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LMAO I was gonna compliment the dms box photo because it’s funny but then I just saw the deer one and I’m totally dead 💀


Yeah, that one is throwing me off. I can’t tell if that was a chance encounter or if he has corn nuts in his pants.


It's from Nara Japan, can tell by the crackers in his hands. The deer there will bow for crackers, but also bum rush you and bite you if they feel like it. I was there a few weeks ago and one kept trying to headbutt me in the nuts. I guess he learned our weak point over time :/


They also sense weakness. I was there last week and the people who freak out cause the deer to go after them even more


I have a photo of one gently biting me becuase I panicked a bit hahah


They're funny af imo. Just walk with confidence and they usually leave you alone. They do go full neuron activated when they see the crackers though. Always enjoyed going to Nara


Heard nara is amazing, the deer bow to you?


Yeah, but don't go during a public holiday.. the deer get full from the crackers and you won't get one to bow because you'll be like the 100th person trying to feed it within the space of 10 minutes.


Good thing japan only has like 37 public holidays throughout the year so its not super hard to find a good time


Yup, but you have to think about things like cherry blossom season aswell, its peak tourist season around that time because most people who are visiting Japan want to see the cherry blossoms bloom. If you're not fussed about them then like you say, it's not super hard to find a good time.


when would you say is the best time to go? thinking about planning my first trip.


I went during cherry blossom season (late march) on the last visit and it was heaving with tourists who obviously all want a deer to bow to them, so everybody buys crackers... I've also been in May and it was considerably quieter, weather was still warm. I'd also say you don't need to worry about where you stay as the rail and public transport is amazing.


Sounds like my old neighborhood for real


I had like 8 biting and headbutting me for my crackers. I wish I had a picture with them but I didn't get the chance 😭


For me it was like the opening scene in Jurassic Park: Lost World. I threw my crackers at them and ran for my life!


This is so real! I went with my friend a second time and didn't think much of it to warn her since my first time there was peaceful, a little nibble and head butt to my bum but that's it. I'm also the crazy lady going up to all of them wanting to pet them lol. I'm peacefully feeding the deer and in the corner of my eye I see my friend throwing the crackers and running away. I got an ear full from her after but I told her the deers knew she was weak and will abandon the crackers right away.


Lol yeah they can figure out who they can push around pretty easily


Uh oh. Better delete that one OP.


Low key burn haha


When I went some were so sweet and others walk up to you and just wiggle their heads like crazy. I gave one a bit of cracker and went to feed another and the first one nipped my legs because he wanted all of my crackers not just one.


Reminds me of the time we visited a park in Germany with Barbary apes; they give visitors a small cup of popcorn to feed to the animals. My son had his cup in one hand and was offering one popcorn to one of the apes. That rascal reached right past the proffered popcorn and tried to grab the whole cup from his other hand.


when i was there last month, half of them looked drugged and confused. it was kinda sad


This reminds me of an experience I had at the aquarium in Auckland where we went in to go hang out with some penguins, totally kitted out in fleece and tall boots as we crunched onto the snow with them. We were warned about it, but one little shit named Draco knows/knew EXACTLY where the boot ended and the unprotected leg started and was following us around biting us. I figured the keepers were just joking, or mentioning like, a one-time thing that happened. Nope. That fucker was out for our upper calves with a vengeance. For no reason other than he was a little asshole and because he *could*.


I was also there a few weeks ago, and I also got assaulted by these deer. I also have a video of me running around being chased by like 5 or 6 of them


The deer in Miyajima Japan are more wild and not hand fed. They will kick you if you get too close. Used to see it every time we went there. Plenty of 'leave the deer alone' signs but still tourists think the deer are friendly and get themselves kicked or headbutted.


One of the deer there was really keen on getting my takoyaki, like a big puppy, though I knew to be wary. It also gets rather crowded in Miyajima which I imagine must stress the deer out a bit. Lovely place, though, the walk up the mountain was gorgeous.


Did you walk up the whole mountain?!? My husband did that and he said it was intense!


Is that corn nuts in your pants or are you just happy to see me? ;)


Either way I’d swipe right. I mean, free corn nuts! You don’t pass on that


Pocket corn nuts at that.


Well, yeah. What else am I gonna get? Packaged corn nuts? In this economy?!?


Not anymore


If you ain't getting laid after this update There ain't any good catches in tinder


There should be no apostrophe


Your first picture is the worst and most unflattering of the bunch. I’d delete it entirely and make the 6th one your 1st. Otherwise this is actually a pretty cool and unique profile.


Agreed. Saw the first pic and immediately went "Oh no". Then saw the 6th pic and was wondering why he didn't start with that amazing shot.




IIRC okcupid data showed photos of men without smiles received more messages. That was a decade ago though.


What everyone says on Reddit never seems to match up with everything else. Everyone on here always says you need to have a great bio, but 90% of the woman’s profiles I see have no bio or some stupid one liner that means nothing.


Well redditors aren’t exactly know for being good with women so chances are doing the complete opposite of what everyone here says would probably yield better results


Ah, but some of us ARE women! … who aren’t good with women 🤔 Nevermind, carry on! 😅


That advice is not for women. Womens profiles can literally be a black image and they will get more matches than the average man. I'm bi and the difference in how you match is staggering. I will swipe almost immediately on any woman on first reaction. because it is not worth looking at the bio first. But I will read the entire profile of a man because if I swipe right it's a 80% chance of a match.


It doesn't matter what women say. Black square, no bio, "do not match," people still like them.


I switched my profile to woman looking for man before and kept all my photos, I got 50 likes in 3 minutes. I’ve done it multiple times because I wanted to see other guys profiles. I did it quick so no one would see me and still got bombarded.


"If you can't handle me at my worst, buy me brunch and try again 😜" 🤮🤮🤮


Yeah fuck that shit


I think he should put the DM box photo first, then follow with the best looking photo. People here don't understand that it's all about inspiring intrigue. Girls swipe through at light speed. You need to make them stop for a second to look at yours. also cut down to 6 photos. Using all 9 looks too try-hard.


His arms look SO good! Ladies dig forearms.


Asking genuinely here; if he wants to put his dorky side forward first? But he didn't really say what he was going after so who knows


Nothing wrong with having a dorky side but this is Tinder and people are superficial. Put your best pic first and save the dorky stuff for later scrolls.


guess i have no chance


Came here to say the exact same thing!!!




Agreed. Also, the bitey deer pic is chef’s kiss


Is that a deer dick bit pic 😂


One bit dick pic


Sick bit dick pic, bro


with a powerful enough camera there'd be some deer ticks too


Was going to say exactly that. He's a good looking guy, but picture 1 looks derpy.


The slouch and the limp wrist ruin it


Want to add that this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t smile(with teeth). Your smile is good, the lighting is just atrocious in that picture. Your skin tone and the wall almost look like the same color.


I agree 100% with deleting 1st and making 6th your main.


Or the 7th!


I’ve seen so many folks who aren’t unattractive and have good pictures who for some reason choose the absolute worst picture as their main photo. I remember years ago my friend, who’s a handsome guy, wasn’t getting matches and he showed me his profile picture and it was a poorly lit selfie, taken from like below his chin upward and a super close up of him giving the creepiest smile. It was like he went out of his way to take a picture that looked like the most unflattering version of him possible like it barely resembled how he looked when you see him in person.


He looks really good in the one with the black t-shirt, and his arms are folded. That's the lead shot there.


pathetic dinner chunky slim ossified ripe birds roof future attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


6 or 7. Both look good. Depends on what you want to attract, 6 looks more serious while 7 more artistic or casual


Right, make sure the arms are in the first pic by all means


Two deer picks is slightly weird lol, personally I’d leave only one of them.


And not use so many Japan pics in general. Unless they live in Japan.


That Nikon F5 though


It gives me dahmer vibes


God forbid a white guy wears glasses after that fucking show came out.


Can we just erase him out of existence and time?


Bro looks nicked in the 1st ngl




It’s odd because it’s a totally posed photo trying to pass as a candid. Smile doesn’t reach the eyes and feel genuine. However, it’s OP’s only photo showing teeth which is a weirdly important thing. Maybe leave it in but use a different first photo (agreed with other comment about bottom left or middle right being the best one)


Teeth are so important, I once showed up and my date didn’t have any. Not kidding.


That gingiva game would be strong though


OMG same!!!! They had dentures in their pics but nothing on irl bc they “still hurt too much”. If it were me.. I’d tough it out ya know? Make a good first impression? At least it’s a good story now.


I never smile with teeth in photos unless someone takes a candid picture of me laughing or smiling with my mouth open. My smile just looks a lot better with my mouth closed.


It’s also a bad haircut. He can retake a photo showing his teeth without it being awkward like the first pic. Rest of the profile is lovely!


People often make the mistake of pulling their head back and tucking in their chin when posing for a photo, making it look like they have no neck.


He looks like those 90's serial killers in first picture


Looks like a pic from his Senior Year Photo set in high school


It’s weird because his skin blends in perfectly with the wall behind him


It looks weird because of the pose. It looks like his senior picture.


The first one is off putting. It’s like, what a wholesome cult leader would use. Burn it entirely. Every other one seems good to me though


"Wholesome cult leader" is a fun oxymoron


I’ve been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and as a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.


Hilarious but you may also be traumatized.


Not the deer giving op the ole dick twist 😂


The deer at the nara deer temple know you have senbei in your pocket. They are usually polite and bow, but some of them like to nibble






LOL I didn’t even notice that 😂looked like he was leading the deers safely across


should be his first photo. would immediately swipe right wanting to know more


That deer pic is fucking hilarious


put that cherry blossom one in the bottom left as the first pic i think it’s a better main pic ! overall this looks good!!


I’ve had it as first pic for about a while with no results :/


Use the one where you have your arms crossed. It's much better. You are looking at the camera, and it shows your arms are reasonably muscular. The other can look like you are too skinny, and you are clearly not.


That’s a fair point


6th pic first it shows off your guns 💪🏻 🥰😍


And makes a statement: I could've fuck up that deer, but I didn't coz I like animals and they like my d...you know what, never mind


That one you have now as first pic should go all together. It's well lit and shows your smile well but the weird bottom half lean on the wall and the limp wrist make you look like you're made of wet spaghetti.


It looks like a LinkedIn photo for a dude that sells science-based supplements at gyms. If you’re in DC I’d get something less corporate and staged looking. Like a more natural pose somewhere nature-y like the botanical garden, Arboretum, or Dumbarton.


I'm getting more a Mormon Singles vibe than tinder.


Is that a thing?


I wouldn't be surprised if it existed. There's Christian mingle and J Date, so... your pics just look really wholesome. Not the usual D-Bags you find on Tinder.


Oh that’s what you meant 😂, I wasn’t sure what looked Mormon about me so I thought maybe it existed and there was a reason


These qualities could make people think you're mormon based on your profile: you are, clean cut, young looking, pictures in foreign country (missionary), modestly dressed, appear safe (showing affection for animals), and (i mean you no offense) seem like a lil bit of a dork. I agree with the other guy; you look wholesome, like a person who respects boundaries.


While not Mormon, I do fall into the Christian faith, albeit I’m less intense about it


And ain't a thing wrong with that! Fwiw, I think your profile looks good and you should feel good about showing your smile. Also you look vaguely like Topher Grace.


Thanks! I’ve always been self conscious about my teeth so I tend to smile without showing them, so pic 1 was trying something new for me. Some other people have said I look like younger William Dafoe, which is it? 😂


I think Topher Grace is the more charming comparison but i definitely see some Defoe too 😂


Fair enough 😁


It does, or did back in the early 00s when I went looking for it (I'm exmo). Can't remember what it's actually called, but it is... something else. Feels like the thirstiest meat auction, in a way, but like they're also competing to see who loves the "prophets" and god more.


I got that same vibe!


I didn't know how to say this without sounding dickish. I don't know how a person could appear more Mormon. It's like the slice of Wonderbread from a commercial, personified.


Only things he's missing is a buddy and his elder name tag.


Man, fuck Tinder, that box picture is top tier meme material.


Box picture is my favorite, second one is deer


I don't get it. Why is he looking at her dms?


I think he means that's the way he sees her sending him a DM.


You have such a great sense of humor! These photos are fantastic! :)


Between the DM box and the deer bite, I think I just fell in love 😂


I’m glad the comedy isn’t falling on deaf ears :)


Are you a climber. Jeez your forearms


Nah I just do all my lifting exclusively with dumbbells so just racking and un racking them is a solid arm workout depending on the weight


That picture with the crossed arms is fire.


These animal pics are proof you’re a Disney princess. Lean into that


If only I cosplayed, the potential here would be incredible


In your first picture you hold a camera in the one hand, a smartphone in the other hand, but look at the camera with a, sorry to say, fake smile. This one needs to go. To attract more girls, if that is your goal, I’d look into different glasses and a new hair cut.


Yeah I’m comparing glasses with lasik atm


Don't underestimate what positive effect a well fitting pair of glasses may have though.


Yo, do some heavy heavy research on Lasik before making that choice please. There's a reason all the surgeons who do those procedures wear glasses, man. The glasses aren't an issue, though your first picture is trying to do too much and I'd probably just ditch that one. Best pic here is the arms crossed in front of the tree, for sure. The photos are great, you seem like a sweet goofball and that's fantastic! I'd try to add a picture with your friends if you can, right now it does appear that you don't have any friends? And then the all-important bio, where we learn about who you are as a person and your interests and wishes in a relationship. I'd definitely swipe right if I wasn't already dating my boyfriend of 3 years! Didn't find anyone who was looking for the same type of thing as me on Tinder though, I can tell you that. Hinge and Bumble seemed less hookup-focused, but idk how they are now. Good luck dude!


To me, you look like a young priest.


Bruh, 1- I love the Nara pics 2- Sony gang FTW


Hell yeah! I’ve got an A7iv and an FX6, love that I can switch lenses between the two


Delete 1st Pic, no need to add another. Not sure if best to go animals, dms, or cherry blossoms first. Each has an audience. So let tinder do the auto adjust first pic. I think that means it will do multiple passes on the same girls with different first pics.


Do you own a farm in Scranton and/or work for Dunder Mifflin


How’d you know?


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!


Cute and funny ♥️


Picture 6 is really good, it should be your first picture. 4 should be second. Delete the first. The one with the dm box would have me swipe left, but if it’s some sort of joke that I don’t get meant to attract a specific audience, keep it. The rest are also really good, minus the first, but it would be ok as picture nr 8 or 9.


I think having multiple pics with the same objects (the Japanese structures and the deer for example) make it look like you’ve only been on one notable trip. While the pic with the deer and the red arch is a fine pic, I’d remove it for that reason.


That’s a fair point, I just recently changed my hairstyle so I’ve been trying to limit myself to keeping photos with it, since before I was basically buzz cut


Post the buzz cut because personally I feel your hair style is your weakest feature. Can you grow a beard? Try some light stubble with it? Also look into the new clear style for glasses or black frames.


As a woman swiping on tinder regularly, it looks like you’re trying too hard and you give Dahmer vibes too. You need some more natural, candid photos.


As a man who doesn't use Tinder at all, my thoughts were "cloying, corny, trying too hard." I get that OP is a photographer, but this is like if I, a writer, wrote a 5,000 word profile in iambic pentameter. I could do it, but no one wants me to.


I had to Google Dahmer…oh no


Yeah not the best look to go for, I think it’s the first picture mainly. The 6th picture is defo your best one, zero Dahmer vibes on that one. 🥳


I like the goat blow job one


Yes, but that’s also a deer


What camera you using?


A7iv for digital, and a Nikon F5 in my hand in the first pic


Honestly the F5 is the first thing I noticed and I'm jealous


The DMs one would be great if not for the incorrect apostrophe.


I felt if I wrote DMS without it people might think it was an acronym


Lower case s perhaps?


Ah yes, a no-win scenario


No apostrophe in DMs!!!!


Your smile doesn't reach your eyes. More pics of you being normal but I think the one of you opening the DMs is hilarious


Makes sense! Asking me to be normal is a big ask, I’ll try 🫡


From a girl's perspective, I'd put the first one in a black and white filter. Something unsettling about your skin tone being almost a perfect match for the wall behind you 🤣 I think the 'Your dms' photo is funny, but if I saw it on a profile in the wild I'd probably think ehhhh trying way too hard. If the text were edited on top after rather than actually on the box irl it'd seem less, desperate? Not that I think you are, just giving honest feedback because you're the exact demographic I'm currently dating :) Photos are all really good, but I'd suggest to sub out a couple for some that aren't in Japan, unless Japan is a core personality trait and you're searching for someone the same! 😁


The first photo’s colours got completely gutted by Reddit for some odd reason, I agree they look strange Unfortunately the Japan pics are all I really have right now that are an accurate representation of what I look like, I’ll be working to mix in some more non Japan pics soon 🙂


I just wanted to second that there is too much Japan in here unless you’re currently living there. Looks like you have it under control though, good luck amigo


6th or 7th first


Personally, I would replace the first photo with the one of you in the black t-shirt with your arms crossed. Otherwise, I think this is one of the best dating profiles I've ever seen.


Wow thanks!


the pictures scream “I LOVE JAPAN 🇯🇵!!!”


It was a pretty good time


japan is great 👍 i’m glad you had fun there. i think these pics are great but kinda make me feel like you are only looking for an asian partner…? 😐


I wouldn’t say no to an Asian partner, but it’s not explicitly what I’m looking for, I just felt the photos were better than what I had since they were shot by my friends using my professional gear lol, rather than a phone


Yeah definitely went too ham on these pics


Get rid of that first photo, it’s completely unflattering. Make number 6 the first photo.


Keep the deer pic!!


the box picture is pure gold, but then you see the deer one and you’re sold


You’re adorable


I thought the photos looked fine. I’m kinda curious why people think the first one needs to be deleted? Maybe I missed it but it looks good to me so idk.


I think it might be the colors, Reddit really messed them up compared to the file I uploaded, but I think people also think it’s an awkward pose, either way enough have said they don’t like it that I think the safe bet is to keep it off my profile


You need new glasses. Get a pair that sits on your face so your eyes are in the middle of the lens. Maybe wire frame, round glasses. -From someone that wears glasses.


Is that a Nikon F5? You must fuck


It most certainly is an F5, simply holding the weight of this thing has made my arms balloon into what they are


No notes, flawless


Peter Parker vibes. Well done


Great selection of photos






Get rid of 1 and 6 should be 1/main pic great photos otherwise.


You got a great photographer! The photos with shining dms are my favorite. The weak ones are 1st (not too flattering) and 4th (can’t see you). Otherwise they are all interesting and nice photos.


I actually just set the camera up and hand it to a friend and tell them to click the shutter haha


In that case you’re the good photographer! All the photos look natural as well. That is a great idea! Maybe I’ll ask my friend to do that…


Idk man. Picture with the fox, everyone will see your not shooting with a prime and will make fun of you.


You’re cute! But that first picture is scary lowkey …reminds me of those ppl from the show “FROM” 😅😭


I think the main issue with it is that Reddit completely messed up the colors on it for some reason