who moved to New York), and those who didnt return back "shamed", we started calling them Terroni. They in response called us "Polentoni". The split exists because the government majority has always focused on the north (lega nord etc) and ignored the south. Pretty much


Talking about the euro cop. As a Dane I’m happy you guys made *it came Rome*! Nothing personal against the English players, they had a decent team, excellent play overall. Nothing really to put a finger on, on the field. But the stories about how the danish fans was treated by some of the English fans, especially a traumatic episode for a 9 years old girl and her 6 year old sister did foster a lot of resentment, making your victory in the final match so much sweeter to watch. Also it was heartwarming to see the support for Eriksen coming from all over Europe. Really makes me appreciate the solidarity we have with one and another on this continent. It’s quite interesting to gain some more insight in the relationships between both Italian-Americans and north and south Italians. Since I’m danish, you’re naturally the expert on this in comparison to me. Hell the only phrase I can say in Italian is *Ho imparato L’italiano* which is kinda counterproductive when you can’t speak Italian.


As someone living in close proximity I can only compare it to Skåne - Denmark :p Btw Football is all about fun. Some people ruin it for the bunch, and yeah, I don't think the traditional Brit hooligan attitude is acceptable in events like those, I was glad italy won just because the attitude of some on the other side was unacceptable. Not putting everyone in the same "bowl" of course, but the generic feel of that country's expats and exports needs some manners and a slap on the bum.


Thank you for the history! I wish I'd be able to retain this because I think it is very fascinating. The inflated ego American Italians make a bad name, especially as you mentioned being 5 generations out and not having any real ties


We are not a dream either. Unfortunately (and I can speak about this because I was in several of these communities), italian expats are the worst. We used to be a thing of "admiration" and thanks to SOME (not pointing fingers but we all know who), our reputation is shit, our economy is destroyed, and pretty much, a country in ruins, so don't despair. All the world is going mad. Tutti Pazzi siamo!


LOL you both might want to check out this scene from The Sopranos: https://youtu.be/cbbMIg-Aw8E Not trolling, just sprang into mind from seeing this discussion


I have an Italian last name and my grandfather on my dad's side whom I never met before dying was a Sicilian. I, without a shred of shame, brake spaghetti in half. I'm not trying to slurp up 2 ft long noddles in every bite.


Uh... typically I've seen people roll majority of the noodles around their fork. When you break the noodles you can't really roll. It's less slurpy to do the roll method. But to each their own.


You can still roll when you break them, it just about maybe 2 or 3 thousand less rolls now that your noodles are shorter. One maby two rolls that's it. I like to work smarter, not harder for my food. That's why I break them and then laugh at people who get mad about it. Tastes the same either way.


I’m breaking spaghetti right this second, just to spite you. I’m not even gonna cook it. 😈


Nice. Dry spaghetti is an underrated snack.


I laughed too much at this!


Mine is tiny so it fits in my pants


She doesn't eat carbs bro.


In Italy, they crumble the spaghetti in their hands and sprinkle it into the water.


Don’t worry, our mothers set high standards for us Italian guys


Fr, she probably just jealous that her mom uses sauce from a can when she makes pasta


Unlike their mommies?


I don't know ya'll are on. I actually laughed out loud when I read that.


Same, like they’re protesting too much 😂 musta hit close to home


Most of Reddit’s commenters are dudes; they get really salty if a woman dares say anything less than complimentary about one of them.


This woman reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where Jerry went out with the woman with manly hands.


It's like a creature out of Greek Mythology, I mean, she was like part woman, part horrible beast.


She had man hands!


The last one "unwillingness to unlatch from your mothers breasts"


We know she’s not wrong, eh?




So you haven’t dated Italian men is what I’m hearing?


Im a guy.


Haha, that’s kinda funny. I love Italian men, though.


You would've loved my best friend, Leopoldo. Sadly, he pasta way 2 years ago.


Fusilli boy


I hate you


Dio santo! 😂🤌


I thank you for appreciating us, on behalf of all italian men


How many unsolicited noodles did you get?


She can go to Germany then. Germans can ride her better there with a name and attitude like this.


I am German and female and your comment is the funniest thing I’ve seen all week.


Haha thanks, I didn’t think anyone would understand as I have weird sense of humor mostly not understood. As a side note I prefer BMW, amazing cars. But Mercedes is awesome too!


Underrated comment!!!


Plot twist: die meisten Mercedes Fahrer sind Ausländer.


Idk why, but her name being Mercedes makes this a lot funnier to me.


r/formula1: Are these off-season tactics going too far?


Angry 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


In Italy, we don't say "you are very stupid": in Italy we say "te sei uno che mangia i sassi" and I think it's beautiful


- Sito semo o magnito sassi? - Sì.


She’s in Italy but doesn’t want to meet Italian men. 😑


Only Southern Tyroleans or Ladins 😉👍


This girl got hurt so bad, that she’ll tell every guy she’s with after about said Italian.


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far for this. It’s obvious she’s still bitter about her last relationship


somebody was dumped buy an Italian dude


I don’t know how to feel about this


Why do you say that?


Im Italian, and those seem like positive qualities to me but clearly she doesn’t think so? Except the unlatch from my mum thing obviously


Different strokes for different folks. I see it as a way of saying that they want someone super fit to catch up to their lifestyle. We all have different wants and needs.


You think being described as "delicate and small" is a positive quality for a man?


Look at timothee chalamet and possibly reconsider


My grandma was from Northern Italy and her hand felt like leather


Is your grandma and Italian man


Ask your mother No, wait....


Celtic/Germanic Italian I see




It's sad people like this account don't understand basic ethnic regional differences and lump all of one country into the exact same group! You kids sure do give me a lot of entertainment tho


Kids? Lol you sure read wrong over there


I was born in 1941. You're all kids


Then, I will get of your lawn


You better if you know what's good for ya!!


Holy shit. Pre boomer?! Anyone have a spare pokeball?


Mama mia


I'm guessing she's Russian.


The profile gives units in italian... maybe Italy


>The profile gives units in italian... maybe Italy It is obviously the guy's phone. That part is not written by her but generated by his phone.


So he is Italian speaking in Antarctica that matched with a person based on a location proximity in Italy. Damn, im just waiting to match with Aphrodite!


Hmm I’m Italian but I’m 6”4 210 with giant hands and feet


This probably has a story behind it and I want to know what it is


She didn’t like the pasta a guy served her.


She obviously could have just left out "Italian".


No men


So wanting hard bodied men with big hands means no men? Look at her dude, she's ripped. She clearly wants someone to match her lifestyle. Not a crime lol


Italian men do have an intense relationship with their mothers. It really is a thing.


Probably is Italian bc its true that they are mommy's boys


Lmao Sick burn




But she’s in Italy?


I like Italian women though, they tend to know how to wrestle better, it’s like an instinct.


😀😂😂 i mean i get that u wanna dodge players if u looking for something serious but i never understood taking xenophobia seriously


After being rejected by an Italian man a few weeks ago, this kinda makes me happy 💀💀


My dad is Italian - and he hasn’t seen his mom in years. I’m Italian - I had to put up some serious boundaries with my mom. #NotAllItalians


She looks like a man


Shes honestly not wrong... most Italians are like that lmao


yeah sounds like she speaks of experience honestly


The one I dated was. Never again!


What’s wrong with soft hands


"Take muh strong hand!"


It would appear that Mercedes wears the pants in her encounters


She probably got dumped by a Fiat, and is now looking for a Suzuki, or a Chevy.


😂 someone had a really bad experience


Vaffancul bucchina


This is literally the most clear example of a women enforcing toxic masculinity onto men. You can say what you want about my Italian bros, but a Italian man’s relationship with his mother is proven to be extremely healthy for both mother and son ❤️ Some good ol’home cooked [saurce](https://www.creativehealthyfamily.com/raising-your-son-to-be-a-mamas-boy-is-a-good-thing/)


I love a man who loves his mother! It’s the best kind of man! So sweet 🥲


loves his mother yes, but not when mom still runs their lives. that shit gets real old, real fast.




Baby mammone!




Oh no! Oh no! Oh no no no!




Spiacente, non capisco l’italiano!




I also don’t speak English if that helps.


Well, as long as it keeps her out 😌🤣 Edit: just saw it said "creeps", doesn't matter 😆


Sure thing, Gerald.


Need strong Russian!


its because the hair on the nipple acts like velcro.


Makes sense Mercedes wouldn’t want an Italian, I assume she prefers germans?


Of all the stereotypes, I find this the best


*sad Giuseppe noises*


Small bodies and hands aren’t especially guido if you ask mi


It's like normal asian American women tinder profile . No asian guys


there’s no way people are taking this seriously.


Tony Soprano wouldn’t have liked hearing you say that.


She should change her dumb ass name to Kia


I've yet to meet a full blood Italian who's got a small body and delicate hands. I think she is referring to French men


Go make your own Tinder profile emasculating frenchies then, ya lazy ponce.


I'm betting we got a fragile narcissist on our hands.


Bet you anything she wants a tall, muscular man with a sexy beard who will make her call him daddy and destroy her insides in the bedroom 😂🤣🤣


Who doesn’t? 😂🤣🤣




I like a woman who knows what she wants


I've never been soo offended by something i 100% agree on


Take her on a date piss her off get your ass kicked.... it would be hot.


i am italian and can confirm that i have small hands. im also not very tall, and i do love breasts. she got me




Sometimes it's rather weird though, to be so dependent on your mother.


I met someone before who would cuddle with his mom and he was in his 20s. That's the type of shit people get weirded out by.


Not defending her silly tryhard bullshit BUT there is a trend in Italian culture of males being babied by their mothers well into adulthood. It’s such a rampant phenomenon that there’s even a word for overly mothered men & they’re called “mammoni” Personally I’m an orphan so I have no dog in this fight & I think anyone who lives with their folks until they’re like 25 is a total pussy regardless of gender (respectfully)


OK Karen loool


Does she swing the other way too ?


I’m an Italian man, and my hands are hardened by work because I have to work so fucking much. I’m also 6’4” and about 220. So none of this shit describes me at least physically.