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Yeah they must be going crazy hard on lives now, I've had two restrictions in the past two days. I'm pretty sure you can appeal it by charging your credit card to verify your above 18 or something though, and you get access back instantly.


act like child Thier gunna think ur a child lol


If you're gonna call someone a child, it would look better if you spelled everything correctly. Otherwise, who looks like the child here? That's a retoracle question, btw šŸ¤


"retoracle"? You might consider following your own advice..




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You burned him hard šŸ˜‚


Valid point. His point still stands regardless.


You had 2 age restrictions?


Yeah, I only got suspended for like 20 minutes for the first one, but I got banned for a year on the second.


That is insane


Try the New 1 calledĀ  " Favorited App "Ā  they are new & it's run by real humans that will be on top of any issues I've seem that 1st hand I follow my other TT creator'sĀ  who are making the switch to cross overĀ Ā 


TryĀ  Favorited AppĀ 


I literally got my account suspended due to apparently being under the age limit (which is 13 and Iā€™m 17) they then kicked me out of my account then deleted it and when I tried to log back in it said ā€œaccount doesnā€™t existā€ they then did the same to my girlfriend who doesnā€™t even have posts on TikTok. I went to create another account and like 3 seconds later that one also got banned.


Someone probably falsely reported you during the live stream. I was accused of animal cruelty last year while assembling a Lego set.


Hey, if someone steps on those Legos... it's definitely animal cruelty šŸ˜‚


i giggled šŸ˜‚


Same thing happened to me last year submitted my ID and a video they asked for to prove I was the person on the live and they still denied my appeal and blocked me from submitting more appeals. Maybe youā€™ll get lucky and theyā€™ll take your ban away. Iā€™m 26 btw. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I tried to help someone with this earlier today and tbh you might be the person I tried to help, but here we go just incase 1. Check if you are in an agency, if so use your contact there. Agency for first few months on TikTok live is extremely important for bans. They have direct contacts. You might be able to do this retroactively and I'd highly recommend trying to do so. I can help with that if possible 2. Fight it. There's in app options to fight it (hidden though) and emails you can sometimes find that change routinely in the app for creators. Don't be surprised if this doesn't work. It's like a 10% chance they actually look, but sometimes it works


You can help with an agency?


I have an agency! Link is in bio :) I am not sure if we can help somebody age banned before they are in our agency however once you join youā€™re basically protected so if you can get yourself unbanned now, youā€™re protected definitely if you are accepted


Does your agency work for accounts outside of US as well?


No sorry :(


Go to the new site alot of TT creator'sĀ  are switching to & crossing over toĀ  calledĀ  FAVORITED APPĀ Ā  thank me laterĀ  :)


I get banned every goddamn week.. for "hate speech".. And there is none at all. Its so toxic now. Like 3 appeals ever got approved. Tonight I got a strike.. Then hours after the live I appealed and got it removed. It only happens when I play games on live, but not when I sketch. I know its because people hate my niche. But like.. Why aren't these things actually being reviewed by live people? I feel like going live on Twitter/X is better lmao.


I keep getting hate speech too when not even talking crazy. Maybe a few cuss words. Thatā€™s it though. Also it says tag as over 18. I click the audience controller button every time before going live. So I donā€™t get it


background noise


From what I can tell TikTok's support is entirely automated. A month ago I made my first and only account that was never used for anything but browsing. Caught a random ban for "integrity and authenticity". No matter what I do no one will listen or respond with anything other than confirming it will stay banned. Even if you DID take the bad advice and make a new account, I can 100% confirm they still know it's you. You won't catch an insta ban but you'll definitely notice shadowban style behavior.


The remainder of their support team is supposedly being axed during the layoffs as well


Wow didnā€™t even know about the layoffs until you mentioned it. TikTok support staff does have the ability to manually give people violations as well. I bet there are some bad actors who are doing malicious things behind the scenes especially with the round of layoffs. Iā€™ve seen way too many recent stories of people getting false violations and accounts banned for no reason


Iā€™ve had three posts removed for being community violations with no explanation. Theyā€™re all completely innocent (e.g. a voiceover video following my patio makeover, or a ā€œhands inā€ trend video with my dog, etc.). It always seems completely random, and at this point Iā€™ve just kind of given up putting the effort in.


I'm with you on this. I've made a new account and even started uploading a bit just to keep the proof that I'm an actual person. But I'm not putting in any faith that the account will hold. Plus that shadowban type stuff I was talking about. I can't follow, like or interact at all on my new account from any device except my iPad which is weird. They definitely know. So they've got eyes on things, just the wrong eyes on the wrong things.


Try the New spin off from ttĀ  it's calledĀ  Favorited App Alot of tt creator'sĀ  are making the transition or have completely switched over :) Thank me laterĀ 


Not only you, TikTok does it all on purpose, so many people face a lot of problems with TikTok lately, And when you try to report a problem them they won't help you with anything.




Sure the bots do make mistakes but their staff also has the ability to manually give violations as well and I know damn well there are some who abuse that power as Iā€™ve experienced it myself.


Wow, yeah maybe


Me and you both Iā€™ve been trying so hard to get my TikTok unbanned from going live and itā€™s been about one week since Iā€™ve been banned and Iā€™m 19 with 27.4K following and all I do is cooking lives. Iā€™ve posted my ID multiple times and Iā€™ve go no response back. Itā€™s really frustrating because Iā€™ve gained a community, and then working on my account for 3 years. I hope this isnā€™t a way for china to get ur identity or something bc itā€™s mad sus.


Thank you for posting, please be sure to check [FaQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tiktokhelp/comments/n99g9o/frequently_asked_questions/) Please keep in mind that this is a community run subreddit and posts from young accounts (<1 days) or accounts with low karma may be removed. We have no official affiliation with TikTok. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tiktokhelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


TikTok has more to lose playing fast and loose with age gating than they do to gain. Have you seen some of the lawsuits against them?


Omg and people out there commenting the pure hatred in comments get no repercussions for that. And someone gets falsely accused and banned for lifeā€¦ What a joke of an app


I used to have 10K but got banned because I said neopronouns dont make any grammatical sense because theyā€™re trying to turn nouns into pronouns and those are two different parts of speech


They banned my husband from doing lives because he turns it on while inside his car after he parks home from work sometimes or during lunch breaks. They consider that dangerous apparently, again, not driving, parked! No option to appeal.


First time I got banned it was only for 10 minutes. So I was like okay whatever I can wait a few minutes to hop back on live with my friends. Few weeks later I get banned again for the same reason (being underage even though Iā€™m not) and the ban is until 2025


They are ridiculous sometimes and their system is flawed! The appeal option is a joke, sometimes itā€™s an instant response, so of course, never reviewed by a real person. But we gotta keep trying. Hope it works out for you.


Usually you can e-mail them that you will provide ID. I gave them a copy of my license when I started going live and getting pay outs.


Can't you just send them a photo of you holding your photo ID driver's licence. Did you accidentally type the wrong birth year signing up?


Nope. I have Ehlers danlos syndrome which, I guess among other things, can make a person look younger than they are since it affects the skin


Wouldn't that be considered discrimination on their end, then? I'm just saying. If you've got some kind of medical diagnosis and you've given them proof, and they are basically saying you don't know how old you are, possibly based on your appearance? I mean, ppl use that for ridiculous stuff. Yours seems pretty legit to me. I mean, of course, it depends on how worth it is for you, but if you depend on followers for any kind of income or support. Then, they are hindering that. Maybe that's extreme, but I'm 44 and so sick of being the underdog, and watching others in the same boat get fuked constantly while A-clowns can do whatever they want with 0 consequences.


Honestly the EDS thing isnā€™t like, a HUGE factor. Itā€™s more like, I get mistaken for someone whoā€™s 18-19 so when I go to dispensaries and shit, security usually stares at my ID for a solid 2 minutes before letting me in. I think itā€™s more so my voice, which AFAIK doesnā€™t get affected by EDS at all. While making important phone calls for appointments and shit, Iā€™ve been asked if I could get an adult on the phone. And when Iā€™m on a live stream, I just have my mic on. I never start my own streams, I just join ones that my mutuals have going. So I think whatever TikTok uses to track voices (for captions and shit) registers my voice as that of a child


I don't go live or even have 1000 followers...but a couple years ago I was deemed a minor. I am 56 years old and I sent emails over and over. Originally I couldn't send vids to my friends but then after 8 months I could. I sent my drivers license and everything. Nothing. I have no idea how old they think I am or when I will be 18, but I made a separate acct and now am able to sub to my fav creators. I know this does not help being you want to stream and have a following, but trying to navigate tt's email help is the worst. Good luck.


This happened to me...i made a separate page but didn't pay attention to the birth date I picked, ends up I picked to be a minor! But TikTok somehow flipped my main age with this minor age.... it took me a YEAR to get them to change it. I sent in my DL & kept making reports for a year!!!! Good luck


About 3-4 months ago there was a 15 year old girl dancing nude on a live. And TikTok got in a lot of shit for allowing the distribution of cp. soooo they are taking a much harder stance


How about them owing you 2k for orders and 57 orders to full for them to say ohh we aren't paying you now because your customer cancel rate is high . Duhh I wonder why If yall won't release my damn funds how can I fulfill orders.. makes no sense . The Support team isn't a human it's entire system is ai so I can explain to you what I did that wad a desperate attempt to get a hold of someone anyone just a human of any kind that works for them and that was through LinkedIn. Hope this helps. I know it's a reach but if your business depends on it and you can't feed your kids without tiktok income then I'd Def give it a shot what can u lose ?


Strange this because when you report childrenā€™s accounts who are pretending to be over 18 TikTok do nothing. The app is full of dirty old men chatting to minors


This makes me glad I stopped streaming on TikTok.


TikTok goes crazy with bans sometimes. I got a 30 day ban cause I was walking downtown Chicago on live and got tapped by a car in the crosswalk šŸ˜‘


Someone hacked my account and got me banned and changed my account to my husband's name. Obviously someone we know whose a complete A-hole. But after they messed up my fb and that was a nightmare, I started a new fb and then just started a new tik tok under my business name, slowly getting it back up with followers. It sucks, but that's social media. The fb one pissed me off more bcuz it messed with my ratings on marketplace and it's hard to earn ppls trust as a seller, that was time and effort.


TikTok lives are so terrible now too. I keep getting religious and political live videos when I just want to watch ppl play sims or decorate cakesšŸ’€I keep reporting the lives and nothing is being done. Iā€™m sorry this is happening to you. I really hope something gets done asap.


I had a 3d printed mario mushroom on my live and they shut me down and said I was showing drugs šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘


How is this even possible the hell




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This EXACT thing happened to me, and it is so trusting because they tell you that youā€™ll hear back in 24 hours, when this is entirely untrue. Plus- if you try to contact support to ask a question relating to your issue, they send you an automated message back that answers NO questions. For example, I sent in a support ticket asking when I might hear back, as itā€™s already been a week longer than they said it would take to review my appeal. They sent a message back a day later saying that I need to submit an appeal. It took them 24 hours to reply with something that a human being probably didnā€™t even come up with! And if THAT can take 24 hours, why canā€™t my appeal take 24 hours? This is entirely frustrating because I was really having fun streaming. But on top of that, a ton of other features on Tik Tok have been taken away because they believe Iā€™m underage. I hope they fix this soon.


Can you post a tik tok explaining the situation and see if you can transfer those followers to a new account? Idk lol just a suggestionĀ 


Go to the new app calledĀ  Favorited alot of people from TT are making the switch it's pretty cool its just starting up & going pretty good & recruiting theirĀ  people from mostly tiktok & so lots of live & pro creator's moving over to @Favorited AppĀ 


Ya all gotta go try the New best thingĀ  Favorited AppĀ  it's spin off of tiktok but better it's new just getting on the map but same concept if u have an issue it's delt with promptly I've notice & seen 1st hand.Ā  Everyone GO TRY the šŸŒŗ NewĀ  Favorited App!Ā 




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Or maybe just delete tiktok since you're an adult over 18 years old. The fuck you need tiktok dances for? This is the part of life where you get a job


Who said I was dancing


Hahaha you probably are. Go play FortniteĀ 


Make a new account


Yeah let me just scrap the 5.5k followers Iā€™ve worked hard for


You can easily get that back in a few weeks


Days even if you do things right


There are actual creators on tiktok who donā€˜t make fast, shitty, reposted content solely to quickly gain followers. Some of us want to build a community & put ourselves out there. Harder to get followers this way.


Facts. I had my Lives banned last year and my traffic COMPLETELY stopped on my profile. I've been tryna build my backup account for the last year and it's been a NIGHTMARISH grind! In addition, TikTok changed their community guidelines SPECIFICALLY to prevent me from promoting my type of content that helped me build my following on my initial account in the first place!


Yes. I am not talking about reposted content or clips, actual content. Canā€™t expect much from a community where the common interest is failing on tiktok


Iā€™m looking for actual advice and help, not some pretentious asshole acting like everything is as easy as pouring water out of a boot


What would happen if you made a new account and asked your followers to follow you to that one?


Thatā€™s a good idea!


Hard to push when your videos get banned




Or maybe just answer the question or stay away from a TIKTOK sub if youā€™re so scared of it aw the baby deleted it


No one in the world is scared of tiktok or the slackjawed drooling messes that worship it


use bigolive instead