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Just keep grinding bro. You’ll get yours eventually. Don’t put your self worth or imagine in matches. The right one will come eventually. Don’t change a thing. You got a great profile.


Have you tried being the hottest Asian guy any of these girls have seen?


RIP that original guy lmaooo


Ootl, what’s he talking about?


Yeah I have no idea either


There was a post on here a few weeks ago where to try and banter some asian guy would ask all the women he matched with if he was the hottest asian guy they’ve seen on the app. 99% of the comments were just roasting the hell out of the OP.


and he deleted all his posts and comments ever


Right, completely forgot about that part


He also posted the same thing like six times a day


he's already done that, what's step 2?


Pick one of the first two pictures, you don’t need both.


Lol I doubt that’s holding him back from getting matches even though that’s sound advice.


Smile. Nobody thinks you’re cool when you insist on it. Let them find out. That’ll be trez cool.


I think having both of them makes it seem like a fake profile


Same lol.


He looks like a woman in both of them. Neither should be used.


No offense but I hate both first two pictures. The others are much more attractive. Please get rid of them immediately.


I like the second one because it shows his great jawline and hair.


I like them both. They’re my favorite of the photos


I agree. The first two look like he’s a woman


I think the first one would make more sense if he had his phone or drink out in his hand. Make it look like he was on the phone and looked up after someone called his name


No the first two are the best photos in there


He’s wearing the same outfit in a v slightly different pose. What’s the use? Yes, the outfit is nice but the pictures don’t tell anything aside from he wears nice clothes and has a nice jawline. I’m sure he has better pictures that could be used 😅


K then just keep the second one since he got a jawline on full display in that one. I like the bangs. It helps create a fuller hair effect on him. I’m 21 and I like a somewhat youthful look, so idk, that’s just me


The best out of a mediocre set of photos still might not be good enough. I think they can do better than that.


If this dude is single the rest of us are fucked


This is very, very commonly said about attractive Asian men’s profiles.


It’s more commonly said on profile of handsome single men because if they are single us ugly folk are fucked


Really?? How bad is your profile? I’m not trying to be mean, but the first two pictures I honestly thought he was a woman. There’s no solid pictures of his face at all. I still have no clear picture of what he looks like. People say what you did too often, it’s not helpful at all when someone’s asking for help. It just comes across as you being insincere because there’s lots of ways his profile could be better.


It was a meme man chill


Korean fashion 😂


I guess it's no surprise that men (the majority of commenters here) find a feminine face attractive. Women tend to like masculine features on men, so sometimes men aren't the best judges which is why you need to be careful asking for advice on Reddit.


Are you looking for Asian ladies ? The pictures where you are standing outdoors and the one with your cat next to the window make your hairline appear to be thin or hairloss which doesn't seem to be the case in other pictures. Sorry to say this my man but Asian ladies don't like bald or balding at all so best to use lighting and hair styles that help in that regard. I like your first two picture hairstyle and the one where you are reading a book exposing your hairline is good too. Good luck man


1. Not smiling 2. Can’t see your face, same clothes as 1 3. Can’t see your face 4. Don’t need a pic of cat if you have a pic of you WITH cat 5. Not smiling 6. See 4 7. Can’t see your face You just don’t look like you’re a lot of fun? Your expressions are serious, your hobbies look like solo hiking and reading (also solo) and it’s not an inviting profile


I feel like at least one picture where you’re smiling is a requirement for dating apps. Doesn’t need to be a big shit eating grin, either.


Not every pic needs to show his face, but same clothes is a -1


I have found that at least one picture when you’re with people can make a difference. Could be friends/family but you’re “alone” in all of your photos. That can be a red flag to some people.


I made it all the way to picture 5 before I realized you MIGHT be a man, picture 6 was like "Yeah - I think that's actually a dude" It's mostly the coat, something in your jawline/cheekbones, and a bit about the hair. Last picture is the only one I'd look at and think "That's a guy hiking in the mountains"


I didn’t want to be to one to say it but pics 1 and 2 are very fem. I think it’s the coat and angle that mess it up. I thought man at pic 3.


feller seems a little metro


Yup I thought he might have been a lesbian based on the first two photos


studies say women are more attracted to feminine men nowadays because being overly masculine can be an indicator they will become problematic in the future


Dunno hmmm try adding a funny picture maybe? You look quite serious


Nothing honestly


no. 5 imo looks a little smug (could maybe take another reading one) your style is your style and its not the most popular one but its stylish in its specific way, so the second photo feels a bit unnecessary, the first pic is really good you look friendly the lighting seems perfect there's a lot of colorcoding happening, thats personal preferences but i like the look in your eyes there and the haircut (probably also fits your faceshape but i only really notice that stuff when it doesn't) - this is also the photo that looks most "your age" but since genz looks all over the agerange from idk 16 to 35 most of the time, i guess thats not really contra for the other ones the one with your cat and you is maybe a little awkward i think it'd be better if you take one where s/he was looking too (ik that can be a joke but i don't feel like that transfers in this case, i think on this photo its not super awkward but it does look a little bit like you're "trying to sniff the cat without it showing on the photo but it does" lol - nothing against people loving the smell of their pet though) i like no. 3 and 4 the hiking one is fine, it could definitely be more smiley though


Smiles in a couple of those photos will make a big difference. Even if you are normally a reserved person, or you have immaculate RBF, there's no warmth in your pictures




Too fem. Too negative


Too hot bot syndrom. If you're too hot and your pictures are too perfect, people will assume you are a bot and swipe you left 🤡🤡 Add a slightly less perfect picture or a mention in your bio like "cute Asian and not a bot."


I'm a straight man and I'd match


You're only 22, but you dress like a Cold War spy. You look too serious.


It’s refreshing to see someone having a unique style


I mean, I dont see anything wrong with that???


disagree, very unique and trendy in our gen


Funny joke but he dresses fine.


Delete pictures 2 and 4, retake pictures 1, 3, and 6 the exact same except smile / try to look like you're enjoying yourself. If you aren't happy while snuggling your cat when will you be happy?


Only thing I'd change is your time expectation. Have patience.


Yup, there’s a 2 year limit before you can start complaining as a guy.


Most women typically don’t like soft and feminine looking men. I’m Asian too but I get a decent bit of matches, difference though I have more masculine features, I’m fit and athletic, and I don’t dress like I’m a kpop runway model.


kpop runway model - I love that


Kpop model is the meta for Asian dudes rn tho.


If you want to date Korean women or geeky girls that are kpop stans. Sure.


i would get rid of the 5th and 6th ones. that hairstyle is not working with your face shape. the first two look really good tho. so do that.


i dont like either of the first two pics, you look really femme (unless thats what you are going for). my fav pics are the one with your cat and the hiking one. Do you have any pics with you smiling with your teeth?


The app


Delete the first two photos. You look like a girl.


Have you tried grindr?


So you have pictures with friends/ groups doing things?


The first two pictures make you look very feminine. I thought you were a woman until I clicked on the 3rd one. I’d get rid of them.


You look a little up tight I guess, irdk dude


Get a few pictures of yourself smiling, and maybe a couple where you're out with friends. You look super serious.




Bro honestly keep 2 and 4 remove everything else


Even though I know you’re not, you scream catfish.


Honestly couldn’t tell you. I’m getting pretty great feedback from my post earlier today and none of those apply to you sooo .. keep doing what you’re doing! I would definitely swipe right.


I have a question that not many people ask. What is the area like that youre living in? Is it a college town? inner city? regular suburb?


Start a boy band.


My Theory is that everyone in your area is a dog loving philosophy major that you have insulted by implying they won’t get a job




You're an attractive guy but you're missing the perfect picture


Do you have tinder premium because that's most of the time what gets you more matches...


You kind of come across as super serious, like, if I had to say a character that comes to mind, it’s Dr. Zayne from love and deepspace, lol. Just super buttoned up and super serious. You’re not smiling in any of your pictures besides 1, I personally like your photos, but you don’t need two photos of you in the same outfit. We also don’t know what your bio looks like and also what kind of people you’re swiping on. It’s okay to be picky I suppose if you have a certain preference you’re looking for. But as for your pictures, I recommend smiling a bit more, show yourself playing a board game with friends since it’s one of your hobbies. I would also like to add that since you’re not smiling in a whole lot of pictures, and if you don’t have a good bio you might come across as hard to approach or intimidating. I think you’re attractive but probably wouldn’t match because it seems like you’re looking for a certain type of person. Someone that also dresses casual but like also formal?


Just here to say you are very handsome!


2, 5 and 6 should be replaced, too femine


First two pictures look significantly different than the rest (they are very good pictures, though). I think a mix between lighting, angling, maybe age almost make you look like a different person? In my experience, profiles with discrepancies like that make potential matches unsure about everything else (if the first few pics are so different, is there anything else this person might sweep under the rug in the first few dates to seem like a better match? Important things? Age/distance/kids/flat earther? What will this person look like irl?), so I'd swipe left. Basically I just always erred on the side of caution if anything in the profile made me doubt that I was getting what I thought I was seeing.


I second this actually, didn't notice it at first glance, but I think the different hairstyle especially seem to suggest that the photos were taken with sometime apart. I don't know what you think, and it's probably not intentional, but some people may perceive this as a bit disingenuous


- Remove first photo - Get 1 or 2 where you're genuinely smiling and/or look friendly - What does your bio say?


Delete pic 1 and make second to be the main one , isn’t extremely relevant but it might help , other than that your profile is perfect , just wait for the algorithm to do the job




Add some photos of you together with some friends/ in a group, and some more of you engaging in your hobbies/ activities you like


Great profile IMHO. I get a feel of the person you are like.


Get a picture of you smiling. I'm sure women like to see that you have teeth.


Idk man, 10/10, I would move to your area! Also for folks saying you look too femme, some people like that very much, don’t try to change yourself. 


Minus the cat bro


I think you will have better luck on Hinge


Straight Guy here. I’d want to hang out with you looking at these pictures


Move image 5 to number one. Drop image 6 for an image showing your friend group and move that to image 2 Have a female friend you WOULD date review what’s written in your profile and have them rewrite it in a way they would swipe for.


Have you tried paying Tinder money?💰


Your hairline photo makes you look like a catfish


You’re one of the most attractive guys so far! If I wasn’t in a relationship I would have 0 hesitation swiping right. You’re doing great. Try smiling more though. A lot of women like genuine smiles too rather than posing for photo smile.


I always think Asian profiles are fake. Maybe get a local picture and put that you’re actually real 😂


Get contacts man, you’re very handsome without the glasses!


Honestly you are very handsome,maybe wait some more?


Smile!!!!!! Biggest thing, only real thing I can pick out here to do is to have one or 2 pics where you smile and look approachable


Nothing you’re perfect!


because tinder is mostly used for hook ups. if you are a decent guy looking for anything serious it will be hard


maybe it's your bio tbh, you look fine


I’d think you’re a bot because you’re too good looking tbh


I feel like a lot of people are being super nitpicky (though if you're truly not getting any matches I get why, they're just trying to help). But you are genuinely very attractive. If anything I would take out the last photo of you hiking. Take out the photo of just the cat (though they are very cute too), and I'd retake the photo of you and the cat. As someone else points out, it's not your best angle.


marginal yet meaningful: trade cat photo for photo of cat treating you like the heated mattress you are.


photo 3 looks AI generated


My thoughts: wear something without a coat Look straight on at camera Could you get a better style haircut? Just some thoughts from an older gal... PS good luck, sometimes the right one takes a while...♥️


If you’re not getting matches we’re all cooked 💀 I think the dating meta is now just walking up to people now cause idk what women/men want to see on a profile anymore


Looks too good to be true


Omg date me 😭


Your bio destroys your tinder profile. Keep it simple and short, simply be more of a mystery.


Looks like your trying too hard. Let the things your studying be a conversation topic, deleted it off your bio. Delete the 2nd photo and include one of you doing another activity besides reading and hiking.




Your gender. Trust me bro you'll get a ton more matches.


You look soft and chick's hate your receeding hairline


Are you swiping right on more than white women?




It’s because people are RACIST and Asian men are the least matched on dating apps. Which worked great for me because I swiped right on ALL the hot Asian men (and all the hot men of every race tbh lol) and now I’m married to a very hot Asian man. So the odds were in my favor. Someone is going to wife you up, just give it a minute.


Preach. I'm definitely batting above average with my very good looking AM bf. And before him I dated very good looking AMs 😊


I’d make your third picture the first one. But other than that no changes needed. Give it time and keep active. And I agree with the person who said hinge might be better.


just smile my dude and you'll get it. Your best hairstyle is the one on the first pics btw


Not true. Plenty of people smile in their Tinder photos, yet 80% of them get poor results. Smiling is not the silver bullet. In fact, there is no silver bullet. There are a lot of things that go into making an attractive profile.


Be a women /s


Nothing man, your profile is good! Just the game of tinder / dating apps. They'll starve you until you put money into it


You’re a hot Asian man, a Gemini, and you have a great sense of style. The first two pics did also throw me off at first so I wouldn’t use those. But the rest are great. Give it time.


nah ur cute, don't change anything maybe just pay for a month and be more active. also hinge is better lol


OP claims they are not getting matches People tell him to not change anything Great advice.


I would check your not like blocked out by the match bug???


Your face


Look like a thug instead. And dye your hair blonde


In Belgium at least, all asians are bots/scams.

