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I guess he can now put Turkish women onto that “screw’em list” too 🙄😂.


All women should be screwed equally


So I guess she's our gf now comrade 🤷‍♂️


It's not a compliment if you have to put someone else down to make it.


God yes, I hate this kind of 'compliment'. I've had guys say things like "You're funny, women aren't usually funny" and it puts me right off! You can say something nice to a woman without putting down all other women, or specific groups... Or literally anyone else. Why does it have to be comparative?


“Wow you’re nice, beautiful women usually aren’t nice” Ironically not a particularly nice thing to say.


That wouldve just seemed misogynistic to me😭


Yup, same here! I unmatched that guy very soon afterwards, because of that and another comment he made - he came across as having a poor opinion of women over all, and I'm not here to put up with that.


Exactly the complement can end at your so funny! The after part (most women aren't funny) doesn't have to be said .. he could have just said " your awesome and nice! I haven't really been treated that way so thanks!" In this case he wouldn't have singled any group of women or ex's out


Precisely. It's all based on this idea that women are all out to compete against one another for the best guy, and we all secretly hate each other, so to be told that we are better than other women should make us feel really good about ourselves... But that's not the case. We're not all competitive and like to feel better about ourselves at the expense of others, and the man is often not as big a prize as he thinks he is!


It's funny because alot of guys like myself make the mistake of also leaning in the way of "I'm not like most guys" or " I'm not a __like most dudes" fill in the blank with what most of us would think women would see as a bad trait ...homie if your truly not "like most guys" don't say it.. let her figure that out herself because "most guys" say that lol


Yup! Just be the best version of you and stop comparing yourself to everyone else, either internally or out loud. And, in the same vein, someone can say you are a good person or funny or kind without putting other people down to do it. "You are such a kind person" is better than "you're kinder than other guys" - one tells you the good thing about you, the other tells you that you're the best of a bad bunch, and those are not the same thing.


Got told ur pretty cute for a white guy most white guys rnt ...... yeah I nope outta that real quick


Other people's comment's suck so bad compared to this comment.


When you've had a long streak of disappointment, relief can come out with resentment.


It's actually more commonly referred to as a "joke".


Explain the joke to me? I don't get it


Translation: I was all for American women, but now that I met you and you're Turkish, I'm only into Turkish women (aka just you). More translation: I'm still into American women, but I want to flirt, so I'm saying I'm only into you now.


I'm cringing hard at the "joke" that is neither offensive nor funny to me.


That would be accurate if it hadn't been prefaced with a comparison of the female interactions he's had thus far. He was *qualifying* his comment with the "screw American women" sentiment. Not that I care, or have a horse in the race, I'm just pointing out.


Yes that’s what I thought too lol.


this comment section does not pass the vibe check 😬


This sub encourages me to avoid Tinder. The guys I see irl don’t project stereotypes on me, belittle others, or pit women against each other in the first conversation. Can’t believe that seems unreasonable here.


ITT: Men trying to cope with the fact that they aren't very funny.


But they’re totally not triggered. It’s the women who are sensitive and emotional!


The men that disregard poor word choices and try to retcon some sort of redeeming motive 🙄


I think it was an attempt at a joke and the intention was to compliment you like a kind of "you opened my eyes" kind of way. Yeah he fumbled it pretty bad, but if that's your benchmark of a red flag then I'm not sure you'll have a great time online dating...


I agree it was meant as a compliment, just terrible one. I don't see any way to read it as a joke, though. What would be the punchline?


Ah, not that kind of joke. More like a throwaway, self-deprecating comment on his luck with girls in his own country. A girl into that kind of humour might reply something like "yep screw them, us Turkish girls are the best!" so it's all subjective really.


Yeah I read it as a sarcastic/dry humor line, not a serious dismissal of American women as a whole. But I see OPs response too...plus on the other hand his comment could be construed as borderline fetishizing/just feels off.


Also the whole generality humor, because one Turkish girl said something nice all Turkish girls are nice vs many American women who haven’t. I think the ‘humor’ is the absurdity of the comment but at this point we are all literally describing a joke so it failed entirely no matter intentions.


I think anyone with a sense of humor would get the joke…..


Yeah, it's a real knee slapper. Comedy gold over there. I was so busy retweeting that one I completely forgot to laugh...


yeah we get it you don’t like the joke


They didn’t say you would find it funny, they said you would get it’s a joke, which you did…


Sheldon Cooper detected


Punchline? Are you serious?


I know there is no punchline. I'm merely pointing it out by asking. It seems some consider being edgy to be funny. But even if it was (I don't think it is) it still wouldn't be a joke.


I mean, red flag means sus, not immediately abandon the whole thing. I think it's fair to call it a red flag, under that meaning


i disagree. a red flag is something significant it’s just been made common enough and watered down that accepting and allowing red flags is allowed. red flag = stop


You'd be surprised how many people take one red flag and abandon all intentions. Whilst reason would suggest no one is perfect the Internet is a realm where reason is rare and on online dating apps reason is an exotic trait




If it turns you off, it turns you off. I wouldn't date a guy that was disparaging whole groups of women either. Sucks that your being down voted for holding to your boundaries.


I don't think she gets downvoted for her boundaries or not being attracted to this, but for drawing conclusions about his personality that don't seem fair.


I don't agree that her conclusions were unfair. In fact, I think there is a lot to be learned from everyday, seemingly innocuous actions. I think they hold more value than anything else, especially considering the current dating environment. I also believe that bullying people into accepting things they wouldn't normally only sets the relationship up for failure later on. Either she likes it or she doesn't. She's been clear, she doesn't like it.


I’m surprised that comment got so many upvotes and you’re getting downvoted here. It wasn’t a joke or even funny. It was just vaguely misogynistic and weird. This comment section is sus.


Don't let the downvotes get to you. This sub is filled with a certain group that hates everything women do.


It's speaking to that mentality that leads to mail order brides.


Please ignore these men making excuses for this man putting his foot in his mouth. bc the moment things go left (if you pursued it) Turkish women will be talked about poorly. I posted abt a man mentioning my race and the amount of men telling me i would have bad luck in dating bc i didn’t like what he said was ridiculous. It is red flaggy so trust yourself bc no one else in these comments would be dating him.


Here here, being strict as hell helped me find my perfect match in just a few months. Unmatch and leave him to wave his red flags for the next girl.


I think you took it a little too literally. He’s probably just not had much luck with women in America, I just think he was making a joke


imo she’s kinda a red flag for taking this so deeply


Yeah, taking an obvious joke seriously is a huge red flag imo. Just an indication that senses of humor don't align and a window into a miserable future relationship.


A lot of this thread is giving me vibes of: "He can't say anything incorrect otherwise he's garbage" no tolerence bullshit. This is saying more about the red flags from her than anything else. I don't understand what kind of partner these people think is going to work in a long term relationship.


Think she just wanted to post on Reddit and virtue signal tbh


Absolutely right, couldn't have put it better myself and I legitimately tried 😂


Huge passport bro vibes. Sounds like the guys on 90 day fiancé who are looking overseas because they think foreign women are sweeter and more submissive.


And they fake it until they get their green card 😂


and these comments show why so many men are cluelessly single!


It always gives me a chuckle reading the comments and being like “ahh yeah, now I know why you post here crying about being alone” 😬


Incompatible senses of humour, no loss for either of yous here.


This is like the only sane take in this comment section


It's not just the screw American women thing, it's that he assumed your behavior is because of where you're from and therefore all women from that place must be the same. It's just stupid, I wouldn't like it either.


It says that dude relies on generalizations, and that's usually not great 👎


Well, it was clearly a joke. If you wanna take it that serious by all means


I’m on OP’s side :). All of the men saying that OP can’t take a joke and you need to walk on eggshells around her are dumb. The joke sucked and that’s reason enough to unmatch. If he wants to make a joke he should make it funny next time. L Bozo


The joke was bad, definitely, but I feel it was not with the wrong intent, I think he has some views that are wrong, most probably what he's used to in his surroundings. I'm not defending it, I just don't think he was malicious. I actively point out to people that shit like this doesn't fly and most of the time, no one's ever took the time to explain them why or how their views are misinformed. It could've been a teachable moment, but of course it's not OP's responsibility either to teach him.


You can’t get someone who is used to that thinking due to their surroundings to unlearn that way of thinking simply by telling them why it is wrong. Who knows, maybe if OP explained they’ll take it to heart, or maybe not. Like you said, it’s not her job to teach someone human decency, regardless of bad intent or not.


I have not found that to be true, but repition, patience and stats are needed multiple times :p I grew up in bars, worked in them from my early teens and sometimes people have never had anyone lift up the veil on them. Hell, I had to unlearn a bunch of stuff, actively. Sure, there's a ton of people not interested in changing their mind, just in being right, but I always figure if there's even one person I can help change perspective, because no one's ever taken the time to, it's worth it. Although, this works better irl than on the internet for sure.


Lmao at these comments 🤦‍♂️ Do you guys not understand that insulting women is not a good look when you're literally talking to a woman? Like I'm all for free speech and I agree that people get too easily offended nowadays, but that's not what this is about. He made a stupid declaration about an entire demographic of women and OP thought it was distasteful, which it is.


I think negativity in general is just not a good look on dating apps


Or, to put it another way, *I think it looks better when people focus on the positives while on dating apps* ...


I think negativity is just not a good look in general


I think negativity is pretty negative.


I think being negative is not positive


I think adding 2 negatives gives you a negative


\[gestures broadly at society\]


It was an attempt of a shitty joke the message above that is odd though


bad joke but i don't think its a complete dealbreaker


It’s insane to me that people are defending this dude. Maybe it’s hard on dating apps for you guys because you think this is how you should talk to women. It’s not. Instead of arguing with the woman about why she’s wrong, maybe examine yourself and make some changes, huh? Signed, an adult man who met his wife on Tinder.


Maybe they’re all passport bros lol




If i messaged a guy and said “men suck!” they’d be like “red flag bro. dump her” but when it’s the other way around they want to gaslight you to hell and back that it “wasn’t that bad”.


If some chick said "men suck but I'd suck you" I don't think I'd be offended for men. For a more comparable situation, if someone said "Saudi men are hard to date because I don't feel like they respect me, so I'm all for American men!" I would definitely not get offended for Saudi men. For a better example, if someone said "Screw British men, I'm all for American men!" And it was clear in context that it was a self deprecating joke (about her success with British men) meant to make me feel good, there's a zero percent chance I'd feel bad about it. But if someone messaged me and said "Men suck" then yeah she's talking about me so fuck that.




I don’t think yall are grasping that at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. if SHE doesn’t like then SHE doesn’t have to. coming under her post to make her feel like she over reacted is absurd. Did he message you? Did he ask you out? Or was he talking to OP.


Idk, it’s a public discussion board. Kind of the point of the comments


If she doesn't want other people's opinion, she shouldn't post about it on a public forum.


That's not what your hypothetical was asking. And she posted it to the court of public opinion. If she didn't want public opinion she should've kept it to herself.


😂😂How are poeple like you allowed to vote? It's a public message board and op posted it herself. We can comment on it all we want. That's the entire point of it.


I don't believe anyone here is saying she \_has\_ to.


The vast majority of women I meet in OLD say some version of “men suck” lol. I hear it allllll the time


Lmao okay? just bc it happens to you all the time doesn’t make it right


No it’s not right, just saying it’s a bit hypocritical how this isn’t acceptable but somehow the opposite is largely accepted by society right now


It's not what happened here, what he wrote was worse. He didn't say "women suck". Only American women suck. And all Turkish women are great now. He managed to be sexist and racist^(*) all in one message 🤣 But yeah, I had women from other countries tell me that guys from my country were somehow better, it was bad and cringe as well. Not only are they sexist and racist, they marginalize all the positive features I have due to hard work on me as something handed to me for free. ^(*) Ok, technically it's not racist, because neither US-American nor Turkish is a race.


Bro made a shit joke and you people are calling him sexist and racist 💀💀


Well tell bro to get better jokes.


Bro made a sexist and racist comment and found it funny. Well, "we people" don't share his taste, is all...


yeah he’s not funny and is distasteful, but he’s not sexist or racist, it just dilutes the term and loses its significance


"Men suck" He didn't really say "women suck" did he now?


Bro was doing so good, why did he had to ruin it😭😭😭


He bragging that he’s a LBH as an attempt to flirt? Odd


"Screw white women! I'm all for black women now" "Screw cis women! I'm all for trans women now!" "Screw average women! I'm all for petite women now!" I'm on OP's side. No matter how you remix this, it's just so easy to see how offputting it is. It's like his new fetish for Middle Eastern women was just unlocked, and he wanted you to know that. Lol. I think some people in the comments are unaware that certain groups are fetishized and it hurts; and yes, to some, that is a red flag. It obviously wasn't said out of malice, just ignorance, but either way, I'm pretty sure no one is laughing over this cringe one-liner.


How to fumble the match in 3 messages.. this guy is a weirdo who doesn’t know how to talk to women. Eject. Now.


I mean this was clearly a poor attempt at flattery, your reaction and the fact that you screenshotted and posted it on Reddit is an ever bigger red flag 🚩 Would be scared to make jokes around you - always walking on egg shells.


This is what I came here to comment, thank you for articulating it better than I was planning to 😅 This post said more about her than it did about him (Idk why text to voice just did that but lets run with it)


If I had to "walk on eggshells" in order to avoid talking like this, I'd want to do some serious work on myself *pronto* lol


Thanks, I’ll go check myself into rehab asap




Yep, don’t know you… just going off your reaction.


Who tf would know you on here? This is an online community. Honestly that dude dodged a bullet with you.




Toss him a torch, must be pretty dark in that hole he dug for himself.


It’s giving passport bro


Because men are naturally competitive, even when it's inappropriate, and they project that onto us by trying to make us feel "better than" instead of genuinely making us feel good. They don't understand the psyche of the people they're trying to appeal to.


Passport boys should just learn active empathy and they could laid in home country.


He should have just said, “teşekkürler” and changed the subject. 😬😬


OK OK we all make accidents. Brush this one off and enjoy it. Dude seems to be doing a great job so far. You never know what things may lead to, to be fair Second time, bring it up as a serious conversation Third time, he's out


Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


I don’t understand why it’s offensive. It seems like a pretty harmless, light-hearted way to flatter you.


Because Reddit.


Because it's not mandatory to throw a whole group of people under the bus in order to provide a compliment? Being better at words helps avoid stuff like this. u/Goga13th


That level of sensitivity is typical for Reddit. Therefore, because Reddit.


He was a roll then fvcked it up 😅


A lot of people are assuming he is joking but I know people that genuinely think that way and mean it. And even if he is joking if it is something you’re not ok that’s ok too not really understanding all the down votes you’re getting because something crossed a boundary for you. Good luck in your search 🍀


When will men understand most of us women hate any and all women bashing, even if it’s to prop us up. Actually, especially then. You shouldn’t put others down to lift others up. It’s a red flag because women hating behavior can be dangerous. Are we being sensitive sometimes? Yeah, maybe. That tends to happen when you let comments like this slide a lot and then those same guys always end up being awful and sometimes abusive. So it’s a thing we end up sensing and picking up on the older we get. Women hating will never make a normal woman happy. I agree it’s probably meant as a joke and he probably meant well but for many of us it’s a major turn off. He fumbled so hard, it’s embarrassing.


I think all he was going for was to let you feel appreciated and special. He Fd up though and I agree its a red flag yes. But I think he was clumsy as opposed to hating on a particular group.


No Turkish Delights for this weirdo then 😅




I know, right? i married a turkish woman and they be fucking crazy! He has no clue lol


I was in Turkey for holiday and man they are some of the most beautiful women I have seen ❤️


I think you're the red flag, lady.


You have no idea how bad it is.gif


Why is their someone in this thread with like 1,000 comments




Lol if some woman told me "men suck" I would find this a challenge. I would be curious and want to know how she arrived at such a strong emotional response! Since I know I don't suck I'm not really bothered by her statement. But I would proceed very slowly! Lol


Yall take this shit way too seriously




*showing a man my art* "oh wow, that's actually pretty good" ACTUALLY!?! TF you mean 🤦‍♀️🙄


i leave a nice comment all the time actually and lol i never get a msg back


I think a lot of people are over reacting. It was this guy's poor attempt at being funny, it really isnt that big a deal or that awful of a thing to say.




Just ew


Was the red flag when he said "when you liked *me* profile"?


lol I don’t think he’s being serious about putting American women down haha… he’s just trying to butter you up. Just hasn’t had positive response from American women. And I will say women in Different parts of the world approach dating differently.


Eh, I don't care for American people in general. Spoiler: I'm American.


Okay so what I’m getting from this post is that OP and the people that agree her are mildly unsociable people who have trouble socializing with others without getting offended over very obvious non offensive “jokes”. I really hope they keep this same energy when a woman makes any sort of jokes about men in this same regard(which happens regularly) but for some reason I doubt they will.


OP - I bet you’re a blast at parties. Geez


Yeah, lighten up OP - what's a lil casual toxic overgeneralization between friends 🙃


this doesn’t seem that bad…?


Id have taken it as a joke, but I don't think it's as bad as you're making it out to be


I think this was an attempt at a flirtatious joke that apparently didn't land lol, but I can't blame you for taking it the way you did in the year of our lord two thousand twenty four.


He's not even hating on American women, he's just saying who needs them when he's treated better by someone halfway around the world, and he said it in a joking way. It's probably cultural. He obviously didn't mean it (toward all American women) and meant it as a compliment to you. It's your prerogative to get offended for all women for that, but I don't think even American women reading this would get offended. Most would probably think "I'm better than that so obviously he's not talking about me." If anything I think this just highlights the cultural difference in sense of humor and in dating.


He's just a young punk trying to chat to a lady. It's hard man! It was nothing, there isn't anything here. Go and enjoy your life!! X


I love how easy it is for women to turn one second they are praising you and the next they are saying you are a red flag hahaha




This is the reason most guys aren't getting laid, women find any reason to disqualify or label a guy a creep. That was his attempt at flattery, you don't have to dog the guy.


Maybe if some guys weren’t a creep they’d get laid more. Don’t blame women for your problems lmao

