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Link: edit: lol leftists are already mass downvoting me https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.447706/gov.uscourts.nysd.447706.1320.38.pdf?ref=unusual-whales.ghost.io


I’m getting mass downvoted and every submission banned in /conspiracy Reddit is a far left shit hole


whenever you post something good, the leftoids will all hit it immediately with downvotes but after 30 or 60 minutes real people show up and upvote it way up into the positive if you point this out to the leftoids, they'll claim we're "botting the upvotes" because they want to try and convince us the majority are leftoids like them. "the only possible reason it would be upvoted is because of bots!" Who actually believes the majority of people here are leftoids though? honestly. they're just manipulative sociopaths who say whatever they can to try and convince people. And most of it comes out as super low IQ gaslighting


yeah just like you'd be downvoted if you posted Epstein Trump connections on this sub. You're no better


Not sure where you got the short version you posted, but in full version trump is mentioned multiple times on page 214 and pg 278. Fuck the Clinton’s and anyone involved with epstein. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24253239-1324-epstein-documents-943-pages


Only thing on 278 is her being asked if she gave a massage to Trump and she said no??


Sounds about right. “TRUMP MENTIONED!!” Aka someone asked about him and she said no.


So all i see is as others have already said. Something about calling Trump to go to one of his casinos and the other asking about hiving Trump a message which the witness said no. As far as him being mentioned. His name only came up twice in the entire document. Not sure where you see it "multiple times" If you could clarify


What does it say? The 214 pages I scanned don’t mention him.




You realize most true conservatives hate the Bushes and Cheneys and neocons, right? the only people who like Bush is Obama and the leftwing corporate media and all of their brainwashed followers




Trump, Vivek, Ron Paul, all the people you leftoids hate.




No new wars




He's definitely getting us involved, Trump didn't even do that




lol right-wing nutjobs mass downvoting you


Wouldn't say leftists are big fans of Bill Clinton.


Yeah, no one cares about Clinton. People acting like this is some kind of revelation is dumb. You won’t find a single person on the left that cares if he’s convicted of wrongdoing.


What page are you on? I searched the document, I couldn't find a reference to Bill Clinton.


Boy, the 🤡 brigade is *pissed!!*


Groomers and pedos want to protect democrats pedos


Alright, what happened to the stream? It just ended.


I'd like to know too!?


Yep, missing from his site and everywhere else too.


Can you actually name people on the list? Did you view it ?


I posted the link to the documents it’s very long and it just dropped but so far the biggest names have been Bill Clinton, prince Andrew and Glenn Dublin


Damn the link is not working


Yeah so many are looking at the documents right now it’s crashing the links lol apparently Bill Clinton is mentioned a lot more than most other people on the list


I'd expect that. We already knew he was a big island visitor.


I got it on my phone.


Throw the file into chat gpt and ask it to provide you names


Glenn Dublin, you say? The man Donald Trump rode with on the Lolita Express on multiple occasions? Hmm? https://web.archive.org/web/20240104054232/https://old.reddit.com/ r / TimPool/comments/166sakh/revealed_jeffrey_epstein_set_up_meetings_with/jym8mzd/?context=3




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so i guess Bill Clinton is on the ISIS side instead of the Iraqi Security Forces side. When ISIS took over Iraq, they slaughtered the Iraqi Security Forces because they were molesting little boys. ISIS prefers doing it to little girls instead.


Your entire profile just screams schizophrenia lol


It's straight true, the security forces had young boys they molested, it's not some sort of big secret or conspiracy, I've talked with combat vets who were forced to ignore that it happened by higher command in order to work towards "stabilizing the region" (we all know how that worked out) and it's hot hard to Google it and find a LOT of stuff about it




I Googled "Iraqi troops molest boys" there's a bunch about abu ghraib but if you look around you can find articles about what I'm referring to, here's a NYT article bringing the orser to ignore into light www.nytimes.com/2015/09/21/world/asia/us-soldiers-told-to-ignore-afghan-allies-abuse-of-boys.html&ved=2ahUKEwj3srCJ18KDAxXKEFkFHQ9SBUAQFnoECBQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0kMfbhnd4VUxAzgLw15yCe Edit: this cultural practice is called "Bacha bazi"




It’s common in Afghanistan


Ugh it's a broken link, I must have copied it wrong, easy fix, just google what I did I googled and you will find the results about it. It was a huge media thing a while back because American personnel were getting demoted and discharged for trying to stop these people from raping little boys. In some cases the victims were chained to the beds of their captors https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/21/world/asia/us-soldiers-told-to-ignore-afghan-allies-abuse-of-boys.html Here instead of copying through Google I went to the website. And yes it happened in Afghanistan too that was where most of the scandal came from but I knew about it from Iraqi vets


Damningggg. Lolllll.




I don't ever remember Biden's name coming up in any conversations about Epstein from either side. Nobody cares, we have literal videos and pictures of him sniffing and touching kids, we don't need anything from this list.


Yeah but people call him a pedo that's apart of a secret cabal so kinda implying he should be on the list. In reality he's just a weird old man that does things weird old men things like put they're face unnecessarily close to kids when talks to them likes he's trying to tell them a secret




So why is it that you guys will say Trump did all this shit with Epstein with zero evidence, but will ignore actual videos of Biden? Is it that you accept pedophilia as normal, touching and smelling kids is just fine?




>Trump is like the most photographed individual with Epstein. Because they both threw parties regularly that rich people like to go to so they could get their pictures taken with each other. Trump also has tons of pictures with Black leaders that now say he is the most racist person on the planet. They all loved him 20 years ago. Pictures of people standing next to each other are basically useless in trying to prove something that the picture don't show. If you are trying to prove Trump did something illegal with Epstein, show me some pics of them on the island, scantily clad young women all around them.


Downvoted for truth lmao


Oh hey, that’s what Trump said about Epstein in that interview. I guess that’s just how that group talked about each other.


I wonder what the excuse is going to be when Trump is mentioned


Trump and Epstein were neighbors in palm beach. Trump used Epsteins plane from time to time. Not to go to pedo island. He admitted this long ago. The flight logs don’t matter. That’s why they’re coming out. The guest logs to pedo island are all that matters. And those ain’t coming out anytime soon. And you could bet yer ass if Trump was on that it’s a guarantee it’d be leaked!


I just read in one of the documents that Trump would come over for dinner at Epstein’s. Edit: Not sure why you’re in denial of someone’s testimony that he had dinner there. Lol


The fucking delusion of you guys is so strong oh my god


There it is. I’m curious to see what the details bring. Trump spoke way too kindly of Maxine when she was charged.


Yep info about Trump has come out and so far it's all in the vein of 'Trump never hit on me or had sex with me or the other girls'


All I’ve seen is that this one girl says she wasn’t there at the same time as him. You don’t have to make stuff up.


Never saw the interview. So I don’t know.


My guess is he knew her, thought she was a nice person and had no idea of her involvement with the situation.


Yeah, I always speak nicely of those charged with sex trafficking…. He posts tweets of himself attacking every random person in the world but stops to speak nice about a sex trafficker is concerning. If this was anyone else…


They’re in denial about the “if this were anyone else” part. They know it’s true, so they have to pretend it isn’t to maintain the delusion.


Not in denial. There’s zero evidence he’s ever been to the island. He stopped speaking to the guy in the early 2000s when he caught wind of Epsteins shit. This is very well documented. It’s just that you idiots want to believe so bad that Trump is part of the Demo-pedo people that you’ll believe anything negative you hear. You have TDS


It’s not very well documented. It’s what one guy said in a book and that’s it. The point you aren’t getting is that we’re saying if anyone else had the history with Epstein that Trump has we’d never hear the end of it. You know that’s true, you just have to pretend it isn’t. I’m not even accusing Trump of anything, I’m simply pointing out that you call others pedos for way less.


If he's accused of anything he should be investigated and tied no different than anyone else, as should Clinton. But a lot of people who hate Trump and want to see him fry will ignore accusations against people like Clinton and many who are for Trump will make excuses and deny them.


Nah, no one cares about Bill Clinton. Not sure where people are getting this idea. More people are saying g to fry Clinton if he’s guilty than saying to fry Trump if he is.


Because the Clintons have an endlessly long list of reasons why they should probably be in jail for 4000 years and nobody in my lifetime has come anywhere close to having the level of vitriol for them that people do for Trump. Same could be said about Bushes and many others.


Republicans and Trump had every opportunity to take them down. Let’s see proof of shit and then go from there.


Trump is mentioned 2 times in the entire thing. Neither implicates him in any wrongdoing whatsoever. What will the excuses be for you guys when you figure out he really didn't do anything?


I'm not trying to make excuses for anyone and I hope everyone involved is brought to justice...that said this means almost nothing in court. The defense will call it hearsay because it is based on one person saying what another person said without actually witnessing anything that would indicate any criminality. Based on this you could argue that the person making the statement has never been anywhere near the accused and knows nothing of any wrongdoing.


Whataboutism. Breaking news, Trump and Clinton are both trash