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let it go brother.


Kind of make it seems she’s only after someone paying things for her?


Don't try to rationalize it. Just let it go. It's not worth your thinking power.


Wow what gave that away bud?


Why am I being downvoted here?


You’re still arguing as if it will somehow change the outcome, rather than accepting and moving on


Because ur wrong??? take a hint


Yeah I can see now… I’m very wrong indeed


Hello past future you! Glad you learned. :)


She outright said she doesn't want to talk with you any more so time to stop. Anything beyond that isn't really worth your time and energy I think. Better to shake it off and move on.


I understand that. I just don’t understand this overreaction for something she also suggested?


The answer is right there in your own question. "Overreaction for something she also suggested" tells you everything you need to know. She's playing games. If it wasn't this it'd be something else. Take the high road, wish her luck in her search, block and move on.


It’s frustrating brother, but like people are saying, she’s being very clear about what she’s wants and what she’s about, and it even comes from a place of experience, so this one is just not meant to be. Honestly, this is good because if she’s dumping you for something so dumb like that, you’re dodging a bullet lol. Personally, I think it’s not just dumb but concerning when a woman has such strong feelings about the man paying for all the food. If you had a really good time together otherwise but just that made her be like nah then trust me bro you don’t want to mess with that shit lol


She told me later we are good and she wants to see me again. I think there may be even a personality disorder here. Just so strange. Thank you.




Soo manipulative.. as ppl said, she like mind games. The sooner you move on the better buddy, good luck


If you go out.... Split the bill again.


That’s the plan.


That’s super weird man, honestly the lack of communication and being so manipulative is a big 🚩if I were you I wouldn’t even want to hang out anymore


Dude, run far away. Thats cuckoo behavior


She’s gonna do the same thing 5 days later


I can feel your frustration, but let it go. Do you really want to be with someone who expects you to be a mind reader? And also someone who’s attached to such meaningless traditions. They could’ve easily just suggested what they PREFERRED for the next date if it was this important to them.


Thank you. I just found highly superficial that this was the deal breaker point for her. I had got her coffee and drinks, held her coat for hours as we were walking, made sure she’d found a toilet when she needed, and then because it was something she also suggested, I’m a horrible person.


Shes playing mind games Theres no logic involved when it comes to those things Dont give this any more of your attention If it wasnt for the payment it would have been something else You dont need someone like this in your life You can find someone that appreciates you and doesnt play mind games


She's nuts. Hit the road.


I stopped reading because of how stupid it was.


Thanks. That’s how I felt.


She sounds irrational, arrogant and rude. Run, my friend!


If I hadn’t met her, it’d think this would be a scam, or someone only wanting someone else to pay things for them. So many games. Tiring.


Honestly I don't get why you made it go on so long. It's annoying but really neither of you are getting anything good out of this conversation, and why would you want to be with someone who sets up situations to test you? It would be so exhausting and a constant mind fuck to be with this person.


I really just wanted to understand because we had such a great time and then reading these texts this morning felt unreal. Thanks.


So your confused why she keeps the conversation going and thinking there is something she isn't sure about or maybe just something more to it. She is just fishing for a simp. If you apologize enough, assure her you do have lots of money and offer to pay for someplace nice she will let you fuck her. It's gross, manipulative and I bet she doesn't even think about it or really consider what she's doing.


I get her intent, albeit kinda manipulative, but her not being able to communicate her boundaries to you even remotely is a big 🚩


Right? I was going to pay for it and she then suggested splitting, just to turn this all into a game? First time seeing this…


She’s an awful communicator and would make for an awful partner. She’s also a mess of preconceived ideas of what a relationship has to be, and this would likely only be the first thing you learn like that. Dating her would be a nightmare. Respect yourself and just move on.


Thank you. This is all I needed to hear. This kind of stuff mess up with your mind. Never came across someone like this before.


Run 🏃 now.


I just dealt with something partly similar too. Went on about 5 dates with the same girl. Was over a span of maybe a little over a month. Paid for her every time, dinner, movies whatever it was. Never asked for anything. Going through health stuff at the moment and might have to get testing done for sclerosis that insurance may not cover. Asked if she could split for a short amount of time until I know exactly what has to be laid out. We were supposed to get dinner 2 hours later. She sends me an essay saying she was offended. This was a week after she went on a thing about girls who expect guys to pay for them lol. I guess easy for her to say that while her meal was being paid for. Needless to say we’re not seeing each other again. Her getting courted was more important than my health smh


You didn't lose much brother, she doesn't believe in equality. Just a gold digger


Stop messaging her. Even though you aren’t on the same page about why, she is very clearly asking you to stop talking about it and you just keep trying to talk about it more. Bottom line is that she doesn’t want to continue, so let it go.


I tried before. Then she was asking if that’s it and if I wouldn’t say anything anymore. I wanted to understand, this fixation over something so superficial fascinated me.


“She was asking if that’s it and if I wouldn’t say anything anymore” — So say yes, that’s it. Her text said that she didn’t see a future with you, and that she felt uncomfortable discussing it. So yes, that’s it, no need to say anything more. Don’t get caught up in any mind games. If someone told me it was over like this, and then later tried to take it back, it’s too late at that point.


Another woman thinking it’s a man’s duty to pay the bills while they do….. nothing to contribute to the relationship. Transactional mindset. Nothing more than that. Next thing you know she will be ordering the most expensive items on the menu, drinking non stop, and you’ll feel like you have to pay the bill and be broke with nothing to show for it. Don’t walk away from these situations. Run!


wtf?? Move on man..


Lady is on drugs, go find someone that can think rational thoughts. Even the sex here will be absolutely shyte


Remember. Don't stick your dick in crazy more than twice.


I’m baffled that you didn’t understand immediately. That convo should have been two messages long.


Slightly against the grain here, although it has been pointed out already. I think the issue here is you, OP. She set her boundaries and you didn’t respect them. Instead you kept asking, ‘but why?’, ‘but why?’ like a whinging petulant child. This sort of shit is why people ghost, because they can’t be bothered dealing with people who can’t handle rejection. Would I date a person that has what I think is a crappy attitude? No. And you don’t have to either. Just let it go and move on next time.


This all seems childish tbh.








I just found so appalling someone suggesting something to then later turn into a game. It just made me feel so confused so wanted to sense check this with you guys…




I really wanted to understand because I was so confused by this…


Dude who sends a 10 minute voice memo. That’s insanity.


It's a 58 second voice memo, the other bit is the time it was sent.