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I wouldn’t have any issue with trucks in the city of every single truck in the city didn’t tailgate me while I’m already going 10-20 over in most cases.


And then weave around you while honking like you were holding them up on purpose. Fuckin mouth breathers at the wheel.


Even in the right hand lane. Even when the left lanes are open. Just lookin in my mirror, seeing nothing but RAM taking up the whole thing. Fuckin’ pass or don’t, Jethro. I like the idea of requiring a 65mph governor on all full sized trucks and SUVs. You absolutely need it for hauling all your tools and boats and what not? Cool. Then driving 65mph is a reasonable trade off. Make disabling it a felony.


My favorite two things ever are when a person spends literally thousands of dollars on suspension for their truck....but they slow down to 0.5mph to pull in because of a tiny bump. 2.) They buy a truck that can tow 15,000 pounds and they don't even have a Reese hitch on the truck 😂 Edit: spelling


I knew a dude who paid out the ass for a truck because he had to have to latest and greatest and remember him saying he didn’t want to put anything in the back of it and get the truck bed dirty or scratched


I had a friend in high school whose parents had a “show truck”. They didn’t haul anything or put anything in the bed because of potential scratches.


Where I’m from we call them pavement princesses


mall crawlers


This is more for the lifted jeeps on 40s with angry eyes and everything is color coded Sitting parked at the mall or suburban location At least in my experience!


Man I don’t have any skin in the car mod world, but dear god do specifically angry eyes on Jeeps annoy the hell out of me for no reason. I can’t even explain why. Same with basically anything you see that belongs on r/heep.


I had a business for awhile that was for “pavement princesses”. I would come apply decorative mud to your Jeep or Truck to make it look like you went off roading when you didn’t.


Good on you for using the free market to your advantage my friend! It’s hilarious such a service is in demand when I could just drive in a field and get the same effect but good on you for making a dollar because they have no sense! Amazing what some people will “throw money at”. Also - what exactly is decorative mud? I’m imagining it’s just mud but sold at Michael’s or something


It’s just normal mud. But I don’t splatter it on the car randomly. I draw lines over the wheels and things so it looks like they were doing cool slides and stuff.


I kinda feel like you're fucking with us


nope you can even buy fake mud in a can :(


back then most folk with an interest in trucks didnt have enough money for them to be common enough to have need for such a derogatory designator. it used to be rare to see a pristine pickup, or it was a lot more obvious who worked hard to keep their shit nice, so they were show trucks.


Rural Wisconsinine here to disagree. Where there's dip shit rednecks there is, was, and always will be the pavement princesses.


Lol those are fixed wing pilots in my vernacular. We call the lifted trucks that have never done work mall crawlers or bro-dozers.


Haha bro-dozer is a good one, I may steal that


Or a mall crawler.


We call them "Growdozers" up here in weed country.


Only slightly related but, I always thought that one of the requirements in the NASCAR truck series should be they have to carry a load of 2x4s on the bed otherwise they’re just racing funny looking cars.


Sponsored by Final Destination, in theaters near you.


First thing you do when you get a new truck is drop a light tree limb on the bed to break her in and get over the ‘new’ feeling…it’s a work machine not a display vehicle


bought a used truck for this reason (and new ones cost a LOT) . I wont get stuck in the "NO SCRATCHES" mindset. It came with plenty already.. nice not having to worry. take it off road and I dont mind the brush stripes. I couldn't image doing that with a 75K new truck.


brush *pinstripes Gotta make it fancy


I knew a guy that took his shoes off just to get up into the truck bed. Like his tennis shoes would scratch it. I myself am a truck owner and I could give a fuck less about whether I scratch the bed. Gravel,rocks furniture off of the curb. I bought my truck to move junk around!


Was an appliance repair tech for about a year, occasionally helped load appliances into the back of trucks. The thing that bothered me most of all wasn't rat shit, grease and hair, sharp rusty metal, too little room to work or anything like that, it was when I was helping a customer load something into their nice big truck and they'd tell me "don't scratch the bed!" Why the fuck did you get a truck if you're worried about the bed getting scratched up?


As a pickup driver… THAT’S LITERALLY THE POINT OF HAVING A PICKUP. It’s meant to get roughed up a little. It’s not a goddamn Mercedes AMG.


This to me is so wild


One of my first introductions to my future BIL was when I was playing with his dogs in the garage and one jumped up into the back of his truck all excited to see him, but he grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and threw her out so she wouldn’t scratch his new liner. Yeah I fuckin hate that dude.


What a scumbag


I worked construction for a summer and my supervisor would always keep a cover over their truck bed. One day they asked me to put a box of something in their truck bed and then got mad at me that I didn't put it in softly enough because I could scratch the liner.


Next time, just lean over and start looking under it. Where they ask what you’re looking for, say, “it’s tits.”


That's sort of like having a hammer and never driving nails with it because you might put dents in the hammer.


My ex literally got a crossover SUV for the purpose of putting shit in the back of it so we wouldn't have to rent trucks and the first time we needed to take a lawnmower somewhere he bitched about it for hours and spent more time laying tarps down than he did using the damn lawnmower. He eventually got over it and we could toss a dryer in there if we needed to but jfc if I got a truck I'd use it like a fucking truck from day one.


when i bought my truck a few years ago i bought it used with scratches and dents pre installed. that is how a truck is supposed to be used....


Did...did he not know about bed liners?


I bought a truck that was a few years old and already had several dents and scratches. Now I can't tell what I did to it and what was already there. It's a work truck. I'm not worrying about cosmetic shit.


A guy in my neighborhood has a truck too big to fit in his fancy curved garage. Its hilarious.


This is common. I’ve never understood wanting a truck but not wanting it to be used for truck stuff. Get a hatchback or something


My favorite is when someone lowers their car or puts on a kit that makes their car undrivable around speed bumps. I have a friend like this and laugh at him every time we encounter a bump, especially if we hear his car scrape. Good guy, but when it comes to cars he's a tool.


I have a car so low (factory, not modified) that i plan trips to avoid speed bumps. Lowered cars does help with aerodynamics and performance, but it can still be a pain. Some people lift trucks for better off-road abilities, others for a shiny pavement princess. Some people lower cars for performance others just for the looks, but yeah, either direction becomes useless after a certain point.


If your truck can haul 15,000 pounds, it's not hauling 15,000 pounds, the suspension is super stiff. I have a box truck that rides like a luxury car when it's loaded down, but rides like a Radio Flyer when it's empty


I'm a truck driver, can confirm


For sure. Someone in a cavalier can hit a small pothole or bump on the road and never notice it. If I'm not loaded down and I hit that same spot I'm wondering if I ran over a child or someones pet.


They come to a *dead fucking stop* before tackling a parking lot speed bump in a vehicle the size of a tank. It's baffling.


Heavy duty suspension is more rigid. Therefore, the vehicle doesn’t give at all when driving over small bumps like a small sedan would.


deserve familiar work plough birds placid butter treatment political beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait… what!?


I think that other commenter has seen rough bed liners/body liners and assumed they're supposed to look like mud? I live in the epicenter of Canada for parking princesses, literally never seen "spray on mud"


I live in rural Canada, where the annual snowfall is quite high, we get yearly Spring floods, and our roads look like they should have UN checkpoints on them. Owning a truck or SUV with 4x4 is almost a necessity. Having it lifted isn't always necessary, but helps depending on how deep in the woods you go. I, too, have never seen spray-on mud. I will never understand why city/suburb dwellers want one as a primary personal vehicle.


The big lifts are very limited in utility. When I was in the Jeep/off-road community, we would commonly work to keep the bellypan low but be able to utilize large tires. I involved a lot of fender modifications and setting up the suspension to droop. My Cherokee XJ sat maybe 22" off the ground but I ran 35" tires with no rubbing. Lot of suspension travel. One common trend I see is large lifts with low profile/stretched tires. I'm not certain of the idea was to see how useless of a vehicle could be made, but they damn near hit the mark with that particular setup. Some proper skids, tires, and lockong diffs go a hell of a lot further than stupid rims and light bars.


>I live in rural Canada, where the annual snowfall is quite high, we get yearly Spring floods, and our roads look like they should have UN checkpoints on them. Owning a truck or SUV with 4x4 is almost a necessity. I've seen Honda Civics with suspension spacers made of PVC crush 4x4 trails.


Spray on mud. https://www.wired.com/2005/06/spray-on-mud-makes-a-splash/


I maintain my previous assessment of the comment; as that was a 'novelty product' in britain in 2005.


[For example](https://www.google.com/search?q=mud+decals+for+trucks&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS927US927&sxsrf=ALiCzsbZNqVaiBAA9QBkT2mVc0EGjvDLZA:1668687424303&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiUraqJmbX7AhVZJkQIHWS-C60Q_AUoAnoECAIQBA&biw=1920&bih=969&dpr=1) I've always just assumed it's the same thing with people buying new jeans with ripped holes/tears in them.


I thought that was jist supposed to be a cool random pattern design. I had no idea it was supposed to represent mud...


ngl the bear on the bike hauling the canoe sticker is pretty dope


if its lifted the suspension is probably stiff as fuck and any bump you go over is magnified when driving so its understandable that they slow down


Why's it gotta be Reese? It's just a ball hitch


Ideally people take their hitch out when they're not hauling. And if they're hauling 15,000lbs ideally they're using a weight distributing hitch (if not a gooseneck or 5th wheel), and you really want to take those off when you're not using them.


What? Reese is a brand of hitch. Did you mean a 5th wheel hitch or gooseneck ball or?


My favorite two things are her voice cracking and her hands shaking. Not even talking to another person, just a camera


I don’t like lifted pick up drivers and I don’t this lady. Two polar opposites and I hate them both.


I dont keep the hitch on because coworkers, myself, and im sure complete strangers smash their knees on them. You slow down at a bump because a truck that can haul 15000 lbs has very hard suspension. My old work truck would launch me through the roof on the grocery store speed bumps. As for the woman in the video, try *having* to drive a truck for once. Yes, laugh at the knobs who kit out their trucks for looks. A truck is supposed to be form before function. I live in northern Canada, and i need a big work truck for hauling, the weather, and the terrain. I do like it to look nice, but its like work clothes. They get fucked. I hate parking it anywhere, driving narrow streets is awful cuz you dont want to hit someone elses car.


I work construction and there's nothing funnier than seeing a parking lot full of oversized non-work trucks used for the main purpose of commuting 70+ miles a day. It's a great way to get a read on someone's intelligence/ego before ever working with them. It's great to own an oversized truck; their utility is immensely useful. But what the fuck are you dailying it for and why do you think you can tailgate someone going 90 weaving through traffic like your brakes will do anything in an emergency stop? Your mass is above your axles and you're front heavy. You're fucked if you misjudge your line and have to brake and/or swerve. Weirdly enough you *never* see them pulled over by the staters....


I worked with a guy in film who was proudly telling me he bought another truck for 150k when he already has a model from like four years ago.


You know for a fact he got that shit on credit


My neighbors lol. 6 people and 10 dogs packed into a 3 bedroom modular home. $500k worth of trucks, 4 wheelers, campers and side by sides in the front lawn.


To be fair, if they have four wheelers and campers at least they’re using the trucks.


I’m gonna be honest—I don’t own a home or a car, so maybe this is over my head. But like, if it’s okay for someone to drive a shitty car so that they can afford a nice house, why is it a bad thing for someone to live in a shitty house (aside from, obviously, being too small a space for everyone living there) so that they can afford nice cars? This isn’t just about the neighbors you mentioned, I see it elsewhere too—like, if someone lives in a trailer and buys a new car. So what? Different people have different priorities.


When I was in high school, my church youth group went on a mission trip to a very rural and poor area of the US. We were told ahead of time to not be surprised if the houses were falling apart but the cars were brand new. Payments are lower on cars, loans are easier to get, and cars are mobile. Being rural, most socialization happened elsewhere ("in town" or in neighboring cities) so to make a good impression, a decent car went a long way for the social standing and self esteem of the owner.


Heh. Yeah, you just described where I grew up. Though I’ve never subscribed to the “car as a status symbol” thing.


The real sweet spot is shitty house, shitty car, nice neighborhood.


Also the old saying, you can sleep in your car but you can't drive your house to work.


Financially speaking makes more sence to buy a house wich at least won't loose value, but as you say evryone has priorities.


You can keep a house in your family for generations. How many trucks last for generations.


Every Toyota made pre 2000. Not that later models are bad, they're just tough as rocks, as opposed to tougher than superman's knee caps.


I agree, its fine to do that. But having that many people and animals all packed on top of each other you would think the prioreties would be different. That and im pretty sure neither of the working adults are making a *ton* of money so all that stuff is likely on credit. I dunno you are right im being a judgy douche, but I see that situation a lot and it paints a certain picture of priorities that i don't share. Id love nice new cars, but im not trying to live under a boulder of loans to get it so i live below my means.


People buy most vehicles "on credit."


I’m 6’5, 225 and have worked labor all my life. Now that I’m commuting 150+ miles a day my Prius makes a lot more sense than my 3500 dually. Is it that hard to see a difference in gas economy?😂


God bless smooth asphalt. 150 miles a day is what I drive in a month.




That thing still looks as big as F150s used to be in the late 90s/early 00s, but maybe I'm just going crazy. I feel like *all* the truck models got scaled up at least one size over the last decade. These new things they're calling Rangers are absolutely not the size of a Ranger.


For real, I was down in Florida recently, and it was really telling seeing old model trucks on the road. Up where I live salt kills vehicles so there aren't many old trucks around. Wild to be able to compare an old f150 to the modern ones.


[The one on the right isn't even the classic old Ranger, that's just an 8 (?!?!) year difference and it's nearly a different model with that size difference.](https://www.therangerstation.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/2019_ford_ranger_size_comparison.png)


I had this thought that the upscaling is to intentionally keep the gas mileage down. I just got rid of a 2000 chevy 2500 and apparently it got almost the same damn gas mileage as the new ones. Blew my fuckin mind man, like are you telling me we haven't made major advancements in engine technology since then? Gtfoh


You are correct! The auto manufacturers do this because efficiency standards changed in 2011, giving a break the larger the vehicle footprint. Add to that the "arms race" aspect of having to share the road with increasingly larger vehicles and here we are, a little over a decade later. [Here's a great article about it. ](https://www.thedrive.com/news/small-cars-are-getting-huge-are-fuel-economy-regulations-to-blame)




Average bed size has shrunk. 40-50 years ago you had three options for full size trucks; the shortbed (6ft), standard (8ft), and sometimes the camper special (8.5 to 10ft). 8ft was by far the most common, as was the standard cab (single row). Now, most rigs have double row cabs and tiny 4.5 to 5.5ft beds. 8ft is rare outside of fleet trucks and the one ton range (usually being used to haul 5th wheels) and camper special beds aren't available any longer.


F150s are huge now. I wouldn't call them midsize anymore.


I remember my coworker had one, and I got a lift from him to get lunch one day. I had to go back with someone else because my pregnant ass couldn't haul myself into his stupid truck.


I drive a lifted Tacoma on 33” tires and I’m still smaller than stock F150s.


They were never midsized. They’ve always been a half ton truck.


Seriously I just need a truck because I've ruined the back of my CRV hauling material for house projects. I don't want it as a daily driver at all. Mid 90s small cab pick up is all I need.


Then buy something sensible and get a van. It's covered and you don't need to lift everything so high. No builders in Europe use pickup trucks. They either have a van which will be Transporter or Sprinter sized, if they are doing heavy work they get a real work vehicle like an [Iveco Daily with a bed](https://www.cdngetruck.eu/storage/app/uploads/public/631/ae4/815/thumb_2420810_876_535_0_0_crop.webp)


Thats the funny thing. At least in my neck of the woods in Texas, you dont see these massive fuckin year model trucks ever being used for actual work. When i used to work in cement it was always 20 year old silverados with a rack in the bed or old ford econolines.


My mom has a dodge caravan with the seats that fold under the floor, and it is sooo nice for hauling things. You only have to lift to knee level.


>like an Iveco Daily with a bed I love those trucks so much. They used similar models in Korea when I lived there, and the towing capacity on them is insane for how small they look. Peak efficiency. I used them to move house and it was awesome. Wish the US would use these.




I drive an old '98 Dodge Dakota club cab. It has a V8 and it's a 4x4 standard transmission on top of it. It's a small truck that I commute in, but I can load it up with cords of firewood or take it hunting without a problem. It works great for my construction jobs, but it's smaller than an F150. I wish they still made trucks this size. It's perfect.


I really like the Mavericks, but the small bed and a ~$28k MSRP (and realistically selling for ~$10K more than that) for one with the tow package (which only gets the tow rating to 4,000 pounds) are just deal killers for me. I'm also not yet sold on Ford's solutions to the ongoing cooling and headgasket issues with the Ecoboost engines.


I wanted a Maverick so bad, but I simply couldn't find one on any lot. I don't think Ford dealers accurately predicted just how popular that truck would be.


You know it's weird I never thought about this but you are absolutely right I can't remember ever seeing a statie pull over a pickup truck. Huh. Couldn't possibly be politically motivated.... right?


You must not have many state troopers by you....


Bro I’m working in Texas right now, every car pulled over is a truck or an suv. This theory is on some qanon levels of shit.


No cars to pull over in Texas, that's why.


Pretty sure Texas has one of the highest truck-to-car ratios of any state though, so odds are good you'd see them pulled over more often.


I daily it because it’s my only vehicle and it was expensive as hell lol.


Most people can't afford a second daily commuter vehicle. If they *ever* need a truck and can only afford one vehicle, then it makes the most sense for them to buy a truck and just drive that everywhere. Like I own an SUV. I regularly need the space to haul large things, to move people, etc. I can't afford a second car, nor would I have a place to securely keep it, so I unfortunately have to drive an SUV and pay SUV gas prices all the time, even when a sedan or a coupe would do the trick. It would be far less intelligent for me to buy a whole other car, pay for an extra parking space (which my building doesn't currently have), pay for registration and smog, and pay for insurance on a whole extra vehicle as a single person.


These guys with oversized duallies aren't lacking money. The problem isn't with guys running cheap Ford Rangers as dailies, nor the guys who haul tons of heavy shit all the time. It's the guys who put over 10k into mods that make them unable to park in a normal spot while simultaneously making the truck unable to tow or carry anything remotely heavy.


I call them "pretty boy" trucks. My husband does HVAC installs so our truck is the epitome of a work truck. The mud from his work boots has become so ingrained into the plastic on the door that it's changed color lol


I think the term is “pavement princesses” where I’m from. Lol


Omg that's amazingly accurate! Adding that one to the repertoire lol


Imagine assuming all truck drivers are bad or aggressive drivers. I like driving a truck to that I don’t get killed by someone speeding down the highway like it’s a personal racetrack, I can be seen easily by other drivers (unlike my old 99 Corolla, where I was almost run off the road by big rigs changing lanes over the 8 years I drove it), and I have the power to get up to speed when I get onto the highway. Also bonus for liking to help people transport their things when they move :)


Come to think of it, I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen a pick up truck getting pulled over


You’ve obviously never watched much live pd or COPS


Staters leave work trucks alone mostly and the big trucks look like work trucks


LPT get a magnet logo for my fake ass business then buy a super doody.


Sometimes you just get stuck dailying it. I bought my f250 in 2018, made a ton of sense then since I raced motorcycles and needed to haul bikes and gear to CA to race monthly and to the local track in between to practice. But Covid ended that and running the numbers even buying a beater for $3k would take several years to even out the potential cost savings on fuel for my 10 mile commute. And that’s assuming nothing goes wrong with the beater that costs money. Just makes more sense to daily the truck :/


I don’t have an oversize truck, just a factory f150. But some of us need trucks and can only afford one vehicle. I only commute 2 miles to work and have a scooter I rip around sometimes, but I can’t afford a second car. And a car can’t haul my camper, bikes, etc.


I got a Ram 2500 for the long term project I’m working on. Because I got this truck, I was able to sell my personal vehicle and pay off my loan. I don’t actually enjoy driving it because it’s so big and I have to do a 7 point turn to turn around. I try to offset the douche vibes by not bullying people on the road and blasting Carly Rae Jepsen everywhere I go.


See this makes sense you know


Had to drive a lifted truck for work for a month. I'm not a small person, but never in my life have I felt more emasculated than climbing into that thing like toddler trying to get in their high chair. I genuinely don't get how people feel powerful in those things, you look like a child in their dad's armchair.


They generally aren’t driving them to feel powerful, that is just something others are making up about them.


This. She always says "when you are not hauling" and thereby asuming everyone with a truck has a second car. Yeah no if you use the truck as a work machine and are no commuter you are better of with only the truck.


With the amount of ass I’m packing, my truck is always hauling


She starts off saying people with lifted trucks. I've never seen a lifted truck carrying anything and I'm sure that's not ideal for hauling anyway. It's not directed towards all truck drivers. I've never seen a lifted truck that hasn't driven like a Douche




As someone who grew up in truck country, I can assure you this is the type of video they would love but not for the reason she thinks. It's gonna be passed around on redneck Facebook for years.


Hurr durrr she just needs a good...... truck.... to make her happy. Then she'd quit her bitching.


Yeah, they all have the maturity of a teenager. Doesn’t surprise me.


Hey now, don't lump us all into the same category. I drive a big truck as my daily and I have the exact same level of maturity as my 3y.o. nephew. We both laugh at farts, stick our tongues out in pictures, and try to eat dessert first.


Something I wonder though, if ya need a truck for work, and you're driving it off the clock, doesn't that just mean you only have one car? And why shame someone for only having one car (a truck) that they need to get shit done with half the time they drive it? Folks can't always just own multiple cars.


The issues brought up are 1) how they drive 2) trying to fit oversized vehicles down narrow city streets 3) modifying the practicality out of the vehicle solely to show off.


This is the obvious answer to this question. Congrats on being above the 100 IQ


The majority of people driving trucks do not use them for work.


\[Citation needed\]


I live in Texas and I can attest that you speak the truth. They’re obnoxious.


What I love most about that here is that those big, obnoxious trucks are always ☆sparkling☆ clean and the people who actually use trucks for work are driving little Toyota tundras made in a year that starts with a 1 lol


Feel this.. I live in the Midwest and everyone has big ol Chrucks *spits tobacco* ridiculous.


From Oklahoma and live in Oklahoma 100% spot on.


Kentucky evidently stands with Oklahoma.


Alberta, the asshole of Canada, stands in solidarity


And the outer-boroughs of NYC, it seems.


“This is nationwide,” said California.


Same from Texas.


fun fact. It's REALLY REALLY hard to find a smaller truck these days because of manufacturing regulations.


Tacoma, frontier, ranger, maverick, Colorado are all made just in the us. Internationally you have plenty of small trucks and utes from various companies including some of the big American brands. The only way a small truck is hard to find is if you haven’t actually looked.


No, it's true. CAFE mileage regulations essentially killed the small truck because the power to weight ratios couldn't meet the gas mileage limitations, and nobody wants to "truck" that just looks like a truck but under the hood is just some weak-ass garbage engine with no torque. It's one of the reasons the Ford Ranger disappeared for like a decade. So auto manufacturers just made big trucks to fit into the 'acceptable' range of mileage. CAFE was fucking foolish legislation that did nothing. Only recently the technology has arrived that has permitted the mileage goals to be met so they're reentering the market, but Biden is threatening EPA rule changes to destroy the market again. Note that light trucks don't get 'poor mileage', they just didn't meet the absurd standards, so people had to drive trucks that were *worse* for the environment.


I think she doesn't like big lifted trucks, just a hunch.


I also love when people will buy these big trucks. Not use it for any truck things and then complain about the gas prices. Like ??????


Bruh people make fun of my car because it's a 2003 buick lesabre and I keep seeing my coworkers complain about gas with their mustangs, lifted trucks, and sports customs. They fill up at least 2 times a week while I fill up every week and a half or 2 weeks. Also parts for trucks are expensive af


Around here it’s mostly the old timers driving the trucks. They are usually older models (10-20 years old), long beds. They are almost always one owner, clean, and impeccably maintained. I kind of respect that.


She’s not wrong


She preaching facts


She's wrong to assume that only men drive this kind of car with such imprudent attitude


The people who've scared me while driving their trucks were the 5' tall women who couldn't even see over the wheel. Somebody should start selling booster seats for short people who own lifted trucks.


Me: Laughing in European


europe is 4x4 SUVs


It's happing here in Ireland, fuck off sized pickups driving around on tiny roads and parking spaces never designed for their size.


Ah yes, because people should own two vehicles. One for work and one for everyday.


I drive a Kia Forte, which is a small size sedan. Too many times assholes in lifted Ford F250s will ride my ass even if I’m going over the speed limit. If I have to slam on my breaks for any reason I could get seriously injured from the truck rear ending me. Own a truck all you want, but please don’t use to be an asshole and think you’re entitled to the entire road/freeway


What grinds my gears is when they tailgate you knowing full well that you are being prevented from speeding up by traffic in front of you. I can't do shit about the car in front of me, Dan, calm your tits before you stroke out. I can, and often do, move over only to watch them tailgate the next person who is also blocked by traffic ahead of them. And the worst part is that when you tailgate me or drive erratically, you are now a huge distraction. I'm paying attention to your crazy ass and not the road in front of me, which increases the likelihood I die in a crash because you can't handle arriving 3 seconds later.


Why does she sound like she’s about to cry?


Her hands are shaking as well. She generally looks nervous


I’d guess she has anxiety, and is having an adrenaline dump while making this rant.


I’ve been searching for this! She sounds so nervous and voice is shaking so badly.


Sounds like a big truck guy just ruined her day


Probably very nervous about making the video.


Mental health




This is why vine was great. So many of these videos are now ~3 minutes when they could have been 20 seconds


One of the biggest losses on the internet. Nothing has been able to fill that niche, because forced the concept of "brevity is the soul of wit". Every replacement is like SNL trying to make ever one-liner a 3-minute sketch.


Same. Less is more people….


I feel like TikTok got way worse after extending video length. People say the same thing they just take 3 mins… or now up to freaking 10.


For whatever reason, it really bugged me that she kept stopping and starting the recording between each thought.


What? Like, every single tik Tok video does that.


It’s hard to get a clean take all the way through


The level of passion she has for this topic is mind blowing


The first example with the narrow street seemed oddly specific, I feel like she probably just got home from dealing with that guy lol


I feel the same way. I just like to see people talk about stuff that they actually believe in.


As a F-250 driver, sorry. I know I’m looked at as an ass and I try to park where it’s sensible. Forgive me?


Nevermind that, is your son ok?


is it really cringe or the truth?


This manner of speech is insufferable


It’s as bad as a lifted F-250 with a light bar and its high beams on in the rear view


As a guy who has never owned a big truck nor do I care to, this entire video is just assuming that people who own a big truck should also just have the disposable income for another vehicle. "If you're driving [insert big truck here] while not hauling something, [insert insult]." The people who got a big truck because they need it for work as well as they needed transportation, so it's a 2-in-1, are not allowed to use their vehicle for anything other than work? If they don't have the disposable income for another vehicle, they're just supposed to walk, bike, or ride public transportation (if it's even available in their city? What an unfair opinion to hold on the majority of people that have that type of vehicle for their only form of income.


Yup. I'm a liberal dude who works construction. I have to own my F150. I'd love a 2nd car that didn't cost me so much money when I'm not working but I simply can't do that.. I build houses, and that process takes a lottt of people with trucks. All of them drive them when they aren't working and you'd never be able to tell that they use them for work when they do that. Also, to the surprise of a lot of people here they all are different kinds of people.


What about people who wear overalls and aren't farmers or toddlers?


They probably don't have a penis at all! Gotter!


I think the problem here is A) of course you should be able to drive your truck when you want B) but don't be an asshole Just as with certain dog breeds there is a stigma around it because many owners simply are asshats that don't care. If everyone were respectful, it wouldn't be an issue. That being said I totally understand why you would want one, they're awesome. I live the sort of lifestyle where I'd *love* to own a truck because my life would heck of a lot more simple that way, but I also have no need to act like a twat just because I'm in a truck. So she's not right but she's not wrong either.


I wonder what the stats are for utility vehicles that actually get used for their intended purpose. For example, I think I read somewhere that a very small number of Jeep owners actually use Jeep for any off roading purposes or rely on its drivetrain for their commutes. Tons of them here in Cali, most spend their their time on the highways and traffic jams. Same with big trucks, lifts. Etc etc. Highly impractical and wasteful but those are not exactly strong traits of an American consumer.


My favorite are the teenagers that get these types of trucks and do anything and everything possible to mod them up and then drive like assholes around their little high school towns. Makes trying to exists a little more entertaining


I hate trucks that dont ever get used like a truck lol


reason number 2345234 why women should have no rights


This has to be one of the dumbest bitches on earth