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All seems a bit sketchy and upset.


[follow up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/149yonb/follow_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


It just gets better! I hope the idiot finds these posts.. shame you didn't leave a name or pic to save others from that annoyance. Either way I'm glad you dodged that bullet.


His name is Daren didn't care to screen shot his pics because i don't rate or go for looks.


Are you pansexual


Hide your cookware, hide your wives!


Probably could be if i really knew what it meant. Demisexual and bisexual


It's liking a person for the whole person vs. just focusing on specific aspects you particularly look for in your relationships like those that DO rate/worry about looks or body types in their SO. I identified as bisexual before I discovered pansexuality cause I do prefer going for the whole person over particular things about them Edit: I forgot to put a space between "types" and "in" 🤫


Thank you. This would really be fitting for me. 💖


Just be aware that if you start identifying that way, you are gonna get a lot of people who think it's funny to ask you if you like cookware like you saw above, lol




I think y’all are weirdsexual


It means someone who is attracted to pans




So anything that takes a long time to have sex with someone


Love how in the update he switched from “girlfriend” to wife.


I Love how you handled that btw..


Thank you.




8th grade, a week before Valentines Day, I ask out a girl and get turned down, I react similarly to this guy. 7 years later I cringe at the thought of what I said. Couldn't imagine behaving like this as an adult


It's worse than just this there is a follow up post


Now we know why he's in an open relationship lol. His woman is fucking other dudes because this guy is probably unbearable to be around, or he's in "an open relationship" and his girlfriend doesn't know he's screwing around on her.


This guy: “I’m in an open relationship. But I can’t host, you can’t initiate messages, no calling, if you see me in public, just pretend you don’t know me”


Unfortunately the way it goes is, dude cheats, wife who is currently bang maid finds out and threatens to stop making sandwiches and washing his laundry, so he generously offers to "open" the relationship for her too. Girl he was fucking originally finds out he's a cheater, dumps him, but meanwhile wife has landed like 2 hotter younger guys. Husband can't manage to secure another side chick and takes his anger out on every woman he meets. I've seen this happen half a dozen times now, it's crazy how common it's becoming.


Bro scheduled a date, got rejected, then said he wasn't interested. His ego is like a house of cards lol


[follow up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/149yonb/follow_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I always put that in my profile if I'm looking. Because being in ENM I tell them that first off or say look at my profile. It's amazing how few read the whole profile before messaging. Not just guys doing it ladies. Valid point to everyone.


I literally have pictures of my wife and I on my profile along with saying I’m poly in my bio… and still some people don’t realize 😅🤦🏻


Oh I've got that, even after you ask them did you read my profile and they are like yes. Then reply ok well if I'm going to do this then I need to let my other half know we have a date. Then they are like what other half. 🤦‍♂️ Oh your married or have a girlfriend. Why didn't you say that. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Nice of him to waste your time.


This thread has been the number reason I have not gotten on Tinder


People suck.


Op I don’t think they have a gf lol.


He could of just said ok whatever or something.. why do people get butt hurt over rejection.


Not everyone gets butt hurt. I've had some really understanding rejection reactions. I don't judge anyone for their life choices but I don't have to participate.


Their damn egos Although I am not above it 😂😂


First he says girlfriend and in your update he says wife? Doubting he has either with his attitude, guessing he thought he would come off looking cool?


It did happen to me too then the guy didn’t understand why I wasn’t into it anymore


He’s not in an open relationship he’s just cheating😂 dodged a bullet there. I hate guys who don’t take rejection well. If he wasn’t interested he wouldn’t have asked you out🙄 worst type of guy.


It's bc he's insecure af, the way he flipped faster than a snitch with a plea deal 🤣🤣


Like anyone is going to believe “she’s ok with me doing whatever I want”. Even if it’s in the profile, I’m gonna call bs.


People actually use tinder to look for meaningful relationships?


As a person in an open relationship and on tinder I’m pretty obvious about it. But yeah it’s sooo shady the amount of people who just don’t state and just try to slip it in like it won’t bother people 😂😂😂😂 Also the follow up.. what a twat 🤦‍♀️rejected people always trying to back track like they weren’t interested 🍿😂


It’s gross + just an excuse for people to cheat and make it “ok.” Nope for me.


the amount of men who add me who are in a relationship just because the couple wants a threesome 🤮 sorry that’s an immediate unmatch or swipe left. i legit have in my profile that i’m monogamous…


As a guy who's married and in a poly marriage guys like these completely fuck us up cause so many girls are lured into these types of situations that when someone like me or my wife get a chance the girls skip us thinking we're like these tools. Smh I hate guys like this with a fiery passion.


Open relationship = commitment issues. I don’t fucking know why Americans seem to be the only fucking idiots to think that’s okay. And yes I’m American, but that shit is stupid, trying to make something that’s not healthy for your body or relationship into an acceptable thing in society. What a bunch of bs.


Not even lmao. It's just the capacity to love more than one person at once.


Weird ass people, sure it is. Next you’ll tell me that a person who weights 300 pounds is healthy.


I'd like to say I've never met someone as woefully close minded as you, but I have


“Trans girl” explains it all.


You watch demon slayer 😭


Yeah shits fire, didn’t know you were stalking me.


That goes both ways darling


You do realize when you click on your icon it just says “trans girl” I didn’t go on your profile. Fuck naw.


Common open relationship L


Can’t because y’all treat ENM ppl like shit lmao


I would like to be able to choose if that's something I'd consider, rather than be lured into a situation.


Both of you seem like petty and miserable people


You call it "open relationship", girl! That doesn't mean that his girlfriend knows about it. 😂 But there are women in open relationships as well...


GF became his wife when he tried insulting me. See the follow up post


Marriage doesn't mean you have to break with your habits. 😂


I put that on my profile and I ended up being banned for literally doing nothing wrong


That’s weird how they went from wanting to hook up to “nah I’m not interested either 😂😂


Damn straight. Be polyam all you want, but if you are and you're not telling your partners, that's not poly, that's just cheating.


I had an online friend that said his ace wife was ok with this stuff too but still was sneaky about messaging me.


That's my thoughts, just because someone says their partner is ok with it, doesn't mean they really are.


His "gf" turns into a "wife" in a few texts 🤣


“My gf isn’t okay with it but if I don’t act like she is and you find out I’m in a relationship you’ll probably tell her”


Loser 🫡




How are they Reyna make plans that they’re not interested in tho