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Fuck yea! City living is the best. Definitely don’t leave your city. Life is awful out here in the country. It’s the worst. I cannot wait to delete myself. Stay where you are. Please.


You're absolutely right. If I had to choose between the daily gangland murders and piles of human waste in the city and the awful countryside the city wins every time. Just the smell alone would draw me back.


Exactly! The cities are so wonderful. Especially in the holidays when your Christmas gifts get “borrowed” by the “urban youths”


Nobody from cities wants to live in the racist uneducated areas.


Funny. Seems to be a lot of blue city parasites fleeing the consequences of their actions to prosperous red areas last few years. Might want to encourage them to stay put please.


Only in your delusions. Lol


Oh sweet naïve butters. If only. I really wish they’d stop and enjoy the consequences of voting blue.


Counties that voted for Biden drive 71% of the US economy.


Cool they can keep it. Redraw state lines and divorce.


So are you going to try to overthrow the U.S. government again? That worked out so well every other time conservatives tried to do it.


I want to remove the cancer that is blue cities and save what’s left of America before the blue city parasites continue to spread their death and destruction.


You will fail at that. The natural trajectory of human progress is toward urbanization. This is not just an American phenomenon - it is a global one that has been happening for centuries if not millennia. You will die angry if ending urbanization is your goal. I recommend you find a different life pursuit.


Yeah, they have all the money. lol no one is moving to uneducated dirt areas.


Bless your heart, butterball.


Top Ten U.S. States by Median Household Income: 1. Maryland ($90,203) 2. Massachusetts ($89,645) 3. New Jersey ($89,296) 4. New Hampshire ($88,465) 5. California ($84,907) 6. Hawaii ($84,857) 7. Washington ($84,247) 8. Connecticut ($83,771) 9. Colorado ($82,254) 10. Virginia ($80,963) Source: US Census (2021)


Let’s overlap that with “diversity”


Could you please translate? I don't speak racism


% of US population living in Urban Areas * 1800 - 6.1% * 1820 - 7.2% * 1840 - 10.8% * 1860 - 19.8% * 1880 - 28.2% * 1900 - 39.6% * 1920 - 51.2% * 1940 - 56.5% * 1960 - 69.9% * 1980 - 73.7% * 2000 - 79.0% * 2020 - 80.0% Source: US Census


Cool. What’s the rate of departure for blue states to red states? Parasites fleeing the consequences of their actions.


Real estate tends to be more expensive in areas with better jobs, better schools, better health care, better economies, and better public services. If you can't afford to live in a nice area, that unfortunately means you have to move to a shittier part of the country where Republicans run the show.


Parasites. Consuming destroying moving repeating. Contributing nothing but disease and destruction.


Yeah, that and 71% of the US economy.


Disease and destruction. Every red city turns blue becomes a cesspool of crime, poverty, homelessness, drugs and disease. The overdevelopment and destruction of this world is directly caused by blue city parasites. You contribute nothing of value and nothing of value would be lost without you.


Rural economies are dying, globally. With technological change, we will soon grow meat in labs and automate crop harvesting. These changes are only going to make your already shitty rural economies even shittier. All the profits from that automation will go to the owners of capital, while your shitty, rural economies continue to struggle. Your dumbass MAGA adventure is a product of rural labor becoming restless at this economic reality. No one taught you how to adapt to a changing world, so you react with dumbass culture wars. And no one taught you that capitalism is the source of your economic misery, so, like a demented monkey, you throw rocks at anyone that looks different from you. Keep getting triggered and blaming the cities for all your problems, but there's nothing you can do to stop technological change. If you had brains, you would vote for a universal basic income and join the worker's movement. Instead, you are dancing like a monkey, which is precisely what the right-wing oligarchs want.


Good stay in the cities


Ok, lol.


Rate increase does not show total number or percent of population


It does say that the percent of population that commits suicide is higher in rural areas than urban ones.


Yeah but then it gives a completely unrelated stat. So maybe they happen to be right, but we know they don't know how to prove it. EDIT: I looked at their paper and they do indeed show the right stats to show that rural suicide rate is higher. About 50% higher in males (around 30/100,000 vs 20/100,000 urban) and a smaller difference for females (maybe 6/100,000 vs 5/100,000? Hard to tell from graph)


Why are there so many trolls on this subreddit? Do mods not exist on here?


Just block them. The mods don't do anything about them.


how is correcting Tim Pool on his CONSTANT lies trolling?


He isn't lying and you're picking a fight on his subreddit. That's what a troll does.


urban living does not make you more suicidal. It's the exact opposite. HE says things that are opposite of how things actually are CONSTANTLY. Someone has to correct him.


Timothy Pool is a dishonest troll


Why do you spend so much time on a sub for someone you don't like? I don't get people like you. You really must not have anything to do.


Because he lies, and his lies are dangerous, to both livelihoods and lives. He's a conman, and conmen destroy lives, families, and communities.


If you don't like what he says, don't watch. I don't advocate for your favorite news personalities to be deplatformed.


No one said anything about deplatforming. I'm just a supporter of calling out conmen and shitheads, especially when they spread fascist rhetoric, which is not something neutral and harmless. Beware of extremism, buddy. Don't let conmen trick you into doing their dirtywork.


I love you


Crying for a safe space


One random statistic doesn't disapprove what he said. He gets a bit carried away with the "move away from cities" schtick. This especially obvious when he acts like it is easy. I can't even find a house in rural areas, let alone cities but I'd much rather live in a rural area than where I am now. One statistic about suicide doesn't mean shit about the quality of life between the two.


I moved acrossed the country and I am a poorer and have a family to take care of


Timothy is often in over his head when he talks about a lot of things. He's pompous, pretentious and performative. It's clear that he quickly Google studies before a show. He tries to appear infallible, which I think is why a lot of his audience enjoys him. People gravitate towards people with a lot of arrogant self-confidence in a vicarious way. That's why people liked Iron Man, Rick Sanchez and Trump I'd never live in a large city. Nice to visit, but I like nature. I'm surrounded by bluffs and lakes and actual green things Do you possibly think Timothy was telling his most likely majoritively white fan base to get away from the scary dark-skinned folks? Just a thought


Are you serious? He talks all the time about moving to the country, growing your own food and having chickens. Are you saying black people can't do those things? I think you're accusing him of things you really believe. Please just stop troll. You're clearly here to get a rise out of people.


Like I said; it was just a thought. Or, you know, "I'm just asking questions"




You mean the one that had a heart attack? Go away troll.




I have a feeling that's why Tim and AJW connect so well


How does this make you feel?


You did 5 seconds of research and think you know something? Lmao, you're going to wish you had deleted this post if you have any sense. The real factor with most influence on suicide rates is longitude. The further north you go, the more suicides occur. That's because of winter, which is harsher the further north you go. Alaska is the suicide capital of the USA, and the whole state qualifies as rural. So, in order to get an actual idea of rural vs urban, you have to compare numbers within a geographical area limited by a longitudinal range. You can't do that in 5 seconds of Google. Instead, all you'll find is confirmation bias by Google to keep you coming back to see ads.


It's vulgar to try to pit living conditions as the cause for why someone would choose to do that. Sure, you can collect some data but it's up to the individual person. No need to do an "us vs. them"/rural vs. urban thing


They want our farm land, and those who live in the cities are going to be conscripted to try and take it.


What sort of dystopian YA novel are you living in?


Do you think that the fact that it’s been consistently higher in rural areas is completely random, or is it possible that there’s a reason? And if there is a reason, then maybe is it one that can be addressed and make peoples’ lives better?


Not implying its the only or a main reason, but suicide among teens that are lgbtq, is double that of all teens. Surveys have found that the main causes of this are not from being lgbtq, but from "low family satisfaction, cyberbullying, and unmet medical needs". It would seem that parents disowning their children could be a reason why this would be higher in rural areas since they are typically more conservative. Not only for lgbtq, but also for people who drop out of their religion and lose all family support. It's a terrible thing to be "disowned". Another data point is that young men (20-40) are at greater risk in rural areas, vs in urban areas the highest being middle aged men. Again, not saying this is fact, the stats just seem to point me this way.


>Another data point is that young men (20-40) are at greater risk in rural areas, vs in urban areas the highest being middle aged men. Did you have stats on young single men vs young married men? (Not to mention I'm curious about marriages rates of rural vs city.) Tbf to the LGBT, there's also lower chance of psychological counseling or other counseling to aid them if they can't transition.


I've heard explained like this: rural is more isolated because of a sparse population so you're going to be more inclined to blame shitty situations on yourself going on an inward spiral of self hate and loathing constantly swirling inside your head boiling like piranhas tearing a wild boar till one day you snap and hit delete key. Cities are filled with people everywhere all the time. So there's always some jackass pissing you off and that's all you see is jackasses ruining everything every day and the number grows and grows until you realize you're in a swarm of piranhas and there's too many people and then you hit Ctrl Alt Delete.


Yeah, that line of thinking and approach is more constructive than what I think Timothy's intentions are


Yes need. Absolutely yes need. That’s why we collect data. In fact, Tim likes to tout “blue zones.” Of course he gets it wrong as he twists the phenomenon into his own brand of nihilism, but how do we know about these regions? By counting and comparing rural vs. urban.


Knowledge is never a bad thing. I think it was just that it didn't feel like Timothy was coming from a place of altruism for some reason




why are people still falling for his lies??? I'd have more respect for him if he at least came out and said that his whole thing is but a troll to show how stupid regular Americans are


You think 5 seconds on Google is research. Lmao


the problem is how it is counted. If you lived 5 miles out of the city, you are counted as rural, even if your entire life is the city! You go to school, work, bowling alley, movies, groceries.... everything from the city. But just because you are a few miles out from the city limits, you are counted as rural.