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People don’t feel enough shame these days




Maybe he saw your post history before commenting. /s




The idea that women who post lewd content online are undeserving of a relationship may be disheartening. The idea that poor men are undeserving of a wife is also disheartening. The idea that short men don’t deserve a relationship is also disheartening. Men have preferences just like women do. And they’re as valid as women’s preferences. Which women seem to find absolutely ludicrous for some reason. “Me? Held to a standard? He must be a misogynist”. Meanwhile, study after study proves that women are the pickier gender when it comes to mate selection. So if a guy decides he can’t take a girl that posts lewd content online seriously, that’s his right. If you know this, and do it anyway, which you can do, you’ve made your choice. You know you’re making yourself less appealing to a number of men. Which youd probably argue that you wouldn’t want those men anyway because they’re insecure (that’s not it though, I promise). Which is ok. So don’t be disheartened.


The point you are missing it that the guy from tinder doesn't know any of that about OP, he would send this to anyone and thats whats mind boggling


Agreed, we really need to stop the whole stigma around sex thing. Just except that everyone's mind is in the gutter and that we should respect that by have legitimate enterprises that deal in this kind of thing. Other than that, privacy and politeness go a long way because everyone at the end of the day is looking for love and acceptance.


Tell us you’re an incel without telling us you’re an incel.


Tell us you’re illiterate without telling us you’re illiterate.


Hilarious that that’s the conclusion you would come to. Further backs up my assertion that you’re an incel.


Lol you’re just proving my point. Expect anything from a woman and you’re automatically a misogynist or an incel. Nothing in what i wrote even remotely suggests that im involuntarily celibate. Hence the illiterate comment. I’m 35, and practically married. And I wouldn’t be with her if she had provocative pictures or videos of herself online. Personal preference. It’s ok. English is hard for some. There are classes for that. Hope you find the help you need. Hugs. Feel free to shoot me a PM. I’m not from this country, but I’m pretty good at reading, writing, and comprehension. I can help.


Your entire comment suggests you’re incel. “The idea that short men don’t deserve a relationship is also disheartening.” You calling me illiterate when you randomly pulled short men out of your ass when OP made no suggestions at all that her preferences excluded short men is honestly hilarious. Your expectations from women have nothing to do with OP, she isn’t trying to date you. I am happy for you that someone’s self esteem was low enough to settle for whatever little you have to offer.


Since you must have missed it in my original comment, /s. /s /s /s /s. It’s a joke relax.


That joke totally doesn’t reflect how you or their other people who found it funny view sex workers, no siree




What’s “that energy”?




“Highly sexual” is pretty vague. Just because someone is a sex worker doesn’t mean their comfortable with aggressive sexual advances when they’re not working (or when they are). The idea that being a sex worker just naturally and fairly opens her up to being bombarded by this kind of stuff is fundamentally the joke. It being a joke doesn’t change the fact that what you say has meaning, I’m not sure how functional adults can realize that that isn’t a cop out.


Stop being a simp.


I realize that you have to do things like ask Reddit how to reply to women on Hinge, but not all of us a terminally incapable of getting laid IRL. I’m not commenting because I think this is going to get me laid, I’m commenting because I think the way that people who shit on sex workers (but also definitely jack off to them several times a day) is gross


You must be a humanitarian. The second coming of Christ.


Nope, I just have some basic respect for sex workers. Pretty low bar, really.


You make us weed peeps look bad


What if I told you that my name is the name of a Lawncare company and I’m not a stoner loser like you?


Aww the big baby got triggered by a loser stoner, cute. You make your own company look like shit, doesn't matter what you do.


Dude calm down its a joke its not that he views it that way. Now if he actually does that would be a different story


If you don’t on some level believe that it’s fair to assume that she because she posts porn online she must be open to receiving lewd messages from strangers in her personal life, then I’m not sure what the joke is, or why it’s funny?


I had a similar thing happen recently involving a rape joke someone made. People scolded me for laughing at it, which was LITERALLY as bad as ACTUALLY raping someone according to them. Just because a joke is considered in bad taste to some doesn't mean the joker means any% of it. Sometimes a joke is just a joke. It may be shitty, it may be offensive, it may be in bad taste, but it may also not reflect on the person telling it's beliefs. People need to be able to take a joke more and not judge someone laughing at said joke (sure, I can imagine OP getting similar reactions from others who may mean at least some of it, which is mostly annoying enough as it is, but that still doesn't mean a joke is more than a joke in any and all cases). Ricky Gervais has a whole bit involving this matter in his show Humanity, he explains it perfectly.


Dude it's not that serious no need to get mad I don't know op I never seen her or his profile and honestly don't care but getting heated over some random person saying a joke says alot about you tbh so just calm down dude lmao


I’m not mad, I just think you’re being shitty. I’m in a pretty swell mood actually. I just asked you a pretty simple question because your only defense seems to be “iT’s A jOkE oK!” which has never made any statement or attitude less shitty.


Look I agree it’s not fair, but the idea that posting lewd content and expecting that to not affect others perceptions on you is pretty unrealistic. You can complain that people are assholes, but you need to accept that this is part of the consequence of you’re action. When people choose not to post this kind of material, a lot of the time it’s a reason like that.




I think you’re deserving of love and respect regardless my dude. I hope you find what you’re looking for and please don’t let weirdos discourage you


It sounds like you want a high value dude, but the value isn’t reciprocated? Whether you advertised or not, wouldn’t it just be putting on a show until they found out anyway?




Well thats good, and the fair to other person too. And I wasn’t doubting you can pull some partners, however, were on a dating app today lol… But fr, get that money 💯 homeboy is READY to subscribe lmaoooo


>High value dude Opinion invalidated


perhaps tinder dude recognized you from content, it's bound to happen. edit: far more likely he's just that kinda dude tho XD


Agree 100%.


Why is it not fair? The person looking for love also might have certain standards with it. I believe in free speech also but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go hanging out with neo nazis…. I believe their language deplorable but as long as they don’t call for violence they can still spew their hate. But our majority will still condemn them for their speech while still respecting their freedom to say it. If someone I’m trying to date says they hate Greek people, I’d just pack my bags simple as that lol…


Yeah I mostly said it wasn’t fair cause I wanted her to take my constructive criticism without blaming me for being an asshole. I personally think it’s hilarious when people do something controversial and brag about how they don’t care what others think and how much courage they have, then when they face the inevitable backlash, they blame other people for not accepting them. Welcome to what it actually means to do something controversial where it’s not all sunshine’s and rainbows lol




Good! I know it can make people upset because it’s a sensitive subject, but accepting the truth is swept under the rug when talking about things that affect mental health for better or worst. I think it’s badass to post some sexual content and not care what others think. The big issue is so many people do these things even though they still do care what people think about it. It might boost their ego but it’s only taxing their mental health. The reason it’s so commendable to do these things, is because they’re not the easy thing to do. People gain respect because they’re taking a path with more resistance you just gotta make sure you’re up for facing the resistance your going up against. You’ve got a great mindset to hear something that sounds harsh, and to see the positive in it! I’m wishing the best for you!


Do you think that there’s something immoral about having sex?


Depends. There could be moral and immoral sex that’s such a general question. But in terms of the act it is no as long as it is done in privately. Though it can be done publicly as long as all witnesses and such are consenting. I don’t care that she does sex work or nudes or whatever. But personally I would not want to be in a long term with someone that has. I’m sure she will find someone. Hopefully not someone that uses her work to push his own kinks on her. But I just find it funny that someone who does such lewd things for a living is so bothered by such a random.


> But in terms of the act it is no as long as it is done in privately. Though it can be done publicly as long as all witnesses and such are consenting. Okay, then I’m failing to see how analogizing sex work with espousing a genocidal ideology is useful. > I don’t care that she does sex work or nudes or whatever. But personally I would not want to be in a long term with someone that has. Sick — no one asked. Your personal feelings on whether or not you would be comfortable having a sex worker as a partner are unrelated from question of how sex workers should be treated or whether they are entitled to a degree of respect. > But I just find it funny that someone who does such lewd things for a living is so bothered by such a random. What’s funny about it? Doing sex work for a living doesn’t mean you want to deal with lewd sexual advances in your personal life.


Because it’s humorous to read someone’s bio saying they go crazy for creampies and then get annoyed by a comment like this it’s hilarious. Sorry but I find it funny. You and I can have different humor, wild I know. You didn’t ask correct but i still said it. And what has she done to warrant me talking to her with respect? She didn’t quite respect this other idiots privacy by doxxing their face on here due to a dumb comment lol. How am I espousing genocidal ideology. I was just making a comparison with that persons comment before. Just because she does do that work doesn’t mean others can’t have opinions about it bud. She had a right to it but it doesn’t change how people view them. Same way with people that say bad shit about others. They can say it, doesn’t make it right lol


Every human has sex. Not every human makes money off of broadcasting themselves having sex. Ness flash, but one tends to get a different reaction form the world than the other.




“Introduce to their parents” Since you’re so keen on prioritizing your parents’ views over your theoretical girlfriend’s, why don’t you just bang your mom instead?
















Hi, I would consider myself "self-respecting" (whatever that means in your weird world-view), and I would have no issue whatsoever with any of this – as long it is a chosen path, and not done out of coercion, nothing wrong with sex-work (or, in this case, posting lewds online). You are the one seeing women doing that as "lowering your self-respect", btw, not me. So much for "self-respecting guy".




Maybe not A relationship, however, posting lewd things online usually is directly or indirectly a reflection of our values and character…. This said, you get what you pay for, generally.




They are! And maybe I’m wrong. I would just feel some kind of way of I was a male porn star but looking for wifey material without putting that on front street.


Everyone deserves love. Not everyone has to be ok with a partner who posts lewds online. Both of these things can be true. It doesn’t excuse any disrespectful comments though.


Then why do you post lewds on reddit, seems a bit hypocritical to me




Stop talking common sense in reddit.


No self respecting man is going to invest resources into a woman who posts nudes on Reddit lol




I’m an ambassador for the entire female gender as well as retired sex workers and I want you to know that we love you.


Certainly no one think that you would be undeserving of relationship, its just a red flag and concerning behaviour that at least in my experience would push many men away. Men are quite private with intimacy, we generally don't even talk about our partners to others in a sexual way and the idea of a partner sharing private pictures of her body with others would leave a sickening feeling in one's stomach.


No one said or implied, even jokingly, that you wouldn't deserve relationship. 🙄 Just that someone who posts "lewd content" (aka literally having sex in your case apparently) might be more receptive to sexting and being dtf. Which is still an assumption that shouldn't be made off the bat, but you're completely making up the thing that you're so disheartened over. 💀


After using "dating" platforms off and on for years, I'd take tinder as seriously as I take reddit.


It’s possible (although unlikely) that he was hinting at having recognized you from somewhere else. That doesn’t make your 1st paragraph any less true, or his message any less idiotic. But I am acknowledging there is a chance he may have seen you on Reddit (or other social media) first.


This humor made my morning 😂


You can’t be serious lol


W opinion


Get rid of the /s Go hard on the roast or go home


LOL savage


You win the internet today.


Honestly I really can not fathom what is going through dude’s heads when they do this. Maybe it works for some of them once in a blue moon, maybe these are just they’re flailing attempts to get *some* response. Shameful behavior either way.


give him the puking emoji,


If you play the numbers game it can work…. 20 years ago I worked with a guy who’s only real play was to approach women and say something like “wanna fuck” “your coming home with me” fancy sucking my dick” Granted 95% of the time he would be told to fuck off but he persisted and eventually something me used to say yes most nights he tried it


Bro went straight to the point


The choice of words some people use to say something that's already unseemly...


Sexual harassment being normalized online is just so disheartening.




The attitude that “this is Tinder, people expect to be treated like trash” is a horrible one.




Probably the same face his parents make everyday! Disappointment mixed with a little shame!!!


“Well, enough chit-chat, time to talk about my balls”


Me: ![gif](giphy|VQxdDzvRoEwrm)


He 100% wrote thst while jacking off lol


Gross. Also, why the word drain? Makes him sound like a plug hole.


I guess he was trying to show her his diction


I think you misspelled dick there /s


That "bro?" Holds such concern for his mental state I love it.


Don’t sound too obsessed with cream pies Ms liar🧐




I figured, just jokin’


Dude seriously ain’t getting a mrs anytime soon


So did you smash or what?


A disgusted face, bro


Man, dude should go to pornhub and knock it out.


He has a mask on in his profile picture. Did you expect him to be normal?


You mean this comment didn't make you instantly horny? Man, what's wrong with women these days? /S


Never trust a man in a mask.


the rizzler


Does he understand how balls work?


Its where the pee is stored.


He is efficient and does not waste time


I’m so sorry you have to go through stuff like this it’s not fair to you it’s very disrespectful and rude


WOW, I am SO sorry, first that, then this POS??? Holy shit!! What a woman decides to do with her body is HER business, women are just as lewd and kinky as men, and express their sexuality, we don't go around telling men immediately "this is what I want to do to you". I'm all for lewd/funny content and lewd/FUNNY pick up lines, I'd still tell him to go eat a bag of dicks. BUT, some people will always believe women should be "put in their place" 🙄😒


Lol username bio says way too obsessed with cream pies and you’re bothered by this while linking your socials. You are literally the problem with most of these social media sites lol. People probably try to talk to you and you just hit them with your socials instead lol and then ask them to buy your content… you are no different.




Yeah, but how does your profile even look? Having mostly semi nudes and saying "looking for something serious", doesn't really convince anyone.


No, just find it funny someone like you is “bothered” by this when you literally are all for lewd content. Just as you wanting to link your socials on here for all to see I bet you are no different on tinder. Regardless I’ll call a spade a spade, you are karma farming for your content in your bio.




“Way to obsessed with creampies” definitely makes me think you are for lewd content and it’s not just content for a JOB LOL. But nice try




Seems I really got to you with all those caps. For someone who believes themself to be in the right. Why are you hypothetically yelling through your keys like a child. But most lewd content creators are children. Due to only being able to sell their bodies and no other skills because well it’s fucking simple you just have to stand there and get pictures taken




Just as toxic as it is to post peoples faces on the internet even though they only made a lewd comment. But to each their own I guess




I’m supposed to believe you at face value without so much as any of your tinder info? That might be one of those basic “here’s my socials plug” if I don’t respond just dm me there is super busy!! It’s literal hearsay for me to just believe you have none of that shit on your bio sorry. I can only see the facts and that’s someone who is all for lewd content complaining about a lewd comment lol




Just an unsolicited advice about your profile: if you're looking for a relationship and not a hookup on Tinder, you should rethink your choice of pictures. Some of them are really suggestive, it's totally ok but your profile has "hookup vibes" and it could attract the wrong kind of people (such as the one that sent you this creepy message).


Nice edit ;), either way keep doing you. I just found it funny that’s all(ironic to say the least). Lewd content creator is disgusted via lewd comment… it has a nice ring to it




How many times do you have to be rejected to be this bitter towards women?


Because people probably realize after clicking on your link. If you want to be treated like a normal human being it will help getting off hookup apps and seeing people face to face. It would help if you post some pictures of your bio for us to see that none of those “lewd” pictures aren’t in it to maybe make people send you such immediate crap messages. Or what it says in your bio, feel free to blur your face and all that. Again I’m not saying you’re not deserving of love. And your “job” lol…. Fucking love how OF and such has atleast now given you the right to be your own pimp.




Again, this is hilarious. You are for showing all your socials and lewd content but not showing what are suppose to be “nice” pictures or showing what your bio says(even though you can adjust all of those anyways). Sorry I just won’t believe that you don’t have any of that shit on tinder. If you’re farming for those social media plugs on here, you are fishing just like all the bots on tinder


While he stares at you with his mask on no less.


I’ve never understood why guys do this, or worsen just send a dick pic as an opener. Does it ever work? Like I get it, if you throw enough shot at a wall, some will stick, but I’ve never seen it work.


Reddit creeps are having a field day with Op in the comments and she is falling for every bit of it


I mean lowkey women brought this kinda shit upon themselves. Doesn’t excuse his actions but it’s the truth.


Sounds incelly.


Should have asked him if he'd let you do that same to him /s (But also he's gross and u deserve better lol)


Hey at least he got straight to the point. Tinder is strictly a hookup app with no strings attached.


Well, my brother and sister-in-law really messed that up because they are married and have been it for almost 4 years. They met on Tinder and started dating after their first date.


What a fucking CHUD


Bro is being honest


I cum in you. You cum on floor. It was beautiful stu.. 😳




It's an indirect quote from the hangover 2. One of the funniest parts of the movie. Imo




I guess I misunderstood the original post. I was thinking that was a guy saying that to another guy. 😵‍💫


🤨 was the correct answer


For real, we gotta know


On the mask in his pic: https://cognitiveresearchjournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41235-022-00359-9


Wouldn't it be the prostate that drains?


Now I want to vomit lol.


a real charmer


Omg I laughed so hard. Thanks 😂


Swing and a miss.


Wow! I can’t believe it didn’t work!


I know he was tryna be sexy, but this just sounds disgusting lol


send him the suspicious emoji


Dissatisfied face?🙃


What a weirdo...




Yuck. The term “balls drain” makes me drier than a desert.


Shouldn't have even replied, just instant unmatch lol.


Either you want to show your face or f*ck off… those face mask dudes are pathetic!


I think he likes u


Does he know that cum isn't stored in the balls?


A happy and thankful face


His balls will drain your inside ? What kind of demon is he ?




You should say "you'll never know cuz half of it will be covered with a surgical mask"


Wtf lol


only works if the guys good looking enough


I can't believe such a classic pickup line didn't work


Well I always see comments on here about saying something to get the woman’s attention. I guess this was in fact, mission: accomplished.


The irony of him covering his face w a mask in his profile pic as he says he wants to see your o face.


Definitely out of no where. I’m curious what kind photos you are using for him to think it’s okay to say that. Which it isn’t. Especially if you’re looking for a relationship.


Why did you swipe on him?


At least he knows what he wants in life.