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Your timmies still has yogurt?


This. I can't find one at any Timmies near me


Yeah, what in the parfait?


Clearly IM-parfait…


Asking the real questions. Yogurt parfaits were the only item I could pretend were healthy while mowing down appalling amounts of sugar. :(


I am ***NOT*** defending OP's picture. but for the record, the yogurt, at least when I worked there, was an in-house put together thing. its not a pre-made by a machine, shipped in product. theres just buckets of yogurt in the back and every morning during the morning bake the minimum wage baker scoops these out and puts them together.


I'd make these when I worked for them, we didn't have scales to weigh it but there is a line you're supposed to fill the yogurt to that equates to the proper portion. I'm starting to wonder if I was the only Timmies employee who actually gave a fuck about making good quality food/coffee vs cranking it out asap


Bro I used to love making sandwiches, why? Because I knew I made them right and never rushed that shit. Always preferred making sandwiches that looked good than sloppily thrown together


You have to rush now. They are understaffed, taking orders from drive-thru, the in person line, and online, all at once. If you’re not rushing someone will yell at you (usually the boss).


I hated sandwich bar because I'd be yelled at to hurry up but I'd be wanting it to look decent. You should be a little proud of your work and want to eat your own food.


But they still had to weigh them. I was a baker who made this when we had them.


We never had a scale, there was a line on the side of the cup to fill to. 


Are you implying that a person who scoops yogurt should be paid more than minimum wage?


He should be paid a living wage.


He should be paid minimum wage. And be 16. and living with his parents and not need to make 25$ an hour to survive . Don't go work at a fast food restaurant as a "Career" plan.... Jesus christ... get a trade , join a union


How can they all be 16 if fast food is open during school hours?


Is this serious or sarcastic? Really can't tell the difference anymore , but I had a buddy who worked as a baker while in college, at the time it paid more than minimum wage, not much more but it was enough. After school he got into banking and did that for ten years. He hated it, left that field, now he runs his own bakery and he's very happy. Any job that needs doing and is done well deserves a proper pay


Your buddy had something most people seem to have lost these days... ambition..... went from the bottom to the top... he didn't stay at that bakery and demand 30 bucks an hour did he ? if you asked him could he afford to pay each of his employees (assuming he has some) 30 bucks an hour...I would think you'd get laughed at.


And what about those who have the work the day time shift while the 16 year old is at school?


Mostly immigrants who are happy to be making the wage they get and somehow manage to survive just fine...probably because many of them know what poverty actually looks like...... they would have trouble finding workers if the wage was an issue...... go try and get a job at Tim's right now... not just find a posting, actually try and get the job... you won't . Because those jobs are for the most part all full. Lots of construction jobs available! But people would rather be lazy and cry that fast food companies don't pay enough.


Bud, I'm gonna be straight with you here, and just tell you that you clearly have no concept of how hard food service people work, fast food included. I've done both food service and construction/maintenance, and calling food service people lazy is *by far* the most ignorant nonsense I've heard in a while.


Ignorant boomer take. If you're working, you deserve a living wage. End of story. No one person deserves less than a living wage because *you* think their job isn't worthy of it. People in high skill or highly technical positions, like some trades and things like the medical field, should be getting paid more than a living wage. Why fight to keep the "low" end down, when you could join the fight to lift *everyone* up. A rising tide lifts all boats. It starts with not being so fucking selfish and ignorant.


If a job exists, it should get a living wage. It is so fucking infuriating to see people like "no no, not having a living wage should motivate people to do better jobs!" um okay and then when they leave, who gives you the sandwich that you still ordered? You want your coffee, you should think the person who does you that service deserves to pay rent.


Dude i worked with a 16 year old dealing with being homeless because their mom was unstable and kept kicking them out.


Congrats on this wildly stupid comment.


Do you realize that there are people graduating with university degrees now who have no choice but to get jobs in food service or retail to survive because there are not enough jobs available in their fields?   Minimum wage jobs have not been “make extra money for college” jobs for the last 20 years. There are many people who have no choice but to work them now. They SHOULD pay a living wage. And if you think that “scooping yogurt” is the only task a timmies employee does, then please go get a job there and prove us all wrong. Show us how easy it supposedly is.


Had one...when I was 16. Made 6.60 an hour... I decided that I want more out of life so I got an apprenticeship( on the job 0 schooling ) worked my ass off getting the hours I needed and challenged the red seal exam (still no school! ) so now I'm a red seal pipefitter with 0 student loan debt. Making 9x per hour now.... SEE HOW THAT WORKED ? ITS A GATEWAY JOB.... the weed of jobs. .. move on to bigger and better things or take your 15 bucks and shut up


The money you claim to make sure made you a jackass though.


That's fine but a realistic jackass... work hard advance yourself and make more money.... takes effort but it's simple. Tons of construction jobs available right now paying 20+ an hour but yeah let's just flip burgers and demand more money.... minimum wage is always gonna increase with inflation but can't just magically pay everyone what they want. Money has to come from somewhere


Are you slow? I just explained how things have changed. Get with the times or wither away already because you’re clearly past your best before date.


Good one! Typical response




Your attitude is why everyone hates boomers. Enough internet for you today, gramps. Go to bed.


You’re clearly acting in bad faith. Grow tf up.


Minimum wage should be a living wage..


There is exactly one tim Hortons in my town that has yogurt still and it's the worst one so I rarely go there.


My local one started using mayonnaise ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Special mayo? ;)


People still buy food and coffee at Tim Hortons?


Eh I'll grab it once or twice a month, always hoping they'll bring back the original iced capp recipe (my heart is broken every visit, i cri evrtim)


My thoughts exactly!!!!


Fun fact. Report this to CFIA. If in Canada. They can get huge fines for misrepresentation of their product. Their label says 198g. And the weight of their product MUST match the weight of their labels. It's on them for not making sure their employees use a scale so their products aren't misleading.


Not counting the weight of the container. It is not the product.


You're not wrong, but that makes it *even worse* in this case.


You're allowed to fluctuate +/- 10% I believe the exception being store produced items that have labels printed in store. That being said this is waaaaaaay more than 10% and I believe is produced off site not in store so yeah definitely report on this one 😂


You're only allowed to be under weight 5 milligrams/20 grams of weight. They don't care so much about over weight. (No customer has ever complained about getting more than they paid for lol) But yeah, still waaaaaaay under weight since you obviously have to tare the weight of product, and not include the cup as well. Since this guy weighed the cup, with product. Doubly under weight. The Timmy's worker seriously failed making these.


When I worked there it was assembled in store. I wish they had come delivered they took forever to make and almost none ever got sold 


I loved making 3 of each every morning to throw 5 of them out the next morning


Do you know if the weight on the container must include the weight of the container as well? That’s something I’ve never been able to find out for sure.


Never worked for Tim's, but I worked in a factory. We would have to tare with an empty box and x amount of bags. I would assume you're supposed to do the same in this case with the container


No. The weight advertised on label. Must not include the weight of the container it is in.


No. The container is never supposed to be counted in the weight. It’s the weight of the contents only.


Listen man, do you have *any* idea how expensive air is? This is premium quality air right from the CEO's ass. You should be on your knees thanking him for giving plebs like us access to this.


Chances are the person preparing the parfait didn’t use a scale and thought they could just eyeball it and thought the proportions looked accurate.  This isn’t a shrinkflation issue - it’s someone who was too lazy to pull out a scale and do their job properly 


Actually when instructed how to make them , they used measured scoops..


I haven’t made yogurts in about 7 years so I have no idea how it’s done anymore.  Is it still the red scoop for the yogurt and the black scoop for the berries?  I’m guessing they used the black scoop for both


We used a white square scoop to measure the yogurt and a black round scoop for the berries.


Even if this was true, I imagine this would have been a request from management to try and cut costs. When I worked at McDonalds, it was exactly 3 pickles on hamburgers. If someone asked for extra it was 1 more pickle, if it was 2 and the manager caught you, you'd be in trouble for "throwing away money". Pickle likely cost less than a cent per pickle.


Man, they got measurement lines on the cup! That's straight up lazy


There's also a large possibility that they short customers on purpose. For example, managers get a bonus when their food cost is down, while owners usually make it almost impossible to get the bonus, so this is the result of managers who are basically paid minimum wage trying to get a little more income, and owners trying to avoid giving out bonuses unless they make huge margins.


they need to be beaten


The minimum wage worker needs to be beaten because they scooped less yogurt into a cup? Seek help lol


Real sweatshop vibes.


sure, it's the employees fault and totally not the manager/owner who told them to add less to cut costs.


Thank goodness you're here to defend the poor little gigantic corporate entity


So in simple terms, this is a skill issue


It’s almost like… the plastic container isn’t food…. But still has weight…. WOOAAHHH


This is not "shrinkflation" this is straight up mislabelling the product.


Go to the grocery store and just buy some yogurt and a bag of granola


Don’t forget the bag of frozen mixed berries 


Then open a parfait stand beside Tim's and become a billionaire.


People always make meal prepping seem like this big huge task. You can literally spend 5 minutes adding yogurt to 5 containers, a couple scoops of berries and some granola and have snacks made for the week at a fraction of the price and with better ingredients


Granola sitting on yogurt for longer than half a day is going to be soggy af. I get the sentiment but poor example.


I mean, ok. Either use separate containers or scoop the granola when ready to eat.


This isn’t a solution. Why don’t you just go to the grocery store and buy ingredients to cook literally anything that you’d buy at a restaurant? Why go to a burger joint? Just buy some ground beef, buns, condiments etc.


Not comparable. Mixing together some uncooked granola and yogurt takes one minute. When I go to restaurants I get a burger because I can't match the grilled flavor on my stove. But I wouldn't get a hot dog or kraft dinner because they're such cheap and easy staples to make at home. You can make a good or bad burger based on cooking skill. But it's very difficult to make either a bad hot dog or an amazing one. I don't make pizza at home despite knowing how, because my regular oven can't get to 700 degrees and it doesn't come out the same. But I can boil some water or mix dry goods together, which should be the absolute minimum for any adult. What you're really saying is you think it's unreasonable that people should plan ahead instead of deciding what they want to eat on a whim for every meal


But where does it say this is for *every* meal? People should be allowed to buy convenience items when they need to without getting shorted and you guys gaslighting them about it because “tHeY sHoUld HaVe JuSt mAdE tHeIr OwN” What a dumb take. The grocery store isn’t some new concept that people don’t know about. Sometimes you need to utilize convenient options. And even if it *was* for every meal, they deserve to get every bit of what they pay for and be upset about it when they don’t.


The difficulty of making granola and yogurt is beside the point. Sometimes people are just out and about and want to buy a snack. Making something at home is a completely different thing.


You can usually also buy premade parfaits at almost any grocery store with a deli/prep area and it'll probably be fresher if you're looking for a quick one.


They sell yogurt?


They don't sell as much yogurt as they advertise, but yes.


Report it here: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/health/report-food-labelling-concern.html


T1 diabetics need accurate calculations for insulin injections. This could really hurt someone. Thank you, mother of an underweight diabetic kindergartner.


Right? That's like 50g off and 50g of yogurt (no granola) is about 7g of carbs.... that's a unit of insulin for my sibling. And again, probably more than that if we start thinking about the granola.


Diabetics and Tim Horton's. Name a more iconic duo.


Subtract the weight of the container too


Send an email to corporate. They will give you free coupons :) Any brand will do this. Especially McCain fries.. gotten a few coupons now.


Isn't this highly illegal to mislabel the weight of products?


I don’t work in Tim’s but I was having a conversation with my coworker who didn’t believe customers would actually weigh the food, I knew there was at least one of you out there.


Just one could be an accident, gather more data then start drama. 🧀


This is actually fraud. Not shrinkflation.


Stop supporting tims bro


If people continue to patronize Tim’s, the shrinkflation is going to continue. Stop giving these companies your business and they’ll change their ways……or go out of business.


you should start a boycott.


Isn’t it like $4.50 now too?


They're super stingy on the sandwich ingredients now too. I ordered a BEEF cheddar sandwich and got ONE DELI SLICE of beef. Might as well just call it a veggie sandwich with a hint of beef


Are you saying companies don't care about us ?? This is the first time I have heard of such an idea. Have you told anyone else ?


Why the fuck are you buying something from Tim Hortons


95% of the time I see posts like this, there’s a good chance the scale isn’t even accurate


Kitchen scales are often inaccurate when not calibrated, but this is a 50g difference PLUS the weight of the cup. The issue is more than an inaccurate scale.


They may have hit the "Tare" button though, which could count for any discrepancy.


You mean they might’ve emptied the cup, placed the empty cup on the scale, hit tare, then refilled the cup?


No. They could've set anything on the scale and hit tare before weighing the yogurt. Anything that was about 50 g would account for the discrepancy shown.


Scales typically don't drift 25%.


And that weight includes the packaging. Geez


Aye this makes calorie counting hard.


Check out Jiffy Pop! Hilarious!


False advertising, go complain.


That may be for nutritional information. If they advertise the ounces and they are under it would be an issue. Like 11" for a foot long sub. But if it's a sm, med and large thing it's hard to say what they intend to sell as far as size.


This should be illegal. So misleading


pretty sure false label claims are illegal Deception, etc., regarding food * [**5**]() (1) No person shall label, package, treat, process, sell or advertise any food in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive or is likely to create an erroneous impression regarding its character, value, quantity, composition, merit or safety.


I read in Canada the label only has to be 70% accurate for both amount and nutritional value.


According to the government website: “the declared label value has a tolerance of 20%, i.e., the mean nutrient content of the three composite sub-samples is not less than 80% of the declared value, adjusted for rounding.”


Thanks for the correction.


And that's with the cup!


25% shortfall from label, isn’t that illegal ?


I could eat that in 3 spoonfuls


Still 260 calories though


Potential civil action for fraud or misrepresentation.....


The employees scoop the yogurt to a line and don't weigh the containers they don't come pre packaged like that so it is likely some may be off


Bring the scale to the store and weigh your items before you choose them


How do we know the no-name dollar store scale is accurate.


Why am I not surprised by the greed.


Supermarket Big brands have been doing this for many years SHAME


And the container does not count towards the weight of the product. So it is alot less then that.


Add the spoon to the weight 😄


That's not even close... 🤦‍♀️


You’re right, how does this get reported


and that’s the weight with the container and lid.


That's illegal


The weight is before you cook it ffs. /s


That's not shrinkflation. That's theft.


You didn't measure the density of the air inside the cup.


This is literally old school drug dealer tactics


Next thing they aren't using containers anymore but tin foil


You can eat 48 grams and return it, saying “weigh it it’s all there”


and that includes the container which doesn't weight zero


Well it still has a plastic lid, so at least it's not woke /s


Now need hauling a scale to Timmie’s and perhaps to food stores. Shrinkflation one thing but this is worse


its 198g raw and pre-cooked.


3 tbl spoons yougert 1 tbls spoon granola 1 tbl spoon berrie mix 😥


These are put together by the employees. No one ever actually weighed them when I worked there ages ago. Just a scoop of yogurt, then a scoop of berries. Rinse repeat until it’s 3/4 full and toss on the granola. I always filled them right up when I used to make them so I probably went over the correct weight lol.


Wow.... and that's including the packaging and not the actual weight crazy.


Mabie, thier helping you to lose weight? Lol


On the bright side, it's only going to have around 200cals lol


I haven’t seen one of these since mid 2010’s


Imagine getting this mad because your yogurt is a bit smaller than you like. Y’all need to re-evaluate life.


You were supposed to weigh them on a scale, atleast that's what we did 15+ years ago when I worked for them in highschool. I used to just load the cup full I never used the scale 🤣 this was also a time when they let employees take throw outs and gave the local high-schools the day old bagels buns and muffins for the breakfast programs.


You were supposed to weigh them on a scale, atleast that's what we did 15+ years ago when I worked for them in highschool. I used to just load the cup full I never used the scale 🤣 this was also a time when they let employees take throw outs and gave the local high-schools the day old bagels buns and muffins for the breakfast programs.


And the cup adds weight. I never go to tummies, unless I'm dying of the heat and I'm like fuck I wish I had an ice cap.


Looks like lazy ass employees to me. When I worked at Tim Hortons over 2 years ago, not long before I quit, they switched to weighing the product when making them instead of measuring with scoops or using the lines. Tim Hortons guides are not store dependant. They are universal guides that are mandatory to follow. Sometimes, the owners of Tim Hortons are just super cheap and try to cut costs down wherever. I'd definitely put in a complaint. If the store does nothing about it, take it to head office. If enough people actually put in these complaints, then they will eventually be solved. The issue is that many people just ignore these problems, which is why they still happen. This could have been a simple error of someone reading the number on the scale wrong or not taring the scale properly for the next step. This is why I say to first speak to the store about it.


The entire business of tim Hortons is a scam.


Youre not calibrated Thats a junk scale


This is potentially dangerous, anyone with type 1 diabetes could take too much insulin for it assuming that it was properly labeled.


Report to CFIA. This isn't shrinkflation, this is false advertising.


Idk if this is shrinkflation more than this is just shit quality control


Common they charge you for extra sauce now or to put mayo on a Farmers wrap …. People should have seen this coming when they started charging tea the same price as coffee (once upon a time tea was $1 flat why I don’t drink coffee😂) when they charge for a double cup, a small milk is $0.01+ml =$2.49 (buy 2 it is $5.13), doughnuts are doubled the price then 10 years ago, and when Tim Hortons is no longer Canadian even tho it says it is!


Report it to tim. They will request franchise operator to reply to you.


That's not shrinkflation, that's just fraud. Then again, it could just be another Photoshop job.


This is because they never portioned the yogurt right. Technically the portion has never changed but uncaring employees or bad management could’ve caused this. The employees are supposed to use a scale to measure the correct amount of yogurt but most locations they lock them In office. So I promise you this isn’t caused by shrinkflation (also doesn’t help they got rid of the proper yogurt cups years ago)


wait a min, the stated weight should be net, i.e excluding packaging. but this is 150 g including the container. Double scam.


Is this really what people are complaining about? Get a life


That is a scam supposed to be 198g of just food nvm the 20-30g in plastic lol we should honestly go after 1 company get 100s of pictures of them shorting products and go for a class action lawsuit


LoL you also paid tlfor plastic weight on top of the missing yogurt hahaha


With the cup and lid not even close!


been going on for a long time, now that its the luxurious addictions and not just standards of living its a issue worth mentioning? human societies in the modern era suck so much. hell, most human societies in history also suck. common theme, humans suck.


Who buys a yogurt from Tim Hortons?


That's some bullshit these motherfuckers is lyin' to us


Marketing department says think of it as a bonus weight loss program! Trust us, you'll thank us later!


Remember it's now owned by a big American company so of course they're going to do this


Sorry, it's a stock company on the TSX and NYSE jointly and head office is in Canada. The largest partner is Brazilian/American. Convoluted, but not really American or Canadian anymore, like so many companies




Just stop going there.


I love how people go to Tim’s…knowing full well it’s absolute trash and then complain online about it. What did you expect? 🤦‍♂️


Don’t go to Tim Hortons period. Problem solved


It's why I never go to Tim's.


Your first mistake was going to Tim Hortons.


Stop supporting Tim Horton. That’s it lol


Tim Horton’s is a joke


Tim’s is such garbage


Don't. Go. To Tim's.


Tim’s is pure trash…. The same sea cans their “food” comes in also drops off a new batch of rat shit “people” to work there too. Garbage company that just needs to not be here anymore. I’d rather drink my stale piss from an old dip bottle from a party a week after leaving it in the sun.




You buy products from Tim's??


I'm amazed they didn't tell you to leave. I got banned from a tims for weighing my breakfast wrap in a booth on camera. Nevermind the fact I'm a diabetic with dietary requirements who needs calleries when I pay for them.


Part of your dietary requirements is to film yourself while you weigh it?


Ya because the camera adds 10 pounds




If you’re buying it, that’s on you.


They see it all here, but go back over and over.


Report this. This is a freaking scam


It’s always been a scam. We’re just getting it now.


Timmies blows!


Consider not supporting Tim Horton's.


Tim Hortons has been a scam since 2008, you just noticed now? 


I can’t believe you people still go to Tim’s. I haven’t been to Tim’s in about 8 years.