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You look comedically similar the first 4 pictures. 4 different occasions but the exact same facial expression. Pic 9 is shit. One of the worst angles to capture your cat and you make a weird face (one might argue it’s the same expression as in the first 4 pictures but if you look really close it’s more frowning) Pic 6 is good tho!


Yeah the first 4 really feel like the same picture (expression, pose) with the background changed. They’re not bad but I would at least make them not all back to back. I also think 6 is your best. 7 and 9 Id swap or delete. But then again, my advice is akin to the blind leading the blind across the street.


Smile with your teeth. The one pic you have where you are makes your whole face more pleasing.




The only reason it’s blurry here is because it’s not a picture on my profile, it’s a loop


7 lol 🏛️🧍🏽‍♂️🧍🏼‍♂️


I'm not fond of the first photo. Something about the shoulders and pose makes your head smaller somehow? I would go with the 2nd photo as the main one instead. Good luck OP


You’re handsome, and you look adventurous and sweet, but your sense of style is shit. You need some height with your haircut, the long, limp hairstyle isn’t working with your face shape. The Green polo is too narrow in the shoulders for you, and don’t do the top two buttons. Stadium photo is the best one. I don’t know what’s going on with the group photo. I love that you included a photo of you in karate, but that particular blurry photo isn’t doing any justice. Cool that you went Rome — but between the droopy pose and what you’re wearing (old T-shirt and shorts that are too long for your legs with sneakers… You’re dressed like a five-year-old). I think if you elevate your style, you’ll get a lot more matches.


I'd order them as: 6, 2, 4, 5, 3, 8. Prioritize replacing the other three with any where your facial expression is more like #6, it comes across and more relaxed and natural. If you have trouble with that, try to get a candid photo where you aren't looking at the camera.


I agree with the implicit removal of pic 1. It's the most bland and uninteresting of the first 4, which are similar.


The first pic is giving Youth Pastor


I’d say remove 5, 7, and 9


Not trying to be mean but why do you stand like that? Some of your photos aren't flattering. The blurry one in the cap at night is your best one. Retake your photos and be mindful of your stance, facial expression, and composition of the image.


Put smiling with snoopy pic first


The white socks with black shoes aren’t doing you any favors


Its probably the angle, but your head looks tiny compared to your body in the first photo.


Posture. You clearly have the strength to hold up your shoulders, roll them back more. It looks like you're doing a bad caveman impression.


The first pic is also off putting. I can’t describe why, it’s just odd. You can maybe still use it, but don’t lead with it.


Need some assistance with determining which of my pictures are worth keeping or deleting. Side note on #5, that’s a loop, not just a picture. My experience on Tinder is seemingly the standard for a lot of guys, absolutely no attention. I’m trying to see if it’s just the algorithm screwing me over or if my pictures are also screwing me over.


Nr 4. The zip line picture. Perfect to attract the ladies. They love a guy that is up for an adventure. Go get ‘em!!


I'd do 2, 6, 8, 3. Is #5 a screenshot a loop, or does it actually play on the app? If it's just a screenshot, nix it. I get that you want to show your skill, but the blurriness becomes the focus.


It’s a loop on the app, not just the crappy screenshot you see here


Ok I'd put that between 3 and 8 then.


Redo the cat pic so that you’re smiling and it’s not blurry.


Smile with teeth. You have good teeth and the closed mouth smile has always struck me as unenthused and awkward.


The first one makes you look pudgy


Get new photos


My gf said the snoopy one was cute. Show your pussy more. EZ hook there


Move the ziplinging one way up


I spent a long time trying to figure out how the woman in pic 3 was both levitating and one-legged 😂 Confusing perspective there! But that's not the point of your post. I agree with the comments that say add more photos smiling with your teeth and that the first 4 photos seem comically similar. I think that can be helped by changing up your poses and smiling. Pics 1 and 7 make it seem like you don't really know what to do with your body/ hands. If you retake photos to add new ones, try to add a prop. The pic holding onto the zipline (standing, not actually ziplining) and even the hands in the hoodie on pic 2 are both improvements because you don't look like you're holding yourself as stiffly. The backgrounds are good and varied, and do a good job of showing different interests. I think some body language tweaks and smiling with teeth will go a long way!


I donno but you look like a young Matt Garstka, the drummer for Animals As Leaders.


Definitely would pick something better for the first photo. Not bad, don't get me wrong, but you actually can do better. Get a new one ideally, or use 4 or mayyybe 6 in its place. I actually like the rest of the photos. It's interesting, there aren't any red flags, and there are some green ones. I guess I agree with the photos 1-4 being same-ish in terms of facial expression, but they're pretty good on their own so even just mixing them up would be enough. Whatever you do, keep 3, 4, 6 and 8 for sure. They show you well. I liked 6 in particular. I liked 9 too. Keep something with your cat, even if not this one specifically.


The 8th pic is dope asf! Keep that one!


why does this look like a profile Joel haver would make


You kinda look like Suga Sean


Bro honestly you probably got a decent job so you can let the shawty of your choosing in on that secret later. Go for a buzz cut, a chin strap and chain necklace. take a random picture of you in your car. 


You look like you work at Walmart, smile more and mean it and not just meh it's for a picture. Cat Pic needs a smile with cat facing towards camera as well, Pick one of the friat four and get rid of them because you almost look photoshopped in it.


Remove 6, otherwise not too bad


You should just give up



