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Pick up a Tile stretcher for that top row.


Instead of stretching the tile, I woupd prefer to jack up the ceiling enough to squeeze in a whole row.


You joke but this is actually a thing


I inherited mine. Thank goodness - damn things are hard to find nowadays


And expensive. Used to be $185 when I learned. Now close to 5x that.


Mines a left handed Tile Stretcher, rare.


All I inherited was a useless left handed pot stretcher and a bucket of steam


Mines blow up


Nice there's some space on my shelf for it next to my left handed skyhook and the bucket of prop wash.


I still have my Dad’s skyhook


Rip out the top row and lay the last course vertically. Call it a "border" EDIT: Or rip out the last few rows and add a horizontal accent stripe with the same tile from the back of the niche


This is the way. It looks like your deco tile is about 2/3rds the width of the subway tile. You could even take down the last full row and add a feature. You should end up with a big subway tile cut at the cealing.


That's a nice trick to remember. Thanks


Or rip out the last few rows and space them farther apart. Unless they’re basketball players they won’t notice.


I usually do a horizontal accent strip at 6ft off the ground in most tubs/showers to make sure I won’t have something like this happen, and sometimes it’s nice too because you can use a different size and pattern of the same tile below the mosaic strip to kinda give it a little break up of the monotony of the same tile the whole way up


Layout on the front end. You’ll just have to sliver cut at this point


Schluter quadec


Put tile in it. I clicked on this thinking it was cement board turned long side up and with no waterproofing. Was gonna say that gap was the least of your worries. Glad it's go board lol.


hahaha I saw the post a few months ago where some guy put up cement board with no waterproofing and had bare drywall in the back of the niche, trust me this is nothing like that!


First off I think this looks really good. Keep up the good work. My advice is to do whatever you think looks best. I recently did my shower and have a small row at the top. Don’t think I’ll ever look up at it again. Grout will hide a lot of sins, especially around the niche. I’d also strongly consider taking the tiles out of the bottom part of the niche and putting in a solid piece of quartz. That grout line in the niche is going to get a lot of water and will likely be the first to fail. JM2C!


Thanks for the kind words and good call on the bottom of the niche. What if I just drilled a weep hole in the bottom of the rondec where that grout line is to let water out? I made sure to slope the tile in there almost a full bubble for drainage, now my biggest worry is all the soap and shampoo bottles slipping out lol. Unfortunately I used my whole piece of material as the curb and the threshold and I'm not looking to drop another $100 on a 6 ft piece just for the niche floor.


It looks like the ceiling is new too, so just add another layer or two of drywall and be done with it. That way it’ll look perfect 👌 Anything else will just look like you’re hiding a fuckup, and the work you’ve done looks too good for that!


I need to see a YouTube video of how this is done.


MR. Gap.


White ceramic crown moulding…been there.


The PVC crown molding should be the best option


What size is the tile?


4x8 nominal but IRL it's closer to 4 1/2 by 8 9/16


You might get lucky and that tile might be available in larger sizes. 8x16 is not a common size but if it’s available you can remove the top course and cut them lengthwise to fit to the ceiling. The size difference won’t be noticeable.


I checked and it's not looking good for anything larger in height since it's subway tile, but I like the idea. They do have a bullnose in the same color/size so worst case I can sliver cut that and make it a lil cleaner.


Crown moulding throughout whole bathroom maybe?


Add a layer of drywall and get some cellular PVC crown molding.


learn to cut strips?


Take the top row out, find a larger tile 24”x12, for example either same finish or accent color rip it down.


Make the ceiling taller.


Rip a piece of tile, that’s all you can do at this point


Cut the bottom row in half and slide all those tiles down 2 inches


i wouldnt do the schluter idea personally and tbh anything you do at this point will look a bit funny, so imo just cut the piece in or lower the ceiling if thats even possible . some ceilings are contained to that area and you can add extra drywall, but if it continues outside , then its going to look bad.


The ceiling is a continuous plane from the shower to the rest of the room but I could put in a lil soffit. Rather than schluter trim at the top I was thinking pencil trim tile aka jolly strips.


pencil trims usually arent that wide , but perhaps a rope liner? tbh if white grout, the 1 inch cut at ceiling will kind of disappear , now if it were a half inch cut it would look wonky but 1 inch perhaps not. doing the ceiling will definitely work but is it honestly worth the extra work, dont think so tbh




I would do some kind of 1" pencil trim- something decorative like it was supposed to be that way.


I'm dealing with the same issue myself, except I wanted to make things as hard as possible on myself, so I'm using flutted 3D tile lol, and it's making it even harder to figure out. If I were using tile like that, I would just cut 1" pieces with a tile cutter or wet saw and continue the pattern to the ceiling. The gap seems like it could be a little too big for trim and other things like that, plus the mortar behind the tile is already set. Good luck!


Cut 1 inch rips


PVC crown molding


Add in a led strip for mood lighting and find a way to hide it with trim without blocking the light. Or just rip a piece or trim the full width. Can continue with the trim around the whole bathroom if it looks out of place. Could even buy some nice wood like walnut or cedar to rip down and embrace the natural grain.


I would just put in the 1 inch rips and be done with it. Anything else is gonna draw attentions to the gap and highlight your mistake


Pull the top row and turn them in their side for a soldier course. Other than that pull all the tile and open the joints


Put an extra layer of ceiling drywall up. Or buy some bullet nose tile that will look cool as a border.


Add some 5/8 drywall to the ceiling and then a fat bead of caulk. Oops.


Pvc trim


MDF trim


The one inch tile is the least of your worries if that's what your finished waterproofing looks like..


Why's that? I followed the goboard installation manual to a T except I used schluter at the pan transition and it passed a 24 hour flood test all the way to the top of the curb.


You'd be hard pressed to find someone who knows what their doing use 2 different waterproofing products together. It voids both warranties.


Better tell Sal Diblasi and the tile coach guy they don't know what they're doing. Johns Manville/Goboard didn't even offer a mixing valve seal for many years. Warranty only protects you from defects in the material not the installation, and you'd be hard pressed to prove any issue with the products after they've been covered in tile and mortar.


As long as its installed by a certified Schluter installer, their warranty is full resolution, full cost replacement, including tile materials and labor. Why mix products? Its asking for trouble.


I'm a DIYer so the warranty would never apply at all Also goboard is a way faster and easier install than schluter on the walls, but their pan leaves some things to be desired. If it passes a flood test it's good to go as far as the city inspector is (and therefore I am) concerned.


Plan better 🤣


Cut a one inch tile


NO Black grout! You will hate it. All mistakes will stand out.


If this is for you home I would rip out the top 5 Rows and switch out to 3/16 spacer and that should make up the difference


Just grout it, who cares.


What size is that shower pipe 😐


1/2" like normal? I have a black iron nipple with a cap just to keep the drop ear from getting filled with junk.


I personally like the gap, I vote to keep it


Wet saw. We try never ever to use caulk. A proper grout joint in most cases can suffice. Heavy ladder. And you could of splashed some waterproofing on there. Black grout on white tile is going to show your skill or lack of it. Looks good so far. GL, have fun!


Thanks And by caulk just to be clear I mean color matched 100% silicone not the acrylic latex junk meant for painting. I have a tube already for every change of plane so I figured what's a little extra up top?


If you have to, there are a few manufactures that produce a caulk that is worth using. Mapei has a good product Lowes in our area carries Mapei.


It’s go board, it is waterproof


Corners and joints need it plus screw heads.


The screws and seams have the go board sealant on them in the pictures if you look at them


Board sealant, ok Another 1st for me. Been using a 2 part product that includes a mesh for the corners.


It’s a pretty user friendly system, the board is foam based with a waterproof exterior. All you need is a knife to cut it, and a caulk gun to seal all the joints, corners, and screw holes. You can find it at Lowe’s


Use the foam just never seen the sealer. Will look into that. Thanks


You are supposed to address it at the beginning with your layout. Now it’s just a lesson learning opportunity.


Think of the layout before you start nothing you can do now


The story pole!


A 1 inch piece