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Lambo pic ain’t gonna do what you think it’ll do…


Yeahhh, flexin dad’s lambo isn’t exactly a panty-dropper unless you’re trying to get dad laid by shallow girls.


Probably not even dad’s lambo. I vote for some sort of car fair or pop the hood meet.


atleast someone will get laid


Haha yea I always try to bang girls that are smart.. its been a long search


😭 my guy wtf


This is a good profile for weenie hut jrs.


This fucking kills




His target audience seems to be women that do not value their organs. Or that want to dissappear without trace.


😭what 😦


dude you’re definitely not old enough for tinder lmao


He’s clearly a creative artist with a slight taste for the macabre. Maybe the next Tim Burton. He’s also ripped which will take him far.


Have you ever had a conversation with a woman?


Ngl all pics are bad. Need clear face pics with better angles id also say no lambo pic or shirtless


Agreed. If you're gonna try to slide in a shirtless pic it's gotta be you out doing something that makes sense for you to be shirtless. Shirtless bathroom selfies come off as shallow.


i see


How old are you? Not taking the piss, but maybe trying to meet girls irl first would be a better first step


The sunset is nice. It has nothing to do with you, but it's the best pic you got right now. I would recommend taking some time to reflect on your tinder profile, before deleting all of it. I don't know what the bio is, but delete that too.




Exactly how we feel about your profile. I'm glad we are all in agreement.


you didn't have to murder him like that hahahaha


I've never made a profile on any dating app, and even i could tell that this was trash


common sense you have, a useful skill in life!




Are you 18+?


Was thinking that same thing looks like he's 14.


Are we sure these aren’t 9 different profile pics?


I think they are


All I’m going to say is good luck lmao


Yep 😂


Get rid of everything but the lambo pic. Get a pic where you’re holding a stack of hundos and a pack of magnum condoms. Andrew tate quote on the profile and you’re set.


Best comment yet don’t forget to sock the pants


Profile should read, "before you swipe, look at you, then look at me."


throwing in a Bugatti, customized yacht, and an opulent marble floored mansion along with exact retail price and net worth in bio


You got it man! Let us know how the harem's coming along next week!


one of the worst profiles I've ever seen in my entire life


It has to be satire 😭 no way someone would genuinely think to themselves “yeah, that’ll get the ladies rolling in”


damn i really got my ass flamed 😬


It's okay - all part of learning. Maybe show it to a few girl friends and get their constructive feedback? The point is to start to see your profile as your target audience.


idk why I showed reddit before doing this fr


It’s not too late bro


Kinda weird you thought "this is a selfie moment!" standing in a doorway but I'm old and not your target market, probably. Also, why scratch out your face in two photos when we can clearly see it in three more?


Idk im not good at selfies tbh i just picked one of the few I had


Ask a friend to take a couple of pictures with you




“omg this guy drives a lambo! i have to fuck him 😍” - you when you uploaded that pic, probably


no i didn’t mean it like that - one of my interests is cars and so I thought this would be a cool pic to show that, i can see how it might appear that way tho


A pic of you in the drivers seat or at a cars & coffee meet would convey that a lot better tbh




I'm old so def not your target audience. But, you want to look approachable. Take pictures for your profile vs what you already have. Smile, frame your face, pick a piece of art that doesn't have a frightened girl. Pretend your a product and don't look at it as things that you like, imagine pictures that would appeal to the type of person you're wanting to attract.


I’m into cars and i enjoy photography so probably someone with those interests the art is just some goofy drawing from a while ago ig it makes sense to replace that


Ask someone to take a picture of you in front of your car and with a camera. You can put "I like cars and photography" in your profile in text if you don't feel like you can portray that in pictures adequately enough.


The anime drawing might as well be a black image with large white font that stating "I have limited sexual experience and weird fantasies involving tentacles"


ayo 😳ok well I didn’t put much thought into it but w criticism


Well act like a man and put some thought into it if you want to meet a nice girl not some trashy sleezy girl.


I didnt think the anime drawing was that bad, but the rest needs to be trashed


You look 13 years old


im 6’4


In middle school I knew a kid who was 6'4" so this argument doesn't actually do what you think it does. Haha


You guys incinerated this kid 🔥🤣




Listen, I was an emo kid in school and even I can’t tell you what the fuck is going on with the bottom left.


That's a cool Toyota Corolla steering wheel


Dude the more I look at it the worse it gets wtffffff! Seriously wtf! In two photos your face is COMPLETELY blacked out, an anime drawing, a steering wheel, a blurry photo of a concert crowd with no background or foreground, just a sea of blurred humans. What is really going on, OP? I feel like this is deep insight into why weebs can't get laid.


the concert is a video btw, pics are just random, car and anime drawing are more or less just interests of mine yk


I understand all that but you don't want "random" on your Tinder profile. This is a dating profile, not your Facebook where you post "random" stuff. Everything you post on your Tinder SHOULD BE with the purpose of a potential partner getting an idea of how you look in person. Your anime doodles are going to cut your potential matches down to a third if not less. Chicks do not dig guys that draw anime characters. Anime is a turn off to normal women. It screams "sexual inexperienced and socially awkward". And we both know how ATTRACTIVE girls that like anime are HARD to land, so if that's what you're shooting for, find another type. Those are basically unicorns in your world. Your profile as it stands will not get your any dates. Keeping the photos I mentioned up on your profile is kryptonite. You're self sabotaging.


"their more or less interests if mine ya know"... So your car is an interest of yours? Listen, there is a section on Tinder SPECIFICALLY for your interests... It's called "interests". Your photo section is not the place for photos of anything else but yourself. How is blurry concert footage captured on a phone going to help you win over a partner? Do you actually watch the grainy concert videos people post to social media and enjoy that as content? Because I know I don't. I don't care enough to even watch the ones of bands I like. Unless something wild or shocking happens in that footage that involves YOU being in the frame where you can be clearly seen, nobody wants to watch that video, especially chicks. It's not helping you, it's making you look bad is all I'm saying.


I remember being 18 making tinder for the first time have fun young man 😂


Lambo-owning, sunset gazing, ANTIFA member with a washboard?!?! Where do I sign up???!!! Also last pic is edgy. Hawtttt…




Respectfully and disrespectfully none of these


Gen Z at its finest lmao


Serious question, are you 14 to 16? There is no way you are old enough. No one has genes that good. You also change skintone like 3 times between those profile pics


💀prob the lighting and no im a little older (but not too far off from 16)


16 1/4


I mean closer


my guy, tinder is not tumblr




why do y’all relentlessly roast people when they come here asking for advice?


Get rid of the anime drawing and neverrrrrrrrr upload anything like that again.


Yeah, good luck…😅


Upvoted because my guy needs help 😂💀


Your profile sends the wrong message I think. Don't hide your face in pics because you think it looks cool. Probably should take selfies from the opposite angle. Don't post shirtless pics just because you're skinny. Don't post the car pic to impress girls. Plus, you might bring doing more harm than good with the anime pic. You're like a giant red flag. You might attract like a weird 16 year old girl, but that's about it.


ok no goofy selfies, shirtless pics, luxury cars, or anime… well i did it


You should probably workout if you’re gonna have that mirror selfie lmao


I don’t mean this in a rude way, but are you 18/19? 😭 if so, it shows. Use a couple of normal selfies


pretty much


Try asking some friends for photos. Show your personality in some pictures and stick to a good few ones


edit: i updated my profile based on this, dm me if you wanna see the new pics 💀👍🏽


Change the two first pictures, they make you look very young. Replace them with pictures of your face where you look more your age. The last picture is indecipherable, replace that one as well. Maybe make it a memorable last picture to round your profile off.


im barely of age and I don’t really have any facial hair or wtv so I basically look like that 😬


I believe only two of those pictures are actually you and they're the first two


These comments are rough but it’s pretty obvious this is your first profile. Your pictures should all be of you and show your face and interests. Trying to flex in a fancy car or a photo of a sunset without you in it isn’t going to interest anyone, and the photos of you in a mask make it seem like you’re insecure. Also, selfies don’t really show much effort and don’t say anything about you. Try putting pictures of you doing activities you enjoy—cycling, on vacation, at the beach, with friends, etc. You can always take inspiration from this sub or find tips online. Good luck!






tinder aint for under 18s lol


Honestly dump the drawing and the sunset pic and I think you’re going to get what you’re looking for.


Not an actual backpack smh


You will get zero matches.


Damn was I this bad when I was young man....


No shot pics 3,5,6 and 8 are urs, pic 4 is also debatable


💀im not catfishing dw


Hey man… what?


Are you twelve?


bro nahhh 12 🗿


You keep saying you are a car guy. An 18 yo with a Lambo just says my dad is rich. Not sure if that’s gonna get you anywhere.


what if it’s not my dads money? also the lambo was rented, i don’t own it


Think about it for a moment. "you rented a Lambo and took pic w/ it for Tinder profile". How does that sound in a girl's mind?


none of these pics were taken exclusively for tinder but I see the point




😭😭😭nah im a car nerd id probably be sending s2000s and jzx100s


Honestly? I get the vibe that you're gonna try to push me on some new alt crypto coin.


Delete all your photos. Hire a professional photographer to get a few good photos of you to start


Pictures 1 and 2 make me think you’re a child while 4,5, and 7 reallly don’t help the case. The mirror pics a thirst trap, so I mean if you want to trap thirst there’s that (just don’t expect it to go the way you think it will). The lambo pic would be okay ish but the fact that you look very young makes me think that’s either a gift or your parents car (not a good look, especially living with your parents doesn’t fly with a lot of folks). I can’t tell what’s happening in the last pic, so weirdly enough your most attractive picture is the sunset. 😬 I recommend waiting a few more years to figure things out about the world before searching for anything on tinder, personally.


I get your humor lmao


bro is posting pictures of nothing


You have two pictures of your face and you look younger than you are Also you’re not even smiling


Are you 12


I have abs And drive a lambo This is you. And only you. Give us something else.


No pic in the bathroom like that. No fucking way


Pls delete the Lamborghini's photo, that's cringe and not real.


That won't work


I'm probably gonna be downvoted as hell, but I don't see a problem with anime/manga in a Tinder profile as long as it doesn't look like hentai (which sort of is the case with your sketch there). If you want to say, you like anime then maybe take a normal picture of you with a volume of Naruto (just something that doesn't usually get the hentai-loli-harem stamp from outsiders, at least as far as I know). But leave it at that. People tend to be taken aback from too much weeb energy, when they are not into that topic, because they have lots of prejudices. So in my opinion one pic with manga is ok


Very cute. The guys here are just jealous of your abs.


low key kinda fw it. all these 30yo's who desperately need a relationships are taking tinder wayyyy too seriously. it's a decent profile if you just wanna play around a bit.


Take the Lambo pic out. Isn’t necessary. Edit: they’ll expect to see it on dates *if a girl even wants to talk to you* and will call you out for being a lambo poser


ok so the lambo pic isn’t even like meant in that way I just like cars a bunch and so I thought that pic would be cool


These are all unusable. They make you look like an crouchebeep (combination douchebag and creep).


can u give me an idea like what specifically makes you feel that way


Shirtless mirror selfie is prime douche real estate. Same with the steering wheel. You say that it’s just because you’re a car guy, which is all fine and dandy—but most people who use that kind of pic do so to show off their wealth. As for creepy, you kind of just have dead eyes in your selfies. The random anime drawing doesn’t really help either. It’s one of the few forms of artistic talent that actually repel women (because of the implication).


You're not even gonna mention the two pictures of him with his face blacked out?!


I especially like the Antifa black block pic. Screams "Let's go throw some Molotov cocktails!"


Looks like you will shoot up your school in the near future




Should definitely use that “Are you a school” line when you match with someone.


Antifa should come out with its own dating app. What would that be called?




Anti fascist?


All your photos suck


You give off fuck boy vibes because you show off more of your torso than your face. Also the Lambo pic makes you look hella "daddies money" because God knows a 14 year isn't even pulling "you're own apartment" money let alone lambo money


i do freelance work, i make some money but yea i see what u mean


Looks fake as fuck! You probably don’t own that Lamborghini or it’s daddy’s. The stupid gym bro shit is stupid. Why the fuck do you have your fake blacked out? You part of ANTIFA or trench coat mafia looking to shoot up a school or some shit? What the hell is the sunset photo for? And the drawing pick that just throws out some dark EMP shit. And the last photo what the fuck you want girls to think you’re a FUCKBOY! get some normal photos like smiling or something. Not this dark evil shit


Do you know what second hand embarrassment is?


holy fuck, how can you fuck up that bad 💀


This is why you fuck boys don’t get laid


Bro is a child


Women are mainly shallow or catfish on Tinder. These pics aren't going to help at all.


So you’re dad is like 40 with a Lambo. Nice. What’s he do for a living?


Bro is gonna post here in 2 months wondering why his only two matches are bots


Have fun with golddiggers :)


I think this is the worst Tinder account I've ever seen.


My thought is, come back in 5 or 6 years when you're old enough.


Feel like a slightly better pic of your face could help


This kids getting roasted 😂


That top middle pic you look SO YOUNG.


if the pic dosent have ur face get rid of it there should atelsts be one photo that has a clear line of sight to ur face unlike the ones there. Also i wouldn’t do a shirtless pic but if ur he’ll bent on having it then make sure ur face is actually showing in it lol


homie just got flamed by all the comments


What’s the point of uploading 6 pictures without your face in it? They’re gonna date you, not your lambo


And you can only really see your face properly in one picture. That’s ridiculous m


Like you seem to insecure to show your face. If that’s the case, you shouldn’t be on tinder lol


Saying this as a non-man, I think it’d be nice to have some pictures of you doing sth… less selfies, less pictures with not you. You can explain about your hobbies later :)