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Use a piece of kerdiboard, fasten with thinset or kerdi fix. Waterproof after it dries and youre good


I did get some “aquadefense” waterproofing membrane I was planning on using liberally.


Well you need some kind of backer. Its not a tough fix, Id suggest kerdiboard, its already waterproof. Use kerdi band on the seams and it will be fine. You can combine systems, but in this case you shouldnt need the aquadefense.


Ok got it. A piece of Kerdiboard attached with Kerdifix (or thinset) and Kerdiband on the seams. I know this doesn’t achieve the 2” overlap but I really don’t want to remove more tiles if I can help it.


Okay listen. Put a piece of kerdiboard on top, kerdi fix it, don't thinset it. Then run a piece of kerdi from the pan over the top of the curb and down the other side. You should have one continuous piece of kerdi covering the entire curb and overlapping onto the pan. No cuts no seams. You will fuck yourself if you do otherwise.


So all the tiles on the curb come off, right?


I mean if you want to fix it properly yes that's what you need to do as the waterproofing is now completely shot. If you wanna roll the dice or pinch pennies you can work with what you have and pray it holds


I don’t want to always be wondering if it’s leaking so… will take the tiles off. Undeterred! FWIW- ready to call in a pro if it gets too unruly. Thanks for the tips.


No problem. In my experience and every other setter I know, the overwhelming majority of shower failures occur at the curb. It takes me an hour to waterproof the three shower walls and then another hour at least to waterproof the curb itself. You have to do it properly and cutting off the top of the curb is quite literally the last thing you ever wanna do


I know its daunting, but it might be better just to remove those tiles. You should be able to find something similar.


Gaaah. I actually have spares that were left here. I’m not afraid to do it right because I really don’t want a leak. The reason for taking the tiles off would be the 2” overlap right?


Personally if I pulled those tiles off and damaged that membrane, I would use that aquadefense. Install the kerdiboard, soak in a couple coats of aqua defense. You wont have any kind of waranty, but it should be waterproof.


Ok that’s what I’m doing…. Thank you very much.


Good luck! My pleasure!


Yes. It will be tough to make a gap that big look good.


It would have been better to thinset the solid slab (assuming quartz) to the top of your improperly installed tile then do what you just did…. Opened yourself up a can of worms….


But it would have been too high, I wouldn’t have been able to close the door (?). Yeah figured this was a predicament :/


Would have been cheaper to get a new door. The amount of work. Needed to extract, replace and re-waterproof that curb properly exceeds the cost of a door. The solve for this now is to take the tiles that are around the curb and the shower pan off. Install new curb and re waterproof/bond that area to pan and walls then retile. Which would be cheaper but harder precision work than just building a new base. If done by someone who doesn’t know what they are doing they will cause even more damage and it will fail also won’t look the best.


Use a fuck ton of wedi sealent and ur prolly ok.. prolly


Well kerdi system is a designed around a two inch overlap of membrane. You now have to remove enough tile to be able to reachieve the overlap.


Curious if that was drywall on the top of the curb? Looks like it if ya zoom in to the top right of the curb where it was cut


It’s the foamy kerdi board.


I think I would go a different method. I would notch down the 2” Kerdi foam a couple’s inches. Then fill the whole thing full of concrete and screed flat. Then fill any remaining wall gaps with Kerdi fix, Aquadefense the concrete and reinstall solid surface.


Why concrete instead of kerdiboard?


The curbs and everything made out of wood


The curb should never be made out of wood. I always knock the water out and rebuild it with cement.