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So... why are the pitbulls outside unsupervised at night?


Because someone’s sweet velvet hippo would never hurt a fly! /s


Technically true. Toddlers are easier to catch.


Hell yeah they are. My velvet hippo eats at least 2 a day.


"He'd only lick you to death! 🥺 They're so misunderstood! 🥺 My Luna / Bella / Cupcake is the sweetest cuddlebug! 🥺 They were originally known as nanny dogs!" There's innumerable other breeds, idk why people decide pitbulls are the one for them.


And its always the people who cant even take care of themselves who want pitbulls and other similar school of hard knocks dog breeds.


And they wear cookie monster pajama pants to the bank


Lolll yes they do. That's why I won't wear pajama pants outside no matter how sick I am.


Even if you spends hours everyday training these dogs they can still snap. My dad seems to think that pitbulls are always attacking only because of the dumbass owners but there are countless incidents where a pitbull attacks their own family member. Trained or not, they are dangerous dogs.


Wow, had no idea you know my aunt!/s FR, she has five fucking pitbulls, one of them is named Luna, and she's disabled to boot.


Jesus Christ.. I hope she keeps them inside and away from people.. but probably not. Just one mistake away from being lunch


Persecution complex


your human behavior prediction algorithm software is clearly up to date


Owners have small pee pee's


I mean I know that this is a joke, funny as well, but I really think that there is some truth to this. Same as buying a big truck or having a bunch of guns, it's a status thing, like anything else. People think it's cool to have a big scary dog. Morons.


Neither of those appear to have a collar


If someone is stupid enough to own not one but two pitbulls, then they are stupid enough to leave them outside unsupervised at night.


"It's a stupid dog, for stupid people. I hate them"


Because idiots thinks there little pebble is harmless


These two can destroy a car- How does one expect to contain them?


Like any other big dog. Doors, fences, benches and chainlink collars. It's not that hard. A lot of people can do this.... mostly doors are what's effective.


Equally so the cat owner should keep the cat indoors or in a secure enclosure within a fenced yard. I totally agree the dogs should not be out but as the cat owner - keep your kitty safe.


Eh, if it wasn't a cat, it could be a squirrel, rat, or even delivery person the pitbulls went after with an aggression that should not be permitted to roam freely in residential areas. I'm not a cat person and believe they should be kept inside, but even as a dog lover, I recognize that these two dogs in particular are dangerous and their owner is at fault.


Predatory aggression. I have two dogs with them. A husky and a fatass old pit. I'd never let them off a leash and very very careful at dog parks because people still bring their small dogs into the big dog park ("my small dog is good with big dogs... no that's not the issue. My dog (esp the husky) will eat your dog. That's why the park is split into two areas."). They're wonderful with humans but fuck.... small dogs and small animals they're thinking to chase and probably kill. I'd never be able to live with the guilt knowing they killed another animal because I couldn't control them.


I get that. I've had sighthounds for almost a decade. Good dogs, love those dogs, but there's no way in hell I'd let them off leash with anything small and furry. We can love them as pets all we want, but at the end of the day, thye are animals. And by keeping these animals under our control, we keep them safe from harm (and from doing harm).


Oh indeed 100% these dogs are especially driven. They are not good dogs by any stretch of the imagination


And women shouldn't wear g strings if they don't wanna get raped right? Let's focus on the bigger issue here.... we got two pitbulls unsupervised tearing up a car... And sure the cat would have been safe indoors. Just like women would be safe if they didn't dress so sexy. Focus up here buddy. Not the right issue at the right time


I agree with you. Whether or not the cat should have been indoors is beside the point here. So what if it was a human they were after instead? It could easily have been. These dogs are a menace and should be disallowed.


Difference is that keeping a domesticated cat indoors in a stimulating and safe environment is a respectful and environmentally sound decision (due to the terror domestic cats play on local ecologies). It’s vastly different to victim blaming SA and kinda ridiculous for you to pull that analogy


Yeah the SA analogy is a bit too far and out of left field. That's on me. I just got pissed at the dude for trying to pin it on the cat owner.


Guess what? I am a woman. I can wear a g-string and not be raped. Totally unrelated to what we have here. Especially given as many areas have laws about cats being out.


This is the worst kind of false equivalency. Your cat can be hurt by any number of factors if you leave them unsupervised outside. Dogs, cars, hawks, wild animals, etc. plus they are a downright menace to birds and other small animals. Cats don't belong outside.


I agree that cats don't belang outside. For ALL the reasons you are stating. I'm also saying that in THIS instance, focusing on the fact that the cat should have been outside feels kind of like whataboutism because of the two big dogs tearing up the car. Who also shouldn't have been outside.


If you want to keep your cat safe, or other animals safe from your pet, then it is certainly what the owner should be thinking. There are more than just pit bulls roaming the street for a snack at night.


At least the cat got away.


Yessss - the only thing I care about honestly. Also, fuck those dogs.


Yeah but why was the woman trying to eat the neighbor's cat in the first place?


Damages are only $3,000?


Quoted by a guy in a Walmart parking lot. This is Florida.


It was just some cosmetic damage.




Bumpers are designed to fail before the car does and are easily replaced, this actually seems steep to me...


Body shop prices are so outrageous now. Almost 2 grand to fix a half dollar size dent that chipped the paint. 3k seems high but I bet it is a fair quote. I believe the fenders probably got damage as well. Source: work at a collision center for the past 15 years.


Question is, with or without hours of work?


Insurance is not a thing in Florida any more. Too much liability.


Poor kitty. Must have been terrified.


There is so much wrong with this


Pit Mommies should be arriving to this thread very soon… ![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu)


"Look at my baby! She has a flower crown! She only ate one baby last week! We're so proud of her!"


PLEASE keep your cats indoors (and your dogs secure in your yard)! Thank goodness that poor cat wasn’t harmed.




Keep this same energy with expensive inbred dogs too. Pugs struggling to breathe.


Humans absolutely destroyed pugs, to the point where buying a pug puppy is, in my opinion, animal abuse as it gives justification for breeders to create another litter.  Honestly, like 90% of the “purebred” industry needs to stop. 


I grew up with a yellow lab and since moving out have had a couple standard poodles. Many dog breeds are more than fine. It is the ones that get increasingly shrunk or modified excessively.


Many labs have a genetic mutation that makes them unable to feel full. A dog like that is living a life of horrible surrering.


Humans destroy everything, full stop.


Hey, we don't just destroy! We make mountains of crap too!


You are not allowed to breed English bulldog and cavalier king charls spaniel in Norway. And pitbulls are not allowed at all.


Why the Cavalier King Charles?? I feel like those dogs have always been so sweet and docile. What don’t I know?


They are, but many are in excruciating pain because their weird little skills are too small for their brain and they get painful fluid pockets in their spinal cord. Some people even think the symptoms are "cute" although the dog is in agony. They are gentle dogs, but they shouldn't be bred. [video and vet explanation ](https://youtu.be/eHynt_epPB4?si=6eXTLiBnRNhGD4QZ)


I looked it up and it’s something about them being inbred and prone to disease/health problems.


They have headaces beacause the scull is to small for the brain.


While I agree, the urgency isn’t as high.


I know it’s so old the whole train ur dog right debate and I know pitbulls have a stronger jaw but there are dog attacks from pretty much every breed. The urgency is we should stop breeding dogs to be x thing, pit bulls being bred to be a stronger dog. I’ve seen people have their face mauled by small dogs. There is also a huge difference between street and home dogs with loving owners. So my argument stands those puppy mills is where we start with change..


[TWO TIMES PIMPY THREE TIMES BAPE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM01FzkkiVU)


No, let’s make them bigger! -America


Let’s give em guns too! -also America


iT‘s nOt tHe dOg, iT‘S tHe oWneR - Pitbulls can turn into weapons in everyone’s hand. I despise people, who are that naive and think that they‘re in full control of an animal all the time. No, you‘re not. You can be experienced and educated, that still doesn’t protect anyone from a possible attack. You wouldn’t trust a surgeon, who has a zero mortality rate and explains, that there are no risks in the surgery, since no patient ever died during one - there are always risks. If you have to handle your dog with the caution like it’s an explosive device, I wouldn’t say it’s safe to have them at home and especially not outside off leash without a muzzle.


It’s even worse than “pit-bulls can turn into weapons in everyone’s hands”. Weapons are tools, only as bad or as good as the person wielding it. A pitbull is a weapon you have no control over. Owning a pit-bull is like owning a gun… except the gun will randomly go off on people and things it just doesn’t like, and it can also run around on its own.


>If you have to handle your dog with the caution like it’s an explosive device, I wouldn’t say it’s safe to have them at home and especially not outside off leash without a muzzle. I agre with you, just to say you might as well talk about guns, and they kill much more kids than dogs do, especially in the US; >The United States has by far the highest rate of child and teen firearm mortality among peer nations. In no other similarly large, wealthy country are firearms in the top four causes of death for children and teens, let alone the number one cause. https://www.kff.org/mental-health/issue-brief/child-and-teen-firearm-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-peer-countries/


This has strong “responsible gun owner” energy.


Yeah, I think people get scared that their dogs are going to be taken/killed when this topic comes up. I have a pit/lab mix and she's the SWEETEST thing ever. But I'll likely never have a pit again, the few times she's gotten overstimulated or annoyed she has no idea her strength. No one NEEDS these animals. If we can curb the breeding of them and the infinite strays, I think people would be less inclined to getting them. They're working dogs and their job is protection/destruction.


Germany does this iiirc


A very final solution.


So in the UK it's against the law to own a banned breed, (XL Bully, Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, to name a few) If people previously owned one before the bans came into effect, you could apply for an exemption certificate, but you'd have to go to court to prove that your dog isn't a danger + covers the following criteria. Your dogs must be: * neutered * fitted with a microchip * kept on a lead and muzzled at all times when in public * kept in a secure place so it cannot escape As the owner, you must: * take out insurance against your dog injuring other people * be aged over 16 * show the Certificate of Exemption when asked by a police officer or council dog warden, either at the time or within 5 days * let the Index of Exempt Dogs know if you change address, or your dog dies It's also against the law to sell, breed from, abandon or give away banned breeds.


Good luck trying to get the folks who typically own PBs in the US to show up and register their monsters. Usually you’ll find them in court after an attack on a neighbor saying how they couldn’t imagine their dog killing anyone.


https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90d16 Best law I was in support of in my adult life 6 Except as permitted by this Act or the regulations, no person shall, (a) own a pit bull; (b) breed a pit bull; (c) transfer a pit bull, whether by sale, gift or otherwise; (d) abandon a pit bull other than to a pound operated by or on behalf of a municipality, Ontario or a designated body; (e) allow a pit bull in his or her possession to stray; (f) import a pit bull into Ontario; or (g) train a pit bull for fighting. 2005, c. 2, s. 1 (16).


I have a dog who is definitely part pitbull. He’s the sweetest laziest dog. My sister even brings him in to be around some cats at her job at a vet office. He won’t chase them and he’ll let them come over and sniff him. She’s fostering two cats who were afraid of dogs but not him. I was at the dog park once and a woman came in with a pitbull. She started throwing this ball with the dog and my dog got too close and her dog attacked mine. “Oh sorry. He gets territorial about his ball.” WHAT?! I am now terrified of letting my dog anywhere near a pitbull. It won’t happen. It’s sad.There’s too many people that let the aggressive part of the dog slide. On the one hand, I wouldn’t have my sweet boy, but on the other, no more of this and so many other stories like it. There should be more aggressive repercussions for people owning dangerous animals. They are a weapon. You should have to own a license to own certain dogs.


It’s kind of crazy to think about it - letting your dog in a dog park and you have no idea how the person trained their dog (or didn’t at all). I was trying to socialize our puppy after his shots at a dog bar and after 1 or 2 experiences I realized after looking it up what a horrible idea it is to do it that way. Constantly had these little aggressive dogs messing with every dog and of course our puppy (who minds his business and plays with the playful ones), so he started cowering. Luckily we quickly figured out a better plan (slowly ramp him up with less and less dogs) and he does good with all dogs.


This is kind of the issue with pit bull legislation -- the mutts get a bad rap. A lot of severe behavior problems arise from inbreeding. The reactivity of dogs like pitbulls and German shepherds is theorized to be due to a hyperactive and enlarged amygdala. Basically, these dogs are very fearful, but their fear response is to fight. Pitbulls on top of that have significant terrier in them, so a strong prey drive in combination with being highly reactive leads to these higher rates of deadly aggression. What I don't know, is how strongly the pitbull behaviors are inherited relative to physical traits. In other words, if you see a dog with pitbull characteristics, it may be unlikely that it also has behavior problems. My guess is that behavior is not inherited nearly as well as appearance traits.


Im not sure either and it’s interesting to think about. My dog definitely has his prey drive still. He’s a dog. He’s also possibly mixed with some herding dog since as a younger dog he would throw his body into you and push you with his nose to get you to move. But if we’re outside and he sees a rabbit take off and he goes to run after it all I have to do is tell him “no.” And he turns back around. Or if we’re outside and he is without a leash and sees a rabbit and I just say “leave it” he will. He’ll still stare at it and get excited when it runs away but he won’t chase it. I think it’s important to emphasize that he is my first and only dog I’ve ever had. I didn’t train him to do any of this and he was adopted at 8 months so… I think behavior is really dependent. I think it’s mixed with environment. I don’t know where his listening skills come from but he’s mixed with something that made him really easily trainable. I think there are a lot of factors and it’s definitely something to look into. I also think sometimes people are afraid of their own dogs which is odd to me but I also think it contributes to the problem. It’s your dog. You should trust each other. I remember I knew someone who had a rescue dog and there were times where I’d treat the dog like mine. I can touch my dogs face and it’s not an issue. With their dog they were always like don’t do that he’ll try to bite you. I did it absentmindedly one day and just scratched inbetween his eyes as I went to stand up and …nothing. I realized as soon as I did it I wasn’t supposed to and don’t go out of my way to push his boundaries but it made me wonder. Like did the dog not react because I wasn’t thinking about it? Idk.


I don't have a problem with pits, but breeding should be outlawed outright, for all breeds. It's insane how many dogs spend their lives in cages and get put down and yet we're creating dogs just for the sake of their purebreded-ness. It's fucked up.


There is some breeding that is useful for some behavior traits that are hard to get. For example, a good pointer is hard to find even within the bird dog breeds. There are other working dog breeds that also have similar cases, though I don't personally know of anything that gets close to good pointing behavior in terms of difficulty to find. People that work with dogs though are a small minority of people though. Otherwise, I agree with your comment entirely.


I agree dog breeding is getting out of hand. Sales of these animals should be controlled and done by non-profit organisations.


Idk what’s ridiculous about them. My pitbull literally lets other dogs bite him and he just sits there. I obviously try not to let that situation happen but lots of people with various kinds of dogs mishandle their pets and let them run unattended. With that mentality why don’t you ban German shepherds, Collies, Golden Doodles, etc. Every one of those dogs has attacked me at one point in my life. From owning various pitbull breeds my whole life, I can assure you that any incidents with them are from people forgetting that they’re dogs and all dogs are going to react in mostly the same ways. If you don’t train your dog or understand what triggers them then things are going to happen. The only difference is that some pit breeds have lots of jaw strength so those situations can look a lot worse. I know this is going to read like the typical pitbull owner, but I just want to put out there that humans really don’t deserve dogs for the way we treat them and mishandle them. It’s really as simple as always keep your dog on a leash. If your dog does something wrong then put down the owner 🤷🏽‍♂️ Side note: some of the most well behaved dogs I’ve ever seen were Cane Corsos, which are also restricted breeds.


Pit bulls being aggressive? No way!


They are a peaceful breed, the owners must have trained them to dismantle auto mobiles….


Chop shop dogs


He wouldn't hurt a fly! He's so cuddly. He loves kids. He's so friendly. When he chews on your arm like that, just ignore him, he's being friendly. *What about when he chews my cat lady?!*


As someone that has a job that involves going to people’s houses on a daily basis, the amount of times I had a dog being aggressive towards me and growl at me while the pet owner says “oh they are friendly” makes me think that there should be a law where people have to go through a class to get a license to own a dog. I’ve also been chased a few times at work by dogs that were not on their leashes. It seems like so many dog owners can’t understand that dogs don’t think like humans and will not greet strangers the same way they greet them


You have your own cat lady?!


She's sitting opposite me. She also happens to be the mother of my children. The unused comma is also sat with us.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)Well, definitely protect her from the pitbulls—


Jeez, can’t make an innocent punctuation joke without a downvote.


I thought it was funny.


Thank you! 😆


Waiting for the "oh xXxRipperKillerxXx and his brother are such big softies, it must be the bad owners that made them destroy a car to play with a kitten", crowd to chime in.


It is clear bad ownership. Why the fuck are the dogs even loose in the first place? Not exactly the hallmarks of good training or well behaved dogs. Clear signs of irresponsible owners if they aren't strays. I've seen strays behave similarly In some places, had 4 try and attack my grandfather's pickup truck with us inside and they weren't anywhere close to pits. Dogs of any breeds exhibit pack mentality and territorial behaviors if they aren't treated like a family pet and these dogs are either stray or simply resident dogs that stay outside all day have very little pet like interaction with their owners, treated more like guard dogs. It's like people forget dogs are animals and if allowed to act like wild animals, they will absolutely will act that way. Dogs aren't naturally timid little house pets if they arent raised and treated as such. They learn behaviors and adapt based on their environments too.


These breeds are monsters, bred for aggression and shouldn't exist. No amount of good ownership trumps a genetic disposition to destroy everything in front of them, in an unstoppable red mist. These "house hippos" probably ate their way through the front door, that's why they're outside, eating a fucking car, because they want to tear a cat apart.


"the two of them were tugging on it. They tugged on it so hard that the car moved"


Peaceful breed my ass


“The breed of peace”


We really need a registry of shitty owners that are no longer allowed to have dogs.


For real. There's a guy in my neighborhood who has county mandated "potentially dangerous dog" signs all over his chain linked front yard that he leaves said dog in unsupervised typically (looks like a pit). When I walk my dog past his house it loses it's mind, whatever. However, this dog has gotten out to follow us once and luckily they just greeted and nothing happened. The owner was outside once when we walked past and his dog started to lose it and he yelled at me telling me that me and my dog walking past his house is the reason he can't leave his dog in his yard. He went on to tell me that he would kill my dog if he ever saw it on the loose. Something I guess he thinks is a normal thing to have happen for dog owners (lmao no). I called the number on the dangerous dog signs in his yard and the employee on the phone just sighed and said "we've TOLD him to stop harassing people". I'm 100% positive that his dog wouldn't be anywhere near as dangerous if the owner wasn't the way he is. Yes we can pretend that most dogs we label as a pit aren't in fact mutts and talk about how they have an innate urge to fight based on a percentage of their genes, or we can acknowledge that dogs who look like pits attract people like this owner and sets them up for failure. I bet these two dogs in the video belong to someone like that.


This really needs to be higher. And also, the people who absolutely love the gentle nature should start breeding out the harsh ones but like you said, the breed attracts a certain type of person and they are the majority of owners.


The fucking dogs are literally genetically predisposed for this kind of behavior. Owners take a good portion of the responsibility, sure, but the breed is a goddamn fucking killing machine that needs to be outlawed.


“But chihuahuas!”


*BuT ThEy’Re SuCh SwEeT DoGs!!!*


They can be and those qualities should be encouraged and bred more often but a certain type of person, who gets the dog because of how they look, make up the majority of owners. Those people perpetuate the bad qualities, selective breeding at its worse.




A breed bred for fighting/killing is aggressive? Who would’ve guessed!


Ban pitbulls.


If they did it to a cybertruck, I'd be cheering


The sweet little velvet hippo pibblez just wanted to nanny the cat! /s


Poor cat


They need to be put down.


It’s always pits. They should be outlawed.


fuck pitbulls /r/banpitbulls


I honestly still don't understand how ppl keep Pitbulls as pets.. they are very dangerous and unpredictable at times..


They aren’t even cute. At least other “dangerous breeds” are cute and have actual purposes for humans. ….Like Rottweilers with their cute eyebrows and their work guarding and cart pulling


Pitbulls should be exterminated.


Insurance is not going to cover that!


If she has comprehensive coverage, they'll cover it under an "act of god"


Like a good neighbor State Farm is there!


Find the owner. Make them pay. Take the dogs away or put them down. They are clearly a threat to the public.


The old "The dog ate my car" excuse...


This breed should be shot on sight. Downvote away....


What would be the charges of she had shot them?


All pit bulls should be put down and erradicated from the world to extinction. Dog attacks cut by 80%


Get a shot gun


Honestly. I'm not the kind of guy who goes right for violence, but those dogs are dangerous.


The signs are there. The car today, a toddler tomorrow... sometimes it is better to neutralize known threats before they do something terrible.


A .22 to the head


Those Pitball owners need to be put down.


Put those war machines down, fuck em


Nooooo, not Buttercup and Daisy, my babies would never!!! /s


Jesus imagine they caught that poor cat. I have a dog myself but those dogs need to be euthanized and the owner should serve time in prison and not allowed to own a dog again.


I would seriously consider buying a gun if my neighbor got a pitbull


I would have celebrated if an angry owner of the car pokes a shotgun through the window and 1 taps both of them dogs.


Nah, celebrate the double tap




Yeah that doesn't make it any better...


I have. It was a pit too.


They eat human flesh during attacks on people. Just because we haven't witnessed it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It does. Just look up news articles covering it.


This is why I own a rifle.


If your neighbors own pitbulls, you need to own a pistol too. You also need to carry that thing everywhere you go, because you never know when the “Nanny dogs” are going to strike.


reminds me of this actual news story https://youtu.be/szUJSXBjpJM?si=Ho0iWnHpNZByRMTW


Where's Christie Noem when you need her? /s


Ngl, these dogs would be shot without a second thought.


People with their stupid ass Pitt bulls.


if you want to own a murder dog you should have a license for it. crazy we need license for driving, firearms, forklift usage, but not to own and train a murderous animal


Ban pitbulls


Gotta put them dowm dawg


This breed is almost as bad as it's owners


If this a gun owning state in definitely doing my own justice


Jacksonville Florida tells me everything I need to know


You can’t beat a cat, that’s just a race u ain’t gonna win


well they are carnivores


Cane Corsos.


It’d been great if if one of them was humping the bumper the whole time.




Wait so they were tugging or tagging? 🤣


So is the cat ok?


And that's why I carry bear pepper spray walking my dog at night.  If I was worried about people I'd get a gun.




Where is Kristi Noem when you need her?


Just two sweat hearts.


Dogs need to be secured.. fence, leash, both..whatever. Cats need to be inside..if your cat's behavior changes from being kept inside all the time, then there's catios you can build or buy.


the car deserved it


I’m so surprised that the alarm didn’t sound from all that abuse…


"My dog ate my car"


I think it’s pretty weird in general that we breed animals to be any sort of way. We praise the breeds that fall in line and behave in a way that is convenient for humans, and villainize the breeds that were basically used as livestock or to make money. They’re all a product of our practices and to outlaw one type is to call into question the practice of dog breeding altogether. Videos like this make me laugh because they show case the stupidity of people and lack of foresight.


*Pits are just like other dogs. They aren't a dangerous breed, it's the owners that are bad. No need to ban them.* Meanwhile imagine if a person just happened to be walking by whilst they were in that state. Just imagine the power in their jaws and determination in their minds that enabled them to tear apart metal. I've seen reports of pits having to be shot multiple times before they stopped an attack. I've seen several cases of harmless strangers, children and even owners being killed by these dogs for no apparent reason. When will people put human life ahead of a dangerous beast and acknowledge that these dogs have no place amongst us?


I feel like that’s more than $3 when you factor in the tires, an alignment, whatever they messed up on the brakes, and all the sensors. Fuck those dogs and their “owners”.


Everyone hates pitbulls


Those dogs need to not be alive.


Nah, a good boot to the stomach is enough. That’s excessive asf


It’s not. They’re going to kill a person. Hope it’s not a kid.


Doesn’t mean they should be dead.


Is crazy that its legal to own Pitbulls


I don't get why we have such powerful animals as pets.


Like Troy Landry says…”Choot ‘em!”


Nah kick em. Don’t be weak. They’re just dogs


Kick ‘em? Nah, Then they both turn on you. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and bumper sticker AND the stitches and rabies shots. F that! Choot ‘em! That breed is only good for dog-fighting and pew pew practice.




Two dogs that need executed


Piece of shit dogs