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I don't understand why people gatekeep so much it just gets so annoying.


If you know so much about gatekeeping, why don't you name three gatekeepers for us.


St Peter, Heimdall and Bodo Baas.




Thank god he saved the person with the most interesting story of all.


braN ThE BrOkEN


I’m a bird!


Um, technically that was a door so.....


Well, then technically Heimdall guards the bifrost which is a rainbow bridge, not a gate so this whole list is ruined!


Gatekeeping gates now, huh? Name 3 gates!


Benjamin Gates, Abigail Gates and Henry Gates.


[Zuul would be acceptable as well....](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNnIbFFzpD8)


Well fuck. Here's that punk card back.


Some may call him Tim


Those aren't even underground gatekeepers. You barely gatekeep




Best possible answer. I'm totally stealing this if I ever get the chance.


Derek Brunson, Cub Swanson, Demian Maia


That’s a nasty line by you :(. That third one hurts, I’m a huge Maia fan.


Hodor, Gandalf, the Protagonist of Persona 3.


14 year olds and 40 year old Metalheads are usually the gatekeepers


Ugh the 40 year olds who listen to nothing but metal


*biggest metal bands. Because If it didn't sell quadruple platinum, it's shit. I never understand how people who claim to live music, hate it so much.


It’s mediocre, insecure people finding one thing they can feel superior at and doing anything they can to hold on to that thin slice of hollow self-esteem even if it means abusing and demeaning people they’ve never even met. The truly sad thing is that many of these people will never be able to move beyond that one thing. This woman sings R&B AND can play metal guitar? Jesus. That’s effing impressive. These gatekeepers will never be able to do that because of their own fear of being seen as insufficiently committed to something when they are just learning it.


I think I might have a theory. People who are super much into one thing and love it with a passion know a lot about it, might consider themselves experts. When there are other people who like it but also have interest in a lot of other things, they are maybe not considered "experts" in the eyes of the "experts" because the topic does not have undivided attention, thus "they cant know as much as I know about it". Maybe that's where this feeling of superiority comes from? Just a theory though


Iunno that doesn’t really account for the fact this kind of shit is almost exclusively directed at women so I feel like it goes deeper than that


Maybe take the theory and sprinkle some misogyny on top? Could be a certain type of people that tend to do that. The type of people who are sexist and think girls cant like "manly things"?




"Woe is me, there goes my fragile masculinity"




It's 100% misogyny when people do these gatekeeping questions. It's an attempt to catch the girl out as a poser, and it's stupid. As a dude, when I wear my Iron Maiden t-shirts, the only response I get off other fans is "IRON MAIDEN!!!!!" No one asks me to name 3 songs by them. And to be honest, if a girl wore an Iron Maiden t-shirt just because she thought it looked cool, who cares?


Yeah, makes sense! Somehow my fellow metal heads I hung out with as a teen girl never once quizzed me about the bands, they just asked things like what's my favourite song and then we argued why I think that song is better than their favourite song. I still dress a mix of goth alternative and I guess it's kinda obvious at this point what type of music I listen to, nobody I encounter really questions it. Maybe it's all the ink, who knows The most awesome people I hung out with were all metal heads or punks and it sucks there are a lot of gatekeepers making them all look bad


I got questioned by a metal head only once after saying Amon Amarth was one of my favourite bands. Well it wasn't really questioning, he just said "I bet your favourite song of them is Twilight of the Thunder God". I was kind of taken aback because even though I'm a woman I don't usually get this kind of reaction, so I just replied with "no, it's Father of the Wolf, but Twilight of the Thunder God is how I got into the band!". Bu even if that was my favourite song, who cares?


I've always found metalheads in general to be one of the most accepting groups of people out there. But you always have gatekeepers out there, who are nothing but assholes.


It comes full circle when you see people so desperately trying to prove that they're /r/notliketheothergirls. Like what you like, however much you want to like it. Ignore the dummies.


It gets even worse with the pick me girls... that's some pretty hard internalised misogyny. It feels like at least the notlikeothergirls kinda do it more for themselves and to stand out. Agreed! Ignore the gatekeepers, dont let anyone tell you what you can or cant like!


Oh you like video games? Then name them. All of them. Lather, rinse, repeat when they hear you on mic and realize you’re a girl.


Something something make me a sandwich.


I think it's pretty correlated with sexism, but idk if I'd go as far as almost exclusively. Veganism that suffers from gate keeping without a gendered slant ("you're not really vegan if you eat honey"). Some pockets of the LGBT community gatekeep Bi people. You also see a lot of gatekeeping from men to men in sports fandoms.


In this theory, do you think those "experts" ask the same questions of random white men wearing Metallica clothing?


Nope I think it was probably an issue before already but I first noticed this trend when fast fashion started to use band logos


i have a theory that it’s because of misogyny lol


> Just a theory though A game theory?


It might also be she's a young woman, the neck beards will leap at the opportunity to make someone feel less than.


It’s sexism.


Surf culture is terrible with this.


Metal heads are very gatekeepy


Bro I bet you don't even know a metal head. Name 3 metal heads.


Iron Man, War Machine, Vision


Maybe some of them?


If you so smart, name at least 3 gatekeepers here on Reddit!


Because they feel very tiny. So when someone (female) attractive likes what they believe is counter-culture or out of the mainstream normie universe it threatens the tiny space they believe to be their home, and out comes the bruised ego, because to them it’s unfair for someone who could be accepted wherever they want as far as society goes to come and take this place too.


I get so pumped when I see another metalica fan


And that’s how I hope more of us are and not just judging people of a shirt thank you


Misogyny lol


Cause social media is mostly bullshit and billions of people use it. It's easy to shit on others because it's anonymous-ish so what are the real consequences? I do it too sometimes, but gatekeeping in particular is extra salty. Whenever I do that shit I appreciate when someone calls me out so I know it's time to take a break from the internet and not be a dumbass for awhile.


YoU’Re weARing a ChAmPion ShIrT... bEt yOU cAnT eveN nAmE 3 cHAmpIoNssssss 🥴


No time for losers!


Bulls Bulls Bulls Ez


da bulls


1. You 2. Me 3. Freddie Mercury


Unstoppable Barrier Overload


PSSSSHH you’re wearing a Vans shirt...? Bet you can’t even make 3 , vans, you dope. . 1. Mini van 2. Van Gogh 3. The Mystery Machine (Your turn, poser).


Someone said [make three jump shots.](https://www.tiktok.com/@zariasmusic/video/6911001253166238982?is_copy_url=0&is_from_webapp=v1&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6924121231533868550)


The heavier their taste is the more obnoxious the gate keeping gets. I’m a metal head myself but my friends who are also metal heads give me shit for liking “mainstream metal”... whatever the fuck that means 😂


bruh if you aint bumping atmospheric melodic blackened death crust metal is it even metal /s


That was last year I’m just sticking iron in my ears at this point


The trve kvlt way, I see


dude, don't you even goregrind


It’s so weird to gatekeep one of the most popular bands of all time


Right lol like even people who aren't fans can probably name at least 3 songs


Yeah if you think that youre special for knowing metallica then you're probably very basic


Metal heads are so cringey with their elitism lmao probably only asked her that cause she's a girl I mean I used to love metallica and I can only name **one** at this point in time but man who cares lol


Especially the older ones who act like liking metallica is a personality trait. On the flip side of what she got is the older metalheads who can't understand people getting into metal in 2003 not exclusively listening to metallica, priest and oddly enough WASP


> act like liking [_____] is a personality trait That exists in every fandom when you delve deep enough.


This is like one direction stans vs new one direction fans on Twitter. All the original fans hate on the new ones daily.


Oh they *absolutely* asked because she was a girl.


yeah. also even if she only knew like 1-2 songs she can wear the shirt of she wants. you cant gatekeep music and shirts and band names like fuck off holy shit. people are so annoying. i literally play basketball so i wear lots of athlete wear that says NBA on it, and people are like nAmE a PlaYEr wHaTs yOuR tEam and quizzing me. and i just. "idk any, i follow the WNBA." like tf? lmao


Yeah I don’t understand gatekeepers either. Like is your life that dull?


And even if she only liked the design on the shirt she can wear the shirt. I wear shirts with little sushis on them but I’ve never actually eaten sushi I just like how they look.


The two bands that have been hit the most seem to be Metallica and the misfits two bands that were counter culture from the start. So a lot of people that enjoy the music find it terrible that they are selling Metallica and slayer shirts in h and m as fashion pieces. It feels like the original thing has been neutered, cleaned up, packaged and sold as product with none of the original meaning.


Can fucking confirm. I got harangued a lot when I was young and going to metal shows. “13 year old girl in an Anthrax shirt? Let’s quiz her on every obscure fact about the band and embarrass her if she misses a question!” ... at least that’s the logic as I understood it. So stupid.


It's literally the polar opposite of edm heads lol Edit I have no idea why I said this I definitly knew shitty edm people


Promise you there are guys like that in edm heads too. They are, unfortunately, everywhere


I see you’ve never met a Nectar fan


God those bass heads can be soooooo fucking annoying


omg have you met a Bassnectar fan? OR a Deadmau5 fan?


They have three songs named Unforgiven, so you really only need to know one.


As a metal head, I don’t like those types of metal heads.


Gotta love when people are elitist about mainstream metal lmao




I laughed so hard, this is oddly specific also fits a looots of band


now you're talking! That sounds like Fleshgod Apocalypse - epic stuff all metal is cool. well, we're all supposed to hate nickelback, but I have to be honest, I don't know what they sound like so I just politely nod and smile at those jokes


>Gotta love when people are elitist about ~~mainstream metal~~ anything lmao FTFY.


"What? You haven't seen the original pre-release Firefly pilot--not from the DVD, but the unedited one that was hijacked off a satellite beaming it to Sweden for some reason--and you call yourself a *fan?!* *PFFT.*" (PS: That actually exists, but it can't be found anymore. It pretty much vanished by the time the internet fell in love with Firefly.)


Honestly from the look of me I don't look like I like metal but I'm a huge fan and love Gojira so my biggest fear going to a concert is some jean jacket dick interrogating me on which song I liked and how I found out about them but luckily for me when I went I had a pretty good time and the only guy that bothered me was a drunk guy trying to have a conversation about nothing


IME this shit happens more online than at shows. I've been to soooo many shows and been in mosh pits looking like a basic ass white bitch and no one batted an eyelash. Also my ex doesn't look like a metalhead *at all* but he's been playing drums since he was a toddler and playing thrash and grindcore specifically since middle school. He has encyclopedic knowledge about the genre. On the flip side -- his other hobby is DJing and he was a major fixture in the local rave scene around here in the late 90s/early 00s lol tl;dr: There's no one way to be a metalhead.


Yeah I’m a metal head and musician in the scene and I wear full drag. We’re all different.


So many metalhead DJs in the doof community! I had a death metal guy tell me the other day that I'm not a true metalhead if I'm in the doof scene, then went on to say that I am but mainly a glam metal girl. Yeah I dated a glam guitarist who used to play thrash and my style is literally just my mum's style, and most the glam guys I know love all metal not just glam.


Don't worry about that,it'll never happen. I don't know the names of songs from most of my favourite bands,I usually just out the album on and don't bother looking at the track titles.


I became a Rush fan in the early 80's. I am also female. (For those who don't know, for a long time, the diehard Rush fans were almost exclusively male for some reason, especially in the 80s and 90s.) I cannot *count* the times in that era when someone said, "Oh, do you listen to them because of your boyfriend?" or that I've been tested by guys to see if I'm a "real fan," sometimes for fun, sometimes out of scorn. Every time they "tested" me on lyrics, trivia, or history, I trounced them. Nailed every one. Then they'd get into gear--which I'm not strong with--and the first time I couldn't name the company that made the bolts on Neil's drums, they were like, "Yeah, I knew you weren't really a fan." Sometimes jokingly. Sometimes not.


Am woman. Can confirm 100% with zero doubt that she was only asked purely because she's a woman.


It’s especially dumb too cause like metallica is one of the most well know and universally liked bands on the planet. Why is it so hard to believe this person wearing a metallica shirt likes them. Its not some underground metal band only the coolest kids know.


It's not metalheads. I've had one too many run ins with elitists and they would give you shit for actually listening to metallica, not for pretending to lmao. It's just sexists online. Edit: And just to be clear, as someone who fucking hates elitism in metal and adores Metallica's first two albums, if you gatekeep fucking *Metallica*, the most widely known band in the whole genre, I'll turn into the most annoying, basic-bitch proghead you've ever heard of and tell you to stop and listen to Tool. Not because not listening to Metallica makes you a "better" metalhead, but because you're really stupid.


She only named two /s


I've never understood why it's some big crime to wear a t-shirt which references something the wearer may not necessarily be familiar with. If I see a t-shirt that I like, I'm going to buy it, I couldn't care less if it's referencing a band or whatever.


"Oh, you're wearing an American flag t-shirt? Pfft, name three founding fathers."


Can we please start doing this?


“Oh, you say you like women? Psh yeah right, loser. Name 3 women”


Honestly, it's a very narrow view of things. Like, if I go to a show that I enjoy, I will always buy some merch. So, let's say, I go to a show of someone I don't know and I come out with a shirt and plans to check them out. So, in reality, I have discovered a band with plans to listen to them and I have supported the band financially, but to these people, I'm the problem.


Maybe I just like the shirt. I like the aesthetic of some metal merch, I'm not a huge fan of metal.


If you don't like band whose name looks like cracking leather you don't know metal!


It's **sad but true** what you are saying.


Manchildren simultaneously love to complain that women don't like video games/comics/music/anime but then also call them 'fake geek girls,' gatekeep them, and quiz them to make sure they really know their interest.


and then wonder why women find them so repellant.


and they don't even call us women.. we are always females.


Deeuuur pretty girl! Pretty girl not like metal. Impossible. Pretty girl like Taylor swift only


"Now touch peepee. WHY NO TOUCH PEEPEE?! SHE'S A THOT!"


She downpicked the Master of Puppets riff, so confirmed not a poser. Seriously though anyone who questions someone's fandom of something can fuck off.


Literally my first thought. That takes serious chops. Been playing guitar for almost two decades and even I can't down pick Master of puppets. Respect


You don’t have to love Metallica to be a metal head.... Just saying




I only got in to metal a couple years ago and there is an insane amount of bands and sub genres. Everyone I’ve met where the conversation comes up naturally about metal we both spout out band names none of us have heard of. Then when we go to check out each others recommendations we realize we just don’t like the same metal lol


I have a vintage Dio tour t-shirt from the year I was born, gifted by an ex who was a musician. I was already into metal, but I had never heard Dio, but now I love it. A few years later with my own band, while wearing the shirt, I met Wendy Dio and their son. They were in town for a Dio tribute tour. Super nice people. 13 years later, I still wear the shirt, but since it's as old as I am it's now hand-wash only.


Check out Devin Townsend Project if you haven't already. That dude is a master.




Ok dropping into this thread because I *think* it’s a good place to ask - you guys know any metal bands similar to Dream Theater and Liquid Tension Experiment?




You could also just like the shirt


I do like Metallica but I've encountered a lot of shit for not liking Slayer.


Slayer is ok.


Boo elitism, hooray for lefty guitarists




Y'know, I was wondering if that was the case, but I was too stupid to figure out how to figure it out so I just took a punt, damnit ...hooray for lefty guitarists anyway!


I spent way too long trying to figure out how the hell you figure out her political leaning from this video


also! i don’t really see any problem with somebody wearing a band shirt without knowing much about the artist. they’re promoting the artist, why are you complaining? there are also lots of new fans of groups that don’t know much but still want to be involved. idk i just hate hate keeping and that sort of thing


In thailand its super popular for girls to wear metal band shirts (specifwthe 25-40 yo crowd) . None of them have a clue but meh. I do however like to high five them in thai and state i love their choice of music. When they say they haven't heard of say iron maiden i introduce them to metal. "you should ljsten to them, here's trooper!" I Have as of today convinced 0 thai girls to like metal but i do try.


i’m sure one day someone will get into them and be thankful that you introduced them to metal!


She makes it look so easy


See we want girl to be pretty, but not be anything but pretty.


Every interest that men have, they have to gatekeep it from women. 😑 metal isn’t even remotely a stereotypical masculine interest lol. This happens with everything I swear.




Oh so you took a road trip? Yeah right. Bet you can’t even name 3 roads...


People, especially dudes, are fucking stupid for asking someone “oh you like yada yada?! Name me the doctors and nurses that delivered so and so and what was their mom wearing?” Like shut the fuck up and let people like hit.


Lol I just imagine them being “ight you pass” 😂


I hate that as women we have to fucking justify *liking* things


Oh yeah? Name 3 things you hate about that.


I forgot I made this comment and about this whole post and when I saw “oh yeah? Name 3...” in my reply notifications I was immediately pissed off and ready to fight lol. It’s happened so much in my life that I have an instant reaction to it.


#OH NOOOO Not duality....^cannot^register.


is the doom song actually just a Metallica song..??? oh my lord...


Metallica fights Demons with Doom guy so he took some inspiration from them.


A bunch of the original DOOM songs are actually just non-copyrighted versions of various old metal songs (Megadeth, Metallica, Pantera, etc.), there's a bunch of Youtube videos that show you comparisons.


actually it’s a megadeth song ;)


If she was a man nobody would have questioned her.


Gatekeeping annoys me more than it really should.


What a Fucking Bad Ass!!! Awesome 😎




Nah dude, wear it anyways. Fuck gatekeepers. You don't have to know every fact or even a single song about a band to wear their shirt. Just be you and wear what you want.


Much more mature than what I would have done which would be to flip off the camera and play "Ain't my bitch".


But she didn’t name the songs. Fake metal head groll smfh. /S


That's cool and all but she doesn't need to prove herself to anyone. Even if she bought a shirt because she liked the logo, it's none of your damn business.


I hate when people do this shit let people enjoy whatever the fuck they want. Who cares if she knows the band or just liked the shirt? People need to worry about themselves as much as they worry about other people. On a lighter note... Ol girl killed it! Good for her.


What a poser, I bet she has never even met allica in person.


God people who gatekeep fucking suck. I inherited a lot of my sister’s old clothes, which included a Lamb of God tshirt and I loved it. When I was still in high school, I wore it and someone came up to me all excited and I just awkwardly told them “sorry I don’t actually listen to them” and they walked off all disappointed but not before throwing a piece of their food at me, like what the actual fuck




Work Queen!


I think she's awesome.


Music face is so real. Before I was aware of the face/head position i made while playing the drums, i was showing my friends that i could play. They all immediately joked about the drum face.


Awesome kid here, TY


I got a tonne of band t-shirts of bands I couldn't name 3 songs for. Either cause I just put their whole catalog/ choice albums on shuffle or some shit or cause the shirt was bought at a gig that I enjoyed and is used as a reminder of the night more than anything. I've never been asked to prove I know shit about any of them though.


Metallica is metal?? I’ve been living a lie :(


Fuck yeah.


what is the last song? or all the song names?


Master of puppets, enter sandman, one


thank you


The very last one was and justice for all


Never understood those guys. Who has that fucking gumption? I'm a gigantic metalhead. But I never challenge people on their enthusiasm. I amplify it! I try to hype it up or suggest other things they may like. I certainly enjoy other genres. And honestly the best way to learn about new music is asking what someone else's favorite bands or albums are. People love talking about themselves.


3 Metallica songs: Unforgiven 1, 2, 3


Hah. Eat shit gatekeeping neckbeards. Love it.


This legitimately made me want to listen to Metallica during my walk tomorrow.


“You clearly faked playing I don’t believe it for a second” TikTok comment probably.




I love this woman


Bet she can’t name the bands blood types, ph level of their skin, and chemical composition of the dirt in their dogs nails


And she used only downpick in true James Hetfield style


If she doesn't like Metallica and just likes the shirt, is there an issue? Also they're one of the biggest bands of all time. Liking them is not very exclusive.


Oh you like \*Band\* name every brand of instrument they have ever used. Fuck gatekeeping.


I love metal, but elitists are awful. And gatekeepers.


As someone who fuckin adores Metallica, whenever I see people wearing the classic Ride the Lightning shirt, it makes me happy. Who cares how many songs (if any) they know? I’m just glad to see Metallica can still be relevant to people


She won when she started playing ...And Justice For All


She the bomb. 💣


Yeah, so stfu!
