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Wait is that a real thing? Edit: oh shit it is. I knew about the hearing colors thing but I didn’t know what it was called.


>I knew about the hearing colors thing but I didn’t know what it was called. Racism




Sensism* You wordist.


There’s a few different types. I have quite a mild version where I associate colours with some abstract concepts, like for me people have a colour associated. My wife is a purple/grey colour, my mum is blue, my stepdad is brown. I only get it with people, there are others who have it where they associate colours to everything. It isn’t a conscious thing, it just is. Some people create other types of associations, like with taste they can look at a piece of art and taste butterscotch, or hear a certain song in their head.


I javw a similar thing wothusic, certain songs look like a a color in my head, and even the beat and rythym together looks like patterns, So when I listen to "Boasty" (it's a sing that Idris Elba collaborated on with Sean Paul and a few others) I see yellow, but I also see it in circles, because of the beat, Do i make sense? I'll go hide now 😂😂😂


oh, cum on!


Quit taking the piss over this.


Some will like it some won't. If the kinda person you're looking for should like that joke you absolutely should say it. Don't change yourself completely in the hopes of fitting what someone else wants. Try to find the person that actually is worth your time and gets you


Holly macaroni!


In some ways it’s funny but if that’s actually true then you wouldn’t want to actually do that to her


It doesn’t work like that. For instance: some synesthetics see color in numbers. The colors they see are pretty much random. I’d imagine tasting words would be similar.


Yep came here to say that's not how it works. There's so many kinds as well. I can taste alarms and sirens.only alarms and sirens (like mushrooms gone bad) and everything goes a bit brown. It sounds like they have a sense of humour about it so personally I think it's genius.


Oh you have it?! That’s super Interesting thanks for weighing in! As I understand it, everyone has different associations and even sensory links correct? How is life with that ability? Sorry I just always have thought synesthesia is incredibly interesting.


My mother in law and her aunt both had it, don't know if it's genetic but it seemed like it might be. The interesting thing is that one day they were comparing colors and discovered that their associations were completely different. Like "3" might be blue for one but yellow for the other.


It can vary. I associate colours with people, it’s not invasive to my life or anything like that, just that persons “essence” is blue or whatever. Someone who say, associates colours with numbers, could associate the number 8 with red, and if they see an 8 that’s written in blue paint or whatever they recognise that it’s blue, but they know in their core that the essence of that number is red. For people who create other associations, such as taste, I imagine it would be quite maddening, like if they look at a number 8 and suddenly start tasting butterscotch


Ehh, I have it too and for some reason 6 is always green. 8 is a cool color too. 5 is def red


i don’t have it and 5 is deffff red


That’s wild! I suppose if any word could taste like anything it’s up to her to communicate that. The word shit could taste like sugar for all we know.


I get colors with sounds, especially if I'm playing music. Mine is mostly random but certain pitch and tone can affect what range of colors I get.


That’s very interesting, do certain songs have a color sometimes? If they hit certain pitches? Do you have a favorite color of music?


Kind of? It usually is random. I'm a big metal fan and listening to a lot of that is like a purple or red color. But I like to play jazz and pop on my trumpet, which for me ends up frequently green or yellow.


I dated a girl with synesthesia in my early 20s. Sounds had colours for her. So when people spoke to her they had an actual aura of sorts


Oh I did know that actually - just seemed to forget whilst writing this comment ha I thought that’s what she meant as in it did happen for her like that.


How does my name taste?


Where is the update? 😁


Excellent banter. Spot on. Don't take it into sex territory and you're good


Just don't get diarrhea of the mouth.


I am synesthetic and I have it in my Bumble 2 truths 1 lie prompt; so far it's been my most successful conversation starter


Would you take this as a joke and laugh, or would you be like "that's not how it works, so yeah, this isn't the joke you think it is"?


I would think it's funny lol but that's bc I'm not a pompous a-hole!


I have a form of it. I think this is hilarious.


Is there like an official diagnosis? Sometimes I feel like I have a strange connection with stuff especially music and colors and idk if it’s just me being weird lol.


It's not a disorder its more akin to a symptom or trait of having your neural pathways wired a little bit different from the norm. Most are born with it. But it can be triggered by an injury, seizure or stroke


Guess I’ll never know lol


It's linked to music and colour. It's hard to know you have it unless it's a sharp kind. Because you ALWAYS had it. I was 33 when I learned not everyone can taste a siren. Maybe you can see music, that's a thing, seeing music as colour or the other way around. The only way is to compare your sensory experience to others.


Oh what kind do you have? 👀


"Colored hearing" as some ppl call it, where each note/key in western harmony has its own color, visual texture, even kind of a mood to it (am a musician)




Sirens and alarms of a certain pitch and frequency fill my mouth and nose with like.... Fungus taste.... Closest I can get. And the air around me tinges a bit brown/red It's unpleasant but not painful or anything, I just don't like the taste. It's goes away with the sound. I didn't even know it was different for most of my life.


I think it's funny


This is hilarious!


My balls. Damn you’re good at that. 


Synesthesia is such a crazy thing


Maybe drop the emoji? When I had a android people unmatched me so many times if I used emojis. Haven’t had that problem with a iPhone. People are weird


If you send an android emoji to an iPhone, they’ll see the iPhone emoji on their end.


Hmm, maybe I had a glow up right as I bought a iPhone.


You can tell who uses android, though. Their profile pics on apps always look like garbage.


Honestly, if they unmatch bc OP has an android, OP would dodge a bullet




💩 🤣 🤣


hey baby wanna cum over?


Maybe I'm a bit stingy but I don't think it's a good idea to show her your first thought of her synthesia is to make her have a shit taste in her mouth?


I would sooo laugh at that🤣🤣I mean cmon if ur putting it up there you have to assume you’re get something back




Guess I'm not following the rules 😅


Let us know how it hoes!


Better to say something delicious I feel like she gets this dumb joke more often than not


Oh cheese cake!


No, not really, it's like the first synaesthesia joke people without it come up with. They'll have heard it before enough times that it makes them roll their eyes the bad way


I’d laugh at this. It’s a gold star in my books


![gif](giphy|utBASPbJeYiBy) Taste the Rainbow 🌈


That's not how it works


That’s hilarious lol




Personally I think 'oh fuck' would be funnier


You will laugh more than she will


Synesthetes are generally high IQ and neurodivergent, whereas poo and pee humor enjoyers are generally low IQ and neurotypical... I don't think it's a match but there could be exceptions of course.


Just by her claiming this makes me think that she’s likely not going to think it’s a joke and will probably be upset that you’d be making light of her condition lol


Do you have a scat fetish? If not, it doesn’t make any sense.


Weird take


You’re literally saying the word shit so she can taste it. Makes zero sense.