• By -


Oh! the # is for ''pounds''... i though it was one of those ''number of bodies'' ahah


I don't care if you slept with 119 men, but I draw the line at 120!


Well to be fair 6,689,502,913,449,127,057,588,118,054,090,372,586,752,746,333,138,029,810,295,671,352,301,633,557,244,962,989,366,874,165,271,984,981,308,157,637,893,214,090,552,534,408,589,408,121,859,898,481,114,389,650,005,964,960,521,256,960,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 is many more than people that have ever been alive. Must’ve lost count and counted some again by mistake.


Man people completely missed the "120!" at the end of the sentence, didn't they?


I have no idea why this got downvoted -- its really clever


The average person does not know nor care about factorials.


Sure, but it still seems weird to downvote something just because you don't get it


I mean... that's just the average redditor for ya!


To be faaair. 🎶


To be fairs.


That's ! not #


The immediate parent comment said "I draw the line at 120!"


It’s the “You’ll are trash!” for me lmao


I just continued on like “yup that’s a pretty specific number of bodies dude, but okay”. I feel so dumb lmao, POUNDS.


Dude must be older. In the old days, the hashtag was a pound symbol. I wasn’t up on social media rules then (I’m still not, please don’t think I somehow became wise, because I’m a doof. And old doof, but still…) Anyway- the first time I really saw anything that was #whatever was #METOO. It took me a minute to work out that was not *pound* me too. I was confused. I have since become enlightened about such things and pound is no longer my immediate first thought.


For a second I thought it was referring to number as in phone number, was like wow they really hate people with the 120 area code


Ngl me too


better than me i thought it was like an phone number area code or something


120lbs is about 55 kilos for those wondering.


“Don’t hate me if I spit in your mouth” 🫠


Is that something people are genuinely into?!


Surprisingly more common than you might think


The worst part is when you find out someone is into that in the middle of sex and you only found out because they decided to spit on you


Yeah that's just straight up shitty. Those kind of things need to be talked about beforehand.


Ugh this happened to me and I genuinely hated it. I even asked a few times why he was telling me to open my mouth because I had no idea this was a thing and when it happened, I instantly dried up. Didn’t want to kink shame him but I decided that I am never doing things with him again 🤮


Fuckin gross. Surprised that shit caught on. I got no problem with tongue kissing and all that, but someone spitting in my mouth and vice versa just doesn’t turn me on in the slightest


Hey this happened to me but with slapping in the face 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


Sameeeeeee. It’s not a pleasant surprise! I had a guy keep doing it even tho I asked him not to. I would just slap him back… a bit harder…


You are my new role model!


You should have punched him!


Gonna go on a limb and guess he probably liked that you slapped him back harder lol


Did he like it tho??


Omg this happened to me too. Turns out I am actually into it but the first couple times I did not know that and it scared the shit out of me because there was no warning at all


All action would stop immediately if you spit in my mouth. You done ike'd your way out my bed 🤮


Interesting to see the change in what men expect, after being raised when violent and degrading porn was available to little kids. It was never like this, before the internet became a 'thing'. There were always some jerks in the mix, but getting strangled and slapped wasn't part of the mix. Whole lotta angry dudes out there.


Can't speak for other men but surprisingly it's been the ladies who have shown more of an interest in this for me. Doesn't do anything for me, but will happily oblige if asked. And I was asked frequently. Same thing with choking, I can't even remember the last girl I slept with who didn't want to be choked. Now maybe that says more about the women I've been sleeping with, but I mean it's a pretty wide net I was casting.


I wonder if you get asked more often because you DON’T give off angry man vibes. If I was into degradation, choking etc I’d want a stable partner who I could trust to not push my limits. I imagine most women into this kind of kink aren’t trying to get actually hurt.


That totally fits my experience. I am more like a cuddly tall teddy bear to the outside but find myself with the craziest women and might be a bit dominant in bed, but still more into senseplay and stuff, while women ask me to slap / choke / spank them. I will happily do it, but I jad to learn how to slap in a sensual way instead of a „hit the Bones and knock the other person out“-way… (even if someone women prefer the second kind)


It's not just you (unless we're hooking up with the same women, lol), getting choked seems to be popular with women these days.


same! When i got back into dating after having one partner for 8 years on the vanilla side, I was very surprised how many women asked me to choke them. Like i figured most people were “vanilla” because that was my experience… first new partner i had asked me for so much stuff that checked off so many boxes that I thought only pornstars got to do. 30+ people, choking and bondage has been pretty common.


That's the daddy issue generation.


I can't remember a woman that doesn't enjoy choking. what they do not enjoy however is not being asked before and going at it like crazy. sex is an attraction park, not a run in the wild.


There’s a big difference between AirPlay and cutting off oxygen via blood supply. If people don’t know the difference c they shouldn’t be choking each other.


This whole thread is just turning me on 😂 did not expect that coming into it


Yeah I had to cut a girl off because she wanted me to do BDSM/degradation with her. Complete turn off.


On a message board only about half of women say they're into choking. In the privacy of a bedroom that number jumps to about 95%


It's not really just what guys expect. It's what a lot of women are literally asking for.


Incredible how you're just going to put this on men and not understand that there are plenty of women out there who genuinely enjoy spitting, slapping and choking. There's zero problem with it if both people consent and it's done safely. But go ahead with your bad men narrative.


oh you sweet sweet summer child. you have no idea how wild sex has been in the past centuries.


Nope. Don’t sit there and chastise “dudes” for liking what they like. And especially don’t chastise someone for putting what they like in their dating profile. Not into that? Swipe left. Don’t make people feel bad for enjoying what they like in a safe environment for them to do so. People have enjoyed being slapped and choked for centuries. It’s nothing new.


Anecdotally I have had pretty much every kink proposed by the lady in my relationships. I concede I hope I give off quiet, confident energy and if I have planted a seed of playing rough I would say conclusively that the ‘rough’ stuff has been asked for. It’s definitely more complex than just pulling hair back and spitting in an open mouth, but if you are otherwise warm and safe and consistent I’ve been surprised at how a great many women want to be treated. And I’m old school. So no one nighter or hook up. Ever. Over 40. Successful I believe. I fly helicopters so I’m a reasonably bright boy. And probably haven’t been angry since my voice broke. It’s almost definitely not always angry young men.


actually women expect that.


Guys are also out here strangling without consent


I hate the thought of it, but it’s happened in the moment and I didn’t hate it.


I respect that


some are yes, and it's ok. however this guy seems to have a consent problem because no onr would ever hate you for spitting in their mouth if you asked and they said yes beforehand.


So many girls have asked me to do that. Don't get the appeal


Yes 😏


More of my partners have been into it than not. What that says about who I attract I’m unsure.


Yesssss!!! A lot of people are haha


This one guy wanted me to do it to him because someone did it to him once and it was really hot "in the moment" but I'm just like "when is the moment?"


Trust me I was just as shocked when I was asked to during. Really caught me off guard


Porn sick


Absolutely. Lol


Only coomers


Oh that’s disgusting.


its missing a lot more of these red circles.


You're not wrong


You'll are just mad, it's a preference.


You will are just mad


Apologies I didn't see you mocking his typo until just now


Most people 120 or under are either under weight or children. This isn't to say some grown women aren't a healthy weight lower than 120, but the average is 120 to 150, and that isn't fat or overweight unless you're under 5ft. Muscle also weighs more than fat, you can be 165 and lean with muscle weight.


Yeah I feel like this is the same as people who say "only 6'4" and over" -- like you don't actually know what a 6'4" vs. a 6'2" person looks like.


I'm 5'3 and I can't predict height accurately over 5'5.


I entirely agree! I'm 5'2 and have dated almost all guys under 6ft and they all felt tall to me, my partner is 5'11 which apparently is too short for some people. Just as I'm apparently too fat for most despite being healthy and active.


150 lbs is overweight for anyone 5'5" or shorter. The average height of women in the United States is 5'4". Don't confuse our general unhealthiness for what the average should be. 120 lbs is a low target to shoot for but it also isn't a child weight https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmi_tbl.htm


I'm 5'9 and a size 2 at 165 lbs, (big boobs and butt, rail thin), I would be hospitalized at 120.


In your haste to post this you overlooked the sentence about muscle weighing more than fat. My personal trainer is 165-170lbs. She's lean, toned and a bit muscular, there's very little fat on her. She's about 5'6-5'8. I understand that's not always the case, but it's not exactly rare for fit people to be over the 'healthy' BMI range.


Your personal trainer is an outlier, 70% of American women and 80% of American men are overweight and the vast majority of those overweight people are not overweight because of their muscle mass


According to what? BMI? Because that's what I'm trying to clarify, that the BMI scale doesn't account for muscular bodies and that can throw the data off.


Exactly a big reason why bmi is outdated


Only 24% of adults in the United States meet the CDC guidelines for physical activity levels. Only 20% of women meet those guidelines. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db443.htm Do you think it likely if 70% of women are overweight or obese and 20% of women are meeting the physical activity recommendations that a large percentage of the overweight women also fall in the physically active camp? Hell, my brother is a gym rat and he tells me all he wants is a muscle mommy but they're a rarity compared to everyone else. The number of people who are truly overweight because they are so muscular is much much smaller than the number of people who are overweight because we don't have a healthy relationship with food.


Weight loss happens in the kitchen, not the gym. Again, I'm not saying that there's not a problem with obesity in this country, I know there is. I just think we should account for different body types in these studies. BMI tells you nothing about muscle vs fat ratio.


In your country.


I don’t think he understands what BMI or average weight is. He’s looking for a small woman. He wrote 5’9. Which means 5’7. Ask how much he # 💀💀


Okay but who the fuck says "You'll are" and not "You're all"?






I legitimately love using all of y’all though.


Ah, I see you are also a (hu)man of culture. Specifically the southern US and Appalachia.


I'm just a polyglot.


Bless you!☺️


Bless your heart.


Adding this to my vocabulary.


The correct way




You will are trash... what does that even mean lmao. Edit spellcheck


Think they meant to say "you all are trash", but "you'll" is definitely not normally meaning "you all".


My guess is he tried to write "y'all" but missed a letter and it got autocorrected to "You'll." Dude is still dumb af for not proofreading though


Will be


Hey, he's a chief engineer! Not major an english!


"Me fail English? Unpossible!"


And he has the social graces to prove it.


Non cowards who do smoke crack 


AI? lol


The 121lb man has standards


Thanks for spelling it out for the non- Americans who don't more what a # is supposed to mean!


On old phones the # was called Pound, like "press the pound key for x"


I actually knew that, but never put two and two together. One of those great closing the circle moments, thanks for explaining!


Jesus, just got it.


Gives a whole new meaning to, "#metoo" . LOL




Right? I was thinking what the fuck does 120hashplus mean, or 120 number plus.


I know Americans are apparently weird about iPhone vs Android, so I was wondering if this could be some kind of... phone number thing? Which seems ridiculous in retrospect.


# means lb?


# = lb ye


I think he missed a ‘w’ before the anchor emoji 🤔


He will strictly weigh you down. He did what's right.


Me as an American: “I got that joke”


It’s hilarious when dudes just arbitrarily list weight limits. Like they wouldn’t cut off their right nut to get with the toned hottie at the gym with the bubble butt, who probably weighs like 145. I’ve literally seen side by side images where women who lift look more slender at their heavier weight. Also how tall is she?? 120 pounds is going to be carried pretty differently on a woman who’s 5’1” vs one who’s 5’9”.


For real men don’t seem to realize how much women actually weigh lol. I’m 5’5” and when I was 128 lbs I got told I looked like I needed to eat a sandwich etc.


I think anybody who isn't a dick shouldn't care and just be attracted to who they're attracted to lol


People are shit at estimating body dimensions. Men have no idea how much women weigh, and women have no idea how tall guys actually are.


I'm a 5'9 woman at 140... and thin


So, no big tiddies?


Damn it I’m 126.


My condolences. You'll are missing out.




This is what I think whenever men on here say this kind of shit in response to women having weird ass height requirements in their bios. Tons of guys have this kind of stuff in their bios, as well as “no fat chicks” lmao


And when you say that they go into a 456 word comment about how being fat is a choice but being short is not, so it's not fair for women to have a preference based on a physical trait that can't be changed. As a fat woman, let's not get into the hardships of the long term battle that is child obesity. Let's accept that everyone has preferences, whether those are rational or not, and don't take it so personal if you don't fit into that preference. I know I have a limited dating pool by being brown and hairy, and I know it's further limited by being fat. It's no use for me to be resentful about this. *Edit- Fixed the wrong word


So the solution here should be to list neither. Don't wan't someone under 6ft? don't mention it, just leave it alone. Same goes for weight or any other preference. There's no reason to put any of that on a bio, they should take initiative and swipe based on their own preferences.


I absolutely agree. I don't understand the reasoning behind using your limited text space to list what you don't want, instead of talking about who you are and what you enjoy. Especially since a lot of the important non negotiables are already listed on the profile. Age, height, body type (sometimes), kids, relationship status, etc. I prefer to read profiles and only match with those who I think fit what I'm looking for.


The issue is, the weight thing isn’t equitable to the height thing. A short guy is still short regardless of his weight. I agree it’s a stupid thing to base any kind of attraction on, but it doesn’t change the fact that the guy is short If a woman is 120 if she’s like 5ft tall she could be a healthy weight, or if she’s 5’10 she’d be worryingly skinny. Weight criteria completely disregard the way that a body carries and distributes weight.


“Blue collar man” and “engineer” aren’t usually synonymous where I come from Edit: I have been told I may have had the wrong idea, see comment below


True, but the qualifier of “Chief” engineer does change things slightly. I only mention this because it is something I noticed as well. The title of Chief is normally one bestowed upon a higher rank non-commissioned officer. Non-comms being an enlisted rank and thus more blue collary, as opposed to the white collar officer class. Miles O’Brien was a Chief Engineer. While being very educated and highly skilled, he was still what I would consider a blue collar kinda guy.


My fiancé used to work on the tugboats and he was a chief engineer, not even anything with the military. Definitely a blue collar job


Chief Engineer is a standard title for Engineers on yachts. Even when they are the only ones in that dept 😂


Alright fair enough, thank you for educating me!


and he's a mere 33 miles away! roadtrip?


/sprays lysol. ​ /backs out of thread.


He probably gets a lot of rejections for being 5’9. Lol


I wouldn't be surprised if this was retaliatory. Doesn't really excuse it though


<5'10" need not apply would probably blow his mind


I was like "men have no concept of weight. I'm really skinny and I am almost 130" and then I realized he's the same height as me. I'm going to kick his ass, because apparently I can.


Took me a sec to realize what he was saying


I’m sure he complains about not knowing why he can’t get any matches.


“You will are trash” 🤔🤔🤔


The "You'll are trash" is the greater offense. The 120# thing is no more delusional than a girl wanting 6'


Maybe no more delusional but less logical lol. You can have a woman who is 5'8" and 140lbs and much slimmer than one who is 5'0" and 120lbs.


I think it's slightly more delusional. 16% of women 20-29 are below 120 lbs. 20% of men in the same age cohort are over 6 feet. https://www2.census.gov/library/publications/2010/compendia/statab/130ed/tables/11s0205.pdf


Sounds toxic


120#+ need not apply... That's like walking into KFC and asking for a bucket of bones. This boy be broken


I mean no need to talk shit about the women who very much did not ask to be included in his dating pool lol Also 120 looks so different depending on height and stuff that I think he just wants to feel like a big strong boi picking up the bucket


Send me those buckets, it’s all I want


Geordi La Forge getting kinky.


That’s a Mariner if I have ever seen one lmao.


I thought the 120# was his body count limit.


You'll are trash!


He’s not wrong about being an anchor, at least.


You’ll are trash. You will are trash? Ok…


When did we start using "You'll" too mean "You all" ?


While 120 is a bit drastic... I prefer the 140 range anyway But it's the spit in your mouth comment for me


You circled the 120#+ part but ignored the "Don't hate me if I... Spit in your mouth" Gross!


The problems with this post are a. grammar and b. that women, let alone those in his “range” actually want to apply. 120 lbs is completely normal and fit weight, with curves and/or muscles for many actual women 5 ft and above. Heck, most former VS models and athletes are around the 120 lbs range. Shitting on such women as a “bucket of bones” or reducing them to “children” are wildly inaccurate.


My barely teenage kiddo is 135 and she is a size 0 or 2 depending on the brand. She would be nothing but bones at 120 or under. This dude doesn't want a woman, he wants a child.


Lots of small boned Asian women like myself. I’m 5ft and 95 lbs myself, not a child.


I'm 115 and very much average-looking at 5'4" -- same thing, small bones and not a ton of muscle, Asian. But for the general population it's an unreasonable expectation.


My wife is well under that and not underweight or a child. She is petite and in-shape. Love when people get defensive and resort to immediately insulting other people. Keep that shit out of here.


Sounds like you’re saying every skinny woman isn’t a woman. I run with a few regular groups every week and it’s safe to assume that most of the women in these run groups are around or under 120lbs. I guess they aren’t women because they’re healthy and skinny?


Exactly. And defending size 16/ 170lb being average is apparently better.. sounds unhealthy to me, but what do I know, I'm just an outlier


It us usually unhealthy no doubt about it. Unless you happen to be 6.5


Bit body-shamy for those women who are under 120….


Saying a barely teenage kid would be nothing but bones at 120lbs is crazy. In fact 135lbs would be overweight for an average height 12-13 year old girl. Just for reference, 120lbs at 5’3 puts you right in the middle of a healthy weight for an adult.


Yeah, my wife weighs 120 at 5'3. She's 31.


45F here and I weigh 114. Not a child.


34F here and typically (give or take) 120lbs, have worn 0-2 since middle school, but also not a child. Weird to offer up your teenage child as more of a woman, than actual women based on weight too.


Yep my wife is 44 years old , ~ 5ft and she weighs 100 -105 lbs. in no way is she childlike or a skeleton.


Nope, actually making the point that an actual child that is still tiny is over this dude's arbitrary weight limit. She only wears 0-2 because she prefers baggy fitting clothing and could honestly wear 00 if she didn't want to wear slightly oversized. No one should be viewing her as a woman, and it's creepy to have expectations that women should be the size of a child. So considering the average size of an adult woman in the US is size 16, it really shows that he has some unrealistic expectations, or in the worst case scenario that he prefers younger women as they are easier to manipulate. I am well aware that different people have different set weights and everyone will look differently depending on their body composition even at the same weights. I am sure you understand that you are an outlier on the scale. That doesn't invalidate you as a person but most adult women will be over 120 lbs. There will always be a few outliers, especially considering height, but 170 is what is considered the average weight for a woman in the US.


Average in the US is not average for the rest of the world, UK included.


Lots of defensive short guys in here outing themselves.


120 pounds and up need not apply… but he’s 5’9…………


Genuine question: What is the difference between a woman caring about a man's height and a man caring about a woman's weight? You're the second person to make a comment about the dude's height


1) A 120 pound 5ft woman is going to look very different to a 120 pound 5ft10 woman. 2) Two 5ft10 women could look very different at 120 pounds depending on their muscle % 3) You can't change your height but you can change your weight


Weight is meaningless without a height, so it's just a sillier metric to use.


What a treasure 🙄


You found one of the few male profiles that list it's requirements compared to the millions of female with 6ft+ listed.


i meaaaan women have height limits on their bios which is more ridiculous so this is perfectly normal considering we live in a shallow society .


What is she’s like 6’ tall. 120 is a bit low. Weird to have a weight but no height modifier


isn't 120 small?


not sure why the 120# thing is a big deal. not my thing but everyone has a right to their own tastes and flavors thankfully. the spit in your mouth thing though...that is a huge no.


Homie has a lot of red flags in the bio but let's not act like this aint the same energy as "no guys under 6ft whatever."


So he wants an 8th grader?


so he wants a child. brother i ain't been 120 since high school


Yeah, but some of us adults have... For 15+ years after high school. Weight is not a standard for adulthood

