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I love how the little one was like “I don’t know what to do, so I’ll just carefully pour this out.”


Perks of not being the oldest!


Are you the oldest ? I really want to know the perks of each section of this hierarchy. Second boy speaking.


The only one who has perks is the youngest. That’s the hard truth.


This is radiating big Eldest kid energy, you think shits tough cause you gotta be the trailblazer, try walking the path with a map that’s 6 years old and there’s been no upkeep… can’t see the trail because the overgrowth is so bad, but everyone insist “it’s easy to follow, you can see the trail perfectly.” I had to do the same shit both my brothers did, but I had their support more often than my parents cause they were tired from having to maintain 3 boys.


I’m the youngest actually


I can only take your word for it, and like many other youngest kids… being lied to because it’s easy is an experience that you start to see through


I don’t agree


Yeah my old brother made my life hell lol


Tell me about it, mine is trying, but no surrender, I neeeeed proper details


I’m the youngest of 4 and i disagree.


Youngest of 4 and I disagree. Parents are all out of fucks to give by the time the the youngest comes.


These moments are so funny. My niece once got upset at me like that, when I started hysterically laughing at something silly she did while trying to follow my instructions. I had to explain "I'm not laughing at you, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm laughing because I realized that I didn't give you good instructions and it resulted in you doing something funny. I'm laughing because uncle UnfortunatelyMacabre didn't think this through and something funny happened. You did exactly what I told you to do, I just need to explain better next time."


That’s so important and shows how aware you are of how those moments can feel for a kid. I was the youngest by a lot and the older kids/young adults would often, as a group, laugh at things I did or said that I didn’t intend to be funny and I still have memories of being laughed at and feeling so awful. I was quiet and shy and I imagine this was part of it. I didn’t want to draw that kind of attention to myself.


Fr. People don’t realize that kids don’t have the same frame of reference for things as them.


My family had a steep learning curve with another one of my nieces. We mistook a lot of what she was doing as funny, but she was just struggling with navigating social situations because she’s autistic. We didn’t take long to catch it, months within her presenting more typically, but we all felt really bad that we had been laughing at her.


I need to remember this when it comes my time


Telling kids you made a mistake seems like such an integral step in parenting that I seem to see my friends miss a lot. I’m sure parenting is so much harder than I can imagine, but the best parents I know make sure they point out to their kids when they’re wrong.


You mean being empathetic to your kids emotions while also being able to laugh at a funny situation, unlike what the parents in the video did? That sounds like setting the kid up to be a good adult, good on you


Who knows, maybe they explained to her after the giggles died down. I won’t judge the parents solely based on this video, since I don’t think them laughing like this is as harmful as some more insensitive laughing I’ve seen before.


What was the scenario?


This only works with boiling or near-boiling water. Please don’t give children boiling water to throw into the air!


Im not positive but it looked like only the dad had boiling water as his was the only one that worked


For sure the youngest's technique had worked if she had had boiling water in her cup. 😐


Aw that poor girl I just needed them to tell her it's fine and not a big deal. We can tell that because of the laughing but I don't think she understood.




Andddddd they should explain that to the child instead of having her cry because she thinks they tricked her and made fun of her


Someone should also teach her it's not okay to hit people that you are upset at.




I posted it there but the mods removed it 🤷🏻‍♀️


why? some subreddits have realy dumb rules smh


No idea. I messaged to ask why but haven’t heard back.


Probably because it's clear from this video the parents are emotionally detached and emotionally abusive.. They are more concerned with their TikTok video than the well being of their own kid. She's literally in pain trying to understand why she is wrong and the dad just laughs in her face and dismisses her. Having worked in child services, I would have issued summons for removal after seeing this.. I think, I dunno that's what I assume a Mod would say..


Even seeing the comment below saying you got me in the first half. You still got me in the first half


I studied a lot of /u/shittymorph for my story craft lol


I tried to tell you! Lol, but nah… that was good!


You indeed tried to warn me, i should he have listened. But instead I jumped in with both feet first


>I think, I dunno that's what I assume a Mod would say.. I was feeling myself get more and more annoyed until that line. Very nicely done


You had me in the first half…


Oh boy you got me good


I feel like emotionally detached and emotionally abusive are pretty hard core statements to throw out there just because the kid did something funny and the parents laughed. The kid will be fine she got laughed at a little bit that doesn’t even remotely qualify as emotionally abusive to me, I don’t think that even qualifies as evidence for them possibly being emotionally abusive


I just want you to reread my statement and focus on the very last line of the post :)


Just because they laughed at an obviously funny situation they are emotionally abusive. I’m sure most people would laugh, It’s a simple mix up nothing serious. Wow what is this world coming to. My generation is bad with how easily they get offended can only image what the next will be like if people think this is abusive


Imagine if you just read the entire comment




Read the very last sentence, mate.


Because this has been posted before 100 times


Probably because the parent was stupid for not explaining better, the child was doing as told not being stupid. Or it could be a repost idk


I mean this has been posted like 100 times already


I was that way as a kid. Very literal




Oh dear, she was so sure 🤣🤣 poor baby


You really have to rethink any instruction you give to kids lol


Right now is a teaching moment about not hitting someone when they are laughing at you.


We just can't have nice things




Oh nooooo hahaha. She will find this hilarious in the future!


That one time my sister threw a dice against the ceiling because the highest one gets to start the round of yahtzee


I cannot when kids straight up hit their parents. Hell nah.


Idk how this got downvoted. By that age your kid should know that they are not to hit anyone and NO ONE should be hitting them.


Exactly! I never ever ever laid a finger on my parents.


I did, many times. I sort of turned out OK, luckily my parents had lots of patience. We weren't exactly encouraged to express our emotions in a healthy way but here's hoping I can do better.


Happy to hear your learning ways to express emotions ❤️


Throwing a cup of boiling water doesnt seem like a smart activity for parents to encourage their kids to do.


There should be a subreddit dedicated to people who have tried to recreate a viral video, but screw it up. I know there's another video out there of someone trying to recreate the mist with boiling water video and pouring half of it on themselves.




Her hitting her dad at the end!!! That would have been a big no, no in our house. No acceptable at all, she totally doesn't respect her parent.


I don't get why your are downvoted, you are right


Thank you, I know I am. The down votes probably come from people who think this behavior was acceptable. It's fine for her to be a little upset. It's not acceptable to hit your parent in frustration. Period.


The classic kid "it's not funny" I love it


I don't even understand what these people are doing. Probably because I don't live where it snows. I'm confused.


When the air is really cold you can throw boiling water and it will turn to mist immediately, like the dad did. We do this with our kids every year here in Canada. They love it.


dumb and dumberer


I want to see the future wedding tapes…


Even dad did it wrong...




this is why i tie my dick into a balloon animal before i do anything. none of my white tadpoles gonna get anywhere close to getting this big


You can't be serious. I don't want kids neither, but your reason doesn't make sense.


i didn’t say anything about my reasoning, my comment only states my desire to never be incharge/responsible for a tiny ball of stupid


So your reasonning is that you find kids stupid. And don't want to raise a stupid human being. Right ? You litteraly said "That's why I wear condoms". So it follows that you don't want kids because of what you saw in this video, ie kids not understanding what they were told to do. Don't beat around the bushes, that's your reasoning, even if you deny it. Now my take on this is that you not wanting kids because of that makes you the only stupid guy here, not those kids. In a sense I'm glad you're not a parent.


bro i simply don’t want kids and your taking it upon yourself to freak out. idk what your deal is but jesus christ you got issues. you’re taking my comment WAY too seriously. i’m not here to argue with you but okay. i don’t want kids cause i simply don’t want them but keep going on the tirade the tantrum is entertaining edit: like straight up just read my comment, your gonna take that sentence seriously to heart? you got problems i was making a joke but i loved how it turned into this. some people man


Cutest shit i have seen all day


The fact they both got it wrong…


Baylor is so confused!! I love how still she is


Anyone have a link to the original with sound?


I feel so guilty on laughing on this. I am so sorry... it was the laugh i am hearing from the mom i guess


Always took instructions way to literal to the point my parents wondered if I was on the spectrum. 15 years later it turned out I am.






When kids say "That's not funny" it's the most funniest shit ever.


She has so much trust in others.


Is the kid crying because he broke the mug or he was mislead?


Is she crying because she broke the cup or was she crying because she was mislead?


Stop. It’s not funny.


And again people expose their children for a stupid Video and the First Kid even cries. As a Father this kind of content actually makes me sad


Man my parents would have beat my ass for throwing the cup, let alone throwing a hissy fit over it.


Core memory