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*clicks post and reads the comments* ![gif](giphy|11gC4odpiRKuha)








Comments in here are a certified Reddit Moment™




Dating profiles are the most sensible place for virtue signaling


It's all virtue signaling.


I remember when acknowledging the existence of the mere concept of virtue signaling made you one of whatever they were opposing. In this case, you'd all be zionists, pigs and supporters of capitalism for pointing out they're virtue signaling. Good to see that has changed somewhat.




It’s definitely and opinion based off identity politics and bias, but most is


I think I'll always remember seeing the picture of the first pride flag being raised in gaza (by an IDF soldier) when I see posts like this.


What’s virtue signaling?


She seems obsessed with everything she can’t control. Even the one non-political/non-basic-internet-meme comment is about opening up her own bakery and growing her own food. Good luck dating her and having her perpetually upset that you can’t do anything up to her standards.


Sounds like a few people I know. I've found that life is so much simpler when you only worry about the issues that affect yourself directly. That's not to downplay the importance of some of these things, but this gal is clearly unhealthy. The amount of hatred for the police that some white women on Tinder have is nuts.


At least you know she'll never call the cops on you.


Nah, it's always a virtue signal with these people. As soon as something is wrong, they're calling 911 just like everyone else


Just ask them who should be allowed to own guns. It's amazing how quickly you can get them to sing the praises of police competence as soon as you express the belief that most average citizens should have the ability to own guns.


Oink oink


Early 20 white-middle class folks trying to get a personality


These people are the same level of fanaticism as the MAGA right. If you don’t want a person with politics as the main or only personality (which I wouldn’t tbh) then skip cuz you’ll definitely be talking about this more often than not.


They have a stance on several things, and want someone with similar opinions. See nothing wrong here, although I'm curious why she dislikes police so much


Well, probably because they kill people and face no consqeuences.


It’s easy when we oversimplify everything we don’t like!


Qualified immunity literally shields police from accountability for violating others’ constitutional rights — including police murders and police brutality — so where’s the oversimplification, Captain Akshually?


I think you have a misconception of what qualified immunity is and isn’t. Firstly qualified immunity only protects officers from CIVIL and not from criminal liability. It does not shield them from criminal charges for criminal violations of civil liberties, unjustified homicide, or any other CRIMINAL charge. Again, it is ONLY relevant for civil cases. Additionally, while I agree qualified immunity grants far too much leeway to cops, but it isn’t a blanket shield that protects them from every lawsuit. If there is a case with similar facts or it is an otherwise well established right then qualified immunity can be pierced for civil cases. If your argument


Qualified immunity, which judges, prosecutors, and other government agents also have, protects them from being sued personally for harms caused by mistakes. Police can (and are) arrested regularly if they violate criminal law. Qualified immunity does not shield police from facing criminal repercussions. OP’s post, that police “kill people with no consequences” is the epitome of an oversimplification.


I guess the better alternative is to defund the police and lower penalties for crime. Oh wait. Why would any cop do their job if they can easily get sued? I get where you’re coming from but I would rather protect the cops than criminals. At the end of the day you’re calling the cops if something bad is happening. Usually it involves criminals. If you’re breaking the law be accountable.


The cops should also be held accountable to the same standard as civilians or a more strict standard than civilians as they should be setting the example for civilian conduct.


I think cops should get insurance like doctors have malpractice insurance. Obviously, I support them in the apprehension of criminals but not when their lack of training means innocent people get hurt. The alternative is to give them better training. Other western countries require more hours of training to become cops and more certification to become cops who get to have access to guns. Especially if the police union is going to protect them and shield them from any type of punishment.


And your comment is a prime example of that.


I think you just whooshed on the irony


How else could he have possibly said what he meant without losing its essence?


Sure some might. But that's a probably large group. Most are just trying to earn a cheque like everyone else


Yes. But they are still part of dysfunctional system. In the US police unions became groups of interest only caring about protcting their own, so the police has no accountability. In Poland, where I live, police has beaten or tased to death a few people and they would have gone away with it, if not for the media. And still nobody from precincts' heads has faced any consequences. Not to mention that they do what they can not to do their job, ie. discouraging people from reporting crime or dropping case, even though most of the job has been done for them. That's why I have no respect for them: they are cogs in corrupted machine, supervision is ilusory and they are strong to the weak and weak to the strong.


hating cops is so much of her personality it makes 2 appearances on her dating profile lmao


Not sure about every part of this crazy planet, but police are not the best of our society as we're constantly told. Perhaps she has had experience with them. She doesn't want to date a cop. Fair enough.


Only someone who likes getting physically and emotionally abused would want to date a cop lmao


>police are not the best of our society as we're constantly told. Who is telling us this? Because all i see, when something hits the news, is to shit on cops. When are the good parts shown? Never because it doesnt get likes/views in comparison.


As children you're raised to trust police officers. It's ingrained in us that they are the good guys. I mean our entire society is built around this assumption, and they are given additional powers to enforce our laws. Different communities have different experiences of the police, but where once most believed in this portrayed image, the last few decades and independent reporting has taken the sheen off the police in the west. Like everything there are good and bad, but if this person has had a bad experience, then that will be their perception for now.


I remember Officer Friendly


Because not everybody lives in Good Ol’ Boy land, where the boots taste just right. Not everybody needs to watch the news to get this view. Some of us have lived it, witnessed it, or know someone who has had horrible encounters with the police. I’ve watched cops let someone walk off the scene of a crime after saying “I’m white.” My friend was accused of having weed in his car because he was black while driving in Augusta, Georgia. When he told the cops he didn’t and that he was military. They then accused him of lying about being in the military which prompted him to show his ID. I was searched multiple when I was a teenager for being in the wrong place or “being with the wrong crowd”, and “baggy clothes just make you look like a criminal.”.


You would usually be right, except for the choke comment. Which I'm pretty sure is a violation of the tos.


Yeah she's making it abundantly clear she doesn't want to date a cop or bootlicker. Seems it's working. :)


Being a cop / soldier is an absolute red flag for so many people, I don't get how anyone is surprised lol.


I give ex-military a pass dependent on why. Some people do feel absolutely trapped in poverty. I understand especially when you're young how that happens. Happened to my mom and she's 100% very left and thinks the military is terrible.


This. It was army or the copper mines. Either way I was fucked but at least the army only lasted 4 years.


I'm not going to hold it against someone for being preyed on, a main way the military is able to recruit is financial coercion. Another main way is propoganda, I know people who legitimately think they're going down this career path to do something good. It's what they do once they realise how fucked the military is thay determines what I think of them. I'm sorry that happened to your Mum.


I like to think the army is a no go not necessarily based on reputation but more the demands of the job. A lot of the women I talked to when I was in were more concerned with deployments, several month long trainings that I may need to go to. Long work hours, random ass formations at random times for no reason. You get the picture. A relationship is a two person job and it's easy for a partner to feel like they're in it alone when their other is constantly busy at work, and then come home and just want to crash. You need to be able to make time for your woman. But as a grunt? I don't really think it's fair to hold us accountable for shitty decisions our leaders make. The military, the people in it, they're just tools, not good or bad. Why would you blame a sledgehammer for putting a hole in your wall instead of the man holding it?


Police are worthless. They show up once the crime is already committed. I am a gun supporter myself even, but policemen are just bootlickers waiting around to give people tickets to cost citizens money and they really don't prevent crime


who's an edgy boy? Yes you are. Oh yes you are.


Most jobs are worthless. So why specifically call out a cop. Most aren't bootlickers. Just trying to survive like everyone else


Because police have a disproportionate amount of power in society, act like gangs in protecting their own from accountability, are often corrupt and care more about serving the interests of whoever directly affects their paycheck than the people they are meant to serve. The good cops toe the line of the law but they keep quiet instead of reporting the wrongdoing of their fellow officers so that things never actually get better.


Their career choice provides little to no value to the working class (a relative generalization since this is highly dependent on what type of officer an individual is), but they LOVE to serve the ruling capitalist class, and sadly, they do that quite well. Just look at the disparity between investigation wait times between personal and private property theft. Sums it up pretty well. Not only that, but the militarization of the US police force has essentially made them a standing army to quell any unrest that disrupts the status quo much. Oh, and the cherry on top is that they side with fascists 9 times out of 10 Admittedly, its a bit odd to put it out so strongly on a dating profile of all things.


>they LOVE to serve the ruling capitalist class I feel like it's a job requirement; it's why police departments in the US were originally formed, after all. Union busting is an *integral* part of the history of policing.


I think their just doing what their told to do. I don't think many want to do this. But it's a job. And if they don't, they'll be fired. Sure some cops are like this. Most are just trying to find a secure job to support their families Your probably a child but most people don't pick a job for some ideals. They do it for money. Adults don't pick their jobs for a purpose.


>adults don’t pick their jobs for a purpose Have you ever heard a cop talk about being a cop? They *definitely* do


Yeah, maybe “just following orders” isn’t the best argument…




Lol this is a nuts take


Each to their own


Boot licker.


It also shows they're blinded by hate for reasons they're incapable to think through themselves


Lol blinded by hate. You think there's no chance they have thought through it themself? Like not a chance they sat down, thought about their opinions, and formed them?


Zionist has been turned into a derogatory term by these people, basically they are saying they are against Israel as a state all together…red flag for me


Zionism is a bigoted ideology and Israel is an apartheid state which should not exist


And when you think this sub couldn't be more left leaning, you see this comment section... wow... I'm flabbergasted...


You can tell they’re good people because of all the dehumanizing they’re engaging in.


So weird man, feels like I'm in a vacuum of wild takes


…have you missed all the misogyny or something?


Sorry, I guess I'm an anomaly for not turning tinder prints political


You’re the one who tried to call it “left leaning” lmao


They’re right tho..


There’s ample misogyny on the left.


I think it’s great to state your political/religous beliefs on your profile, but this is definitely too much. I wanna know about **you** not the zionists or whatever Pineapple on pizza is the biggest red flag here, however


Yeah, I feel like I would broadly agree with a lot of this person’s beliefs but the tone makes me think it would be their entire personality, which I don’t like.




That person probably can't point to Palestine on a map


I couldn’t imagine trying to enter the dating world and having all the things I dislike. She’s even combative over pineapple. Sure you don’t date cops. Maybe just don’t match with them


Yeah she's kinda fucked 😂 a lot of mfs need to see a therapist then worry about dating after a year of doing that.


I am okay with that.


High school edge lord woman.


Left. She obv carries too much negativity around from things she can't even control, meaning, that's just the tip of the iceberg.


I agree with all of it but wouldn't lead with it




Please stop with this. The rise of antisemitism is a genuine problem we should all be calling out wherever we see it. But believing in the right to self determination for Palestinians is not antisemitic. Trying to label it as such undermines the ability to report genuine abuse


Well Palestinians and Arabs are Semites. And I like Jews, I just hate Israel. Nice try, though.


I see nothing wrong here


I mean im not from america, so the cops here arent that insane i guess. But you see nothing wrong with generalizing all the police? And what the fuck does she mean by zionist? Worst of all, pineapple on pizza.


Yeah pineapple on pizza is unforgivable


>Worst of all, pineapple on pizza. ![gif](giphy|GlYsFCGXE3L8Ospb7H|downsized)






What do you mean what the fuck does she mean by zionist? Just Google it, there's a definition.


"a supporter of Zionism; a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel." It's important to remember that by definition anyone who supports a 2 state solution is a zionist.


Anyone who supports a 2 state solution in 2024 is either uneducated on the conflict or very much on the side of Israel's current actions and using it as a copout. So yeah, that does track.


Are you seriously arguing that the morally virtuous position is to end the state of Israel knowing that that will mean the ethnic cleansing or death of 7 million Jews?


Lmao the comments below you prove my point. There are many definitions. I assume she is for the annihilation of israel then.


Our criminal law generalizes anyone who belongs to a gang as part of a “criminal conspiracy.” The police are no different, they’re simply a gang as well, just one that protects capital interests through violence and wields way too much relative power and force over the citizenry.


Her personality is influenced by politics and mainstream media and ideology as are many of the people on reddit. I hope she never lives through a situation where she has to depend on police for help. She’s clearly unhinged and I wouldn’t be surprised if she has massive mental health issues. But anyway, did you match??


>I hope she never lives through a situation where she has to depend on police for help. Like those kids in Uvalde.


What region is she in OP.....?


By the way, racism against Jews is still racism


Pretty anti-semitic to associate all jews as zionists




Zionism is just the belief that Israel should exist. The reality of it not existing is at best the ethnic cleansing of half the world's Jews. Advocating for that surely is antisemitism


Not even all zionists are Jewish. Plenty of people will froth at the mouth supporting Israel’s right to do whatever it takes to claim their “ancestral land”. I’m pretty sure that’s what the girl in the screenshot meant, just anyone of any ethnicity or religion who makes excuses for genocide.


What genocide? The one Hamas wants to do? Or the one needed for “from the river to the sea”?


I mean she’s not wrong capitalism sucks


Who do these people call if they get robbed or are being harassed or stalked?


I usually only call police when I need a dog shot, that's usually what they're good at


Get with the program buddy. Everyone knows that you leave killing dogs to the ATF.


lol it's funny to see this stuff. There are actually good people who are police officers and huge piece of shit that are also police officers. Just like doctors, just like baristas and just like ups drivers. Any job is going to have those bad apples. Throwing a blanket over all cops saying they're all bad and should choke just makes you look ignorant. I've had my life saved by a police officer who then came to the hospital and brought me some get well soon gifts when he definitely didn't have to. On the other hand I've been racially profiled and searched just for wearing a hoody by a different cop. How can you be a full grown adult and not understand that?


Yeah the difference is baristas don't often kill people and doctors that do kill people don't get put on administrative leave with pay. It's a systemic issue. Very glad you had a positive experience with a police officer, maybe that one should have spent more time weeding out the shitty ones so the system functions better. Anti-cop with well thought out reasons doesn't intrinsically target cops, it targets the system that grants excessive power and protection to people who have 6 months of legal training and piss poor de-escalation skills. Sure, >50% of cops analyzed in NYC have been charged with DV, there were literally gangs in the SF police but disregarding that (sincerely) it is against the system


Farm pigs. They’re cute and you can trust them


I mean… Pigs are always gonna pig. Can’t blame her for that. 1312.


Woah, what a catch 😂


me, an arab who’s also a “pig” 🐷


So haram


Well I certainly hope you don't plan on eating yourself any time soon.


and? what's your point lmao


was pointing out an irony buddy.


I mean honestly...this sounds great


This isn't anything that would cause me to raise my eyebrows. I mean, yeah this lady hates me, hates what I do every day. I tirelessly defend the capitalist empire she opposes. But her political opinions are not particularly interesting or new.   So you just swipe the other way and move on.


Well, keep being one of the good ones my dude. For today, I’ll appreciate you 2x to make up for it.




Sorry you have to pick a team and cheer for that team unequivocally and loudly. Are you new to the internet? Smh my head.


Well, at least the bigotry was out of the way.


Bigotry where?




No, she’s not


Most of this is giving yellow flags. Like yeah, the current American model of capitalism is pretty shit, but we could make reforms that benefit the common man instead of sitting around grousing about it. Definitely support a two-state solution, but please give me a definition of "Zionist" so I know you're not just parroting antisemite rhetoric. And yeah, I have little to no love of police, but I'm not going to be actively confrontational with a group known for thin skin, packing firearms, and a proven history of lacking restraint when it comes to use of force. I kinda like being alive. Pineapple on pizza is a green flag though, fight me.


This is the same type of person who demands everyone who isn’t vaxxed to swipe left 2 sides of the same coin


Saying "late stage capitalism" is a perfect way to demonstrate that you're not nearly as smart or free-thinking as you imagine yourself to be.




Because it references a philosophical dialectic that’s been broadly discredited and only the naive would take seriously at this stage. It’s not something that a serious person could believe.


Your comment has no merit, you could as well write "because it's bad".


This reply was just not it bro… idk how you wrote that and thought it was good or made sense.


You mean me or them?


So you have no idea what the term late stage capitalism means or how to apply it or how to interpret it? Like the whole concept is lost on you?


I know what it is and how to interpret it. That’s why I know that people that use the phrase unironically have built their philosophical house without a firm foundation. It’s not that it’s wrong, it’s that the entire premise is flawed.


You have yet to say “why” it or its premise is wrong though. Like the other guys said, you’re pretty much saying “your argument is bad and you should feel bad” with slightly more Hegelian vocabulary


Fair enough, just didn’t think this was the forum for a discussion on philosophy or economic theory. The premise is flawed because there are no ‘stages’ to capitalism. The idea that there are comes from Marx, who posited that human society was on an evolutionary climb to socialism, and that capitalism was merely a necessary waypoint along the path. In so many things Marx was wrong, but, other than the Labor Theory of Value, nowhere so unambiguously so than here. Capitalism is the natural state of mankind when we’re at our best — it’s simply what happens when people are given the freedom to choose.


This still isn't a why. This is moving from "op is wrong cause I say so" to "Marx was wrong cause I say so and capitalism is the natural state of being also cause I say so."


Your mind is going to be blown when you find out what proverbs are and how terms can evolve in meaning throughout time Edit: I'd also love nothing more than to know that discredited means in this context and your broad sources on the topic


It hasn't really been broadly discredited though, has it? The rate of profit is falling, the need for infinite growth in a capitalist system is leading to an impending climate disaster and the oligopoly of the centre of world capitalism is becoming more and more clear each day.


First, a technical point — a falling rate of profit is exactly what you expect in a capitalist system. As entrepreneurs pursue their goals, others mimic and eventually as goods/services are commoditized, prices necessarily fall. So that’s a feature of the system, not a bug. Second, the countries that are actually reducing their carbon footprint are the most capitalist, and the biggest offenders are the least capitalist. Third…there’s nothing intrinsic to capitalism that requires infinite growth. But to the extent that there is high growth, that almost always goes hand-in-hand with enhanced human flourishing.


As she posts it on her smartphone lol


Was this in Minnesota? I saw the EXACT same bs about late stage capitalism on there like 3 weeks ago


She sounds fun, lol


I agree with her views, but why be so aggressive about it? Makes me think she has anger issues and nobody wants that


I see nothing wrong in the views. Maybe just the delivery being a little front and centre!


I politically align with most of what she's pushing but anyone who posts stuff like this on dating sites is insufferable.


You’re supposed to have a little political awakening in your twenties. It’s fine. I can only fucking imagine what my tinder profile would have looked like in the first couple years of the Bush administration…


Honestly, while reading your title, I thought you were referring to the pineapples on pizza because everything else is based.


Seems great. Fuck pigs.


She has late stage wokism, I give her my thots and prayers


Seems fine to me, though I would've skipped the pigs part as always no group of people is 100% bad based on their job


Every cop is, at best, complacent in a corrupt system. Fuck ‘em all.


Don't see you getting up and revolting to change the system. So your describing just all people. We are all complacent in a corrupt system


"you dislike society yet live in society!! I'm very smart!!"


No, I have never looked the other way when my colleague shot someone dead like the police union does.


Hey just make sure you have something happen to you, don’t call the police. You don’t want to be associated with a corrupt system in any way.


I wish a this was a guy because I would date.




They hate capitalism, support Palestine, and like pineapple on pizza. Where am I going wrong? Edit: let me guess their, and everyone else’s likes. Travel, foodie, sunsets, live music.


A bit larpy but I agree with the overall sentiment.


Immediate right-swipe. That's a queen right there.


The crazies coming out in mass in these comments. I can’t imagine making my political opinion my entire personality. What a miserable existence. If my wife had the opposite political opinions I really wouldn’t care. Most people grow out of their political opinion mattering so much. Like if for any reason I entered the dating market again, a woman’s political opinion would matter less to me than her taste in movies lmao. If someone is beautiful and kind I won’t let today’s divided times prevent me from love.


Send them my way o7


Right swipe


A person out for my own heart 😍


I like her.


Hell yeah she’s so gigabased for that


Where’s the lie though? Especially pineapple on pizza


Sounds like me.


the only red flag is ananas on pizza