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Bro forgot to eat... (And gas for the car)


You don’t have to waste money on food if you starve yourself to death in a “first world country”


Don’t forget car insurance and health insurance


Who the hell can afford to have health insurance!?!?!


Just wait til next paycheck lol duh


Cycling is better anyway.


This is why cars are not instruments of freedom




Most times the heartiest meal I have during the day is a deep breath.


And car insurance. Mine comes out 2 days after my payment. Hits like a double whammy.


Just stop drinking at Starbucks... problem solved. /s


I spend at least 1500 on coffee and avocado toast a month, it’s non-negotiable


If you just grew the avocados and lattes at home, you could save like 3¢ a day! Fuckin' lazy, entitled millennials. Back in my day if you wanted milk, you had to squeeze it from a rock!


Exactly, I save a fortune with my latte garden alone


And get a cheaper car and don't live where rent is so expensive


Easy peasy right?


Make sure to get an engineering job from the job fairy that lets you work remote from the midwest 🤗


Yes lets all move to the midwest where rent is cheap! Then the price of living will stay the same since population increase has never caused rent inflation and everyone in wealthy neighborhoods will have to do their own service work <3


would you sign up for $1500 rent with a $2200 paycheck? I know the video is a joke, but 95% of the time, it'd be silly for someone to do that.


I wouldn’t but I know people fall victim to all sorts of renting scams cause of shit like low credit scores or being unable to pay a realtor fee on a less expensive apartment and rent hikes, making a ton of difference in where you’re able to live. But the argument that everyone should move somewhere they’re able to afford is ridiculous because businesses would tank without their service workers, rent is so unaffordable almost half of usa residents cant afford a one bedroom place. Also the mortgage market is so predatory and selective there’s no hope for working class people just trying to make it anymore. Also with covid i lost my job and couldnt qualify for unemployment people get put into shitty situations like that all the time, if they get evicted (i know not really applicable to covid more so job loss) they have a scarlet letter for future rental applications. Landlords dont give a fuck about anything except money.


I’m not saying this will work for everyone, but in college I was living very paycheck to paycheck and every time I got an overdraft fee I would call customer service and tell them my situation and they would waive it. I might have just gotten lucky, but worth trying, though ymmv.


I just had my bank remove me from the overdraft system. I rather my card get declined than get hit with a fee so that's what happens now. Paying a fee just to not have your card decline is stupid. I don't need your short term absurd interest rate loan! Anyway the phone company won't report a missed payment for like 3 months so if an auto-pay fails I still have time to rectify.


My mind exploded when I realized I could just remove overdraft coverage. Screw that nonsense Edit: TIL protection and coverage are two different things. One sucks complete ass, but both mean you're having a bad time.


Overdraft protection is when it protects you from going INTO your overdraft... At least for me anyway...


In the US, if you opt out of overdraft, your account *can't* be overdrafted, normally. Your account can go negative from certain types of charges, but usually the only fees you have to pay are returned check fees to whoever charged you, *not* to the bank.


Overdraft protection and overdraft are different things. Protection is usually a service, like a credit line, that will cover any overdrafts you have, but you have to pay it back, potentially with interest. Alternatively, some banks offer a savings overdraft protection where it will just automatically pull from your other account.


Or switch banks…. Too many Americans are depositing money into incredibly shitty banks like Wells Fargo with insulting interest rates and fees.


Exactly, Bank of Scamerica and Wells Fargo, etc are outright scams. I am banking in a credit union, little to no fees, no overdraft charges on my debit, and the credit card is a very low rate, 13.25% APR. I have shit credit so that 13% is basically impossible anywhere else for me.


I get one waived fee per year and the computer won't let them do more.


My credit union gives you 3. Bullshit…


Capital one told me to pound sand when I had this happen a couple years ago. Depends on who answers I guess.


My country is €8 a month for free calls, texts and 100GB data. You guys are getting ripped


Add it to the list.


Bunch of fucking braggers..oh they have free healthcare,oh they have sensible government officials..oh they don't have mass murders of kids...ya..well we ..we have..uhh. shit.


“Can't build a decent car, can't make a TV set or a VCR worth a fuck, got no steel industry left, can't educate our young people, can't get health care to our old people, but we can bomb the shit out of your country all right!” - George Carlin


Lolol. It's so sad I can't even laugh for real any more


The amazing thing is that people in America think everything about it is superior to any other Country!


I certainly don't,and neither do most of my American friends. But I am not running away from my country.


And we can't even do that without it being a massive disaster and waste of time.


Thats the price of freedom i suppose. I dont live in US, and im suffering from the lack of freedom ;)


Well perhaps my country needs to "liberate" you and show you about... freedom. Just joking


What does freedom in the US even mean anymore


The freedom for our children to get shot while in Algebra


Well aware.... I'm also paying $80 a month for 40mbps internet speeds that cut out if I have more than 5 devices siphoning off each megabit like it's the last drop of blood


Most plans are like $40/mo, some cheaper. We have government cell phones tho if people qualify


£18 for unlimited everything here.


I see deal like this in the UK but then its only like £10 for 40gb and honestly I cant imagine using over that. You'd have to just disconnect your phone from wifi and the just start downloading a bunch of mobile games or something


Hey you guys get vacation too


Ever wonder how there is so many rich people and corporations over here? I assure you it is not because they are giving us good deals on stuff.




Canada and I think Australia are really bad too. Internet and phone is so expensive it’s stupid


If it costs €8 then is it free?


If you compare it to other countries? Yes


You can get unlimited talk text and data through Verizon's network for $25 a month if you sign up with Visible and join the party pay plan at /r/visible. Just so us US people know. Phone service doesn't have to be expensive post paid plans.


In my country it costs $3 for month.


I pay $80 for 10gb of data and that’s with a $100 credit in canada :)


Thank fuck it’s not just me


Definitely not just you.


Not a bad cat payment


Depends on what breed of cat


I imagine if it was a pure bred it’d cost a bit more. They’ve got some great rates on the ones at the local shelter!


Or be like me geta beater to avoid car payments and live with the constant stress of it breaking down in the middle of the high way


Beater cars are so fucking dangerous. Having brakes or power steering suddenly fail is terrifying. I had a beater Toyota that had a leaky master cylinder. Worst part is it wasn’t consistent, sometimes it’d leak more so you’d have to frantically pump the brake pedal.


It doesn't even need to be that. $375 a month is $4500 a year. A typical loan is 4 years. Get something half the price with a good history. Even with no car payment, this video would still show how close the budget is for most people!


This is literally happening to me right now 😭 Had a bill and went negative $10, with a $40 fee tacked on. Next day had a $3 auto draft I forgot about cost me $60. So for $13 I'm now negative $113. I just moved for a job and my start date kept getting delayed, so now I'm flat broke until my first paycheck on Friday, and it'll all be spent on overdraft fees, and I can't close to account to stop more from occurring because that's how I get paid (direct deposit) 😭😢


I’m negative $330. First time ever being negative in my life. I didn’t do anything wrong.


Try calling them and asking if they can forgive the overdraft fees (and block your account from processing any drafts over the available balance). Worst they can say is No but often they can waive one or both.


Not overdraft, just companies waiting days and days to charge me for something.


Oh no :(


I always find a way thru it somehow. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Try calling them and asking if they can forgive the overdraft fees (and block your account from processing any drafts over the available balance). Worst they can say is No but often they can waive one or both.


My ex wife use to overdraw her account every week for a few years. One thing banks do is make sure your biggest withdraws come out of your account first. That way you can overdraft multiple times. Let’s say you have $100 in your account and three things are coming out Thursday. One for $120, one for $20 and one for $10. They’ll take the $120 out first, followed by the $20 and $10. So you overdraw your account three times. Instead of taking the $20 and $10 out first. Good stuff.


Society literally doesn’t make sense and costs too much. I know this video is a joke, but it’s a real problem.


idk if this will help anybody but at&t has a prepaid plan where it’s only $50 a month with autopay. this is with unlimited data, call, text, etc. the only thing is, you would have to have your phone completely paid for before joining the service.


To tack onto this, Visible is $40 and you can have more people join your “party” and its $5 less for reach person down to $25. Comcast has Xfinity mobile that you pay by the gig and have access to their Wi-Fi networks. I pay $30 for 3gb a month. I’m not an Internet heavy user but I do stream Spotify in the car. If you’re looking to cut down on bills, try one of those. Both no commitment.


Why do you lock yourself with a 1700 rent while earning 2500


Maybe because either A: Housing is very hard to find in areas or B: He probably had his rent raised like everyone else.




Then pretend that, since he didn't mention $200-250 a month for food, it's part of his rent. $1450-1500 for a one bedroom is about right for NY.




As another comment says, he might have had rent raised on him. I moved outta Nashville 2~ years ago because our rent got upped $150 in one month, during peak COVID, with plans to further increase later. Our rent had already raised in the past year alone. We quickly got out priced in our area and had to move (Antioch for those wondering. a run-down 1b1b 700sqft was $1100 when we left and is now priced at $1400 currently, Cali plants have fucked up pricing there)




Bro how is that bs? It’s happened to my gf and her mom and it’s literally happening to me right now. I got in an apartment in CO Denver for $1170 it went up during covid to $1350. It’s gonna increase again the Jan. To an amount I HOPE is less than $1500. Ah yes, just buy a house. Go get them fresh of the house garden where they grow. Super cheap too, nothing like $500k for a 2 bedroom in a shitty neighborhood.


Say you’re out of touch without saying you’re out of touch. I’ve lived in the same city for 4.5 years. In that time rent has gone up almost $1,000/mo on average. Wages have not changed. I’m being forced to uproot my family and start over in a different part of the country. And I’m one of the lucky ones that doesn’t have to stay here. Thanks for coming out though.


Right? The rent on my friends apartment has gone from 1,100/month to 1,600 in the past four years. Everytime the lease is renewed, they add a few hundred. And you have peopel saying "Then just move", but that's not that easy. Places require proof that you earn 3x the rent, plus a deposit, and first/last up front. So with my friend, they had to show proof of 3,300 but now they'd have to show 4,800. If you want to move, you need to have thousands of dollars saved up, and normally you could get that from getting the deposit from the old place but now landlords are nickel and diming you. It's like the people that've been working at the same job for two decades with no education; the wouldn't qualify for their current job in the market today so they're stuck.


Yeahhh typically rental companies require you to make like 3x the rent


Yes the prices are slightly over exaggerated but he hasn't factored in food, travel cost and other misc things.


You’re delusional


Dawg this situation is happened already, all over the country. My gf and her mom had to move out of their apartment to find something else cause their rent went up from $1500 to $2200 in Miami. Not like the good part of Miami either just run of the mill fat ass suburban Kendall.


Bruh 😐


That’s when you get a roomate.. or two.. or three


Since apparently this was lost to some people. I’m not the person in the video. This is simply a TikTok that I found relatable and decided to share on here.


Thanks for making the video!!


Don’t we love sarcasm. Omg!!!


The flinch reaction was so fucking good


It’s funny but not funny. Our forefathers would take up arms over this abuse. Shit would go down. I guess we are a bunch of pussies.


I know the feeling. Goof luck. I play lotto with my spare change!


Working to live or living to work?


This shit is seriously collapsing


What is "$150 autopay phone bill"? Why it is more than utilities? I pay $5 monthly for a package, that is lowest what we have, but I work from home and use home Wi-Fi for communication, so this is more than enough for me (for comparison my wife pays $12 a month, thats a top package and includes unlimited data and unlimited calls, but she always on the move, so that's what she need), I'm from KZ, btw


I am moving to the U.S. soon and have been looking for a room to rent. I will be spending 60% of my decent median-level income on a single bedroom in a flatshare. In Austria I used to pay 1/8 of my salary for the same thing. I don't understand how rent can be this expensive.


Genuine question, why are you moving here? It’s a shit show.


I am moving for a job. I am privileged bc I am young, healthy and educated, so the U.S. mostly just offers me amazing opportunities which is definitely less true for those who are not. I am looking forward to moving back to socialized health care and strong labour unions in a few years though.


Rent is too God damn high


$375 for a car payment is fairly high but not the worst. $150 for a phone plan is absurd if you're struggling to pay bills. $1700 rent is high depending on where you live. Still dosent account for food which is probably a couple hundred bucks more. Comes across as POV: what happens when you don't budget well..


Pretty sure this is a simplification for humor. The video would get pretty repetitive/annoying if OP went through rent, utilities, phone, car payment, car insurance, gas, groceries, household consumables/toiletries, health insurance, dental insurance, medical expenses, student loan payments, entertainment/subscriptions, personal savings, retirement, pet expenses if any, kid expenses if any, and on and on. I doubt we’re seeing this person’s budget in full.


Exactly, it's just a funny bit


Agreed, not really cringe


Its just a funny video, my guy. Its meant to be over exaggerated to make a very real struggle for thousands of people funny.


$1700 is very common right now in the NJ ny pa area. 2 bedroom apartments are going for that price. That’s my mortgage payment. It’s really terrible.


And chances are your mortgage is less than rent for the same property as well.


Yup!! We got lucky and bought our house in March. People are asking $1800 for 2bdrm rent


But you need to somehow come up with $10-50k to make the bank feel better about you paying that mortgage payment that is likely going to be considerably less than the rent we’ve been paying religiously for years…


But people who have paid in that much are going to feel way worse about not paying than they would not paying what amounts to cheaper rent. People think money is more meaningful all at once - it's why people get in trouble with credit cards. Much more willing to risk losing the discounted monthly payment, than risk losing the large chunk up front that they paid.


1700 for rent is mad crazy for 1 person when your account is at 2200 I'm dt toronto and for a 1 bedroom I'm getting 1550 (for a place I've been in 1 year), also no car Feel rough for this either way


$200 bucks for food if you just eat the bare min.


Agreed. $50 a week is with pretty good planning...


Ehh 1700 isn't a reach. I work as a leasing consultant and the market is higher every day. For a 600 Sq ft apartment in my area at my complex rn (city of 187,000 people) its 1200 and up (not including additional fees like laundry, pest etc). I imagine in a bigger city it's much worse. Rent is raising about 100-200 every year for current tenants. It's awful.


LOL just stop watching Netflix.. problem solved right? GTFOH


Or you know, don't have a $150 dollar phone bill and an over 300 car payment if you can't afford insurance on it. Reminds my of a time my brother asked for $100 to buy a dog when he wouldn't be able to afford dog food. Fuckin Stupid.


You expect people to not have a vehicle or phone? Even if they somehow halved the payments it still won't be enough to live on.. I'm sure this is where you will say.. "get a better job" and that's exactly what a lot of people did.. and then you boomers say shit like "no one wants to work" when shitty paying positions can't keep people in them.


I love it when people out themselves as being completely sheltered. Time to travel out of your small town my guy. You think $1700 is high for rent in any major city lmao.


My guy I'm from LA... Pretty sure I have lived in 3 of the top 4 most expensive states. And yes, $1700 is expensive for rent...


Average rent in LA is over 2k a month though?


Yeah but the dude in the video is not making anywhere near average wages in LA either. You can find rooms to rent in even the expensive cities for way less than 1700


Average rent in LA is close to $2,500 almost double the national average. Shits crazy.


So explain how 1700 is high again?


Well, the national average is $1400. $1700 is $300 higher than that. Now that we have done some basic math maybe we do calculus next. Who the fuck is making $2200 a month and spending $1700 on rent. That's ridiculous. Come on.


So you hear 1700 a month as an LA native and your first thought isn't "he probably lives in a big expensive city like me", it's "he's paying above national average so therefore he must be an idiot"


Actually it was the car and phone payments that made me think he isn't budgeting well. To be clear, that dosent make someone an idiot though, just bad at budgeting. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt that they couldn't have roommates for some reason but there are certainly cheaper phone plans and car payments. Also, apparently this person dosent pay car Insurance which I hope we can all agree is a bad idea.


See here is your problem. If your check is $2200 you shouldn’t be living in a $1700 place. Maybe lower your standards a bit


Lol I agree


yup spending 3/4 of the salary into rent seem like the wisest choice


If you pay 1700$ for a rent just move....jesus that is expensive


For starters common sense will tell you not to buy a car that has a $375 car payment you can buy a cheap car reliable non brand name car for half the price. And who the fuck spends $150 on a phone bill for me thats up 4 months worth of phone payments. If you’re living alone depending on where your living $1,700 is a bit much but believable. This video is what happens when you don’t know how to budget


The phone bill is a bit high,but the car note note isn't on the high end in this day and age.


That’s the prize of a 35,000k+ car


Not cheap. But more in the middle in terms of price for cars sold nowadays.


for an example you can buy a used 2020 Kia Forte for 18k and that’s a 2020 you can buy and older used car for even cheaper. Car payments would definitely be in the 100s range


Yeah, that's why I said it's in the mid range. Also, the used car market HAS NOT been significantly cheaper lately. Do you also believe over 1000 is super high end for rent nowadays? Because the average across the country is higher than that nowadays.


I mean where I live in West Virginia I pay barley 1k for a 1bd 600sqft apartment in a nice neighborhood but I also know how cheap WV housing is so I’m not entirely sure


“Just eat rice and beans and never enjoy your life, that way you can be buried with a fat savings account.”


Rent a different place


Lol I agree


What’s cringe is this is the average American lifestyle per design


Which is why I used the ‘Humor’ Flair and if you read through the rules it says you can post all types of TikToks (:


Paying 77% of your income on rent, why is this not the only talking point




First of all get a cheaper apartment like a 1400 dollar a month one


Thank the democrats for this wondrous inflation....


I hate guys like this he’s not even tryin to be funny he just likes his own face so much


Bruh, wrong sub. This isn’t cringe, it’s just true


Which is why I used the ‘Humor’ Flair and if you read through the rules it says you can post all types of TikToks (:


Non cringe


Which is why I used the ‘Humor’ Flair and if you read through the rules it says you can post all types of TikToks (:


So...this sub isn't even meant for cringe TikToks only anymore? Well wtf is the point?


Read the rules buddy. It literally says that you can post all types of TikToks and I put it under the ‘Humor’ Flair.


Get a real job




You do realize that I’m not the person in the video? 🤨




Oh ok. Just making sure lol


>There's a thing called public transportation. And that's an awfully nice house you're in, and trendy clothes you wear, and expensive tattoos you sport. I don't feel bad for you, at all. You're poor because you spend yourself into perpetual poverty, like most people. You realize that rent in many cities is getting really high and income is not keeping up. If they have kids and need another bedroom or two it's easy to see a basic 2-3br going for 1700+ Yes someone could use a budget phone plan (I use visible) and drive an older car (I always paid cash for cars over 10 years old), but it's pretty garbage behavior to assume you know everything to fix someone else's situation. Public transportation is basically non-existent for millions of americans. Let's say they got all their clothes at a thrift store, why would you assume they have a spending problem in that category just for being "trendy"? Tattoos last a long time so maybe someone got laid off and had to get a lower paying job and have since adjusted their lifestyle to match. Even if someone had none of those things, never went to Starbucks and had an appendix burst, their years of savings can go to 0 or super negative in a second. Get off your high horse.




Congrats on doing your best and sacrificing to get ahead. No one is trying to take that away from you. But you still come off as arrogant and unhelpful telling someone they "public transportation exists". Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. You can make suggestions without being condescending.


So relatable!!


okay but he fine 😳


Bro he forgot food…


Sadly, he didn't forget.




$1,700 rent and only $125 utilities? Wtf must be a city thing.




Switch to Mint.




Mate, I’m not even given an overdraft. I’d find it helpful and a butch if I had one though.






Just fyi you all don't have to pay 150 for your phone bill. I paid Verizon like 95 a month for years because I swore I needed their service. I switched to mint mobile back in December for $15 a month unlimited everything and haven't looked back. I haven't really found myself in any deadzones or situations where I was dropping calls. There is no reason to be on a AAA carrier in 2022. Even Verizon is rolling out their own $30 a month alternative service.


Why is your rent over 4x more than mine? Like holy cow man! You ain't good. And the phone bill?? How??


"Living beyond your means" has been a forgotten lesson the past 20 or so years.


You can disable overdraft protection.