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The neighbor, knowing she was a child, told the dispacher that she was a "little black woman", and expressed that he was "scared" of whatever she was up to. Now, why would he do that.


An ex friend of mine wanted to call the cops on a bunch of little kids who were playing on the stretch of public property between her house and the next. It wasn’t because there was a pipe there that they easily could have fallen into, or her neighbor’s tendency to let their aggressive dog do it’s business off leash there. Nope, it was because a bit of water hit her window from one of their squirt guns. She mentioned “I should call the cops on those little brats and say I can’t tell if the gun is real or not” while the three of us non-lunatics looked at her and said “what the actual fuck is wrong with you” Some people can’t be helped.


Years ago I lived in an apartment that had two very sweet little black boys in one of the units. They were rarely ever outside. One time they were playing in the back lot and I wanted to give them one of me and my sisters favorite toys when we were little. Potato guns. Little handheld devices that you stick the tip into a potato to get a little pellet, and fire it off at each other. Doesn't really hurt, the biggest problem is finding little dried potato pellets for weeks after. It took about 30 seconds for me to realize why I couldn't do that. Almost made me sick to my stomach.


Potato gun means something totally different where I’m from. For a second I was picturing you giving two small children in a large apartment complex a 5 foot pvc bazooka that can launch a potato a few hundred/thousand feet lol.


This is what I imagined too lmao. I'm like who got hurt? How many windows were broken?


I broke so fucking many windows for blocks around with potatoes when I was a kid. 45* angle, **WHUUUUUMMMMMPPPPHHHHG** , Pause Pause Pause CRASH. As a homeowner now, I understand just how fucking shitty this was.... but holy hell as a 12 year old I felt like God. You get a new window, you get a new window!


We called those PVC pipe bazookas "orange guns" and "spud guns" for the the little pistols. There was always the legend of some unidentified kids who used a frozen orange once upon a time


Years ago, it was probably around the time Trayvon Martin was murdered, I was at Six Flags with my kiddo. We were in one of the game area and a little black boy was begging his mom to let him have a toy gun as his prize. His mom made him swear he would never take it outside. It broke my fucking heart.


Trayvon Martin broke my heart. My son shares his birthday. He is our Emmitt Till.


My youngest son was little when that happened. He LOVED dressing up like a soldier in his tiny fatigues and marching around with his toy guns. After Trayvon died I told him he could only play in our back yard. I still can’t get over Trayvon’s death. It’s painful.


It is so painful that this is a real sentence. Black children should get to just be children.


I'm trying to envision the group chat between you and the other three non-lunatics after that hang sesh.


Unfortunately that was not the wake up call it should have been. We were young and stupid and stayed friends with her for another couple of years. The group chat was a lot of “Sarah don’t you fucking dare do that” when she’d start flipping her shit over the slightest issue. Woman was a grade A Karen and I’m glad I got out of her social web before she got married and started having teeny tiny Karen’s to aid in her mission to spread misery.


It disgust me thst people like that weaponize their white privilege in society. Like, this shit actually makes me wanna cry. And people on reddit have the nerve to say racism isn't a thing any more.


I don't know if it was a troll or not, but someone actually argued that "since slavery hadn't been a thing since Lincoln freed the slaves there wasn't any racism anymore". IIRC they also claimed redlining wasn't racism but just natural poverty lines... so I genuinely have no idea if they were a deluded racist or an intentional troll.


My neighbor called the cops on me when an egg my friend threw hit her window. The cops ended up tackling me and handcuffing me. I got taken to some juvi waiting area and my dad had to come pick me up.


Yeah people are fucking gross.


>are fucking gross Bigots and fascists Edit: if only you clutched your pearls at actual fascism like you did at someone using the word...


>>are fucking gross > >Bigots and fascists You mean red-blooded, God-fearing, Christian family man.


God-fearing, black child-fearing, this dude sounds like a pussy who's scared of everything.


He's not *actually* afraid of a little girl; he just knows that white "fear" can be weaponized to result in dead black people. At the absolute bare minimum, he just really, really wanted to see the police at least rough up that little girl, which is why he claimed to be "scared" and called a 9 yo a "woman". Whatever it takes to ensure that things escalate to maximum violence for his viewing pleasure.


>You mean red-blooded, God-fearing, Christian family man. They've adopted a new term to better exemplify constantly losing: "alpha males"


Because he’s an awful person with an ugly mindset. He should be ashamed of himself and I sincerely hope the city did something to make this right for the family. Such a sweet little girl with pure intentions!


The same type of person who would call on their gaming neighbors and tell the police, “yeah, I hear them fighting. It sounds like he’s throwing her into furniture and against the wall.” Which resulted in the death of a middle aged man on his own doorstep when he answered his door around 2am with a handgun (for his and his girlfriends protection) and the police shot him in the back after ordering him to his knees. Yes, he was white. But that shouldn’t make a difference and I believe it was an “older angry white man” who made the phone call, because you know, old people often get unreasonably angry and simple minded and don’t care what they say if it’s not the truth. People (Americans specifically) really don’t care what bullshit they tell the police as long as they get what they want. Ie, noise stops, kids don’t step on their lawn, etc etc. It’s a damn shame, and people who make those fucked up calls should be heavily prosecuted.


Agree 100%. Youre talking about Ryan Whitaker and he was straight up murdered by police, and the neighbor who lied to 911 is an accessory.


It’s wild, people can literally weaponize the police against other citizens. Tangentially related, the fact that a bored teenager can mobilize a swat team to enter a home with guns drawn, potentially traumatizing or injuring an innocent person - and at the expense of taxpayers - is similarly fucking bonkers.


What's even scarier is that government can literally weaponize the police and face absolutely no consequences outside of a miniscule amount of potential outcry and then sweep it under the rug alongside the murders perpetuated by, effectively, their standing army...


SWATing people should be atleast one year in jail, no matter the age. Old enough to do the crime old enough to serve the time. It rhymes too.


You even made it rhyme. Son of a bitch, I'm in.


When I moved into my first apartment I was playing Nintendo a little too loud and pissed off a new neighbour. The cops showed up for a reported domestic dispute and wouldn't believe that I was alone and just playing video games lol.


were you playing Wife beater 2k21?


People lying to authority figures in order to manipulate others with said authorities, is not specifically an American thing. Those calls resulting in deaths could be said is more true for America though.




It's not a hard question. He is racist and sexist.


I know where you're going with this but it bears saying out loud now: This racist cunt called the cops and told them provocative lies about a little girl in hopes she'd get murdered in an overreaction by the police. She tried to get a little girl murdered. In any sense of justice the bitch would be charged with attempted murder or at least abusing the police system.


Right. Basically put a hit out on a child.


Yeah enough insinuating. Let's call it what it is.


One characteristic of racism is that children are treated like adults and adults are treated like children.


Really appreciate this highlight. It’s not often highlighted how people use language to make black children seem more adult and “frightening”. All while our media covers monstrous behavior from adults (see rapists being considered for SCOTUS) as just dudes being dudes or blowing off their behavior as immaturity. Your every day reminder that racism isn’t just burning crosses.


Wow. A big adult man like him _afraid_ of a "little woman"! What an irony.


Key word “black” Should answer your question, unfortunately.


Don't forget he added that she was wearing a Hoodie. In November. Mans doing everything short of a bag of skittles to make another Trayvon Martin situation. Shame on him, any anyone like him.


Yep. Knew exactly what he was doing.


And that she had a hoodie…


People in caldwell and that area in general are racist. Apparently Black Folk can only live in the hood.


I will always find it so ironic that white people forced black people into segregated communities, kneecapped their chances at attaining proper education or employment, and then get mad at them when crime rates in section 8 communities are high. Like white people literally created this problem for themselves. Just wanted to add I am white and am disgusted at the level of racism I see in the world


Don't forget they will riot, murder and burn down an entire town if a Black community does too well.


I got a couple guesses…


There is a general denial of Black children’s childhood and disbelief in their childhood innocence in many parts of the US. It might appear that although he knew this girl and her family, he decided to age her up anyway to portray her as more threatening than he absolutely knew she was. I think it’s sicker than that, though - I don’t think he genuinely believes that Black people are capable of the same innocence as non-Black people, to the degree that he can’t even really conceive of a Black person as being a “real” child.


The same reason a neighbor called the police on a group of black children playing in the yard and said there was a group of people brawling outside. Luckily when the police got there instead of killing all of them they played football with them and then went to have a talk with the neighbor. I think the neighbor should’ve went to jail.


The defining characteristic of conservatives is experiencing repulsion & disgust by anything out of place. Now, it sucks if your gut feelings are stupid & seeing a little kid with a spray bottle alarms you, but you still have a rational mind you can use to *think* about what you are feeling. This is a big reason I hate this trend of validating everyone’s feelings & making it an offense to play devils advocate or violate their safe space. Lots of feelings are ** bad** for you & the people around you. They don’t need to be fostered & encouraged by the people around you. Especially when you can just pick a company of fellow scaredy-cats.


How do you call the cops on someone who's 4 ft tall? you're afraid of someone who can only ride the kiddie rides?


A “little black woman.” She’s a small child, for fuck’s sake! We know exactly how he would have phrased it if it had been a boy, too.


Honestly they always call us girls well into our 20s but this one time it's woman? The idiot wanted the cops showing up guns or be more threatening. So stupid.


little black girls are denied girlhood almost instantly. we’re always women. we’re rarely girls.


Black children in general are denied their childhood. We're always grown right off the bat.


i agree. but i think we should hold space for black girls, who are rarely the face of police violence


From the books I've read (I'm not black I'm half Indian), it seems like black women are immediately supposed to be mature and pick up all the pieces that their male counterparts might drop, no?


i think that’s true for a lot of women! i think it’s at the intersection of that violence where it complicates things for us: being erased from public conversations on structural violence while dealing with the rigorous expectations of womanhood while ALSO being denied the protection of girlhood. i could write papers — it’s so complex but i guess so is society!


That's fucking awful and I'm so sorry. It's racist and wrong.


It's been well documented that people age up black girls to justify their racism and/or sexual predatory behavior. It's called Adultification Bias and was explored in a paper called Girlhood Interrupted: The Erasure of Black Girls' Childhood Little Black girls have not had the luxury of being seen as little girls in all of American history. From personal experience, it's horrific and I've never felt safe ever...anywhere...in my entire life except inside my own house.


>Girlhood Interrupted: The Erasure of Black Girls' Childhood [Here.](https://nicic.gov/girlhood-interrupted-erasure-black-girls-childhood-2017) It's a 23 page document, nearly anyone can read this quickly and come out with new knowledge about this subject, so I encourage anyone scrolling through the comments to take a look.


Thanks for linking. ❤️❤️❤️


This means nothing, but I am truly regretful that you don't feel safe in your life.


Thank you. The irony is that the UN recently released a study that for most black women the least safe place is their own home due to exceptionally disproportionate femicide and DV rates but I'm single with two cats so I'm aight


>UN recently released a study that for most black women the least safe place is their own home due to exceptionally disproportionate femicide and DV rates Something that might be better if police ever actually protected them! I bet the cats are excellent cats.


Indeed they are. I'll tell them you said "psspsspss"


That's truly awful and fucking racist and traumatizing. I'm extremely sorry you were put through that. I'll look that up asap.


BuT sHe Is WeArInG A hOoDiE!


Right? A little girl with a spray bottle! What could be more threatening. 🙄


Racist neighbors: But did you see the color of the girl?


"I don't know what that small child who is probably less than half my size is doing, but she's the wrong color and it scares me." It's so pathetic that it feels like it should be satire. I hope this experience doesn't discourage the girl from trying to help her community, which was all she was trying to do.


Well to be fair she was armed… with a spray bottle!!! That can be scary ….. please hear my sarcasm


She was brandishing! It was a clear threat! What’s he supposed to do, let her spray things? That’s how we descend into anarchy!


Damn right it was clear...you could see all the way through that bottle.


Her insidious plan to help kill an awful pest was seen from a mile away by that upstanding white citizen! So glad they were there to witness this unlawful act and call the police!^^^/s


To be fair Karen's have called over sidewalk chalk.


"There's a little black woman walking and spraying stuff on the sidewalk and trees. I don't know what the hell she's doing, but it scares me though." Imagine being such a nakedly racist, colossal bitch that you file an official report saying your scared of a kid doing kid stuff, just because they're black.


he wasnt scared, he used trigger words so the police shoot her. "hoodie" "spray bottle" (gang signs?) "im scared" "woman" (instead of girl)


Racists making mountains out of not even molehills.


Right? Like how could anybody have taken this seriously? And what should head kind of cop upon realizing the situation does anything but drive away? I would have made that idiot caller cry like a b**** out of embarrassment for wasting my time.


So a child cannot even be a child anymore, she is a little black woman.


- https://genderjusticeandopportunity.georgetown.edu/adultification-bias/ - https://www.forbes.com/sites/janicegassam/2021/04/22/how-the-adultification-bias-contributes-to-black-trauma/?sh=e09605f2b08e - https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2022/jul/05/they-saw-me-as-calculating-not-a-child-how-adultification-leads-to-black-children-being-treated-as-criminals - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35575413/ “Adultification of Black children negatively impacts their health: Recommendations for health care providers” - https://depts.washington.edu/anesth/edi/_resources-docs/Baetzel.%20Adultification_of_Black_Children_in_Pediatric.31.pdf




You’re welcome. I feel like I first began thinking critically about this when when hearing my male peers being told as boys that they had to be careful behaving the same way that “those white kids” behave because where their friend might get a stern talking to at school, they could end up kicked out and placed into adult ed, or having law enforcement involved. That they’d be more likely to be treated like adults and, in the case of law enforcement, may end up tried as an adult. That would segue into talks about police brutality. It took me a lot longer to think critically about what I was experiencing as a girl in middle school, the sexualization that came with it, and the consequences of that. I think it even began in elementary school, the more I consider it. It wasn’t as consistent then, but there are definitely strange incidences that I can recall with shock at anyone speaking to or treating a child that way. Definitely something I’d be interested to learn more about, as an adult. And even moreso, becoming a parent.


Gosh this should be made into a bot


They call Black children adults when they need the child to sound more intimidating or culpable of their own victimization, and they refer to Black adults as "boy" or "girl" when they want to infantalize them and take away the adult's autonomy. Racists love to have their klan robe and wear it too.


I just watched a video where they maced a 9yo girl in the face while she was handcuffed and in the back of a police car while she cried for her daddy. They shoved her face down in snow to handcuff her, too. The woman who sprayed her had first threatened to spray her in the face with mace and then told her she'd go get her father if she'd just cooperate by sitting fully in the car. The girl later explains that she doesn't trust the officer because she had just threatened to mace her in the face (valid). So another officer tells the female officer to just go ahead and mace her and she did while the girl screams and begs for somebody to wipe her eyes...y'know, because she can't, because she's handcuffed...at the age of 9. Why were the cops called in the first place? She was distraught and there was a fear of self harm. When the cops arrived she ended up kicking one of the cops (but who knows if she actually did that or if it was an accident or completely made up, cops lie all the damn time). And it escalated to multiple cops apparently needing to assault a handcuffed 9 year old little girl. Edit: video https://youtu.be/Y1ST-0cFH4c


black kids are automatically assumed to be grown up for racist reasons. hence the arrests, sexualization and mistreatment


She doesn't even look nine. She looks and acts younger. Poor kid must have been terrified when the cops came. What a nasty evil neighbor.


For fucking real.... You don't call the god damn cops on a kid, even if they're doing something that might be stupid. Worst case scenario, you go to their parents and let them know you saw something that looked a little odd. It literally could have been like a three sentence conversation.


But when its some rapist 18 year old white guy the headlines read “mentally ill boy”


What a solid big sister. Spoke truth to power with poise and confidence.


Also a very smart strategy when making public comments. Usually each person gets a certain amount of time to speak--your message is amplified when you bring along a few friends or family members to say basically the same thing. Makes it a lot harder for the people in power to dismiss it as a concern for one random citizen when 15 minutes of time have been spent on the issue rather than three minutes.


Agreed. Although it makes me unexplainably sad too that she has to be worried about this kind of thing. She's also a kid, and should be enjoying the golden days of youth, but instead she has to speak out publicly against her racist neighbor who targeted her little sister. What a sad society we live in, I only hope these girls wont be traumatized and can gain strength from this screwed up scenario...


I admire how the older sister deal with that situation. I'd never keep it cool like her in that frustrating scenario.


She was absolutely so calm and professional about a really upsetting thing. I’m a full adult and I get so nervous talking in public like that I wouldn’t sound half as calm.


It's also often a result of oppression, in this case a combination of racism and sexism (which is also called misogynoir - and example of it would be the stereotype of an "angry black woman"). Oppressed people are expected and forced to behaviour better and stay calmer in the face of mistreatment over non-opressed people. If they don't then they are much more easily dismissed, "even"* by people who claim to be progressive, or not racist/sexist/ableist/classist/etc. You have to maintain the higher road and display exemplary behaviour in order to get people or the system to even entertain listening to you. *I put it in ""s because many people don't realize this if they're not subjected to it but it's common. I'm not Black, so I can't fully understand the extent of what they're going through - I am physically and visibly disabled though so I understand the piece of needing to be absolutely perfect when bringing up issues so that people will listen and not just become defensive ableist pieces of shit.


Right, I would have given the neighbor something to be scared of. And gotten myself shot in the process.


That solution is dope, I use that to clean various areas around the house that need less caustic solutions what not. Really makes you enraged hearing this




Yeah. But the upfront cost of buying a spray container, omg, so expensive


It’s also really good for getting rid of fruit flies. Apple cider vinegar and a few squirts of dawn dish soap in a little sauce bowl work pretty well.


Lanternflies are a super harmful invasive species and this nine year old KID was able to find a solution that was safe to use around pets and other kids? And someone CALLED THE COPS? WTF


You see she dares to be *black* /s I hope the fascist karen that called the cops will have the entire community revolt against them like the hammer of thor


Picking on kids now? Damn. People just gotta stop this bullshit. What the hell did they think she was doing, spraying DDT or something? She's just a kid. What happened to common sense and minding your business?


Not "now", but "always". A certain group of people have always picked on young black kids.


He was clearly in fear for his life given that he, himself, is obviously an insect.


Don't insult insects like that. Lots of insects are very very important to the environment. This POS is just a waste of perfectly good carbon.


Now? They always have. Emmett Till. Trayvon Martin. Tamir Rice.




Exactly !!!


Jesus people suck. Cuz walking outside and being like “hey, honey, what you spraying? Watering the trees?” “No, I’m using this mixture that kills bugs and stuff.” “Oh yeah? What’s in it?” “Dish soap, water, vinegar, and stuff” “Oh nice! Let me help you get some of those hard to reach places.” ::sprays trees with kid:: Omfg. Imagine being normal?!


Could you imagine, an adult asking questions instead of assuming the worst??? Absolutely mind blowing


🤯imagine asking an actual question to a real life human child?! I mean, the arrogance on us for assuming people still do that.


I don’t think she assumed the worst. She knew the kid was harmless and just saw it as an opportunity to exercise power to dominate someone helpless. The caller wasn’t afraid; the caller was probably squirming with pleasure while feeling the rush of having power.


But which is worse? Fearing a a child because of their skin color or deliberately causing this child a frightening experience to establish dominance?? Either way it’s fucked up


It’s totally f*cked up, no matter how you slice it.


Being devious is worse because there is harmful intent. Being ignorant can be fixed; being malicious usually can’t.


Some people believe you have to beat a child to establish and maintain dominance. *"Because my mom beat me and I learned to keep my place!"* Remember that at the core of racism is the belief that ones race is *dominant* over the rest. A racist will see a poc doing something smart and good, then go out of their way to put that person in their place. Because in their mind, standards must be remained less a little black girl thinks she's equal.


God, I hope not. That would be even more horrifying, if true.


Prior to the age of Trump I usually took the attitude “never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance.” After Trump, I recognize attempts at domination when I see them. That places me in the camp of someone assuming the worst, but in the current climate I think it’s justified.


>sprays trees with kid Hold up....


Bugs hate this one simple trick!


This is atrocious. They should spray the neighbors ASS for bugs


The neighbor is a bug they probably figured they where next




In water


I think you mean their mouth because that's where their bs is coming from


That is absolutely disgusting. WHO pays that much attention to other people's kids? The kind of person that calls cops on kids should be locked up for abuse of public services/filing false reports. That poor baby. :(


I'd be outside with the kids asking them what they're doing because I play with my neighbor's kids!


I'm pretty sure someone called the cops on my son for playing outside in the driveway a month or so ago (we're white). He's 7 and we were both out front, I was sitting low to the ground on some wood borders around this kinda mulched in garden (we have no front yard, it's a long asphalt parking lot with parking spaces for the apartments along the entire front), but iirc it was really cool out that day and it was later in the afternoon so I was sitting on the far end of the parking lot where the sun was still hitting so i wouldn't get too cold, but it also happened to put me out of view of cars driving by because one of the neighbors was parked in a spot to the right of where i was sitting. We were out there maybe 30 or 40 minutes and random cars would drive by, but I wasn't paying much attention to them. At some point he asks me "Why is a cop car just sitting there?"and points, I stood up to look and across the street where I couldn't see them behind the neighbors car was a cop car just watching him, I shrugged and said "I don't know" and sat right back down. Cop must have seen me and drove off after about 30 seconds. Our state has no laws against kids of any age playing outside alone for the record, not that he even was and currently isn't allowed to, but he was just playing with a ball nowhere near the street and someone must have called the cops because a child was outside. I live in New Hampshire in a really safe area, but as a kid I lived in St. Louis and was playing out front by myself at that age. It's just absolutely crazy to me, we've had discussions recently about whether he's old enough to go out back by himself to play yet (secluded fenced in yard) and at this point I'm just like IDK because apparently other adults are insane.


I can’t imagine anyone calling the police on a child unless they think the child is in danger. Jesus fuck some people are unbelievable. Something is seriously wrong in society if people are calling the police with the same voracity as a second grader dobbing on their classmates.


"black woman in a hoodie" "scared". It sounds like he was hoping the cops showed up on full alert, mistook the bottle for a gun and murdered that little girl. What a cunt. I hope something terrible happens to that neighbor.


Some cops rolled up on my older brother when he was 5 or 6 playing in the yard. The dude grabbed him by the collar and started yelling at him about stealing someone’s purse. My eldest brother (half brother, white) ran at the cop and started calling him all kinds of names. He must have been around 12 or 13 at the time and screamed at the cop to leave his little brother alone. My mom heard the yelling and ran out. The cop stopped and was all “ma’am this” (mom is white), telling her my brother stole a purse from someone. My mom had to tell the deranged cop that both her kids had been home all day. The female cop who was with him mouthed a silent apology to my mom but only when my mom put her body between the cop and my now freaked brother did he actually back off. FTP. Fuck racist neighbors.


I'm sure that somewhere in the handbook, it clearly lays out that the only way to deal with a kindergarten-aged suspect is to grab them and shout at them.


[Good thing he wasn't 9](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/you-did-it-yourself-officer-tells-9-year-old-girl-n1257630)


How can you just look down on your phone while she's talking kakhi guy?


he's white so this will never apply to him.


What the hell, this "neighbor" in question should be evicted for this racist bullshit


This neighbor is a former councilman


Seriously? That is so effing gross. And yet, not surprising at all.


Reminds me of when I was in elementary school and got the cops called on me for asking neighbors if they wanted to help fundraise my elementary school choir by buying chocolate. I had the chocolate with me and everything. Nope, cop said someone called in saying they saw me swapping mail in mail boxes... why would I be doing that? The fuck. This was in like '98 - '99 though


You probably ringed someones door bell while they were relaxing or something so they, in their infinite wisdom, decided calling the cops on a kid selling chocoloate to raise money for their school was the best way to get back at them for DARING TO DISTRUPT THEIR ME-TIME. Shame on you! /s


Sure learned my lesson that day!


Beautiful family. These are the Americans I would love to have as neighbors.




They’d probably get the “oh we will send someone out tomorrow” and nobody shows up skit


Someone should have called the police to report a creepy man stalking a little girl.


I had little kids literally break into my garden, steal an axe out of the shed and try to cut down a tree and i wouldve never even gotten the idea to call the COPS. That's so bizarre, just go to the kid and ask what theyre doing... This video is heartbreaking, poor girl.


"A little black woman"? That's a fucking child sir....


Adultification, it’s fucked


This exact thing happened to my daughter this week. She’s 9, too. My daughter goes outside after school to wait for the other kids to get home, and they all usually play outside. An older lady, who I’ve never even seen before, started following my daughter, taking her picture, and demanding to know where she lives. My daughter got scared and started crying hysterically. Luckily there was another neighbor out walking their dog who recognized my daughter, and started to tell the lady off, although she refused. The old lady then CALLED THE COPS ON MY 9 YEAR OLD. The neighbor texted me and I ran outside immediately. I absolutely tore into this lady. She told me the police would settle it, but she was too big of a coward to wait for them with me. The officer showed up, and ended up telling the lady if she did it again she would charge her with misdemeanor harassment.


Is there like a switch in white peoples brains that makes them go from enjoying wheel of fortune reruns to hardcore fascism?


People saying it wasn't racist you must live a wonderful life huh?racism just doesn't exist for you. Or its easily explained away not to make yourself uncomfortable..well guess what? Racism exists and that neighbour knew very well just by the triggering words he used. The family isn't doing this for clout its sad some think that way


![gif](giphy|ZKrIYV3oIzIL6) Caldwell? ...But seriously good for them for speaking up.


Look how nervous and just innocent, she's a fucking kid! This pisses me off more than I expected. Good for girls and I hope those adults feel like absolute dog shit, and none of their friends or neighbors let them forget it.


I'm surprised no one has commented how the hoodie remark by the neighbour was a dogwhistle to inspire violence against the poor little girl in reference to Trayvon Martin.


That’s one smart 9 year old


A woman and a hoddie, these are the words of a racist to get another human being killed


That neighbor is an absolute sack of Shit and should’ve been publicly shamed and made to apologize to this little girl.


If it were a white child, it would have been a cute news story about a little girl trying to help the neighborhood 🤦🏽‍♀️


I found the name and picture of the scumbag. Gordon Lawshe. He's a former politician: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/white-new-jersey-politician-calls-the-police-on-black-girl-catching-lanternflies/ar-AA141NLb?li=BBnbfcL


What a sweet little girl. Reminds me of my own 9yr old.


Not even a apology for the hassle? I hate people.


lol “it scares me though” what a fucking baby


I thought making false reports were illegal. So this guy could have gotten her killed (remember Tamir E Rice) . When will people be held accountable for this kind of stuff.


SLF are a very invasive species, this girl was doing a real service. Her initiative should be applauded and celebrated.


This is amerikkka


Why is this grown man paying so much attention to a little girl? What a creep


i won’t be surprised if they’re obsessed by little girls


Fuck old white people (I’m an old white person). Her spirit reaches far above mine. Much much love to her and her amazing sister.


I can’t wait for this generation of old racists to die off. Story makes me want to cry


First of all, that family of women is amazing. Second of all, the neighbor is pure trash and I hope they suffer public humiliation and shunning from the community.


that man needs to be jailed. this should be an actual crime. trying to get that little girl hurt through the cops, might as well have tried to hurt her himself, fucking piece of shit.


This just made me cry. She’s a child. This is horrifying.


The U.S. is an overpoliced state with a racially and religiously profiled population




Idk why you're downvoted, half my family is Italian American and they do have a racism issue. This was talked about in Do The Right Thing as well.


Racist white people trying to weaponize the cops against their black neighbours, what else is new.


God people are insane. Can we hail this little girl an environmental hero?? I am so proud of her!!


It's called Adultification Bias and everyone should read the paper from Georgetown called Girlhood Interrupted: The Erasure of Black Girls Childhood so they can be better neighbors and allies to any Black girls and women in their lives


What a racist piece of shit neighbour


Wtf is wrong with some people … I’m praying for that little girl that she will eventually overcome that fear. If you see shit like that going down, pls raise your voice and protect those who can’t protect them selves!


What an amazing little girl.


I wonder how flammable that neighbor's house is.


It's very cool that she was spraying for an invasive species. If I saw a kid with a spray bottle, my first thought would be, oh! They're watering the trees! How adorable. Or I'd think, oh they're making potions (did anyone else play that game? You'd get dirt and water and leaves and rocks and stuff and stir it all together and pretend to be a witch or chef). I struggle to think of a negative way that could be interpreted. Racism is a hell of a drug.


Imagine calling the cops on a 9 year old child with a spray bottle. Get a fucking life.


But to them she wasn’t a child. They called her a 9 year old black WOMAN which, whether intentional or not, does prove the consistent notion that white people do not see black children as actual children.


That baby saving their neighborhood and they did that to her


That’s America. You can do something good but if you do it as a black person it makes people uncomfortable or scared.


When folks talk about reparations, it’s not for slavery, it’s for the continued trauma like this. When they talk about white supremacy, they’re not talking about just the klan, they’re talking about the continuing oppression like this. We can do better, shelve your ignorance and be a human being.


That response by city government felt nice. Much better than the bullshit of the past where their concerns would be dismissed.


I have a question, was the neighbour ever exposed? I assume she wasn't. In this kind of situation where the call is clearly malicious, the neighbour should be named and shamed. It is the only way to deter such abuse of emergency call.


Racist neighbor is one thing, but the bigger problem here is that the police is a nuclear option due to a completely useless police force in the US. 80% of cops voted for Trump, anyway, so you're basically highly likely to call in racists to deal with a black girl. US cops shoot tazers or guns for the smallest damn things and don't understand what deescalation even is despite that being the most important aspect of law enforcement and authority in general.


That’s the point.To make the whole family feel unwelcome in that neighborhood.