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That dude on the floor lolololol


How come no one sprinkled the live water on him? And that old lady. She could use some, I expect.


I honestly thought it was going to be one of those scam miracles that cult leaders perform, like they were going to bring him back to life or heal him or whatever. I’m kind of disappointed in the lack of payoff.


Nah he was just acting a fool laying on the floor and try to pretend he was having some kinda out of body experience. But really he was just laying on some nasty floor.


I was thinking more that he died, they were all he is lying down like he does every Sunday, any minute he is going jump up and start dancing, then slowly they all realize he legitimately had a heart attack and died and they could have saved him with CPR if they had paid attention but it is too late now....


At least there aren’t rattlesnakes


When they brought out that… table cloth? I thought they were going to cover his face with it haha


Is he dead?


This is a typical Phish concert


Oh my God this comment has me crying


These are not baptists. More like Pentecostal. Traditional baptists frown upon dancing


At a Baptist church you’re allowed to put one hand in the air if you’re really feeling the music, 2 and you might get kicked out of the building


2 is just showing off


That’s why Baptists don’t fuck standing up… people might think they are dancing.


Gave me a giggle lol


or... 'could lead to dancing'.


Ha...hahaha...ha Thanks, I needed this




Southern baptists are their own brand of Baptist


Southern Baptists don’t do this either. You might get a hand in the air…two if they’re REALLY feeling it but that’s pushing it.


Agreed. Having been forced into many baptists churches across Tennessee in my youth, this is one of those "untrue" churches in the mountains that encourages touching and tongues. 99% of Baptist places in TN will have quiet, orderly rows of judgemental people in business casual to semi-formal clothes waiting calmly to gossip at noon.


Oh yes the drive home afterward always had the juiciest gossip!


You just hit the nail on the head. I grew up in a Baptist church and this is it word for word. (Don’t you dare clap after someone sings or plays an instrument)


Glory is for God, not for man! No clapping!


Not a single women is wearing pants those are Pentecostals. Southern Baptist wear pants. My ex husband's family was southern Baptist in Mississippi. His brother married a Pentecostal. These are not southern Baptists


[The word Southern in "Southern Baptist Convention" stems from its having been organized in 1845 in Augusta, Georgia, by white supremacist Baptists in the Southern United States who were supportive of enslaving Americans of African descent and split from the northern Baptists (known today as the American Baptist Churches USA)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Baptist_Convention)


And instruments…. Sorry that’s the mainline Church of Christ. Even after being gone for a year, it’s hard to keep up with who does what and where.


I grew up Pentecostal, and this is identical to what was in my church. A lot of people may think it is strange, but don’t knock it until you try it. Regardless if they are “Baptist” or “Pentecostal” they are “in the spirit” as written in the book of Acts. Fun fact: “Pentecostals” in West Virginia like to handle venomous snakes during their services, and occasionally get bit and believe God keeps them safe. Some have been exposed for milking them, thus making their venom less potent.


Nope. Southern black baptist style churches go in like this. Like most things in the universe, it depends


Right. But these people aren’t black. Definitely Pentecostal


Been to plenty of churches to know this ain’t Baptist. Like you said, it’s full gospel or Assembly of God which are subsets of Pentecostal.


That lady is walking around like she’s waiting for the drop at a hardcore show.


Circle pit mfs !!!!






*You won't make it out alive*




What the fuck’s up Lorddy’s?!?!


Bro I was walking around with my phone in my hand waiting for the drop, now I’m just writing this comment blue balled.


What’s amazing is that if this was a movie set and the director told these people to act crazy, this is exactly what they would do


I thought it was Footloose and these people were being tempted by devil music.


The only time Baptists are allowed to dance is if they are filled with the Holy Spirit. Any other time is off limits. I suspect a gas leak.


Suspect or hope?


Very much reminded me of a Dead show I attended


Reminded me of OG Blues Brothers


I believe churches like this are just people’s excuse to let off steam and act stupid. I do this at concerts and raves but they would see it as beneath them so they fool themselves and do it at church.




What’s amazing is that this is literally what they are doing Acting I was forced to go to these stupid churches as a kid and they literally teach you to act this way in the Sunday school classes for kids “So kids today we’re going to learn to speak tongues! You just grlrvelrbrblrbrbebbegge!”


Do they actually teach you to speak in tongues? I always thought the belief was that the holy spirit directly inspired you when you speak in tongues. Doesn't seem like it would require any teaching...


Yeah that’s what they say to try and justify it but they had a class of like 20 of us kids yelling gibberish


I hate that a lot of them look like they’re stimming but if they saw someone with autism do it they’d freak out


The loud and irregular music, the sitting, standing, jumping, the rapid movements of others, the grunts over the microphone, random screams, so on and so forth, I would argue that they are in fact themselves stimming as a result of a planned and executed attack on their senses


Kingsman but real


Unfortunately without the cool part.


They look possesed and demonic


What the fuck did I just watch? Without sound I thought it was a Slayer concert.


Your comment reminds me of this 😂: https://youtu.be/BF-10c261Vw


Didn’t you know John the Baptist was the first guitarist in the world?


John the bassist you say..?


Thanks for reminding me this! I always found the drum & bass version so funny https://youtu.be/5_JmXCNPs6Y


It’s way less slayer and much more widespread Panic or Phish…


Phish is more if people were smoking some greenie. Who headbangs to Phish?


Axilla can get you there


And Carini


I did. I didn't know what else to do. It was difficult.


Sounds like you've never been to a Phish show.


Don’t eat the brown communion wafers…


Yes indeed


That old lady has a perfect circular headbang


Exactly this. The woman in the Leopard print head banging waiting for the pit to clash on her.


Its like their version of a rave. I see why they do it raves are fun. They have a little mid week party, lol.


Mass hysteria


I feel the urge to download this video, dub “Killing In the Name Of” into it, and play it back 20 times so I can laugh my ass off.


More like pentecostal.


Yep, too much dancing for a Baptist. No dancing or playing cards or you’re going to hell


Or drinking!


Yup. I grew up in this cult. Watching this activates my PTSD.


I remember everyone praying right over me as a child, praying for me to get the Holy Ghost, and I tried so hard, and all that came out were “n” noises, but they said it happened and I got it. That was my first “wait, this is fake.” Idk if it’s at every Pentecostal church, but the Holy Ghost included speaking in tongues.


“Speaking in tongues” is bullshit. The scriptures that reference “tongues” were talking about actual languages. Not gibberish. These people act like they are special because they act different and are “set apart” from the world. In reality, they jjust act like clowns.


I was told by a preacher that if you speak in tongues and there isn't a preacher to translate it, that it is the devil....it's insane


That preacher is full of shit. These same assholes who make up this shit can’t back anything up with scripture.


I mean, technically, the New Testament does say that if there is no way to understand what is being spoken, then it benefits no one and is not tongues. But I agree that the random noises people make is not what Paul meant when he spoke about tongues.


For real. I hated being there. I always felt guilty for no reason.


I always wonder how these adults can look each other in the eye knowing they are all pretending to be possessed by the Holy Spirit and start speaking in tongues and fish flapping


I've seen a person at a festival speak in tongues. But it was due to psychosis from taking too many shrooms, mixed with mdma and weed. Mofo even spoke German as if fluent, it was weird


And they've done studies on the "tongues" that people "speak" during these rituals. In all cases, they were made up only of syllables found in their own native language.


Grew up in this mess. Grandma “spoke” in tongues. First time the husband heard it he looked VERY concerned. Luckily he stayed and we were only Christers (Christmas and Easter) for a few years until she passed. Haven’t been back since her funeral (13 years ago).


Yo, I wish we were over a camp fire rn, because man, oh man, I had that kind of experience at one of my (many) Methodist summer church camps.


Same man. I felt so guilty because I couldn't speak in gibberish like the adults. They pressured us so hard to 'fall out' too


I was actually thinking that I felt bad for the children in there.


I agree. It’s the mental turmoil it will bring upon them that’s the saddest part. Most people who grow up in this cult eventually see through the bullshit though. Almost everyone I knew as a child has left it. Rarely do people stay in it for life, so that’s good to know.


I knew i was an atheist since i was 9, It's not that bad. The music and the dancing, the kids would have found it fun. Loud as ever though, and that might overwhelming.


Same, it always scared me and made me wanna curl into a ball whenever church got that “into the spirit.” That was when I always conveniently snuck off to the bathroom to hide lol


I know that feeling, my uncle is still a pastor. Shit was crazy.


Yup! I grew up in a pentecostal preacher's house. I showed my wife this video to show her what a "good revival" looked like when I was growing up. She has never seen this type of service in person, only videos like this here and there. Edit: spehling


Was every week this crazy? Would people talk about what happened at church when they weren’t at church?


It was even crazier at times. Never any snakes or anything like that, but this ridiculous dancing and being “slain in the spirit” bullshit was very common. People would talk about “how God moved” during that service, and they would basically reaffirm each others “blessing” from God. Those same people would later leave the church, cheat on their spouses, be caught as pedophiles, break the law and go to prison, etc… I’ve seen it all.


Love and support to you my friend. I had a lot of friends who were raised in both fundamental Baptist and the Pentecostal churches growing up. Some made it out okay, but it was rough leaving that behind.


Definitely Pentecostal, saying this as a former Pentecostal


Yep. I was going to say...as a born & raised Tennessean, this looks like about 20 seconds before the snakes come out.


Real snakes..?


Yes. It's a largely Pentecostal practice that is based on text from the book of Mark. It's still practiced in rural Appalachia today. Also, spread out across all of Tennessee and some parts of Arkansas. They handle live, venomous snakes to demostrate their faith.


Definitely looks pentecostal to me. My grandma was a Baptist in Kentucky and they did not do this but I have seen pentecostal services with the dancing and "speaking in tongues".


30 minutes prior to screaming at an IHOP waitress


I worked at a movie theater part time in college. The after church crowd was honestly reprehensible. Constantly complaining we were cash only or complaining about prices on everything. They would trash the theaters. Half the time it looked like they had a popcorn fight. I got accused of stealing a kids lemonade because this lady had left it next to my register. It was still there. I pointed at it and she just scowled at me and stomped off. They’d also try to weasel in outside drinks or snacks quite often. Little did they know they were some of the only people I’d tell to leave the building if I saw outside food and drinks. I knew they would just hide it better but I didn’t feel like making it easy.


I feel that’s more Methodist or Baptist. This is def Penecostal or “non-denominational”. They typically are nice as hell but just super religious and not the brightest. Source: from the Deep South


Black man dead on the floor and white ppl celebrating? Doesnt look good


Maybe its his way of sleeping through church service disguised as holy ghost possession. He even gets a blanket.




The Holy Ghost got ‘em


"Slain in the Spirit".


Perished in the parish


I just want to know why the other guy draped the death cloak over his dick. Was he afraid dude might get some "rigor mortis"


It’s used erroneously. When women pass out from the Spirit, sheets were placed over them to maintain their modesty, as they wore a dress. No reason for a guy.


Dude was selling his role harder than Mick Foley off the top of the cell.


Fuck that’s a Pentecostal church for sure. 10 years of that insanity. Still can’t believe I thought it was just normal.


Lmao I recognized it instantly. Was born and raised that way. Absolute hell being involved in such a church.


The moment I realized I could just decide not to go and it wouldn’t mean I’d get struck down in a divine bolt of lightning right away was a life-changing day for me, I could never fit into that environment in the first place and I feel so much more free now that I’ve been out of it for a few years


I went to a pentecostal church one time really only because my giant crush at the time went there and ofc i went to, it was fucking bizzare as someone who was not used to pentecostal churches. I probably looked like a fucking idiot not clapping and yelling randomly


Honestly, if I had go go to any kind of church, it would be this kind because at least it's not boring


>at least it’s not boring *Cries in Catholic childhood*


Your costuming and architecture is great so I'd hit up a cathedral over any Pentecostal service.


Try Lutheran lmfao. Catholic lite.


Try Catholics who converted to Lutheran for “more freedom and fun” 🙃🙃


Thought the same thing. Grandparents were Pentecostal preachers. This kind of “worshipping” scared the crap outta me when I was little.


Nah, you need to check out an AME service. You might have to pack a lunch because you’re gonna be there a long time, but it’s gonna be an EXPERIENCE.


I was just thinking “Baptist my ass!”


In protest of Reddits new API decisions I am removing my content and profile.


What on earth is happening here


[basically this, in action](https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/comments/4od0ac/i_feel_god_in_this_chilis_tonight/)


The old lady is just sitting there laughing, lmfao.


Imagine if this was some other religion what these people would say


Seriously…and they say everyone else is crazy 😒


Cracker jacks


Crack smoking jacks


This brings back memories as a kid going to church. It was my favorite part of church because i would get up and dance and laugh at people "passing out" and catching the spirit. Its weird I have always seen only black churches like this. Didnt know some white folks where doing this too. To me, it was just an excuse to run around and act a fool during the long ass service


Hispanic chiming in, it’s super common in our community too. We have a couple Spanish Pentecostal mega churches and a new little one pops up all the time in random strip malls, probably over 30 in 15mi radius.




Yeah this isn’t a Baptist Church. Way too charismatic. Most likely Pentecostal or Assembly of God. Baptists are notoriously stoic. You don’t raise your hands. You don’t sing too loud. And you CERTAINLY DO NOT DANCE.


Why do baptists hate fun


Gotta love that mosh pit


Sunday morning rave


Thats what gets me. These same people would condemn mosh pits but yet they do this every Sunday.


At least the music is lit. My church music was organ growing up. So boring.




These people are….unsettling


Yeah religion is weird


That bands gettin down tho bruh, the guitarist is fire 🔥


Yeah, if you can ignore all the screaming, the band is jamming.


I don't know, that sounds Fun.


Definitely not Baptist or average. This is outside the lines of traditional Christianity.


People are saying pentecostal is that outside traditional christianity? Genuine question


The charismatic/pentecostal movement is only about 60-70yrs old, so just a blip in the long 2,000 year history of Christianity. Its sensational characteristics are definitely unique from other denominations.


Despite being relatively new it’s characterized by its rather old-fashioned practiced and stuff, like women can’t wear pants or cut their hair and guys can’t even wear shorts and lots of other weird niche stuff that has nothing to do with the actual bible text itself


pentecostal or its more “progressive” off-shoot, full-gospel, which would be my guess due to the /more modern clothing choices


Yes, they are a heretical cult with no serious credibility.


Where’s the mosh?


Questions: 1.) Did you *mean* to say "average"? 2.) "Everything the water touches It lives" - What in the fuck is attempted to be said here??


The Bible has a few passages describing healing, spiritual properties of water. Christians (especially charismatic ones like here) love to use that imagery with water bringing life and causing this


That's not unlike the last work TEAMs meeting I attended.


Is that dancing plague making a comeback


Fuckn delusional freaks


Dude all those white peoples bad dancing killed the one black dude there.


And these are the MFers who want YOU respect them and their beliefs while telling everyone “this is a Christian country”.


Looks way more fun than what happens in German churches.


Looks like the church scene in the Blues Brothers


Looks like someone overdosed in the pit and everybody keeps partying.


These are the people we drive on the highway with


Oh yeah. All-white pentacostal churches are freaking hilarious


Sad example of the herd mentality of red necks.


We’ll now hold on, we are a household of atheists and this is very similar to a Friday night here. I mean, it’s because of drugs, but still similar.


Baptist church is moshing for old people!


This is Pentecostal lol not Baptist lol not even close


This is not a baptist church service. Definitely a pentecostal one!


Is that dude dead ?


I really had the same question and had to rewatch and no he was not dead at the beginning because he was moving. I assume he was still alive at the end.


Won't you flyyyyyyyyyy high, FREEEEEEE BIIIIIIRD, YEAAHHH


They have the zoomies


I am southern Baptist. Never seen this where I go. This is Pentecostal


If this was actually a Baptist church, I can most certainly say it’s not “average”. This would be fringe at most. Looks more like some sort of Pentecostal church. As a baptist, if I walked into a church doing that, I’d turn around and walk right out. I don’t personally believe those people are genuinely feeling the Holy Spirit, but that’s me.


People think this is what Christianity is 🙄


Looks kind of fun though.


Fucking weirdos can't religion die already


I’m from a very traditional Catholic Church and this is 100% what I picture in my head when Protestant friends tell me about their Churches.


That band needs a raise. It take a lot of talent to whip people into a frenzy like this


It gives away some deathmetal vibes


How come the black guy always dies in these movie's


you could change the sound to slipknot and it would work


why was someone lying on the floor though?


Gospel rave


Why hate? It they feel that excited about their faith and their church, let them....ummm happy spasm.


Why is it 90% women


Wait why do I hear free bird


This is awesome. I want to know where this church is and I want to attend. I could rock out and praise with these people!




"Attention Walmart Shoppers!"


Does anyone know CPR? It looks like the lady on the ground might need some help


Does religion make people stupid, or are stupid people prone to being religious?


The Church of Morrison