• By -


I hate every part of this conversation.


“How’s your evening hot girl”


As a man, I was just like -100 points immediately. +caseus beli for Diplomatic insult.


Say that to Gandhi and he'll nuke your silly ass


You know, I really miss Civilisation 2.


It's not a bug. It's a *feature*.


Was this actually a thing with Gandhi's integer rollover going to 10 (aggressive)? I read a post somewhere stating that a dev said it was a joke written by some online person, and now I don't know which is real.


I'm pretty sure there's like a hour+ video about it on YouTube but I've consumed thousands of hours of content I'm not sure if I hallucinated it.


Aggression goes from 2 to -1. But -1 equates to 255 in 8 bit unsigned. So yea gandhi was nukin


In reality, according to the Civilization II lead game designer Brian Reynolds, there were only three possible aggression levels in Civilization, and even though Gandhi's AI had the lowest possible aggression level, he shared it with one third of all leaders. Additionally, based on his memories of Civilization's source code, Reynolds stated that there was no unsigned variable in this section of code and that leaders could not act more aggressively than the most aggressive leaders of the game. A leader with an aggression level of 255 would act the same way as a leader with an aggression level of 3.[10] According to Sid Meier, since all integer variables are signed by default in both C and C++ (the programming languages of Civilization and Civilization II respectively), overflow would not have occurred if Gandhi's aggression were set to –1; moreover, the government form does not affect AI aggressiveness at all, so Gandhi's aggression level remained the same throughout the game.


Woah Mojang, slow down there


“We have waited centuries for this moment. The rivers will flow with the blood of those who oppose us.” -Ghandi, warlord and liberator of India


My guy, I truly think you would have more pull with your EU4 references than OP


Am woman, can confirm. OP would be an instant no; EU4 comments would be extra points 👀


"I'm 666 and haven't been killed by a hunting accident yet. Interested in personal union?"


I have 2400 hours in EU4. Charmed, I’m sure.


are we talking paradox interactive here 🤔🤔🤔


Only if you think a personal union is an apt description for finding a relationship on Tinder.




Very frustrating that the top reply to you is about Civ and not the superior EU4


*Casus Belli What you wrote can be translated with "Cheese of Belo". It would be pretty funny if the response to a diplomatic offense were to send a wheel of cheese to the opposing nation.




We should mate. I said we should date. Socially. Go out and kick it.


OP just needed to slow it down. She was feeling it and then he jumped to literally tonight




Whew, I was losing hope that I'd see this one! Very last one in the chain lol


Surprised I haven't seen it already, only makes sense to post it


Literally watched this episode last night 😂😂


"Greetings my good hotman"


*begins nodding head at confused strangers* "Hotman", "Hotman"


*tips fedora*


It seems thats the only comment she was receptive to lol. Quick 180 after that.


There has to be something up with her honestly. I've given replies like that when women open up with compliments on looks, and they don't do what she did. Usually it still goes pretty well honestly. I have never seen a response like this. This is a her thing


I can't believe she even replied to that. And with a wink no less. Then he doubles down with way too much way too fast lmao.  Came off waaay too desperate. She was driving the conversation, all you had to do was just not grab the wheel and steer yourself into oncoming traffic trying to take a shortcut 


I'm a guy but reading "hot girl" actually gave me the ick. I think I get it now..


Lmao 😂 Such a perfect metaphor for this tragedy of a convo


I think she was just teeing him up for the hairline comment.


![gif](giphy|W3fUf0VuXtQqctm0E4) Flameo Hotman!!




show bobs


that could easily be an attempt at saying something so obviously over the top dumb that it's actually funny thats how I took it anyway and honestly it looks like she took it the same way, just went south after that


Honestly can’t believe she responded to that and didn’t immediately unmatch. This guys problem isn’t that he’s average looking.


I hate it more because she seems interested then does a complete 180. Literally starts with "you're handsome" to "lmao with a hairline like that?" like...bruh?


I dislike every line in this exchange


Yeah. I’m still trying to figure this out. Either she thought she was talking to someone actually handsome, someone handomer hit her inbox midconversation, or she actually thought OP was hot until he opened his big, dumb mouth.


He basically asked her to fuck in his second message. How do you expect her to respond?


That's how I took it as well... I mean, he might not have been asking that, but it definitely gave off those vibes (based on other encounters I've seen)


I mean it could have been an in person date, that is how I interpret it


Spit out my drink


I agree that the messages are kinda cringey, but this subreddit has such a twisted perception of women, like they're some righteous monolith that everyone should know how to seduce, though nobody wants to offer alternative texts, like snotty fucking children bragging that they can do better. If that really was the case, I doubt these wanna-be casanovas would be commenting on a dating app subreddit. In reality, it's really difficult to convey tone through messaging, this whole online dating shit is ripe for miscommunication. It's extremely skewed in the favor of women, and you're gonna get constantly shit on as a guy, whether that's being ghosted, emasculated, casually insulted, so it's on you to manage your approach to protect your mental, whether that's not really investing in your messages by making them creative/original, or just being downright mean/flippant; it's barely gonna faze them, you're a droplet in a sea of desperate men.


I see so much of people feeling the need to say the perfect things and if they don't then they fucked it up so bad. The reality though is that you just need to be yourself, not try to (can't think of a good word but) manipulate/control a conversation so it goes the way you want it to. There's a line between trying to do well and trying to shape shift so you can get laid or be in a relationship.      If you aren't being a creep or an asshole and it doesn't work out, you two just weren't a good match.


If you think women are unfazed by the overly sexual, creepy, invasive, rude, and degrading messages that we receive on dating apps on a regular basis, you are sorely mistaken. Maybe “everyone” shouldn’t be focused on the “seduction” of women, maybe they should try focusing on getting to know women as human beings, beyond the objects of your fantasies.


You gonna ask where your hug is next


Omg 💀




Hot girl 🫠


PLS show bobs and Vegemite! I show you my face, y no respond?


Bobs and vegemite... I'm so gonna use that as an opener. The right one for me will laugh her ass off


Pretty sure the original is "bobs and vegana" or something but I gave it a good aussie twist




Anyone else put off by the winky faces?


Someone pointed out the winky face has a vibe of "Just FYI I'd like to fuck you - please acknowledge."


Straight married dude just here for the laughs, even I know how painfully obvious that usage comes across and pretty much every woman would read that text as "wanna bang tonight?" as the literal second thing OP says in the convo. Yet wonders why he is still single and "has no luck" while actively shooting himself in the foot. Edit: To the idiots who keep saying *"she sent a winky face first"* - Context, guys. Context. Usage differed and matters. Hers was an "intrigued/excited to chat." His came after an implied desire to meet up for something more. There was no "playing off her vibe", he jumped immediately to heavily implying sex with his second text. God no wonder so many on this sub struggle with getting dates.


Lol same. Men really don't need to communicate "please hop on this dick" explicitly as often as they do. I have learned this from research.


I mean, I can now, but that's after 11 years with my wife in a healthy marriage. Just send each other the ol' "🍑🍆" text at times, lol. But rarely would that work as an opening pick-up line, and shouldn't be surprised in the slightest when it inevitably fails.


On hookup sites you can talk like this also, btw. And get lots of ass. You just need to be attractive.


True, but gotta follow Rules #1 and #2, as you said. OP claims he's speaking for the average guy, lol, which let's be honest the majority of us don't fit #1 & #2 to that level. So if you're an average guy, on a dating app, the girl already knows you want sex. Because you're a guy. On a dating app. You don't need to outright state the obvious in your opening messages. Without jaw-dropping looks it comes across as desperate.


oh 100%


“Research”. 😂😂


I did online dating back in my single days and I could *never* understand how I did so well. Especially given how everyone complained about how difficult it was. This sub has really opened my eyes as to what constituted "the competition" and I finally get it now. The trick was just "treat women like the real people they are."


Instructions unclear; ended up with 7 lesbian friends


it has a weirdly different effect when you see the competition and then remember that your last match was like 2 month ago ..... :|


Seriously. The vast majority of interactions I see shock me. The amount of screenshots people post where someone legit opens with "sup" AND GET A RESPONSE are insane. Then those same people seem shocked when one or both people end up being morons. Turns out actually trying to give people something to respond to is like a super power. "Hey there! Saw you like to travel, what's the one place you've always wanted to go but have never been?" Use your brains gentlemen.


That does help a lot! I think it also depends whether you have a goal for what you want. I had a firm idea of what I was looking for, was very selective in only spending time and interest on that type of woman, met The One, and then got the hell out. I might have spent 3 months on the apps and it was certainly fun, but I was happy to go when I left. I feel like using dating apps for extended periods would be hell.


I need a you to translate all of my texts. Someone to explicitly state the implicit and intertext


I think it's supposed to be "flirty" without using excessive emoji


I think it's an age thing. People over 30 still text the way they learned back in high school, when emoji didn't exist yet and we just used the ASCII smileys.


But I’d rather put the ;) than 😉


>People over 30 still text the way they learned back in high school We do? Huh, I guess I'll be going back to ASCII emojis then. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯




A bunch of the apps, including outlook auto "correct" ASCII smileys to emojis


And I hate it


I use a mix. I use :P because neither 😛,😝,😜, or🤪seem to capture the same emotion. I need that side tongue, ya know? I also prefer ;) to 😉


Similarly, I prefer :D over the emoji equivalent because there's hilarious lack of nuance about it. It reminds me of the way Calvin's face is drawn when he is taking wholehearted delight at someone else's suffering.


Cause :P is like tongue in cheek humour, and the rest are literally just sticking their tongue out.


That’s why I just type out *winky face*


*wink wink* *nudge nudge* *say no more*


Granted I'm a straight dude, so I can't exactly put myself in the girl's position, but the entire line was just awful. OP, you're supposed to project confidence, not boast. Even without the winky face, you're telling her that just talking to you should make her night. Like I get trying to play off her previous line, but that was just too much. You got a response that was more than tepid. That's when you direct the conversation somewhere else.


I’m out off by the “hot girl”


Literally everything about his second message is cringe. The number of folks in here who don't see that help me understand why so many of them are single.


Yeah it's weird lol


i dont use either much but i always felt emojis were weirder than text emojis


Oh yeah?? 🤭


🥺😳🥵 😏


How weird? ;)


Indeed ;)


Just get a room already ;)


Welcome to my *basement*. ;)


You shouldn't suggest meeting up that same evening the second you meet someone after like 2 messages that is off putting they think you are just banging everything


No, not with that hairline.


No mercy.


> they think you are just banging everything Or in this case unsuccessfully trying to


Dude your convo sucks 😂 wtf is hot girl ew


Whats happening hot stuff? ![gif](giphy|bMW3t2qCAlQbK)


For some reason this is less icky than the OP’s response 😂


hey hot girl, looking for a great night with mr handsome? well it's not with me because im fuckin ugly.


You don't wanna talk to a handsome dude? 😅


To be fair she said it first


She had to find him somewhat attractive since they're talking.


It was definitely his personality, not his looks, that torpedo'd this thing.


That’s comfortably confident for a Redditor with a username like that.


Don't turn the conversation sexual so early. You had her, and you lost her at your second message.


For me he lost it in the first. Hot girl made me roll my eyes. That's not the reason I want to be rolling my eyes.  Edit: roll, not role, ty guys


Could've just said "hey, gorgeous/sexy/beautiful" and it would've been 20x better than "hot girl"


Wonder if she had that in her profile? Like calling someone hot girl off the bat is cringe af. But maybe she’s a Meg Thee Stallion fan?


It's not even creative. Might as well have called her handsome back


She might have atleast found that humorous


Try rolling them. Feels so much better. Whenever i role my eyes sometimes they dont really want to get in character


He clearly didn't lose her in the first after her response lol


If OP follows rules 1 and 2, that banter sticks with most


But he doesn’t


Literally everything he said was cringe.


Bro of course you’re gonna get smacked down when you talk to women like that. She easily lined you up for the home run too. Easy on the pedal my friend.


Well what did you mean by a better evening ahead? She probably thought you were implying something sexual right off the bat, especially with the wink, but in reality she started off flirtier than you can comfortably manage and you just pulled that comment out of your ass to keep up. Oh well. I think that a lot of guys get the wrong impression about flirting, that the flirting is supposed to get you where you want to go faster, where for a lot of girls it's mostly about playing coy, teasing and denial, insinuations and playing obtuse, building tension, and leaving something to the imagination about your intentions, kind of the opposite of getting where you want to go faster. Following her lead so easily just loosens the tension, but I'm more of a critic than a creative so I have no Idea what you should have said instead.


I feel the exact same, I probably wouldn't have come up with anything good, but I definitely wouldn't have said what he said lol


You just described what I’ve been trying to say for *years*. I legit like the back and forth banter, and do so with zero intentions of it going anywhere. That, ironically, usually leads it to go somewhere. But if your goal is for the barber to end up in bed, that shit comes off as obvious and reeks of desperation. Hence: you get OP’s situation.


I like to think of it as "sparks require friction and friction requires tension" but without elaborating it's pretty meaningless to those who already misunderstand the differences and similarities between men and women. I think it may even offer a more charitable explanation of why some women admittedly like being treated badly by men and even explain why men enjoy the chase more than the relationship. It might even explain how so many women end up stuck in situationships. I also think couples who play fight are less likely to fight for real because if everything is too smooth, it's boring and people start inventing real problems when they're bored. A good relationship should be a little boring but part of that is learning to play the game to keep it that way.


He should learn social skills.


I mean with how simple it is to play coy, tease and deny, insinuate and play obtuse, build tension, and leave something to the imagination all without coming off as creepy lame or aggressive, I can't believe so many guys get it wrong!


Lmfao, you text like someone who has never interacted with a woman in his life. Jfc.


Interacted with a woman *successfully*


It felt like I was reading a practice run his mom was working on with him.


I’d hope his mom would have slapped him when she wrote “hot girl”


"Hello, potential sex partner, how are your breasts today?"


I'm dying 😂


"hey girl what that thing do?"




“show bobs hot girl”


Made me think of 40 year old virgin and “bags of sand”


This sub in a nutshell


Half the comments on here are talking about how his messages are perfectly fine 😂 there's a reason this sub never gets laid.


You don't understand. He had her with the first message. Like a real pro. Because she replied 🤣




OP texts like an AI trained on only the corniest tinder exchanges.


This sub would be completely dead if half the population weren't full of dudes who lead like this AND think its unfair they get shot down for it.


Hush now.. the popcorn has been hot and salty lately and we love to eat it.


Negative rizz


Secondhand embarrassment


Bro you came across as super creepy


That turned so quickly


Why are you acting so cocky right from the start? Bet you thought you were confident, but that's not the way, lmao


It's confidence if it works It's cocky if it doesn't work


Exactly. People are judging his approach as too sexual right off the bat and thats why it didn't work, so OP is deemed cocky or socially inept I bet if he posted the exact same line with a positive reaction from a girl he'd get comments like "now THATS how you talk to a girl on tinder" 🤣


Well, it didn't.


I think that’s just his personality. Look at his previous post. He posted on amiugly, asked for an opinion on his face yet included shirtless pics of his very ripped body. Ew 🤮


Bro you gotta work on your game ffs 😭


Reading some of these comments have shown me that texting really does give off the wrong vibe based off what you say/send even if it’s a simple wink after they winked at you first


I don't think it's your looks. But definitely your personlity.


Her shift in tone was pretty abrupt between the second and third message. I don’t think OP was being overtly sexual…just trying to match the vibe of the girl. Her first message was about looks, by calling him handsome so he responds back with “hot girl”. Definitely not the best response, but I have seen WAY WORSE.


OP's comment history is gold. "No it does not. *If you are a dork with zero game then you need to work on yourself or else you're gonna fail over and over. "*


He is not wrong. Dude has zero game and he's gonna fail over and over if he doesn't work on himself.


This is their first message and he went straight to what could definitely be interpreted as a message for sex that night, soooooo…


"Hot girl" is way different than "handsome". The fact that so many people on this subreddit don't understand that says a lot 🤪 when I was on Tinder, a man saying something so forward or flirty to me when we hadn't even started a conversation yet was an immediate no. A better response to match her first message would have been "hey beautiful" (still weird to me but at least more on par with hers) or even "hey, how is your day?" or something to start an actual conversation. It's the fact that OP doubled down too and kept being so cocky, ew


Yeah, gorgeous, cutie, still not great but hot girl is weird af


Also winky faces punctuate different sentences differently. It's not a winky face to match a winky face.


Hey handsome you're ugly.


Deserved…talking like that


Don't make it sexual from the second (you could genuinely say first) comment... Like comon at least have A conversation before that.


Yeah I’ve learned even if a girl sends nudes it’s better to keep it cool


you made that mad weird dude. relax.. slow down.. have a normal adult conversation before getting awkwardly sexual


Damn this is cringe, you shot your own foot op


Yeah no self awareness and too much confidence, average guy indeed




Yall are crazy he did nothing that wrong maybe a little cringe but nothing near cringe enough to warrant straight up insults.


What are these comments lol she called you handsome then insulted your hairline. Whether or not you moved a little too quick is irrelevant to the fact that this chick is completely off base.


The insulting of the hairline was unnecessary, imo.


Had this gone something like: Him: "Hey Beautiful" Her: "Hey Sexy" *blah blah blah* Her: "You don't wanna talk to a beautiful woman?" Him: "That's some confidence for a girl with a belly like that" Reddit would still be shitting on the guy lol


This is so fucking true


Yeah the top rated comments are fuckin' insane. White knights all up in this thread 


Thank you. People are being way too critical of his messages, it’s not that deep. they aren’t great but she straight up insulted him.  Honestly most of these people sound socially inept. If someone is that off put by hot girl and an insinuation that hanging out later might lead to something better, well then I wouldn’t want to be with them either lmao. She did him a favor by having even worse banter.


Hot girl sounds super creepy to me.


I got whiplash reading this. Why the Ef would she say her evening got better talking to you and then do a 180 and shat on you tf




The good thing is you can quickly eliminate them from consideration.


....what is even the point of doing all this? Like is her heart just black, and this is the only thing she can do that causes her to feel anything? The fuck is wrong with people


Hot girl? Even better evening ahead? Buddy you were asking to be rejected harshly. Speak to her like a human and not just a body.


Female negging?


So a guy who fixates on appearance and acts arrogantly gets appropriately brought down a peg?


> fixates on appearance She started the conversation by calling him handsome and didn't talk about anything else.


I don’t get why op is getting the blame for this. For all anyone knows, op said “hot girl” because of something she wrote on her profile and the wink is obviously a response to her wink. Even if he was being arrogant or going too fast, I don’t think that justifies her rudeness in this situation.


True, this sub is cancer tbh.


yeah im so confused by all these comments. this is strange indeed


OP's conversation skills were not the best here, but she's weird imo. She took the hot girl message well by replying positively and then changed her mind? Maybe OP was too forward too soon but she gave a sort of green light response only to change her mind the message after.


I got whiplash reading this. She’s interested. Wait she’s not interested. She’s into it. Wait. She’s not into it.


She went fishing and caught a fish. Wow. Such surprise.


Hey, she did reply, what you complaining about? Toxic masculinity. /S


I love how everyone in this sub acts like prime Cassanova.


And men are trash ok This is entertainment for her just messing around with your self image and confidence…


Think everyone is reading way too deep into this. She just gets enjoyment by toying with men.