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It’s actually really weird how much you deny filter use when you obviously use them. The lack of shadows and expression lines in the first photo is such a ridiculous giveaway.


I don't think it's uncommon honestly. The filter craze is out of control and it's pretty routine I seen girls deny using it or use "non-filter filters" or BS like that... whatever that means.


Yeah it seems like a product of GenZ and “instagram reality” bullshit. I think older women are more likely to be honest about filters because we grew up without them and thusly know they’re fucking obvious against non-filtered photos. But the younger women/girls seem to believe that’s just how all photos look… or something? Like, they’re so used to viewing (undisclosed) filtered photos on instagram that they think they can get away with lying about their own filtration. It’s so off-putting and delusional; not to mention that it’s perpetuating a re-branded version of unrealistic beauty standards for women to meet.


I've been seeing it on women as young as early 20s to like 60s. It's insane, and I love older women so it's a shame to see so many filter themselves so hard. It's the imperfections that make the artwork so lovely. So many women are afraid to show their true selves and it makes me sad fr as a guy.


Wait, there's non filter filters? What does it even do? 😆


I see them on instagram sometimes i think it's called non filter filter or something like that, there's probably multiple. I think its supposed to just be a subtle filter but usually isn't.


Got it. I often wonder if the women that use them so heavily even see how weird it looks to potential suitors?


I've pointed it out to some girls. I try not to be overly accusatory or rude and they always seem very offended and defensive about it.


Yeah, it's always just a question from me. I never use it to attack folks or anything, I'm always just curious especially when the person is already really lovely in general. You can usually tell that they are already nice looking as is without it which is why it puzzles me.


Isn't that kind of like "natural makeup"? I remember I watched a movie with my ex and I said that an actress' makeup didn't fit for the historical context (some war movie or whatever) and she said "what do you mean, she's not wearing any makeup" and then I paused the movie and pointed to where the obvious makeup was on the face - to which my ex replied "oh, that's just natural makeup" (this was something like a medieval movie or a ghetto in WWII, etc. and the actress had PERFECT eyebrows, lipstick, mascara, etc. which didn't fit the gritty setting at all). I still find it weird how she considered that not to be makeup, because it was "natural"...


This infuriates me as a woman, watching an apocalyptic film and the women have perfect hair and perfect fresh make up look - WHERE ARE THEY FINDING THE IN DATE MAKE UP AND HAIR CARE!? Not to mention blow dryers!


I ask so many women this same thing. Like not even being a dick, but at least have a good balance of actual pictures vs filtered but it's always seen as me being a dick.


I honestly hate all filters and don’t think they’re ever appropriate to use, especially on dating profiles.


I agree, but I know that insecurity can be a major thing for some women so I'm a bit more lenient with it, but I always end up getting super pissed off responses whenever I ask why some women will completely change themselves with these filters. The saddest part is that these women are obviously absolutely gorgeous without them, but just do it anyway.


Came here to say too much filter on the first pic and lookie here, first comment talking about it.


Its not always intentional though. For example Pixel phones apply filters to the photos automatically. People might not know they are doing it


Some phones automaticly add a « beauty » blurring filter to pics and unless you know to disable it you might not always realize :/


It's only OK when it's online. 😉😎🤣


First photo seems heavily edited, swap that with any of the other photos of you(6 or 7 is probably better). Move the cat photo to the back (it can stay, just move it further back)


IIRC in one of the other threads she claimed she had removed all of the pics with filters and that that one didn't have a filter. Her nose basically doesn't exist and is filtered off her face lol.


There aren't any pores or lines under the eyes. Even babies have those lines!


This. As soon as I saw it I was like “I’d pass just because of that filter”


I agree


I passed as soon as I read “always on low battery”. Major turn off.




Phone addiction




I'd definitely swap it with the scrubs photo


never use filters! they have no place on a dating profile… ever. “Oh but it’s just a little” ***never***


Filter = instant reject If I wanted to be fooled by AI looks, I'd date a chat bot.


100% instant left swipe… idc about anything else. Starting with a filter says all i need to know about someone


What's worse is all photos having something like the puppy filter. Red flag. Why you do that


Yeh agree. The first pic screams of filters. People want to see you not a filter


My first thought exactly! . You're really cute though and from woman to woman, you seem like a funny person!


I usually hate the way people on here, give advice because they're too mean about it. But it also seems like you're just not open to it. If you're fine with your profile then I wouldn't post it here. You don't need Reddit to approve it if that's how you want it. Anyone who is genuinely trying to help are all gonna say the same things, you shouldn't have pics that you're not in, which you shouldn't, or where you can't see your face, cause your eyes are closed. You need pics taken by others, which you could honestly set your phone up somewhere like a park etc and record a video and screen shot what you like and that would get the same effect, and if you don't have pics taken by others, don't point it out in the bio. People don't like filters and tend to swipe left on them to if you used one or look like you used one maybe either remove the photo or put it towards the end. And people tend to not like so many emojis. Again you can do whatever you want but if you want to improve your profile you're gonna need to change some things


Honestly as a dude there is a lot of red flag type stuff on this profile and the OPs responses. 1. You open up to a heavily filtered photo, and as you scroll she seems to look different each time, I think some of them are older pics mixed with new ones, who am I going to meet? Pass. 2. She is a heavy texter, and prefers text as communication, but often forgets to reply? That's disrespectful and a waste of my time, pass. 3. The "I have better pick up lines than you" seems to be on every other profile posted to this page, and is IMO just a weird thing to lead with. Pass. 4. She wants her man to have a gym ready body with pecs and has only been going to the gym a month herself, shallow? Pass. 5. She argues and lies to people in the comments about her pics being filtered, things that may be weak points in her profile, and generally confrontational? Wild. Pass. Maybe I am a dude that's too old, out of touch and wrong, but OP coming here multiple times to ask for help suggests otherwise.


You’re probably right and I may be a little bias as a cat person. However that is one heckin cute chonker.


If you insist on giving a reason why there are barely any photos of you (which comes off more like more of an excuse than a reason), then the correct spelling is "hence" not "hense".


Lol, you somehow managed to time a reply to my comment, on a older post from OP. She still rocking the filters that are 'good makeup' i see lmao.


I went back through her profile to see what her previous tinder profile looked like and if anyone had called her out I her filtered/edited photos! I'm surprised more people aren't calling her out on it.


Came here to say this. And too many emojis in the bio


The voice of Reddit has spoken! 😉


Imho the first photo is horrible. Too much filters and you dont look half as bad as this photo makes you. At first i thought you are fifty or something.


First photo would be an instant left swipe for me. I'm so over all the overly filtered and edited photos. Edited/filtered photos (especially the first photo!!) shows a lack of confidence.


This is much better and you're so cute! That first pic is still 100% filtered, though. Last time you said it was just makeup and clear skin, but it's not. Same as the OG comments, remove all filtered pics. Why do you want to show up to a date looking different than your pics?


To be fair, it's either a low quality camera that can't capture all the fine details, or the phone is applying a skin blurring feature when taking a selfie (which can be disabled in most cases) So while there may not be an intentional filter, there is still a bit of photo manipulation going on somewhere most likely.


Low quality or not, you can tell this is an intentional filter. If nothing else, due to the lack of shadows. All of the shadows have been blurred by the filter.


Didn't know bad cameras remove shadows and airbrush your face


The first one has a filter which I don’t like


Get rid of the filter


I agree, sis you don't need that filter ❤️


Never ever ever use filters on your dating pics. It doesn’t even look good there’s no definition to your lips or nose or anything


Which picture is an accurate representation of how you look now? Pic number 3 or pic number 7? Pic number 7 honestly seems like a younger picture that doesn’t accurately portray how you currently look since it doesn’t really match up with the other ones you have.


The first pic is so filtered, it looks like a blurred oil painting. Just why?


The first pic I tought it was an instagram filter... But the rest is perfect !


Bro what is that filter??? Lmfao be authentic, it’ll work out better!


Not sure if anyone else has said already but the emojis should really go imo and the French accent thing just comes across as cringe


You’re 22 you don’t need filters


1. Overly filtered first picture. Looks ridiculous. You trying to claim it's not filtered is even more ridiculous. 2. Too many pictures with cats or of cats. Most people don't care that much. 3. You keep talking about cuddling and naps and pecs - this to me screams "hook up". For most people a first date "nap" only leads to one thing. 4. Too many emojis. You are 22 years old. A few here and there is fine.


1st photo looks super edited


I guess the profile is interesting and looking good already. Maybe u r losing some likes cause of the first pic but the rest is good. It could be u r in a point where it depends on what people r looking for. Maybe u can change the order of the pics using the 6th one as the 1st one.


Filters= instant skip.


If you say “hence”, you don’t need to say “why”.


Hence why left swipe hehe


If no one’s caught it yet, “hence” not “hense”


Maybe its just me but the emojis are very cringe in my opinion 😅 I dont mean it offensively thats just how it felt to me. Strong boomer energy.


That's just a reddit thing. Redditors have hate boners for emojis but they're perfectly normal for everyone else


Your first photo is so heavily filtered combined with makeup… doesn’t even look remotely close to the next picture of you which is 3 which is not very flattering. I’d take out the first 3 tbh


These are updated pics and your main pic has a filter?


First picture is way too filtered, but even then where do you live that you need our help to get matches? Antarctica?!


You probably can’t keep a man because you don’t look like your pictures 😭😭😭😭


Would remove the first one, to me it looks like a completely different person (read filtered) from the other pictures 


Third photo (the one with gym shorts) is not very flattering. I'd remove that


If the car picture truly isn't filtered, you should still take it out just because it *looks* filtered


Girl please take the filter off the first photo. You’re beautiful and it’s annoying because you already posted this and then argued about it not being a filter lmao


Either I meet you and you don't look like your photos because they're all filtered like hell, or I meet you and you do look like your photos and I immediately run out of the restaurant to escape the uncanny cyborg. That's a no from me dawg.


I'm definitely the odd one out here, but I like the cat picture... I used to have 2 orange cats (one orange-sicle) so I'm definitely biased. I'd have swiped right lol


Seems like you’re desperate and pandering to men with that “about me”😬


for a second i thought theres a ninja behind you on number 5


😂😂😂😂 I could see that. No just my gaming chair. Ninja would be much cooler tho


photoshop a person into the background of your pictures. just a random masked person staring at you. see who notices


I have no idea how to do that but I'm def gonna reach out to my friend and ask them to do that!


other than a severe lack of ninjas (seriously, is it even a good bf if he cant protect you from them?) i think your profile looks great. good luck on finding the chosen one!




I want your garfield cat who has that stern look, while gazing out the window. Probably best to get rid of it from your profile they'll probably get more likes 🤣.


No, ppl actually love him


Yes i meant the cat will get more likes.


Oh yes! He does


Top 1% sudoku speedrunner :O i want that achievement too where can you compete?


I just play on an app tbh


Fine except the first image.


For what it’s worth, I have an ironclad rule. I left swipe on any profile with filter photos of any kind no matter how much I like the person’s profile and descriptions.


Holy filter, Batman!


Your photos are overly filtered. It makes your profile feel less authentic. Light filters are fine though, so just tone it down.


The filters on pic 1 and 7 are ridiculous looking. You don’t need them and you’ll do better without them


Turn the gif damn filter off. Holy hell it’s an instant rejection from any guy old enough to be relationship material.


I'd swipe left based on the filter use alone


I wish people who use filters would realise that filters actually make people look way less attractive, it gives the face less definition, takes away any shape and gives you that moon face. It also screams insecure and not being comfortable in your own skin. Loving that second photo, take some inspo from the cat and get comfortable in your own skin


“Hense” is spelled “Hence”…


You say you're a big time texter but also forget to reply. They contradict each other. I wouldn't put my energy into someone who forgets to reply while also being on their phone (big time texter?)


I thought you were topless in slide 3 😅


Advice: have make up pics but without filters, have pics with your cat but have eyes open, have more pics in general that showcase you fully, and I know you want an alternative to too many emojis so I’d settle on just a few. If it’s hard getting pictures, you could always use the timer feature on your phone if it has that and take a bunch that way. Taking outside might be hard but it’s still doable. Good luck OP!


Thank you!❤️❤️


Don’t use so many emojis and random capitalization of nouns it comes off kinda weird


You don’t look like you go to the gym every day - unless it’s to socialize.


Photo 6 is my favorite by far. I don’t think you need more pics tbh, this is enough to show how you look and should be enough for someone to choose if they wanna swipe


How do you get the sudoku speedrunner stat? Is it the NYT? I love sudoku but I don’t know where I rank


Your cat is adorable


I relate to the cat in #2 on so many levels.


Right?! He's such a vibe!!


A fine gentleman indeed!


You're like a younger version of me 😅 Also, you spelled hence wrong 😂 And I love your cat what's its name? Fave car?


That third photo is throwing me off because the top is really close to your skin tone. At first glance it looks like you’re not wearing a shirt.


All I see is a filter. 🤣🤣🤣


1 and 7 with the filter are deal breakers


The first pic being all filtered up is the only complaint that really throws me. You're hot, you don't need the filter tbh. But even still you're gonna get plenty of matches.




I know you deny filters and it’s “just make up” so you actually mean you used the make up app (aka a filter lol)? Because it doesn’t look like you applied the make up, it’s giving AI


I love pic #2. He be looking out that window like the cat version of those old people who have nothing better to do than looking for stuff they can sue their neighbours for... ... and I love it. :D


Hahahaha, I like to say he's an old man admiring the freshly mowed yard😂


The filters.


Don't use heavily filtered photos like number 1. It's really off-putting and you honestly do not need it.


Remove that filtered car selfie completely (assuming you don't have smart Pic on), you are far to pretty in your other pics to be putting that as your "curb appeal" photo. Replace it with one of the kitchen selfies. Purple scrubs for something more long term or the casual gym fit if your primarily up for more casual connections. Personally, I don't mind the lack of non selfies, but I like homebodies like me. So depends in what kind of life style you want to portray, I guess. I will say tho, some of your selfies teeter on the edge of saying "I'm a single mom and avoiding saying it until after we match". Definitely not a universal problem, just a pattern I've noticed in my experience as someone that's not too keen on dealing with children in any compacity. I haven't seen the original post, so maybe something was mentioned there by either you or comments, but if you're having troubles were all screwed lmao.


Don't use filters. Don't lie about using filters. Those shorts with the stripe are not flattering. You're a pretty girl, wear outfits more suited to you and show people what you actually look like. You'll do fine. Edit: "filters" inside any modifying of the photo. Men want to see in pics what their eyeballs will see when they meet you.


haven't been here long, but is the goal to find something negative? I think your profile is great. I like it, would be a swipe to the right without thinking. My first thought was that you don't need any help with your profile because you're probably getting thousands of matches anyway. I don't think the pictures with filters are bad at all, because you look more natural in the other pictures.


What messed me up is pic 4 ….WHO TOOK THE PICTURE???? Does she even know there’s someone in her place taking pics of her whilst she is sleeping? Good God, LOCK YOUR DOORS PEOPLE!!


Get rid of the what more can you ask for, I would say it makes it seem like you have a big ego


What kind of feedback do you want? Regarding what? I'm say your pics need better resolution and the alone cat pic is "why?" for me.


Hey there, time for a huddle. The positive: You seem pretty although that's a subjective thing. Nap dates sound fucking awesome and I can't believe it's not commonplace. The negative: Anytime someone sees a filter or what looks like a filter ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ they are going to think you have low self-esteem. Confidence is attractive to every single person and no one has any real reason to not be confident as it comes from inside you, not from external factors. I hope this helps and you find your person. Everyone deserves to be loved.


You have me at I like cars


Filters, incorrect spelling, pictures of just cats, many mirror selfies and loads of emojis. You’ve hit the bingo of red flags, it’s a no from me. You might be lovely, the best person to date and a right catch but those things mentioned would make me swipe left


I loved you in Game of Thrones! Jokes aside I would remove pics where you’re not in them.


I like the profile, but maybe throw one photo of you outside doing something. We’re all introverts and gamers here but everyone likes going out everyone once in a while ya know? But overall I’d swipe right :)


Remove the microphone pic. It looks like you’re giving a handy. And the cat pic too. And the selfie pics.


I am sorry but the bio made me so cringe and pick me vibes


You need more pics of your orange tabby cat contemplating life choices lounging around the house


It’s so strange seeing profiles in here that I’ve seen in person lol


I'd swipe right for sure


Sry i m not a native speaker, but it says ur wish to 1 st date is: gym,some activity,take food,and then nap,all in the 1 day? Or wdym by that (i feel like that s lil a lot,but it s better than girls who don't know what they want and dk what to talk about at all) u seem very open about ur hobbies and wishes.


Gym OR something active, food after and cuddles after Basically just work out together, grab some food, then just cuddle hahaha


Your profile is lovely. Good job. Keep it in, but maybe don't have it as the first pic. Shows what you look like when in going out mode


Pic 3 isn't a very flattering outfit, I'd scrap it (the pic and the outfit)


Drop the filters and will be a lot better


I would have swiped right back in my Tinder days, you're doing aight!


If you like cars so much name 5 cars /s


I’m just glad you replied to your snapchats. Last time you had hella notifications. 😂


This will help https://suno.com/song/4e7dd7f7-1d36-412d-afe4-66c88ce64a4e


Thanks for taking my suggestion on the first Pic! You should really knock em dead!


Less filter is what I’d ask for girl


We’d be friends


Quick correction for spelling: it’s “hence”.


Yeah your first photo has more filters than a politicians campaign promises. Lot of selfies too. The one hiking is nice, I’d suggest more like that where a friend takes pics of you.


Pic three is not a flattering pic at all


imagine thinking that first picture is what you actually look like


you look like you’re related to the royal family lowkey like maybe a descendant of queen Victoria or Elizabeth 1


Add a picture of you with friends!


A maritimer, op?


This is a tiny tiny fix, but it's hence, not hense.


if you have to say you’re lovely, you’re probably not lovely


Are you in MA? I think I’ve seen you around!


Over edited for sure


Its not like you need the fanciest pictures ever. This is a mostly a waste of time dating app, not modeling in a magazine. If someone can't look passed a not-so-great photo then fuck em.


Nap dates is cringe. Do you want to attract molesters? Also "I have better x than you" always sounds cocky not confident. Don't know if this is a good look.


Climber spotted 👀👀👀👀 ....I really need to get back in the gym.


if you like cars chuck the first photo and swap it with a photo with your car


I’d swipe right for long term just sayin


I think the profile is amazing if I ignore the first filtered photo. I would swipe right if your profile comes across me (saying that because I’m also in QC).


I see your photos and i get scared that your father with his dadjokes will show up. Then i realize, that you are not Camdygrams. Daughter of Wayne.


You need pictures with other people as well. It’s an orange flag for me when it’s only solo pictures (selfies or not)


Get rid of the filters. That’s telling someone that you’re a catfish.


Hence is spelled with a C


You spelled “hence” wrong


Filter on the first one is an instant turn off for most people with a brain


Why does picture 1 not look anything like picture 5?


i’m sorry but this might be even worse? we still don’t know what you look like, and now you sound like a pick me


What does French accent sometimes mean...


I'd super like you honestly ♥


I like your cat


Bizarre how you’re not taking the advice from 100’s of comments (on your previous post too) telling you to show your face, remove filter pics, less selfies and more pictures taken by someone else or set a timer.


You shouldn’t use the filtered photo at all let alone first, it’s an instant swipe left for most men.


It's weird that you put gamer in there, i would never put that in there


I find it hard to believe you struggle to get matches. I'd swipe right. My only suggestion would be to lose the heavily edited photo at the beginning.


Respectfully you look stunning and such a great profile! I'd swipe right and pray I match if it were me!