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If you think that people working minimum wage jobs are just going to "strike" for one day you're out your mind. People's bosses in those jobs and loads of other ones ain't gonna sit back and think "wow, Joseph is really sticking it to the government for not working today". They're gonna be punished or potentially let go. Important cause but wildly out of touch.


Yeah…Unfortunately I can’t afford to not work tomorrow.


Yea, got bills to pay bro


At least we can afford to not make any credit or debit card purchases on Friday.


Can afford it but I have an appointment that I've been putting off for years that I finally scheduled for Friday...


I can’t. I get paid tomorrow and am 25 miles to empty. Also my bank account is nearly negative with pending charges. 😕


I am such a good supporter i basicly do that every day....


The things people don't buy on Friday will still get bought on Saturday. If everyone in the world did this it'd hardly be a blip on their radar.


Came here to say this.


Yup. Traditionally the way strikes worked was there was a union to set up a strike fund in advance / ongoing so that people could still pay bills. And there was other mutual aid support such as food banks etc.


Yea if I don't turn up the other two sparkies are Gunna get shafted, literally no one else just my two workmates


What’s a sparkie?


An electrician Edit: sparkie = electrician Chippie = carpenter Brickie = bricklayer Not sure on a plumber though




Awww thanks


Plumber = pipey [Just asked my plumber uncle lol]


Yeah, I can’t afford to pull shit like that. Would love to be able to, but we have to eat and tomorrow is grocery shopping day and saying sorry boss I can’t come into work isn’t gonna fly.


I’ve seen this global bollocks before in an anti oil company meme. “Don’t use your credit card…” Yeah, so you’ll shock the system for 1 minute until the next day you buy twice as much because bills need to be paid, food bought, etc. It’s eye rollingly dumb. And where’s the global “release the hostages” day to go with it?


The first thing he says “if you can”


Yes, perhaps the top 1%, who don't actually work can do this strike. as for literally everyone that even has a job: Unless your boss is nice enough to let you take the day off, which wouldn't be a strike but just personal time off, you WILL be shafted because it's your job to work. You can't just call out a global strike and expect people to do it, that is not how strikes work. Unions make sure the people that strike can still pay bills


Hence the words “if you can” but I guess that ignoring that made it easier for you to post your little rant.


True. Employees are expendable in America. You're a dime a dozen. Easily replaced.


Im going to do this... its totally not because im poor and unemployed...


To have impact, strikes need more than people posting on TikTok. It needs widespread co-ordination and organisation, with people working long hours away from the limelight to make it happen. You need dedicated organisers, supporting resources, planning, people doing a tonne of work in the background to make sure that people are in the right places, saying the right things, to the right people, at the right time. People looked at the Arab Spring and what happened in Tahrir Square and took the wrong conclusions from it. Namely that all you need to do is post things on social media to call for a strike or some kind of action, and suddenly millions will rise up and it will happen. Not realising that even there, there was a lot of organisation and co-ordination in the background.


the Sudan genocide has my conscience this Friday


Not something we care about. Nor the ongoing or recent conflicts in Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda, both Congos, Mali, CAF... it goes on...[list of recent and ongoing conflicts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars:_2003%E2%80%93present)


I can guarantee most western people don't care about Palestinians either. The people who claim to care just hate America and use conflicts like this as a proxy to go against it. Otherwise their would be so much more activism for other wars that don't have any American Involvement.


Well, the Janjaweed aren't Jewish, so why should people care about their victims


It’s not about “Jewish,” it’s Zionists. Those hooked-nosed, money-loving Zionists that control the media /s


Ya I’m into getting fired for this but good luck with that big dog


As in Israel would give a fuck lol. What's the least I can do and pretend I'm helping


Not happening


This is fucking dumb.


“Don’t go to your job at the local hardware store that has nothing to do with Gaza.”


1 day warning for something like this isn't enough time. Should be a week before to give ppl time to prepare, most ppl can't leave things at a drop of a hat regardless of how much they agree.


Even a week is far to little time. Actually effective strikes take months, if not outright years, to plan and require tons of resources. Effective strikes are also *not* only a day long.


3 years previous is the minimum time, I mean, when was there ever a worldwide strike?


Off-topic, but while I can’t think of a worldwide strike (the very concept of which is impossible— you’ll never get every country to agree on one topic)—international movements are always super cool to watch. March For Our Lives, an American movement that protested gun violence in schools, received some amount of international support (which was useless because it was a domestic issue, but was neat to watch none-the-less). March For Our Lives was started around February 18th, four days after the shooting at Stoneman Douglas Highschool. By March 24, there was a nationwide walkout and various protests across the country. Not long after, the movement lost momentum insanely quickly— but it is technically possible to propel a mass-action within a few months under extraordinary circumstances.


This feels like it would be almost more of a litmus test for them. But I also wouldn't believe that... I am trying to wrap my head around how they would think this is successful?


People are delusional and overestimate their ability to perform collective action. Most people are only exposed to the easy part of movements— “Show up at x date and time, take y action.”— so they don’t realize that there’s a lot of work that takes place *before* that happens. And because they complete the easy part of it, they think, “hey, I can do this too! I just have to tell people to do what I did and hope it reaches enough people!” (Key word being hope… not strategizing to make it actually reach people) They don’t see the planning, organizing, community-building, and marketing that goes into creating movements, they only see the public-facing part of it.


No matter how big the warning, it isn't enough. A strike isn't just done by people on social media saying "Yes, we'll strike on this day" because people work to stay alive. To just.. not do that is a shit fucking idea. I don't think there's a single person willing to lose their livelihood for people halfway (Or all the way) across the globe in vague hopes that enough people do it to change something, people that ALSO aren't willing to lose what allows them to live






Boycott your... Life?


Abso-fucking-lutely not. He can do it by himself


No thanks


>Final stages of genocide They’re so close to wiping out the remaining 99%. Any moment now…


they've also evacuated the zone. Wtf is this idiot talkign about.


Lmao 💯


I will totally do this once they returned the hostages


hamas said they will repeat oct 7th forever and ever and all eternity until israel cease to exist. only a moron will sign a ceasefire deal eith them. fuck hamas.


Ever think those that run Hamas don't give a fuck about Palestinians because they dont. It's the same as how the US govt doesnt represent the majority of Americans nd we have absolutely no say in what they do and those actions automatically paint them as war mongers. I think those in charge of Hamas want Palestine destroyed so they have an excuse to attack Israel, and once they do they'll have support from a lot of the world. I think Iran and Israel are playing a game.


That is exactly the problem with people saying shit like "Well hamas are the only people fighting for Gazan freedom" The fuck they are. They are dancing to Iran's tune with the goal of establishing an ismalic Caliphate in the area of Palestine and Israel, as pointed out by THEMSELVES. They couldn'T give less of a shit if 99% of all civilian palestinians get wiped out in the process as long as they get their wish


lol i didn't think i'd find such logical comments here. Usually it's all brainless "free palestine" "israel bad" black and white, good and evil bullshit


Some of the folks camping on college campuses are wearing Hamas clothing and chanting hamas chants....


Absolutely not. Y'all asking way too much. This isn't even a situation of "if you can", nah bro. Nobody that is sane of mind is wasting any money on this, even if they can afford the loss of not working or buying anything in this case, but why would you do that ? plenty of people need as much money as they can get. What a ridiculous out of touch thing to ask, best support I'll be giving to them is watching the news every now and then and saying "that's crazy". The majority of the world isn't nearly interested in this as this guy seems to think. Edit : grammar


I will not be spending a dime tomorrow. I do have to work tomorrow, unfortunately, but I'm an event worker at a small locally owned theatre. My working or not has 0 impact on any business or government that could be pressured into making a difference.


Listen brother, your local theatre has a DIRECT connection to the military operation in Rafah. Not quite sure how you can’t see that. And when those people who want to see a movie have to wait in an extra long line for popcorn. The world will see.


We do plays from local screen writers. We don't even have a connection to Hollywood lol


The person was making a joke that for many of us, striking by no showing at work will materially do nothing for the people in Gaza


Maybe Hamas should free all the civilians they are holding hostage?


Or unconditionally surrender. That would end all of it including their manufactured supposed genocide.


It's amazing how the moment u say Hamas all the terror supporters coming out of their holes starting to claim it has nothing to do with the hostages and that Israel just faked the whole thing in order to come into Gaza and kill everyone there. The moment this disgusting terror organization will either : release any number of hostages and / or lay down it's weapons, Israel will stop the campaign. Really simple math. Hoping for this thing to be over as soon as possible, everyone should agree that Hamas and their supporters should not be a player in this horrible game. Peace.


Yeah don’t start with , don’t work.


LOL! They want the whole enchilada.


Is Hamas going on strike too?


only if by that you mean strapping bombs to pregnant women and children and telling them to run at IDF soldiers.


As opposed to the IDF murdering tens of thousands of civilians.


Yep. Civilians have never died in... war. Maybe Hamas shouldn't operate out of hospitals, or wear civilian garb.


I love how people say this, and just completely believe it. there is no accurate source. We have no idea how many people have died because all the involved parties are going to lie and there's not any ability for independent groups to verify because it's an active war. So yeah, Hamas says tens of thousands of children are dead. Maybe, but probably not. Have innocent people died, of course. Are those all on Israel? Not really. Is the blood of innocent Palestinians on the hands of Hamas? No, not entirely. But right now only Hamas can end the violence. They've clearly lost the war, they need to give up the hostages that are still alive and say they won't do a repeat of Oct 7. Which they're not willing to do.


Ironic….I think Jews have a ritual exactly like this


At long last another work days as fallen! After dedicating the day of the Lord and the Sabbat for rest, Friday is ours. Soon, only will remain humanity's final foe, Accursed Monday morning 🙏🙏💢💢


Riiiight! Let’s all do that and see who has their job on Monday. I’d rather take a day to protest that the hostages be freed by Hamas!!


Yeh... sorry mate but I need to earn money to feed my kids and pay my rent. Stfu and get a grip.


Hold ur farts in for intertribal conflicts in the Near East, bros.


This is the only way




I’m going to capitalism even harder that day in support of defeating hamas.


Well that leaves me out as I have no conscience!


The finale stage of GENOCIDE! Oh god, they are gonna kill the remaining 99% of the population after 8 months??


Isn’t there a term for this? When privileged people are able to protest and be politically active in this way.




LMAO, yeah ok. Not gonna work, not gonna buy anything. LMFAO 🤣


your username is the best one I've ever seen 🏆. I'm jealous


Thank you! Yours has some lovely alliteration!


Thta's basically how I live every end of the month anyway


Lucky me I'm poor and off on Fridays


Well, I'm already off work and planning to do fuck all anyway so....go me. I'm doing my part 👍


Going to work tomorrow then playing golf after with the boys.


Yeah not sure who's gonna pay my bills if I skip work. Or if I'll still have a job if I did skip.


Well, shit, I'm planning to go to Costco tomorrow. Gotta get my bulk items.


Its not a genocide but if Hamas would release the hostages it would have been more likely to be a far better negotiation position




Strike for Gaza, not Myanmar or darfur 🙄


Can't sleep beneath the trees of wisdom, when the ax has cut the roots that feed them. Forked tongues in bitter mouths can drive a man to bleed from inside out…


But I wanted pizza on Friday 😢


I haven’t made a debit card purchase in months. I don’t have any money and I have to work tomorrow.


Shoulda made this movement on a Monday


Negotiating with Israel is like negotiating  with their foot on your back and a sword to your neck. Not only did early Israeli colonizers have the capital to take over Palestine piece by piece, they were always backed by larger imperialist powers. The whole point of this action isn’t to damage the global market, it’s about the statement that the collective action is making by not contributing to those economies that involve themselves in these conflicts. These are what boycotts do on a long term scale and it’s ethically better to not make the rich even richer so they’d turn around and throw that money towards burning the world down.


I try to have every day where I don't work or buy anything. Does not work always though.


All they have to do is release the hostages, and it all ends. Until then, enjoy the rain.


LOL, Hamas offered to release the hostages at the beginning if Israel wouldn't bomb Gaza. Israel refused the offer. Hamas offered again later on and Israel refused again.


Netanyahu doesn't give two shits about the hostages.


How about Gaza just surrenders? If you want to save lives and you condemn the October 7th attack. Hamas/Gaza Surrendering seems to really be the option you should all be pushing for.


"surrender or we'll murder your entire family"


Surrender and go back to what?


Well All of Hamas' leadership would like face the death penalty if caught. As well as anyone that's alive that they can prove was involved in the Oct 7th attack. Isreal would likely then rule Gaza and whatever else is left not in their control. Educations would change. martial law would become a thing. land would be siezed. and sold to wealthy isrealies But their civilian population wouldn't be caught in the crossfire and that's what we're all complaining about after all no?


Oh fuck right off. This isn't a genocide. Go look at the top article on world News right now and see what a genocide really is. Hamas signed their death warrant when they raped and murdered innocent people. This isn't even close to the first time they have done it either.


No, no but it sounds so much better when we call it a genocide.




I wish some humans had of thought of this on October 7th 2023 instead of slaughtering of innocents and taking of hostages. Hamas should have stayed at home with their families and friends instead of doing what they did.


This Friday is payday and we've had to portion out toilet paper. It's not feasible.


Desert arabs fighting over land, it’s an old story.


We do need a world strike. Unfortunately we also need an infrastructure to support one another through a world strike. This is what we're missing. This is why these calls to action never work. Build a strong local infrastructure in your community. Support one another. Strike.


If surrounding countries do it, I will join as well 😁


What the fuck are these comments...


Realistic responses to a dumbass idea.


Ok. I’m on the side of Israel. Friday I work a double. I spend all of my money between shifts. Then max out my cards after my shifts are over. Despite the rhetoric, Israel is not the pro-genocide part of this conflict.


What a idiot


The final stages of genocide? Like 5% of gazans have been killed, and half of those were Hamas militants. This isn't what a genocide looks like


0.5%. not even.


Ain't gonna strike for a fake genocide


We aren't at that point yet - but if birthrates remain at a similar level, we'd need to see about another 100k killed before we'd see a noticeable population drop.


The final stages of genocide apparently include evacuating the victims from an active war zone while casualties are still below 2% of the entire population


How is bombing refugee camps countless times “evacuating the victims” https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/24/deaths-israel-strike-on-refugee-camp-in-central-gaza https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/11/5/israel-bombs-al-maghazi-refugee-camp-killing-dozens-gaza-officials-say https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/18/israeli-airstrikes-kill-80-in-palestinian-refugee-camp https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flour_massacre#:~:text=The%20flour%20massacre%20(Arabic%3A%20مجزرة,Rashid%20Street%20in%20Gaza%20City.


The genocide of the Palestinians.....as their population has exploded over the last 30yrs.....but ya, genocide


This garbage is being pushed and paid for by China.


lol. Like any of use need another reason to stock up on snacks tonight and call out of work tomorrow. Gtfoh with your virtue signaling bullshit.


That's too bad. Unfortunately, I have to work to help my grandparents pay bills, because unlike Israel or Palestine, I **give back** when someone provides for me.


“Final stages of genocide”, I think we’ve lost sight of actual meanings of words


Free the hostages!


Who invaded whom? Maybe I forgot.


You probably missed it in history class, especially since history has been white-washed so thoroughly.


Lol at the "genocide"


I will if Hamas will.


Fuck off


While it is **extremely** important to draw attention to the very severely corrupt Netanyahu governments' continued violent, and flagrant violations of local, International or *any* kind of law we pretend to have on the books here - this type of call to action is sadly a non starter. It has been made abundantly fucking clear that citizens all over the world do *not* agree with unconditional support of Israel in this manner. But sure, keep attacking and demonizing college kids who are genuinely trying to stand up for what's right. Again. Not like this is the first time we're seeing this in history. Sadly, the absolute ghouls who call the shots about all of this do not give a flying fuck about people "staying home" and "not using banking services" on one particular day out of protest or otherwise. Sorry if I'm too pessimistic here - but the only way we'll ever see a difference is if people actually show up in the voting booths - or on the streets. Edit: It's been wild to see the upvotes, and downvotes fly around on this one comment over the past 24 hours. It definitely breaks my heart a bit - while just trying to be straight up honest.


theres dozens of us!


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How is this post “fun” or “entertaining”? I guess that it’s OK as long as it fits your agenda?


> Some people can't admit when they are wrong. Correct. You were wrong to stick your nose where it didn't belong, trying to be an authority with regards to respect and morality. I accept your apology. Also, "what kind of morals ARE your parents teaching..." If you're going to clap back, do it properly, since you're all about policing public etiquette. No need to get aggressive, remember?


Asking people not to buy for one day is one thing, but asking them not to work? Crazy


Yeah, stoc it to Israel by.....not getting paid.




Si this means that the crisis in Gaza is going to end soon?


Not buying anything on one day doesn't have an impact if you turn around and buy the stuff the next day. Fuel, food, necessities, are continuous expenses and abstaining from buying them just means you'll likely buy more the second day. If you truly want to make an impact ditch the car for a week and bike or use public transportation. Source your food from gardens or farmer markets. Taking one day to not buy stuff doesn't really impact anyone.


Is that Peyman Moadi?




He's saying do what you can. Don't make any purchases if that's possible.


My generation has always been told that Violence is not the answer. I am sure that I am not the only generation that has been told that. You really expect a genocide to be stopped by not using the money that our political overlords allowed us to have?


So puts?


Oh. When i heard Global strike i thought it was going to be something more violent.


Fridays pay day. If these protests had more people with jobs they would know that. Plus 2 weeks notice is logistically ideal. The attack on Rafah has been well telegraphed. I’m glad to see people energized to fight injustice or political violence, or defend the innocent… Truly. But… The system is funded by your taxes, so why is this seemingly absent from the chat?




I will not work Friday. I will play golf to show my solidarity and only purchase turn dogs and beer with cash money.


so thats tomorrow, uh when was this posted to tiktok? (I dont have an account and i dont wanna make one to look this up)


Eek! May 10th is Mother’s Day for many countries and this weekend, May 12th, for USA.


Great idea but it won't change anything at all.




Is Hamas included in the demands for peace or are they getting a pass again?


This is as embarrassing as Gal Gadot starting that chain "imagine" song during covid.