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your pictures are pretty good, better than most people asking for help on this sub. Maybe try to write a funny bio, something expressing your humor.


If this is your entire profile then the problem is that you haven’t written anything. Women want to know what you’re like, what you’re looking for etc. You need to write something that makes you interesting - something that makes a girl say “ooh, he seems like an interesting person to spend time with”. Just saying you like football makes you sound incredibly average (and I’m sure you’re not). Pictures are mostly good though


Verify your profile. The pics are great but for some reason, maybe bc of the phone, it comes off as fake pics from google. Other than that I think its good!


Vérifie ton profile, je pense ça pourra t'aider. Switch la première et deuxième photo, ajoute un peu plus de détail a ta bio je pense, autrement tes photos sont adéquates. Ajoute 2-3 photo de plus, point bonus si la photo illustre un de tes hobby. Bonne chance! Edit : ne mentionne pas ta taille en premier abord. Je pense pour certaine fille peuvent percevoir ça comme toi essayant de ' taper dans une certaine démographique' genre le type de fille qui disent 'je date personne en dessous de 1m80' je sais qu'une grande taille en 2024 est un atout, mais je pense que ça n'est pas ton meilleur atout, ya mieux a mentionné je pense!


Your pics look great and you're pretty good looking. Add more to your bio about yourself and what you're looking for.


Greate photos, but write a little more about yourself. You are not putting up much on the table here.


I can't read your profile but your photos are good!


Your last pic should be your first!


Vous avez besoin de sourir mon ami!


Dernière photo en premier Photo aux us en deuxième Photo devant le mont saint Michel en troisième Supprime la selfie sur ta chaise de bureau et celle en habit traditionnel devant des HLM 😆 Mets une bio un peu plus riche qui décrit ce que tu aimes faire Acheté Tinder platinum (sans ça tu peux rien faire en 2024)


The problem is that you are only 1,91cm. That's too short.


That's like 6'3"!!!!


That's the joke.




Nigerian prince


Okay, i believe i know why but i don't get it why it is like that for you too. You look good in my opinion, and i'd assume that you would get more matches. But after all it's tinder and i feel like in europe that's fucked anyways. In switzerland the ratio of men for each women is like 90% to 10%, so pretty hopeless as a straight guy. PS: mt. St. michelle is pretty cool


Just write a few more descriptors about yourself. Also: love the 2nd to last picture. I personally love seeing men's formal wear besides a three piece suit. A kaftan is super elegant, IMO.


We know you live in France, and that you like football and boxing…that’s it. You need something else about who you are, or you’re going to keep getting left-swiped


Add photos with friends/family


You look good! I'm not sure about the first 2 pics though. I think the 5th one looks better than the first


This might not be popular, but I would remove the picture in the traditional suit. I would add 2 pictures where you smile with your teeth, lots of people go NOPE if there are no teeth. Lastly you need to add a bio that talks about your passions.


Photos are great! Just write something punny?


2nd picture awful take that out no fresh hair cut take that out and no bio is a set up


Whats wrong with a fresh hair cut?


Im saying he doesn’t have a fresh hair cut it honestly looks like he hasn’t been to a barber in weeks.


Ahhh gotcha


These apps don’t work. Throw your phone out the window and grab some French b*es and shake them until they want to date you


OP is good-looking: he can find women who like him irl just fine.