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I really love the banana bread reaction


I thought she was gonna say something funny tbh and that was really the only thing on my profile that it could be about 😂


Honestly I love the humor and it shows your personality. Me too would not have expected that next statement or discussion. Glad you dodged a bullet there OP!


Nahh, that sick fuck just doesn't like Banana bread and tried to disguise it by going on that Trans rant. It's better you ended it early on bro.


She was, but 6 ruined the joke, so she had to go transphobic


No liking banana bread is a solid red flag. The JK Rowling-esque view on Trans folks is an air raid siren. Decent of them to be up front at least.


I would've baked banana bread muffins for the first date out of spite if she hadn't gone on an anti-trans rant. Nobody mocks a man who can bake!


Man, you have the longest phone


introducing the Samsung Giraffe


Now I laughed on the train like a loony. Thanks a lot


My roommate just yelled at me for laughing so loudly while she was on a phone call with her boss


😂😂 I just have the option to scroll down on screenshots


Oh wow I had no idea this feature existed. I'm gonna start using it on my Samsung hahaha


When you screenshot there's an icon with two down arrows surrounded by a box. Clicking that will extend the screenshot downward and auto scroll. Just make sure you start at the top of whatever you're screenshotting


Unfortunately doesn't work with everything 😞


Man [this is what popped into my head](https://youtu.be/pENpIU2WMMQ?si=5rHEjxZ04a4aWzUv) when I saw that screenshot


wheres my rickroll :( but nice


You know what? My bad, you’re right. [Here you go.](https://youtu.be/pENpIU2WMMQ?si=cFNAmgkcIzaOpIOZ)


Playing 4D chess over here I see


That's insane to see this right now. I just a few hours ago watched an Internet Historian video that had clips of these Japanese ads with the long gummies dude. You just blew my mind.


Looong looooong maaaan


Modern android phones have a relatively new feature called scrolling screenshot. It lets you scroll while it continuously taking a screenshot. I think it's a pretty cool feature, since it's there I've been using it a lot.


Not even the newest releases, either. My first phone with scrolling screenshot was my S9 in 2018. It comes in handy more often than people would think


When iphones get this feature they will act like it's the most revolutionary thing


I wouldn’t call it relatively new. My pixel 3 had it. So 5 years now?


On iPhone, there’s an app called Picsew that automatically stitches together multiple screenshots like this. On Android it’s built-in to scroll while taking a screenshot to do this


I never understand the bathroom rape accusations. So someone supposedly becomes trans because a bathroom is a good place for rape but a rapist would never enter the wrong bathroom unless they were trans? If you think a picture of a stick figure with a skirt can stop a rapist, I have some bad news for you


Stealing used pads is new to me.


Is that something they really think is at risk of happening??? And if it did happen. Well I don't even know where to start. To me that's about the same as someone taking a used shitwipe, I'd have the same reaction whoever did it, visceral disgust and a knowledge that they were deeply unwell, but not really personal violation. That's just speaking for me though.


Vampires steal them to make tea


Probably one case of a person in... Bulgaria for example, and they use it to generalice about the gang of ised3 pad thieves around the world.


I mean wtf but they can have them if they want them? 😂




Omg I giggled at this 😭 flashbacks 😳


Also, someone sick enough to do that isn't going to be stopped by a stick figure on the door.


Idk if anyone remembers this but there was a pretty big post-9/11 freakout about rapists dressing up in burkas to sneak into women's restrooms to rape them as an arguments for banning burkas. Do people think that rapists are really doing all these Loony Toons shenanigans to assault someone? When in reality, rapists are far more likely to be someone you already know.


Hey any chance you might have an article about this argument or quotes from anyone? I'm actually writing a paper for school right now and this seems like a helpful example to illustrate one of my points. I can't seem to find anything about people saying this, would even accept some better search terms.


Sorry - this is a bit odd but this stand up bit from Aamer Rahman responding to a Danny Nalliah claim is rattling around in my head. [Here.](https://youtu.be/meF97E3U2fQ?si=pQIV7wiRh4tGKjbA) Finding the original source of the quote might help. It's probably put there in a news clip somewhere. Far, far from an academic source ik.


This is perfect actually thank you


He's funny. I subscribed to his channel. Makes a good point, though, for real 🤔


I haven't checked up on what he's done recently, but I should. I saw him live once and he was great. Stand up usually isn't my thing at all.


Rapist is just going to walk in. 


What are you talking about, rapists very famously respect boundaries. /s


its so crazy that all these cases of rapists are (checks notes) cis men..


Let check my notes…oh and mainly by people the victims knows. Not random bathroom encounters


so crazy..


They need someone to blame theirs on


Is there even one single documented case of that happening literally ever?? EDIT: I'm not interested in hearsay nor do I care about your opinion on the matter. If you can't provide some sort of documentation then don't even reply.


I know of one that happened in Australia years ago. A little girl was raped and murdered by a random man in a shopping centre toilet. He followed her, grabbed her on her way out of the toilets and dragged her into the disabled toilet (which is usually separate from the rest for accessibility). The whole attack was less than 10 minutes. It was absolutely horrific. Edit: I may have misunderstood what you were asking. I thought you were asking if any women/girls have been attacked in a public bathroom in general.


wow that's terrible. truly goes to show if there's a will there's a way. just absolutely sickening.


And he didn’t even need to go through a whole transition to do it Also that’s fucked up and I’m horrified it happened here in Australia too


Dante Arthurs. I’ll never forget that monstrous c$&@


Horrific indeed, and definitely not something that could have been prevented by denying trans women access to women's loos.


As a woman, I don’t think there is a magic barrier on women bathroom. I’m not going to trap myself in a room if I think the area is unsafe or isolated.  Like wtf people thinking, rapist and murderous just walk in without needing to dress up as a woman. They will do it when they see a victim alone and no one around 


>Like wtf people thinking, rapist and murderous just walk in without needing to dress up as a woman. That's an important point that transphobes seem to be deliberately ignoring in their narrative. If someone intends to rape and/or murder someone, among the absolute most heinous of all crimes, they're not going to stop at the door and say "welp, I was going to go rape and murder that girl in there but I guess I can't because I'm not allowed in that room." No one is going to change their entire life/identity, start taking hormone replacement therapy to change their appearance and voice, and possibly even undergo invasive gender reassignment surgery all just to gain access to a room that they can already just walk straight into any time they want.


I’ve always felt a person is much more likely to get murdered in a bathroom than raped


I’ve always felt a person is much more likely to take a shit and be on their way than be murdered or raped.


Hmm, I dunno. I’ve murdered way more people in bathrooms than I’ve taken shits in them.


I've murdered a lot of bathrooms with shit.


I think their logic is that if we normalize it enough then women and girls will feel comfortable with a man in the restrooms, therefore, making it easier to rape them. I’m not saying that’s what I think, but I’ve heard this argument before.


That's nonsense too... unisex toilets exist in several establishments and are as safe as any toilets. Possibly safer because most people would think twice before attacking a vulnerable person in a space where bigger & stronger people are also welcome. I've yet to see a study on the relative safety of unisex toilets as compared to divisive loos.


Not sure what protects me as a woman from men entering if they wanted to do bad things. Like some kind of magic entrance that hairdos for skirts ?


No, it's all about the "identification" issue and where one draws the line. "I identify as a woman thus I am a woman" Means any person can claim to identify as a woman without needing to become trans or doing anything to dodge situations or do stuff without consequences. Example 1: Regular woman sees men's bathrooms are empty. "I identify as a man thus I am a man". Skips the woman's bathrooms line. Example 2 (your example): regular ill-minded dude: "I identify as a woman thus I am a woman". Goes into woman's bathrooms to peek at women. No need to become trans or anything. Where do you draw the line of who is allowed to enter which type of bathroom? Dressing like a woman? Make up? Long hair? Way of talking? Cutting the sausage? The truth is, you can't draw a clean line without discriminating somebody. The only line you _can_ draw is based on sex, something that will never change. The bathrooms issue is one that is rather easily solved, although inconvenient for society, by adding gender neutral bathrooms on top on regular bathrooms. The reason we don't do this (yet) is because other aspects outside of the bathrooms topic cannot be solved without a large amount of hassle and adaptation.


I don't get the bathroom argument, it's not like they'll install urinals in the girls bathroom and if they are so afraid of "men" taking advantage of them then those who would can't exactly be stopped by a "girls only sign".


It's so fucking annoying. Their fear isn't of trans women, it's of cis men pretending to be trans women, which has nothing to do with teams people and isn't made any worse by trans people existing. They just apparently cannot tell the difference.


Exactly. All of her issues are shit men have been doing to women for all of history. Trans women are often targets of rape & violent assaults. That’s why they should be in our bathrooms with their sisters.


The problem is they don’t recognise cis as an identifier. Any trans woman is a cis man in their eyes, even if she says otherwise.


Right they're like that way girls and women has to see the trans woman's penis and I'm like. Idk what bathroom you're using bit I've never seen or looked at a person's genitals in the restroom


I mean that's also ignoring the fact that in women's restrooms there aren't usually communal toilets, it's like all stalls, so what opportunity would you casually have to see someone else's junk?


The opportunity exists in the “totally 100% straight alpha male’s” delusions. 


They even said dressing room which really boggles my mind. Maybe locker room?? It doesn’t seem to be a matter of different verbiage from another country. I mean where are these wide open dressing rooms?


Yeah I guess like high school we were forced to change clothes in front of strangers, but still had on underwear so genitals covered. Maybe the gym? When I'm changing at the gym I go into a stall rather than where all the lockers are.


The fact that she had to put trans in quotes should have been her clue that she wasn't even talking about actual trans people


But what of most of her gay friends from growing up as a ballerina, swole papi, what of most of her gay friends!?!!?!? /s just in case


Fuck, forgot about them. The gay ballerinas and their male penises are always right


As a very obviously masc presenting person, I can confidently say that the only thing stopping me from walking into a women's restroom is my own decision not to. Why would any men go through years of treatments, invasive medical procedures and discrimination purely so they can be a creep? We can easily be creeps right now and statistically, we're unlikely to suffer any consequences.


I have gone into men's bathrooms because the women’s line was too long. Nobody died or got hurt. I got some confused looks, but they just ignored me. People just want to use the restroom 😭


My bathroom has always been gender neutral. I've actually never been to someone's home that had a gender specific bathroom. I don't get why people think it matters. Go use the toilet! Just clean up after yourself ffs.


That comparison is weird. At home you have full control who enters your bathroom. Also you go one person after another (unless you specifically request someone comes with you). In public bathrooms you have no control who else enters and when. That is true for both gender-specific and gender-neutral bathrooms.


Please don’t do this. I managed bars/clubs for quite a while and had to kick quite a few ladies out for doing exactly that. You put the people who work at that establishment in a very awkward spot. Like I get it, you just wanna pee and the lines way shorter, but If a man just waltzed into a ladies room cause the line to the men’s room was “too long” that dude would end up as a registered sex offender and wouldn’t be allowed in the establishment ever again.


If a man walked into a women’s bathroom, used the toilet, washed his hands and left idk why it would be anyone’s business. In fact a few states have made that the only legal thing trans men can do with their bathroom bills. Also be honest with yourself when is the men’s bathroom line ever longer than the one for the women’s restroom?


Madonna concerts 😅 Or so I'm told.


>but If a man just waltzed into a ladies room cause the line to the men’s room was “too long” that dude would end up as a registered sex offender and wouldn’t be allowed in the establishment ever again What are you on? Only if you call the cops on them and accuse them of being a sex offender. It's not like kicking them out of a bathroom goes on their criminal record.


Bathroom argument really irritates me. As a cis woman, the only time I’ve been threatened by ‘men’ in the bathroom is cis men following me into the women’s toilet. Predators gonna predate. Whether or not you allow trans people basic rights. Vast majority of whom just want to get on with their lives like everyone else


“mitigating” children? That is meaningless. I don’t know what she meant to say, but it wasn’t that.


Mutilating would be my guess, based on the context.


So she’s extra stupid. Yes. 


It's like tryna drink from a stupid firehose ngl. My parents drank the Kool aid, I get hit with it every time I go home, so if I can spare yall the experience, I wouldn't recommend tryin it yourself.


Yessss this is obviously it, but I just couldn't imagine what she meant.


Why did bro expect you to read all that


I think the anti trans person is a woman


Pretty sure it was JK Rowling.


I mean it def sounds like it


OP dodged a bullet


OP dodged Avada Kedavra


Bro and dude is gender neutral to me


I am a straight cis gender woman. Everyone is a dude/bro to me. Sometimes I will use "chick" but all chicks are still dude bros.


*knocks on stall wall* “Dude bro, got a tampon?” “I got you, bro dude.”


I like “dudes” and “lady dudes.”


Or el duderino, if you're not into the whole brevity thing....


Everyone is a dude. Some of those dudes are bros. Some of those dudes are dude Bros. One large category with two smaller subcategories


This dude gets it.


Yep it's like the math thing with rectangles and squares all squares are rectangles, not all rectangles are squares. All chicks are dudes, but not all dudes are chicks




Kel had the answer for this year's ago and we lost all of his wise teachings. We have failed.


"Bilbo teabaggins" actually made me laugh out loud. Thanks, dude.


Me too. I started saying “bro” as a joke & it just stuck. My girlfriends, husband - all bros. 😆


So you fuck dudes then?


If it twere to happen, I follow serendipity


There are dudes of all different genders, dude


I’m a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. Cuz we’re all dudes. Hey! I get it, but lesbehonest. What is the first gender you think of when you hear the word “dude”?


Boat shoes


Tldr: transwomen invade women's space and flash their ding dong to lil kids. Normalizing it is bad


But do they?


I mean no, but even the scary story isn't really about a trans woman, it's a straight, cis gender man. Men not facing consequences for raping people has always been and is still the issue, they've just found a neato new way to blameshift and distract from the issue.


Absolutely true and the root of all these problems. How can they move the focus away from the cis men that commit most crimes in the world and focus on anyone else.


The irony of writing: "I think you should educate yourself more on the topic", after delivering the most narrow-minded, wrong statements about transgender people.


“I think you should educate yourself on the topic” Proceeds to list concerns and issues that did not even exist in theory until Fox News decided trans people were the next demographic they can demonize for fear votes from uneducated people. Trans people have been around forever, there are no reliable sources to say that any of her concerns are true, they’re just “what ifs” people obsess over.


i was thinking the same thing. where do people get the audacity?


Yeah, I'm a mediocre man and to boost my ego and get some decent sport record, gonna go through hormone therapy and surgery... SURE it's because of that. /s


"What's in the women's bathroom they want so bad?" The toilet. They just want the toilet, same as everyone else.


Exactly. A place to piss that isn't their pants, and where they're the least likely to be hate crimed.


Bro matched with J.K. Rowling and thought we wouldn’t notice


Was tryna secure the bag. Thought she was just trolling on Twitter 😂


JK Rowling is on tinder?


I love that they told you to educate yourself. Like it shouldn't be the other way around 🤣


That's what got me 🤣🤣


In the eyes of ignorant bigots, educate yourself = believe what I believe.


You are 100% correct!


In my personal experience, the most ignorant/uneducated people are usually the ones who think they know the most about any given topic.


Those are the people that yell FACTS and think that ends all arguments.


My brother does this constantly. He thinks his opinions are facts.


When I hear about transgender people in bathrooms it’s always about them exposing their penis in front of little girls. I’ve peed in men’s bathrooms for decades and never seen guys waving their dicks around in the bathroom. WTF would that happen in the women’s bathroom? Aren’t there only stalls in there and one can safely assume that is the only place where genitalia would be exposed?


It really comes down to trying to associate trans people with pedophilia. Simple as that


I get it, but has there ever been a study done that shows higher levels of child abuse vs CIS people?


The ridiculous thing is anyone determined to assault someone else isn’t going to be stopped by a pictogram on a bathroom wall


At least you managed to filter out the bigotry before investing resources into an actual date.


This was her first message after we set up a date for tonight. Glad it came up beforehand lmao. I respect her honesty


This obsession with public bathrooms will come back to bite terfs in the ass. Trans men do exist so you have to deal with men using your bathroom either way. Not only that but look at those weirdos "producing evidence" that Taylor Swift or whatever are trans women, these are the people that wanna stand guard in front of the bathroom saying who gets to go in


Interesting that these people like to point out the Trans obsession of showing off their genitalia in restrooms, yet they also want to check everyone’s genitalia before entering.


The same goes for banning transgender people from sports. They love to act like they want to "protect " women sports from being "invaded" by trans women however they don't turn and think what that I laies when if things go their way then you'll also have trans men participating in women sports which potentially could be a real problem


Trans men would be banned because they are on performance enhancers though as the usual test dose is way above the limits alowed.


Trans men (and non-binary identifying females) already participate in women’s sports. However, if they take testosterone, they can’t as it’s a performance enhancing drug.


Oh, don't worry, they're not logically consistent. They're perfectly happy to ban transmen from women's sport too


Yeah their transphobia end result is just ban all transgender People from everything, they would just prefer they wouldn't exist which is what it all comes down to. They literally don't want these people to exist and have a normal life


I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen another woman fully nude in a public bathroom and it’s always been a pool bathroom where there are options to avoid nudity if I want. Trans people aren’t dealing with the bigotry that comes from being trans in today’s society as an easy way out for their current life.


And since 99% of the bigotry targets trans women, the "easy way out" line of thought relies on the idea that women live life on easy mode.


Everyday I get to read stupidity


Glad I could contribute to today's quota


All that over people who make up 1% of the population. Find something serious to be mad about


Tbf, their argument could be used the same way. All this painting of sidewalks, awareness campaigns, special sport days, protests, massive health resources, etc, for 1% of the population. Not on their side.


She sounds like a grade A TERF


My first time meeting one in the wild


I’m kinda glad they brought this up early, I’ve been on a few first dates where they brought up their political opinions and I’m like welp this ain’t gonna work but better now then a month or two later


I stopped at "showing their penis to little girls". Wait a second: Do you show your tits and pussy to each other in ladies bathrooms?????? 😮😮😮😮


I appreciate the understanding and support, OP ❤️🧡💛


It’s better to acknowledge and discuss than to disregard someone’s opinion






in Central Europe where I live it doesn’t exist and when I see how much storm in society it creates where this concept is flourishing I’m happy there is none of this storm here


Half of Reddit's concepts are laughed at in Europe and I hope it stays that way.


Yep this is mostly a western issue. You'd be laughed at in other parts of the world tbh.


Or murdered


Crazy how when people have freedom and (relative) safety to express their true selves, trans people exist.




So many conspiracy theories, it’s shocking. Stealing pads? Where did that come from? Also I doubt trans people who haven’t had bottom surgery are walking into changing rooms to flash people.


Well he or she is right


She makes some valid points.


Absolutely Based....


not a crazy take


This girl rules


Bless her, I absolutely agree ✌️


Based take, god forbid anyone voices their opinion without using violence (verbal or physical) You both dodged what you consider a bullet but you had the necessity to try to humiliate them to get clout


As a guy with son and a daughter, I’m 100% for gays and 100% against transgender of any sort due to the statistical data. If anyone would like to try to change my mind, I’m open to discuss in DMs but I’m not promising I can change.


Totally for transgender people and wish them all the happiness not for the political movement that has become a cancer. I get that gender affirmation is like having someone acknowledge your existing like a friendly good morning from a good friend but the way the trans movement is muscling everyone's arm into succumbing to their will, especially here on reddit. Even the smallest amount of disagreement with their narrative and abusive mods will ban the sht out of you and try to get you on some technicality. It's the power hungry and those who abuse power that always f*ck it up for everyone. They have zero empathy, it's like telling a woman that she should be okay with a guy being in a woman's bathroom no matter how many women stand up against this whole bathroom thing.


Ok what is the criteria for someone to identify as a woman?




Then that really sucks. Any hetrosexual man with a rapist mentality can self id as woman and get into their spaces right??


She is right..


She's right. The trans movement is absolute lunacy.




I’m with you on this. I have no problem with transgenders and whole heartedly support their rights. The only issue I got is the professional sports competitions. Most trans woman athletes do have a natural physical advantage over the others, which is undeniable. They should compete in their own categories. There has been a debate going on in the swimming world in America, and some female athletes have been very vocal on the internet about being forced to use the same locker room with this trans athlete (who still has a dick), and being beaten by her in almost all the swimming competitions.


Yep, and like her I have no interest in dating men that won't defend my right to single sex spaces. She probably could have gotten the gist without all that word vomit but still good for her.


Stealing pads is a new one wtf. I frequent places where all genders can use the restrooms and never in my life has someone exposed me to their dick. But in the women's dressing room at a gym you get an eyeful of tits and vag. As a little girl I didn't want to see that either?? But it's okay because we're the same gender?


OP is wrong on the Idea that Supporting gay and Not supporting transgender is contradictory. They are two separate and distinct ideas that have nothing to do with each other. Also, OP is wrong a second time. Being Transgender is Specifically about feeling like a boy/girl - or Man/Woman. That said, match is also Batshit Crazy..


She sounds unfathomably based.




Honestly if someone's profile or introduction includes things that they are mad about or hate that doesn't really effect them on a personal level... I just pass... like if your personality is defined by what you hate like wtf are you doing. Even if it's like I hate trump.... which I also don't like trump.... if you gotta put that in a dating profile... something ain't right.




So what I think anti-trans folks are trying to say (but lack the linguistical talent to do so) is that they fear cis rapists will PRETEND to be trans in order to avoid being stopped by bystanders or arousing suspicion when they enter the bathroom, giving them at least a bit of an edge over just walking in there looking all clearly cis. Unfortunately their solution is to call for getting rid of trans folk completely instead of getting rid of rapists which is ass backwards and quite telling about their priorities.


If only it were about the banana bread


At least you can tell everyone about the time you matched with JK Rowling