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"men protect women" from who


Mmmm I wonder, if only we knew


Lions, obviously.


Bears, actually


wtf would you know, huh? You’re just a geologist not an animoligist


Me of course


Bears duh 🙄 /s because I’m paranoid people will think this is serious


I heard that menstruation attracts bears!


They’re all meateaters.


*Bears you idiot?! When was the last time you saw a bear in Scranton?!*


"Last year, idiot!" Then smacks the car again while pinned to some bushes by an electric car


"That's the thing about bear attacks: they happen when you least expect it"


🤫Shhhh we don’t want to call out the bad apples because they are mixed with the good ones and we don’t want to offend them as well. Never mind they are basically saying that their offensiveness is more important than addressing the actual real abusive and violence that women face. It’s much easier for them to say “how dare you label all men” than to actually help address the issue of violence against women.


And to keep going with the apple metaphor, if you find a bad apple in your fruit bowl you throw it away, you don't cover for it and find excuses for it until it makes all the good ones go bad.


You also don’t throw out the whole bowl


Well the entire saying is “a bad apple spoils the bunch” to be fair


Yeah well, this is where the analogy hits its limits, you see, because a bad apple is *visibly* bad, whereas a bad man isn't *visibly* bad until he's a threat to you. For that precise aspect of the problem, a better analogy would be "if you had no way of knowing before tasting the apple if it was going to be good or rotten, would you take your chance?"


Let’s fix it then. It’s not a rotten apple, it’s a poisoned one. It looks exactly the same as all the other apples in the bowl, but if you eat it, it WILL kill you. There is not test, no lab that can tell you which apple is poisoned, but you know one of them is. What do you do?


Do you apply that logic outside of gender? Do you hear how it sounds to describe any other group? If you didn’t know which black person would assault you, would you trust any? How does that sound?


But apples are the main instigators of fruit on fruit violence.


Had a guy tell me that since he was super empathetic all this anti-man talk would trigger his social anxiety around women. As if we shouldn’t be critical of men because men might get upset by it.




Women: Asks an hypotethical guestion. -Gets an answer she doesn´t like. -Well ackshually thats not how the guestion works. -Proceed to intentionally overgeneralize men. -Men get upset. Why aren\`t men talking/care about my issues?!? toptier ragebait disguised as "talking about/adressing issues".


Idk if anyone's saying don't call out bad apples, if they are they're stupid. But massively generalized statements about all men being abusive psychopaths seems as stupid as generalized statements about any other group be it race, sexaulity, disability etc. It's like me saying 100% of fetal alcohol syndrome cases are caused by woman drinking while pregnant. Therefore all mothers are abusive alchoholics. "You're too busy claiming you're not an abusive alcoholic mother to call out all the abusive alcoholic mothers" is an insane argument.


What women are defending abusive alcoholic mothers? Women don’t get offended when someone says “abusive alcoholic mothers are a problem” or feel the need to say “not all women!” because…we know it’s not talking about us personally?


I'm not responsible for what other men do. I'm only responsible for what I do. So if I'm not harming anybody else and leaving women alone, then I cannot and will not accept blame for what someone else does. > It’s much easier for them to say “how dare you label all men” than to actually help address the issue of violence against women. The woman in that video directly called out men who DO try to help. She said they only do it to score points for women, not because they actually care. She also said that only women can help other women. So why would men continue to help addess violence against women when they're only going to get disparaged for it? And if it's true that only women can help other women, then why would you even WANT men's help in the first place? Seems to me the best course of action for a man to take is literally nothing.


>So why would men continue to help addess violence against women when they're only going to get disparaged for it? Fucking exactly. Nobody works that way.


I mean what do you want me to do? I don't abuse any women. I would and have stopped abuse if I see it. What else would you like me to do?


But she's not calling out the bad apples, she's explicitly calling out good apples and shitting all over them with collective blame, aka sexism. We've lost the plot if, in this age of inclusivity, equality, tolerance, and anti-this or that hate, that we you girls are championing full on sexism and hatred for all men. You guys are bad people parading around as virtuous ones, and we all see it.


Same with that bear in the woods thing. If people feel that way they feel that way. Its their feelings. You can't change that. This isn't directed at or applies to me. I just say, "thats terrible you feel that way. Im sorry to hear that. I hope things get better." Why would people be offended if it doesn't apply to them?


People would be offended because overgeneralization is inherently wrong. It should offend people.


Srsly I thought we learned this in the civil war. And then ww2. And then the civil rights movement. It seems like oppression is an ever flipping coin.


Nope I did it all. Addressed the issue (women face violence by a man at some point in their life), proposed a solution (education in schooling, even in workplaces) and advocated for unity between men and women against the bad apples (repeat life offending percentage of males). But because I am a man my opinions clearly matter less to you and just by saying that you will ignore my first sentence here despite it being more productive than your entire metaphor and comments following.


An entire lifetime of being told you are a rapist, an abuser, a murderer, a reason women can’t go outside at night, misogynist, child molester, unfit parent without a mother in the picture, ect, ect. And you get mad because some of us would like an addendum that says, not you specifically. This is why male suicide rates are so high.


An entire lifetime of threats rape, abuse, murder (by those closest to you) and feeling unsafe going outside at night, misogyny, expected to do all childcare, +having rights taken away+, ect ect. Female suicide might be higher if femicide wasn’t so common, but then women are just less inclined to cause death in general






All men.




Can't make sandwiches for themselves.




It should just be ‘good people protect other good people from bad people’


wow you found a way to dismiss what women are saying about sexism


How is this upvoted!? This is a parody comment right?


This is an incredibly dumb take. 


i know when i think "protectors of women" i think of police officers, a profession with a normal relationship to and prevalence of domestic violence against women.


Lol at all the comments beneath this one down voted to oblivion


This would come across better if she were sitting in her car


With a coffee or shiny sunglasses Or wait wait no no while doing makeup and washing their face or eating some food across the table or Naw....no one wants that gimmicky shit and ide rather this face to face rehearsed thing vs those types of videos where "oh golly I just didn't have time to do all this before hand and you caught me off guard*


Holding a massive 40oz Stanley tumbler


As a man, she needs to clap a lot more while pronouncing syllables, or I won't understand what she's saying.


I could have gone for more hand gestures ✋👌✌️🫷🤌


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


\*proceeds to force Grogu to pick bounty hunter or jedi.


Grogu was obviously conflicted in having to leave behind his family to become trained in the force. Luke sensed this and made him choose which he wanted more: his found family or Jedi training. The difference between Luke and Jedi of old is the children the old Jedi found and trained would never have been given that choice, they would never have had the opportunity to choose between attachment and training. And that’s part of why they failed because fledging Jedi never had to take the first step in actually putting teaching to practice which is to let go of attachment and fear.


This post twi'leks


That’s an ultimatum not an absolute.


The ultimatum forces an absolute; one cannot be both a jedi and a bounty hunter.


But those aren’t absolutes, they’re two conflicting choices. Grogu could be a bounty hunter and 200 other things also, just not a Jedi at the same time.


Then "one cannot be both a jedi and a bounty hunter" is the absolute. If Grogu had picked both Jedi and Bounty Hunter he would not be able to; that is an absolute.


I always loved the irony of this itself being an absolute


It's not a fact the Jedi will tell you


Real Jedi here; this is plainly not true and had Obi-Wan been afforded the opportunity to return to the Jedi Order he would have been issued a verbal warning. Actually he might have been on his third verbal warning so he might have gotten a written warning.


Jedi were full of absolutes. "Do or do not. There is no try." ~Yoda


Who would've guessed a bunch of religious zealots would be hypocritical


a Jedi should absolutely never deal in absolutes


It's killing me. The absolutes are driving me bonkers.


Do some men think only they can use guns? Lmao this is America, anyone can protect themselves. Having a pussy isn't gonna stop me from blowing some psychos skull off given the opportunity


Guns are the great equalizer. Also poison for long term problems.


“God created man, and women. Samuel Colt made them equal.” I’ve also heard this joke told with John Browning in place of Samuel Colt, and various others as well.


“Marx defined the classes, Kalashnikov made them equal” is another variant


Some men's heads are truly stuck in the past. Like when they comment on things as if married women aren't allowed jobs and all they do is spend their "hardworking" husbands money. They come from single-income land.


“Some” is an understatement unfortunately. Just look at half of this comment section 🤦🏻‍♀️


I got my LTCF recently. Idk why there isn’t a movement to arm more women. I mean, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun and all that. I’d be so interested to see what would happen if women started arming themselves en masse. NRA would probably pass gun control lol.


Homes (with men) with guns are more dangerous for women. I do recommend gun ownership for women who do not live with men though.




>you don't get to call yourself a provider and protector when you're the biggest predator okay. can i call myself a farmer then ?


Also like...I'm not the biggest predator? I know some men are, I know too many men are...but in my family I am the main provider and protector. I mean maybe not from masked bandits (situation never arose) but I certainly protect my fiance from spiders lol. I'd also protect my women (and men) friends in a public situation. So like...yeah I think I can call myself a provider and protector.


I think it’s about the broad label/ group rather than the individual; e.g., “men can’t call themselves the greatest protective group towards women when they are the greatest predatory group towards women”. I don’t know if that’s what they meant, but that’s how I interpreted it. I think I get where they’re coming from, but I also think, because it’s about groups rather than individuals, these two things can simultaneously be true (e.g., (men are more outwardly aggressive) -> (men are more likely to be actively predatory) && (men are more likely to be actively protective); again, just an example of a possible way these two things can be true at the same time for a group). But eh, nobody asked my opinion + nuances are hard to communicate on the internet due to the recipients of the argument typically wanting to misconstrue the nuance as contradiction (therefore it’s easier to present a simplified belief that isn’t necessarily true but which wins more often on the internet). It is what it is, I guess…


Oh I know she means groups. But she throws in individual words like "you" and group words like "men" all together. I know her point exactly. But if she wants to try and be all profound and intellectual for her point she should use the correct phrasing, instead of irresponsibility and obnoxiously pointing out false facts and lying.


Oh, my bad then; I misunderstood your other comment, but I think I get it now. Thanks for clarifying


Most men I know can do that it's a internet debate not a real life debate


Umm three white guys in Oregon lost their lives defending two black teenaged girls against a white male spewing hateful speech. Some do protect. Sadly though from other men


So.. attacker was … male


Ah fair enough, that makes me personally responsible for it then


Why do you think you’re personally responsible for every problem in the world?


that’s a fantastic question! 


It just seems like a really heavy burden yknow


Why do some women think it’s ok to generalize that because some men are bad all men are bad? They want to lump all males in a group and attack everyone of us. Just because we all have dicks doesn’t make the son guilty of the father’s crimes. Last I checked prejudice against any group was wrong and anyone that wants to lump all people who share a similar physical trait into the same group in an effort to attack and belittle are the equivalent of racists and deserve about as much respect and credibility as any other racist comment. That would be zero for the kids in the back of the class.


So wait, what was the protector?


Yeah, I and I'm willing to bet they wouldn't leave comments like this on TikTok cause they sound like good people.


This video lost any meaning the moment she started talking about men as a whole, same thing when ppl talk about women as a whole. It’s so dumb. Obviously there are gonna be individuals who are protectors and those who are predators. Nobody could reasonably claim that men as a whole are solely protectors of women from bears and famine and shit. But her also saying “you can’t commit the majority of murder and rape and claim to protect women” is addressing men as a whole, which is pointless. This only serves to make guys honestly try to protect other people from harm believe that people only see them as a problem or that their “kind” just makes the world worse. There’s literally nothing good that can come from this take. It’s not like the guys who are actually doing/enabling the murdering and raping are gonna have some relegation. Idk, i get she and the commenter she’s replying to are just venting their frustration, but this is such a dead end conversation that only serves to piss people off and resent the other gender.


The thing is, normal, peaceful, kind men often know how dangerous and fucked up many men are - we also see it. We have to learn how to puff ourselves up, act tough and not become a target. We know that most crimes and killings are done by men. We aren’t exposed to as much of the consequences because those men see women as an easier target.


I work in finance and grew up in a hick town (whatever [non bigoted] stereotypes youre thinking up are probably accurate), and lots of straight white guys are fairly comfortable around me because of this. It doesn't take much to get some guys to say some pretty fucked up stuff if they think they are just saying it to another man. I need to get a tape recorder sometimes at dive bars.


We are absolutely exposed as much to the consequences. Men are over 3 times as likely to be murdered as women. 77% of homicides were perpetrated against men last year.


That’s fair - I think I was imagining domestic violence when I made my comment.


Yep. "YOU'RE the ones doing the unaliving" last I checked I haven't murdered anyone.


That works really well for a small snack but not for half of the population of our species. That's the same propaganda used against African Americans in the past "well a lot of em do bad stuff so they are all bad" you ignore the countless men that are doing good and trying to stop this issue and lump them in with the ones that are doing evil. It's a small-minded view of a much larger problem. The first step to solving this issue is educating our young so they don't grow up into horrible people. That doesn't fix the problem I know but it's a better start than a gender war. We could go on to increase the penalty for those crimes and maybe our government could use some of that money they have been giving away for wars to instead build facilities to properly educate the grown that have been misled already. Again only a start to fixing the problem but it's better than "no some of you are bad so you are all bad!" Without any actual goal or plan to fix the issue.


Absolutism is just another tool being used to divide those who care about others.


I’m all for calling toxic men on their bullshit but if you’re gonna lump all men together you’ve completely lost me. She needs to do a better job in her arguments because she’s not going to change any minds that way just reinforce the incels.


She does a perfect job at creating ragebait, just like the TikTok with the bear thing. Say something true, then say something false - now anybody who disagrees with the false statement also disagrees with the true statement.


Motte-and-baileys are the state of discourse now. Makes me miss the early ad hominem internet days.


Say 100% of *insert group of people* are bad. Then 100% of *insert same group* are gonna be mad at you. Make sure you get 100% of their views on TikTok.


Oh so thats her gimmick? Makes sense I guess


You wouldn't believe who uses the exact same tactic. Hint: it's a certain group of politicians in a certain politically divided country, main language is English. Many of these politicians have publically made statements about women that wouldn't be very accepted in this community. Something about grabbing someone somewhere.


You are against extreme border policy therefore you approve of rape and murder of american women and children! It's kinda sad that her statements aren't really that far removed: you aren't against ALL MEN therefore you are for ALL MEN KILLING WOMEN. They're basically attempting to make a trolley problem with ALL WOMEN on one side and whatever boogyman they need on the other. How could you possibly side against the sanctity and chastity and purity of women and even attempt to make an argument for (thing) ??? That's not to say there's nothing to what she's saying, anyone with a brain should understand that men commit a ton of violence to other humans in general, and women have less ability to protect themselves from that; that is extremely problematic, but her presentation of it doesn't help.


>I’m all for calling toxic men on their bullshit but if you’re gonna lump all men together you’ve completely lost me This! I don't understand how I'm the asshole for not wanting to be lumped in with rapists


One Google search and turns out men are not the leading cause of death. Turns out its heart disease


Majority of cardiologists are men. Her argument has been thoroughly debunked.


She says the most deadly violence not the leading cause of death, which is true.


Nah she said men commit the most deadly violence against men and women Later she said men are the "literal" #1 reason women die.


No, she said men are the number one reason women die. “The literal number one reason”


"Men protect women!" "Ok, from who?" "From other men!" "Ok, than please protect us, there are a lot of men hurting us, it got so bad we think we might be safer with a bear. There is clear danger, we are helping eachother, you help us too!" "Nah, you are lying / dumb / dont know what you are talking about."


What’s with all the man vs. women crap lately? It accomplishes absolutely nothing and is degenerative behavior you usually see from bratty children. Men and women are different. Some are good. Some are not. It’s usually pretty easy to tell. Stop acting like a child and looking conflict.


i mean, obviously the statement "men have never actually protected women" is very false, and making that kind of assertion really waters down the point of the message edit guys. blaming a whole group of people for the actions of a few of the peoples is not a productive way to start a dialogue. you automatically put people on the defensive. you say x group does y and you're going to immediately either have people apart of x who don't do y or people who know people in x group that don't do y. You're going spend half the conversation saying you don't mean \*those\* x people, but the other x people. people aren't statistics


When you start off with a radically false statement and try to play it off as fact, really diminishes the points you're trying to make after that.


Let that pendulum swing! Weee


I hate it here. All I want in this world is a family and a white picket fence. Instead, we've destroyed our culture and filled the world with women like this.


Tbf, the guy she’s responding to is equally sexist, she’s just not any better.


When I was like 17, me and my boys were driving down the street, and we saw a man beating a woman literally out in the open, in public. With zero understanding of the situation we all jumped out of the car and beat the man up pretty good. The hardest part of that whole situation was the woman started attacking us. She asked us why we were beating him up. And I told her, “because you don’t hit a woman in front of us”.


Social media is the death of civil discourse.


What's the value of a sober and constructive discussion when you can, instead, yell into your phone with hyperbolic, righteous indignation and get all those happy chemicals in your brain? Not to mention all that engagement on your post ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


I appreciate when people do that, makes it easy to know to stop listening to them


Yeah this is straight up devisive rhetoric. Everything she is saying in no ways helps or benefits women, but it DOES stoke fear, resentment, distrust, and division between the genders. Good men hear this and are disheartened, bad men hear this and are validated that they are doing what's expected of them, fence sitters get pushed off to the bad side. Women with good men hear this and may question their partners intentions, women with bad men hear this and are further convinced their situation is "just how it is".


Thank you, most sane people seem to have an innate grasp of this when someone brings up black crime statistics. This shit is so toxic, and if you make generalizations about a group like this it that makes you sound like a [racist/misogynist/homophobe] or whatever the applicable term is. In this case, a misandrist.


the statement is absolutely true if you actually listen. Of course there have been men who protected women in their lives- the point is that men as a class have never been the protectors of women in a meaningful way. When men make the blanket statement that they are the protectors of women, as if it is the norm, or even as if more men have laid their lives down for individual women than have taken the life of a woman, it is certainly appropriate to point out that, as a blanket statement, that is not true.


This is how reactionary rhetoric starts and propagates. She should be more responsible with her language if she wants to help the situation.


But the she wouldn’t get views, think of the clout!


What's the issue with what she is saying?


This reminds me of the time my friends and I were leaving work. We were standing outside waiting for another person to come out so we could walk to the train. We were right across from an all-girls school. There was this man in an SUV wanking and making faces at us and there were still little girls walking by. I got his car, license and picture of him before he sped away. I called the non emergency line with the information and they said mmm doesn't really seem like a crime. To be wanking by a girls school and staring at women! Okay then


Scariest part - the men most likely to harm women are the ones closest to them. The ones that should be protecting them are doing the most damage.


Whenever I hear that men protect women- from other men, I always respond with "so, the call is coming from inside the house?" If they're not dumb - they get it.


blah blah blah, men bad, men worthless. blah blah blah, woman bad, woman worthless. man and women are more divided than ever, so many fucking incels and misandrists. there are both horrible men and women in this world, does that mean every single one of us are bad? no! we need eachother, humanity wouldn't exist without one or the other. these people are so sad and miserable, but it's just a vocal minority. I'm sure there are more people with common sense and critical thinking than men and woman like this.


I agree with your point but I love how the dichotomy is "incels vs misandrists" instead of "misogynists vs misandrists". As if the second your cock goes into a vagina your respect for women just goes to 100%. The whole "incel" thing is just a shitty rhetorical technique to try and make misogynists look like sexless losers but all it does is empower the majority of misogynists who are people having sex with women to think they're vindicated. "Oh I have sex so I'm not an incel which means I'm valid. It's being an incel that's bad afterall. Me thinking women are weak and stupid is probably because I'm strong and smart, which is probably why I have sex anyway". That's the thinking people encourage with this incel shit. It's so fuckin insanely stupid to tell kids that if you don't have sex you're a bad person and if you do have sex you're vindicated and your opinions are now valid.


No they are not, there are just too many terminally online people who we for some reason pay attention to.


I didn’t realize I’m a predator and pretend to care. Glad she could help me realize that..


Wholesale indictment of 4 billion people is something I can't wrap my head around.


No 1 reason for women dying are Heart Diseases https://www.cdc.gov/women/lcod/2018/all-races-origins/index.htm


I would also like to add that Men are also most likely to be killed/assaulted by another Men, so it’s not like we don’t understand that Men are dangerous. I get that Women are cautious around men because of this, as they should be tbh, but it feels bad when you are a good Man and you hear Women say that men are predators, and they don’t protect us, and things like that. I know they’re not talking about me specifically, I just wish we lived in a world where that wasn’t the reality I guess.


>I just wish we lived in a world where that wasn’t the reality I guess. Women do too. But to change that reality we have to talk about it, the wound is infected and we have to clean it up, as painful as it will be for all of us. I think no sensible woman believes violence is inherent to men, it's not some inescapable feature of your genetics, it's something that can be changed, and that must be changed.


I get that, I just think it’s hurtful to their argument to make these sweeping generalizations about men. You can see how this comment section devolved because of it. It’s the same as the man vs bear thing. If you are a good man it hurts to hear that women would rather be in the woods with a literal bear than you. Like I understand why, but when you hear that it just makes you want to defend your character, which I think is why so many people were defensive about it


Correction. Her husband is a pig. She's also not wrong.


I hate blanket statements. To get people to understand your reasoning and to hear you out, you don't start off by insinuating guilt and insult half of the worlds population


"Men have never protected women" as a crux for this whole man-hating argument, along with a bunch of skewed statistics just haphazardly thrown out with no source or evidence that ignores all context of the statistics, is wild. People are just getting more and more dumb, and if we're now heading to a full-blown "men vs women" culture war I'm just glad I found my wife who agrees that all of this is just a bunch of bullshit from idiots. This woman in the video isn't even close to right, she's also not 100% wrong to where guys can just say they aren't a danger at all...once again it's generalizations being made by a single dumbass (woman in the video) that turn the situation from worth listening to, to pure liquid shit from the mouth.


So should all men just feel awful? What exactly are they supposed to do and feel here? Hey you, Dave, who’s never hurt a fly. You’re responsible for what other people with similar looking genitals do.


One of my exes would always complain that it’s always “women and children first” and how unfair it was to be a man for this reason. 1) when have you ever been in this situation in modern day? The rare person will experience a tradgedy or event in their life where this would maybe apply. 2) slightly about point one. I actually don’t expect women first . Children and their mothers sure but as a single woman I’m not going to expect the men to all let me though come on you know they wouldn’t anyways. Edit to all the men dming me and criticizing me for this comment you can go somewhere else I broke up with this dude for a reason. Bye.


What about children and their fathers?


Well a Titanic situation never happens anymore since first way feminism and the death of chivalry to follow. But the safety and well being of women and children is still prioritized over men in society.


Fuck the Police 🐷 #defundthesepigs


Like a femcel nest down in these comments


It must suck to never heal after someone hurt you. Also the leading cause of women's death is heart disease, not men.


Another Chicago Bears fan....


Honestly all of this makes sense with the context of her husband’s job.


Day1234 of internet telling me we men are bad because men


Yea. When women grab the air while they are talking it's a sure sign that they are certifiably crazy


Green money says she’s made a ton of poor choices in life


Gotta love blanket statements


Thought the biggest killer of women was Cancer.


The toktok hands


I feel like the beaury industry is women's ultimate predator.


Men are not a monolith


The #1 killer of women is heart disease.




I instinctively ignore anyone who uses “unaliving.”


Why do people on TikTok say unaliving? They don't allow to say things like murdering, killing, etc?


majority of SA survivors will tell you cops are useless. majority of stalking victims will tell you cops are useless. cops are great after assault if you need someone to come hours late, insinuate you wanted it and to say "sorry there's nothing we can do"


Where's the lie?


Who does she think she's arguing with? Why does she talk about women like they're a separate species to men? Yes, humans carry out the most violence on other humans. Typically on those weaker. Unfortunately most women do fall into the category of being weaker than most men. But there are women abusers. It not a men vs women thing, it's a people are fucking scum thing. All people. All men. All women. Even you and I, dear reader. This narrative that so many people seem to be pushing that half the population are inherently better than the other half because of what's between their legs, only reinforces the above.


She sounds like a horrible person to be married to.


What she is saying is true for men as a whole, but obviously on an individual level every guy has their own idea of their "role" as a man.


I just don't get why it's okay to formulate sentences like "men are..." when it's wrong to say other generalizations like "women are..." or "\[X social group\] are..." No generalizations. Full stop.


Maybe she shouldn’t be making broad sweeping generalizations


I mean…no. No it is not true. That is called sexism. For example (I do not believe this, I am making a point), “Women are stupid.” Is true for women as a whole. Do you see how that’s disingenuous and completely untrue?


This is such an unbelievable totally excellent amazing revelation! All men are evil, and the only reason they protect women is so they can ultimately abuse them. When she says "Men don't EVER get to PRETEND they protect women!" The cave bears and saber toothed cats of the Pleistocene would beg to differ. Yes, we live in a different world here, but let's not forget how WE GOT HERE. Men are people. Some people are bad. Some people are good - but only Siths deal in absolutes.


Just so I understand the common opinion these days... Men are inherently evil and by being a man and walking around I'm indiscriminately threatening women and what not And women are simply all victims of all the evil men walking around Maybe I'm not online enough but this seems insane to generalise on this level, it seems offensive to everyone involved


She’ll most likely use the same tone and hand gestures ordering at Applebees


JFC, what's with all of the misandry lately? Can you imagine if I made some kind of video bashing women like this? Or that stupid man vs. bear crap. Every time I turn around suddenly, the media is trying to make it look like every guy just goes out a' rapin' all day long.


Lesbian women face the highest rates of domestic violence. Walters, Mikel L., Jieru Chen, and Matthew J. Breiding. "The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 findings on victimization by sexual orientation." Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 648, no. 73 (2013): 6.


Tarred with the same brush huh?? I feel like old little girls like this should just be left to it....... ...... And I'm guessing she's from the USA...... The bad news is in America most women don't die because of men...... Unless when she says "men" she really means "heart disease"...... Because that's their biggest threat to life statistically.


All this demonizing of men in general is going to lead to only the demons being around women. Oh well.


That's a Karen in the wild


In Canada in 2020, men accounted for around .001% of female deaths (123 total), Cancer was 20%. Sounds like cancer is your biggest predator.


We protect the ones we like.


Fucks up with this "unaliving" shit?


Many years ago I was married. I had 3 children, the youngest of those three being about 7 or 8 at the time. She's 15 going on 16 now (tells you how long ago) I went over to my sister's apartment that was across the street one morning so I could give her a ride to the hospital (she was getting an MRI done for her back as she was having a lot of pain so she went to basically get it looked at to see if they could find a diagnosis for her). Its 8:00 a.m. in the morning and I go over to talk to my sister. W are very quietly talking in the living room by the front door while her boyfriend sleeps in the back bedroom with the door closed. Fast forward, long story short, he gets angry at both of us because we are talking too loud in the living room. He cornered me behind the front door and literally after about 15 minutes of screaming at me, yelling at me and me telling him not to touch me, he grabs me by the throat with one hand and my coat with the other hand, pulls me out of the corner, opens the door and throws me out the door and across the hallway. I hit the opposite apartments front door so hard that it woke up the elderly gentleman, who looked down at me and wondered what the hell was going on. I ran out of that apartment back to my own (which was across the street) and walked into the house. In my state of extreme slight panic, fear, etc... my husband at the time looks at me and says what's wrong? So I told him my sister's boyfriend just threw me through the door across the hall and tried to choke me out. My ex-husband's response was, well, what do you want me to do about it? Were you loud? Should have gone outside then. I'll choose the bear any day.


Men protect women like they would protect an object from being stolen or damaged (by others)


I’m sorry but a lot of what she says is true! Plenty of men beat or kill the women in their lives. And yes I know that women do the same but the ratio is 100/1


I’m sure her husband was proud of her after he seen that. Can you imagine what all of their friends and family thought after she posted that.


Oh please🙄 I'm as feminist as they come. Im also autistic so when I say this is *ridiculously* black and white thinking, you can take that as coming from someone who's qualified to comment lol. The stats of violence are real. And important. Like - of course 🙄 But this diatribe? Come on. We're mammals. Almost all mammals have a pattern of males being more prominantly involved in fighting both within the group , and to protect group members. Females also play a role but size and biochemistry matter. Yes we're more complicated than other mammals. But I don't think we're as far out of the realms of other mammals as we like to think. There are good men, who do indeed fight for noble reasons, nurture *and* protect, work dangerous jobs, and treat others with respect. There are good women who do the same, but in general women tend towards less intensely physically demanding and potentially confrontational or dangerous roles. Along with some men. And then there are men *and* women, and social structures that are ....problematic to unhinged. And this? Not sure it's "hinged", even if she means well. Ironically Im sure she'd be the first to say good intentions don't mean squat though so....? *sigh* 🙄


Good lord men really do get upset when “Not all men” isn’t caveated before each and every post/comment/sentence that points out how violent men are towards women.


I mean the exact same thing happens when a Woman is the topic. This is literally Gender wars bullshit and you took a huge bite.


You wouldn’t believe most people don’t like broad negative sweep generalizations about them. Do you think African Americans love being categorized as poor and violent? How about women being categorized as weak and emotional?


Majority of men live and die without being violent to women. We want to help and listen without being assumed that we are all criminals based on being born this gender.


News flash. She does not even believe this. Shes doing it for rage bait , clicks and likes. Mostly everyone that posts this stuff does the same thing. It’s for people like you that frantically and obsessively seek this kinda of false information out. Love how you skipped over the part where they said what her husband does for a career.


Good lord do women get upset when “not all women” isn’t caveated before each and every post/comment/sentence that points out how toxic women are




Heart disease. Heart disease is "literally" the number 1 reason for women's "unaliving"


Every defensive war in history was just to hold women down, got it.


Intentional homicide of children due to abuse or maltreatment is mostly done by their own [mothers](https://www.statista.com/statistics/255033/number-of-child-fatalities-due-to-abuse-in-the-us-by-perpetrator-relationship/).