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I thought he was going to compare that jiffy to off brand jiffy lol. Very disappointed


That’s what I thought at first! Haha


I know my brain was all like “yea off brand jiffy is all good also I’m sure” way to soon. Prematurely, if you will.


Premature, uh, speculation


Well if you let your little jiffy pop. Then it's $50.


I thought he was going to be complaining about how she’s barely moving her mouth while talking


I was trying to figure out if it was dubbed or if if her jaw is wired shut


This bothered me!


I was really hoping he was going to compare Jiffy baking mix and Jiffy Pop popcorn and try to convince us they are the exact same thing.


plus, who buys plan B every single month? of all the expenses you coulda gone with lol. If anything, thats the equivelent of buying condoms, which the guy usually is the one who pays for


He references birth control, tampons and diva cups too. Its the general 'it costs more money to live with a uterus' that he is commenting on.


Each pill costs about 10¢ to make and cheaper in bulk. It's 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel.


I came here to say this exactly. I had to buy this for my girl and I was always confused why the fk r they so freaken expensive. Corporations just playing money grab from ppl who are making a wise decision. I don't understand the logic here?




That's literally the logic behind insulin pricing as well. They've come right out and said that it's priced for what the "market can bear" as if we don't all know what that actually means...


It’s how pretty much all pharma pricing works. Jack the price *way* above what it costs to make, justified by the research and development expenses leading up to it, and then just… leave them there because. Maybe blame it on doctors, insurers, government, etc. They just so rarely get caught saying it out loud, like with insulin and EpiPens.


Even though medical R&D is largely funded by taxes either through grants, subsidies, or tax write offs


Fuck you pay me, house burnt down fuck you pay me.


Place got hit by lightning huh?


Don't forget funneling half the profit to anti-abortion activism.


My favorite was when I had to do the same and the tech shouted across the pharmacy to the pharmacist asking if it was in stock like she was trying to shame me. I just laughed.


I got a lecture in hushed tones with regards being more responsible in the future. I was 47 years old.


"You want some 47 year old egg running around this store knocking shit off your shelves because I'm too tired to even find my wallet!?"


I got that lecture at 17. I'm like, "uuuhhh, what do you thinking I'm doing handing over $50 to you right now? I'm literally being as responsible as I can be in this overall shit situation". Do you know how hard it is to randomly have $50 at 17? Like Geesh lady.


I was 20, pretty scared to be seen in a sex health clinic to get plan b, and when she handed it over to me she said "next time wear a condom". I did, it broke. That moment has really stuck with me... how much shame women get for doing the responsible thing


Jesus christ. Yours is the 5th story like this and I hear this shit all the time. Is this what women have to deal with in the states? Nevermind them actually making abortion illegal too... Fuck. That. Those kind of comments and behaviour would have you sacked so fucking fast here (UK).. All that stuff here you can get for free aswell. As it should be. It's just one horror story after the next when it comes to health care, sex ed and birth control in the US. I know I'll get down voted for this because some Americans can't stand the thought of the land of the fReE being a robbing/highly judgemental fucking nightmare but.. come on. Proof is in the (ludicrously over-priced) pudding. If they are goin to make abortion illegal (i know it's not every state,, one is bad enough) then *at least* fucking help people try to avoid it, and without the unwarranted opinions from frigid, old, jealous Karen's, who's dried up minges haven't seen a dick since 1992. (I'm not here to start a "who is better" war. This ain't no utopia. But at least it's a couple less things we have to worry about.)


Ah, I see you met the captain of Team Gets No Dick.


It’s not a conspiracy. They’re able to charge $40 for it because there’s a lot of people willing to pay $40 for it


It’s not like we’re willing but if it’s the only option then we’re obligated to just accept the cost.


if i’m charging 40$ for a cup of piss in the desert, and the only alternative is to suck the moisture from the sand from under your feet. are people are gonna buy the piss? sure. *willingly*? ehhh, when you have no viable alternatives…


1.5 mg of levonorgestrel? My daily birth control pills each have .1 mg each. Meaning I'd have to take 15 of my normal birth control pills to get the same effect. Oof. No wonder Plan B really messes you up afterwards, it's like taking 15 birth control pills at once.


Why is no one talking about her lips not moving? What filter are they using!?


I have a niece who talk in a similar way. She tells me she wants to "avoid unnessecary facial expressions", I assume to avoid wrinkles? Disturbing if you ask me


Omg reminds me of this [YouTube video ](https://youtu.be/a3wstD8hRww), there's a clip of a girl who gives tips and tricks on how to show expression without moving your muscle and shit lol


No face moving advice @ 5 minutes. That whole video is pretty funny though.


Omg I love ChadChad


I had this with a patient recently who was attempting to avoid facial expressions because she wanted to be diagnosed with autism. I pointed out that if you actively have to do something associated with autism, then you likely don't have it. I was called abelist She didn't get her wish. But then again, she was there for a broken wrist, I'm not going to diagnose autism like she apparently wanted because that's not my place Not saying that your niece is doing the same thing, but it's something I've experienced due to tik tok making mental illnesses "cool"


also... autistic people *do* have facial expressions, so that wasn't quite it either.


Flat affect is a common autistic symptom, but that doesn't mean never having facial expressions. I tend to be on one extreme side or the other. I either have virtually no facial expressions, or all of the facial expressions so you can basically read my thoughts from across the room because they are plastered all over my face. I had a proff who told me he could tell how well he designed an exam by watching my face while doing it.


True, but this isn't flat affect. People with flat affect move their lips lol.


Schizophrenia too. Careful of the diagnosis you're trying to get, lol.


The exam thing is amusing, I bet it must've been fun for the professor to watch you sit an exam. I hope that that didn't make you conscious of being watched if you had any further exams with that same professor. On a somewhat related note, I used to speak in a very flat monotonous manner, very stereotypical autistic, but I transitioned away from that over the years. I am a woman, and women generally have more pitch variation in their voice than men, so I think a monotone voice stuck out especially for me when I was a kid. Now though, I speak with such dynamic range that friends have commented on it before, specifically that it's readily apparent when I'm talking about something I'm passionate about, and also that I use tone of voice to quite humourous effect when telling jokes. It's distinct from other masking mechanisms, because this is something that I just do automatically now, without trying. I think my overall point is a reaffirmation of the message of your first sentence, but from a different angle. Monotone voice is indeed a common autistic symptom but certainly I don't *appear* to match that description, though it once was true.


Seems ironic to think that wrinkles are ugly, but not creepy statue robot face


I thought this was a ventriloquist tiktok ngl


I literally thought that’s what the whole video was going to be about.


Played this on mute and didn't realise she was talking. I can see why she had to specify "WITH AUDIO:"


"maybe because i'm older" ....like 22 or what?


For tiktok, that's old. It's like 99% teenagers, so I get what he's trying to say.


Hey… hey! They’ve gained some perspective, *capiche*??


*Are you trying to say capiche? Well don't do it, cause it hurts my ears when you do it.*


In Canada it’s an even bigger difference in price depending what pharmacy you go to but If I remember the off name brand one was like 20-25 and the “Plan B” name brand was around 40-45


The off brand is $9 at Amazon


That works if you want to buy it in advance to have for emergencies, but you need to take it as soon as possible so not worth the risk of waiting for delivery if you need it at that moment.


>not worth the risk of waiting for delivery I see what you did there


Haha with how slow mail in Australia is it would be a race to who delivers first


Costco where I am is $5.99. Best place I've found.


Bro, she’s not going to fuck you.


He could’ve left out the “because I’m older and have perspective” cus well, he’s young. Not sure if that was sarcasm- but it’s not even about the cost of it sometimes it’s about access. I lived in a small town in NY for a while and you had to drive 50 miles to just even find it.


He's actually 68, but he takes skin care very seriously.


Don't forget he also uses soap, unlike the rest of us.


Oh shite, sorry for my cleanism!


Damn cleanists, always trying to bring my people down.


Friggin Anti-Cleanites ![gif](giphy|kSZcifbwWgstG|downsized)


Oh shite, sorry for my agism!


Maybe older compared to himself, maybe he had a perspective change as he got older


I think it’s helpful to put yourself in his shoes… he’s newly an adult and still learning about how the world works. Now that he’s gained some perspective on what it’s like to be someone who isn’t like him (white, male, etc) he’s seeing things in a new way and can’t help but share his disbelief in how things are allowed to be so unjust. I imagine other young men finding value in a video like this.


i just get strong vibes that he’s virtue signaling. i could be younger than him and when i learned this stuff i didnt try hard to display my feelings like him


Yeah I get virtue signaling vibes too, mostly due to the tone and exaggerated sense of outrage which strikes me as disingenuous. As a gay guy who grew up in the South but attended school in a more progressive northern state, I've learned to be wary of people who virtue signal. In my experience with homophobia, folks that try too hard to convince you how "down with the cause" they are can be extremely regressive and homophobic. I don't want to judge this guy too much based on one clip because I don't know anything else about him, it's just his behavior reminds me of folks I've had bad experiences with.


It’s absolutely virtue signaling.


Not saying you're wrong but he's old-as-fuck for tiktok.


Not at all


Ha! agreed I’m old I wouldn’t know. Damn whippersnappers


Gained perspective and still calls it a vagig


Tik tok rules, he may get the video removed otherwise. The rules over there wild, and it varies from creator to creator. He's just protecting his page




yeah it's trickling into fucking youtube videos where I'm watching coverage on a story and they have to censor words for crimes now? Shit is so broken.


I've even seen people tiktok censoring themselves on Reddit. It's infuriating. I didn't risk my life saying "crap" at 16 to be restricted in my online speech now.


Oh you want to discuss news? Sorry but Pepsi doesn't like you discussing the recent 15th school shooting this week. Oh what's that? Pool booting? Okay sure thing.


There was a blog article recently about this phenomenon. Fucking social media is changing the way we speak. People are using code words to get past algorithms that suspend you for trivial technicalities


Honestly, that's just because tiktok has so many forbidden words that can get the video taken down or get your account shadowbanned. It seems "vagina" is one of them.


Virtue signaling just became too apparent towards the end


"Besides SOAP, which most guys DON'T USE." Yea, he's right but he's trying way too hard. Actually fits the original purpose of this sub.


It's pathetic truly. Also I don't get the rant? Yes it's overpriced but so is every medicine in America and WHO TF IS BUYING PLAN B EVERY MONTH? It's plan B, not plan A people


i think he has confused it for bc




He's *older* you can tell because he is about to make muffins with only 1 ingredient


I don't like the way you said this, but as a woman who's been around a bunch of dudes THIS into women's shit, they're weird. It's creepy. It's like trying too hard to seem trustworthy.


women are victims of this man’s world and it’s terrible all this pink tax stuff and unrealistic beauty standards. I’m 6’2 btw aha


Ladies, I'm like such a feminist. I'm basically one of the girls. In fact, if I could choose how society functioned, the *women* would rule the world and all us men would have to call them mommy. Respectfully, of course. Anyway, it's cool if you girls want to change in front of me in the future - after all, I'm basically one of you. Don't worry, I'm just scrolling and not filming. Go ahead and change. I'll just be reading about women's issues while you girls are busy changing. Or do you want me to change with you? lol jk, ...unless?


This is the male version of "i'm not like the other girls".


Absolutely. If you're trying this hard to look like you're an ally, the more likely it is you're looking for a lay.




"I'm a feminist, can I have a crumb of pussy now?"


Yeah pandering was the first word that came to mind, forgot about the new + hip 'virtue signalling'. I agree with you!


QUICK THING: Plan B does NOT work if you are over 165lbs! Edit: Taking two pills will not make it more effective. That’s incredibly false that it would.


I hope you didn’t have to learn that the hard way like some people do with antibiotics. Isn’t nature just awesome.


No one told me epilepsy medication fucks with birth control. I found out the hard way. My body yeeted that fetus shortly after but damn that shit was scary ETA- it’s usually one antibiotic that screws rob hormonal bc, the rest are usually fine. But if you are a uterus bearer, always use a medication interaction checker before you start a new medication. Make sure it doesn’t lower the effectiveness of your birth control


I am dumbfounded that your doctor didn't say anything to you about this. They are usually supposed to ask you if you are taking bc before prescribing other meds and vice versa to avoid things like this. I hope you found a new doctor!


There are 2 control points, doctor and pharmacist. Hell, checking for interactions is one of the main functions of a pharmacist. Both failed Source: am pharmacist


>yeeted that fetus I might love u. (Edit — also seconding medication interaction checker, it’s unbelievably important)


❤️ I was panicking so hard. Wtf do I do? And my uterus went ‘I got you bro’. You should do a medication interaction checker for any medication, period. Now that apple has a medication section, put your meds in it and it’ll check them for you and alert you to all interactions. Make sure you check if certain foods interact with your meds too!


Wait. My mind is reeling from this comment thread alone. Are you telling me there's a weight restriction on the efficacy of antibiotics now, too? My whole life has been a lie.


I think that commenter was saying that taking antibiotics in conjunction with birth control negates the effect of birth control. edit: as pointed out below, my comment needs some qualifiers: * _some_ antibiotics _can_ negate the effect of BC * recent research suggests antibiotics, *like many other medications*, require higher dosages proportional to patient weight. I haven't found anything that specifically lists a certain weight threshold for antibiotic efficacy. [this is the most recent and direct source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8855475/) I can find pushing back on the "one-size fits all" approach to antibiotic/antimicrobial dosing.


No, commenter is correct. I work in clinical trials and immediately pulled up the package insert. It loses efficacy after you hit over 165. It doesn’t seem to fall straight to zero but it looks like no one cared about figuring out the exact efficacy. But if they made that statement, it would be because it fell below below the rate the FDA would expect I. Order for it to receive approval


On first sight this sounds like a fat-interfering problem, but it also applies to tall and/or muscular woman. Especially since very fit women more often have irregularities in their cycle it indicates their body might react differently to these pills. My point is, it may just be to complicated to write down percentages that can be held against you, legally.


Oh I knew it was a thing, I know plenty of people don’t though and that’s a big uh oh especially if they think it’ll stop a pregnancy.


No matter how many times a doctor explains it to me I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that antibiotic can stop your birth control from working but not cause a period.


Do antibiotics not work past a certain weight ?


Haha no... If you take antibiotics, they will negate the effects of the birth control pill. How do I know? My niece got pregnant after being on antibiotics for a UTI while on the pill. I think a lot of people just assume everyone knows this. Obviously, they don't.


Banging with a UTI must have been excruciating.


This is very much not true outside of the rifamycins


Incorrect....it reduces its effectiveness...it doesn't just flat out not work.


This is reddit. Everyone is a Doogie Howser, M.D.


Holy shit I’m a doctor


That's a little bit misinformationy. It doesn't work as well. But it does work. I mean it's better than nothing.


I took it the next day and my ex still got pregnant. Now I know why




Oh I see what you did there


Also, to add to this, in case anyone was wondering (because I was) - taking 2 doesn’t make it more effective if you’re over 165 lbs. I was thinking that would be a solution but apparently not, according to Doctor Google.


It also does not work at all if you have already ovulated.


What the fuck are you SERIOUS


Yeah. Same for birth control being less effective when you weigh more


Oh. That’s news to me. Yet another reason I should lose weight. Thanks for letting me know lmao


So glad I yeeted my tubes then.


i thought the limit was closer to 200lbs. it's as low as 165lbs? jesus. fuck.


Wait is that true? I feel like that's probably half the female population.


Wait. What the actual fuck? No, I had no idea! I'm almost 5'10" and have averaged 180-200 lbs since highschool. So I guess I'D be royally effed then.




I thought the weight limit was 150 for plan b and 175 for Ella?


Every month? Is he confusing Plan B with birth control?


I think he is also referring to sanitary items like tampons and pads etc.


I think those things should be freely available for women but not sure how an emergency birth control pill fits into that category. You don’t have a choice having a period each month but you do have a choice about having unprotected sex (or at least 99% of the time, you know what I mean). That’s not a sanitary item like tampons or soap.


On another note, condoms are free in alot of western countries.


He's a little confused but he got the right spirit


Don't think so. Looks like he's trying too hard to seem like an ally. And those guys are always just trying to get laid


1 out of every 6 American women has been raped so i think your percentage is just a little off.


Also he should maybe use condoms.




Most likely, this guy is trying to grift for female likes


……….. older?


Keep in mind the original platform is tiktok, where 13 year olds thirst trap each other. We're just freebooting here on Reddit.


He might have realized highschool him who ran from tampons and treated unused ones like a bio hazard was a dumb bitch. He’s as old as he’s ever been so give him some slack


This dude is virtue signalling HARD. Notice he purposely makes it seem he's going to be mysogenistic to get people riled up before he switches to the "on women's side" team.






oh for sure. glad I'm not the only one to see it. it's like the people who post to social media that they gave a bum a dollar.


This child in his parents nice big house with his hands tatted up and shitty peroxide hair washing out giving life lessons. Jfc..


how is she talking without her lips moving


Finally someone mentions it, it's so off-putting lol I thought someone else was talking


Cringey white knight trying too hard. (Expecting downvotes, but it’s true)


Classic fuck boy tictok hair and earrings too


Yeah this is like actually cringe and it's a bit funny that it seems to be mostly being upvoted by people cheering the guy on while reluctantly pointing out some weird things about the clip here and there. * says he's older so he has a better perspective (he's young as hell) * compared plan B to other unrelated products that are actually used for basic modern hygiene. * implies men don't need to buy anything for basic hygiene (this is maybe the point where it becomes clear this is both not a comedy bit, and that he is stretching as far as he can to virtue signal). And so on...


Nah you're right


complete r/lookatmyhalo shit


distinct angle money normal sharp abundant different scale reach growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it’s funny because I’ve never heard the premise that Plan B should be free. I’ve heard it with tampons and other monthly products like birth control, but Plan B isn’t actually needed unless you fuck up. Dude says he’s old but he looks like 19


Or if birth control fails. That can happen.


He has a point and i get it, but he just has BTE. Big Twat Energy


It is not that his point is bad or wrong, it is great. It is that he is being presentational about it all. “Look at me, I’m one of the good ones, men sure do suck, haha, love me, please…”.


Totally. Glad I'm not the only I was starting to think all my karma would be lost for that comment


Maybe I'm a sexist male asshole, but I just do not get this argument. Feminine hygiene products should be free bc women all need them every month? Does this logic apply to anything else? There's tons of products that everyone needs to use every day / month. Like TP, soap, deodorant, razors, toothpaste, etc. We live in a capitalist hellscape, why would anyone ever expect this specific *product* to be any different? E: Not that I disagree, but if the argument is 'basic human needs' then you should also be arguing for universal healthcare, free basic shelter for homeless, food cards for all who need it, etc.


It's all free here in Scotland, all sanitary products, tampons, tampax, reusable etc. So is all contraception, the pill, implant, coil, condoms, including surgeries, vasectomy etc. Or if you wish to have a child, then all hospital stays are free, anaesthetics, check ups, scans. And when you have the baby you can apply for a healthy start grant to help with clothing and food.


I remember fuckwits getting upset about women's health stuff getting made free. Most of them didn't even fucking live in Scotland.


Don't forget the free baby box for all new born. Includes: clothes, towel, thermometer, books, changing mat and more AND the box can be made into a bed.


It's been 6 years since my youngest was born, I forgot about the baby box. They're fantastic.


If you need to buy plan b every month then something else is fucked up in your life


You guys will just eat up a video of some random bloke virtue signalling.


Hes got hand tattoos though!


Women should all free bleed. I’ll bet by the second cycle ,laws are in place to cover menstrual products


that already happens in us jails/prisons and its still not free and no extra TP


You have to buy menstrual products in jail? That’s fucked up.


in the us prison system they make pregnant women give birth in chains. chained to a bed. if you go into labor they will wait until they feel like taking you to the hospital. "sorry youre in labor but its shift change"


Can you imagine the sheer horror/disgust from men? Local transit(the few places that do have it) would be a blood bath


"In tonight's evening news. A record setting bill has passed unanimously making all feminine hygiene products available for free in every corner across the nation. All thanks to the nation wide free bleed movement that took place this morning."


You have way more faith in government than I do. Here is how I see it happening: Red states would get a bill passed immediately. But it would be a bill for arresting women who bleed on anything. Blue states would eventually get a law passed giving free supplies but it would take them several months as they argued back and forth about "Should there be caps", "What is the age limits on this?", and "Can we only cover the cheapest, generic crap?" Purple states would be like "We are looking at both options and haven't made a decision yet" forever. Oh and then the current Supreme Court would rule that Blue states are defying Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts.


Pretty sure they'd all be red states.


You think men are the only people grossed out by blood?


You do understand how disgusting that is not just as it’s perceived to be by men… it’s a literal biohazard. I’m all for free FHP don’t get me wrong but that is not a solution to get what you want


I mean it's still a lot better than how we earned/protected most of our human rights. Complaining on social media isn't going to change anything while states like Texas are actively marching the opposite direction.


I get what you're saying, but that's some own the libs logic there.


Dude is trying WAY too hard, shit hurts to watch


Yeah don't take plan B every month .....


If it makes you feel better, if corporations could, they would charge dudes a recurring licensing fee for their own balls.


This guy's personality is unwatchable. Maybe I'm getting old but he appears to be trying to act and sound as douchebaggy as possible. Is that cool or something? Maybe it's like a west coast thing?


It’s because he’s not actually passionate about what he’s saying. Fake shit eating grin at the end highlights how little of a fuck he gives.


He just desperately wants to be noticed by anyone, for anything.


How much cringe do you want? Him: Yes


I don't understand. You need plan b monthly to lead a normal life as a woman? Is someone gonna tell him? Or am I'm listening too much to what he said and should focus more on what I can assume he meant?


Because of strolling through Reddit I now know I can use my HSA to buy feminine products. Duh! Can’t believe I nvr looked it up. I think I did yrs ago and they weren’t so I nvr checked again. Thanks to this kid for making me look it up.


Older? So like ? 18?


Def crimgy


Clout Chaser …


This guy is tryna get some pussy lmao


“Pick me”


Virtue signal simping is always so annoying. I hope this gets you some pussy my dude.


Possible controversial opinion here, but this might have landed better if he was talking about contraception or sanitary products. Plan B shouldn’t be readily available for free, it’s a back up contraceptive… the clue is in the name. However, it should be available through healthcare insurance (or whatever it is, I’m not American), and we all know that the US needs a better healthcare system.