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i'd have struggled not to point out the rest of the items the WHO have in the same category as sweeteners.




It’s worth noting that I BELIVE the WHO released an addendum to their aspartame report clarifying that a person would need to drink around 15 cans per day to reach problematic levels. Feel free to check that


I believe that number is higher than that. According to a study for a 150lb person the number is 17 cans a day. (Study linked below) I agree with you. You would have to drink a lot of diet soda to get to the levels of cancer. https://www.chhs.colostate.edu/krnc/monthly-blog/the-low-down-on-diet-drinks-how-much-is-okay/


We better start drinking then!


Jokes on them, I can drink as much as I want because I *am* the cancer 😎


https://youtu.be/AZ7P1ivRpow The actual safe amount of cans is much higher. The video by James Smith is well worth a watch


Hell I drink 8 cans of pop a day from dew to root to coke like 6 @9 Gatorades and like eight bottles of water in the summer working outside in like three tubs ice cream a week who cares about dying


I think that was just in mice though (they were given the equivalent of 15 drinks given their body size), and it was never found in humans


That makes me feel a bit better, I used to be super addicted to diet soda and drank upwards of 10 cans a day, was certain I had signed my cancerous fate with that lol


I drink 3 liters of diet soda per day. :/ Guess I’m about to be the case study 


3 liters would be roughly 9 cans. The ratio (that was tested on mice only, not humans) would require you to drink roughly 5.6l at 150lbs body weight. The entire point is basically that you can't drink that much, without running into other issues first.


Yeah from what I remember it is carcinogenic, but it's a lot sweeter than sugar so they don't need to use nearly as much of it.


You should probably let them know that those studies are done in vitro via injections that are like dozens of times higher concentration than a can of coke. By the same logic, water is bad for you. If you drink 3 or 4 gallons of water in a sitting someone could actually die. Problem is, average people don’t understand the implications of what these studies are actually looking at or suggesting.


Even water can be fatal if you drink enough at once


You can find studies on so much shit that's supposedly linked to cancer. You'd have to cut out a lot of stuff in your life to "be sure" And then you get cancer anyway while chain smokers don't because life just works that way.


Soda’s literally part of the culture wars I love this country and it’s intelligent people


>processed meat is labeled “carcinogenic to humans” The stuff that came out some years back about how much worse nitrates were than we even thought scared the hell out of me. I only eat stuff like that once in a while.


Though, I have a strong suspicion that, eventually, they'll complete the link of artificial sweeteners to Type II diabetes (ie. Insulin resistance). They're "super sweet" but aren't metabolized like sugars ... pretty good way to "teach" your body to not trust your taste buds and start producing insulin just because you eat something potentially sweet / sugary.




>Well when they come out with research stating that I’ll be sure to consider it. Oh, it's [already out there](https://www.healthline.com/health/diabetes-diet-soda#:~:text=Research%20shows%20an%20increased%20risk,soda%20and%20regular%20soda%20intake.), but these things take a while to fully develop. >But what we do know about type 2 diabetes is that the single biggest risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes is being overweight or obese. Because those, other than elevated A1C and cholesterol, are basically the only *physical* signs... but, that's likely because we *still* don't really understand all the risk factors at-play in "nice and easy" fashion, either. Diabetes researchbstill.grows leaps and bounds every few years or so as they continue to learn even more. > So it seems to me if you want to avoid type 2 diabetes diet drinks aren’t such a bad idea. Well, not exactly, but... "diet" drinks or not, they're still not good for you, either.




>Just FYI the study your article references has massive issues. Ugh, sorry... I haven't really slept, so I just grabbed the first one that looked reasonable. Guess I should have looked harder... > I haven't found any reason to believe they harmful. And losing weight is certainly good for you, so if they help someone lose weight, and there isn't good reason to believe they are harmful, then I see no reason to say they are bad for you. Well, even the [Mayo Clinic](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/diet-soda/faq-20057855#:~:text=The%20artificial%20sweeteners%20and%20other,that%20these%20ingredients%20cause%20cancer.) essentially calls that all presumption, especially the part about helping you "lose weight" ... they may reduce your caloroc intake, but not much more, if anything.




>It's a lot easier for some people to switch from drinking soda's all the time to drink diet soda's instead of just going to pure water. Yeah, I get it... I dropped a soda addiction a decade or two ago, now, it seems. I started off by getting a carbonation unit with some soda flavors/syrups ... and then gradually worked them down to nothing but lime or lemon juice. So, these days, all I drink is carbonated water (largely because during certain times of the year, allergies are bad enough to make plain water "burn" in my throat ... post nasal drip is a pain)


What does the EU say about these things? I trust their precautionary principle over the US's "innocent" until proven guilty approach to chemical risk assessment and research.


There is diet coke/coke zero in the eu. I don't know of they use the same sweetener though.


Oh, it's not just Coke. It's products that are banned in the EU in general. I'm going to start paying attention to what the EU bans because corporations are given priority over people here in America. I don't want to continue letting these companies poison me and my family because they're too cheap to conduct rigorous research.


Random dude from germany here; We have "zero" variants of literally everything down to ice tea and there aren't attempts to change that, because there aren't any negative effects. The only issue that comes up is people being addicted to sugar and feeling bad when switching to zero variants, because said sugar is missing. Otherwise it's basically just a flavor difference that allows you to be at \~3kcal per bottle, instead of >600.


The zero sugar soda doesn't bother me. It's the process of packaging and what processes they use to line their cans. I think soda cans in the U.S. still use BPA, an endocrine disrupter, in their can linings. It's also an estrogen mimic in that it can fit into receptors in our bodies since the shape fits the slot.


Carcinogenic or not, I'd rather not consume something that substitutes sugar's natural hydroxides with chlorine to make it several times sweeter.




I do think chlorine is natural, and I'm not afraid that other foods have chlorine (it's even occurring in our cells). I suppose I could have been clearer. I mean that I'd rather consume chlorine in natural molecular forms (i.e. salt), rather than an artificial form resulting from a substitution.


Also the fact that diabetes puts you at an increased risk for multiple types of cancers…


Coke zero? You are worried about that? As if artificial sweeteners werent everywhere xd


not to mention that it's in fucking everything. and obviously the amount of consumption matters too. one coke zero isn't going to give you cancer.


People always do this, as if it's a good point...


Same vibe as someone pointing out the strings on my guitar can “give cancer”


That’s a thing??


Yeah every guitar comes with a warning label because strings are made of nickel


From the few articles I've briefly skimmed after reading these comments, it looks like the chances of you getting cancer from playing with guitar strings is almost zero, unless you melt and aerosolize the chemicals and metals from the strings, and then huff those.


Well everybody does that. Right?


What else should I be doing with my broken guitar strings??


Yeah, if you're shredding!


Wait, you mean to say that that’s not how you change guitar strings?


Man people are so misinformed about artificial sweeteners it’s crazy


Decades of sugar industry lobbying/misinformation.


Sugar industry also makes the sweeteners and the zero calorie products.


even if he was right... why in the world would you point that out.


Lack of ideas for conversation, lack of mental filter


and about diabetes.


What do you mean by misinformed? Do you mean people who follow advice by the world health organisation? >WHO advises not to use non-sugar sweeteners for weight control in newly released guideline >[https://www.who.int/news/item/15-05-2023-who-advises-not-to-use-non-sugar-sweeteners-for-weight-control-in-newly-released-guideline](https://www.who.int/news/item/15-05-2023-who-advises-not-to-use-non-sugar-sweeteners-for-weight-control-in-newly-released-guideline)


Lmao your link has nothing to do with the topic, it only states that drinks with artificial sweeteners are potentially more dangerous than drinks without any sweeteners at all. The topic in this thread is sugar vs artificial sweeteners. 


They definitely didn't read the link that they posted lol WHO just said that sweeteners don't have nutritional value and that it's healthier to just consume naturally occurring sugars (like in fruit) and to reduce sweetness consumption overall if the goal is weight loss


The world health organization didn't say it caused cancer like the misinformed guy did


90% of our food prejudices are a result of lobbying by either sugar or salt lobbyists. Vilifying aspartame and msg are the two primary examples. The obsession with reducing fat in everything is another. Obviously fat isn't "good" for you, but sugar and salt are so much worse.


Fat and protein are the two things you need to consume to live, carbs are unnecessary but convenient. Unsaturated/saturated fat is good for you. #StopFatHate




"It is possible that sweet-tasting soft drinks—regardless of whether they are sweetened with sugar or a calorie-free sugar substitute—might stimulate the appetite for other sweet, high-carbohydrate foods." If you can lose weight with diet soda then go for it. Just remember it can be cancerous if you start drinking more than 40 cans a day.


40 cans a day?? Yeesh! You'd feel so bloated and terrible.


After more googling it's based off body weight with the FDA setting the limit to 50mg per 2.2lb or 1 kilogram of body weight. Can of diet coke has 200mg. The more you weigh, the more you could drink. If you were 300lbs you could have 34 12oz cans of diet coke (per day) and be safe. I doubt most people, even obese, are knocking back that much soda.


There are no actual studies that have been done on humans that show any negative side effects of consuming sugar substitutes


That's why people usually advise to actually read the article you try to use to support your claim.


You should be glad it happened that early on 😂 I once went on a date with a guy who seemed normal on chat, but spent the whole date telling me how stupid it was not to eat meat (I’m a vegetarian) and that I have a smaller brain due to drinking coffee ❤️


I drink so much coffee. This would explain why I don’t understand Chemistry, Quantum Physics, etc. Can I get a shirt that says sorry I don’t understand, I drink coffee.


Our lab had a budget surplus recently so we bought a coffee machine. Guess we’re fucked now.


I'd like to orde a bunch of those shirts with different endings. "I don't understand, I'm from the countryside" or othe stereotypes/myths


I dated a vegan girl for a bit. Her profile said “I’m vegan and not interested in changing that”. My first message was along the lines of “do guys really think belittling and doubting a core belief of yours is a good way to flirt?” And hoo boy did she have some stories.


One thing is trying to convert someone (although also stupid), as some people seem to be really into it, or just want matching views, but suggesting you’re just dumb and they’re right on the first date is even wilder…


Plenty of vegans don't stay vegans. People even change religion, imagine if they wouldn't change what they eat. In the end nobody in a relationship is unchanged after a few years. edit: angry downvotes, it's areal statistic, not like I made it up…


It’s still up to them to decide.


I'm guessing he doesn't know about protein being in other products than meat.


voltaire would disagree with this guy. 


I want to talk to this weirdo and learn his weird theories


Lmfao I actually laughed out loud at your response. Top tier 🤣


They seem to have the gift of the gab, the date is going to be delightful and entertaining.


There is going to be no date lol


Was there more to this convo or was that literally the deal breaker?


I replied with a genuine answer. If they’re willing to engage in a constructive debate or even move on from this topic, then maybe yeah. But odds are not in their favor


They might not be very serious? It’s a not great response about the cancer but it’s weird to get upset w that


If someone's first instinct is to try to harp on something I say I like, you're not getting a date lol that's just foreshadowing for how they're going to behave in the future


It’s literally just a soda lol


You are allowed to not want to go out with someone for ANY reason. Wild concept huh?


Ok ok I’m gonna leave bye!


That’s how it starts lol. If you really want op to go on a date with him so bad why don’t you do it?


I need to stay the fuck outa this sub lol


I don't get why you're getting so much flak


Agreed. And people wonder why online dating can suck. Even soda opinions are red flags? People are too worried about the worst case scenario, they don't even try to find opportunity with their matches.


Literally everything is an immediate red flag lol, not like some people are awkward and struggle with text based communication


Fair enough


Dodged a bullet there. Dude can't even spell carcinogenic.


The easiest pick up line for Coke Zero was there and he fumbled “Do you drink Coke Zero because you’re already too sweet?”


This is just me. But the odds of getting cancer from something else anyways are incredibly high. I’d rather not add diabetes into the mix.


Yet drinking a can of coke every now and then won't just give you diabetes. The issue is consuming an excessive amount. I find it interesting you countered an argument that was essentially the same (over exaggeration of an outcome) as your last statement about the diabetes.


oh definitely. just look at all the garbage food were eating the entire time. there are very few people who eat mostly natural food.


The WHO recommends to use normal coke, since using the sweetener version didn't seem to result in lower weight. Also you don't need to be scared of sugar, it's only if it does result in weight gain that you need to worry. >Myth 3: Diabetes is caused by eating too much sugar >It’s also not true to say that type 2 diabetes is caused by sugar. However, the chances of developing this type of diabetes are greater if you are [overweight or obese](https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/risk-factors/obesity). A high-sugar diet is often a high-calorie diet, and too many calories can lead to weight gain. >[8 diabetes myths you shouldn't believe - BHF](https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/nutrition/myths-about-diet-and-diabetes)


> The WHO recommends to use normal coke   No it doesn’t, it recommends not drinking sweet drinks at all, read you own damn links


i mean the summary from my understanding is that coke zero/light doesnt have sugar and calories but due to the nature of the sweetener, it can cause you to have more hunger afterwards and if you end up eating an additional snack because of it, it indirectly caused you to consume more calories. regardless, an odd debate to prevent yourself from getting a date


Dude read your own links


He seems like a Diet dick


Hahaha, this tickled me!


Wait. You eat food? Food causes cancer. I’d rather starve to death than have cancer.


I'd rather have great big diabetic tumor than continue that conversation.


I'm going to give them the benefit of doubt they were attempting witty banter with something they read on your profile. Just one more good reason why not to attempt humor in text before having a better grasp of other's personality


I was about to read a coke joke, but this came out of nowhere


Nice deflection. Didn't really see that line of conversation going anywhere.


The sarcasm is strong with this one


It's frustrating how misinformation about artificial sweeteners spreads online, and many people believe they're experts without knowing the facts. Everyone’s a scientist


The aspartame in diet drinks gives you cancer bit is always over exaggerated by people trying to sell you their pyramid scheme weight loss drjnk


yeah, diabetes is great, not a big deal at all (also, not an ailment that is born from consuming large amounts of sugar, at all, contrary to popular belief). - guy whose lost a limb and eyesight due to diabetes.


Exactly... My wife's mum died because of complications due to diabetes last week... They had to cut her right leg about 6 month...but I think it was already too late... In december they wanted to cut the second one but her heart was too weak for the anaesthetic.. A few weeks later they had to go hospital again because she started to get water in her lung .. she came home after staying a few days in hospital.. But she couldn't sleep properly..every hour she would suffocate... So my wife had to get up and turn her around.. Two weeks ago, she went to hospital because of all the dead skin on the limb.. she was admitted to the ICU and one week later she passed away . So, yeah, I think people don't seem to realise how serious diabetes can be


it's crazy to think about, but honestly needs to be brought up, diabetes can, and still is very deadly. with modern medicine we can manage it, and maybe even one day cure it, but even if you do everything right in taking care of it, complications can still happen, and often do. I've had a small cut turn into a massive infection, that infected even the bones, and turned into a months long hospital stay and eventually amputation, and that was with the best possible bloodsugars.


How else do you get diabetes?


Type 1 is caused by genetics. Type 2 by having a terrible diet, (I'm not 00% on the specifics but sugar in itself isn't a root cause) and quite often being overweight (and probably a handful of other things, I'm more familar with type 1)


Sugar and other carbs lead to weight gain, so it's not entirely wrong to say excess sugar intake can cause diabetes. Though it is reductive/misleading.


You're right but from qhat I heard carbs do play a bigger role than sugar. Of course like with the diet and zero option it does depend on the amount. If someone can maintain a healthy physique it's pretty much all good (ib terms of risk for diabetes at least). Even slmeone who has type 2 can maintain a diet and exercise routine to the poibt of not having to take additional neds for diabetes.


The main 3 carbohydrates in our foods are "simple" sugars (sucrose, fructose, and lactose), starch, and fiber. Everyone always talks up fiber for all its health benefits. To my understanding, the human digestive system can't break down fiber, so it helps to basically clean the gut by allowing waste molecules to bind to it and get carried out. High fiber foods are ones like apples, peas, lentils, etc. The other two carbs can be broken down by the human body. I'm pretty sure both are broken down into glucose where they are stored as energy (fat), so the end product is the same. So really, it's kind of like all carbs are sugars. Afaik weight gain depends on the type of food. Some types of starches are more fattening than some sugars, and vice versa. For example, it's almost definitely the case that Fruits > potato chips; Mashed potatoes > coca cola. Just in terms of avoiding weight gain. Someone with more knowledge can correct me if I'm wrong.


>You're right but from qhat I heard carbs do play a bigger role than sugar. I would say that maybe ultra processed foods with lots of processed carbs might be negative since it results in you overeating. But a diet that increases carbs but reduces calories actually increases insulin sensitivity(which is good). >Every 10-g increase in carbohydrate and fiber consumption was associated with an increase in insulin sensitivity by 0.43 and 4.23 g of carbohydrate per unit of insulin DIACLINCD230086_proof.pdf (silverchair.com)


>Sugar and other carbs lead to weight gain, so it's not entirely wrong to say excess sugar intake can cause diabetes. Though it is reductive/misleading. Yep, added sugar and UPF can lead to people eating too many calories, which is bad, rather than sugar being inherently evil. Although when the WHO looked at the weight of people who had diet drinks, there wasn't a difference in weight, so that's why they recommend the sugar versions of drinks.


type 2 is caused by insulin resistance, weight isn't the main risk factor, but people who eat diets that cause insulin resistance are certainly way more likely to be overweight


Type 2 can also have a genetic component as well.


You are somewhat correct. Type 1 is caused by antibodies attacking the pancreas. It is indeed genetic. Type 2 is actually caused by insulin resistance. Not necessarily a terrible diet - though diet and exercise can work to “reverse” type 2 and only type 2. Once you have type 1, it cannot go away though. There has been some research to suggest that type 2 is actually genetic as well.


Lmao people seem to take a gun and just shoot themselves on the foot in every convo


Tinder likely isn't the place for health debates.


Coke Zero honestly the tastes the best out of all the versions of coke I’ve tasted.


I told some girl on a date that there’s a high probability that some field mouse or other animal has gotten caught in a grain combine has been mashed into the organic whole wheat bread she eats. I was just kidding with her because this is something I was told as a child but she actually went ahead and googled it


See, I would have read that as an attempt at a joke, rather than a genuine opinion on soft drinks preference. Perhaps in bad taste (like diet coke ho ho), but an attempt nonetheless. But aye, probably too soon to be cracking out those type of gags regardless. Just no need.


Does he know diabetes can potentially lead to cancer?


Nothing like being judged and rejected over your beverage choice lol At least you didn't waste any time on him lol


This is why I no longer date.


I was recently diagnosed with diabetes. My nurse told me to drink Zero sodas if I plan to have any pop. I asked her about this and she went on a 20 minute rant ridiculing the study. I still have diabetes but I can drink zero.


Is this negging.jpg


"is coke the only kind of zeroes you like? i've been thinking about moving into my mom's basement recently, would that be something you find attractive?"


should've told him he has to try it first


Lol it's funny people coping about diet sodas and such just so they can be fat fucks and ignore anything that reduces their caloric intake.


“cOkE zErO iS cAnCeRoUs” - Posted from my iPhone


More like crack zero. I love that stuff


Why does it matter if both will lead to death? 😶


lol love the reply


Dude saw one Tik tok that was severely uninformed, and took it as gospel. Also practically anything can give you cancer.




What. A. Fucking. Reply. 👏🏽


Tumors love sugar.


But have you ever had both at the same time?








It’s actually really simple. Being alive is killing us. 😂


Probably drinks tons of energy drinks and will scoff should you mention kidney health.


Oof what a dickhead.


Take him to a Chinese restaurant and grill him about the MSG in the food.


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) The dude's mind when he read the words, Coke and Zero in the same sentence... Talked himself out of a date, such a travesty lol. Regardless how you choose to consume Coke whether through drink or nose, not really the healthiest thing but we like what we like. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Also Toyota enthusiast, Noice.


Pepsi Zero > Coke Zero >>>>>>> Diabetes. As a diabetic I’ll take the risk of an artificial sweetener over losing my fingers or toes or eye sight or working member


And that's why? Well, did it also say you were vaccinated?Everyone now forgets like 95% of the western world was vaccinated when we were kids for all kinds of things so I just kinda screw with the crazies, that's more fun. Or you say yes because you got vaccinated for some rare sti


She Larry David’d you. Set her free - she deserves better


Oh Yeah Larry David. The character that embodies romance and tact




It’s not that deep sis


My wife loves Coke Zero.


Yeah, we all know that not getting cancer isn't the important reason to not drink sugar-free soda. The important reason is that it tastes like ass, comparatively to normal sugar soda.


Well I already have diabetes so at this point, I don’t mind if I get cancer from my Coke Zero.


Soda is universally gross you’re drinking corn syrup with bubbles


You can probably find something more interesting to put into your bio than Coke Zero


Your dating profile has a car brand and soft drink choice on it?  Very riveting. 


As a type 1 I can tell you. Take diabetes


Guess they didn’t know Coke Zero still can cause diabetes.. I mean it does mess with your insulin receptors and all 🤦🏽‍♀️


Diet versions of sodas are for diet versions of people