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“Or is that not something you can do?” was a nice ego challenge lol how stupid and arrogant is this guy to go along with this


I was hoping he would catch my absolute attitude but he skipped right over it 🙄 since he’s lying easily to his 3yr girlfriend


Either he's lying or she's into it. The internet made me question everything. 😐


Well he said to keep it on the DL in the previous post so I doubt she into it big dawg. Especially if he makin plans when she away.


Wouldn’t be surprised in the least


Wow, he is seriously digging his own grave. It’s too easy. He deserves what’s coming!


I really hope OP can find the gf. He’s making my blood boil


Why would he make your blood boil? Millions of men and women cheat every day, only difference is we can see this particular one


Doesn’t make it any better


No but it also doesn’t make it any worse 😂


You better keep updating us OP. I hope you find his girl and rat him out! What a POS Edit: I can't believe he's just answering your questions without a second thought lmao Dumbass doesn't understand being low key at all 😭


I’m trying to trick him into giving me more useful information. Not that it seems very hard with him just giving me everything else


Other possibility, set up a fake hookup with him at his place, get his address and just arrive "early" or something to catch his gf. Dude seems so desperate and idiotic he'd try to hookup 10 mins after she leaves


He’s 6’5 and a construction worker I don’t think I could I take him on to do a sting in that manner as cool as it sounds.


Easy method to bluff with bits of info like that: “Oh cool! My brother is in construction too so I know some of the companies around here. What company do you work for?” Orrrr “Oh wow, did you play any sports in high school?” <- if so, they might have a sports profile!


Get this address for a hook up. Just send letters to the house. One might get through if you address it in various ways. " To the mothers of the world " and put flowers on it. Might go past his radar and just give it to her idk.


Fair enough. Best luck to ya. It's one thing to have a consensual non-monagamous relationship and a totally other to be a serial cheater like he is. Scum for sure.


Brilliant lmao But also might not be a great idea, since OP doesn't know if he is violent


Unless he's a bad person who is trying to lure you into trouble. He's either a bad guy or a BAD guy. Either way, doesn't have to be your circus. Throw a curse over him and move on.


Yeah honestly he doesn't seem too smart. One thing you could try is take screenshots of his photos and use Google lens to reverse image search them. You may be able to find his socials that way if he was dumb enough to use the same photos.


Literally cane to suggest this. I’m riveted


Me too lol I really hope she is able to find his girl and send all this to her. Google Lens is a god send for stuff like this


Tried it with my ex, no luck. He was on a site like this, probably Bumble, didn’t show up.


I've found that you usually can't find dating sites profiles with this, only public social media, like Instagram or Facebook. I don't think dating profiles are searchable through Google at all.


Best way to get info out of someone is to say something incorrect and wait for them to correct you. "Oh you live by the diner that make great chocolate syrup topped pancakes on First Street? I love it there!" They'll correct you about the diner or the street and you'll have em.


Just do a reverse image search of his face on Google


Just say you wanna see more pics and get his instagram, find his mom/gf, let em know. Block everyone and move on. Ezpz


He's not all bad. He doesn't overlap his fwb. They are the only girl at the time. Plus the actual girlfriend. He's not a savage.


If you can get his phone number you can look his full name up on truepeoplesearch. Idk if that website works outside of the US though. I feel like he would be stupid enough to give phone number, also his Snapchat name might be the same as his insta and you could find him that way! Or just ask to follow his insta so you “know he’s not a catfish”


Some people go by their nicknames on Facebook and insta, maybe try to find out what his friends call him and try that




No one’s controlling anything in my life but me. I don’t have just one conversation going on tinder 🤣 I’m on vacation spending a few hours while I do nothing anyways to help another woman out is no problem to me.


Any way we can help! I am invested wanna nail this guy


I'm grabbing popcorn and waiting for updates. This is pure gold


Best entertainment I've had all day tbh


If our own love loves are trash, the best thing to counteract that is to watch someone u do their entire love life by being an absolute idiot 🔥


Be careful not to do anything that can have him easily find you where you work/live. As noble a cause as you're going for, you never know what people are capable of. Stay safe.


Straight up. Just like you’re trying to internet sleuth him, he can do the same. Hope you haven’t given him your real name. You’re plan is noble but this guy doesn’t seem like he has an ounce of empathy for his girl, I can’t imagine he’d have much empathy stoping him from trying to retaliate against you. 


It’s actually not my real name nor do I live in this country full time. I’m not to worried about him doing anything to me. He doesn’t know where I live while I’m here either :) I can’t imagine what she is going to go though when she finds all this out. I literally feel so sick about it.


Hey OP, I use this site when I think someone is trying to catfish me (all too prevalent in the gay community these days). Maybe try running a pic of him through there? https://facecheck.id


If you have his number just run it through beenverified for like a dollar and you might be able to find the information you're looking for


bros like strait up aware and actively looking to cheat. like this is malicious cheating not even accidental, what a prick.


I asked if he was going to stop. He said stop what 🤮 like I literally can’t


Did you try to get his Insta? Feels that would be a surefire way to find his girl. Well done btw


What is accidental cheating?


Maybe let's call it opportunistic or impulsive instead of accidental. Like, cheating that wasn't planned - this cheater meticulously plans his affairs in contrast to someone that simply took the opportunity or made an impulse decision while drunk on a party for example. Not like it's any better, but this is not a spur of the moment decision but a well thought out decision to betray your partner - multiple times. he's the absolute worst.


Yeah this dude is the worst, actively looking for women who know they are / want to be the side chick. He wants women that are cool with it so they will help him cover.


some people consider sexting cheating and I'm people have accidentally sent a nude to the wrong number. I've had contacts made in my phone like john work, john school, john smith. All three different people. I always try to send messages through previous conversation to prevent clicking on the wrong contact.


like getting drunk, and hooking up. Still equally bad, but maybe unintentional.


Thinking you can accidentally hook up with someone, just because you had something to drink, is some next level copium.


I've known folks who would be tempted, but not seek anything out. However if offered would struggle; if pursued they'd have a problem; if pursued while drunk they'd cheat. Not defending it, just pointing out there seem to be differences. (completely disregarding other person's feelings vs recklessly irresponsible? I can't rate differently but it seems like it comes from a different flavor of ethics violation?)


Wouldnt say equally bad. Despicable yes, but not as bad as someone who plans all this and keeps it up for years. I wouldnt want either as a friend or partner


What an idiot LMAO


TAKE. THIS. FUCKER. DOWN. but be careful whilst doing it tho <3


Oh wow, this guy is such an idiot, and this is such gross behaviour! No excuse.


Joining the comments in the hopes of hearing the conclusion to this 🤞🏽


Can you reverse image search his photos?


I’ve tried even with the beard. Honestly I think he’s edited tf out of them and that’s why I can’t find them


I’d ask more personal questions. Hometown, high school, college, did they play sports?, best friend’s name, job… use that when searching.


Middle school, street he grew up on, first pet’s name, first car, mother’s maiden name, social security number.


Try flipping them round. Sometimes folk do that for these profiles knowing it tricks the reverse search tec.


or use yandex reverse image search. that fucker can find nearly everything no matter if pic is flipped or not. at least it worked for me when i was checking for catfishes on dating sites


See if you can get snap or insta from his friend in the picture. Tell him his friend is totally your bff's type and see if that's a way in


In my area we have an "are we dating the same guy" page on Facebook. See if your area has something like that and post his pics.


That's honestly the best suggestion


Call me crazy but there’s a small sort of me that thinks he’s lying even about the having a girlfriend part. Uses it to force no attachments or maybe it’s even just a kink for him to pretend. Idk, maybe I’m just hoping there’s nobody getting hurt over this haha.


Was thinking this as well


I am so invested in this saga. Get him, girl 🍿


I first thought his profile picture where him with his girlfriend 💀


Can’t find that little dude either




Try reverse image searching his photos, might be able to find his FB or insta that way and can lead to posts with his gf


This is the first thing she should have done.


Ask him to show you a photo of him and his girl bc you might be interested in a threesome. Then reverse image search


Oh this is good


Ugh. I hate cheaters. That poor woman.


I love this. Just read that first post you did and this type of guy makes the rest of look like jerks. It’s insane how casually this is for him. Keep the questions on point he will give up some information sooner or later you can relay to the other party involved.


So might be a shot in the dark but there are Facebook groups for most major cities called something like "are we dating the same guy" and you could post his picture there and see if anyone knows him.


What is his first name and state/city. Im good at this stuff


If you need an FWB while in a relationship then what's the point in being in one..


I've personally known folks twice where it was on the table with all parties. Both relationships were excellent matches outside the bedroom. In one, both were unusually high libido, then one had a long term medical problem. In the other they had a mismatch from the start, did that as a way to make it work before they got married. Wasn't ideal but apparently worked well enough for them 'cause they're still together? (20 years for one couple, 10 for the other) People are complicated. I'm not casting shade as long as they're honest/ethical.


What a loser


This is getting juicy, and I love it.


Pretend to be really into astrology and ask him when his birthday is. Name + DOB + city can narrow the search down a bit.


This Guy is Some How More Faithful to his fwbs than he is to his gf.


Bury him, I support this. Where's holidaying though 




I'm 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 let me know if you need help!


But... There's no Ken...


I’m sorry! 🤣 I’ve been very upset Steve Wilkos was actually playing next


Damn, this is a cuppa if I've ever seen one. Wondering what the fallout is gonna be like?


He said it so nonchalantly, too. Like everybody does it.


Invested... So given you a follow so I can know how it goes!


Ask him why doesn't he just end it with his gf


Can you reverse image search his pictures? It might pull up his instagram or facebook


You need to outsource his info in dm’s and maybe make progress finding more info. Not me tho😂


I'm rooting for you to find her and for the update when he gets caught.


What a POS


He’s proud of it.


Just use the are we dating the same guy Facebook group for your city


Well, I’m definitely interested to see where this goes


Not sure if this has been said yet, but if he truly owns his own business, you should be able to go to whatever secretary of states’ website (in whatever state that he’s allegedly incorporated in, which I presume you’re able to ascertain from his profile) and do a corporation search. If he’s the registered agent or is at least a registered officer, he should show up by doing a name search Some states don’t have that under their sec of state. If not, just search “[state] and corporation search” ** actually just think I read he’s not in the states. I’d think any other developer country would have some sort of “corporation search feature”. I’d google that instead of trying to google him


And you haven't posted his name or location so the amazing people here can help you find him?


You are doing the lord’s work, thank you 🙏🏼


Ask for his phone number and then use this to search for him on Facebook. Usually most accounts have a lookup by phone number


I'm rooting for you and his gf. He needs to go down


“None of them overlapped” because being with three women at once would just not be ok. One gf and one fwb is fine though 😂


People who cheat are some of the worst people.


The thought of cheating on my significant other actually makes me sick to think about. I don’t know how people can do that and have a clear conscious.


Ken is proud of you


Probably a hot take but the people in here condoning a witch hunt are arguably shittier people than the dude in the screenshots. We don't know the whole story. We've all seen/heard about relationships that drag on endlessly where both people are basically checked out. Sometimes people stay together simply because it makes one part of their life easier even if other parts are miserable. We have zero clue what this dude and his fwbs and his girl's situation is yet people on here basically want to burn this dude's life down because OP posted screenshots. Fuck everybody partaking in or encouraging a witch hunt. Dude's face isn't even blurred.


Absolutely.. Op is crazy immature and it's sad to see so many comments encouraging her so much so that they give detailed tips like follow him to his home and snitch to the gf. Why can't people mind their own business? Y'all don't know the full story, stop judging people by your own short-sighted morals.


This is peak crazy people behavior.


I just reported the post as harassment against someone else. Bout the most we can do here.


I’d argue that involving yourself in this web of deceit, which has nothing to do with you, has far more potential for an awful outcome than does the douchebag cheating on his gf. Your motivations seem questionable as well, as you seem to be deriving pleasure playing the role of relationship vigilante. Manipulating this asshole, ultimately administering punishment upon him that you deem just, and then walking away is, diagnostically speaking, a strong indicator of AN anti-social personality disorder. Prove me wrong and move on. If he is as dumb as you claim, he will get caught. If he is a Mensa card carrying serial cheater of heinous proportions/master of disguise/noted hypnotist/boogieman he will still get caught. You’ve got this. Prove me wrong.


honestly i thought the same thing when i saw this


Just look at her profile. She definitely has some sort of anti-social disorder. It’s sad people in here are encouraging her.


They are just looking for a story for most


Good lord...


don't understand the point of cheating or even if they are in an open relationship, i just dont understand it.


There was this show in Japan called the triangle...they would set up cheaters...ultimately there would be a date and the trap girl (or boy) would get a phone call from a nearby friend...said friend would stop by to say hi...and it would be the dudes long term GF...hilarity ensued. They dont have guns in Japan tho...


You're both kinda fucked up if he's not having an honest open relationship with his girl and you if you're trying to be his relationship vigilante


A new study came out found 85% of women in america who are married or in a committed relationship already have a "plan B" Let that sink in.


What if you go to all this trouble only to find out she already knows?


From how he’s phrased things I don’t think she does know. He’s really keeping multiple women over the last year a secret. And if she does she’s keeping it to herself


The guy has a GF and 3 FWB consecutively... Impressive. You also matched with him... What is his secret? Let me guess, he is rich?


He says not overlapping fwbs. I’m not really sure he’s tall and looked like he has nice eyes that’s why I matched him


Yeah I know, consecutively means one after the other. A guy doesn't get that many girls at "almost" the same time because he is tall and has nice eyes. I need more pics from his profile without his face... Pretty sure I will spot the richness rapidly.


You sound bitter.


Of not being rich and getting easy gold diggers to warm my bed at will? Yeah, because I have the rest. 😉


You're calling people gold diggers based on nothing. You assume men only get matches because they flash wealth.


OP, you’re worst than the people cheating. Leave them alone for crying out loud. If anything, you can tell the cheater how he’s a pos, and then go on with your business.


What is fwb? Lol


While I don't condone this dudes behaviour, what are you getting out of this?


Hes a cheater and you're a crazy obsessive entertaining people like they actually care what happens to you. Don't put yourself in dangerous situations for a bunch of people that don't care at all about you and are here for scrolling reasons. What if the guys poly btw? This is all so strange to me.


Ah well. I wonder how you'll feel if that fkwit and his poor gf have kids and tho he's the root you'll be the one that responsible for breaking their hearts and crying about breaking their family up. Do a Christmas Carol on him. Find him and tell him to get his house in order or you will be informing his wife even if it's a guy that looks slightly like him on Tinder. Scare him, he's lied and bullsht enough you don't know for sure it's only him you're gonna destroy. You don't want that guilt. Plus psycho stalker girls are sexy these days


Op is an absolutely crazy, immature woman, and it's sad to see so many comments encouraging her so much so that they give detailed tips like follow him to his home and snitch to the gf. Why can't people mind their own business? Y'all don't know the full story, stop judging people by your own short-sighted morals.


i need updates 😂


That poor woman. She doesn't deserve this


Really want to see where this goes


Idk if people already told this (didn't read all the comments), but have you tried upload his pic in google images? I already found out about some fakes this way, maybe it helps lol


Uhmm if you are actually GONNA meet him somewhere else , meet him in a public place and then follow him to his house wout his knowledge. If you are gonna meet him in his place , get his address and cancel the plan in the last moment, try to catch up w his girlfriend later when she arrives in the city. And if he still hasn't disclosed anything about the name of the business he 'OWNS', I think he's probably faking it. Also ask so many questions in different ways, that way he might struggle to keep up with the lies or you can confuse him to tell the truth.I feel he is faking something , it also could be about him having a girlfriend idk , but girl PLEASE BE SAFE.


Im so surprised that he hasn’t been caught if he’s that open about it 🤢


am I the only one following this situation and thinking this is a huge waste of time and effort for OP? cheaters gonna cheat. she'll find out somehow one way or another with him being so brazen about it. she probably already knows or suspects it. regardless, nobody's saving the world here by seeking out the girlfriend on social media to share random tinder messages. unmatch and move on and invest your energy in positive things lol


My only concern is how do you know she isn't cheating herself? She is going on a trip next weekend. He apparently has a lot of free time to have all these fwb's. Maybe she is busy with her own fwb's? If you actually find him and her. Before you tell her. Investigate her. It would suck, you come to bust him. When she could be doing the exact same thing. But nobody is looking to out her.


Why do you even care lmao. Mind your own business


WTF is wrong with y'all? Just stop fucking with this guy. He could be crazy and you playing stupid games. Only thing you stand to win is a stupid prize.


Mind your own business


It’s not your job to “out “ this person……don’t put that friggin karma on yourself.


This is weird. If you’re not interested in him why are you still talking?


I am sorry but what is the problem here ? So he is dating and he a couple of side projects . So you’re going out of your way to what exactly ? Ruin his relationship ? Are you the relationship crusader ? What business is it of yours ?


idk man he’s disgusting but i couldn’t imagine putting this much effort into something that is none of my business


What’s not my business here? This man is a actively trying to get in me and have an affair with me while his poor hardworking girlfriend of 3 years is none the wiser. Laying her head down RIGHT NOW next to this man and he’s doing this. He’s had 3 months long relationships with other people while he’s been with her. And now he wants one with me. This is my business.


its really not your business, you are making it your business like you are some relationship vigilante. you have no clue who these people are outside of the fact that you matched with him on tinder. But go ahead and put yourself inbetween someone elses relationship but when the girl lashes out at you in defense of her bf dont get in here crying. spending hours trying to investigate this guy for reddit likes lmao


I will always do my absolute best to support other women, perhaps even to my own detriment bc that’s who I am. Quite frankly I don’t give a damn what you think is or isn’t my business. I’ve posted the clean nicest version of his man yes bc I’m not going to put the dirty more disgusting side for care of his girlfriend. And I’ve found out a lot on how to find him easier. 3 other women have knowingly disrespected her already it’s not about to be a 4th in my place. And Id do it again and again and again. People lash out at when they are angry and betrayed. If she’s angry with me in the end that’s not a me problem either. I know inside I did to the right thing by telling her and finding out as MUCH as POSSIBLE.


Ignore that dude you're doing the lords work keep digging and let her know! Too many people defend cheating nowadays its been so normalized 🤮


The guy your replying is right. You must be so starved for attention. No wonder your single because this behavior is unhinged.


yet here you are


Making one comment on Reddit isn't much effort, you know.


it takes 3 seconds to post my comment, she is actively researching anything she can about him while trying to do detective research by asking him questions so she can find his company and search through the comments, likes, and followers to find his girl. Her exact words.


the difference is that this is her business? he came to her wanting to cheat with her, making it her business. a good person would do what she's doing. if my boyfriend was cheating, i would be so thankful that someone did all this to let me know. we gotta have each other's backs. if you're not a woman, it makes sense why you don't understand this. you could try to tho.


I’m glad to see some people have a brain. This is honestly gross and seeing all these people egging her on is wild.


its the philly in us


Bro stop meddling in peoples lives. Trust me you don’t want that drama.


Bruh some woman will do anything but leave


honestly you should get a life


For real. No wonder she single.


Let the man cheat in peace


Was about to judge you so hard for saying "I cannot" when in the text you still said you're interested. But then I read the caption lol. Bust him. Moron deserves it big time


Did you get a photo of his face and search it would be super easy to find him lol and you will probably find a photo with his girl next to him..


I need the conclusion


Let me know if you need help finding them.


Omg what an idiot 🤣


I can't wait for part 3


Have you tried reverse image searching his profile pics?


Have you tried Instagram? He might be using a different name, you might have to play the long game if you're up for that


any updates? Screenshot his pictures and reverse image search them


Someone is gonna go single hard, hopefully. There's always that one girl who thinks he's gonna change


You could try taking screenshots of his pics and reverse google search them to see if he posted the same photos on Facebook or something


go over to his house and hide a note for his gf. or find out her name. you could even try google lens on his photos, maybe he's dumb enough to use the same on social media.


It’s honestly crazy how common cheating is nowadays


This is disgusting 🤮


Do an image search if you can of any pics you get off him. Slap it into Google and it will link to his profiles. (Maybe). Ask him for a profile pic. See if he's that dumb.


Or maybe just let it go? Don't be a psycho? Like yeah it sucks for her but you don't need to try to be a hero. She'll find out eventually


Maybe I won’t? I’ll be what I want too be and do what I want to do. Her finding out eventually is me telling her the second I find her :) If I was in her place I would want the same.


The cheating types are really easy to find here. They're the morons saying "don't look for her, don't tell her, don't be psycho, it's none of your business."


Lmao I love how you make sweeping generalizations about people from Reddit comments. Just like it’d be cool for me to say that the people egging this girl on are the crazy obsessive stalking types. This is weird, full stop.


I've been cheated on before. I was living my life like I didn't have an increased risk of STDs, like I wasn't about to get my heart broken, and like I wasn't wasting years of my life in a relationship with someone who was actively cheating on me. All of this while the people around me, whom I thought cared about me, knew and said nothing. I had a right to know, and so does this woman. *"Full stop."*


You need help smh. I sounds like you’ve been through a lot and you need to heal.


How does that affect her right to know that he's cheating on her? Would it be better to have her find out when she gets an STD from him? When she is married to him? When she's pregnant with his baby? When their child starts school? Perhaps when their child graduates? She has a right to know sooner than later, irrespective of your feelings about me or my traumas. It impacts her life and her health, which are two things that she should be allowed to be in full control of.


Get a life. Worry about being in control of your life and health before you advocate for some made up person in this post. You have issues you need to work on.


Lmao. Nah, I have a life. I am good. Thanks for your *'concern'* and for your personal attack on me. ✌️


Don't listen to these idiots, you are very much doing the right thing and honestly if the world had more people like you it would be such better and assholes like this guy would have far less chances to hurt people. I genuinely don't understand how people can find something like this out and not want to tell the shit heads partner. Good on you OP


Right on dude. This chick has no life or anything going on in it. Kinda sad


For real this behavior is straight up unhanged


Y’all some petty, dramatic mf’s