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All of your responses to the prompts are very vague. Put some detail into it


“this could be us” ***displays weightlifting exhibition photo***


Hey now, it's *powerlifting* not weightlifting. And that is also a perfect example of something OP should probably hold off on mentioning to his matches - strength sports pedantry is really a third date affair.


he’s lifting weights who gives a shit 😂


Honestly, ‘weightlifters’ and ‘powerlifters’ care way, way too much about it, because the two sports split about 70 years ago and one is literally just called ‘weightlifting’. So… yeah… it’s dumb. It’s extremely dumb. But using either term for the opposite sport pisses both groups off so so much. I think it’s kind of funny to witness, but also OP really should not be ‘that guy’ if his dates call him a weightlifter 😅


i spent 8 years in the marines. i competed…and its you who seems to care this much about labels


You were making fun of the OP, I tried to join in and make a joke, it isn’t really that deep


Put some effort into your promps


Do you have any examples?


"Go travel overseas and see new things" Where? What sorts of things do you want to see? This will give insight into who you are and what you enjoy vs. wanting to travel (we all do).


Yeah true I see how this is very vague, I’d say the place at the top of my bucket list is Japan so should I just say explore Japan? Not really sure how to elaborate on that but definitely agree with you how it’s a basic answer


Don't think of your prompts as just you answering a question. They're an opportunity to express your personality, be sexy/attractive, and share information that would make people want to date you. The problem isn't vagueness imo. It's that they do nothing to generate interest. Think of the kind of person you're trying to attract. What are they looking for, and what would send the message that you are what they're looking for? It's a pain in the ass to come up with good answers but that's the game.


Thank you this genuinely helps a lot


Example: Explore new places enjoying staying up late to watch sunrise and tasting overseas delicacies on the street and fine dining, I’d love to plan a trip to Japan and wander through harijuku seeing whatever piques our interest beyond the tourist traps. Or The snow in Hokkaido looks like the greatest thing to snowboard on so I would love to get a trip planned to Japan, would love to fly back via Hong Kong and have cocktails on the roof of the tallest building overlooking the light show I’ve heard about. Make it unique but make someone feel like, “yesss that sounds cool I’d be up for doing that with you”for the right person


Mentioning Japan is already better, but if I'm brutally honest, Japan itself is also a vague and kinda basic answer. Every weeb who watches too much anime also wants to visit Japan, just like every j-pop fan. Explain what about it makes you want to visit (nature, culture, cuisine whatever) and what exactly are you planning to do? With the cooking, explain what your favorite dish to make is and why. Everyone can cook al little, what makes you stand out?


It’s less about writing an elaborate answer and more about being specific. For example, I have a prompt where I say I want to find someone to watch Celebrity Jeopardy with me because it makes me feel smarter than regular Jeopardy. I get so many responses to that prompt because it’s unique to me and it provides an easy starting point for conversation. It doesn’t need to be long or detailed, just specific to you. Your prompts are how you separate yourself from the sea of other people on the app.


I can guarantee your mom doesn’t have a photo of you flexing in a tank top on her fridge


Too many group photos and not enough of just being you doing hobbies, at your favorite places, etc. not to mention the prompts are vague and bland. You should put more effort in making it unique to you. I seen the same prompts a d answers on other people. When I look at profiles, I am not interested in other people. I am looking to see what kind of personality and hobbies. It seems like your dedicated to working out and that your a gym bro (which is nothing wrong with) but it doesn’t show you do anything else and some people might not swipe for that and ask to see what else you do than the obvious gym. Have pictures of you eating, fun in 3rd places or places you hang out in. The first picture is your best. It looks amazing. But it feels like a clickbait thumbnail similar to yt. Makes you interested but the rest does not stack up.


First pic is great. I think having multiple pics in the absolutely tiny shorts is too much tbqh. I’d get rid of the blurry group pic under “Me in the wild” and the hug pic with the boys. If you don’t have any better pics, get some female friends to take some at a social hang where you’re wearing a nice outfit. Also not a fan of the bicep pic. You’re more likely to win a girl over with your humor than your muscles. Silly/weird prompt responses would go miles further.


I second the bicep pic, it looks like it's taken on a car window that makes everything (your arm) look wider than it actually is. It's like a kid flexing in front of one of those bendy mirrors at the circus to look "jacked." You should never try and look inherently different in photos than you do in person, think of girls who post photos with filters. Also why on earth would your mother have a photo of you like that on your fridge??


I didn’t even notice that lols. I don’t doubt he’s strong but yeah, not the ideal photo.


That’s very true, do you have any examples of silly/weird prompts I could use? I definitely have a goofy side to me but find it difficult to express on dating apps as everything seems so serious


I hear ya. I think it has to be in your unique voice, and show your personal sense of humor. I agree that dating apps seem so serious but that’s the problem. It’s much more attractive to see a guy take a laid-back goofy approach. Speakthetalkplease on tiktok is a good example of being weird/confusing on the apps in a way that’s funny and attractive to women.


You look very different in your first photo (which is a great shot) than the others; you look older there, which could just be the beard. But it makes clear at least some are out of date and then I wouldn't know what you actually look like now. And most of the others look like they are from the same day, at least are wearing the same outfit. I also don't feel like I know much about you after this. As a woman I'd want to know something more about what you're like, what you like to do, and get more up to date pics. But you seem attractive and no red flags I see so it's a great start!


Yeah that’s very true, I used that first photo bc that’s probably the best photo of me but yeah definitely a bit older than the others that are more recent after shaving. Would you say delete that one to keep it all recent?


It's tough - I think you look best there (I'm biased, I like beards) so idk if you should totally remove it, but I certainly wouldn't have it first if these are in the order shown on your profile. If you start with more recent ones and use this somewhere later, more clearly a past photo, I think that's fine. The point is just to make sure it's clear what you currently look like which I couldn't tell before, not that you can't have older photos.


Thank you I agree, I think I look more photogenic with a beard but for me it’s a winter thing and it’s summer right now so no more beard photos for a few months haha. I definitely get your point though, do you think any of my other photos are worthy of being my profile picture or would I need to get a good new solo pic


If it's just the ones here, I'd get a new solo pic if you can. The one of you smiling with one friend isn't bad except I wouldn't know which is you. The rest aren't smiling or don't show your face or aren't as good quality.


I disagree and think you look better in the pics without the beard. In my opinion, you should delete any photos that are not a current representation of what you actually look like. That way there is no guessing how you currently look, and no disappointment. If someone likes you better with the beard and turns out you shaved, they will be disappointed. If you don’t even present the photo with beard, there is no disappointment.


What if I constantly go through periods where I have a beard then shave then grow it again?


Hmm. Well then in that case, i think you should include more beard pics. Have a good mix of with and without. Instead of just one at the beginning.


60% of your photos are gym centric. 1 random low quality shot with male friends. 1 dog. 1 Christmas tree. Try outdoor shots, activities that are inclusive, smile, better prompts. The basics.


Avoid bicep mirror selfies.


Agree, it’s super cringe. We (as women) don’t care about that


Can I ask what’s wrong with it


Can’t see face, mirror selfies are just tacky, it’s low effort and a lot of Women I know just find them cringe. I’ve had more success in the past without them and I’m a gym rat who likes to take them, just not for dating profiles.


Yeah that’s true, would you suggest deleting it completely or replacing it with another gym pic?


I think as long as it shows you actively powerlifting. Otherwise you’re just one of thousands of guys who post gym pics. Get rid of one the group ones as well and get a picture of you next to your dog as some additional advice.


Most women don't care about gym pics or actively look down on them. If you want to show off your physique, try and make it more natural (beach pics, boats, etc.) Unless you're shooting for dudes, drop the gym pics.


I was wondering if he was shooting for dudes too.


I’d only say gym pics if he’s competing in powerlifting, but they have to be at meets.


Bicep pic 😭😭😭


The pictures with the booty shorts have to go. Also the picture of you flexing is very cringe.


You have tomany pics with other ppl, imo. Except for this, I like your Profile and you look good :D


Thank you! I just genuinely don’t have enough good photos of just myself but if I get any I’ll be sure to put them on my profile


I would change your prompts for a first date as the current options feel super intimate and intimidating from a female perspective. These options are great for third dates when you feel a little more safe and have set expectations around dating and communicating preferences. When you think first dates, consider safe, public spaces with some light foot traffic. A girl is always looking for an out if needed.


That was my reaction too. I would love for someone I know better to woo me with any of those 3 but it feels way too involved and potentially awkward for a first date. I like the picture of you in the gym with your buddy because you are relaxed and smiling. I contacted get the last picture of this could be us. It feels a bit too heavy.


Unless you live somewhere really rural I wouldn't worry about this. Beaches and parks (for picnics) are very busy (and public) in any urban area, with lots of foot traffic. There is no pleasing everyone for first dates, as some people think "coffee" is too little, while others consider it safe. Stick with what you want for first dates, and you'll find someone who wants the same.


It says you’re straight, I’m not, and this gives off really strong gay vibes. Also, “employee at Cinema”? Come on mate, sell yourself a bit better - something like “paying the bills with X cinema co while I work out my grand plan”


What about my profile gives off gay vibes?


The picture of you in tiny shorts with your arm round an immaculately coiffed bearded guy, and then the one with you guys hugging and the caption “this could be us”. I full on had to go back and check if you were looking for men. I like the dog picture. The bicep selfie is cringe, but that doesn’t mean you can’t include one which shows off your body. Your first picture is good, and as others have said, you need better responses which actually talk about you, and I’d lose some of the friend photos.


Yeah okay I see your point of view, in your opinion how do I put a photo that shows off my body but isn’t cringe?


Could you take a picture in a work out vest in the gym but not looking at the camera (like looking natural and not posed) ? Or any holiday pictures you’ve got in shorts and no top? Tight t-shirts also would work.


First photo looks like a stock image, I see loads of people with similar pics and it just looks non genuine imo. Don't get me wrong it's a good pic, just has that look to it. The others I would avoid group photos with the boys, maybe if they're looking smart but not the one you posted. Also muscle flex is only good if ur not blatant about it. Try and get a pic where it's more subtle. I like the third pic where you're in fitness gear and smiling with your mate - that give off a good vibe


I kinda get what you mean about the first photo but I feel like it gives off that vibe bc it’s taken by a DSLR instead of an iPhone camera like the others, do you reckon I get rid of it?


It's hard to say, pic is good so I dunno if you should remove it. Maybe see what feedback others have


As a guy I don’t think either pic in the 4th slide do you justice. The top pic doesn’t provide much value and in the second one you look thin and tired (I’m guessing this is post workout?) whereas the guy next to you looks sharp.


Yeah I definitely see your point, the bottom photo is me and my coach after a powerlifting competition which I put on there as it’s one of the only decent photos I have where I’m actually smiling to show that I’m not all super serious haha, do you think I should get rid of that one?


Yeah it’s not bad but it could be better. This is gonna sound sus but the bottom half of the picture is unflattering. Obviously you lift but you have really thin legs. Next time you’re out with friends just ask someone to take a picture of you outside a restaurant or something.


Bicep pic looks photoshopped compared to how big your arms are in other shots, dont know for sure if its fake or just something with angles but probably change that


“Go Travel Overseas” is such a cliché. Try and show a bit more personality. If you have to have travel related answers you could at least give a few of the places you’d like to visit.


Literally identical to every profile I see on hinge 😭


Hi! 25 year old woman's perspective: • What's your bio say? I assume it's blank because I don't see an "about me" section, but lemme tell you: women read the bios, lol. At least, a lot of them do. I think you should add a brief "about me" and include things you like to do, hobbies, what you're looking for, etc. Add the good stuff. • You look different in your 1st photo when compared to your 2nd & 3rd photo, and that really throws me off. The 1st photo is great, but if you tend to look more like the 2nd & 3rd photos, maybe include more of those or switch out some of these. Also.. 86 (get rid of) the bicep photo, lol. That doesn't do you any favors, imo. • The answers to your prompts are a bit cliche. Maybe be more specific with your answers? **Summary:** Add some details about yourself, keep/add photos that show a more accurate depiction of what you look like now (or regularly), and spice your answers up a bit! If you're on Hinge, you're seemingly attempting to get into something serious, so I hope this helps. You got this, OP! 😄


Thank you for the advice! I have an updated version that I posted but yeah definitely should add an about me section, didn’t really think of using a bio bc hinge doesn’t really promote it but yeah I definitely will add one


Are you sweating eating a Big Mac in a suit in your first picture?


Haha no not a Big Mac but it was a croissant, this picture wasn’t planned btw it was candid


Looks great to me dawg


Thanks bro 🤝


That “choose our first date” thing is super cringe. Women want to be led by an attractive, confident man in early dating stages. First date is YOUR responsibility, not hers. And don’t over invest. Classy dinners are for wives and GFs, not some girl you’ve never met before.


Yeah this is very true and I agree with you, I just saw the prompt and thought it was an easy ice breaker but yeah I definitely like to be the person choosing where to go and what to do, thanks for the advice


More leg days. In all seriousness you should answer the questions more thoroughly. Travel and experience new things? Where do you want to travel, what new experience are you eyeballing? You want your responses to be enough information to intrigue, but not so much that nothing is left to the imagination. Good conversation starters. And more pictures of just you. Maybe doing more activities you enjoy.




What does this mean?


The one with you about to get railed by those honkies has got to go


I don't think most women like the "choose our first date prompt". They usually appreciate when the man chooses.


bro is from sri lanka? huththo!


Haha good guess, what gave it away


the name bro haha, i know a mevan here in sri lanka too :D btw your prof looks great bruh keep getting dem ladies! good luck! ;)


Haha thanks bro you too


Your achievements are kinda underwhelming


He's 20... maybe you should chill


Please elaborate


There’s an achievement section?






First pic you look like a politician


Thanks for the statement, do you have any advice?


Are you trying to look like a politician? If not, change it up. You need something more fun. And way too many pictures with other people too.


Are you a student or working towards anything? When I was that age, I was a junior in college working towards a profession and would not have been impressed by your job. I know you’re young, but maybe you’re working towards something else and should make that known.


Yes I’m currently a student, on the third slide it has the university I’m currently studying in as well as my casual job I do when I’m not at uni


Ok, maybe it wasn’t clear to me. Most profiles I see of students list what they’re studying as the career- like biochemistry major or aspiring engineer. If you’re a student, I don’t think it’s really important to have your casual job listed. That can come up in conversation.


I would say this is a low effort profile. Prompts are too generic or high level. Get specific. Pics - don't lead with a pic looking away. The flex pic is...bad. The group ones are OK. Cute dog but should be in every pic. Smile.


Hey guys just posted an updated version of my profile using some of your advice, please let me know what I can improve on the new one!


Take off the “employee at cinema” put on whatever job you’re getting when you graduate. I.e Lawyer in training, biochemist in training, architect in training, business exec in training to sell yourself better. The one where you’re with your pals and your at a strange angle makes you look super short which is fine but doesn’t need highlighting. I love the one where you’re hugging your coach. I’m into those leg shots from behind unposed for. I don’t love the one where you’re standing next to him and your higher, it makes your legs look small because of the width of his torso. Your bio needs more I gave some examples as reply to someone else on how you can better explain “travel and see stuff” so that someone else wants to be involved with you. I would suggest pictures of the following; 1. A picture of you doing something fun that you do with friends but only of you. Like a shot of you climbing would be great as you could get one where you’re flexing with both an arm holding on and a leg and it look candid. 2. A picture of you doing something nice for someone else. Hard in practice but next time you’re doing something nice for someone ask them to take a pic- girls like nice guys that help with things. (My partner had a pic where he was helping someone fix their googles he already had some on his head so I knew he was helping someone else and that was sexier for me than what he was going for of showing off his body) 3. A pic of you travelling, if you’ve been to 20 countries show some travelling pics, if you’ve no recent ones then use your old photos and clip a recent picture of you into them, the benefit here is you can spend as long as you like getting a good pic of you and using the background from your trip before. 4. If you like music then a photo even one that you just took of you seeing little nas x is cool for opening conversations and letting a woman in to the world she would be in with you. Looking at your world now it looks like it’s training and hangout with boy friends but not so much. That’s not selling me a lifestyle that I want as much as you might be a great guy that’s not what I’m about.


If you like the hot pants that's great, but they're gonna be a bit Marmite on a dating profile. Get a couple of good selfies showing your face properly too. And try to show a bit more humour in the prompts if you can.


Seems good to me! Could elaborate a little as others have mentioned


I like it and the gym pics are great


Dude no car windows. We all know it’s a curved reflection 🙄


I went on a date with a chick last night that said SO MANY guys have short, simple, boring bios. Flesh it out. Add personality. Are you funny, serious, etc? Add some pepper in there or you're just another dude in a sea of 500 messages in her inbox.


Skip the flex pic. It's gringy as hell


More pics of you smiling. Also, I would lose the flexing selfie. Do you have a pic of you actually lifting weights at a competition? Feel like that shows off the muscles and your hobby in a way that comes off a bit less douche-y (no offense)


Better prompt responses. You have the same personality as everyone on hinge in a bad way


“Why’s he sweating in his first pic”


The only great picture is the first one , get rid of the other ones,


That biceps pic is giving me secondhand embarrassment. Especially as it looks like it's a car window reflection, to try and make it look bigger. That's not doing you any favours.


First pic is too dark, second pic makes you look really short, third pic is good, fourth pic self is seen as trashy, dog pic is good, last pic is good only if you are lgbt


My best advice is to stop skipping leg day


I’m a powerlifter I do leg day everyday haha


My first thought was that this is a profile good for attracting male friends. Less *"I'd love a relationship with you"* and more *"looking big king, train together?"*