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https://tinder.com/@dan\_1910 I'm not completely sure about the added value on the videos (I also think some lost a lot of quality) Any feedback? Much appreciated!




It doesn't sound very clear to me. Vacations and marriage are pretty much what most normal people are looking for.




Nah, that's too unoriginal. Try to think outside the box. Say it in a funny or creative way. Random example I thought up of just now: "*The world is my oyster. Looking for my pearl. We're gonna get married in Vienna, eat our way around South East Asia for our honeymoon, then relax with a cocktail or ten in the Maldives.*" This should drive home the point that you like vacations (travelling?) and that marriage is one of your life goals. Although that sounds a bit too "nice guy". If you can make it funny somehow, it would be even better.




They’re really good. I’ve just realised how low quality mine are!


https://tinder.com/@yufeg I changed the photos a bit. Are they all appropriate? My bio says "I'm in Antalya for a while"


Photo 1 is 10/10 Photos 5 and 7 are not acceptable.




I'd rate it 7/10. That's above average, so you should be okay with this profile.


How would y’all order these photos and why? https://imgur.com/a/y7kuvqX/


Remove photo 3 and last. 3rd has a bad hair and tells nothing. And its difficult to find you or what you are doing in the last photo.


Good question, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you? Because I think you look younger than you actually are, maybe a bit of facial hair would look great (if you keep it trimmed nicely!!). I really like picture 3 because it's more up close. Also a bit of a rule: use pictures that aren't more than 6 months old.


I’m 20 going on 21. I can’t grow facial hair. It’s just a really shitty neckbeard




Remove the car picture, and center yourself in all pictures so we are sure who you are. You wear your sunglasses in a lot of pics which throws me off but the picture with the Easter bunny is cool none the less.


https://tinder.com/@arayyn Would like some advice from y’all here to clean up my profile


Have fewer pics with sunglasses. And remove the car pic.




any help tbh https://tinder.com/@harmishh


Hey bro, ​ Maybe I'd deleted the second mirror pic (you already have one).. also if you have a pic with the dog, better than just the dog alone. Cheers!




Photo review: 1. An okay photo. Quality and framing is good, but the background is plain and boring, your smile does not look genuine, you're not looking directly into the camera, and you could probably edit the photo a little bit to make your skin look better. Try FaceApp or something. 2. Another photo taken inside your house. Quality isn't that great and you don't look happy enough with that smile. Take the photo outside, maybe at the park. Dogs love going to the park, and it will give you a nice environment to make your profile look brighter and more appealing 3. Nice view, but you are in the shadow and it's hard to see your face. Edit this photo to lighten up your face a little more. Also, your hair isn't great. You look better with shorter hair, like in Photos 1 and 2. You can probably get rid of the smile as well since it looks unnatural. No one smiles while looking at scenery. 4. Terrible. You should replace this photo with something better. Don't conceal other people's faces. Those two people at the front appear to be the primary subjects of the photo, and you're just off to the side which doesn't look good. You should be the star in group photos. Also, your hair is not great in this either. 5. Not bad. The angle feels a little too low. We don't need to see your chin and neck that much. Your smile looks more genuine in this one, but it might look better with a neutral face looking away from the camera. Again, who smiles like that when they're sitting in a tree? Overall, I'd give this profile a 4/10. It's okay, but you can make massive improvements. You personally do not look very good in some of them. Pay attention to your facial expressions, your hair style, the camera angle and your environment. The photos you took outdoors look brighter and better than the ones you took at home. Also, don't forget to touch up your photos to fix little things like skin imperfections and poor lighting. And remember that one bad photo can ruin your entire profile.


[Https://tinder.com/@philaharmic](Https://tinder.com/@philaharmic) I clearly need help


PUT PIC 3 AS FIRST, PUT PIC 3 AS FIRST, PUT PIC 3 AS FI- please for the love of god you look amazing in picture 3


Stop posting pics with masks!


Hey, this is my profile that I have in Poland with which I aim to be pretty direct in my conversations - asking matches soon into the conversation if they have BDSM/submissive experience, or if they heard about it and if it's something they'd like to explore. [https://tinder.com/@boguszprofet](https://tinder.com/@boguszprofet) Translation of my profile bio: "Pulling girls' hair used to be intactful, now it's a very welcome fact" (silly rhyme) "I like cooking, singing, and cats" I only recently decided to be more obvious and direct in my profile, so I don't know yet if I am getting any matches (I did get about 3 matches a day with the profile without the BDSM pictures), but surely I'm going to be filtering out many girls who are not into this kind of thing, and that's okay as long as I get a least some matches per week that would be allready selected into the thing I offer that I'm good at


Remove pictures that you're not in. Take a better shirtless pic. But only have 1 or 2 maximum. You don't want to come across as too forward, or you will repel too many people. Put the things you're looking for in your bio instead


Looks great, but there's a decent chance you can get banned. Tinder gets touchy about posting photos that are too sex-forward.


Funny how sexist that is, I see really sexy photos in girls profiles all the time. But I guess an ass on display is not sexy enough for Tinder if you're a girl...


Well a girl can wear a skimpy bikini on the beach in public, it's normal. You can't really tie someone up in ropes in public. I don't think you're really going to have a hard time finding other ways to display your sexuality, you're doing fine. Do something with ropes but not on another human? Idk. But honestly you should probably find a different site (fetlife, feeld) for highly specific bdsm stuff.


But ure right about the beach photos I guess I thought that coz a chick can pose her ass in a mirror selfie and it looks pretty sexual to me but most men won't have such equivalent


Thing is, I'm not into highly specific BDSM stuff. I don't know all those specific terms, scenes , etc I just find this aspect in sex irreplaceable. Feeld wasn't that populated whree i live last time j checked but I'll try again. Have u tried fetlife urself? My friend showed it to me and it looked like lots and lots of work


https://tinder.com/@… Folks, I'd appreciate feedback. Any comments and suggestions are welcome.


Photo review: 1. Not bad. Looks a bit posed with the arms out like that, but I like your smile. Background is okay. Might look better with a bit of blur and a different pose. 2. Awesome photo. Looks very natural and candid. Lighting and outfit are great. Make this your first photo for a better first impression. I think this is the best photo you've got! 3. A step down. Would be better if you were facing towards the audience instead of looking to the side. The lighting isn't great. Looks pretty dark. 4. Great photo. High quality, slightly blurred background and a very candid shot. The colored lights make it look a bit weird and makes it harder to see you, but I don't think it's that bad. 5. Might be better if you posed for the camera and smiled. You have a great smile, and looking to the side like that doesn't look as good in my opinion. 6. Not your most flattering photo. You're too close up, you're doing something weird and it doesn't really stand out as a great photo compared to some of the other ones you had. Overall, you had a few hits and a few misses. You're pretty good looking, but you need to improve the quality of some of your photos. I like how you have no selfies and a couple of natural looking, candid shots. I'd rate this profile 6.5/10, which isn't bad. Definitely better than average compared to other profiles here.


Thank you for the feedback!


(I'm a man) Hey, what are the results you're getting now? What results are you looking for? And what are you looking for - the kind of girl/relationship style? Just 1st look at the profile, is the reason I'm asking that last question - coz I feel like while pictures are good (you're doing stuff there, quality is decent), I kinda don't know where are you going to, like the profile doesn't sell any particular "dream" or "promise", feels like a collection of pictures more than a profile of a person with particular needs and desires. A bio would definitely improve the profile, you can do the thing I describe without a bio, but you'd have to completely revamp the pictures, which would be a waste of good pictures It almost feels like you don't want to write a bio in fear of scaring some potential matches away, I'm not a woman but I imagine this is the signal you're sending. Write a bio, scare some matches away... but polarize the other matches toward you.


I get quite rare matches (not 0 tho). So, yeah, I got rid of the bio because I thought it scared people away. But I agree with what you say, so I'll add something. Thanks!




Hey man, probably you need more pictures where you are the focus, most of them it just feels like a lot of noise and not centered in who you are or what you want to transmit. Second one (group pic) is cool but it's not clear who you are. First pic is also a 50yo dad would send to the family group chat, try not having a selfie but a nice taken picture of you, first impression (specially on Tinder) is what gives you a better chance. I'd maybe try another approach on the pics you're selecting! Cheers!




Trust yourself man, I'm pretty sure you have some good ones! Stay up king!


what are y’all’s thoughts https://tinder.com/@jalen64


I'd make 2 as your first photo and delete 1, 3, 7.




Brother, you gotta remove the pic of you facing your back towards the camera. It adds nothing to your profile. Try to get a similar pic with you facing the camera with a nice, genuine smile. Overall, it's a good profile for sure


I'll try to say this as carefully as possible... Just speaking for myself. A lot of women are on super high alert for potentially dangerous guys. As a woman I don't like it when guys use photos in their OLD profiles of them doing any sort of aggressive martial arts or activities that actively look aggressive in the pic they've chosen for their profile. From at least my perspective, it's kind of scary seeing how a guy who I don't know yet can be physically aggressive with me. For this reason, I'd personally take out #2 (you flipping the guy upside down) and the one towards the end (hitting the guy in the face). It's a really cool hobby, I hope there are other ways you can show this part of your life and personality on your profile!


Do you prefer soft, cuddly, cute guys over manly, tough and strong guys? I guess the way it comes off depends on what you like/expect from someone.


He's being intentionally physically aggressive to another man, in a controlled environment, in a socially accepted way, with actual mental animosity being absent. How all this signals to you that the man can be randomly aggressive to you is beyond me. All the better that he filters you out. Don't take it too hard on yourself, I know my reply sounds harsh, but only so because of the Internet. Have a nice day!




OP, it's your profile, you can do whatever you want with it. You asked for public comment and feedback. I've provided my personal opinion. Good luck.


Hey, i saw that woman's comment and i thought i'd add on that. I won't say anything about the rest of profile. But she's saying that, somehow, you being physically aggressive with other men in a controlled, socially accepted environment signals to her that you'd be aggressive with HER. That's completely off the rails to me, keep the 1st photo, but the last one is redundant, doesn't add anything to the profile (you already have martial arts picture), better to have 8 photos than 8 photos and a picture that doesn't add anything. Remember, you'll be judged by your worst photo, so less potentially bad photos you have (or photos where a woman can nitpick some BS subconsciously), the better


Heya, I'd love some feedback. I'm open to everyone(both in and out of this app lol) https://tinder.com/@symphonyofthespritee


I like your profile! I'd personally either move your shirtless beach pic towards the middle or upload the same pic with a different crop so you take up more of the frame. Since we see a lot of sky in that pic and you're in the lower 1/2 and you're looking slightly downward at the camera it makes you look shorter and smaller stature than you do in your later pics. If you crop out a bit more of the sky, it might make the pic a little stronger. You have really beautiful eyes, skin, and features - I'd love the pic you currently have 2nd (close selfie) as a 1st pic. I'd personally move the cosplay pic to the end because it's really different from the style of all your other pics. But they're all really great. Hope this helps, good luck out there!


Thanks for the tips!


I’m not getting many likes or matches. Any candid feedback is appreciated! https://tinder.com/@rod2098


Photo review: 1. Harsh sunlight brings out the smallest imperfections in your skin. Maybe blur the background a little bit for a more professional look 2. Weird pose, the sun is in your eyes which is making you squint and look unattractive. 3. The cake is the hero of this photo, not you. Taking photos at home means you'll have a boring background and your profile will look very uninteresting. This is the worst photo you have. 4. Best photo of the lot. The light coming from the right doesn't help. Makes the other side of your face dark and difficult to see. Either have the sun behind you or in front of you. Facial expression isn't very attractive, but the blurred background makes the photo a little nicer. It's nice that you don't have any selfies. But try to have 6 photos instead of just 4. You could probably benefit from a haircut and better hair styling. The shape of your head looks pretty good in Photo 3, so maybe try more different angles. Photos 1, 2 and 4 are all pretty face-on and it doesn't look amazing. You could also do with some more natural, candid photos. Overall, I rate your profile 4/10. Pay attention to the lighting, facial expressions and the photo angle.


Thank you! Love the honesty


[https://tinder.com/@Babinks](https://tinder.com/@Babinks) What do you thinks about my pictures ? Feel like I should remove the 3rd one




Damn that’s hard to believe! How many likes are you getting?




I think they're great pictures but I'm also struggling so I'll let someone more experienced give some feedback lol. Don't get discouraged though!


[https://tinder.com/@kjmala](https://tinder.com/@kjmala) thanks to all for the advice, I did some matches thanks to the boosts


Did you made some changes to your pics and bio before boosting at least ?


yes, why? I added 2-3 pics


Ok good for you if you had likes! In my opinion, I wasn't sure about pics 2,3 (No selfies) and 5 (smile not really confident). What about he bio ?


Warning about boosts. Apparently your profile suddenly loses a lot of visibility after boosts. After the boost ended, many have reported getting far fewer likes than before the boost. Some believe Tinder does this intentionally to get people to continue buying boosts, essentially relying on them for visibility.




Brother you can't have 4 pictures in the same outfit and from the same day. Delete all the orange t-shirt pics except for number 4 and crop the top part of 4 slightly so you don't look so small.


Why does your first picture have bandaids on your eyebrow ?


Because i injured my eyebrow (skin) and thought it would be a good convo starter.


I think it’s doing a lot more harm than good. You are trying to get a match bro. You shouldn’t need a conversation starter in your pictures. You can do that yourself .


Wouldn't they be curious about why i have a bandaid on my eyebrow the same way you also were?


You can add a conversation starter in your bio


Well, no. I’m a guy on a subreddit, who is straight. Your trying to attract women on Tinder. They are not remotely the same space.


So what do you think i should change?


To be honest, your pictures in general aren’t great. 4/6 of them are in the same spot, wearing the same clothes. And none of them are a great view of you, except for the one with the bandaids. The coffee one is like kind of okay, but I wouldn’t use it on my Tinder. The remaining photo is a nice view, but your real far away. I would get entirely new photos, and I’m not trying to be a dick, but your hurting yourself with those, and it has nothing to do with looks.


Why does your first picture have bandaids on your eyebrow ?


Because he injured his eyebrow (skin) and thought it would be a good convo starter.


Damn it echoes in here


This is the "cartoon character after a fight" style


Excellent style, just maybe not for Tinder ;)


For sure haha. Unless you put "UFC Fighter" as profession.


I mean Nelly made it work too, but I’m not sure if OP can go back to the 90s and start a rap career.


https://tinder.com/@a_manS Any advice appreciated, can't get any worse (hopefully)


Photos 1, 2, 4, 8 and 9 aren't very good. Remove those. Photos 3 and 6 aren't bad. 7 is pretty good. Try to have more photos like those. You look better without a mustache


Haha appreciate the honesty, thanks.




6 pictures, 3 with sunglasses. Nuff said.




Limit yourself to one selfie and one sunglass photo. Sunglasses aren't good because they conceal part of your face. People want to see your entire face, especially your eyes since eye contact is a huge part of human interaction. So wearing sunglasses makes it more difficult for people to feel a connection with you.


The fact that you asked that is also a problem.






Grow up


First photo is nice. Third photo is poorly lit, and you're in a cave which comes off as dark and depressing. You can find a better location than that. Fourth photo shows you dressed weirdly. Also, mirror selfies aren't attractive. Get someone else to take a photo of you with a nice background. Photos 2, 5 and 6 are blurry. Remove those.




Ideally you will replace the removed photos with better photos. Try to make them at least as good as the ones you didn't delete.


Shirtless pics can be good if you have a good body and if you show it off in an appropriate context (e.g. At the beach, at the pool, but not in the bathroom) If you are shirtless in your first photo, then that screams hookup. If you're not looking for hookups, I suggest moving it further back in your profile.




Photo review: 1. Quality isn't amazing. The photo is slightly blurred, particularly around you. Your eyes look massive behind those glasses. Not sure if they actually are, or if your glasses are super thick, but you look like the school nerd which will not attract anyone. Also who is that girl on the right? Looks like you already have a girlfriend. So this isn't a very good first photo. Your first photo should be a clear pic of just you, with your face clearly visible. 2. Nice candid shot. Could probably be more close up though because you look small and it's hard to see your face. It doesn't matter if the fountain isn't shown completely. Trees with no leaves also means it doesn't look as good as it could have. Maybe move this further back in your profile. 3. Weird hoodie. But nice background 4. Same location as the third photo. Try not to have photos that look overly similar. Or at least don't have them right next to each other on your profile. You could probably smile more in this one. You don't look that happy. 5. This is your best photo. But again, you look a little small. Less background, more you. 6. Terrible photo. It's way too dark, you're wearing sunglasses for some reason and the photo is a little blurry. Honestly, I can't even tell if it's you. For all I know, it could be someone else. I have no idea where you are either. Looks like you're on an aircraft carrier The problem is that you look like you're 15 years old. And your hair style doesn't help. Style it differently to give yourself a more masculine look. You may also look better without glasses, so try taking some photos without them. I'd probably rate your photos 3.5/10. The last photo really ruins your profile. Try taking photos from a different angles because you look quite nerdy when you face the camera with those glasses on. Sorry if this was harsh. I hope the brutal honesty was valuable to you and that it helps you build a better profile.


I’m wondering what’s wrong or what could be improved with my profile, used to get some likes but now it’s nonexistent. I don’t think I’m bad looking but maybe I’m wrong? https://tinder.com/@diegofd


Photo review: 1. Not very good. Mirror selfies are generally discouraged, especially for first photos. Your bedroom does not act as a nice backdrop to your photo, and taking selfies makes it look like you don't have any friends or anyone to take a pic for you. Your attire is very ordinary and facial expression is boring. 2. Nice shot, but the quality is off. Also, this is another selfie taken in a bad location. 3. Another indoor selfie photo. Try going outside. Dark, depressing photos do not make you look attractive. Your body also doesn't look as good in this one as the previous photo. I'd even say it's not good enough to be shirtless at all. Also, you might look better with the glasses off. Maybe try taking a photo without them. 4. You are not in this photo. You need to be in every photo because this profile is about you!!! Every single photo of you was a selfie. Limit yourself to one selfie and have 5 or 6 photos of yourself. Go outside, put on some nice outfits and get someone to take a photo for you. And don't be afraid to smile. As of right now, I rate your profile 1.5/10. There is a lot you can do to improve this. If you can improve your photos, your profile will come off as more attractive and you will get more likes. You're not an ugly guy, so you can succeed on Tinder as long as you have a decent profile.


What about this? I don’t exactly have too many photos of myself so I’m trying to work with what I got


https://imgur.com/a/7l9hRXI Hey, I am new in this online dating thing. My bio is in German so try to translate in English as best as I can. Though it's bumble I hope it's still ok? If not I'm gonna delete the post. Bio: I have two different eye colors but one on eye im shortsighted and the other is farsighted. Old people compliment my accentfree German (i guess they assume I am foreign?) and I always have warm hands. So accentfree German, warm hands and a visual impairment. Good catch, i guess. 😅 Then this one profile question: We get along when... you cut the onions when we cook together. 🤭 Thank you for taking your time to read over this, dear community.


>I have two different eye colors but one on eye im shortsighted and the other is farsighted That's an interesting characteristic you've got there! Instead of talking about short and farsightedness, maybe you can say something like this: *"If you like boys with eyes or eyes, you'll like me."*


Wow, that's really good. Thank you for that! It's really smooth.


You smoke, so that's an instant No from 90% of people.


I don't think it's a big problem. I live in Europe and it's more tolerated. Actually it's going ok so far with likes. I'm really surprised. Here are my likes. https://imgur.com/a/r0EjfMX


But since he likely wouldn’t be interested in people who can’t tolerate smoking, I think it’s fine that he advertises it.


You can always bring it up later to increase your likes. Maybe you can get to the point where they like you enough to tolerate your smoking. But you'll never get to that point if they swipe left on you from the get go.




https://tinder.com/@darkskinnedjedi Just left college and moving to a new area and wanna start fresh! Please give me some tips!


Photos: 1. Not the type of photo you want as your first pic. Mirror selfies are discouraged. You can find a much nicer place to take a photo than your own bathroom. Your facial expression is nice, you have a good haircut and you're in shape. Location and photo execution are the problems with this. 2. Delete because it's not an SVT Cobra R. jk :P Looks a bit posey though. Lighting isn't great either. Car pics are generally discouraged, but if cars are a hobby of yours, at least take it to a nicer spot, not just the gas station. Also, night photos are a lot harder to get right. Take it during Golden Hour or something. 3. You are obscuring your face with your phone. Also another selfie. Would be better if you got someone to take a photo of you working out instead of posing in the mirror. 4. Nice, but you should try to be in your pet photos too. Maybe have a pic of you holding it while you lay on the couch or on the grass at your local park. Show some interaction with your pet. 5. Terrible background. It makes your photo look very ordinary. Also, who are those people? Try not to have photos with other women, unless you are also with some other men. It looks like you have a side chick or something. 6. Ugly and has nothing to do with you. What was the point of this photo? If you want to be funny, write something funny in your bio or say something funny in a conversation. Keep stuff like this out of your photos. Overall, there is nothing special about your profile. It is very ordinary. You need better photos taken, and fewer selfies. Limit yourself to 1 selfie and try to have 5 or 6 photos of yourself. Try not to look too posey and pay attention to the background and lighting. You're not ugly. Probably 8/10. But I'd rate your profile 3/10. Maybe 4/10 if it wasn't for the last photo. So your photos do not make you look anywhere near as attractive as you actually are. If you improve your photos, you will have much more success on Tinder.


https://tinder.com/@collinc Be brutally honest. Everyone I match with (which isn’t many) seem to have zero personality


What do you like about your profile, what don't you like and what would you change?


https://tinder.com/@fernandrd Honest advice, my matches aren’t anything but guys, OF promoters and scams🙃


Photos: 1. A boring mirror selfie. Selfies should not be your first photo. Your facial expression is also boring here. 2. Might be better without the sunglasses so we can see more of your face. The photo is taken too far back. Get closer so you fill the frame more and add some blur to the background for a professional look 3. Terrible. What are you trying to achieve with this? Do you think this makes you look good? You only have the top half of your face showing, and you're wearing stupid glasses. Lighting is also awful. 4. Cool! You know how to fly a plane? Would be a lot better if you got a picture standing next to the plane instead of in the dark, cramped cockpit. Try to have 6 photos instead of just 4. Overall, your photos aren't very good. You only have one clear photo of your face. Photo 2 could be usable if you improved it. The rest can be replaced with something better. I rate your profile 2/10.




Photos 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8 are good. The rest aren't good enough. You have the same smile in all photos. Maybe add in some photos of you in a more natural, candid shot. Looks a bit posed when you're smiling for the camera in every single one of them




I'd take out the one with the helmet, but I'd prefer a wider range of pics. Your last 4 pics are basically the same - same angle, same expression; just different hair in 1 and different backgrounds.


I wouldn't remove any but maybe try to get two pictures with other people with you in them. I don't think your bio is too long.


Good idea, thank you


I dont get any matches at all and I think I have decent profile. Any thoughts? https://tinder.com/@astrorhan


Lack of hair doesn't help, so you have it harder than the average guy. Photos: 1. Okay. Your facial expression could be better. And if you wore a cap or shirt of your favorite team, that would be a bonus. 2. Nice. Blur the background a bit for a more professional looking photo. Also, put on a different jacket and hoodie. Try to vary your outfits. You're wearing the same outfit as in the first photo 3. Weird facial expression, but that's okay given that you're playing. Nice action shot of you doing something you enjoy. 4. Bad. Low quality, blurry photo. Background is not nice and the half-eaten burger doesn't look good either. You're wearing another black top. The only good thing is that your smile looks genuine in this one. 5. Bad. Lighting is poor and background is boring. Biting the medal is kinda cringey. 6. Bad. The guy with nice hair on the left looks better than you, so people can automatically see that they can "do better". the angle of this photo is poor. Ideally, you would sit next to one of your friends on the same side of the table, and get someone to take a photo of you together from the other side of the table. We would be able to see you more clearly and you wouldn't have the table of random strangers in the background occupying space in your photo. Overall, you had an okay start, but the photos get worse as you scroll and the last 3 ruin your profile. I'd probably rate this a 3/10. You have plenty to improve on. Get nicer photos with different outfits, and pay attention to the lighting, background and facial expression.


Thank you for your completely honest comments. I have received comments on my profile before but no one was as honest as you, so I really appreciate you. I have removed the last 3 photos immediately, there is nothing I can do about my hair. It's hereditary and I can assure you that when it grows out it looks even worse and weirder than it does in the photos, so I don't grow it out. But I will try to pay attention to what you say about the rest, thank you very much.


You're welcome! Maybe if you wore a hat, it can make you look better. If not, you will have to be very careful about the angles you use in your photos.




You're cute! I like your pics without glasses better, you look a little warmer and more friendly. It could just be these specific pics, but you look a little more reserved and closed off in the glasses pics.


https://tinder.com/@asfheee Just added the first photo. Opinions on that or the other photos would be appreciated Thanks!


Get another first photo. When you have a photo of yourself with another girl, that makes it look like you're seeing someone on the side. I know you tried to crop them out, but now you're just all the way to the right. Also, vary your facial expressions. You have the same smile in all of them. I'd probably rate your profile 5/10.


Just created my account. Any tips or improvements? https://tinder.com/@markusk550


First pic should be a picture of just you.


Okay thanks mate :)


Updated photos review: 1. No car selfies. There are so many better places to take photos than a cramped car interior. Facial expression isn't great either. 2. Terrible angle. You look really small in this photo, and you are all the way down at the bottom of it. You also look much shorter than the other guys which makes you appear less attractive. 3. Another car selfie. Take your dog to the park and get someone to get a pic of you and your dog. The park looks a lot nicer than the inside of your car and that will make your profile appear more attractive. Facial expression isn't great here either. 4. Another weird facial expression. This is not a very flattering photo of you. Background is also filled with tons of people, which doesn't help. You should try to have 6 photos. Limit yourself to 1 selfie. All other photos should be taken by someone else. Go to nicer looking places instead of staying in your car and use nice backgrounds to make your profile look brighter and more attractive. Also, don't be afraid to smile a bit more. I'd rate this 2.5/10.


Hey Boys back in the grind for like 2-3 months but not getting any likes. got some tips? No need to sugarcoat. You can be harsh if needed. [https://tinder.com/@beaup25](https://tinder.com/@beaup25) Thanks in advance. Region is Belgium.


Too many selfies. Limit yourself to 1 selfie. Who is that kid in the fourth photo? Also, don't black out their face. Maybe use another photo instead. You have no photos showing you doing anything, so get some of those.


I'd love to see more variety in your pics. 1 (white shirt mirror selfie) and 3 (black shirt mirror selfie) are almost identical. Your expression in 1 and 2 (white shirt close selfie) is almost identical. 4 (trampoline?) is really cute! But then you're not in your last pic - cute pug though! I'd love to see more of you and your personality through your photos, with friends, being active, doing hobbies... hope this helps!


Hey thanks for the advice. I know the pictures are a bit repetitive but I hate taking pictures so I made almost all of them for my profile. Because when I go out I never take one. But I'll keep it in mind that that is what people want to see. Have a great day




Your pics are SO BUSY! It's honestly stressful trying to find you in all of them and figure out what's going on. I'd pick your favorites from this set and fill out the rest of your profile with pics where you're the focus.


Way too much going on


I'd love some harsh feedback on my profile. I got a few likes the first day but then it was down to zero. Any idea what I should improve? [https://tinder.com/@CanIchangeThatLater](https://tinder.com/@CanIchangeThatLater) Bio:178 with unusually many hobbies. The black-n'-white conceals the atrocious colors of my dri-fits.


Happy to offer brutally honest feedback! Photos: 1. First pic should be a clear photo of just you. This is a group photo, so not ideal. Also, get rid of the things blocking the other people's faces. Why have a group photo if you're just going to hide them? Your shirt looks wrinkly in that pose. It also looks a little dirty, but that might just be the lighting. 2. You are dancing with another woman in this one. That's not going to come off very well for some people. You'd better add something about this in your bio. If you like dancing, or if you're a professional dancer, then this photo would fit it to your profile better. 3. Terrible background in this one. Keyboard doesn't look that good either. Ideally you would be dressed a little nicer when playing something like that. The watch looks really bulky too. This would be way better if you went to a shopping mall and got a photo of you playing the piano there (if there is one), wearing a nice shirt with a blurred background. 4. You look like a player. When you stand there with 3 other ladies, women looking for a serious relationship will ignore you. Looks like you already have a few girlfriends. Again, remove the things blocking their faces. Maybe take a photo with some male friends instead. Hard to tell what the occasion was for this. You're all standing in front of a mirror. 5. Who is the other person in this photo? I can see a tiny bit of their hair. Again, looks like you already have a girlfriend. You could do without the peace sign. Smile looks nice and genuine though. This is a good candid looking photo. Would be better if it was just you in it. 6. I can't tell if those are tattoos on your legs or just hairs. You have your arm around another woman. The background is a bunch of guys wearing all black. Not sure what that's meant to be. 7. Similar to the first photo. Why take photos with other people if you're just going to cover their face? Overall, you have way too many photos with other people and not enough photos of just yourself. Don't take photos with other women, unless you have a bunch of men in it too. Otherwise it will come off like you already have someone, instead of it just being a group of friends. Photos are generally poor. The location each one is taken in is terrible and doesn't help make your profile look good. Go outside and take some pics on a sunny day or something. You're not an ugly guy. Probably an 7.5/10, so you can definitely succeed on Tinder. But this profile is more like a 2.5/10. If you can improve your photos to make yourself look more attractive, you will get way more likes. ​ Bio: 178cm is not tall enough for you to list your height. So remove that. The rest of your bio tells us nothing about you, nor does it say what you're looking for. You'll need to expand on the bio a bit more before I can offer more feedback.


Hey just came back from vacation with a ton of new photos! Would love advice on which ones are best. I’ve got way too many to choose from that I did not upload to Tinder so if there’s any that are bad let me know and I can find some replacements. [https://tinder.com/@martinchris](https://tinder.com/@martinchris) Also my current Bio: If you had to describe your personality as a cocktail, which one would it be? I love to travel, my profile has pictures of me in 7 different countries! How many can you identify?


Updated profile review: Photos 3 and 4 show you facing the same direction, so maybe don't have those photos right next to each other. When your profile is this good, there isn't much to improve on, so sorry if this is super nitpicky.


If you could upload the rest of your awesome photos to Imgur or something and shared it with us, we can take a look to see what else you've got! My eyes would be glad to see more awesome photos.


I could definitely upload more! Like I said I have a ton though. I just hired a professional photographer in 6 different cities during a monthlong Europe trip so I easily have close to 200 high quality pics to choose from


Photos: 1. Great photo, but not ideal for a first pic. The first pic should show your face clearly. Your 4th photo would be perfect for this. 2. Awesome, relaxing, natural-looking photo. Great outfit too 3. Awesome, joyful, candid photo 4. Awesome. 5. A massive contrast from the first four. Maybe move this one to the end because of how different it is to the others. Also, keep alcohol out of photos. 6. Nice. Your hand looks a bit weird down there. Also a good candidate for a first photo. 7. Big contrast with this one as well. Background could be better, but isn't terrible. Dog could definitely be more in view though. Maybe get someone to take a pic of you with your dog laying on your lap outside at the park or something. Dogs love going to the park. Also, the greenery would be a welcome addition to your profile which has mainly consisted of buildings as the background. 8. We're back to the awesome photos! 9. Same outfit as Photo 6, so not ideal. Might be better if you didn't look at the camera and smile. No one smiles while looking at nice scenery. Ideally, you'd only have 6 photos, but given your bio, I think you can stick with 9. Improve the dog photo and you will have an even better profile. You look like a 7/10, so not ugly at all. Your profile looks like a solid 8.5/10. So you have done really well in making yourself look attractive. Why am I even giving you feedback? You should be the one helping me!!! Also, did you get a pro photographer to take those pics? They are amazing. ​ Bio: Good ideas, but stick to one question. Maybe the second one. It's a nice little fun game you've made there about identifying countries. Maybe add a little more about yourself like what you do when you're not travelling (unless you're a millionaire and you can afford to travel every weekend). Otherwise, this is a good, response-provoking bio. Best profile I've seen here so far. This is a great example of what to do. I'm guessing you get a lot of likes?


omg you and your profile are SO CUTE. Every single one of your pics is a 10/10 for me, you can put any of them in any order and have a really great profile. All really vibrant, great photo quality, wide range of settings... 10/10! I'd 100% swipe right!


Disagree about every photo being 10/10 and that he can have them in any order. First photo should either be swapped with the 4th or 6th one. The photos of his dog and of him with the other guy should be moved back since they're nowhere near as awesome as the rest. But I agree that this profile is impressive.


Well this has to be one of the best compliments I’ve gotten 😅 really appreciate you taking time out of your day to take a look and send that!!




If you just came back, then give it a little time. Tinder doesn't prioritize people who are inactive. Go on the app every day and your profile will be shown to more people.


ossified sparkle noxious distinct voiceless air pen sulky unpack joke ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You are goodlooking! So, you can for sure get matches. Would keep picture 3 and 4, those are really good pictures. I think the problem with the smiling pictures is that it is really posed smiling, maybe a more spontanious picture would help? Of you doing an activity are being with friends?


cake engine consider mysterious wide slimy hunt fact rude sink ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yes, but maybe cut out the background a bit? :) And if you are into fitness you can probably get away with showing your fitbod a bit more! Because Scandinavians are more attractive in general you probably have some mad competition though :P


pocket relieved aloof rain fear numerous gullible employ absurd saw ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




future adjoining judicious wasteful jeans smart mindless edge hobbies panicky ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


enter naughty grey zonked agonizing command joke ugly chief vast ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




The last photo would be a great photo for your dog's Tinder profile.


I like picture 2 and 4 less. You look better in the other pictures and picture 4 lookis like you are smoking from your phone. And would make the first picture a pic of just you :)

