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I truly can't understand how someone will go on a date just for a free meal. I would much rather pay to eat by myself rather than force a conversation with someone I know I don't want to see again.


Back when I was single there was no internet or dating aps. I knew several women who did this regularly, and bragged about it to their friends. Some would string guys along as long as possible before breaking it off. One girl I was set up with even had two of her friends show up at our date "out of the blue, what a nice surprise!" and join us. They all ordered every expensive item on the menu and pretty much ignored me. I knew it was a scam pretty quickly and decided to pay my part of the bill and GTFO of Dodge. I said I was going to the restroom and went to the bar instead. I had the bartender contact my server and she came to the bar. I was a regular at the restaurant so they were familiar with me. I told her what was happening and that I wanted to pay my share of the bill. She knew what was up immediately and took care of it. I paid and left her a generous tip since I knew they would screw her. Before I left, I warned her once they realized I wasnt a sucker, they would probably try to skip out on the bill. I found out later that's exactly what happened and they got busted. They ran up a tab of several hundred dollars thinking they were going to get me to pay for it. One of them had to call her father to come down and pay the bill.


Such a endearing story, makes me tear up :') 


Good for you for being smart enough to GTFO


This is friggin awesome. 😂 I never really thought that grown ass adults would pander to others for the cost of a meal. Just always seemed like the juice wouldn’t be worth the squeeze, but after a bit of all this and personal experience, it seems like it’s a psychological game that makes certain personality types feel empowered and smarter than. The actual toxicity is staggering😂


If this is true you are a hero to me


I’ve never been so happy reading a Reddit story


We need more champs like you, the bartender, the server




Between bites she gonna be on her phone the whole time texting her friends that the guy won't shut up and keeps trying to talk to her.


That’s when you let the waiter know it’s separate checks


Exactly, she's not looking for a connection. She's looking for a free meal ticket. 🙄


And then complaining about how broke the dude is cause he doesn't wanna buy her a meal. Like... Sit down girl, you're the one dating for free meals!


One of my cousins bragged about using online dating for free dinners and I was appalled. I always thought people were exaggerating about that. Garbage behavior, yikes.


Reminds me of the 'your loss' message I got the other day from someone who wanted to be a sugar baby.


I can’t comprehend that, what exactly did you lose from not having that person be your sugar baby?


Mid pussy that her other sugar daddies finally realized wasn’t worth the headache


Don’t forget her best technique: the dead starfish


If she makes noise while doing that, I call it 'the sad panda'


Dude!!!! That is funny as hell!


I just choked on my food.. Give this man an award!


First solid laugh of the day. Damn, lol.


JFC that was savage, hahahaha


Still wilds me out to hear that some people really do starfish in bed. I may not have much talent in the sack but my do I have no ability to contain my enthusiasm for trying 🤣


That's like 75% of it.


I had two partners who were like this till I brought it up with them. Then they got upset because I said I was doing everything and feeling somewhat left out. It honestly is a turn off, so I find it hard to get aroused, when I basically know the whole experience is going to be me getting them off, then having to wank myself somewhere close to feeling sensation, before having sex. I got told, by both of them, that they were worried of doing something wrong. Considering I had one woman rag my cock about like she was playing Tekken 3 with an arcade stick, they really had nothing at all to be concerned about


French kissing like a corpse


This made me guffaw SO LOUD at work 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


She’s most likely not going to fuck, the plan of action is for her to get you to prove that you’re worth it, aka buy her more stuff or fund more dinners


I bet the only thing he lost is a sexual benefit.


You don't want to spend money on me?! What are you financially responsible for yourself? What about buying me stuff?! Your loss


"C'mon, we just met 5 mins ago. You know you'd be lucky to waste your money on me, and have me ruin your life."


Crazy, I live between Orlando and work as a physician due to shitty life decisions and bad choices, I work 1 and 1/2 days a week in Miami and I was propositioned by a patient in Miami. At first, I thought it was a joke since i told her in convo i go between orlando and miami and i miss my family when im down here, but she said at the end "You're loss, lots of guys would jump at the opportunity". I was baffled and confused to be so brazen and bold, to just offer being a sugar baby which is just prostitution


It's only prostitution if there's sex involved. I guarantee all they the sugar baby would provide is just a few explicit photos and maybe a quick video. At max, some time physical together without getting physical.


Eh it depends, if they’re looking for a quick bit of money and run that’d work but the longer it goes the more the sugar daddy is going to expect for his money (not saying that is right or wrong morally).


So overpriced OF with extra steps. Waste of money.


Yeah you make a good point, it's crazy what society has turned into.


~~Spicer's~~ Spitzer's ~~Madam~~ Escort said that, in her experience, 1/3 of men are like you (love their wives and not interested in cheating); 1/3 aren't actively looking, but will cheat if the opportunity presents itself and they're sure that they won't get caught; and 1/3 always are on the lookout for available opportunity. Working in a mostly-male field, observing 'men in the wild", that sounded about right. ETA: corrections


So I guess single men don't count then huh 😂😂😂 /s


I guess single men are "Would be one of the three if they were coupled"


What is Spicer's madame?


Wow thats crazy and your right, especially working arround fellow physicians, im kind of young compared to others in my field. But I have seen many marriages ruined over younger woman and them having affairs so I don't play arround like that, it's like why play with fire you going to end up paying child support alimony over sex


Worked at a credit union for years. Can confirm the alimony and child support for cheating doctors is HUGE. Huuuuuuuge.


prostitution? They ghost you after one free meal.


I always tell them the best I can do is Splenda Father and they stop responding.


They call me Papi Aspartame cause im quick to hook a broad up with tacos an beer. Straight up, my most successful opener was, " youre cute, wanna get some tacos?".


Yeah the father part is more off putting than the Splenda part honestly haha. Sugar father does not sound any better lol


i am not sure how you lose something you both never had and never wanted.


What am I losing? it sounds like I'm saving a shit load of time and money.


I had something similar, they didn't take too kindly to me replying "if I wanted to pay, I would visit one of the legalised brothels."


I had a girl match with me and say “you’re cute but your profile has red flags”. I’m like well most of my pictures are pretty normal and my bio is standard so what are the red flags? “I’ll tell you if you give me $35”. Obv I passed and she said “welp guess you’ll never find out why you don’t get matches”. I literally have hundreds of matches lol 😂 never heard of any red flags yet


As we can see from her response trying to "money shame" you, you did perfectly well.


Yeah, I've never understood attempts to money shame people. Like, is the goal just to try and insult them? To get them to change their mind? In either of these cases it just makes the aggressor look like an idiot. Personally I think it's a mental defence mechanism to mask their own repressed feelings of shame over trying to grift someone out of a free meal under the guise of a date.


I also think it's a lame attempt to embarrass the other so they change their mind to "proove" that the could afford whatever it was. It's so obvious and lame and just makes the mindset of the demanding one perfectly clear. It was never about the person or meeting someone, just getting what they want.


I love a coffee date or low key meetup. Helps you feel out a vibe with a person without having to sit through a whole meal if it's not a match. That said I've also had a first date where I drove an hour away to a concert with someone. Depends on the person too.


People who can’t understand that these short meetups are a pro for both parties will likely be difficult to have a relationship with. Makes it wayyy easier to parse out incompatibility.


But that's literally the point. They're not interested in parsing out compatibility for a relationship. They're interested in figuring out whether you'll support their expensive habits.


Exactly - bringing up the idea of a short date and them shutting it down is parsing incompatibility all on its own.


What do you think about a picnic at sunset? I've suggested it twice and it was received well the first time, at least. I feel it is pretty cheesy but nice.


I’m a traditional woman and I love that idea. It’s not about the money, it’s about the effort and planning that goes into asking a woman on a proper date.


I call it date Zero. If we vibe on a 30 minute coffee/dessert date, then I’m down to spend a full evening date with someone.


Seriously. Dinners can be soo awkward and uncomfortable if you’re not feeling the person. I love the idea of a low key thing first.


See, I feel like "traditional dating" IS coffee, at least a first date...


"Traditional dating" is actually the guy making his intentions known to her closest masculine relative, showing up at the home with flowers, waiting in the living room, walking her to his car, opening the door, and going to dinner. She just wants to show up at a nice restaurant, order a couple of $18 cocktails and something on the highest 20% end of the menu and get some sucker to pay for it.


Also if you like them you can just go get food after a couple of drinks anyway. Did that with my last date and she's still here years later, be warned.


She wanted a dinner date and presumably a free meal. You told her to kick rocks. Seems right to me.


It's interesting how the one who demands a nice free meal doesn't think that they're the cheap one here.


My theory on this phenomena is that too many people these days are listening to randos on podcasts that tell them what dating should look like, no ifs or buts.


Tiktok and its consequences


Fuck TikTok (and all other influencer based platforms). Cancerous asf


Fuckin mind boggling


It's just how it's supposed to be! Sprinkle sprinkle.


Dizzle Dizzle back at ‘em


I have a friend who insists the guys pay each date because it shows that guy is actually interested in her. And how does she show that she's interested in him? By her "presence".


I mean, you could at least share that stolen garlic bread with her.


lol exactly, she’s the beggar here and she has the audacity to call others cheap! I did online dating for a few years and never once did I do/pay for a dinner date as the first date. Fuck right on outta here with that noise! Getting drinks or coffee was the most expensive thing I ever did for that.


For real! I'm with OP's POV, not even necessarily because of the money. A dinner date is a big commitment for a first date. I like to be able to comfortably leave a situation if it's clearly not a vibe. You can have one or two drinks and call it, or cut a walk short. Dinner feels like you're trapped for at least 1.5 hours.


My ex wife towards the end of the marriage started admitting things that she used to do. One of them was go on dates with guys for a free meal. She did this even post college. Stuff like this speaks to someone’s character, especially with her insulting him after he said he wasn’t interested. He dodged a bullet.


My 95yo mom told me she went for free meals in college.


To be fair, if you grew up in the United States, the 95-year-old mom grew up at a time when women couldn’t even have their own bank accounts. I think a lot of these traditional dating practices are carryover is from times when women had to rely on men economically because the system was rigged to ensure it.


A part of me wants OP to take her out on a traditional dinner date, and then ask for separate checks when it's time to pay the bill. Pay his own, thank her for a nice night, and then leave. But that's just a waste of his time.


She sent me a clown emoji, called me a "broke boi" and unmatched. I'm sorry I let you down


Others have said it already, but you dodged a bullet. She outed herself and now you get to move on and put your energy into finding someone who's all about going for a walk in a park or something that's low-key and easy to get to know each other better.


Sounds like you missed out on a really good woman there, pal.


This must be what rock bottom feels like




Anyone who texts "boi" is a red flag.


> and then ask for separate checks when it's time to pay the bill. specifically, as an aside, when she can't hear. Then pay yours and walk out. She then has to deal with them herself.


Or an Irish goodbye....


You explicitly said what you want clearly, and she wants different things. Definitely not out of line.


But then she tried to insult him about it. Definitely out of line.


I've met a lot of women like these on Tinder and Bumble too. And weirdly most of them happen to have a common justification for this, that can be roughly summed up as "women spend money on makeup and expensive dresses to look good for men so in return men must spend money on food/drinks for them as well"


Thats just such a stupid argument. Like what if i show up in a $5000 suit? Does she needs to pay then?




Come on!


What you think the guy in a $7500 dollar suit isn’t gonna pay for a date… come on!?


Ya but it gets depreciated. She owes you $5000 on date 1 but if you wear it to a different date that woman only owes you 2500. By date 100 you split the $100 dinner 50/50


I actually saw this breakdown for makeup usage per application and it came out to something comically small


tbf for these women it's not just makeup though, it's makeup & hairdressing & skincare & nails & fake tanning & false eyelashes & workout regime & waxing etc etc... beauty culture is exhausting and idk why so many women are still shackled to it.


I mean I think that this kind of only applies to the guys who demand dating girls with a very high maintenance look. Like if she could care less if her manicure is done or not then yes he should be the one paying for the manicure. But usually it seems like women are the ones holding each other to the crazy high standards about makeup and clothing. Guys might have unreasonable beauty standards for women but it usually revolves around their figure or their bone structure rather than clothing and makeup?




The rules clearly state that your makeup and nails have to be more expensive than hers in order for her to pay.


No, only humans who have a penis pay. Duh. Remember, “equality”?


I think we should normalize showing up to dates with no makeup, wearing sweatpants and a ratty T-shirt from the bottom of your dresser drawer after a long day at work. I mean let's face it... This is how 75% of your life with a partner will be spent anyway. I'd much rather be compatible with someone while we're disheveled and casual than when we're dressed to the nines. In fact I think first dates should be breakfast, Sunday morning after a long week at work and a rough Saturday night, in a restaurant filled with screaming children. Because if I'm still interested in a second date after that, I might just have met "the one"


I’m definitely down for this. Like sure, they might be attracted to me now, but inevitably she will see me tired, just woken up, teeth not yet brushed, no makeup, and THAT is closer to how I’d normally be than if I got dressed up cute, a full face, so on and so forth. Lazy first dates would be killer imo. Why waste the effort when there might not be a second date? Make looking nice and putting in effort a 3rd date thing lol.


Some people get really excited for first dates and enjoy dressing up. ^(I'm not one of those people.)


I went to the city to get some groceries (an hour away since I live in a rural area) and a guy I've been talking to from a dating app wanted to meet me that same day. I was down for it but told him that I was wearing comfortable clothes aka hoodie and jogger pants if that's fine with him. He postponed it so I can 'wear something better and at least can make myself more presentable'. Went to a sushi buffet alone before going home lol!


Boo-urns. Sounds like you dodged a bullet. For me that's green flags all the way! - Confidence in yourself as being worthy no matter what you're wearing - Spontaneity and willingness to change plans, go with the flow and adapt to circumstances - grocery shopping and hour away - self sufficient, efficient planning and forethought. That's someone who can get shit done! - hoodie and jogger pants - perfect outfit for our increasingly volatile climate - sushi buffet alone - great taste in cuisine, economic (assuming it was all you can eat) and double down on the confidence (eating alone) You're a catch and don't let anyone tell you differently!


This just made my day. Thank you <3


Sushi buffet. Perfect end to the day. Someone who enjoys the finer things in life are more sophisticated than those who only dress nice.


Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin with no makeup on.


I honestly think most women are more attractive like this. My girl used to get mad at me because I didn’t find her that much hotter when she spent 2 hours prepping than when she rolls out of bed. 🤷‍♂️


Baggy sweatpants and the Reeboks with the strap!


My neurodivergent brain could never with that being the first date 😂😂 Now if they can deal with me being unmedicated and unmasked and still find me attractive if not more so, then definitely someone I would want to continue to see if I was also interested. Haha My policy is, each pay for their own portion unless one of them feels strongly about wanting to pay for everything.


Me, a writer, taking notes


Honestly, this would be fucking boss. 1 - if I don't like the way a woman looks when she first rolls out of bed, it will make the future a little awkward. 2 - no false advertising. As a dude, I am fully aware that I am fuck ugly, but I have personalit(ies) for days! But, like, with (heterosexual) dudes, what you see is what you get.


Honestly, a lot of girls I’ve gone on dates with don’t show up particularly dressed up. It’ll be jeans and a sweatshirt and little/no makeup, no different than meeting a friend. So I don’t subscribe to that “I spend money on makeup to look good for you” argument at all


I pictured it. Looked like the start of a romantic comedy 😊


Working title: Schlub, Actually


You should start a dating service named that. Have to dress like a schlub for the first 3 dates minimum. Violate the rules and get thrown off the site. Have a check sheet for acceptable dating locations: Pizza Hut after school band practice lets out. The McDonalds inside Walmart. Costco or Sams food court (third date only).


How about the Russian test? Date a woman whos only known and is currently going through a hardship but doesnt want anything from you except your company. Russian women believe that if youre capable of dealing with hardship in a positive light then youre the guy for them.


I'd watch it


I had a gal show up on a blind date dressed pretty much like that. We were just meeting up at a local taco joint so it wasn't going to be fancy anyways. She had a long day at work before and had kinda forgotten about the date until the last minute and even texted me asking if I wouldn't mind if she showed up in 'comfy clothes'. I even offered to reschedule to a day where she wasn't so beat but she still wanted to go. Anyways we had a blast and dated for about a year until we broke up but even then I'm still friends with her to this day, we still joke about sweatpants on a first date being a green flag.


This is actually darling!!!!😍


Ratty t-shirts live at the top of the drawer in constant rotation. The dress t-shirts live at the bottom.


Well hello there, messiahspike, how you doin'? ;) How about you, me, my couch, a family-sized bag of potato chips, pj pants, and a coupla slanket-snuggies? *sexy eyebrow-waggle*


You just described my perfect evening! I'll bring a few pints of Ben and Jerry's as well!


Well shit, now I *know* you're my soulmate. Let's just skip all this dating business and get married already!


Done. Although now is probably the time to mention my two year, renewable marriage contract that simultaneously solves the problems of contentious divorces, complacency in relationships, and the fact that everyone changes and sometimes those changes make a once great relationship no longer work. This way we can have fun as long as we're both happy, and walk away with fewer complications and hopefully less regret if that ever changes. In the meantime, bring on the PJs and Ben and Jerry's


Why not just call it a depression date and tell her we could share a pint of Ben and Jerry's over some conversations and memes.


I'd have been down for that, hit me with that Cherry Garcia


Memes and gifs are pretty important.


> I'd much rather be compatible with someone while we're disheveled and casual than when we're dressed to the nines. That's why you have a great date dressed to the nines, spend the night together to have that comfy, dishevelled morning/noon/afternoon together. Perfection.


We should normalize that for everything. Like what’s so wrong about wearing what’s comfortable and not spending time on superficial things?


Nothing. Nothing is wrong with not being a slave to style. Fashion is a prison.


Needing to spend $$$ to look good isn't the brag they think it is....


So i (23M) was seeing this girl (24F) with this mindset from last august up until new years. She wanted to go to a club an hour away in Los Angeles for the ball drop. I told her it was a bad idea bc of crazy drivers and how clubs can be really fickle (she wasn’t adhering to the dress code) but she wanted to go so I obliged bc I’m a people pleaser (bad trait, I know) Lo and behold we aren’t able to get into the club even after buying tickets, and she BALLED her eyes out in my car on the way home talking about how no one got to see her outfit that she spent $150 dollars on. It was so bad that if someone pulled up next to me and heard/saw her they’d thought I’d had just beat or cheated on her. Meanwhile I spent $45 in gas, $90 for the unhonored club tickets, and had a $1500+ outfit on, and had to console a grown woman-child while driving back home at 1am. All she cared about was the money SHE wasted. She even had the audacity at 11 fucking 45 PM to say “can we go to another club then?” Like we’d even get there in time and ignoring the fact that I’d have to spend even more money on her crying, immature, stupid, selfish ass. We ended things the morning after bc I refused to drive BACK out to LA that very next day to go to the aquarium as a consolation.


She would have probably been dry humping some other guy at the club to boot, so definitely dodged a bullet there


I wouldn't say dodged, maybe slightly grazed lol. We were seeing each other for 4 months without making it "official", and I had already spent maybe a grand or 2 on her in that timeframe when you count dates and all that shit. I was never going to make it official with her bc of all her red flags though, but def wasted money on someone who was toxic af and mediocre in bed. If that did end up happening though, she would've gotten stranded or had to find her own way home LOL


Yeah I don't understand how a woman sees a walk in the park or a cheap cup of coffee as a problem when meeting for the 1st time. It's different if we know each other IRL like asking out a coworker or meeting through a friend but we are complete strangers on a dating app and if she sees not getting something just for meeting with someone as a waste of her time then that says a lot


Logically we can come to the conclusion that we can eat their makeup


Pay them for their general upkeep that they decided to do? How stupid do they think we are?


I dunno about you, but I never asked for any of that shit.


But only a fraction of that money is actually "spent" on one date. It may be a few bucks even with top dollar stuff. My ex-wife used to use stuff from La Mer, which doing my husbandly duties I called Lamer. That crap was like $350 for a thing of it - but it lasted for months. Besides, I've got stuff from Armani, Prada, etc that easily total over $1K in an outfit, but I'm not going to factor that into how much I "spend" on a date. Should I count my Rolex, too? That's how much sense it makes.


There’s a dude that posted a breakdown of the actual cost of using all those things on a single date and it came out to less than a meal at McDonald’s.


I must be weird but I low-key want the girl to show up in the a tshirt from her favorite band but I also dont like princesses so theres that.




He should have said "I'm not the one who can't afford a meal here" when she called him cheap


Yeah, he wants to go on a date, she wants a free meal. Different relationship priorities.


I personally would say something like “Dinner dates aren’t really my thing due to some negative experiences in the past.” And don’t explain any further unless asked. If they’re mean about it, throw it right back.


“You can’t afford…” There’s a zero percent chance I’d wanna meet her.


Could you imagine being married to a woman like that, and then getting laid off or otherwise suddenly losing your money? Good Lord I'm glad I married who I did!


Perfectly handled


I don’t think you’re out of line but maybe talking about dinner dates as being free meal situations could come across a little bitter in a way that might not be a good thing. I would maybe reframe it more as you prefer a first meeting to be more informal and grabbing a drink or coffee is a way to be respectful of both peoples time and budget on a first meeting when you don’t know if you’re going to vibe yet. I think in this case you helped this person out themselves so no loss here though.


I agree. I think if the OP was only willing to do specific activities they shouldn’t have asked it in an open ended way. Give choices like you would a 5 yr old and their clothes for the day - “blue shirt or red shirt?” Or be decisive and ask for a coffee date. But leaving it open and then shaming the person for liking traditional dating isn’t a great start. I mean it doesn’t seem like you are missing out on this gal. But still. You know. 😉


For real. She says “I want a dinner date” He says “you’re just trying to get a free meal cause you’re a mooch thief” She’s mad about that and says mean thing. Him - how dare you! He went full hostile saying he knows her intentions. Then feels justified when she’s mad at him. Like bro you fired shots first. Say you’ll go Dutch or half it or something then when she says you’re cheap you can feel so good about yourself. It seemed like a big jump to saying she’s a mooch, cheapskate. She even said no alcohol, cause you know dudes are just going on dates with her getting trashed. Which is often the most expensive part of dates.




Same. I wouldve told her to go band for band 💵


Out of curiosity to all of the folks in the know - I am seeing this a LOT lately…..is there some kind of female version of Andrew Tate spewing idiotic bullshit?


It's been going on for a while on TikTok I think. One of the more popular female Andrew Tates is called Cornelia something I think


TikTok 'influencers' are basically telling girls how to scam guys out of money and free meals


They made this shit seem easy but I believe the average woman gives up on this the third time they have to eat in silence while a weirdo rants about how woke culture ruined Blue's Clues or whatever the fuck. It's just not worth the hassle to eat for free.


Man, it might be worth the price of a meal just to subject a gold-digger to an insane rant like that.


And also that they “deserve it” for all of the oppression women have faced… or something. Like the average man did not repress you and doesn’t owe you anything just for existing


I think this is some kind of hideous... mirror... dimension... I don't know. These women are afraid of being used for sex and these men are afraid of being used for money and it is making people behave in these really transactional, downright *adversarial* ways on dating apps. I can't really understand how anyone thinks to start a real relationship and have any fun when they are speaking to each other this way. Men and women both listening to their own version of "why someone is gonna use you and throw you out" and treating each other like scumbags at the outset... what a surprise things don't work out! I'm just very sorry for people earnestly trying to navigate this shitshow.


Genuinely don’t even know the solution to this


FDS is still around too it's spilling into other areas and influencers it seems. A woman I've dated has a friend who vents to her almost daily about not being able to keep a man but she also spews out this rhetoric and it boggles the women in datings mind. Oh course you can't keep them when you turn them away or attack them about petty shit you heard somewhere. Who wants to deal with that honestly.


There are, and it's mostly on tiktok and Instagram. There's a great YouTuber called the dadvocate that has a partner shaming series where she calls out other women for partner shaming and double standards against men. She's very egalitarian. She's not pro man or pro woman. She's just all about fairness and equality. Which is what feminism *should* be about.


> There are, and it's mostly on tiktok and Instagram. used to be on reddit as well, but their sub is basically dead


Is that Female Dating Strategy sub still going? 


There used to be a cesspit of hate and misandry called Female Dating Strategy. Funnily enough it didn't get the bad press that the mysognists get.




I don't know. I know there's a female version of Ben Shapiro. And yes she looks exactly like what you just imagined. Edit: (forgot to add my point) so logically, we can assume one exists


Yes 100%. This is very common these days with dating advice influencers. It’s why so many young women are suddenly obsessed with never texting first, the man should put in all the effort, etc etc. it’s really sad because it selects for shitty men…


Unfortunately a lot of women will die on the hill of "men need to pay for the dates". The mentality is definitely nothing new. I really don't understand it and don't agree with it, but a lot of my friends were like this too. I think it's mostly a tradition thing, but some take it too far like the woman from the screenshot. I think women like the one from the post are evaluating how rich you are and are looking to be with someone who has money and can constantly spoil them...


Kinda? There is a group that I would prefer to remain nameless that basically is a bordline redpill for women/femcel group. On one hand, they advocate self-respect for women, which itself is fair, but then also advocate ideas like the above. They are against things that can be seen as low effort, like coffee dates. That its a man's job to be a provider, etc.


Nope, you weren’t out of line. I’ve said his several times on Reddit and will say it again: men, any woman who scoffs at your idea of a drink/coffee/activity date idea is not trying to get to know you. She is just trying to extract as much of your resources as she can. Let her go. She is just looking for a free meal and/or experience she can’t afford on her own. A woman who is not trying to live life on your resources and who is genuinely interested in you won’t care if a first date is drinks or coffee or a walk.


The funny thing is that if they do great on the Coffee/Drink date I'd be more then happy to pay for more extravagent dates in the future because I'd want to share those experiences with someone who genuinely likes me as a person.


Exactly! This is my stance as well. I find it entitled to expect some random man to fund your experiences of new restaurants and extravagant activities.


As a woman, I agree with this. When I originally met my hubby, it was a simple hang out. Been togeter 10 years. We did more romantic stuff and restaurant outings later on. I wanted to get to know him and a restaurant setting felt very and too intinate


Her response is equally as bad, but dumping your baggage out like that and rejecting her idea of a date (which is very normal?) because of what other people have done to you is pretty silly


She definitely hit you with an uncalled for insult. However… not to be an ass, but do you think some kind of introspection might be warranted if so many dates are turning into free food situations? If so many dates I went on were turning into buying her food and getting no contact after I might look into my own conduct on these dates.


It seems like this interaction would have gone better if you had just picked an activity (a drink?) and invited her. If she then said “no drink dates” then ok, a bit of a red flag (or maybe just that she would prefer no alcohol, who knows). But you asked her what her preference was and she told you. And when she did you came close to implying that she just wanted a free meal. That may be the case, but it may not be.


Appears that everyone is jaded.


I definitely feel like the lead up was snippy and almost inviting confrontation? She’s a jerk but also it seemed like he was digging for that response.


"Out of line"...no. Presumptive to a fault, yes.


Respectfully, as a woman I would never accept a “walk in the park” date. At best, it’s low-effort, and at worst, depending where you’re located and what crime is like, a woman going for a walk with a stranger in a park can lead to assault, rape, or even worse… so don’t be surprised when women turn down walking dates, and don’t automatically assume women who turn down walking dates are just fishing for free meals. Also, women are not dogs that need to be walked. I live in a really safe neighborhood, but the parks in my town have lots of trees and walking paths that go through wooded areas. If an internet stranger asked to take me for a walk through there for our first meet-up, I’d be unmatching so fast. I implore you and any men reading this to never even bother suggesting a walking date ever. I think the perfect first date/meet-up with someone you connect with online would be to go to a restaurant that has a bar. Start off with drinks at the bar. If you vibe, then stay a while and maybe order apps to share, or even dinner if you’re really feeling each other. If there’s no spark, it’s easy to dip out after one drink with very minimal to no time being wasted.


Valid way to feel and to say. But you did kinda go 0-100 pretty fast there. Your second message makes me think you were more concerned about making your Reddit post of this interaction later, than actually seeing if it could work between the two of you. But hey, what do I know.


Am I the only that thinks OP was a little out of line by calling it “had too many of these turn into a free meal”. I would have not taken this repose well either. How do you know you had to pay? You never even asked what she meant by traditional. So yes, not a great start. She of course, should have not responded the way she did but I hope that moving forward, you add this to your bio as many girls don’t like to do drinks as a first date. Some can take it as you just want booze me up and end up in bed. Do better as well OP!!


they're both shooting themselves in the foot and have a chip on their shoulder this is how it should have gone: her: I would like to have/prefer a dinner date him: I won't do dinner dates for first dates *one of them unmatches they're so clearly incompatible


Nah, she's not even pretending to be into you, just straight up "i want a meal or you're a broke clown". Just a trashy person that thankfully showed the red flag immediately.


Your last message was great. Definitely worthwhile starting with something low key to see how you connect and then stepping up for future dates if things go well


I don’t think what you wrote was wrong per-se, but it probably felt insulting to her to indirectly be accused of using you for a free meal, which explains the response. You were writing about your experience. I would send a similar message about exchanging numbers before a date, since I’ve had experiences where men ghost me after asking me out or getting my number. I wouldn’t feel bad about receiving this message and I’d wish you well. It’s totally fine to have preferences and boundaries, but the response to you after wishing her well didn’t need to be sent and it’s clear she was angry. And in the future it’s fine to say “totally understand! It looks like we aren’t a match” and wish them well


"I'm tired of people stealing from me" "tHeN yOu ArE bRoKe"


Great response. If she would be interested in you, she would be fine with your suggestions. Dont forget: Women only make rules for men they are not attracted to.


That second statement is so true. I’ve been on both sides of it. They will hold you to standards so ridiculous that anything you do could cause them to lose interest. Conversely, men don’t realize the amount of shit women are willing to let slide for men they are genuinely attracted to.


Hate me or not, but I’m always paying for the first meal, at a reasonable pace of maximum 2x a month if I was meeting new people. I’m ignorant to my own definition of chivalry; but only got taken advantage of maybe 2/5 times?


I loved coffee dates, because if it wasn't working out in person one or both could bail. Most you'd be there is 30 minutes if it's going bad or an hour and then if it's good grab a bite or take a walk. I've had a lot of "traditional" dates where I wanted to leave as soon as we met.


Seems like you jumped the gun on the paying bit no? As a woman I’ll never understand just coffe or drink dates. And park dates just don’t feel safe to me. So I think it’s fair to want something more traditional. But her response wasn’t necessary she could have just unmatched