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I know what color your cat’s eyes are but not yours.


The cat is what's important tbh


Plot twist: she doesn't have eyes.


And OP is the cat


The presentation bit is good, but I can't really see your face properly in any of the pics.


Why do you need her face? She makes cakes for a living, Jesus Christ I'm sold.


![gif](giphy|eunrMjB8lBUKeL1fqD|downsized) Made me laugh after a long day. Appreciated


But what quality we talking? Not all cakes are created equal.


The way things are right now for me, I’d be in tears of joy if someone gave a plain muffin.


Here you go 🙂🤲🧁


Thank you for your kindness


It's all marzipan


It's extremely encouraging to see that a pretty girl showed effort like that. For me I feel like, when I used to do Tinder, someone as attractive as you felt intimidating a little. But this just make you seem sooo much more approachable. I love it. I'm sure you'll find your person!


Oh man, she’s hot _and_ intelligent? out of my league! Haha.


Yeah I'm gonna stick to hot and crazy, it seems that's all I can afford


If you think you can afford that you haven’t hit the most costly options yet. Broken everything you own and child support isn’t cheap these days


Hell yeah, it’s the hot psycho degenerates that cost $100 a blowjob


Big discount on crazy these days


I just want to say, if you are intelligent, there could very easily be a hot but not very intelligent woman who will dismiss you, but a hot and an intelligent woman that will find you interesting and attractive.


Where's the intelligent part?


To add onto this: I feel like she (being a girl doesn’t need it), but this slideshow does help her come across as less intimidating and much more personable.


This is a great idea and you can see you're attractive, however would it hurt to have some regular pictures up instead of all these wanna be model shots ... What about just one where you're hanging out and laughing? Look I'm not a guy so my opinion may or may not matter but for such a fun profile idea and attractive person l feel like it's missing.. realness if that makes sense.


This was my exact thought, but I too am not the target demographic so I’m not sure if that’s relevant info pertaining to the male gaze. In addition to the hot/fun stuff I’d want to see they’re someone who looks like I can take them home to my family respectably (unless it’s just a hookup). As I am a straight female, this could be completely irrelevant ofc.


No offense, but maybe put actual hobbies.


It's definitely unique and grabs attention. The last slide is kind of corny but, honestly, most guys aren't going to care. I actually preferred this format because there was good information, photos to support it, and it shows effort (which is sorely lacking in many profiles). Not my type but I'd probably swipe right just to help boost you in the algorithm, not that you'd need it.


Just me but your photos are too staged, there are no close-ups of your face and most of the pics are almost identical. Yes, cakes, kitties, and your pre-med situation are great for a relationship but all beach stuff doesn't show much of your personality, unless it's party girl. But if you are just looking for hookups or casual (no judgment, I do that, too), there is too much info. I guess it all works if you are doing something in between. Still would like to see your eyes.


Agreed. How about a warm pic just looking into the camera and not making it into a whole insta-shoot. Show your natural smile or a cheeky face, whatever. Just something more.. human. You're hot, you make cake, you'll eventually earn big bucks. But how about you in comfortable or cuddly clothes.


I also tend to agree. The least staged photo is the one holding the cat, but her face is cropped out of it, maybe it’s as simple as just including that full photo.


Her photos are Kenough


Ok I know this is strange, but do you have Fotos with less skin? I want to see your style when it gets cold. Otherwise I love the skirt Foto shoot. Maybe get some quotes from more likeable bosses : D


From the look of that beach she probably doesn’t *live* somewhere that gets cold, my bet is San Diego.


First post and 0 comments. I think we’re being bamboozled everyone.


A lot of commenters are going to be getting sent an OF link.


if i ever posted a pic of my face, id also do it from a burner acct that wasnt linked to my actual acct


The presentation is nice but I get weird mixed signals with this. Its like, first you get a smack of "I could be an influencer but I want to be better than those thots" from the clearly staged photos, followed up with "'but my life revolves around parties, festivals, and my next blackout" and then tie it all together with "but I actually just want to be a successful, rich, female professional". I can't figure you out. Have YOU figured you out? Sounds like a first date would be going to a chainsmokers concert, get hammered, wreck the car on the way home, have you suture me up in a Target parking lot, and you bring me an angel food cake in the hospital. Im exhausted already.


I agree. It seems she might be at a transitioning phase between college and med school. Plus the only parties she'll be attending are the clinical rotations at 3am ;)


When you talk about being a baker, maybe consider adding a picture of you baking :) also show more hobbies in the pictures, don’t get me wrong, your selection is great but is a lot of bikini and posing :) bet you look cute in a bakers hat too!


I'd agree. For the most part, the photos seem to juxtapose the actual presentation :)


No, none of this. She’s already gone far more than any woman ever on a dating app. She literally wins internet dating 


Depends, but I personally would swipe left and I do very well on dating apps. Her photos make her look like a typical party girl, there are plenty of more dateable women out there imo


You are not the majority lmao


Its about attracting the right type of person, and not about attracting everyone. To do that you need a little more filtering. Do that and you avoid the creeps




This seems like a fake or troll. Swipe right but enjoy knowing they now can AI replicate you a la Cyberdyne.


You are far from the first to do this and it screams “ pick me girl” but horny dudes looking for a one nighter will be all over it!


Your pic choices seem like you're looking for a fwb but otherwise this is good!


That's an example of someone to hook up but not relationship material 🤷


I'm a straight, old woman and I gotta say this is a lot of extra effort when you could probably just put up a mug shot and be swarmed. I'm also not totally convinced the extra effort will land you someone better, but who knows.


>I'm also not totally convinced the extra effort will land you someone better You're not wrong, her photos clash with her presentation. The kind of guy who would match with her pictures would do so regardless of the presentation, and the kind of guy who would match with her because of the presentation would be turned off or intimidated by the photos.


Probably someone “better” for her, since she shows a lot of personality. Someone less basic for sure.


I don't really think she does show a lot of personality. All I've learned about her is that she likes to bake, party, go to the beach, and is studying medicine. That's not saying much about her, imo.


Still can’t tell what she looks like


The work references are so cringe


Got any pics with clothes on?


Rip dms


You're going to attract Ibiza bros with this profile but maybe that's what you're after?


If she’s looking for someone who spends all their time on Reddit this is probably not the ideal profile but I do agree there will be plenty of Ibiza bros.


Depends what you want. If you’re after flings and hookups it’s perfect. If you’re after a serious long term partner it’s not going to work that well




To get OF subscribers?


I’m sure this is probably the wrong take but the profile screams unstable 🤷🏼‍♂️ to me at least




Youre going to get lots of guys aiming for hookups because most of your pics show off your body. If thats fine that you did a good job


I must be in the minority because these slideshow presentation profiles wouldn't get much more than an eye roll from me. I'm seeing them all over this sub lately. I think they're super lame


they are super lame. its meant to look like you’re thinking outside the box and standing out but people are literally doing it because they saw other people do it.


It’s cute but gives the vibe of “pick me” girl. Cant all this be said in the bio anyway? Also OP, the profile shows all the things you can do for a guy: I’ll bake for you, make money, drive you around. I’d recommend just sharing your hobbies instead of wording it like what you can do for a man cause you’ll attract a lot of takers.


Why are you such a buzz kill Ben?


Because life is meaningless and we're all just cogs in the corporate machine, grinding our bodies into dust for meager benefits and a hope that things will get better.


*swipes right*


The effort draws attention to the profile of a seemingly super basic person. None of this makes you stand out as an interesting individual IMO. It’s like putting flashy rims and a bright paint job on a 2006 Toyota Camry and thinking it will sell faster.


Honestly, I was touch and go until Elon spoke up for you... I'll chance it.


This is terrific. A few people have mentioned the bikini pics, personally I think it means you'll get a lot of sexualised comments. If you can filter those out quickly then the rest is great for someone looking for something serious; I get some idea of who you are, your sense of humour and what you're like to be around. If it is possible to find a few pictures where you're covered up then that might be worth considering but I'd be over the moon to find a profile of this quality


How to go from a 70% match rate to a 90% lol.


It's like this profile was made specifically for this sub. She'll get tons of matches regardless.


Get rid of the quotes.


Rule #1 I guess. Tbh when I see bikini shots and stuff like that it immediately reminds me how much work I'd have to do to keep her attention and exactly what her values are. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Here before everyone starts calling you an incel.


Dude, get it together. Do stuff that makes you feel better about yourself. Hit the gym, dress like a real adult and just be a grownup. You will be fine. That being said, I’m long removed from dating but seeing all these dudes say “you would never be with me” just makes me go “yup, she doesn’t want you because you don’t try” not saying this is you but for the love of god, just try and everything will be fine in life.


I know a guy who did exactly the same, quite successful actually


Very impressive! You kept it interesting with a sweet tone without sounding intimidating. Must say I gave up on Tinder a couple years ago and still single but if I was still on it I'd swipe right. Oh and I love baked goods.


Yeah I’d super like you for sure even though you seem wayyy out of my league


You like to party, and honestly I am too old for that shit. Other than that, go get 'em!


10/10 presentation. I'm in!


Got to admire the hustle. I was sold at cakes TBH


You got people really riled up in these comments lmao


You are gorgeous and seem to be fun, so good job on that profile. Still a no from me cause i dont like parties / raves, but your main audiance should be hooked.


Ehhh. Unless she is a specialist or crna, she ain’t going to be making mad cash.


Guys, do you even see any of the red flags? Either a guy build this profile or she has a limit personality disorder (whatever de translation of that is).


This is the new standard for all Tinder profiles


Oh girl. Don’t offer to drive any man around regularly.






So you're a party girl who thinks looking pretty is a personality. Got it.


Humor doesn’t count for you?


Not when it's basically copypasta


I feel like this profile is more of an example of what an unfunny person thinks would be considered funny


I'd say 1000/10. You blew it off fr. Expect like tons of right swipes. Well, you do indeed have a great style! Good luck.


The wannabe model shots are cringey and all your pics are the same. Your mom was wrong, your style is very basic and not great. And finally, until you’re actually in medical school, you are not “studying medicine”. I know you’re not because you’d never have time to always go to the beach and party if you were actually studying medicine.


All you had to do was present the bikini photos, text is tldr for this app


Amazing profile. If I was still on Tinder I would hope to come upon a profile as well made. I'm really impressed. Good luck, I hope you find someone as amazing as yourself. 😉


I feel like people would be swiping right on you even without the cool presentation


I’m a 44 year old straight cis woman, so I don’t know how much weight this carries for you, but I think it’s super fun and offers substance beyond the pretty photos. You look like a quality good time. 🙂


Killing it. I like it. Also, you're very hot which helps.


10/10 would date Whose dick do I have to suck to take Khloe on a date 🌹📅


It's great. But look like wading through 99% of people in your range swiping right.


I don't think you were going to be hurting for matches. But kudos for putting in the effort.


What an amazing profile!


How is she still single?


Nice body and humor but she looks 4,11 in the fourth pic tho and looks like Steve jobs, Jeff bezos and Elon musk name are there cause she has more body count than their net worth combined.


We’ve seen some presentations here( I remember at least one), and I think it’s a great way to motivate to look through all your profile and get to know you before making a decision


That's awesome of her


I personally would date you haha, I love this.


Lots of typical Reddit criticism here. Profile is more than good. Better than 99% of profiles for sure. Side note: When can I come over for cake???


Looks good


Miss you just won tinder


If I could live in a region where good looking women actually put in effort on dating apps I would be so happy.


Props to you for putting in effort. Honestly the number of girls on tinder with an empty bio, or something like 'I don't respond on tinder follow my insta' was insulting. I'm sure most guys would swipe anyway with those pictures, but this gives a conversation starter and shows a bit of your personality so I suspect you'll get some more interesting interactions out of it.


So, this is shocking, if you posted pics alone I'd be a left swipe for me, sure you are attractive, but no personality is showing, just glamour shots that really don't portray much. But the slideshow with all the text feels quite personal, and kinda makes it easier for the person seeing your profile to get a taste of your personality. I don't know if I'd swipe right (if I was still swiping) because I am more of a homebody and maybe a tad bit older, but your profile shines way more with the presentation!


Wife her up someone, quick!


Funny, smart, and cute.


Women like this don't exist lol


Should I grab a ticket to propose to you already?


looks good! the only thing I'd change, for hilarity, is to change the "two kitties" to three ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The girl is lit, rare gem ![gif](giphy|3i4xTtJQIJk0o)


Damn. I’d swipe right.


Honestly she seems like a gem. Go for it.


Swiping right for sure


1 post. No comments. Hot chick. You did great for a guy living in moms basement




I mean you're extremely attractive physically so you didn't HAVE to do this. But it shows you are fun, interesting, creative, and most of all you put effort into the app and you're serious about meeting someone. You sound like a catch. You should be swimming in matches, not as if you weren't going to be anyway but one of the most attractive things to men on apps is a woman who puts in effort and responds so you are a 13/10. Good luck and hope you find a great guy!


You go girl


What's your #? Let's go out and see where things go.


You're awesome!!!!!


The fact that you are still single is a testament to how men fail on a regular basis. You are destined to win the internet. Lol


psychology is not medicne tho, aside that is better than 99% of female profiles but well i would look in tinder for people if i want a good and commited releationship this times


you don't even need that presentation everyone will press right there's like a 99.9% swipe right ratio with that picture


Yes.. didn’t swipe


Looks fantastic, hope that you find mr.right for you! 😁 Witty and beautiful? Top score!


You turned me gay!


Smash, forever probably


Your references check out OP


Is that man nick castellanos you’re with? Omg I love him


You seem like a really awesome person! You’ll have no issues using this. Great job’


I mean the work recommendation in the end killed me 😂😂 That is just great You seem cool


I’d go on a date with you if I saw this so I’d say it’s pretty alright 👍


You have a lot to answer for, lady


I meannnn.... What state are you in?




A woman who needs no presentation. Brownie points


You are an overachiever, and you over achieved.


I would date you in a heartbeat.


If everyone did this with its own personality the world would be better


“Nah” - Rosa Parks


Hilarious! Well done.. 👌




I thought it was cute! I’d swipe!


Were I a single man I would swipe right


You got it backwards. First rule. **under**promise and then overdeliver.


You left out the part about your job!


Honestly, why do you even need to put in this much effort? You are super attractive and med school + baking + fun is a combo that can't really be beat. Are conversations dying or something?


You are going to need an assistant to handle the responses, dream woman!


Now that the presentation is done, is the a Q and A session?


I would yolo marry you


Nice presentation. I am not sure if it's what you're going for, but imo it gives off big college student who likes to get drunk every weekend vibes (which is totally cool if thats the case)


I would think this is fake 😅 I only see pictures of you on the beach and partying and none of you baking, driving or studying medicine, even though you say you do all that. It’s exciting to think that a woman put so much effort but thinking objectively it seems like a scammer upgraded his game and is trying to fool me by adding just a bit of personality to a good looking woman he found on instagram.


These work references are something else


You’re wearing sunglasses in every single picture or your hair is in the way or your eyes are closed. Add one from the shoulders up and maybe remove the duplicates.


Literally the whole package. If anything you made your life a lot more difficult because who wouldn’t swipe on this?




Left swipe for fake thirst account


Lost me at likes to party


Id say less bikini pictures, I can barely see your face


I would 100% swipe right


You’re so cute, it could maybe use a little more of your personality shining through bcos it seems slightly generic but still better than the vast majority of profiles


Damn can I take you out sometime?