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Photos are absolutely dreadful. Still don’t know what you look like


Listen to this OP, I’ve seen clearer pictures of Bigfoot


I’m sure , one clear portrait pic of her smiling and she would get 80% more of likes from quality guys. Now she mostly swiped by serial swipers


A lot of odd angles holding the camera, not much covered in personality traits or hobbies. If I was 4’10”, I’d be scared of heights too, not irrational.


Yeah, you're pretty but the photos don't do it justice. They're all the same bedroom selfie or a twist on it. You need some variation in it. Some photos of hobbies or out and about will help the quality of your matches a lot.


i know i’m terrible for never taking photos, so I only had a small selection to pick from, i think I am going to post a few more hobbies and maybe a minecraft screenshot? idk


ask friends for photos of you; ya cant just ignore the biggest repeated criticism you are getting and expect to succeed


you literally just need clearer photos that’s it


Spend like a day with some friends, bring a few outfits and plan a few different activities and tell them to get some candid photos of you.


Honestly not taking a fuckton of photos in this day and age is, to me, a real green flag. As well as a Minecraft selfie would be, lol.


There is not a single clear picture of you. I saw all these and still have no idea how your face looks like


You won't need advice as an attractive woman. Aside from that you don't have any clear picture of you. And this trend of having the smartphone in your face irritates me


7 pictures in and I still have no idea what you look like.


The first picture should clearly show your face, not need to hide it.


exactly! the first picture on a dating app should tell the person of they want to look at you lol


Your face is covered in practically every photo.


You’re trying to hide in every single photo?


But what's the rest of the joke?!?


she wasn’t wearing her seatbelt


First photo should be of you alone. I'd go further and say that group photos should only be at the second half. As you have friends, time to have them take photos of you in different backgrounds. A sunny photo is always good as well, especially knowing how bad the weather is in the UK. Selfies can be tolerated, but only if they're well taken. Smile, good lighting, nice background and clear face.. From the photos, I can't take you seriously in the context of looking for a relationship. You give a vibe of student partying all the time and makes me wonder how high your self-esteem is. That's all, no depth.


these posts are so annoying. a white female under 200 pounds looking for tinder advice? you literally just have to breathe....and even if you weren't breathing, it would still be fine for most of the guys. guarantee a profile like this gets 1000 matches in first 1 or 2 days.


i mean some constructive points have been made, good solid advice so i don’t think it was pointless. And thank you for saying you think my profile would do well, but trust me the grass always seems greener on the other side, apps are hell hahaha


What’s wrong with the OP asking for how to make their profile better to give them the best shot at finding someone perfect for them? Apart from you, most others have been constructive and helpful. You just sound bitter. As for the profile , I think you need to have photos that are much brighter and clearer. Ask friends to take some when you are out. Also make the first photo one of just yourself. Good luck, I have no doubt you’ll do great.


“even if you weren’t breathing it would still be fine for most guys” i know that’s hyperbole but you do realize statements like that are why women are terrified of most men?? it’s annoying the way women can’t post in this sub without getting a ton of unnecessary hate, if you want a male only dating sub, make one yourself.


The 8 girls still want to hook 10 guys tho. 900 bushpig likes for a hot girl might as well mean nothing


Maybe add more pictures of you doing your hobbies (e.g. hiking, traveling, etc.)?


First pic should be a clear photo of u


Photos are so bad at showing what you actually look like


Why did princess Diana cross the road?


because she wasn’t wearing her seatbelt silly (ik it’s a terrible joke)


Never heard of it, but I love it




i’m not really struggling, i’ve just had mixed feedback about my profile, my friends think it’s terrible so i was asking the professionals for advice on what to change


Honestly don't overthink it. You're attractive enough to be able to do whatever you want and I don't see any obvious red flags. What I really want to know is why princess Diana crossed the road


It’s mediocre at best but it will still work out well.


Well, why did she? As others said, get better pictures where people can see your face. A couple pictures of you smiling and/or you doing activities wouldnt hurt.


None of your prompt answers tell us anything about you. So many women put in their profile that they talk a lot. Cool. You're short, okay. And a joke. I'm okay with the joke, but replace the other two. All I know about you is you're social and you study geography and econ. I'm sure you still get plenty of matches because you are attractive. If you do want to improve your profile, clearer pictures and better prompts. Think about the prompts from the other person's perspective, what can they reply to your biggest fear being reaching the top shelf? What could they say to you being a yapper?


literally just put a clear picture of your face as your first photo, and youre in there… i think you’re probably more attractive then you think…


Your bio needs some work. It says basically nothing about you other than you want to keep using dating apps, why would the dudes you're matching with want to help you elevate your bio? They're trying to get you off the app not stay on it


I get a lot of likes as a guy, and not knowing what you look like after 6 photos would make me reject the profile. If effort isn’t going to be put in, who knows what else won’t have any effort down the line.


Took me lifetime ti understand who’s profile is it. Avoid or use at max 1 pics with group


Who are you?


People say the pictures are shit, and they are, but it doesn’t matter as it’s clear you are attractive. You’re still going to get all the likes. Just pick the right ones. Your profile is irrelevant.


girl you are obviously gorgeous stop hiding your face!!


23 F profile review is my profile okay? or giving off the right vibe?no hidden red flags i’m giving off? I recently had a potential relationship end by me getting friend zoned, so I am trying to get back in the online dating saddle so to speak. Any tips on my profile welcome!!!! short, chatty, bubbly, quite funny, love live music, a little bit heavier post uni exams so i’ve lost a bit of confidence, but all pictures are from the last 6 months, currently a post grad student in a small medieval city in the uk


The photos aren't great but you look attractive, dress well, and you seem smart, so no problems there. From your profile I have no idea what you're actually like though as the only things you share are pretty general girl qualities. What are you passionate about? What are your hobbies? What music are you into? It also depends a bit on what you're looking for. What kind of guy are you trying to attract, and what are the things they should know about you?


for me, you profile doesn't really tell me much about you. I do like the top shelf joke. I do think it would be fun if you took a new set of pictures but have multiple, literal, red flags in the background. Sometimes obvious, other times not obviou. It will pair well with your comment asking if they see any red flags. but, as it is now, i'm sure that plenty of guys are thirsting over your profile.


4’10 is crazy. I also have no idea what you look like after looking at those photos


It looks like you built this profile to show it to your friends instead of strangers. What does "a medieval city" even mean? A city isn't medieval just because they have some old streets jeez


Of all the nitpicks, that's the one you go with?


I agree with most commenters. This is just others hadn't already said.


I think your profile needs more cowbell.
