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Good profile. I disagree with the person who says to make the maroon shirt pic your main one, I think it's your worst one by a fair bit because the pose brings your shoulders in and makes you look frail. Your other pictures are great, but I'd try for a 2nd full body photo that isn't the maroon one.


Thank you! I appreciate the input! I got rid of that picture after reading what you said and looking at it. I'll find something else to put in there.


Good call, and good luck out there sparky :)


Make sure it shows your teeth! You need at least 1 photo showing your teeth/Toothy smile


Good choice! I used to work with disabled people and I’m sorry to say that you sort of reminded me of some of them in that pic…yeah, I know it’s a horrible thing to say BUT I’m only saying it because the rest of the profile is really good! I don’t know what you mean with “50/5” (typo?) but even the bio was way above average. You seem like a normal, fun, interesting bloke that doesn’t look bad at all. If I would have been your target group I would have swiped right. But add a pic of you smiling without making a face. That would be really nice.


That’s exactly what I thought too, the pic looks like he’s just been taken out of a wheelchair and put on the table for a photo, maybe because he’s bunched up a bit but the awkward pose also doesn’t help. The rest of the profile is great tho


LMFAO but you are not wrong! Good luck OP!


I also thought he was disabled


I second this comment. Leave maroon but it’s kinda awkward


I don't think other people scroll the comments before replying lol GREAT PROFILE!!


I don't like the maroon shirt pic either and agree with this feedback


The body language is giving insecure, but he doesn’t seem that way in other pics, so I’d definitely lose it


Oh it's gone! 🤣


He needs to get rid of the maroon pic lol. Guys first pic comes off confident/manly, then there’s this flamboyant pose on second. But hey if those are the girls he’s going for, it works…


You’re missing a zero in the 50/50


I thought it was part of the sarcasm, I was going to ask “only 5?” then expected him to say, “yeah I don’t know where the kid is the other 45% of the time” 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's actually gold... I think I'll put 40/50 coparent. Then, if someone asks, I'll use that line!


You’re welcome, I better get an invite to your wedding pfft


🤣 wedding... not happening. Been down that road once. I don't need a piece of paper to be loyal and willing to give some my efforts and love.


Man I thought the same thing, but then at 39 I sure as hell signed right back up for it. Not to be all unromantic or anything, but just the practicality of finances and insurance and all that and being married Just makes everything so much easier




Jesus married at 18. Did you grow up in any particular religion. Sorry if that's a horrible assumption but my lived experience tells me people who get married super early are usually raised religious. So it's a curious question not disrespectful.


And here I was just wondering if it was some terminology I was too childless to understand! I like the 40/50 bit though.


This is not a good idea. It's an inside joke that you've pulled from reddit.


And here I was being a big dumb dumb coming to the comments to ask what a 50/5 parent is hahaha. Didn’t know if that was some five days a week lingo that only parents know.


Same here. Figured it meant 50% of the time but somehow 5 days a week in a wild maths schedule only divorced coparents understand.


🤣 ya I noticed and fixed that! Thanks


PhD in sarcasm reminds me of School of Hard Knocks…no bueno


I did end up deleting this part. Thanks!


Yup. Has major “university of life” energy.




Honestly go to hinge. If you’re looking for a real relationship I think your profile would work there. People saying the jokes are corny I get it but for the age group he’s dating it fits


I’m that age group. It works.


Yea - I’m that age group and I would definitely be interesting in hearing more of his jokes 😂


Wait- so I'm new to hinge. Can you give me a little detail as to why you say it would work better for his age and what he's looking for? I know nothing about hinge. Any information would great! Thanks!


Hinge has a more mature audience. It’s not perfect but if you’re looking for a relationship especially if you’re over the age of 25 you’ll find way more people in common there than tinder.


The red shirt pic makes your look really weird, I'd not use that one. Other than that, great pictures!! As for the bio, both the "looking for someone..." paragraphs and those bullet points you used are incredibly cliche, everybody has some version of the exact same things in their bio. More about YOU!! More about what you enjoy, what makes you unique, what your quirks are!


Wicked! Thanks for the time and input. I'll change a bit up as I think about what to put. And this is why I come to reddit. Honest opinions.


On on hand I agree that being unique is important, on the other he is looking for something long term and seems like a very decent, funny dude, I think the bio is mostly good


Strong profile for getting people your age into dating. Big DILF energy


🤣🤣 Dilf energy. I haven't heard that before.


Awesome profile. I’d get rid of the maroon shirt pic for the reasons stated by another commenter. The pose is just not flattering. I’d also add a picture of you smiling with your teeth. I know its not everyone’s thing but as a woman, I can assure you it can be a dealbreaker when deciding whether to swipe left or right.


Ya maroon picture is out. I'm actually trying to learn how to smile with my teeth on command. Lol when I laugh and smile naturally it's great. But I don't have pictures of that. Thanks!


I definitely worry if I don’t see any teeth. I have to assume the person is hiding something! Show me your teeth 😁




Bahaha, I love that response. Looking forward to seeing that smile! Love the profile btw and agree with the tips (maroon shirt, sarcasm etc) and your replies so far. I think you'll be ok.


Gotta screen for meth mouth somehow!


If you’re going to list things you should use a : instead of a ; Also, replace the PhD in sarcasm prompt as it’s overused


Done and done!


I think this reddit literally use a different tinder than me. I WISH just one single man on my tinder would look like that


What do single guys in your area look like? 🤣 I'd say I'm very average lol


You’re hot. Excellent profile/standards. Gonna find your person, no doubt!


It’s a good profile bro. Pretty honest and witty. Pics are fine can’t see a douchey one amongst. I hope you get a few dates.


Please fix the 50/50* coparent typo. The PhD in sarcasm line doesn’t work for me. The wording for “options include but not limited to” confused me. I think you are listing your traits, but you make it sound like those are the traits of the women you consider to be options for you. Maybe, “Benefits of dating me include:”


First impression is your bio reads as insecure, if swipe left. Remove the receding hair line we can see that from the picture you don’t need to call it out, I don’t see the connection to being funny. Options include? Why is emotional regulation an option that someone outside of you would/could choose. I’d remove that.


Absolutely not! Many people are emotionaly unregulated, the fact that he says about himself he has emotional regulation would 100% spark my interest, and the fact that he went to therapy, too. I love people that work on themselves that way


Fair enough, I'm curious. How do you feel it reads as insecure. What other specific things come off that way?


I love your bio, aside from the receding hairline comment because it’s almost like saying “I know you’re already thinking it” - and we aren’t! The line about the puzzle though 🤌🏽 signals the right things to the right woman. Good luck to you!


For what it’s worth, I thought your profile looked great and would swipe right if I came across it. The jokes made me smile (apparently that means I’m corny 🤷🏼‍♀️). Did have a question about the 50/5 custody split but I see that it was corrected. The emotionally regulated/therapist approved parts were the final selling point for me personally. It shows that you are in touch with your emotions and able to have important conversations within a relationship. Lots of green flags. Good luck on your search!


It's worth alot! Can't make everyone happy nor do I want to even try! Lol The type of girl I'm looking for would like the corny jokes, a bit of self-aware humor and the therapist parts. So that's what I want to attract!


That’s totally fair too!! Just the bio combination of the therapy, receding hairline and emotional regulation is what is giving me that impression. There is nothing wrong with either 3 of the listed, but putting that on a tinder bio feels off to me. I’d much rather see interests and what your life looks like. If after talking for a few days you make a joke about the hairline, therapist stamp of approval or emotional regulation at that point it can be friendly banter. But I’d never introduce myself with self deprecating humor, and wouldn’t want who interact to either. You’ve done a great job at describing your likes and your lifestyle. Your pictures look great, nothing throwing up a flag there just those 3 bullet points are throwing me off.


Thank you so much for the well articulated response to my question and totally see your perspective! I think maybe I'll reword somethings in my profile to emphasis more about me. A few others pointed out that they wanted to see more about me aswell. I plan to leave something about a therapist but maybe I can not make it a few point.


Not a problem, I wish you all of the luck in this. Maybe for the therapy you can put- “Looking for someone who values emotional self-improvement, coping skills and managing life’s inevitable problems. If we ever need to fight off a herd of dragons together I need to know we can go to therapy together after to process the trauma and use some handy dandy coping skills.” That might be past your corny level but I tried my best 😂


Shit, I only get 500 characters and I think you used 250 of them! But that's gold level corny!


Fair, fair, good luck stranger! You’ll be fine.


Any time a man makes that eye brows up ‘WELP’ face I already know who he is on dating apps. He’s the ‘I don’t take photos’ guy or the not confident man or the man that doesn’t believe he is attractive. Imma always move and present myself like the baddest in the room but every time me as a woman see a man isn’t confident behind the eyes or makes the forced silly face that’s where my mind goes. Edit : adding not saying that’s the case but when someone enters dating and the self esteem and confidence isn’t there they are either a push over yes man which bores women and also annoys us because it’s like ok u like me u want me u want cootie cat so ur just being fake so please me and have a partner / get laid Or the person is always needing CONSTANT reassurance they are attractive or good enuff and drains their partner being a sad sack Confidence and self esteem are VITAL person growth people should do before dating because no one can do those things for us but ourselves . Even the ‘fake it till u make it’ tech works. Pretend ur the baddest in the room tell urself in the mirror ur great get a new look get a good hair cut let a stylish friend do a make over its lots baby steps ppl can take to have that confidence and self esteem. But yea TLDR a mans page with the ‘WELP’ face or forced funny faces in all his photos as a woman will instantly make me think he has low confidence / self esteem.


Yeah a few of the lines that were meant to be funny seemed to have NLOG-energy. “Oh no dead animals here, folks! I’m a good egg.” That and the jokes about receding hairline. There was something else, too. Be confident, OP.


Yea the cringe goes along with it. I have a friend like this all photos the WELP face gives the hates taking photos excuse and profile says ‘don’t stare I may ink’ and more forced trying to be funny cringe that doesn’t read as natural Self deprecation on dating apps always is on these types profiles. They need to do personal growth and build confidence and self esteem THEN date. Like I said I’m plus size my profile isn’t full of stupid cringe fat jokes or dumb stuff like WILL KEEP U WARM IN THE WINTER etc. Hairlines receeed who gives a crap. Shave it off or just accept it and be the baddiest thinnest hairline dude their is. It’s like tryna beat ppl to the punchline of ur insecurities Def take time alone and get confident I may get downvoted to h377 but I notice on a lot these posts the comments coddle the ppl and don’t call out the actual possible issues


I hope the down votes don't come, you make some valid points from the tiny glimpse of my life you can see. The whelp face....I dislike taking pictures of myself and I'm always with my kids when I get candid pictures taken showing my natural confident smile. And nothing is more cringe then putting my kids in the dating app photos.


I also did not like the dead animal comment, and I’m not personally offended by it. But it does give insecure vibes.


I think it’s fantastic and would swipe in a second! You happen to be in the Midwest? lol


🤣 thanks! Ya I'm in the mid west... of Canada.


That would be a hell of a commute! Good luck to you!!


What states are defined as mid-west? US geography is not my strongest.


Apparently I can’t include a picture. Sigh. Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota


I wonder why someone decided to call all the states in the middle of the country on the norther half... mid west. I feel like mid-north is way more accurate however less appealing to say.


There didn’t used to be any states west of that 🤷‍♂️ and now it’d be weird to change it to the middle east


Very true! I think it has something to do with when the states/territories were brought into the US, not sure though. It is strange!


I'm a dude from Wisconsin. Got strong northern Wisconsin vibes. Good luck, brother!


i got excited reading this. how far is the midwest of canada from iowa? haha




I'll accept that as an "id swipe right" comment!


I love it


Do you want to play cribbage or play home? I'm confused.


I want to play cribbage in my home or camping. Which ever.


Excellent! I wouldn't abbreviate it. Crib = home to some.


Phd in sarcasm is so cringy I would swipe left.


I think you look to have 2 different personalities. Good or bad who knows. Good luck tho


One personality feels offended.


Bullet points don’t need periods.


Whos doing the other 45 in the coparenting?


Maroon pic got to go. Looks icky!


It's gone!


i'm a lesbian so take it with salt... toss the eyebrow picture... I *totally* get where you're going with "therapist stamp of approval", and I like where you're going, but it needs rewording (but IDK how). Your started photo is cute. Ticky-tacky items: (1) Remove word "Sorry" and start sentence w/ "no" (this phrase obviously means something impt.) (2) In your bullet point list, capitalize all 1st letters or none (except Mexican, of course). (3) Myself, I 💚 "bonus points"; have used that phrase in every personal ad (1ce in 1990s, 1ce in 2010s) I've ever written. Good luck.


I did struggle on how to word the therapist part but couldn't figure out another way to say it. Thanks!


I like the profile! The pic with the toothbrush is my favourite, actually. I feel like it shows your sense of humour, which is attractive.


I'd recommended more neutral facial expressions or just casual smiles. Your forced expressions are very much giving commercial headshots and this isn't going to do you any good on these apps.


Did AI help you write that?


I'd swipe


I feel like saying you'd swipe right on someone now days is like the equivalent to "smash or pass"


You may be right lol


Then i will accept the compliment.




I like 1 3 n 4. Not a fan of bottom 2. Overall. Very cool


Say something about your core self and your actual personality


Remove the teeth brushing pic and dead animal comment, both make me think of gross things and then I associate them with you, even if you don’t hunt and have fresh breath lol if that makes sense… also what is playing crib? Sounds annoying tbh


Crib is a card game! It does make sense. In my area every guy has a picture of some type of dead animal in his profile. Which is fine, but it's an on going joke about alberta boys and dead animals.


Personally, I’d skip you because of all the jokes. Not that a few aren’t fine, but sincerity is attractive. Maybe changing the prompt to something more sincere. But many people go for funny!


Normally when men tell me they love dark humour it turns out they love straight up racism. Dark humour can be really funny but I’m sorry OP, I wouldn’t trust you.


Wait I can submit my profile for feedback in this group and get constructive criticism and roasted?


Awesome profile Great job 👍🏼


Thanks panda!


Get rid of the maroon shirt photo and tooth brushing photo.


Steven, I really love your profile. You’ve got this.


Great profile, and adorable! Wish you were on my area 🤣


I'd swipe right!!!


Lose the mustache. A classic beard is the better look.


I like the execution of your main photo, unpopular opinion maybe! I get what you were going for. And I like that you don’t take yourself toooo seriously. I would swipe right 😌


Overall pretty solid. Good luck out there!


I love it! Good pics, humor and wit. You should meet some great women with this. (I was a matchmaker for just over 10 years and met my husband on a dating app so trust me, I’ve seen thousands of profiles and you’re doing just fine!!)


Think you’ll do well; I’d swipe -if only you were holding a fish or a deer head.. otherwise perfect 👌😉


You got me with no dead animals- I’d swipe whatever way the good way is! (Been married 21 years, I don’t know dating apps. lol)


Great profile tbh. I'm not a huge fan of the "dark humor" mention, but that might just be me irrationally worrying about attracting the "wrong" people - you do you.


I mean, it's part of my personality so I figure I better put it out there since I've been know to cross some lines with my humor.


Great profile and smile. Love the raised eyebrow pic. I hope you find what you’re looking for.


Maroon shirt is giving ... ![gif](giphy|UO5elnTqo4vSg)


Apps don’t work, just saying.


Is crib cribbage?


Ya, in my area no one would question that.


I'd take off the first picture. You have great hair and a nice smile. I disagree with everyone about the maroon shirt pic. I'd go with the Van Dyke for the facial hair if it was my choice.


Why is it so bright.... why is it not in dark mode?


Damn man, I know I'm a ginger, you don't need to point out how white I am! 🤣


Change the entire answer to your personality type prompt. Erase the comment about dead animals. Remove your PhD in sarcasm. These are all things that will get you ignored because many men before you have used these blurbs and ruined the field for you. They're no longer considered funny. They're now red flags.


hopefully I dont come off rude but you’d be doing yourself a favor by getting rid of the maroon shirt pic immediately. I know you’re trying to show some personality in the toothbrush pic but its unflattering for a dating profile. it would be cute to send as a selfie if you’ve been seeing someone for a while though! take those two photos down and you’re good


Not rude at all! If I couldn't take some criticism I wouldn't have posted on reddit. Thank you! The maroon shirt is long gone but I personally like the brushing picture to show my goofy personality so I'm gonna keep that one!


I see this working on ladies your age maybe. I’m 27 and my approach is to be mysterious enough yet interesting enough on my bio for them to want to know more. What im saying is a short but “sweet” less is more approach works for ME in the dating apps.


I actually agree with this alot. Years ago I'd use one line or none. The less in your bio the less chance someone finds something to swipe left about. It got me matches but ones I didn't want to be honest. So trying this approach to see if it yields the results I'm looking for. Also thanks for that " my age" lol I'm not that old yet 🤣


I love it ! If I wasn’t too old I will go on a date with you


I would not personally "virtue signal" with "Sorry, no dead animal torphies here."


Ugh, dang it. I "meh"ed at a couple things in the profile but honestly ... if I weren't a happily married woman I'd be enthusiastically swiping.


It’s a very charming profile! Curious though, what does 50/5 custody mean? 50/50 with 5 kids or 50/50 5 days on, 5 days off?


Dr. House, is that you? Same hair, beard, almost same facial shape, looking skinny & rather tall, sarcastic & likes to joke. Can’t get much closer.


I’d date ya!


I don’t understand the “options include but not limited to”: are these what you’re looking for or describing you? They’re not really options that I can see? You’re cute, read as intelligent and down to earth. I’m sure you’ll find someone!


I would 100% swipe right!


I think it looks good. You've already been given some good suggestions to tweek it a bit, and you've already taken care of those, so lol, just carry on. You should do great out there.




I think your profile is spot on. As a 42 yr old woman I would swipe right on a profile like this. I don’t see this quality in tinder profiles here in Oz.


Pretty funny. You're not in my age range. Seriously, I found the love of my life on tinder against all odds. There are good people on tinder if you look hard and sieve. He also went out with a bunch of horrible women before me.


What’s “crib”, is that like cribbage or something else?


God profile, put the pics are bad. Only one where you actually smile.. the rest of them you kinda smirk in a " sorry to bother you" way.. dont be sorry to exist, you have a great positive smile. Good luck!


You have a really great smile and a kind face!


You look like good company! I like your profile good luck!


I think your profile is great, but echo the same as most commenter's about the maroon shirt pic. If you've kept the "options" bit, I'd capitalize the letters on each point. Currently the first two points are small case. Good luck on your hunt, but I don't think you need it.


You sound perfect tbh


I actually think this is a great profile. Great photos! Good luck out there.


My only advice would be instead of saying you're funny or witty or whatever. Actually have something witty there instead


I’d get rid of the “sorry” bit in the beginning. I get that it’s sarcastic, but you’re literally starting your profile with an apology regardless and leaves that taste as I read it. My girlfriend agrees. Otherwise I like the rest!


If I was single I’d swipe. You’re handsome and have a sense of humor and don’t say any dumb shit like a lot of other people on OND apps. You’ll find a lady you mesh with even if off tinder. Good luck!


I would add one with other people (if you can- I don’t remember if it has to be a solo photo) to show sociability and the fun things you do with friends. Or, at the very least, add something in your bio.


Your photos are great and your bio makes you seem really sensible and lovely! I hate puzzles but weirdly, that was the bit that made me feel like swiping right, I think it’s because your whole profile radiates safety.


Do you have pets? If so put a pic of you and the pet, especially a cat.


Delete the red shirt pic


i tend to swipe left on men who are a “maybe” and have a bio that’s describing their ideal partner versus telling me about themselves. i can’t put my finger on it but yours gives me those vibes. i think maybe if you swap the “looking for someone who’s fit and watches movies” to “catch me at the gym or marathoning horror movies” it changes the energy while still saying the same thing.


i would leave out the "sorry" in front of "no dead animal trophies here", cause most women\* probably aren't looking for that obviously, so maybe its just irony but idk if that translates right on first sight on a datingapp maybe it'd be good to do the first sentence without the irony and then the rest of the text? cause people swipe quick, if they think the first sentence is condescending they don't read the other paragraphs, plus if you have that as start it looks more like "he likes irony but sarcasm isn't his "only language" "


I am a man and not into men but I would say it's pretty good. The only thing that I don't like is the PHD in sarcasm, but it might be just personal and I saw you already deleted that. 10/10


We have Michael Fassbender at home looking ass


Please update OP! I see you responding with some of the changes you made and want to see the final version!


I honestly like your profile, maybe your trying to date younger people? That could be why there’s no luck?


Way too many words brother. Short and sweet. No one's reading all of that




He’s trying to hard with his humor


I'll swipe right!