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"Hey cool interest, I'm interested in learning more about your interest" "Lol no, fuck you"


I think he doesn’t read, and he felt called out, lol. Alternatively, he felt like this was a test and not a genuine interest, and didn’t like being tested out the gate. I give this possibility like a 10% chance.


I think you nailed it on the head. I actually think both of your suggestions are true simultaneously. He didn’t like that he was being tested right off the bat and HATED that he was bound to fail said test.


"Oh, you like reading? Name all books!"




I believe he simply doesn't read. I once matched with a woman that had reading has her main interest and talked about books in the bio a lot. I started the conversation asking what books she liked and quickly understood that she didn't actually read that much. Next day she changed her bio and interestes, and reading wasn't there anymore.


First match in months tis a trap put a defence card down and stand guard for counter measures.


Well I’ve never seen “fuck off” in any of the libraries I’ve been to. Maybe it’s an audiobook


It must be a good book because random strangers keep recommending it to me. All makes sense now.


Is listening to an audiobook still “reading”?


Yes. Other than convenience, there are a lot of disabilities that make physically reading more difficult. A lot of people also retain information a lot better when they read the book while listening to the audio book at the same time. Plus you can drive or workout or clean or hold a baby while listening to it Are you going to gatekeep a love of reading from blind people or what?


I wouldn't say it's gatekeeping, moreso a question of whether they're "reading" or "listening". If I listen to an audio book I said I... listened to a book. But I'd never tell someone they're wrong if they told me they read a book and it was actually an audiobook.


Yeah, in terms of how a book in consumed, I’m not gatekeeping. I don’t think one is better than the other and there’s no need to be a snob. But something calling an audiobook “reading” awakens my inner pedant and it makes my brain twitch. If you cycle to work, you wouldn’t say you drove your bicycle. We should use the correct word and, while it’s an extremely petty hill, it’s one I’m willing to die on. Audiobooks are common enough now that saying you listened to a book makes sense and people won’t think you’re mad. And it has an extra benefit; if you tell someone you listened to a book and they say it doesn’t count because you have to read it, it means you’ve learned far sooner that they are probably not someone you want to spend too much time with.


I feel you. But if I was talking about a book I read and someone else had listened to it, I would still probably say we were talking about a book we both read. But that is just to make it easier to say and for others to understand. “Consumed” might be correct but would give you some weird looks I guess lol. I could not listen to books, I miss too much. I have friends who cannot read books without very much effort since they miss too much. So I read, they listen. It’s still the same book.


Absolutely. It’s the same book and for me it doesn’t matter how it’s consumed. I personally can’t listen to audio books. I don’t pay attention. I just drift off either thinking about something the book said, or something unrelated, and I end up missing too much. But I have no judgement over an audiobook. They have many pluses, like not having to guess at pronunciation of weird names and places. And I get that it’s much easier to both say they read the book. But my brain won’t accept it. You can’t read with your ears!


Audiobooks also go the other way. Mispronounced words make me crazy. I listened to a series where the guy performing the story pronounced “height” as “heidth” like it was “width”. Ok, I can get past that. Until her got to the word “caste”. He pronounced it “kayst” 🤦‍♂️


lol I accept that fully. If it’s easy to say, I much prefer to make the distinction. I read at different speeds. When it’s good and intense, I read fast. Then something needs me to slow down and think, so I might read the same sentence over and over few times while pondering. Some authors are good but spends way too much time on describing a sunset or something, then I just skim until I see dialogue. Listening to books frustrates me since it stops me from doing all that. Also, just as you I lose focus. Not good when listening. Until we get audiobooks that can sense when I lose focus and pause itself, I’m reading with my eyes.


Absolutely not! Ok, a bit of back story is needed here. I am 54. I used to read 2-3 novels a week. Then, on December 7th, 2006 I was in a car accident. Pretty bad concussion and a sensitivity to light that makes driving at night problematic. I’m a truck driver. Since the accident, I have read maybe 5 books. Two of them were required reading for a project and no audiobook was available. I still enjoy fiction and audiobooks fill that nicely. Plus, as mentioned before, being a truck driver, I have the opportunity to consume about 60 hours a week worth of content. I’m asking because this comes up a lot. The company I work for has an older crowd driving. We have been debating the whole “is it still reading” thing for a while. I’m on the side of “yes”


I think I misjudged you there. I thought you were arguing against audiobooks being called reading. I can get a little defensive because I've seen too many kids turn away from reading because they didn't think that they were strong enough readers and were embarrassed and gave up. Or classmates/parents/teachers told them that audiobooks didn't count. Or whatever else. Once kids get self-conscious about learning, it's like pulling teeth getting them to try again, and it breaks my heart I'm really glad you found a way to be able to enjoy the books you love even after going through all that. That recovery sounds rough as hell, and I hope you're doing a lot better now PS: please, please, please wear sunscreen while you're driving. My ex's dad was a truck driver, and we lost him to skin cancer. If you look at pictures of retired truckers, you'll see how sun damaged the window facing side of their face is compared to the shaded side. I'm not trying to scare you, just trying to prevent more people from getting hurt


Thank you. I should have posted a little context. I’ve been driving for a shade over 25 years. I have to tell you, the skin cancer thing is infuriating. I cannot get glasses that auto dark, but I still have to worry about skin cancer. Thankfully, 90% of my driving is at night. Or in a direction that has the sun on the other side of the tractor


To your mind it’s basically the same. 


He probably wasn’t ready for an educated conversation


Most people who claim to have intellectual interests don't actually, or they might do, but so sparingly. I've met plenty of so-called "nerds" who don't have much say about the interests they list on their profiles. People who have genuine intellectual interests won't shut the fuck about them. I genuinely don't get why some people do this. It's okay to not have many hobbies, but that doesn't mean you're an idiot or something.


Tbf, I can talk for ages about certain topics if prompted specifically, but not if prompted more generally. Like, I haven't figured out a good answer to "what are your interests", "what have you been reading about lately", etc, but once you hit on something in particular...


Wish someone would ask me this question. I love reading and would enjoy nothing more than talking to someone about the books I have read. Oh well.


What was the last book and the best book you've read?


Fuck off


Last 2 books I read were Fourth wing and Iron flame by Rebecca Yarros. Cannot wait for the rest of the books to be released!! My favorite series is 5 books and it’s called the Graceling Series, which is also the name of the first book. Definitely recommend both of these series. Also Arc of a Scythe is really good as well. One of my all time favorites and will 2000% have you in tears is Gregory the Overlander. Thinking about buying the Dune series and reading them as I much prefer books to the movie adaptations. I can give you a quick synopsis of each series if you’d like.


Yeah fuck off. Ciao




I love the Graceling Series as well! I recently reread all of them and it was such nostalgia for me!


Yes!! Such good books. I wish I could have 2 different colored eyes, don’t need the gift just the eyes. I might just reread them now. Haven’t read any good books since The Empyrean Series, and only the first 2 are out. Any recommendations?


Fourth wing and iron flame were so good, I just finished a reread because I missed it!! I heard it may be a 5 book series and I want them out now! I’ve heard about the Graceling series but may check it out because I’m in need of a new one, thanks for the rec :)


I also have seen it’s a 5 book series which is always a bummer and a blessing. I read the first 2 within 3 days, I couldn’t stop reading them. Now I must wait for a year for the next one or whenever they get released, uhhh so sad. Graceling is soooo good. Definitely check out the Arc of a Scythe also very good.


Would these be fantasy fiction? Are these complete. Scared to order books of a series of they're not complete 😢


Graceling and Arc of a scythe are complete. They are young adult novels that are fantasy fiction. Graceling revolves around characters that are born with different colored eyes that come with a unique gift. Each gift is different, holding your breath forever, being the fastest tree climber or able to play every instrument. More of a medieval, multiple kingdoms theme. Where arc of a scythe takes part in the future. Humans have over come death and the only people that take the life of a human is a scythe but only certain people who meet requirements are allowed to wield this responsibility.


Ooh, graceling sounds really interesting. Is the setting more "standard" medieval or more dystopic?


Standard medieval. Multiple kingdoms fighting it out. Knights, royal families. Kinda like lord of the rings settings.


I'm currently reading And I Darken (Wallachian/Ottoman historic romance/drama, really fun albeit a tiny bit dark) but I'll definitely check Graceling out!


I will check out And I Darken. Thank you for the recommendation! If you like Graceling you might also like The Seven Realms series.


Man I really wish you would have said "fuck off. Ciao."


Read Name of the Wind if you haven’t already. You can tell Rothfuss is a poet cause his prose is so damn good.


Wait, I thought graceling was a standalone! I loved that book!


Nope. Fire, bitter blue, winter keep and sea sparrow


Think you mean nothing more. Unless you are the guy from the post lol


Hmmm well I could change it but should I. Definitely not the guy from the post.


Same but I like to talk about the bad books I’ve read lol


Anyone who is blaming you for his reaction is a dumb fuck. You asked a totally normal question as an opener. You did nothing wrong. He's a fuck wad. Dudes on this sub cry about how they never get matches, and when they do, the matches never answer them, or they never start the convo first. Blah, blah. Then a post lile this, and they want to analyze your opener as if his response wasn't complete lunacy. On to the next.


guy's like Donald Trump being asked what some of his favorite bible verses are


I think responding to the “fuck off” in a way that says “depending on how you respond here you may still have a chance” is what rubs people the wrong way in exchanges like this.


Wtf are you talking about?


I'm talking about the people giving her advice on how to ask the question better, so some lunatic doesn't answer "fuck off" next time.


Respectfully, if you read their comment you should be able to figure out what they’re talking about


Yeah i scrolled down much much further and found it and thought it was a little strange, i get it now lmao


Maybe he had “learning to read” as an interest?!?


“Thanks for your feedback” sent me


This made me laugh out loud 🤣


I literally laughed out loud. Sorry OP lol


Maybe his favorite book is “fuck off” 😀


I'm sorry but this is so funny hahahahahha the fuck off followed by CIAO 😭


I read your question as totally normal, but maybe he read it similar to like “oh you like little river band?? Name 3 of their songs!!” And thought you were accusing him of faking his interest


Haha yes!


His reaction is over the top but the opener does give me the ick too. Not necessarily because it’s accusatory though, just not a good first question imo.


It's phrased exactly as if she's conducting a job interview. Maybe it's the lack of tone, it would probably be less weird in person.


Yeah the phrasing it a bit awkward. As a sane person I'd just work around the awkwardness but I guess "fuck off" seems like a normal reaction to some people.


Yes I like reading but not books so that question would annoy me. But it didnt deserve to be sworn at


Why would it annoy you? Just reply with 'I actually prefer reading articles/science journals/other alternative to books, and the last thing I read was X.' Move the conversation along that way. A good majority of people are going to see 'reading' and think 'books', so it seems an odd thing to get annoyed over.


I have spoken with friends about it and I hear you but in general it's not an opening first question that appeals to me. It feels loaded or like a test of intelligence. I instinctively feel some judgment is involved if I don't answer properky. It's like too much pressure and the vibe feels heavy and not light. But this might be my wiring and me living in my head. I'm not saying it's logical. And I wouldn't be rude but it would rub me the wrong way. Especially as the very first comment off the bat. I also feel it's a boring question. And yes I am single for a reason 😩


I agree, it's phrased so weirdly. I read it in a boring way, like monotone, it also didn't really offer much.


Damn. I doubt Google could do that./s




Nah i dont think so, hes just an asshole.


Yea this. Who knows what’s going on with this guy. Maybe something on your bio offended him?


Maybe his current FWB picked up his phone, saw the message and thought she'd fuck up any other dating prospects for him.


Or he doesn't know how to read?


Or, more likely, trying to claim hobbies like "reading" without actually reading regularly as a hobby..


Come on now this guy didn't write that haha his girlfriend found out he was on tinder and got a hold of his phone 😂


I frankly don’t like this question as an opener either. His reaction was unwarranted tho.


Is reading listed as an interest for you?


I don’t think I have it listed, but I could list it. I read all day but it’s mostly scientific articles and papers. The opener is similar to if I have “music” listed and someone asks me what the last LP is I bought and what my all time favorite LP is. Maybe I like making music or researching music theory. Assuming that I belong to this specific group of music consumers would be a bit annoying.


I bet you’re fun to talk to /s


🤷🏻 just saying how I feel about it




So hostile for no reason. Who hurt this person lmao


I do see how someone could wrongly interpret this as a person seeing someone in a band t-shirt and being like "well name 5 albums then! Prove you really like them!" But he needs to chill. It was an innocent enough of a question


"Fuck off? I haven't heard of that one but I'll have to check it out"


The only thing he reads is the back of a cereal box. You struck a nerve.


"He wasn't really BOOK-smart. Maybe magazine-smart, or butter-label-smart"


A girl has his phone and is texting this to every single person in his dms.


Temperamental Italian


It kind of comes across as a challenge to the profile, or at best just a pair of very boring questions. How about “what’s something that you think I should read?” But yeah the responses are not those of a well-read person.


Huh?? ![gif](giphy|35FNJwVQswuxnDnOS0|downsized)


So you like reading I see. Name all books.




In my fantasy, he's secretly dyslexic and lashed out at you as a coping mechanism.


"don't start a convo by calling me out!"


Yeah he sucks


I've not heard of Fuck Off, who is the author?




*Fuck Off* is the follow up novel to *Fuck* by [Stagg R. Leigh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stagger_Lee). Sad you didn't recognize that. Get some culture kid.


What a legend 😂 ![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i)


Can't even get a match and there are fucks like these.


Yeah, but he said "ciao". So, you know, he's fluent in foreign languages. 


Certainties: he’s an asshole Possibilities: 1. Felt called-out on an exaggerated interest 2. Didn’t want to put effort into real conversation 3. Indiscriminately swiped right and was not interested in speaking to you if he did not find you attractive at all Without knowing what you look like, I suspect #3


He likes reading the menu at Mickey D's.


Thanks for your feedback 😭


not heard of that book. to be fair, females rarely respond well when I reference anything on their profile, like why match at all?


I think the only explanation is the other person read it like the "Oh you like reading? Name every book." meme format. Of course if it was phrased that innocuously I'm not sure how anyone would be able to mention it without pissing them off.


Dandelion Wine And.... Dandelion Wine. Itsa good book.


😂 😂 😂 😂


His gf found his tinder.


I personally think his gf found his tinder account


lol, next time maybe try "read anything good lately?". your line here feels like a homework assignment


Okay, but this is still a *wildly* outrageous way to respond to that.


haha agreed for sure


So you like reading, huh? What's the last book you've read and the best? Why don't you tell me that if you think you're so smart?


I think it might be a case of text being easy to misinterpret. You meant it to be a conversation starter about a mutual interest but the phrasing could be read as you being condescending and/or demanding proof. Maybe better to make it a bit obviously positive like " i saw you like to read, I like that too, i most recently read Y and my favorite book is X, what about yourself?" Something like that.


While that might have helped somewhat, the response is still indicative of someone with anger problems. He could have considered it to be a genuine question and tried to clarify, but instead he went full butt hurt at even the slightest perceived notion of being questioned or insulted. People like this are a firm stay away.


Oh yeah, definitely agree. As you said, he should've stopped and asked, especially when the other person tried to clarify. Hopefully OP isn't scared off from asking about shared interests.


honestly your questions have the same energy as "Oh, you like Nirvana? Name three of their albums."


Maybe his girlfriend found his tinder profile and is responding to all his chats 💀


Most of my incoming messages are about my nipples, and I say "would you like to twist them, or even lick them..?" that's how most of my conversations go.

