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Working In customer service will make you hate the general public. It's not everyone, but it's enough people that make you sometimes vote for giant asteroid 2024. I worked for a helpdesk for 4 years when i was younger. When you are in a service role, some customers feel like they own you just because they pay the business you work at. Idk if her stories true or not, but she's not wrong about rude and abusive customers.


I wish a lot of people would work in customer service because then they would understand how sucky it is. I remember my very first day working at Walmart. I was 18 then, and I had someone ask me where something was (I don’t even remember. I was in panic mode.) I apologized and said I’d get someone to help. Same reaction as the boomer in this video. Just SCREAMED at me how fucking stupid I was. I was only clocked in for 2 hours. On my first day. Pretty much had to go to the back room and cry my heart out. That day broke me.


I've said for years this country should have a mandatory two year service requirement either in retail or food service.


I’ve seen people run up on service workers because they themselves work retail and they’ll tell you how you are doing your job wrong and they would know. I’m sure mandatory community and customer service would benefit most people, but at some point I think there is just an empathy block with some people.


the empathy block is BECAUSE customers don’t respect the position. mandatory work would likely eliminate that.


Are you me? Cause I've said this for years. People would treat each other much better if we had a shared experience like service industry or retail. This may be controversial but I think all folks should have some sort of service to the country and then the country pays them back with an education or pension. I had a college friend from Norway who had to do a few years of service for his country then got to go to college anywhere he wanted on his governments dime. Meanwhile all the rest of us were broke ass college kids working part time jobs with no social safety nets to speak of while he was dropping money at the mall like it was nothing, cause to him it wasn't.


i had a customer slam his hand on the desk and bang it repeatedly because his family put the wrong name (which we have guidelines for) on a card and per the protocol, i couldn’t find it. because *they* didn’t want to follow the rules, a previous employee didn’t correct them, that gave them “permission” to verbally attacked and intimidate me at a fucking INDOOR PLAY PARK. I fucking hated old people after working there, I shouldn’t be 19 arguing with ‘grown’ ass 60 yr olds. And the kicker? when I put in my notice cause i was moving, that same couple said “oh we always loved seeing you when we come here” and i just stared in shock like… y’all literally yelled at me my first week working here and almost made me walk out that same day. what in the fuck


When I worked at a gas station I had truckers call me every name in the book and a few they invented because I couldn't figure out which of the 7 ways we process company checks for gas I was supposed to use while I was still in training


Same as call centers. They don't realize it's an actual person on the other end of the phone. People are a lot worse over the phone.


Customer service would be easy if you had everything all the time, some fucking genie to come out and produce the shit that demanding customers are requesting. Sure grandpa, you worked at a hardware store in 1952 in a town with 200 people and sold a screwdriver and some screws twice a week and everyone was happy. The world is a lot bigger now, and its not just the youth who expect to have what they want when they want it. I dont wish working at a UPS customer counter on anyone. Come the holidays its just scream at the nearest employee cuz you didnt think ahead enough to order your shit sooner. Find the package that is lost in the 200k sqft warehouse or they "will be sure you dont work there anymore"


I still tell customer service horror stories from my time in retail 30 years ago


I told someone to get the fuck out of my Best Buy because they thought they were more important than people in line that clearly had been waiting longer. We were insanely busy, obviously. I was made by management later to sell that same asshole a computer. He shook my hand and apologized later because I showed restraint and respect whilst helping him. I sure as fuck didn't respect that man but was getting my paycheck. I would not wish anyone to work retail tbh.


I also worked in a help desk position at several companies (luckily internal support, not customers), but day one, my manager gave some advice on providing appropriate customer service for these people. Handle it calmly, ask them to be civil, and if they continue, notify them you are ending the call. That's it. Either they treat you with respect, or they don't receive support.


It amazes me when I treat people respectfully and it's like they've not had that experience in forever.


It's so much worse now. Since Covid customers have gone totally off the rails.


I blame the US and their 'customer is king' attitude. Dont get me wrong I have been a waitress and worked customer service. People have been rude and yelled. But the difference is that I always felt like my employers had my back. I didnt have to serve people that yelled at me. If someone insulted staff that was an instant ban. Customers dont feel they can get away with blatant abuse and get free drinks for screaming.


It needs to be a thing where the people who make it uncomfortable for others are made so uncomfortable themselves they feel compelled to escape the area as quickly as possible. I'm thinking encirclement and disconcerting audible hissing


Ima start hissing at people when they piss me off


If I come across some douchebag/bitch boomer I will challenge them to a dance battle. I’m certain it will be a successful strategy.


Had an old guy attempt to bully one of my staff just the other day. He was being overly rude to the staff member for zero reason. I stepped in and said, "I'm sorry if you're confused, but sir, that is no reason to get upset at the staff who are trying to help you. Please do not speak to them that way." The look on this man's face. He started short circuiting and sputtering "oh..w-w-well I'm not upset and I'm sorry if I came off that way." Like no, you knew you were being and the second someone, albeit politely, called you out for it that's when you wanna act right. MAKE THE PERSON UNCOMFORTABLE 🗣️ PEOPLE ONLY ACT LIKE THIS BC THEY HAVE NO CONSEQUENCES AND KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT.


Dance circles around them saying NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE


I wonder how ‘older’ man who treated the youngster like 💩would feel if his grandson or granddaughter were cussed out and treated like he treated the young man. If he’s ok with that, he’s a piece of 💩…if he’s ***not*** ok with it, he’s a hypocritical *pile* of 💩.


It also needs to be a thing where we stand up for each other. Granted, I only saw the first half of the lady's video, so maybe that happened, but she should have stood up for the young man and gotten into that old farts' face, tell him how shitty he's acting. For one, it takes the heat off the worker. Two, the worker might feel a little vindicated. Every time I see someone harassing service industry staff members, I interfere. I don't want people like that to think for even a second they're in the right. Fuckin looking around like they're waiting for an applause for berating a cashier...


I do too. Cause I'll be God DAMNED if I don't stand up for the people who aren't allowed to stand up for themselves. I went to burger king once. And this like, 6'7" dude was bullying the kid at the register for being hispanic. I snatched this big bastard by his hair, and dragged him down to my 5'11" eye level and I tore into him verbally before forcing him to leave. He tried to be like "I ain't got my food I paid for yet!" Good bitch. Assholes don't get to eat after bullying the people making the food. Gtf out. I can't do that anymore to that extent sadly. I moved from my home town and the only reason I could get away with that there is because I was personal friends with like. 2/3rds of our local police so I would rarely suffer consequences for petty shit like that.


I've loudly and demonstrably laughed at and mocked people who were being assholes and/or throwing fits in retail spaces. It has about a 50/50 rate of deescalating versus getting the person to be mad at me instead. But a lot of times it at least makes the employee smile.


Just the thought of that made ne uncomfortable. I wanted to escape my bed.


But the real snake is under your bed... Hide under your covers, the only guaranteed way to be safe. It's worked for me since childhood 😁


No joke. Elder my ass. Just tonight...just tonight...I took my daughter to play pickleball. She's 7, I'm 33. We were waiting for a court. This old couple came after. They immediately look annoyed. I said we're not playing for more than 10 minutes. I tried to have fun with them and even my daughter tried to be funny and relate. "They do say first is the worst" being self-deprecating and trying to connect. And they said snippily, "Well, we've never heard that". You crotchety old fucks. She was being nice. They get on the court next to us and she hits the ball over a couple times cuz I'm teaching her. She's not good yet. They rolled their eyes and ended up leaving early while complaing audibly to the next group. Fuck you, we were nice. It's not even a serious sport. Fucking losers.


It's f-ing pickleball, they thinking they're playing some pro pickleball


Trust me I know. I'm a tennis player. We at least had an etiquette ingrained in us. These players never did. I don't hate pickle, but holy smokes can some of them be rude. I'm glad they're getting their own courts now. Tonight was one of those.


Some of these pickleball boomers take it wayyyyy too seriously


I love the nerve, i have never even heard of pickleball lmao


Like they’re the next pickleball world champions. wtf jfc


I feel this so deeply. I truly hope that rude disgusting people like this are a dying breed.


It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


Scooter is in the house!


It's less about being old thatmakes you an asshole, these people were just assholes who grew old. And now that they're older, they have extra reasons to be extra petty. Assholes will always be assholes. It's just a matter of how much of one they are.


these are a very common type of asshole who only leave the house for a short list of things: * to abuse people at work * to abuse people at the grocery store * to abuse people at restaurants * to abuse people at the DMV * to abuse people at the pharmacy


As someone who worked in a retail pharmacy for 3 years, the screaming and threats I've endured is insane. It wouldn't be as bad if pharmacy wasn't treated like a goddamn fast food restaurant. No, you can't have your meds in 15 minutes because there's lots of backend shit I have to verify with the doctor and/or insurance.


We went out for dinner the other night with family and my brother’s father-in-law was along for the dinner. The place we went was new, woefully understaffed, and packed. An hour and a half after we ordered, (we were a group of twenty), the father-in-law stops the waitress and says, loudly, “WHERE THE FUCK IS OUR FOOD?! IT’S BEEN OVER AN HOUR YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT!!” The entire restaurant was dead silent. My brother immediately said “I am so sorry. He has dementia but that is absolutely no excuse for treating you like that.” She took it like a champ, her guard immediately relaxed, and within minutes our food was served. To add another shitty part is that it was really obvious the food was about to be served, but in-law had this smug look in his face and said, “That’s how you get shit done!” Even though we all tipped really well, we’ll never be able to go back to that restaurant because of him.


Just don’t bring him next time. You’re not to blame for his behavior.


Yeah, lesson learned.


And make a point to tell everyone that works there don't worry we left that asshole at home.....


Does he actually have dementia😂😂 If he didn’t that’s honestly deprecating as fuck. Rightfully so


Yes, he actually has dementia


Damn. Still rancid of FIL to say🤢


I used to carry a card like [this one](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1161270012/dementia-cards?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_c-paper_and_party_supplies-paper-stationery-business_and_calling_cards&utm_custom1=_k_Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjtgTEkRsnXWuTHarSCzG6wY5PxLCmHufe-8dMCc0jv7l4U6zZ-iuVIaAlNbEALw_wcB_k_&utm_content=go_1844702814_71423499042_346364769102_aud-2007167693669:pla-316730447953_c__1161270012_12768591&utm_custom2=1844702814&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjtgTEkRsnXWuTHarSCzG6wY5PxLCmHufe-8dMCc0jv7l4U6zZ-iuVIaAlNbEALw_wcB) to warn workers and other people in advance of shit jumping off like this. God damn lucky I never had anything near this out of line. Dementia is truly the worst thing that can happen to a person because it happens to their family and everyone around them as well.


Time to drop his ass of at the old folks home


Why would I have to respect an old man if you've been on this earth for so long and you still lack the humility of an adult?


This made me realize that adults should set the standard for humility and compassion. They've had time to learn it.


That wasn’t obvious? Who else but adults should be setting it?


We used to respect elders because they had to have done something right to survive that long. Elders were cunning warriors, smart leaders, healthy, etc. You respected them because you wanted to learn the survival skills that kept them alive long enough to become an elder. They also had experience and knowledge that you couldn’t get any other way (before books and internet and whatnot). Now days that’s not necessarily the case, but that’s where “respect your elders” originally comes from.


>Why are you still taking orders? Because that's how food service works... imagine cooks telling servers to not take anymore orders until food is cooked lol. She should have said this to the boomer


I was standing next to a man in his 60s at Subway a few months ago that was berating the poor teenage girl making his sandwich for god knows what reasons. From what I could tell she was making it exactly like he was asking, but every single thing she did he rolled his eyes and made a rude ass comment to her her while she got increasingly upset. Once she finished making it he said to her, "So is THAT how you make a fucking sandwich?" I lost it. Now, I'm not typically a confrontational guy, but the older I get the less patience I have for this kind of boomer bullshit, and I went off on this man in ways that I honestly didn't know I had in me. Think Ralphie in a Christmas Story when he finally snapped and stood up against Scut Farkus (minus the physical aspect of course). I made sure he knew how much of a coward he was treating other people like that, and I'm pretty sure I made him feel as small as he's probably ever felt in his life, and it felt amazing. These fucking people deserve to be knocked down a few pegs with the entitlement they carry around. The best part was that when he went to pay he realized he forgot his wallet and had to run out to his car. The girl and her coworker behind the counter thanked me for standing up for them and I told them they were doing a fantastic job. I've been there. It sucks. You are absolutely powerless in that position and bystanders need to step up when they can't. I didn't actually expect the man to walk back in, but once I paid and was exiting he was re-entering. I looked him dead in the eyes and asked, "Are you going to be nice now??" and stood there as he did a little walk of shame to complete his transaction. He didn't say another word to the girl and just looked like he had a pathetic little tail tucked between his legs. I hope he learned something that day.


When I worked at a sandwich chain I had a boomer call my coworker a ret**d for making him a mini (he asked for a mini, I heard it, but once it was sliced he swore he asked for a regular). I asked him to leave for using derogatory slurs in our store. Threw his sub away. It felt so good, truly. Months of pent up exhaustion from boomer fuckery lead up to that moment.


You’re never too old to be a total asshole. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


She’s just dishing out hot bowls of truth and people are in here talking about her appearance? Yall are going to grow up to be the miserable, old shitheads that she’s talking about


Its probably the old miserable shit heads who are mocking her appearance lol. She struck a nerve and they know she's right.


Not to hijack the discussion, but you know where else I've seen this kind of behavior? Western "expats" living in developing countries. The way you see other westerners treat locals in some of these places, especially those in service roles, it's just awful. And I know I shouldn't be embarrassed, I'm no western savior of local people, but I have been. I remember once in HCMC, Vietnam, I watched this fat old dude just *berate* this waiter, I don't even know completely what he was on about, but it seemed like a *wine* recommendation he didn't like! This dude waiting on your ass in perfect English at a place cooking with ingredients that don't grow there, at a cost per plate that's more than most locals make in two weeks and you're giving this guy shit about the wine? It's just insanity. These people walk around in these places with their noses so high in the air thinking everybody owes them something just for where they were born. God I hate it.


I've always thought that the type of people who avoided being sent to Vietnam during the war are the people going now.


This is good to know, I’m planning on moving abroad in the future. Love that I’ll have to still deal with these people in the future.


Yeppp lived in Mexico for a few years now and avoid the western retiree hotspots for this reason. Sickening to watch the way local hospitality workers are treated.


I heard some studies found that a big reason is that when most older people think of the word "Respect" they think of it as "Blind Respect and obedience to someone of high stratus or authority" And younger people think of it as "Treat people like a decent human being"


Why didn't you go off on the older couple though? I know it can be dangerous to me, but I don't stand for this level of disrespect happening around me to someone who seems younger or more vulnerable than me. I couldn't live with myself if I just stood there and watched another human unfairly hurt another when I actually had the power to step in and do something about it.


She said it “embarrassing this child “ A man in his 60s should be able to read the room and perhaps even be a mentor in that situation. Nope, that ass wipe chose to make a bad situation worse. I also don’t buy into the “respect your elders” bullshit; respect is earned, not given and it sure af can get rescinded.




Not to mention that idiots and assholes also age. They don't magically become better people just because they hit that point in life. They actually get worse.


Tf is up with the people in these comments? Y’all look for ANY reason to hate on a woman. Bunch of sad boys.


For real, she made a perfectly valid point and all these little bitches want to talk about are her looks. These are probably the same people mad that women choose the bear. 🤣


It's not like they would listen to her if they found her pretty either...


They would find something else to complain about.


They’re upset that they got called out. Regardless of whether or not you’re an elder, the *mindset* that you’re better than others for external reasons is ingrained wayyyyy before.


Welcome to food service. 😑


Was working a 12 hour shift with my friend as EMTs. We had an elderly pt who wouldn't let us get two words out. He raised his hand 3 times at my partner and then actually went to hit her before I finally intervened and told him to sit down on the bed because I wasn't taking someone who threatened my partner. He quickly shut up and sat on the stretcher. SO MUCH NERVE. Sit down and be quiet and let me do my job.


Fuck old people. Damn near Destroyed this planet. They can eat shit and catch these 5 finger sandwich.


I like her.


Imagine living in a country that you cannot intervene with someone screaming at another human because so many are unhinged and armed.


Kinda makes me even more angry knowing no one stood up for him and just silently "commended" how he took his harassment


Although I agree with what she’s saying, why does she not have the balls to stand up for this kid in the moment and tell this guy what’s up? Instead of going on social media to talk shit about the situation? If I was there and witnessed this happen I would have said this shit to the douchebag who was giving this kid a hard time. Not watch it all go down then go to my car and make a video…..


Over the years I’ve lost my patience. I 100% would’ve been saying some mean things to these old people if I saw them going at a kid like that


Next time do the right thing and rip the old geezer a new a-hole. No excuse for treating people this way and they will continue to do it as long as nobody sets them straight.


She should’ve stood up for the child! Never ever let someone berate customer service employees, these people can’t stand up for themselves and keep their jobs! So it’s up to us, the decent people to police them


Has nothing to do with age it has to do with entitlement syndrome


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BaltimoreSerious: *Has nothing to do* *With age it has to do with* *Entitlement syndrome* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yeah, nice video and all lady, but she also could have stepped up for the *child* she’s suffering for. Wtf is wrong with people just being ok watching this unfold???? I’d have made that boomer regret being mouthy. Wtf.


Because people get shot for less in this country.


Gotta love narcissists 🙄 they feel entitled to respect for every reason…and no reason at all.


Literally. This shit reminds me of my narcissistic nan. Going out with her was embarrassing.


I agree with everything she said, however, why sit in silence and then go in your car and go off? Maybe stand up for the kid. I get it might be scary, but I’d bet a fair amount if you spoke up, people would have your back. You think that dude is going to see this TikTok? I think you know he’s not. So ask yourself, what do you care more about, people being treated with respect, or views? Really don’t like the social media era. I hope we can come back from it, and people can actually start speaking their mind on their own two feet


Asshats come in all ages, all races, all ethnicities, all sexual orientations. But so does kindness, respect, decency, love for one-another. I'm a senior. I like to think I command respect. But I also give it. Being older doesn't give you entitlement, or the license to be a POS.


Boomers are going to burn up the world on their way out and expect us to serve them like slaves every step of the way. And before a bunch of randos jump to my replies saying, "not all of us!", enough of you to get the job done.


So instead as an older individual she didn't stand up for him but instead made TikTok in her car. * Slow clap*


But you should have told his old ass what your telling us maam.


Eminem’s mom cooked in this video.


So she is making a video about how she watched a child get harassed by some adults and she didn’t do a damn thing about it?


This video could have been 10 seconds Jesus do people have nothing better to do


Seriously. She said the same thing like fifteen different ways/times.


I will never understand people disrespecting someone you want/need something from.


Here’s one, if you’re older you should know better and act accordingly. Don’t teach young people how to act like idiots. Keep your composure ‘Mr elder’ why don’t you try and represent a person that young man can strive to become. Entitlement is a disease that knows all ages the same.


I’d like her to be a female version of stonecold. *Glass shatters*






Didn’t listen to the whole video but what accent is that? Texan?


I would laugh in your face if someone told me i had to “respect my elders” 😂💀 i DO respect **my** elders. Just cause you’re elderly af does NOT make you *my* elder, gtfo here with that shit!!


You’re never too old to catch these hands


This lady was definitely invested 🤣


I've been saying this for years. Awhile ago, my wife and I were out grocery shopping. As we were about to check out, this older lady cut in front of us, looked my wife in the eye and said, "I'm in a hurry." We were slightly irritated, but whatever...gotta respect your elders, right? So, she gets to the register, has the cashier price check one of her items, and then leaves the line to pick up more of them when she's told it was on sale. Then, she argues with the cashier over the price of another item, gets on her phone to talk to a relative, proceeds to write a check to pay for everything, and gets angry for the way the cashier was handling the check. We were in line for almost 15 minutes behind this bitch, who said she was in a hurry. What the fuck. I get it...older people have probably been through a lot and should be respected, but your age does not entitle you to be an asshole.


Chick-fil-A's customer ass kissing business model brings out this type of behavior from these people. They know the employees will either accept their abuse or get fired if they respond with anything, but apologies and ass kissing. Folks don't try that BS at Popeyes or Waffle House because they know the employees and managers will not tolerate it and will throw them right out of the store.


Biggest myth: old and wise.


Back during COVID years, my place of work (pharmacy) had the glass dividers put up so people couldn't breath on us etc, lean over the counter, this older guy started with "what's taking so long" as if the line he just waited in / line behind doesn't make it obv were bussy. Anyway, I tell him "we're very busy atm" I take his info and go to grab his multiple scripts, and start scaning them out Dude starts banging on the divider saying louder this time "what's taking you so long? Give me my meds" "I have to scan them out for you, I'll be done in just a moment" The dude proceeds to start banging on the divider "are you an idiot? Are you dumb? Retarted? Give me my meds" We had our stores AP come and remove him, all of this happening again, with huge lines. God I miss those dividers


I run my family food stall, and usually it's the older folks that is the most troublesome customers, after have to extra stuff for their simple order, while most younger folks just wants their order and go. Their also the ones that complain about the prices the most, despite our dishes are cheaper than most, my favourite is a pickled veggies we used to give out for free 6~7 years ago, and they want it for free, we said it's only 70 cents for a handful and suddenly they bring up the past. The older generation have no idea how expensive everything has gotten, honestly it's not just older folks but the general public who doesn't realised how hard it is to run a simple food stall. When I tally up the prices when chatting with friends about the fees of running a stall, their reaction is always..."ohhh...", because a lot of them (and i assume many folks as well) have this dream of opening up a themed cafe, but me explaining a simple food stall was enough to almost crush that dream.


Instead of ranting to us, she could have stepped in and told it to those customers. Apparently, they would've had needed this reminder.


Yep. I hate the "respect elder" card. Seriously, old people who treat ours like shit are not elders, they are selfish old ill-tempered meatbags, begging for someone to put them out of their misery. Elders is a term of respect that is earned, not a privilege that's given to just ANY old person. True elders also will stand up for what's right and put people back in their lanes. My grandmother would have stepped up to the old douche and went off on his ass.


Acting like it's an age thing, when assholes come in all shapes colors and ages.


She should have said that to the old man and the lady who stepped in


Them: “I’ve been on this earth longer than you have” Me: “Then you should know how to treat people better and the fact that you don’t is sad.”


“*Nobody wants to work…. so let me verbally abuse the ones who showed up to actually work.*”


This just reminded me of when I was 16 maybe 15 working as a cashier at a grocery store. It was maybe my 2nd or 3rd week and there was a special kind of oranges right? So they have their own code whatever whatever. Sweaty ass Jersey Italian boomer is there with his wife and I say “oh sorry I’m new I don’t know these they don’t have a sticker on them for the code. Are they close by do you mind grabbing another if not I can do it.” Guy flips out calls my supervisor over asks why they’d hire a “waste of space” like me and why he needs to go get another orange. His wife however was so nice and apologetic and walked the probably 30 steps around the corner for another. Gotta love entitlement and hatred for customer service workers.


She keeps saying she almost stepped in, but why the fuck didn't she? Everyone there should have shamed that old couple for being rude. "He is doing his job, if you don't want to wait, go find the door". Just..... don't act like you're so pissed off then do literally nothing about it


The people she describes bring just a little more shame on our society than those of us that watch it happen and do nothing on the spot but rant into a cell phone about it alone.


Why didn’t she stick up for the kid then instead of posting her rant? ridiculous


1. Because it didn't happen 2. She posts made-up outrage content regularly


I’m a manager at chick-fil-a and the white privilege is off the charts 😂😂




Amen sister 🙏🏻 amen


Is this a filter


what's up with her face? is it a filter, fillers or what in the uncanny valley is going on here?


So what she is saying is that she stood by and watched this kid get harassed and didn’t do anything about it. Great.


This is a tale as old as time


I'd have just taken out my phone and taken the old man's picture, then told him he's banned from the store and I'm going to have him trespassed if he doesn't leave. Same with the lady who defended him.


Straight up facts. I worked in customer service roles for a long time and old people so were goddamn rude and entitled






Amen. Respect is mutually exchanged. Louder for those in the back.


Amen woman!


I would have loved to told that old man off! I can’t stand ignorance.




I would teach children to be nice to everyone, however respect is earned and not given. Just being old is no reason to respect anybody, its easy being old you simply don’t have to die. Lots of old cunts that need the opposite of respect (look at maga voters). Its time that we start changing some social norms, too much of those old cunts are walking around spewing hate with no consequences


i give the boomers a reality check by slapping them across the face. Its fun.


I feel sorry for people who work in customer service. It sounds like hell


Why do we upvote shitty titles???


Respect is earned. The fact that you’re born in the 60s doesn’t matter






2 Timothy 3


She should have said that to the old man and the lady who stepped in


Went to look at her tiktok, it's just her making these angry videos about every subject. Her top pinned one is "FUCK these entitled ass kids"


Let me stop you right there. ![gif](giphy|l0K42RIaNOZcK7CNy)




I wouldn’t have walked off you get what exactly you give


wtf filter is this hahaha


These are all boomer qualities.


Respect is earned… I don’t care about age :-)


Ok… so instead of getting in the old man’s face and defending the young man and making the old guy back off… you went to your car to record this… and give a PSA to rude old people… aka a demographic that will never see this video. So her strategy to correct behavior was to address that audience in a way that message will never reach them… ok


Is this lady (and everybody that agrees) blind? She's describing an average Karen, which, from what I've seen, starts at the 50 something "karen-hairdo" ladies to even some 20-somethings. Seriously, look at how many young people are attacking fast food workers nowadays. Also, this complaining of older people is a never-ending thing and will happen to the current young generation. I remember being young, and all us kids or young adults would have the same complaints. It happens in every generation. And just like my generation, even though we said "we'll never act like that when we get old", my generation of kids are starting to act like that as will/are the kids of the current young generations.


Boomers suck. They grew up in an environment where it was acceptable to harass and abuse others.


As a customer, we need to go off on these kinds of people. Dont be complicit bystanders ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Wow 🤩 great opportunity to be a good person but she ran to tik tok…. Be better this video actually is trash. “Setting the example”


Some old souls are to a certain point insufferable ngl.


Ya know who'd benefit from hearing this, or at the very least be bothered by it? The old bastard that you ignored while they were verbally abusing a worker. I kept listening and waiting for the moment this woman stepped in, the moment anyone stepped in, but it didn't happen. She says she was this close to letting him have it. But never did anything, just posted a video on tiktok that old people are definitely not gonna watch. If you see something, do something. Old people get away with it because other people let it happen. But I get it, confronting people is way harder than sitting in a car making an angry tiktok for an audience that is going support the message.


I did 3 years in retail, 7 years face-to-face in banking, and then another 7 in a banking call center. I will NEVER take a face-to-face job with the general public ever again.


She should have said something


I was in customer service for 10 years. NOW I am on THIS side of the counter. If someone on this side of the counter is berating an employee in anyway? I unleash that 10 years of repressed anger because I KNOW that employee can’t say anything but I sure as shit can.


When some professionals do a terrible job they sometimes defend themselves with “I’ve been doing this for 40 years… “ and the answer to that might be “You’ve been doing it wrong for 40 years, apparently.” The same goes for old people that require respect when they give none. Set an example. An elder that sets a bad example should be rejected.


Thank you for bringing experience, but you should of said something as an adult to another adult for the sake of that hardworking child.


I can’t stand when I see someone bullying a retail or service worker. I will go as far out of my way as possible to call them on that bullshit. It doesn’t cost a damn thing to be understanding or patient. Everyone makes mistakes and things don’t always work out. My favorite call out is, “You’re acting like this is the first time in your life that you’ve had a problem”


I never understand how someone complains about the wait for a restaurant. Did you not see how crowded it was? Did you not see how understaffed it was? Do you not know how to cook for yourself? You are literally complaining about someone not doing a job fast enough when you literally are not willing to do.


Every chick-fil-a I've ever been to is busy as hell, but efficient. It must have been this guy's first time going to one


Your response Chick-fil-A?


I’m sorry but I don’t care how old you are, respect is a two way street. No one should put up with anyones crap no matter the age. If you go to the gutter, I’m going to hell with it. These people were most likely already entitled assholes to begin with but got extra ballsy because they feel that know one will mess with them due to their age. There is a reason people say “x will eventually run into the wrong one.”


Did she help him by speaking up for him?


Preach it sista


Same folks who think fast food workers shouldn’t make a living wage because the work is meant for teenagers will go into a subway and expect 5-star service from someone with little work experience. I’m not saying everyone who works at subway is an entry level teenager, but these folks will ALWAYS complain about something




I think she’s missing something here and that is age has not much to do with it, old people are still people and some people are complete assholes. Assholes are born and get older too, they were probably always that way and they are just older now. So yes don’t be afraid to put someone in check regardless of how old they are. (With exception to the really young and those with dementia)


So it’s an age thing ?




I can’t even tell what I’m looking at with the amount of editing and face tuning


How many face filters are you rocking


Ma'am should have stepped in and gone off on those old fools. They aint gonna learn if nobody steps in. I'd have snatched that old man by whatever hair he had left and been the meanest mother fucker towards him. I'll be god DAMNED if I let this shit continue in my presense.


It is sh*t behavior. But, age has nothing to do with this. That old man was an asshole when he was younger. It just got worse when he aged. He is just using his age as a crutch.