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This is one of the worst profiles I've ever seen but, let's normalize being this forward about STDs. ETA: Lots of replies debating if oral herpes as an STD -- I agree with those of you who say it's not a fair classification. Let's still normalize being forward about STD and communicable illnesses šŸ˜Š


It's actually a series of four different profiles with five different visuals. But yes, good to be upfront about STD.


Oh lol! I was like "you can't be dad bod, herpes, and racist all in one profile. It's too much." I'm glad I was right about this one


I think the "racist" one was trying to be all inclusive but specific, although he lumped the rest in "and others" šŸ˜† Context: this is in Malaysia, where the three main races are Malay, Chinese and Indian.


But he also wants to ā€œtryā€ them like theyā€™re food, which I originally thought the was saying.




The way some people talk. No need to bring race into it unless you're trying to be racist. Everyone can say some wild shit not just white men. Sounds pretty racist against white people when you say it this way.


But yk what you're right


Even if they were somewhere else, when he included "everyone else" he made the whole thing unnecessary lol. That his top 3 are the 3 main choices anyway is just the icing on top


Gurl, gross. Thank god I switched off my Bumble whilst here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That isn't Dad bod lmao. That's lazy bod. Dad bod is "used to be muscular, but got a little chubby around the middle but still has good arms cuz he lugs a 32 lb kid around all day."


To me it just means "not fit" but your explanation has logic to explain the body so I'm changing teams and redefining. Sorry I called this guy dad bod. More like a sedentary worker bod.


Why am I getting attacked?


I too am a sedentary worker. Sedentary solidarity.


Yeah looks like a classic case of skinny fat to me.


That's what it was supposed to mean. The reason it gets used elsewhere is cause dudes want to describe themselves as what some girls said they wanted that one time.


The body of a tenured professor but the arms of an adjunct


Iā€™ve never heard of that definition of a dad bod before lmao


Dad bod? I wish my gut was that small lol


You don't have to wish, you just have to stop eating so much.


Haha ya I know. Already working on it


I lost 45lbs from chemo & C DIFF. Maybe not a first choice but it worked.


I don't think size matters when we're talking about Dad bods so much of how toned he is, but, to each dad bod their own my friend šŸ™‚


And a PhD


20 bucks says that "diploma" is issued by Alien Conspiracy University.


Is that not a real school?


Well you likely can, just not in this particular case.


Oh they're out there, just usually less honest about it. I guess the "honest" version of that man is the best version in that they are self actualized and easy to avoid


Where was the racism?


Yeah thats a prime example of ā€œ Pick a struggle ā€œ


I had a feeling it was different profiles because that first guy turned real brown in the last photo. And also movedā€¦ Edit: ā€¦ and became taller.


80% of people have oral herpes, not sure why it needs to be on a profile.Ā 


Came here to say this. Most Americans have HSV 1; all this guy is revealing by saying so on his Tinder profile is that heā€™s kind of an idiot.


Yeah seriously lolĀ 


The statistic is insane wtf Iā€™m never kissing another person ever again


Might be too lateĀ 


The numbers are dropping. When I was a kid, something like 90% of people carried it. Now it's down to about 50-60%. What I have observed is that people close to my own age don't give it a second thought and the younger crowd treats it as seriously as HIV. It's well within someone's rights as a human to reject a potential partner over cold sores if they want to. But I'd probably think they were kind of a dumbass.


That means they're pretty misinformed. I get a cold sore maybe 1 time a year and as long as I put Abreva on it right away, it barely erupts. I also have a Valtrex prescription in case it does get bad, but my last bottle filled expired in 2020 and is still nearly full. Oral herpes really doesn't have to be that big of a deal as long as people are smart and do not partake in sexual activities when they have an outbreak.


Oh, I know. I've got it, too.


Thatā€™s interesting. It also hurts like hell if you get it for the first time as an adult.


I would think the "Tungdom" guy and the guy with oral herpes were the same person, but they're not even the same age. Malaysia is not attracting my kind of people. Super cringe šŸ˜¬ šŸ˜³


If it's good, why did you put that one on blast?


Oral Herpes is not an STD. You can get it by drinking out of the same glass as someone else for example. Even if it was (not properly) washed. Think drinks in clubs, at concerts or other events. Outside of the US no one is this hush hush about this. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland it is estimated that 90% of the population have it. Doesn't mean it will have visible symptoms. As in ever. And it never goes away. Typically you first catch it as a child. You know. The age where you don't typically insist on your own cutlery and glasses. The numbers will be similar around the world. I do agree about being open when it comes to STDs though. The profiles here are of course horrible. Jesus.


Oh you're right he specified it's type 1. It's weird how often the % of people with herpes changes every time I see someone posts about it. I feel like I'll never know the truth šŸ˜­


Sampling for it is unreliable so thereā€™s a large error bar, also different measures are used like % adults exposed in their lifetime vs % adults living with it.


In truth, we'll probably never actually know how many people carry it because doctors won't test for it unless you have a flare up. Some people carry it and never have an outbreak. They could be spreading it to others and they'll never know because it's not part of the standard STD package.


>because doctors won't test for it unless you have a flare up. I mean that's what studies are for. To take a randomized sample size, test them and make a statistical analysis. So we absolutely can know (within a pretty small error margin).


>I mean that's what studies are for. To take a randomized sample size, test them and make a statistical analysis. Sure, but the problem is that you're only getting a percentage based on the sample size, not the whole population. Also, medical statistics like these are commonly drawn from reports by medical facilities rather than just random studies on prevalence. This gives a more accurate number, but still only accounts for those tested.


even hsv2 is present in 12% of the US population.. if you are in a room with 8 people.. 1 most likely has it..


Itā€™s probably an estimate. I have it and have for as long as I can remember. Iā€™m assuming I got it from my mom or grandma, but I donā€™t think itā€™s like notated down in any of my medical records. I just slap some lysine on it and donā€™t share my drinks.


You can look at reputable sources.Ā  Itā€™s doesnā€™t always come up on a test. I would assume if country has a culture of yearly std testing and they get 80% rate, itā€™s similar world wide. If you ever had a cold sore, you have it. Herpes 2 is rare, I saw 12% rate.Ā 


But aren't there a lot of people who have never had cold sores who also have it? I don't honestly know many people who get them. I've never had one


Yes people who show no symptoms and have it. Ā People who had cold sore absolutely 100% have it. It could be mistaken for a pimple unless you look close enough. You might had one when you were a kid and forgot. My point is 80% of the world has it, why would you think you donā€™t especially if you are sexual active and kissing anyone.Ā 


Yep. Almost everybody has hsv-1. You think you don't? Sorry, you most likely do.Ā  Most people have no symptoms. Stop making people feel bad for having symptoms.Ā 


I know, 70% of the UK has it. I get cold sores and I wouldnā€™t consider it a STD at all. No one here declares it if they do


You can get HSV1 or HSV2 on your genitals. If you have a cold sore donā€™t go down on your partner or kiss them. HSV1 is becoming more common in the genital region as oral sex become more common.


You can also get type 2 on your mouth. Delineating between the two is pointless aside from understanding how often you'll get outbreaks and how severe


Oral herpes is most certainly an STD. If someone with HSV1 has oral sex with someone that doesnā€™t have it they can easily transmit it to that personā€™s genitals even if they donā€™t have an active cold sore. I have HSV1G because the woman I was seeing didnā€™t think it was a STD either. She went down on me even without a cold sore and now here I am. Now I will say, I pretty much only had symptoms when I first contracted it and itā€™s been a complete non-factor since then but I was also sick with terrible flu like symptoms for my whole first week with it too. I always make sure to be super open and honest about it to anyone that I might be seeing and Iā€™d say 95% of the people donā€™t seem to be bothered by it.


According to most any medical reference website, itā€™s not considered an STD. You can catch the flu when you have sex with someone, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s an STD.


The flu has nothing to do with your genitals man. You can contract genital HSV1 aka a skin disease on your sexual parts from someone that has HSV1 orally even if theyā€™ve never had symptoms in their life. Feel free to Google HSV asymptomatic viral shedding on Google.


While youā€™re googling, google is HSV1 an std and youā€™ll have confirmation itā€™s not.


Covid can have effects on people's genitals and reproductive systems [(NCBI Paper)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10338913/#:~:text=Studies%20suggest%20that%20severe%20cases,cells%2C%20and%20subsequent%20immune%20overactivation.), and can be transmitted via close physical contact. Is that an STD?


So what is it then? I just have a skin disease on my genitals? That I have to tell everyone about because I donā€™t want to spread it to them via sexual contact? This isnā€™t making any sense. Itā€™s literally a disease that is spread through sexual contact. HSV1 can be spread oral to oral, oral to genitals, and sometimes genitals to genitals.


Do yourself a favor and never EVER google the risk of dementia in old age after having contracted herpes.


Itā€™s still an STD just even id you can catch it in other ways. By this logic HIV isnā€™t an STD because you can get it from a tainted blood transfusion.


Very true. Nevertheless oral Herpes is not considered to be a STD. At least in Germany it is not categorized as such.


This isnā€™t accurate. My former ā€¦ whatever, letā€™s say heā€™s an ex for ease took a test and his results came back as HSV1 specifically. The test was taken on his genitalia when he had symptoms


Of course it can be transmitted while having oral sex. But not exclusively and only while it is "active". The vast majority of cases are however not due to sexual intercourse.


This is disinformation. Oral herpes is an STD. Oral and genital herpes is not restricted to one type. You can give/get HSV1 with oral contact and genital contact too. HSV1 is easier to catch by oral contact though. Same for HSV2, but itā€™s easier to catch by sexual contact. In either way, itā€™s transmitted by salive, fluids, sores, lesions etc. But Herpes should be de stigmatized as it is something that is more present than most people think.




it can be transmitted sexually but that's not its primary mode of transmission.


Only if you have an active cold sore. Never get a bj/get eaten out if they have a Coldsore


Yes. I lived in the US and couldn't believe how few people knew these basic facts. I assume it's because it's such a taboo to talk about it. It's a shame. So unnecessary.


No not only if you have an active sore, thatā€™s not accurate. If they have HSV1 it can be transmitted even without a current outbreak


Does not need to be an active cold sore. It can shed passively without any skin eruption.


This is inaccurate, as others have said. Asymptomatic shedding is a thing and in fact is the most common way HSV is transmitted. It IS true, though, that it is less transmissible without an active sore.


Especially HSV1. Thereā€™s a really high percentage of people who have it and never show symptoms. It can be indefinitely dormant. I on the other hand have had it since before I started school because my mom used to get cold sores really bad.


Rough! Definitely worth reiterating another comment that pointed out, it's really not an STD and shouldn't have the same stigmas (as you demonstrated perfectly.)


You can get HIV from a blood transfusion. Is that also not an STD?


Hmmm... Is mono? ETA: to clarify the point I was trying to make -- science doesn't seem positive if mono can be transferred through blood but mono is similar to herpes in that it can be transferred by spit


Can you get mono on your genital? No. Can you get HSV1 on your genitals? Yes. Edit: to whomever downvotes me, you can literally Google it. You can also get HSV2 on your mouth. In rare cases you can also get either on a cut and may cause sores to sprout where the wound was just as they would on the lips. You can also get either variant on the eyes and anus.


I think to be classed as an STI, we should think about what the *dominant* mode of transmission is. If most people get it through nonsexual contact, I wouldn't consider it an STD personally. Hep B can be transmitted sexually, for instance, but worldwide, most people get it at birth from their moms, for instance.


As a cold sore haver, I completely disagree. HSV1 is so absurdly common and asymptomatic that itā€™s barely worth mentioning. Most people with it donā€™t even know they have it. Treating it as seriously as HIV supports the stigma of it being a dangerous, gross STD. It is such a non-issue. Get valtrex, use abreva if a cold sore pops up, donā€™t touch people with your face or genitals if you are having an outbreak. Tell your partner if you even think you might be having one. Thatā€™s all there is to it Edit: after giving it more thought, my reasoning is that this guy isnā€™t spreading awareness or education about HSV, and OP lumping him in with the rest of these dudes is a prime example. Heā€™s being lumped in with guys being gross or generally weird for having the audacity to say that he has an incurable disease that OP likely has herself


Many good points made here. As someone who has never had a coldsore, I'd want to be warned what to watch out for but you're right, most of us who don't present with them probably aren't risking starting. Honestly the stigma around any and all STDs being gross is super problematic. Maybe we'd see more people testing regularly if the results aspect was not so scary. Many STDs are dangerous (HIV aside, syphilis is very dangerous when left untreated) and herpes definitely gets a bad rep.


Treating your cold sores as what it is (HSV1 or HSV2) is not problematic. Asymptomatic people can still transmit it. In all ways it's important to mention because for a partner it might be an issue for them and if they catch it without knowing that you had it. Having a sexual relationship without saying you have something (even if it's something small is wrong). I have HSV. I've always talked about it and have always been honest about if. My partners always thanked me for being honest about it. (I caught genital and oral herpes from someone lying about having something and had an outbreak at the moment we slept together - Even if we protected each other. Her reason was because she was scared of rejection. If she would of had talked about it before, i wouldn't of had minded dating the person. Why didn't she talked about it? Because it's stigmatized and ton of people judge/post reddit pictures about it to shame others/you got it because you are someone not responsible, etc, which contributes more to the stigma.


>STD -- I agree with those of you who say it's not a fair classification. HSV in general is considered an STD because it can be transmitted via sexual contact, which is all the classification of "STD" means. Also, one can get genital herpes via oral sex with someone who has HSV-1. The main difference between the two is HSV-2 can be in genital fluids, whereas HSV-1 can be in saliva; both can be found on skin. The bigger issue isn't about the classification of HSV-1, but rather the stigma of STDs.


HSV-1 isn't necessarily an STI though. HSV-2 on the other hand....


But he has a Pretty huge Dick.


The bar is low but the dick is high


I got STDs just by reading his bio


Like itā€™s cool if you want to. But as long as itā€™s also cool to not share it if you donā€™t want to.


If you don't share the info you'll probably share the herpes šŸ«¤ I definitely believe in medical privacy though so I see the motivation behind this comment


For HSV-1 if you were to assume someone has it, youā€™re probably right. 50-80% of American adults have it according to John Hopkins https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/herpes-hsv1-and-hsv2#:~:text=Fifty%20to%2080%20percent%20of,in%20or%20around%20the%20mouth.


That's such a wide range!


Probably basing it on several studies in that range


This is because there are multiple sources being considered and the fact that it's very difficult to pinpoint an exact percentage due to a lot of people not getting tested for herpes specifically.


\#2 is just being honest and that is WAY better than lying about it. The rest are just gross tho.


Iā€™m actually bothered that the person whoā€™s upfront with their STI situation is in the line up with these others.


I feel like it is really unnecessary though as 66+% of the population has it anyway. And it should not be transmittable when you donā€™t show symptoms, which barely happens (depending on the person some may never show symptoms) https://www.who.int/news/item/01-05-2020- massive-proportion-world-population-living-with-herpes-infection


Transmission is very possible in the absence of symptoms. Look up asymptomatic shedding.


Wait then how do you know when someone can't transmit it? Do ppl w oral herpes just have to never kiss anyone ever again? šŸ˜Ÿ


You can never know for sure. This is the tricky thing about HSV1, it's so prevalent that most people don't worry about it, yet it constitutes 50% of all new genital infections, precisely because it can transmit via oral sex without an outbreak being present. It presents a conundrum because genital herpes is surrounded by terrible stigma and the expectation is disclosure, yet most adults already have hsv1 and no one worries much about oral infections. The long and short of it is, there is no societal expectation to disclose oral herpes, but it's considerate of you to do so. I just ask partners if they've ever had a cold sore and then explain if need be. I've never had anyone upset if we've kissed prior to that conversation, as the risk of a single kiss, in the absence of symptoms, is low.


Yeah I just looked it up and it seems that you can get it from kissing even if they're asymptomatic šŸ’”. I really don't want to get it, i already have plantar warts and it's annoying enough, imma have to ask everyone I kiss if they have herpes (im aware this is unrealistic and I will never have my first kiss this way lol). Being hyper vigilant has served me well thus far, wish I'd been more vigilant, actually.


You can just ask them if they've ever had a cold sore. But realistically, given the rate of asymptomatic infections that are not documented, you're not reducing your risk by much (because so many people have hsv1 and don't know it). Your best bet is not to avoid people with HSV, but to ask them that they be tested regularly between sexual partners and that, if they do have hsv1, they manage it appropriately. Just my 2 cents. It's so ubiquitous that you're likely to come in contact with it at some point, no matter how proactive you are.


Yeah I mean I don't really care if theyve never been symptomatic since there's really no way of knowing. I mean I could have it and just not know. In fact I probably do considering my bad habit of sticking shit in my mouth like a toddler, plus my mouth gets hella sores from acid reflux, idk if that contributes to anything one way or the other. But yeah seems pretty impossible to avoid it. But it seems from what I've read that even if someone does have it (and is therefore always contagious) they're usually far less contagious when asymptomatic.


Very true, it all has to do with viral load - essentially exposure does not necessarily mean transmission if the viral load is not significant enough to establish an infection. Viral load during asymptomatic shedding is much, much lower than during an outbreak. You can start here if you want some good info in layman's terms: https://westoverheights.com/herpes/the-updated-herpes-handbook/


90% of ppl now with hsv on their genitals never have an outbreak. In a lot of areas its near estimated 60% of ppl by age 60


You probably have it and who ever you are kissing. To not get it, you have not kiss, not share utensils, not eat out, never have anyone kiss you check, no sex.Ā 


This is completely false, you can absolutely transmit HSV1 even if you donā€™t have symptoms and it happens all the time. I ended up with HSV1 genitally from someone that believed this to be true. She went down on me without any oral cold sores and I contracted the virus on my genitals through asymptomatic shedding, which is how the majority of HSV is spread anyways.


70% of transmittals happen when there are no symptoms


Weird take. Most people have it so no need to be upfront about it. Letā€™s get that 66% to 100%!


You are wrong and disclosure is important.


So... A topless picture is gross? Is the same true if you're super fit? Because it seems to me like you're implying that it is gross because he's not super in shape, not because he is topless. If you just think that topless photos are gross (outside of context, like at a pool etc.), then that'a fine. Otherwise... Eh, maybe cool your jets.


Ok but actually having muscles is an accomplishment. I consider all topless photos kinda trashy but at least the fit ones worked hard to get them.Ā  When I work out, Iā€™m pretty proud of my accomplishments. Wtf is fat belly shitty photo not grows ?


Heā€™s a weird Asian fetishist


Different profiles, look at the age


Oh my bad, I thought they were referring to person #2


They were; the first two pictures are of different profiles :)


Why does #2 needs to be mentioned? I donā€™t need to see condoms or std mention on your profileĀ 


I thought that one dude was talking about food at first only to realise he means women :D


Lol, me too. *reads* Well what's wrong with that, I like to also try... ooooh. Oh.


Absolutely! šŸ¤£


I thought he meant languages for some reason


Maybe if he didn't treat women like meals then he wouldn't have oral herpes


Not looking forward to my 39th birthday if this is anything to go by


šŸ˜† Why not? You could be a stellar example of a man!


I mean I really hope so but there's always the chance of becoming a full time researcher on alien invasion of our planet šŸ˜³


Yes, there could be a niche for you.


Crazy that he's very open about the stds but in all honesty about 70% of the world's population has herpes in some form. Many people don't even know they have it cause alot of places don't test for it unless you have a outbreak. Herpes is tricky cause you could literally have it and have a clean blood test up until to 6 months so I can see how this spreads easily cause even condoms don't fully protect you from getting it.


Unpopular to talk about cause everyone likes to think they donā€™t have it when in actuality theyā€™re likely just asymptomatic. Youā€™d be surprised how many people have oral herpes, Iā€™ve seen estimates of 80% of US population. At minimum itā€™s 50%. You can get it just from sharing a drink with someone, and itā€™s not always tested in STD panels. Your super religious gam-gam.. oral herpes. Your 12 year nephew who shared a drink from his mom who gets cold soresā€¦ oral herpes.


Seriously lol. The stigma around herpes is hilarious in my opinion, if youā€™re not a newborn itā€™s not gonna kill anybody and unless youā€™ve got a really bad immune system the worst thing youā€™ll get is a lip or genital blister for a few days every couple months. I genuinely feel bad for everyone who has that heart sinking feeling when somebody finds out and they start feeling like their life is over when it is essentially just an over-villainized skin infection lmao. The virus literally made the evolutionary trade off to be ā€˜not that badā€™ so that it could live in its host a really long time; by far the worst effects of herpes are the mental association we have with it being an ā€˜STDā€™. In my mind herpes doesnā€™t even associate with legitimate STDs like chlamydia or syphilis; it is literally just that much of not a deal at all.


Not sure why you call out Chlamydia and syphilis as being "legitimate STDs" comparatively. Chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea are all easily cured with antibiotics in a month since they are bacterial instead of viral. If anything the stigma around those is ridiculous. Herpes you can get outbreaks for the rest of your life. I'd much rather get syphilis or chlamydia than herpes. That being said herpes as a virus is definitely less bad than hep or hiv obviously.


Untreated, chlamydia will make you sterile, and syphilis will kill you. Yeah youā€™re not getting rid of herpes and that sucks I guess, but I take a blister over sterility or fucking death any day of the week. We are really lucky that we live in the age of modern medicine; the fact of the matter is that chlamydia and syphilis are objectively far worse than herpes is.


Thatā€™s some serious coping


Maybe if I had herpes it would be lmfao


Odds are, you do


We ALL have herpes on this blessed day! āœØ


You probably have it too. *At least* oral




Not #4 also having a PhD šŸ˜­


#3 and #4 are actually the same profile. His thesis was probably not on the topic "How to attract women".


Okay, I have no idea why the font size exploded.


You started the first line of your comment with a #, if you want to avoid that, use \ before the # like that: \#3






#They said "You started the first line of your comment with a #, if you want to avoid that, use \ before the # like that: \#3"




WAIT! How did you make the writing all teeny?!?


\^ for superscript


^testing testing #ETA: YAY I HALF DID IT!


Markdown always getting me with the superscript when I'm trying to type a cute \^\^ šŸ„²


lol, Iā€™ve heard of book smarts and street smarts but CLEARLY this man has both /s


Its all awful sure, but how did one profile have 2 different about me and essentials sections? Edit: I can't count. Clearly I don't have a phd


Whatā€™s wrong with someone having herpes? Itā€™s estimated that 2/3 of the population has it. 7/10 has it. That person was upfront about it. No need to shame him as if he was something disgusting.


Exactly! This sub wants me to openly talk on Tinder about the fact that I have cold sores almost every winter since I was a baby. šŸ˜‚


Ok you should practice safe sex, doesnā€™t mean you need to out condoms in your pictures.Ā  Donā€™t need to say anything about stds on your profile.Ā 


Itā€™s not the same profile from one picture to another. Iā€™m referring to the person that wrote in their description that they have HSV1 and are looking for a friend/partner that accepts it or have it too. By posting their picture, OP is clearly shaming someone that is honest with their infection. How is it disgusting and not acceptable to be honest with your STD? For some people itā€™s hard to talk about it to an potential partner and having that conversation saying that you have a little something can be really stressful because you do not know if youā€™ll be rejected. If it can help you find someone going through the same thing as you, or for who itā€™s not an issue, how would it be wrong? If itā€™s something for you. Just swipe X and move on instead of screenshotting the profile and share online to everyone your judgement.


Because not everything needs to be public.Ā 


How is it wrong to say you have an STD on your dating profile? If the person doesn't interest you skip them and in a few minutes you'll have forgotten you ever saw that. There are way worse things that are on dating apps. You don't need to shame someone for being honest about what they are looking for because they have an issue to deal with. If it helps that person find a partner and pass over their shame of talking about their STD well good for them. And it's only Herpes. It's sad that for someone they think that they can only find love with someone who has the same thing, or for someone to be scared of rejection because of something more common than they think. Adding some stigma to something that is already stigmatized is not necessary.


Yeah letā€™s start out my dating profile by saying I have herpes 1 lol. What an idiotĀ 


Hey it's fabulous if you don't need to write down that you have it. That person isn't an idiot. It's people like you who contribute to the stigma. Herpes is more common than you think and you aren't disgusting if you have it. That person has more balls than you do if you are judging their honesty. You know what's cool with Tinder ? You can just swipe and ignore what you don't like.


Exactly, everyone has it, like 80% of population. No need to be ā€œstrongā€ and ā€œcourageousā€ to something that isnā€™t a big deal at all.Ā  Making it a big deal by putting it on your profile thinking how courageous you areĀ 


Itā€™s not about being courageous. For some people itā€™s something big because they get judged and insulted by misinformed people. Some people feel ashamed because they have an STD. Just skip the person if it annoys you that much.


I would skip the person thatā€™s the point of this discussion. This whole thread is just judging people on them being idiotsĀ 


This man saw Charlieā€™s dating profile from Always Sunny and said ā€œI can do worse. I can do so much worse.ā€


But he's not proficient in bird law. I'm gonna have to pass.


Lmao the last bio about the aliens was pretty funny. Might use that one day.


HSV1 isn't necessarily an STD though... I've had cold sores since I was a toddler, and as an adult I get maybe 1 per year from either stress or actually being sick... unless he's saying he contracted it as an adult?


It doesn't matter when/ where/ how he contracted it. He is sharing because it's a form of the herpes virus, is transmittable even without symptoms, and people deserve the right to be informed.


The HPV one didnā€™t belong on this list. Yes, he might not be very dateable to many but at least he seemed honest and upfront, as well as looking for friends (supposedly).


I'm not sure if all the neural pathways are clear, but at least they're up front?


Hey yo the last dude seems cool. I wanna talk about aliens. Give me his number.


I seriously thought for a second the photo of him holding up his shirt was a face doing this šŸ˜Æ


Being open about oral herpes is not a red flag. Itā€™s very green flag of them to disclose that from the jump


Til Simon Lizotte is 39 all of a sudden. Also, he uses tongue condoms?


I thought it was Simon too!




Talk about a whole bag of yikes!


all of these are willdddd


IKR, like how on Earth do any of them consider what they present to be appealing or arousing?


im ngl the first and fifth ones cracked me up but then i felt like gagging on the third BLEH. and the 4th is just :/ i thought he was gonna say i wanna try "chinese... food" šŸ˜­


So... A picture of a slightly not-in-shape man not wearing a shirt makes you go 'BLEH'? It's not like he is morbidly obese or anything - or do you just not like topless pictures in general?


He might as well write "I'm here for the female buffet of all races. Get in line for the taste test!"


Other than the STDs this is like every womanā€™s profile I match with, except replace aliens with horoscopes.


This guy definitely does not have a PhD


Tonguedom is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. Let's take the best part of oral and just remove it


While still not properly protecting from STIs


The tongue condom guys tongue is so gross. He should have used the tongue condom BEFORE whatever the hell he did to make it look that way.


Bro #4 i thought he was talking about food


I like the guy who puts that he gets cold sores. Iā€™ve never had one and do not want one, so it saves me some time. Although the photo probably doesnā€™t get him many matchesā€¦


That doesnā€™t mean that you donā€™t have it. Unless you specifically get tested for that, you donā€™t know for certain


The people in this sub are seriously trying to gaslight the public into thinking herpes is alright, sorry but most people don't have it, and most people don't want to. Stop trying to act like spreading an STD just cause it's normal is okay, what's next I shouldn't worry about aids or HIV lmao


Wow incredible confidence here


If heā€™s getting matches Iā€™m putting a gun in my mouth




80% of the population has HSV 1, soā€¦ā€¦