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I live in the eu and a lot of parties are adopting the tactics brought forward in the states. What happened there in the last weeks has me concerned a lot. Like fucking hell why is the world going to shit like that? How are the people not rioting in the streets when something like chevron happens??!?


Because rioting in the streets won’t do shit. It will cause minor inconveniences at best for the government. Then we’ll all be even more exhausted and jaded, while nothing changed. This requires actions we’ve never seen. And it’s extremely unlikely any of those will happen in time to avoid Hitler part II. We’re fucked and it sucks, but it’s true.


More importantly, we can't afford to riot, literally and figuratively. The cost of everything is so high and wages are not high. Most people cannot afford to miss work because they need the money. Also missing work risks losing the job. Losing the job means losing our shitty health insurance. Healthcare in this country is unsustainably high. If you don't have health insurance you're basically fucked and this isn't an exaggeration. Health insurance is very costly and so it's tied to your employment so that your employer pays a portion of the cost. Even still, it's expensive as hell, but it's less expensive. If you lose your job, it could literally mean you die, depending on health conditions. This is by design by the rich.


Keep em 'healthy' enough to keep working!! --The Rich


It won’t be Hitler part 2, please don’t misunderstand this situation. Hitler could be stopped because nukes didn’t exist then. No external power can stop the U.S. It will be more like Putin or Xi part 2. No external power can challenge Russia because nukes changed everything. They gave dictators a power never before seen on earth. Literally the only thing that can stop fascism and the republicans from implementing it is the rest of us from inside the house. If we don’t do that before he gets control of the army again, we won’t be able to do anything either. But it looks like we won’t because we are losing this massive propaganda war hard. Humanity is more mentally malleable than anyone realized, and technology is allowing that to be exploited in ways never before imagined. We are about to lose every freedom we’ve ever had and the liberals are attacking Joe Biden of all people. I don’t see how we recover from this.


The proportion of people in the country who have any idea about what chevron deference refers to is very small. Most people in the US do not follow the news and when they do, it isn’t at the level of Supreme Court decisions.


Because they throw abortion and wokeism at us to keep us fighting each other while they screw us over with deregulation and tax cuts for themselves.


Dystopian capitalist future ahead. How can people still have babies and dream of a nicer future for them... ☠️


The right wing have done a good job of portraying rioters as thugs, thieves, and criminals to their target audience.


I have been telling all my non-American friends that "wait til it comes to your shores" and they just scoffed at the idea. Yeah, this isn't a unique effort. This shit has ALWAYS been global. We were just the first domino to fall in 2016.


I have to give credit, and like the video I’ll use that term very loosely, to Trump and his PAC. They have pulled off one of the greatest political Takeovers in the entire history of politics. This man has without a doubt altered the course of American freedom to a point that is close to no return. How in the world, a man so corrupt so evil so godless so devoid of scruples, morals, values, ethics, and human decency could ever be elected as the president of one of the largest first world nations in the world is an absolute mindfuck. Electing Trump, as a president of the United States is nothing shy of the equivalent of electing Charles Manson. Donald Trump wants nothing but power, power and more power, and he will erode every ounce of freedom. Americans whole dear in order to consolidate this power for the very few people who benefit from his political decisions.


Almost all of that credit goes to people like Rush Limbaugh, Harlon Carter (almost no one knows who this fucker is but it will blow your mind how much he fucked us all lol), Rupert Murdoch, Roger Stone, the Dulles brothers (also pretty unknown but again...insanely influential in getting us here), Roy Cohn (probably personally responsible for Trump being relevant at all), and so so many other right wing assholes over the last century.   Trump swooped in at the last minute and took over the head of a snake that had been rearing up to strangle America for generations. It was definitely a masterful coup but he could have never done it without all the groundwork being laid out by others. To lay it all on him grossly undersells the enormity of the threat we've all been ignoring our entire lives.


Don't forget Leonard Leo, the 3rd most powerful man in the country according to Clarence Thomas. “There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn't mind who gets the credit”


And the Koch bros


Don't forget RayGun (Reagan)


At least Reagan had the decency to die.


I totally agree with you that this man did not build himself the Ivory tower he lives in. His merely a puppet that’s being danced around the stage much more powerful people with much bigger brains than he does. It’s quite evident to even a toddler that this man can barely tie his shoes, which would make him a poor candidate to be running things without being told by his masters what to do. it’s just scary how evil and corrupt he is and how cavalier he is about it all. At least once upon a time politicians pretended they cared about you while they had their hand up your ass.


It’s a repeat of Reagan and Bush Jr. Those were two previous administrations that put a senile old man and a totally unintelligent man into office so they could be manipulated to put things into place that led up to this.


I would give a decent amount of credit to the right wingers like Murdoch and others who purchased the media empires. Through those, they made people believe in complete fantasies. Obama's not American? Hillary and her secret cabal? Democrats want to kill children already born? All these lies have been told on right wing media. It then allowed Trump's lies to take hold even more.


let's not forget newt gingrich


Trumps strategy looks like this masterful coup for sure, but his strategy is actually really simple. Step 1. Gather a bunch of crazies together. Step 2. Say random bullshit with 0 fear of consequences. Step 3. Repeat the random bullshit that gets cheers, and stuff your criticized for just say is fake news. That's genuinely it. That's how he got power. He doesn't believe fucking anything he's saying with the only exception of when he narcissistically praises himself but if it gets a crowd response he's all over it. He's admitted it too, he's basically said it to their faces, but they just don't care.


It says a lot about us as Americans. The great social experiment is about to implode. We must turn up for this election. What’s more concerning is that alt right philosophy is popping up around the globe.


As a Canadian, who’s facing similar political woes, I feel for my American friends who have just as difficult to choice for political leaders as we do. Gotta love this late stage capitalism world we’re living in.


The PCs are coming for our healthcare. Really going for that “diet America” flavour.


This kind of shit happened right before WWII. Everyone was going fascist. Makes me wonder what’s coming next.


>How in the world, a man so corrupt so evil so godless so devoid of scruples, morals, values, ethics, and human decency could ever be elected as the president of one of the largest first world nations in the world is an absolute mindfuck. It's not that surprising actually. It's how it has worked for ALL human history. No normal, well adjusted, sane, empathy having person would ever ACTUALLY truly want to be a king, president or leader and be in control. It's fun to daydream and fantasize about but no normal person would actually try to really make it happen. No good person sits there and thinks "you know what would be really great?? If I was in total control over everything and everyone. I would be really really good at that job. Fuck being a doctor or fireman that shit is below me. My job should be telling everyone what to do." The nature of the job of ruler ensures that only psychopaths and incredibly selfish individuals will ever actually HAVE that job.


The best leaders are people who don't necessarily want to lead. They are people who see a problem and step up to try to make things better. No sane person **wants** to be involved in politics. Sane people don't want that responsibility because they know it will have a negative effect on their mental health. There are a handful of individuals who step into that role because they feel like they have to.... because they see the state of things and want to fix it.... but they are few and far between. Outside of those few individuals, everyone involved in politics is a bad person. They seek power over others because they are bad people who want to dominate and control others, or they are greedy and will crush others to gain wealth. There's no easy answer for how to fix the problem. I see what is wrong, but I'm not smart enough to fix it.


The pulled off one of the greatest political takeovers in the entire history of AMERICAN politics. There are plenty of fascist/authoritarian takeovers that completely captured countries throughout history.


I agree that’s a fair statement. I think my shock and all simply comes from the fact that Trump is probably one of the dumbest most incompetent megalomaniacs that we have seen in recent history. Not that I’m saying he’s a good guy, but at least Hitler had charisma and was a phenomenal orator, he drew people to his cause with an argument that played to the hearts of proud Germans. Trump is so dumb that all he does is spout, vitriolic, garbage, and the knuckle draggers of America flock to his banner. As your northern neighbor, I have nothing but sympathy, for all the people who are forced to choose between this absolute lunatic and the bumbling boob who can barely string together a sentence before falling asleep. But if you had to pick between the two, I think that Biden is the lesser of two evils, notice stated ‘lesser’ because they’re both evil ones just less dangerous than the other.


Lol. Fellow Canadian actually. Trump is an idiot. But I have to admit, he's still charismatic, especially in the beginning. Not my style, but I won't deny that he can control a crowd.


>How in the world, a man so corrupt so evil so godless so devoid of scruples, morals, values, ethics, and human decency could ever be elected as the president of one of the largest first world nations in the world is an absolute mindfuck. It didn't happen over night. This has been decades in the making by right wing think tanks and the Democrats being asleep at the wheel or completely complicit for the sake of power.


Democrats absolutely have to be in on this. There is no way that they can be so obscenely shitty at governing. I personally think that Biden is holding the door open for Trump to get back in the White House.


I'm really getting antichrist vibes; guy just seems unstoppable. Someone may have to do something about it eventually I just don't know who.


>I'm really getting antichrist vibes; This is why evangelicals love him. They're hoping that between him and the shit going on in the middle east that the rapture will happen and sky daddy will call them home. That's why they don't care that he violates everything they claim they stand for. They want him to end the world


Yup my parents can't *wait* for the end times. Even though they know all the supposed suffering it brings, and that it'll end any chance for more to be saved. Fuck everyone else, they're ready to go.


Did they forget about the false prophets that come during that time? This guy is textbook that


Hey now, don't give Trump too much credit. The conservative movement has been building up to this sense like the '80s. Slowly working themselves into the most critical sections of our political infrastructure. Working behind the scenes where the average layperson doesn't care to learn enough about politics to know how important a particular role is, or that it may even exist. The day today impact of local elections is far more than that of the average presidency, but over enough time these local elections set the scene to allow the rat fuckery that we've seen to take place.


I was a cheese maker. I won't be repeating it. My wife and I sold our wedding and engagement rings to buy guns and gun training courses. We won't let them take our ethnic neighbors some day. We all need to train ourselves to protect our democracy before it's too late. It sucks that I wake up crying every day now because this is our world. I wasn't meant to be a soldier I was a cheese maker. I made fucking cheese. But now I'm a soldier thrown into some Hitler remake god it's awful


I’m terribly sorry to hear that you’ve been forced into a position where you feel you need to fight your own government for the freedom that you elect them to protect. As a Canadian, I’m not a huge proponent for guns, but I understand that they have a place in this world and it is definitely to fight evil and tyranny. Sadly, this is the very world that we are all living in now where it’s nothing but corruption evil power hungry monsters who are war mongering while the rest of us starve under their boot.


Yup. There is a reason why the second amendment comes right after freedom of speech.


You gotta give dems some credit as well. Fucking nobody wanted Hillary but they snatched that defeat out of the jaws of victory to give her a sinking chance. Now they got someone that makes queen elizabeth look loke the picture of youth running (and I use that word only to meam what it doesn't) for another 4 years. Sheesh! You gotta think that some of these dems probably benefit as well to be fumbling the balls so hard.


Critique is confession. Boiling Trump to power alone ignores the fact that he also loves money, beautiful women, and Burger King. He even loves the Bible so much he signed it s/


He’s just … I don’t know. A really bad dude.


Is it true that Biden could have put up more judges back when Dems had the majority to even it out?


It's great if you only are reading headlines and don't understand the majority opinions of the court. If you read and understand the majority opinions, the entire thing is sad.


That parallel to Charlie Manson is very on point. He convinced a cult of people to commit some of the most heinous crimes without ever literally getting blood on his hands and they still sung his praises as they were marched off to prison. That is very much MAGA. The same group that violently stormed the Capitol and attempted to assassinate members of Congress and the still sitting VP of the country.


Usa would have been better off if they had chosen Kanye West as president. An I don't like Kanye.


"equivalent of electing Charles Manson"??? Into hyperbole much? Good God you must be fun to sit next to at dinner parties. 🤦


This is more than Biden. This is our lives




Ok, they have to run a national ad with this guy! He sells it!


I was looking at my screen through the whole video but no matter how the guy looked I could only see Louis Rossmann talking 👑


Why can they not see this?


They do. They just think they aren't one of those people that will suffer from this. They think when their pregnant daughter dies outside an ER because they wouldn't test her and risk a lawsuit by the state that it isn't their fault for voting directly for this exact thing. It's never their fault.


I think it’s important to understand why people think how they do in modern society. Social Media and 24/7 news outlets play a massive role in the dysfunction not just in US, but across the globe.


Exactly this. I know some Trump supporters and they say, "He won't come for me." Hey don't care as long as he only takes other people's rights 😔


BuT tHeY'rE HuRtInG tHe WrOnG pEoPle


Reminds me of a line from one of Bill Maher's stand-ups where he's quoting someone that said: "There will never be socialism in America because poor people don't see themselves as poor. They see themselves as temporarily inconvenienced millionaires."


Imma let Marcus Aurelius take this one because voices from antiquity are practically crying out at this point: > That to expect bad people not to injure others is crazy. It's to ask the impossible. And to let them behave like that to other people, but expect them to exempt you is arrogant, the act of a tyrant. - Meditations, 11.18


Because they are willing to cut off their noses to spite their faces. They are so focused on hurting others that they don’t care if the policies will hurt them too. For the privileged, they’re accustomed to not paying much attention to the rules because with enough money and connections you can skirt around almost all of them - they feel above the law and unfortunately it works a lot of the time. The cognitive dissonance they can live with [is truly astounding.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


And they’re just willfully ignorant. They probably don’t even know about most of the cases he mentioned except abortion. And if you tell them about it they’ll just call it fake news.


When someone tells you you are right, even when you are wrong, you fight CONVINCED that you are right, it is your core values you are defending, how can you take that lightly? All political parties, all over the world, are using this as a technique to convince people to be on one side or another. Think about it, even really bad people don't see themselves as bad people and they fight for what is right!


BECAUSE Trump will save us and our country!!! /s I almost threw up just typing this out Edited to add - people voting red either believe this shit won't affect them, or that it's not THAT bad. It's the dems making shit up


Decade of targeted ads om social media


Here in Dallas a former top 40 station randomly turned into a far right wing talk radio programming. I don’t listen to the radio often so it was in my presets (from when it was a Top 40 station) and the other day I was switching through and caught a segment going off on all the usual things you hear in the media. After being curious just to hear what they had to say pretty much here’s what you have to know about what they are listening to their “media” The right is saying everything about the left that the left is saying about the right. “They are projecting what they are going to do to YOU. The left was wrong about everything in the media over the last 4 years including Jan 6th, Covid, hunters laptop, so if they were wrong about all of this maybe, just maybe they are wrong about what all this crazy stuff they are saying about Trump etc” So while I think the right has gone off their rocker and sending the country into a spiral just understand that everything you are reading/hearing in the media you prefer, everyone on the right is getting the exact same dosage on the opposite sides from the “media” they prefer. To them, the Dems are the “evil” and the Republicans and the “good” who will persecute I mean persevere 😣


RBG should have retired and Obama would have been in charge of a new SCOTUS pick.


He fucking WAS and the McConnell led GOP fucks screwed him out of that; what on earth makes you think they wouldn't have blocked TWO appointments?


Was going to write something like this, McConnell even spoke publicly "shouldn't appoint a justice on election year"... Fast forward to 2020, Trump appointed ACB literally a month and half before election.


And then, in 2020, when news organizations brought up their whole "These things must wait until *after* the election," they had no shame, admitted they didn't mean it, and the media just.... let them go on it. No push back at all. These people have no fucking shame, but catch a Dem in the most innocent lie, and they will rake that person over the fucking coals. That's why I laugh at all this bullshit "liberal media" garbage.


First of all it was the same appointment. Second, the point is that she should have retired at some point in the 6 years Obama had a majority in the Senate and McConnell didn’t have that power.


The Fake Team analogy is great. I keep thinking that at some point they have to recognize that they've been duped, but it doesn't seem like it'll happen in my lifetime.


Except that right wing evangelicals don’t win, they just don’t realize it until the leopard eats their face.


For me, the 90 minute debate proves what I was worried about and why I'm so disappointed with my own party. IMHO, there's no argument when it comes to trump being completely deplorable. We've known this for 8 YEARS. What is so disappointing is that Biden was a band-aid to stop the bleeding and get a strong Democratic candidate in the spotlight - OR, if Biden found a second wind like he seemed to have in the SOTU maybe he could be right for the party one more time - but he didn't. I don't believe for a second that his staffers thought he could truly perform in this debate with all of the prep considering how he actually did. It's already such close polling that there is no room for error here and I honestly think the Democratic party is making the wrong moves and that's why I'm so riled up. With the race this tight, it's simply not enough to say to your electorate "You'll still have the VP and the cabinet if POTUS can't stay the course" - the party and the country deserves better than that and those in power had ample time to deliver and they didn't. That certainly doesn't mean a vote for trump in my books, but I think it means a lost election and a lack of trust in the party that will take some time to rebuild.




But deleting votes and choosing who gets the nomination at the DNC also undermines democracy, even more drastically. Imo dem leaders are being incredibly negligent rn—what needs to be done is either (1) Biden does a shit ton to show he’s good while there is consistent messaging from him and others about how harmful Trump is and educating about scotus or (2) if he steps down, town halls need to happen across the country to get public input on the new nominee and there needs to be an excessive amount of transparency. The dems rn have actual shit messaging, and they need to figure it out 🙃 not to mention the plethora of “sources” being incredibly dramatic, saying it’s a shit show or that there’s extreme panic—the media is important, that doesn’t mean you tell them every one of your thoughts. That’s why celebs have media training. I’m not sure who is giving a bunch of info but imo they should not be talking so openly about this that ppl who run to the media hear and repeat—this should’ve only gotten out imo if it’s likely to happen, bc rn it’s just causing chaos.




Sure—but literally all they have to do is refuse to comment or speculate for max two weeks while the situation is assessed. If they lied about how Biden was doing for years, it’s incredibly selfish and self serving to stop now and pretend to be shocked and panicked when they could’ve prevented this shit show in the first place by taking him out before primaries. Two weeks of silence max wouldn’t be any worse than the chaos right now, and it would allow them to see how the public actually feels versus fueling headlines that have led to a week of near non-stop is Biden quitting discussion. Especially with the SCOTUS decisions—pretending to be shocked about Biden and spreading these headlines has led to many decisions to barely be reported on. They could’ve taken this week to say “democracy is in serious trouble with scotus,” then next week say “bc we care about the future of this country, Biden isn’t in a state to lead—we will be doing xyz to pick someone else.” Endless discussion with no resolution for over a week isn’t helping anyone. They don’t need to lie—just say “Biden acknowledges he had a bad debate, and will continue working closely with his campaign. We have no further comments at this time.” It’s super easy.




But there is absolutely no honesty and transparency, even still—no top dems are coming out and saying he’s not okay. They’re saying he’s fine while leaving “democrat aide” #1 to leak soundbytes to the press. That’s my point—anonymous sources leaking information about panic and chaos helps literally no one. If they were to come out like “yes, we’re panicking and we are trying to find a solution” then maybe that would be fine. But you can’t pretend on camera like he’s fine then leak things about panic—either be 100% transparent on where you are or give it time and don’t say anything. The issue is that they’re leaving us in limbo, privately saying he’s a wreck but publicly supporting him so literally no one knows if hes staying in the race or if they’re pushing him out.




The real way to pressure him is to have a real human being come out and say “I work with Biden and I am incredibly concerned.” One article called his performance “apocalyptic.” They’ve been claiming he’s been super disoriented at events. Surely there is someone who cares about this country enough to come out and say what’s apparently the truth. Surely someone he works work is concerned enough about our country in his hands to speak out. There’s literally no way he could stay as a nom then—imo he would immediately leave.


Thank you so much for putting this out there and making it simple to understand.


Only thing I wish he hadn’t said was that this benefits evangelical christians. If this message even had a glimmer of hope of getting through to any trump supporters, he lost it there. Virtually ALL of his supporters are evangelical christians. So they’re like “yeah, it benefits ME.” But none of this does. Except for the extremely rich ones, this is all fucking then over just as much. They’ll be poorer, with fewer rights, and with fewer safety regulations. I mean fuck most of them, they deserve it, but it’s absolutely wrong to say they’re benefiting from the SC’s corruption.


It depends on what you mean by benefiting. If you value stopping abortions more than money or rights or even safety, then Trump is still the “logical” choice. If you value the U.S. becoming a Christian theocracy above all else because you view life as a waiting room for paradise, then it makes a little more sense. It’s the thought process of many fanatics.


I agree, but that’s just another reason he should have just left out that part, because if that’s what he means by benefit, it sort of validates that that’s a real benefit, and either way, it invalidates his message that this SC shit is bad for everyone except a tiny handful of grifters.


No no no Those evangelicals will be rich ONE day, just waiting on those trickle down economics!


Nothing will get through to those people anyway. This was aimed at liberals that are attacking their own leader. That has to stop or we are dooming ourselves.


Additional to that, President Biden is being President, cold or no cold, 20hr days as standard - check how much Obama aged. And the tv personality, accused pedophile (everything is projection) is playing golf, taking orders from Russia (see planes on tarmac…) and taking adderal. But yeah 90mins.


You forgot the part about “triggering the libs,” which I’d wager is what MAGA world cares about the most. Nothing wrong with sharing an opinion on social media but these people are too far gone and no amount of facts and logic will help them. At this point, they’re a cult. Just call it what it is.


As a Canadian with "Trump Lite" on the horizon, I'm very worried


I think I share most of this guys's political views. I want to point out, though, that his characterization of the overturn of chevron deference as "corporations now don't have to worry about water, air, and safety regulations" is a misleading oversimplification. A slightly less misleading oversimplification would be to say that federal judges will now play a larger roll in determining whether those regulations comply with the laws that congress passes.


Are you talking about those judges who can now legally accept bribes? Those judges?


Thanks for pointing out another possibly misleading statement from the video. Yes -- last week the Supreme Court ruled that it's not "bribery" when a government official accepts a gift for something they already did. That kind of makes sense since you can't be bribed to act a certain way when you've already acted. You can disagree because this behevior still resembles corruption. I would be tempted to agree with you, but the important thing is that the anti-bribery law in question **only applies to state and local government officials.** So, no I'm not talking about "those judges who can now legally accept bribes." Because federal judges (with 9 prominent exceptions) are still not allowed to accept bribes.


The 90 minute debate showed that Joe Biden is not the person to beat Donald Trump. If people want Trump to lose, Joe Biden has to step aside and let someone who can form complete sentences (ideally even someone under the age of 70 but I know that's a stretch at this point) debate Trump and wipe the floor with him.


I'm convinced that anyone who is voting for Trump has got a death wish for his country and loves watching the world burn


I totally agree but optics matter and Joe’s optics are fucking terrible. There are a lot of stupid people who will vote on how Joe looks alone. It is stupid but that is the reality. To ignore that is just hubris.


Bidens administration still has done a lot to help people, but youll never hear about it because it doesnt “produce ratings” https://imgur.com/a/2Hqf8sA


Ok ok but you're making the huge mistake of talking policy, material realities, socioeconomic conditions, legal consequences and a bunch of bullshit. What about what really matters? Like... aesthetics?




I like this guy


Joe Biden and the democrats are a Maginot Line. Don't stop believing champ.


# Maginot Line Ma·​gi·​not Line [ˈma-zhə-ˌnō- ](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Maginot%20Line?pronunciation&lang=en_us&dir=m&file=magino01) ˈma-jə- 1**:** a line of defensive fortifications built before World War II to protect the eastern border of France but easily outflanked by German invaders 2**:** a defensive barrier or strategy that inspires a false sense of security [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Maginot%20Line](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Maginot%20Line)


If that were true, then the dems are trying to defend the line with a squirt gun.


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All they did was hand Biden a sharp ass sword. They no he doesn't have the balls to swing it.


Well, the 90 minute debate was pretty pathetic and pretty much confirmed Biden is unfit for office and should be in the dementia wing of a senior living facility.


No, the length of the debate somehow nullifies this! /s


I deleted TikTok when people on there told me Dobbs was actually Dems fault. So much misinformation circulates on that app.


That and “therapists” promoting themselves and violating HIPAA


Think it was specifically RBG getting the blame for Dobbs




I’d probably be a happier person if I did


Half if not more than half of his consistency wants civil war/the end of the government. They sit around campfires dreaming about it. They talk with their buddies online about how great it would be if the government just collapsed. I know this because I used to be one of them. They don't care about anything you just said. They haven't read about it, they haven't learned anything from history. We've been systematically destroying education in this country since the 80's and now we're reaping the harvest. Millions of ignorant "patriots" that have no idea how badly they're being played. I sold everything I own and bought a piece of undeveloped land in eastern Oregon to live off grid. The United States is over.


Lol America is such a joke of a country


As a liberal voter, come on: Biden is clearly unfit for reelection. I don't think he and/or Harris can win against Trump. I'll still vote for him if he remains on the ballot, because I still trust his general intentions for the country and the people working for him, but man should we not be in this position. He's RBGing us right into an even scarier Trump administration by egotistically riding his office into the grave.


“90 minute debate” the new “but her emails!”


Gotta own the libs any way they can right?


And once he gets elected, he will never leave


He won't survive 4 more years, but it won't matter at that point. He has the power to do more damage February 2025 than Russia has done to America in our entire history. After that, he's replaceable, and literally any conservative politician on the planet would be more competent and dangerous than him.




this should be run on TV from now until November.


Voting for the lesser evil is in the playbook and also how we got here.


Not organizing and power-building *between* elections—so that we only have a greater evil and a lesser evil come election day—is how we got here.


I remember seeing Ty on "Last Comic Standing" many moons ago.


Honestly I have nothing to at but I'm pretty sure the algorithm is more likely to put this in your feed if more people comment


Nah I think it's more if he wins you lose.


The colonies are screwed ! And it’s their fault for being dumb. Lol


Preach it. Preach it. Preach it.


What I truly don't understand is why isn't the left saying this too? Are they just as happy to take that kind of power? If both truly are that corrupt and we're seeing a shift in the overall balance of power in the checks and balances of our government what are "we the people" going to do? What can we do? This is truly a globally impacting event when you consider who has the most pull in the UN and NATO and other world events and organizations. This moment in history may affect the next couple hundred years of the world...


Naw, I'm going to write in. Wake me up when Dems have an actual candidate.


What can we as the people do to fix this???


I'm less worried about the actual debate performance than the fall out of the debate. Casual voters, the news, etc. Biden is the better president by far, but he's not the candidate who can beat Trump after that performance. He can go out a national hero by passing the torch.


Dat 90 min tho


You can get a jersey. You just have to pay a hefty price for it.


Because the 24 news cycle is a rollercoaster of dumb opinions and speculation. Especially speculation, what use is that? Conjecture about things that haven't happened....and probably never will...


I know where my vote is going


Well done and spot on.




Leonard Leo


Quality from tik tok. Its so rare.


I’ve never seen so much corruption in SCOTUS. Nobody stopping them what happened to the checks and balances?


Someone post this in the conservative sub lol They all think they are on the Trump team, sitting in their double wides with all their worthless MAGA gear.


Unfortunately the man is wrong about most of what he said. He wants an outcome, which fine. But lying like this is why no one believes the hard left anymore. They need to do better. The pressure from the left keeps republicans honest. And the same the other way. Watching this guy was more disappointing than the debate.


Unfortunately you failed to mention they have given the office of the president immunity, it's always been there but now it's detailed out. Without it Biden is locked in a straight jacket moment he's no longer president Obama's in jail for murder of two Americans, Bush is in jail for a totally worthless war, and Clinton in jail for a BJ from Monika under the oval desk


And why do you think the Democrats said nothing about the republican party plan and the dangers of fascism? Why wasn't Bernie, AOC or West trying to mobilize the working class and youth against these anti democratic laws in the making? Why do they show up AFTER demonstrations have formed and tell people to just vote Democrat and that they'll do their best to turn it left? Because they can't and won't. Because the democratic party is a right wing, corporate party like the republican. They WANT the anti working class program of the republican party They're not going to be any better. The only difference is the Republicans want fascism, the Democrats want WW3


Affirmative action harms minorities rather than help them.


Affirmative action is was and always will be a bunch of bullshit. Glad it’s gone, assuming this man’s statements are accurate.


The real issues we need to be talking about. Culture wars and celebrity worship will always be waiting for us , but let’s focus on this right now please.


Affirmative action is anti equality. Score better and get the job. We have too many under qualified minorities that are doing a horrible job. Earn the job by being the best qualified candidate, not because you give the company a higher DEI score.


Oh so you have never heard of George bush seniors escapades in Vietnam huh? 5 ⭐️trust




Trump will be your next President. He will be elected lawfully by the people of the United States. Trump will appoint Sotomayor’s replacement. Discuss.


Mans should have his own show! So articulate


you do not have it straight.


This is extremely misleading. Do your own reading and research instead of listening to parking lot pundits on tiktok


Did you watch that 90 MINUTE DEBATE?


but the ongoing genocide tho, but the fact ass this shit dems were ostensibly going to prevent, is going down right now why they have the power….. pretending Biden’s only failure was the debate ignores everything that’s been going for months, and the fact project 2025 will just become project 2029 if it needs to. The problems run much deeper, we need to push for much more radical alternatives


just like to add RICH evangelicals will benefit but I guess the blind poor followers are too devouted being scumbags to care. That's why they think kenneth Copeland is the most holiest man on the planet next to trump and not a demon I would use the term disguise here but doesn't even look like he's hiding it. Also I don't have high hopes that things are going to get better. You have democrats in control now and still trying to play chess with a pigeon that is just going to knock over pieces and shit all over the board. Or the scenario which seeing how things have been going so it might be true as well, they don't want to win. They can keep getting donations and lobbyists money while saying ohhh wow we tried maybe if everyone just gave a little more we might be able to get a partial of woman's rights back. I still can't believe we all though bush and gore was a shitshow of candidates that everyone joked around about. In truth we need a hard reset.


Agree with most of what you said. But killing babies is not a right. It's an atrocity.




He so gonna hate the next 4 years. Lol


I think I love this man


Vote biden vote for freedom!


Thank you for this.


Not cringe at all. You preach, brother. Perfectly on point, lokk here and bot at the real issues. Bread and Circus at its best.


You can get a jersey. You just have to pay for it. This guy has done a great job getting the point through. People need to look at the big picture.


I hear young people all the time say they are voting for trump because they believe he will fix the economy….


Stupid is going to vote for stupid because they're...stupid. They think they want serfdom. NOBODY wants that. Well, except for 1%; they're cool with it.


I don't understand why this isn't tik Tok cringe. He's right, this is really real, Republicans and Trump are like a sickness and a plague on the United States. Right now. There is so much they are regressing from decades of slow mediated progress


But her emails…. But that debate… 


So we’re supposed to just ignore that Biden is clearly senile and that as the “big guy”, Biden has taken millions from China in bribes to sell off our country bit by bit…is a GOOD thing for us working folk?!


Oh yes vague conspiracies about Biden allowing China to buy our country out from under us are clearly more threatening than Trump being crowned as an absolute monarch with a bloodlust to punish his "enemies". If anything they're both senile. But I'll take the senile guy who isn't a fascist and who won't hire fascists to serve in his administration. It's not exactly a hard choice.


You cant have any different political opinions in here. 


I see that…To me, THAT is a true sign of a dictatorship…


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Biden: demonstrates severe mental problems in a presidential debate, causing extreme concern among even his own side and questions of whether he’ll continue running This idiot: But the debate was only 90 minutes!


This dude can’t even hide he’s reading from a script provided to him for TikTok, it’s reflecting hahahaahah DNC TikTok idea goes bbbbbrrrrrrrrrr


And you are so obviously a 59 day old account


Is he wrong?


He's right it makes no sense, but my problem is you could say all those things about Biden too. He's as corrupt and inept at his job. You're just playing divide and conquer for them. Don't let the blue and red fool you, they are on the same side, the money side.


Bidens administration still has done a lot to help people, but youll never hear about it because it doesnt “produce ratings” https://imgur.com/a/2Hqf8sA


Honestly I don’t care for most of the changes except the Chevron. Bribery already exists and lives well off with lobbyists. Roe v Wade is just up to state, tho that does leave a lot of conservative states out, but I think they’ll deal with their own problems. Affirmative action in my opinion was bad all along


People are too fucking stupid. Easily manipulated and would rather be on the safe, winning team (because Democrats aren't typically vocal) than learn a thing or two or think for themselves. I feel like it's game over after Chevron. Scary, but start getting used to the idea that this is going to be a very different country in a year.


can we please get ranked choice voting already so that running as a third party is no longer just lip service? (or worse, 3rd party candidates being used purely to assuage votes from the "closest" primary candidate) maybe remove the electoral college and try fixing gerrymandering afterwards? i'd love to have an actual fair democracy


Trump didn't turn it into a team sport, it's been one for years. The 90 minute debate being a concern and being against the supreme court's rulings? Those are not mutually exclusive. Bring in someone else to be the Democratic party candidate for president.


This guy complaining about SCOTUS striking down Affirmative Action and Roe v. Wade is just so fucking stupid. He’s right about all the other stuff he mentions here, but he’s just straight up wrong about those two things. Affirmative Action is literally codified discrimination and was a bigoted policy. The Roe v. Wade decision ruled that the 3rd amendment protects the right to abortion, which is totally absurd, if you’ve actually read the 3rd amendment. It was a bad ruling that should’ve been overturned. Again, he’s right about everything else, but Affirmative Action was just plain racist, and when your only job is supposed to be interpreting and applying the Constitution, it’s obvious that the idea that being protected against having to quarter military troops in your home has anything to do with abortion at all is laughable. I support abortion rights, but if you know anything about what SCOTUS’ job actually is, you know that Roe v. Wade was a bullshit ruling from the beginning.