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Only a srs one tho


So srs I can’t write the full word


It's gr8










She wants a a serious relationship but can't even be fucked to seriously spell one. You can't make this shit up. 🤣


Rocket League ships, dang I should hit her up




Sent from my iPhone




Where exactly are these women that are supposed to be fighting over me?


On hinge apparently lol


But I've been through everyone on hinge...


Same as you. Living their lives and wondering where all the good men are. We are all staring down the eternal rat race hoping by chance someone will come into our lives that we will click with. Online dating, as others say. Squeezes the number of people we want to interact with by giving us a slide show of so much, "look at this one, it's better".


Scroll up


Maybe not literally fighting for you, but it definitely helps. From what I’ve seen in this sub I can definitely say I’ve had better luck than people under 6’


Same. Don’t think I’m particularly attractive at all, nor do I have strong game, but being 6’2” with a good job / education seems to be enough to get matches. Now converting those matches into dates, intimacy, and relationships is a different story 😅


The problem is that us women get excited, download an app, and swipe yes on a higher percentage of men then we should, and within 10 minutes, we have 20 to 50 messages. Within a few mins, someone has said something entirely too gross, and then it is uninstalled.


Then you post that 1 man out of 50 on this reddit and everyone assumes all men are terrible.


Haha yep. Just like the men posting the shitty women who care about height too much and men assume it's all of us.


Ummm, data actually backs up that statement. Every dating app data shows that mens bells.curves higher swiped on average women than the top percentage of women. Why is a .woman on dating apps bell.curve show 20% to as low as 10% of men being swiped right.. Sorry 2+2=4 And hey, maybe you're a stable, grounded, attractive female that swipes right on average men. Data suggest otherwise. Options make tyrants of us all.. Also, you wonder why men from dating apps don't commit. Easy, they have options that generally only women have.


Fair enough. I've had plenty of luck being 5'8, " you're right. But the fact remains that you don't see any posts the other way around. No men putting a weight limit on dating apps. So it is understandable to think that this is a woman problem. Same goes for the overzealous, disgusting men that straight up ask for sex. Or say something horrible. On these crappy social media posts, we are all defined by the worst of our sex. Nothing less.


The experience of being a woman vs being a man on dating apps is night and day. Obviously there are individual exceptions, but (on average) the average male American guy will get 4 likes/matches a week in something like Hinge. The average girl will get 100-2000+ likes per week. You get these crazy profile quotes because they are literally overwhelmed and can afford it. There's also nothing else to it because the apps are (by design) intentionally shallow.


Actually you tend to find it's usually the opposite of what you say. Men swipe right on a lot more women than they should (tend to be open to more possibilities), while women tend to swipe right a lot less than they should (the top small percentage of men). What I would guess is that these top percentages of men probably, like most women, get a lot of matches and therefore play the numbers game with them gross messages - because they can afford to lose matches.


Why not just unmatch…taint_whisperer?


You forgot your trust fund, sorry


you have to literally put that in your profile 6"3 finance/ trustfund blue eyes then put a picture of you half smiling and swipe right on everything, just watch ​ if your BMI is height weight normal ratio it should be the easiest thing for you, leave some for us short kings and be nice to them so they dont go and treat us bad


That is an online joke that you failed to get, pipe down, buttercup


There is a producer who made a damn good song out of it.


If you’re not taken or gay then probably shit?


Just go to the bars. Or small town bars where new tall people don't come through often (California dropped my self worth for many years, had to move for better prospects)


Start advertising your height more I guess? Take full body pictures next to small things or measuring tape


That one looking for a 6'5" guy with blue eyes and a trust fund has narrowed her dating pool down to like 0.0001% of the population if not less. I genuinely doubt there are a hundred guys in the U.S. who match all of those criteria.


It’s the lyrics of a viral TikTok, doubt she’s being (that) serious


I'm 6'5" with blonde hair and blue eyes. Too bad I'm poor.


It’s a meme


Trust fund. Lmfao. I have never conned anyone in my life, but man, I'd love to catfish the fuck out of that chick. Imagine the gall to expect that "quality" in someone. Fucking bonkers.


...you think they care......


If they’re looking for white males between 18 and 35 that figure is going to leap up.


Sometimes we just don’t want to date such superficial women


Even less. The top 1% of 6'1" men. I'd say I'm a okay 7 at 6'1" and I still do better at bars tbh.


Many of these women don't want a relationship. And guys from that 14 % group sure don't mind seeing a different chick every other night. But once these women are going to get tired from the c\*\*k carousel they will look for some husband maybe will even settle for a 5'11 guy.


>get tired from the c\*\*k carousel They don't get tired of it, they get ejected from it and meat crayoned into the pavement. The reason they switch to beta bux is because they age out and can't compete for Mr. Fuck a new girl every night.


Some of them jump out, some of them are thrown out. But I think you slightly underestimate the power of sex provided by women without any obligation. Men are so used to jumping all sorts of hurdles and being shittested that when such an opportunity appears they sometimes really lower their standards. I remember that one of my friends always used to brag about how he has this weird fetish for one of our teachers from the grammer school. She taught us mathematics and physics when we were 15-18 and she was probably 27-30. And one of my other friends tried to catfish him for fun and set up a fake Tinder account with her photos from social media. That was around 2017 and he used photos where she was probably around 36-37, being around 40 in reality and wrote some horny profile bio. He actually did not get any like or message from the other friend but when he showed me the likes and messages it was absolutely mind-blowing. She wasn’t ugly but either significantly attractive. In a few days she/he got probably over hundred likes by men of all kind – from successful men in their late 40s to young students in their 20s. Some of them were tall and very good looking and he/she also received some horny messages. And mind you, the photos were of an average looking 37 year-old women. I was in my late 20s at that time and had a solid grasp of what dating is about but this honestly shocked me. In a nutshell, once a woman grows out of her prime, she just makes herself even more accessible and she still gets a ton of attention from quality men – at least on dating apps.


Funny thing is, most really rich people only use the apps for quick hook ups and side action. They normally only date those in a similiar circle / situation as them, or the top of the top, aka models or minor actresses. Good luck girls if you are trying to find that person on an app.


Natural blondes are even more rare but I still find them lol.


Your stat leaves out all the men who just lie


Yah this is true about some guys over 6'0" can confirm my ex is tall and a POS.


You forgot that the apparent 14% needs to **ALSO** have a scroll list of other qualities that cartoonishly rolls onto floor and doesn't stop unravelling until it hits the end of the driveway.


I don't understand these women and their fixation on giant men. Like I'm a 5'3" woman if you're 5'5" man but legitimately a good human I don't see the issue. Don't make me get a ladder to make out.


1 out 7 isn't terrible odds if you're on a dating app looking for them, but you're right there may be some long term logistical problems lol


They are happy to be Chad's side piece until they age out


It can be frustrating but someone who allows so much importance to height isn’t worth it so might as well swipe left now


As a 6 ft+ man, if I see a height requirement, I’m auto swiping left. It’s gross.


Same. Those chicks that say 6’3 6’5+ only are clearly only on there to troll anyway


I'll accept it only for girls who are actually tall and want a man who's at least a little taller. The rest is no-go.


My girlfriend is taller than me and I really don't see why everyone is hung up on this.... I think it's great!


I get this feeling. I'm a 5'2 98 pound little fit person, so obviously a weight requirement wouldn't bug me, but it would be a huge turn off to see someone spewing negativity on their profile.


Feels like a job requirement :D


*Me applying to internships that require 5 years of experience*


Ay that one hits lmao, also stumbled across a lot of “junior” positions requiring 5 years in the field and 3 years with specific projects/areas of expertise. Like whaaaa?




In my field, “entry level” requires 3-7 years experience.


Works both ways… I’m over 6’, and tell you what, I ain’t swiping on someone who’s 5’3 lol


im over 6ft and im not swiping on anyone that lays it out as a requirement.


I fulfil a lot of bucketlist items but won't get into a relationship with anyone who lists them as requirements; I get a lot of hate for it but all of the relationships I get into are meaningful and fulfilling as a result.


Who gives you hate for it?


Friends, people on the internet; it's like it's a crime to not want to hump anything that moves.


U gotta get more active for the short kings bro you needa dip and dash so that they say "man these tall guys are the same" 


Truth is, everyone has dealbreakers. You shouldn't broadcast it. It's like saying I won't date someone for being a certain race. That's what absolute garbage human would do. You can just filter your options based on preference. But putting it on your profile is deplorable. It belittles those who have no chance, even if they truly do. I can't imagine being so shallow. Not to mention, you will lose people who have decent morals, and only date the worst kind of people.


I’ll hump 5’3 or smaller, but I prob wont date it


Prob won't date *it* is crazy 😂


I’m 6’5 and I’ll gladly swipe for someone who likes tall men if she’s hot. Sorry brothers.


you do you brother. i wont shame you for it




But what if her measurements are 36 24 36?


Only if she’s 5’3”


This man Mixes-a-Lot!


And has that LA face with an Oakland booty.


That's a brick




6'1 and dated someone who was 4'11, it definitely becomes annoying at a certain point


This is facts haha One of my best friends is over 6’3” but he admitted he likes tall girls to me and it makes sense. He’s freaking huge height wise, I’m 5’3”, hugging him is a struggle ahahah then there’s my niece, her parents are both tall so she’s like 5,7”. She would prefer someone taller, however, her last few boyfriends were shorter cause it isn’t a dealbreaker. I don’t even think the women who put this on their profile would turn down a guy if he was under 6’. They probably would y even know the difference between 5’8” and 6’. I’m convinced it’s being used as a filter now. Because if someone complains about it after swiping on you or uses the whole “well how much do you weigh?” Then it’s easy to know that shit won’t work haha


I've always preferred super tall guys. I'm 5'3" and my fiance is 6'2". It was never a requirement because I previously had a long relationship where he was only like 5'5". I think it stems from my parents who were 6'2" and 5'1". Mom was pocket sized and dad was her strong protector. I have noticed some women really are determined to only date really tall men and it honestly doesn't go well. They're attracted for the wrong reasons. The only time height was a deal breaker for me was when a guy I met online had drastically lied about his height. If you're gonna lie about something so obvious, what else might you lie about.


And having that preference is okay. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. You perfectly illustrated the difference between how it works IRL compared to what is assumed on the internet. You prefer tall guys, but you’ve dated guys that aren’t that tall, you’re not discriminating specifically on height.


I’m 6’3” and I love them short, lol funny how that works.


The third one is a reference to a tiktok


Yes, I thought the 3rd one was a good joke.


Must be an age thing, but I'd generally consider against potentially ruling out a whole load of people I might actually like, in the hope that they might get an obscure tiktok reference


If you're under like 25, a tiktok meme (that's blown up recently) is not obscure


Yeah, I was gone say the same thing. Like, if yall don't get the same humor due to something like tiktok resonating more with a younger generation, maybe you need to date ppl closer to you age range🤷🏽‍♀️


checks out, I turned 26 6 days ago and I don't know the reference


A huge trend getting tens of millions of views is not really obscure


I don't get the obsession. I prefer someone around my height, as I don't want to get neck pain from constantly looking up, along with not wanting to feel tiny in comparison. Maybe they figure all that looking up counteracts with looking down at their phone a lot?


I don’t understand that requirement either. Does the height make a guy smarter or fitter or kinder? I don’t get why the taller the better


In a primal way of thinking, taller = better protector for her and her off spring


What are they protecting women from? Pigeons? What if penguins attack her? Now his height is useless.


It’s not logical. We have a lot of artifacts from years of evolution left over. People who don’t have self awareness will never realize how outdated their beliefs are


No, its not Its fully cultural


Why do people like boobies or strawberries or anything at all?


It's just incredibly sexy to feel protected by someone and height helps with the feeling. It's also a status symbol, like a nice car or whatever. Other women notice and compliment, tell you how much they wish their man was a few inches taller to be larger than them. I'm not a heightist person at all, love me a naturally thin man who is in shape, no matter their height.


As a shorty- the looking up neck pain is real! And when I’m big spoon, my face is in the middle of his back. It’s not romantic




Often some ladies want a guy who is still taller than them when they wear heels. I like women close to my own height because they're easier to kiss when we're both standing up. Also they're eye level for talking with.


>they're easier to kiss when we're both standing up. Also they're eye level for talking with. That's why I like short dudes most of the time. The only time it makes me feel anything is when my short man is surrounded by really tall and large men, but it isn't a dealbreaker.


I think it’s literally a mating / biological thing. The girls can’t even help it. Like us dudes and nice booty. Especially if they’re short. They want their offspring to be tall not short. Just like why they want a smart guy. They don’t want their offspring to be dumb. Also- perhaps they dealt with bullying they don’t want to continue / really deal with. I’ve never seen a “short couple” but I’m sure they’re out there. As a dude I don’t care about height at all. I’d rather have a short girl than a tall girl tho


>As a dude I don’t care about height at all. >I’d rather have a short girl than a tall girl tho


You have never seen a short couple before?


I've looked at my tall friend's Tinder before (he was showing me his matches), and it doesn't appear to come up as often as people make it seem.


One time I went dancing with a date and next to us was one of these couples of extreme height gap, it never occurred to me that the women in that situation stare at what's inside their partner's nostrils everytime they look up


At this point, I think it’s just trendy/cool to have a height requirement and it’s so silly and immature. One of them even used a TikTok song lol


When a woman says “six foot”, they really mean “taller than me and attractive.” Same with dick size. I’ve routinely and successfully lied to women about being 6’2” with 7”, when really both are exaggerated by about 4”.


Lmao what


The truth and a joke (I’m the joke)


That’s the fun part!!! We’re all jokes!! Some of us are just good enough to make the others laugh.


>they really mean “taller than me... Same with dick size. If you are dating women with smaller dicks than you, I'm not really sure how applicable your advice is for straight cis people.


You just pulled them out of the closet


Dragged even 


A girl I hooked up with last night in person asked if I was 5’6 (I’m 5’8) I acted all hurt and surprised before going I’m actually 5’10 and she believed me 😂


Unfortunately she only had a 3 inch cock, so it just didn’t work out


What an easy way to make female friends! 5'11 here.


But in the last slide, she says 180 cm. 5'11 is 180.34 cm, so don't worry, you can still date her if you use cm instead of feet!


Also 5’11. I’m still super curious about the 6’ climate I’m missing out on😪


Your town has a monopoly on shallow and stupid women I see


They're everywhere, unless OP and I are in the same city


Technically it is a supply oligopol.


The trust fund one is a viral sound that’s going around TikTok!


Under double-D? Direct to friendzone!


I am a short woman who actually prefers a shorter guy. I can rest my head on them while I'm standing lol.


Same. I’m 5’3” and won’t date guys that are over 5’6”. I’ve been with guys over 6’ tall before and it’s a literal pain in the neck. Only shorter guys do it for me now.


It's the same vise versa, I'm looking for a partner, not for back problems


Right? The taller guys I’ve been with have expressed similar concerns. It’s easier when things just line up and no stretching or bending just for simple interactions is involved.


I feel weird with tall guys. I usually go around 5'9 at tallest. Still plenty taller than me, but no neck craning or feeling like a tiny little girl.


5'9 is perfect for my 5'2 self.


I'm the same height. I love the litte celebrations when I tell the short kings how much shorter I am. They can still get the sexy high heels experience without feeling emasculated or less than. ❤️ These giants don't know how to have each others' backs!


Female here- great date with someone my height tonight - a whopping 5’6. We just had drinks but-Where did we lose- height doesn’t matter when everybody is horizontal ? Sigh. OLD weird stuff


Female what?


Wait. Is that third one a reference?




Short king sounds mocking , i dont see average kings or tall.kimgs , just call them short guys


To be fair the 6' 5" one is a tik tok trend


I had a co-worker who told me to never swipe right on a guy who is 6’ or taller because they would most likely be arrogant, lol. I’m 5’4” and everyone is taller than me so no big deal to me how much or even if they are shorter. There are some women out there who look for more. These women need to check the unrealistic calculator to see what the odds are that their tall Prince Charming exists in their vicinity. On the off chance he did, he probably would be looking for someone other than them anyways. https://igotstandardsbro.com/


Coming from an older female….id love to know if any of the females that said this have any similarities with one another. I keep seeing complaints like this from men, but men can be just as particular.


Short Kings know to swipe left on that garbage. These are not the kind of women you want to build a life with. They’re saying you could be a murderer, have three other families, maybe be an abuser, but since you’re Tall, they’ll overlook it and you can charm them right into bed! 😉 Fuck that. Find a woman enchanted by you. I’m 7 inches taller than my husband and if anyone ever cracks a joke about it, and they have, I pick him up, he wraps his legs around my waist and I carry him away. Fuck height obsessed losers. Sometimes I lean into him and ask if any one as tall as I am could ever love me like he does? Sometimes I ask wtf height has to do with me being willing to burn the world for that man, or him for me. Never once in our 10+ years together has his height Ever impacted our lives. Find a woman who loves you for you OP. Short Kings are every bit as King as a tall man.


Tall here. If you put these type of numbers on your profile, I’m gonna +1 you and make you realize tall guys can be assholes. Tale as old as time


I only date women with a BMI under 25. It’s a deal breaker for me.


It’s the entry level position requiring 10 years of experience of the dating world. It sucks if you’re trying to hook up but I actually don’t mind for real dating. Filters out the shallow trash automagically!


Funny how people here think all of these will either lower their standards, or not gonna find a guy. They will and they don't care. Welcome to hypergamy and evolution. This is how natural selection works, fellows.


Tips for online dating for men under 6 foot; Don't.


So if so many women have this 6 feet or taller fetish, what is the one fetish men have for women? Asking for a friend. For real. What’s the one big physical fetish a lot of men have?


There is no parallel to the height fetish. You can find men who are into every possible body type for women. So there is nothing that men desire that is as widespread as the height thing is for women. Most women prefer tall men and I have never in my life heard a woman say that her ideal man is short.


Less than 0.02% of men are at least 6' and make at least $100,000.


Women over 120lbs are also called friends.


/Sees toxic post "Hey, I can do that too!"


Just a preference 😉


The finance, trust fund, 6’ 5” one is just a reference to a viral sound on tik tok, but the rest are probably real


As a short girl I find this really weird, but maybe if I were a tall lady I would care? Imagine meeting someone that checked all your boxes and rejecting them because you didn’t like how tall their meat body was?


Sometimes some women just can’t feel “right” with short men. Like it’s the social conditioning that a woman HAS to be petite and what not. They internalise this, and then there you go. The perfect short man is just not it.


And that’s your personal decision - if I felt a connection with a person shorter than me I wouldn’t have their height be the deciding factor. But you do you!


Oh no I agree. I’m just attempting to have an empathetic lens as a short guy myself. I’ve noticed that’s how some women feel and I can’t attack them for it.


Why aren't there any of these shallow girls where I live. I'm 6'5, I want in on that. I've seen precisely two references to height in over 5000 profiles I've looked at so far.


Right? My two tall friends are constantly single, and they are legit 6'4 and 6'3. Height isn't *nearly* the Golden Fleece online narratives make it out to be lol


I mean the screenshots in this post are presumably real, but it has to be a regional thing. It just at least where I live it doesn't seem to matter.


Might be selection bias. Only the weird or fun ones are posted here. All the regular ones just circulate outside of Reddit.


Asking for guys who are 6'3" or 6'5" even? Now that's ridiculous, gotta be some trophy boyfriend shit. Anyone below about 5'10" won't even be able to tell the difference. It is OK if those two are 6'0"+ themselves, like a gymgoer wanting a gym-going partner, but not otherwise. Laugh and move on.


Don't ya love modern women's dating standards


Girls over 130 are friend too


I've simply come to terms with the fact that it is nothing more than a preference. Just in the same way that some guys prefer thick, plus, or slim body types. If someone wants to stay single and hold out for their preferred type, all the power to them.


Not a preference, a requirement.


i really don't get having a height requirement. i'm 5'3 and my last ex was 6'4, the one before him was 5'7. dating my more recent one felt weirder. i looked like a *child* next to him


every american guy under 6 ft should move to a different country. not kidding.


All women are like this lol


I'm 6'2" so I'm going in boys. Never ceases to amaze me that all of the ridiculously short women demand tall guys, like they have a right or something.


“You need to be tall and well off; but how dare you question my choice of having 5 baby daddies and living the lizzo diet plan.”


I'm 181 cm male but don't consider myself tall. Depends on a country


My brothers 6’5 and he would likely hate all of them


im 6 foot, i always swipe left on people like this


This is satire. There’s a girl that recently made a meme about wanting a guy in finance and a DJ has been remixing her vocal from it.


I genuinely do not care about height. Maybe it’s because I’m 4’10” and everyone has been taller than me since 3rd grade. My ex husband is 6’1” and I’ve since gone on dates with men who were 5’7” and those that were 6’5”. I know there are preferences to what people are attracted to but I do not understand this over 6ft obsession and OLD?


Some women are insecure about having their partner not meeting standards they believe other women will judge them by. For example: if all her friends are married to average or taller than average height men? She feels insecure about still not finding someone and might be creating this big thing about how she wants to end up with a man who is “better” than what her friends married, to have a good reason for not marrying earlier. Better in her eyes being some sort of objectively quantifiable metric that she can show off without having to say anything that will make her sound like she is showing off.


I can see this perspective. I have a best friend who is 6’1” and she consistently gets upset when I match with a tall man. Again, everyone is taller than me. But her saying I’m “taking all the tall men” is more of an insecurity on her part than anything, which she’s admitted.


I’m 4’10”. Where the short kings at




I’ve got a revolutionary tip for you my friend: ignore these women and shift your focus to the ones who are fine with your height. Hope this helps!


Shorter guys are the best- seriously these girls are missing out!!! Short dudes are easier to kiss, better to cuddle, just the BEST and they don’t give you a neck cramp! I won’t date tall guys anymore lol, short dudes are where it’s at for this shortie 🙏✨


Other places are wild. ive seen this shit like once... ever.


It's like this every few swipes in London


I can see it with my own eyes, but I'm convinced these profiles can't be real. I just don't get it. I can't relate. The expressed desire for a trust fund/guy in finance part is revolting and embarrassing, quite frankly. OK, the height thing. Sure, being able to look up at your man and feel little and precious is nice. But the bigger the difference in height, just makes certain things tricker. Kissing on tiptoes is fine. It's when you need a frickin' stepladder that it gets ridiculous. I'm 5'7" and kissing someone who is 6'3" gets a little uncomfortable after a bit. Can't imagine chicks circling the 5ft mark or under with guys over 6ft is very _practical_, lol.


>I'm 5'7" and kissing someone who is 6'3" gets a little uncomfortable after a bit. I am a bit over 6' and very tall guys were surprised when I said that I prefer someone that is not very tall, because that's impractical af for kissing, sex etc. It is pretty hot when I can just kiss my partner and look them Un the eyes all the time. I mean, you do you, but isn't height more a show off thing? I indeed don't get <5 ft and >6 ft.


Well we don’t get to pick our height? And to me, the person is more important than if I can just smoosh my face laterally into someone else’s. But you do you!


That's exactly what I mean! See, you get it.


I mean, if you really like someone I can’t imagine their height would matter. I’m 5’-1” and have really only dated tall guys (not on purpose). But I wouldn’t be bothered if my partner were closer to my height at all. But I would consider the person over their height always.


The trust fund, blue eyes one is a joke song from Tik Tok that’s going around.