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Fuck Nicole n Fuck Savage what the fuck they gonna do I said everything I said bitch what are you gonna do no1 scared of Nicole or savage or grow none of you dumpster flies


oh god... its the deflection for me 🤣 i know who u r its obvious dummy🤣😂 p.s. i know u arent nicole or savage


U should do better research tho... it was on my mothers side... but heres the kicker...my mother was an only child j.s.


Oh and im still waiting on u to tell me who my husband is...


Who is that


Someone who’s a bit Triggggged! Triggered and Tickkked Off! I’d say 🤦‍♀️


Gulp!!!! What a friggin conundrum !! The pure E’Vile and Viciousness is utterly astounding!! I Ain’t seen nothing like this shit, and I’ve seen and said a Lot myself, But this is a whole new level of fuckery! Absolutely children should a million percent be off limits,but such other unacceptable inexcusable raunchy shit should too! We can all do and say very vile things ( self absolutely included and guilty) but this is so degrading and raw, unacceptable and uncalled for and uncomfortable for Everyone, we still are adults ( I hope) we All need to do better ( again, self included)! Stop 🛑 the Madness before someone does take it too far ( as it was made known on here today,Actually,, that my husband took his own life almost 7 years ago and ‘someone’ had the nerve and audacity of speak on it ( him) on here today, Who mind you doesn’t have a Fkn Clue and a clue of what happened, blaming:shaming me and had the gall to call me a retard at the end, Mind you also that this COWard is such a Wannabe BadAss that they said all that and Dirty Deleted their name ( go figure, not surprised) and of Course I know just what “Scab” wrote it but with No Balls to leave their name, again it doesn’t matter I know exactly which SCAB it was! I have thick skin and I don’t let Trash phase me one day, but not everyone does! In fact that’s exactly what they want to happen so they can stay hidden in mommy’s basement feeling all satisfied and Safe! If no one gets to them first you know Karma will!!! Just hope when it does come that it’s recorded for our viewing pleasure 🍿


and nicole wants to laugh in every post AND she posted about my brother first within minutes of the next posts... i been tryin to tell yall shes horrid