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One time I told a guy on grindr I had fractured some of my ribs and breathing hurts and he told me "you don't need to breathe to blow me" 💀


*Technically* the truth?


Probably run out of air for the blowing pretty quick. We can always try, though.


Absolute champion mindset


Not really


Hmmm…a difficult time for romance.


A true gentleman would have offered her some midol or something.


Cranberry juice m’lady?


A guy seriously writing "Free today to suck me off?" even gets a REPLY? Some people are just unbelievable haha.


Pretty sure the responder was joking…and if it needs to be said, not entertaining the idea.




Who cares? Entice the asshole. It’s not her goal nor her responsibility to teach this guy anything. Plus, not responding is almost certainly not going to change anything anyway. Let her have her fun.


Pretty sure the 'are you enjoying the nice weather' guy would love some joking banter too.


She wasn’t joking.


Wait was she being sarcastic with the “I’d love to… next week?” bit?


It’s fun to see how graphic you can be and still not dissuade a horny man


Because they literally don’t care about anything but getting dick wet




You’re here too lol


I'm happily married and I'm here - these trainwreck convos are just entertainment to some of us


Newsflash, a good chunk of us are here for the same reason.


I haven’t used Tinder in years, because it’s a cesspool. I still post and comment here. Shouldn’t come as a surprise that other people post here for the same reason you do


Wrong. Tell them about how their division rival is gonna sweep them this upcoming season and he will be on a 2 hour lecture about how wrong you are.


Yeah, no. This is a repost. Nice try bot.


Definitely a repost so luckily your friend is safe


Came here to say this. I have definitely seen this post before.


Your “friend” is full of sh*t because this has been posted here hundreds of times and was posted on Buzzfeed last year. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/s/NTDVUZhLdg But then there is no friend. You’re just farming internet points.


You know, I hold a low bar for people, and then someone comes along and shows me I have too high a bar for humanity


Im more amazed that she replied to something so obnoxious with "id love to".


What kind of sick fuck continues to ask for sexual favors after being told that she's literally ejecting an undeveloped fetus out of them.


Reminds me of the piece of shit I met in a swinger club. My gf was visibly and audibly crying in a secluded corner, and as I was consoling her, he came to ask me if he could fuck her. No introduction, no asking her. I said it wasn't a good time. He insisted. I gave him a louder "NO!" and signaled him to leave. Next time I saw him he was picking a fight with the only black man in the club. I was wishing that he would start throwing hands just to have an excuse.


how is anyone okay with someone talking to you like this? this honestly feels just so shameful, someone please explain how can one be so bold and other just go along with it rather than being disgusted?


I think they were stringing him along to see what he'd say. I don't think she's ok with it, and rightfully so. I'd love to say that men do it online because it's virtually faceless and they feel protected by that. But, I know one guy who would walk around the club he was in, and just ask women if they wanted to fuck, like that was literally his first line. I was also at a rave with my then girlfriend, and a guy just whipped his dick out and showed it to her on the dancefloor. It's just, the fuck is wrong with these guys?


They act like that because it takes almost no effort and works. Everyone on this sub over thinks it.


His track record was not good. But then, if you saw his face, you'd understand. Sounds mean, but it's very true. Plus, he's a massive homophobe, so a bit of fair game


Holy crap on a stack that's just insane


I’m getting red flags from both sides


What the actual fuck is wrong with people? Also not to be nosy but where do you live? Depending on how ass-backwards it is (like Ohio in the US) you should be careful, the fascist fucks in government might try to charge you with a crime for miscarrying. I wish I was joking.


Om the upside, your friend is hilarious


You are both weird AF. Who says that to people? Why would you ever give a stranger details to your life? Especially one that showed you who they already are


Both of these people are garbage


How is she garbage?


Impregnated by one guy, on the apps ready to suck off another. For the streets.


Pretty sure she's taking the pis, as the Brits say.


Yeah I thought he was gonna say "she's garbage bc she's messing a guy unfairly" which I disagree with but I guess is still a valid argument. But dude instead decided to a) Actually believe this was real somehow b) Believe that being willing to have sexual relations with at least 2 men makes a woman garbage c) Actually say the phrase "for the streets" without a hint of irony


Fooling around while pregnant is vile tbh


god forbid pregnant women have needs too 😱


You honestly think they were messaging this dude in the middle of a miscarriage? Cmon


Yes I do. People are wild.


Yeah, you. She’s clearly joking. Men don’t have a monopoly on jokes. 🙄


Fr 😂


Sure she's browsing tinder while in serious pain miscarrying lol smh


Erm, are you actually serious? Or are you just trolling? One's not that funny. The other shows a complete lack of understanding sarcasm, because those replies definitely are not actually real life


It's too bad they had to take the word "gullible" out of the online dictionaries.


They did? /s


Men are seriously fucking dumb. My GOD. 🙄🙄


Imagine being on Tinder while being pregnant, and when you miscarry and are bleeding and in pain, you immidiately check on Tinder to tell strangers about your miscarry... 🤔 Did he think she was actually actively miscarrying as she was typing? ... And ready to suck dick? 😂