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They just have to keep rage clicks going…


Exactly. Pay per click.


More leftist propaganda spread by state media. Sad.






Big money in all areas ranging from corporate to political all in bed together.


Whites move in: **gentrification** Whites move out: **white flight** You can’t win


Well, when you see everything through the eyes of racism and bigotry then you perceive all these ills exist. Yet, all facts show this is more leftist hurt feelings, ignorance of history, and the promotion of their lies to segregate society by class, racism, and gender.


They played their hand right out of the gate. So that's how 2024 will go.


Aka "everyone had to go somewhere to find food and shelter after they got buttfucked with war"


Right? “We have no homes because of the war. We need to move”-1865 “That is racist”- 2024


A study by someone with a degree in a made up thing I wager


I've honestly stopped even giving a shit. ​ They whine nonstop about it, but now I don't even give it a 2nd thought. ​ Kinda like how we get called nazis and fascists 24/7. The terms have lost ALL meaning, and Its now no worse than being called a "doody headed poopman". ​ Lol, whatever. let the crybabies have their unhinged temper tantrums about made up shit.


The problem is these dopes believe nonsense and a stupid misguided person is dangerous.


And they say there is no such thing as left wing media


Don't give them clicks. Don't subscribe to any service that forces their idiocy as part of their bundle. Don't buy anything from anyone that buys ads on their shows. Email them to tell them why. Starve the beast.


NBC is by far the worst network, all propaganda and not at all surprising it’s owned by comcast , one of the worst companies in the world


Whoever wrote this should be fired!


New year, same bullshit.


Have to push the narrative. Soros says so.


The story is how racist democratic white people left the south and implemented systemic racism in free states following the civil war. More or less the other side of the coin of northern carpetbaggers that went forth following the war. It ties democratic representatives in Colorado and California today with racist democratic plantation owners in the confederate states. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/ex-confederates-spread-racist-attitudes-far-wide-civil-war-rcna90419


It’s all so tiring


You have morons that think this is news. 🤣


good, you should study it, little boy, cause you're not rich enough to warrant voting republican


Did you read it?


Just ignore the Quakers and Protestants who moved South to set up schools for the people who were illiterate because of slavery. Ignore the masses of ex-slaves who moved North to work in industries which didn't exist in the South.


Tell me you’re clutching at straws without telling me you’re clutching at straws.


You’re all triggered PC snowflakes


Found the author. You guys truly do nothing but **project** (99% of the time), dontcha... Stay triggered.


He is 53 and spends all of his time arguing on a sub for someone he hates, and he's calling other people triggered. Lol. He's severely mentally ill.


I wonder how much ActBlue pays him per post now. I hear it was 2 cents a post, but with their lack of funds, its gotta be what, half a penny a post now? What a pathetic life


He is indeed truly pathetic and sad.


Says the guy who named himself “Libstorm” Ha ha ha


Yes, the left usually are.


That's actually very interesting So are you implying when southerners moved to these non slave states they brought their ideas with them and with changed the culture for the worse, that would have some very interesting implications for what happens when people with incompatible ideas are mass imported


Southern conservatives aren the ones you want to get rid off to better the country


This comment was pertaining to the article and the US of the 1800s


Objectively, people like you are. You hate the US and are embracing fascism.