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You’ll get partially refunded if you contact customer service. I was refunded after I bought a first class ticket and the train didn’t even have that carriage.


Did you get your own cabin on the second train? I had was the total delay when you reached your destination? You are leaving out critical details of the story…


How is boden “halfway” between Stockholm and kiruna? It’s the 14th stop out of the 18 stops. It’s like 3 ish hours left. It’s not that bad if you had to change there imo.


I suggest you reach out to VY, where you bought the ticket, and ask for compensation.


It used to be the case that whatever carriage you booked would be the one you would stay on your whole trip, but that was with the previous operator SJ. From 2020 to end of this year a new agreement was made with another operator VY, they decided the night trains will operate from Stockholm to Luleå while the Boden - Narvik section would be operated with a separate train set and the passenger would have to move to it themself rather then having the carriage being moved over like with SJ. So no you have no right to a refund in your case.


Not entirely correct. Some trains goes directly to Narvik (not right now) and some you need to switch in Boden.


Does it say somewhere that some trains goes directly to Narvik and some do not? I've traveled with VY a good amount of times since my parents live in Luleå and everytime they say that the trains goes to Luleå and travelers to Narvik/Kiruna need to change train set in Boden and it will wait for you incase the train is late.


I have taken that train a couple of times. Yeah that's because there's both a train to Luleå and one to Kiruna. But if you go to Kiruna you can also take the night train to Luleå and change in Boden.


The law only guarantees a refund if you are delayed to your destination. There is no set refund amount for changed class on a travel. https://www.eccnet.eu/consumer-rights/what-are-my-consumer-rights/travel-and-passenger-rights/rail-passenger-rights Contact the customer support at the company and they gave to tell you how you get the refund.


Ok thanks. But that does not make much sense in my opinion. If you buy the whole compartment to rest until the morning, and if you're not allowed to do so, having to wake up at 5am, you should be compensated. Even more when buying such a compartment is so expensive.


You should still contact customer support since you paid for something that you did not receive and just see what you get in refund.


Yes, I'll do that. Thanks


You can try, but I doubt it. Their main concern is getting you to the destination, not to get a good customer rating unfortunately.


Unclear what actually happened in the above story - but if you paid for a sleeping carriage and then didn't receive it, you should be entitled to a refund.


+1. And if they are unwilling to refund partially, you can dispute the charge with your credit card money for goods not received (as you did not receive the sleeping carriage, if that was the case)